Resolution 1995-482 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MAINTENANCE MEHORANDUH OF ACREEMENT WITH FLORIDA, DEPARTHENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. HIGHWAY HOWING THE STATE OF PROVIDING AN WHEREAS, the Collier county Board of Commissioners is concerned over the .ppearance of median is lands, interchanqe area. and r iqht-ot-way within the limit. ot Collier County; and WHEREAS, t~e Collier County Board of Commi..toner., atter discu..ion with the State of Flcrida, Department of Transportation, believe. that it c.n .ssi.t #. in mowinq tho.e lrea.; and WHEREAS, \:t'e State of Florida, Department of Transp<'rtation has .qreed to provide fund. n the amount of ;3,792.00 per quarter for a total .um ot $15,168.00 per year for a period 0 one (1) year for Coll.er County to mow ..id median ieland, . nterch.nge are.s, I ~ right.-of-way; and WHEREAS, tile Collier County Soard ot Commis.ion. 'r. beli.ve. .uch .n aqreernent to be in the best interes \; of the citizens of Cc. Uier County; anet WHEREAS, this Resolution .upersede. Re.olution 92-278. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF Cl 'JNTY COMMISSIONERS 01' COLLIER COUNTY, r'LORIDA: SECTION 1: That the Soard does erel:ly authorize its r ,.irm.n to execute .n aqreement entitled "Hiqhway Howing Maintenance Memorandun. of Agreement" between Collier County ,.nd the State of ,lorida Department of Transportation, to mow medi.n i.land., interchange area. an~ rights-of-way de.cribed in ..id Aqreement in exchange tor the payment of $15,168.00 p.r year p.; (abl. .t the r.te ot $3,792.00 per quarter, for a perioe of one (1) year. SECTION 2: This Re.olution shall lk~ effect immediately upon it. p....q.. SECTION 3: All re.olutions and F rts of resolutions in conflict herewith are repealed. ......Thil..,R!I.olution adopted after motion, second, and ma: ':)rity vote. 0" ....... "1, . ~ : {..: D'ATED~ i/#r : ." ATTEST: ' ~ . . DWIGHT' .E. SROCK; CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COLLIER COUNTY, COMMISSIONERS FLO:I~C<J HEWS, CHAIRMAH ~. ~. .Y'~~h~~~ ~,W . ~ . , ~' ,. . _/- BY. ' .'~:<. v BETTY! (.. ", Approv.d....to form and leq.1 .ufficiency: 000 PAt;t 227 kolit etJj~~ D.vid c. Weiqe Assi.tant Count~ Attorney lOOK