Resolution 1995-487 SEP - 5 1995 R2S0LUTIOH HO. 95-487 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF NOT EXCEEDING $1~,000,000 FROM THE POOLED COMMERCIAL PAPER LOJ N PROGRAM OF THE FLORIDA LOCAL GOVERNHENT FIlI/ANCE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE LOAH' AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMISSION AND TH1 COUNTY IN ORDER TO FINANCE CERTAIN BEACH RD: OORISHMENT AND PROTECTION PROJECTS IN THE COtwrY; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LOAN NO'I E TO EVIDENCE SUCH BORROWING; AGREEING TO SE<11RE SUCH LOAN NOTE WITH A COVENANT TO But;ET AHD APPROPRl\TE LEGALLY AVAILA![,E NON- AO VALOREM REVENUE .~: AS PROVIDED IN T'IE LOAN AGP.EEKEHT; At11'HOR:, ZING THE EXECUTI)N AND DEI IVERY OF SUCH (,THER DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE NEt ESSARY TO EFF ':cr SUCH BORROWIN ;; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC'l lYE DATE. BB 11' RZSOLVED BY DB BOARD OJ' COOJrl'Y COMJIISLI0JrD8 OJ' COLLID COmrrY, FLORIDA I SZC1IIOH 1. DUIJlX1'IOHS. unl..s the context of us. indicate. another ..aning or intent, the followiJ;9 words and term. a. u.ed in this R..olution .t\ll have the follO\'ing meanings. "Aot" means, collectiv,'ly, Part I, Chap':er 125, Florida Statutes, Part I, Chapter 1, 3 , Florida Statut. ~, and all other applicable provi.ions of law. "A(l4itiollal payaent." m6.,tns the payments required to be made by the Cour.ty pursuant to Sections S.02(b), S.02(c), S.02(d), 5.05 and 6.06(e) of the Loan Agreement. "Boar4" means the Board of County Commission ~ rs of the County. "ChairaaD" means the Cha irman or Vice Chairtlan of the Board, and such other person as may be duly authorized to act on his or her behalf. "Clerk" means the clerk,f the Circuit Cour'~ for the County, eX-Officio Clerk of the Board, and such other person as may be duly authorized to act on his or her behalf. "Co_iaaioD" means the Florida Local Go',ernment Finance commi..ion, ar:t any assigns or successors theret'). "county" means Colli.1' County, Florida, a political .ubdiviaion of the State of Pi,orida. :' 8001( noo PAr,E 129 \ \ ./ 4 ,Ji '-- SEP - 5 !J95 "COUDtr A4ainistrator" means the county Admini.trator of the County and such other person as may be duly authorized to act on hi. or her bahalf. "De.iqnate4 Revenues" mean. Public Agency Money. budgeted and appropriated for purpo.e. of payment. of the Loan Repayment.. and any other amount~ due under the Loan Agreement. "Ora. D.'ite" has the meaning .et. forth in the Loan Agr.ement.. "Loan .'1. &-7-1" .ean. the Loan designated as "Loan No. A-7-1" the proceeds of which are to be used t.o finance Project. A-7. "LoaD" mean. the loan to be made by the Commis.ion to the County from ~roceeds of the Serie. A Not.. in accordance with the terms of thi J Resolution and of the Loan Agreollnt. "Loan ~qra_eDt" meant the Loan Agreemf nt, dated a. of April 12, 19~1, between the :ounty and the Coma ssion, a. am.nded and supplem. nted and as ti. same may be fw ther amended and supplemented. "Loan .~1te" has the mea .ing set forth in t!.e Loan Agreement.. - ' "LoaD .epaJJlents" or u.epaYllents" means the payments of prinCipal and interest at the Loan Rate on the Loan amounts payable by the County pursuant to the provisions of the r~an Agreement and all other payments, including Addit.ional Paymen'..s, payable by the County pur.uant to the provis ions of the Loan Al j re.ment.. "Jron-M Valor_ Revenue. ' means all legally ,I'vailable revenue. of the Count.y derived frcniany .ource whatso.~'.r other than ad valorem taxation on real and personal property, vhich are leqally available t.o make the Loa Repayments required in the Loan Agreement, bui: only after pro 'ision has been made by the County tor the payment of .ervices and program. which are for ...ential public purposes affecting the health, welfare and safety of the inhabitant. of the County or which are leg Illy mandated by applicable law. "Proqraa" Ileans the Pooled Commercial p~ :)er Loan Proqraa established by the Commi.sior. "Project &-7" means th.. costs and expense' relat.ing to the acquisi tion a.1d construct.ior of certain stOX'JIN Iter blprovement. vi thin the County desor ibed i Exhibi t. A hereto, oS the .ame may be amended or modified from tit t to time, all as 1"Iore PartiCUlarly described in the plans and specific4tions on file with the County. "Pu]:)lic .'