Resolution 1995-477 AU6 2~ . PROCLAMATION/RESOLUTION NO. 95- 477 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCLAIMING A STATE OF LOCAL EMERGENCY; PROCLAIMING THE EXISTENCE OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY; DECLARING VOLUNT1~Y EVACUATION; DESIGNATING CERTAIN SHELTERS BE OPENED VOLUHTARILY; AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MANAGERI ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER TO DETERMINE EMPLOYEES' WORK SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, the National Tropical Storm Center recognizes the danqer to cOlstal residents ot Southwest Florida from floodinq by postinq a F]~od Watch for Collier county, Florida in response to Tropical storm Jerry / Tropical Depression #11; and WHEREAS, rain and nc :xHnq from Tropical Storm Jerry / Tropical DeT'ression #11 is causinq and has the potential for causinq extr!nsive damaqe tc public utilities, public buildinqs, public cOlllll,nications syste 's, public streets and roads, public drainaqe systeas, commercial and residential buildinqs and areas; and WHEREAS, Chapter 252.3~(3)(a)(5), Florida Statutes, provides authority for a political I ilbdivision such u Collier County to declare a "State of Local 1.1erqency" and to wlive the procedures and formaliti.es otherwise 1 aquired of political SUbdivisions by law perta~ninq to: 1. Performance of public work and taki ,q whatever prudent action is necessary to ensure the l ealth, safety, and welfare of the CO! 2unity; 2. Enterinq into coni :acts; 3. Incurring obligat: ms; 4. Employment of permanent and temporary workers; 5. Ut; lization of volunteer workers; 6. Rei tal of equipme" ':; Acquisition 7. distribution, and with or without compensation, of &Jpplies, materials, and facilities; 8. Appropriation and expenditure of publlc funds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier County Ordirance No. 84-37, it shall be un' awful and an o!fense aqainst Collier County for any person, firm or corporatiol operating within the County to charqe AU6 2 ~ 195 more than the normal average retail price for any merchandise, goods, or s~rvices sold during the emergency. The average retail price as used herein is defined to be that price at which similar merchandise, goods, or services were being sold during the ninety (90) days j lIUIIediately preceding the emergency or at a mark-up which is a larger percentage over wholesale cost than was being added to whelesale cost prior ~o the emergency. NOW, TPEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED AND RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMl:SSIONERS OF COL' ,IER O")UNTY, FLORIr A, that a sate of local emerg'"'ncy is hereby f.eclared for all t, rritory within the legal bounduries of Collier County. BE IT TURTHER PROCLAIM}') AND RESOLVED that: 1. Evacuation is on a voluntary basis only. 2. Shelters designated as Vo-Tech 370~ Estev Avenue E. Naples, Florida shall be opened and operatec by the Red Cross ill needed. 3. The work schedul( of County employe~Js will be left to the discreti ')n of the Cou ty Manager or, in his absence, the Assistant County Manager. ThiG Resolution adopted after second .lnd majority vote favoring same. DATED: Auqul't 24, 1995 A1TEST:' . DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK ,." " BOARD OF COUNTY .:OMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~'~ BY: " -- _.- f YE., T !'HEWS, IRMAN . ~ ,?/ !,#- t'''~ f'r" 0~ " 'Approved, as" to form and legal"stiffici .ncy: ~'r~:.I.t!. ih I (t!/ enneth B. Cnyle County Attor ey DCW/ddaI91lS