\qancy Moneys" shall mean the mol' ey. budgeted and appropriated ry the County for payment of the Loan Repayment. and any other am ' unts due her.,onder from Non-Ad Valorem Revenues , .' 2 8 DOte IJOO Plr,[ 130 :.. v SEP - 5 1995 pursuant to the county'. covenant to budqet and appropriate such Non-Ad. ValorEl1ll Revenue. contained in Section 6.04 of the Loan Aqreement. "Repayaent Scbedule" means the schedule of Repayment. of the Loan as determined by the County inistrator, ns the .ame may be aaended or modified from time to e. "Serie. A .otes" ..ans th Paper Notes, 3eries A (Governmen to time by the Commission. same may from time "Resolution" .eans this Reso to ti.e be amended, .edified or O1IDIIission's Pooled C01IDIIercial I.sue), to bf: issued from time The ten" "herein," "herc,und and any similar teras, shall re "heretofore" shall mean be, ore Resolution; fnd the tera "heJeaf adoption of 1his Resolution. .. "hereby," "}.ereto," "hereot," to thi. Res,lution; the term e date of ldoption of this .. shall mean after the date ot , Words iuporting the mlt lcul qender. Words importing the .inqular and vice versa. gender inc Lude every other r include the plural number, SBC1'IOJr 2. AUTBOR%n J'0Jl USOLUTIOH. ~ '~is Resolution i. adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Act. SZC1'IOH 3. ~IHDI.GS. It is hereby asce~"ained, determined and declared that: (A) The Commission has been established for the principal purpose of iss:ling commercial paper notes in order to provide tunds to loan to pUbLic agencies, s~ch as the County, desiring to finance and refinance the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping capital improvements and to finance and refinance other governmental needs. (B) In furtherance of the foreqoing, the commission shall issue, from time to time, c01l1Dercial paper not.;. to be known as "Florida Local Government ! nance Commission ~oole4 Commercial Paper Note., 'Jerie. A (Gov. rm.ntal I.sue)" aJ"1 .hall loan the proceeds of Sl..ch Series A NO~ts to pUblic aqenc1.s, inclUding the County. (C) Pursuant to the autnority of the Act, the Commission bas aqreed to loan, from time to time, to the Count~' such amounts as shall be authC'\rized herein and in the Loan Agre,';ment in order to enable the CO' nty to finance, reimburse or refil'.ance the cost of acquisition, construction and equipping of capit..tl improvements. , ,... 3 fOOle fJOOPAf,l131 SEP - 5 1995 (D) The County presently has outstanding $21,628,470 principal amount of Loan. pursuant to the Program for the acquisition and construction of various capital improvements. (E) The County desires to borrow an additional amount not to exceed $15,0'')0,000 in order to refinance Project A-7. (F) Tht) County hereby determine. that the provision of funds by the C01IUIlission to the County in the form of Loan No. A-7-1 pursuant to ~he terms of the Loan Agreement and the financing of Project A-7.rill a.sist in the development and maintenance of the public welfa':oe of the residents of the county, and shall serve a public purpOl'le by improving the health and living conditions, and providing governmental services, facilities and programs and will promote the most efficient and economical de..elopment of such service., fanilities and prOflrams. (G) Lo4n No. A-7-1 shal L be repaid solely f:'om the Designated Revenues. S Jch Designated J avenues shall incl\de moneys derived from a covenJ,nt to budget and appropriate legall.' available Non-Ad Valorem Reve..1ues. The ad va:&.orem taxing power I f the County will never be nec.!ssary or author zed to make the Lol n Repayments. SZC1'IOlf 4. TZRX8 OJ' X.OA1fS. The County hereby approves of Loan No. A-7-1 in the principal amount of not exceeding $15,000,000 for the purpose of providing the County with sufficient funds to refinance Project A-7. The Chairman and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, seal and deliver on beha f of the County a Loan Note wit.h respect to roan No. A-7-1 and other documents, instruments, agreements and c. 'Jrtificates necessa::y or desirable to effectuate Loan No. A-7-1 as provided in the Lo:': n Agreement. The Loan Note with respect to Loa' No. A-7-1 shall re i'lect the terms of such Loan and shall be subst -.ntially in the fot" attached to the Loan Agreement: as Exhibit I. The County Adminifltrator shall make the Draw Requvst with respect to Loan No. A-7-1 in accordance with the terms ~f the Loan Agreement at such time as shall be determined by the County Administrator as appropriate to finance Project A-7 and is permitted by the Loan Agreement. Loaf, No. A-7-1 shall mature on such dates and in such amount.; as the County Administrator shall determine; provided, hOllver, the final maturity of Loan No. A-7-1 .hall not be later r.han December 31, 1999. Loan No. A-7-1 shal~ bear interest at the Loan Rate in accordance wi~:h the terms f the Loan Agre81l ,Int. The County further agree. to make all Lc .n Repayments requi ed of it pursuant to the terms of the Loan AgrE' mente The Letter <<f Credit fees for Loan No. A-7-1 shall be 35 I Isis points or sucb other amount aa First union National Bank of Florida and the County shall agree. SZC1'IOJr 5. AtrTlIORIZA'1'IOH OJ' PROJECT A-7. The County doe. hereby authorize the refinancing of Project A-7. ," 4 &00. nOD PAr,! 132 SEP - 5 m5 SIC'lXcnr ,. 81CVJtIft ~OR ftJI LOU. The County'. obliqation to repay Loan No. A-7-1 will be secured by a pledge of and lien upon the Desiqnated Revenues in accordance with the.terms of the Loan Aqre.m.nt. Th. obligation of the county to repay Loan Ro. A-7-1 shall not be d....d a pledge of the faith and cr.dit or taxinq pow.r of the County and such obliqation shall not create a lien on any property whatsoever of or in the County other than the Desiqnated Re.venu... 8ZC1'IOJI 7. VALIDA1'IO. AUTHORIZED. To the extent d.emed n.cessary by Bond Couns.l, the County Attorney is authorized to institute ap,.ropriate proceedings for validation of Loan No. A-7-1 herein authol'ized pursuant to Chapter 75, Flori~a Statutes. 8ZC1'IOJI .. GDZItAL )UTHORIft. The members of the Board and the offi(~rs, attorn.ys j'nd other ag.nt. or employ.e. of the County are hereby authorized i:O do 6.11 acts and i binq. required of them by this Resolution and the Loan Agreement or desirable or consistent w'th the require. 'nts of this Resolu' :ion and the Loan Aqreement, fer the full punc'.ual and complete p trformance of all the terms, covenants ancS aqrIJement. contained i. I this Resolution and the Loan Agreement, and each member, emplo'ee, attorney and officer of t.he County or 1':& Board is heret.' authorized and directed to execute and delivur any and all papers and instruments and to do and cause to be done any and all acts and thinqs necessary or proper for carrying out the transactions contemplated by thi. Resolution and the Loan Agreement. 8ZC1'IOH t. 8BV'ZRA11II.Ift. If anyone or more of the covenants, aqreements or prov.sions herein conta:ned shall be held contrary to any expre.s prov.1' ion of law or contl. try to the policy of express law, thouqh not ex::.res.ly prohibited, I)r against public policy, or shall for any rea: on whatsoever be h i3ld invalid, then such covenants, agreements or ?rovisions shall be null and void and shall be deeme,' separable fro.. the remaininq covenant., agreements or provisions snd shall in no way affect the validity of any of the other prOVisions hereof. SIC1'IOH 10. RIPDL OJ' IHCOHSISTZJrr Rl;:IOLtJ'l'XcnrS. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict her~with are hereby superseded and repealed to th9 extent of such cO;lflict. ..' 5 800te 1]00 PAr,~ 13:3 '4 .! "'if', "':.\,.~ '!\;t "',~ . , ' ^;..,. V"-< SEP - 5 195 .1C'1'%0II 11. ~ DAD. Thi. Resolution shall ~e effect immediately upon ita adoption. DULY ADOPraD this 5th day of September, 1995. BOJ.RD 01' COUJl'l'Y cew;a88IOJfDIJ 0"1 COLLID COtJftY, noaIDA (SEAL) .' ,.""""" By: . 0 ,., ,'. ., "'. , , ./i~i""'.:.o ' .:.' , :." / : . " .., " . ,.,.. . ,(. . ~ ;..~ ,...~.:,-: ~ Olt' ' ~~ '~l Jc" :-:v. .'.. ','. ..' ~' ,:' . OVED AS .-rJ PORM AND ~'S~I.c:LENCY: I """'f' .,~.~~ d I'~ county Attorney ~ 6 aO'~l 000 PA(~ 134 SEP - 5 195 UBIBI1' A DUCR%PlIOJI ~ noJBCl' &-7 Beach r.nourishaent and protection Vanderbilt Be,Ich to the Cordon River Pas.. for the area froa " 800K 000 pk 135