Resolution 1995-473 t~ ~;. -:,"\ " . ~~, ,'; ~. .,-~-, ~" { ~;, '<I. ~' t t pC: ~, ,., l'''- ~., ~:, fh !* f AU9 22_ RESOLUTION tlo. 95 - '" ','f .:; 473 , , ,', RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO EXECUTE AN EASEMENT TO FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY THAT WILL BENEFIT COLLIER COUNTY FAIR' AGR:.CULTURAL EXPOSITION, INC. LEASEHOLD. WHEREAS, (,oIlier County is desirous of providing Florida Power , Lig,tt Company with a utility eaS'lment for the construction, operation and maintenance of utility facilities, -including but not limited to, distribution lines and other related equip,lent, within an easement ten (10) feet in width, over and through the propert:, and more partict larly described in Exhibit "Ar, attached heret'~. .. WHEREAS, Collier Coun ,y is requesti 19 additional requirements, and more particularly described In Exhibit "B" attached here".o. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board ,:>t County Comm i 55 loners does her'lby approve the attached Easement to Flori.,;! Power' Light Corpany; and 2. The Chairman of the Board If County Comnissic'JlerS of Collier County, Florida, is hereby !uthorized to execute the attached Easement to Florida Power Light Company. This Re'lolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. .'" ':.( -iI . '1'':: . ;~i " . ~' " ':'1~'f DATED: f/u#~ BOARD OF COUNTY (':>MMISSI9[ONE OF COLLIER COUUTY, lLORIR::- /", / By: I \../___ T'l HEWS, Chairman ATTEST: ~.IGHT E. BROCK,' Clerk i:~:~~~i~-j.~ . " . . . 1969098 OR: 2092 PG: 2302 UCOUD JI om'",W.... of COWJI CDIm n "!Zf'" at ":1',11 III. I. 1IlCI, GIll ' lie III 2'.5' corm I." .' "'~: '. .:' ., ~) T ,'...... . lab!: GIll to m IGID omorna tl nooa m 12f. Approved as to legal form and SUffiCiency: j I. I ,j It: /." L- ~, Assistant Coun'~y Attorney EXHIBIT'ffA," AU6 2 2 195 A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING A PART OF BLOCK 489, ACCORDING '1'0 '!'HE PLAT OF "NORTH GOLDEN GATE, UNIT 2" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGES 29 THROUGH 43, PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORCDA, LYING 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CEJ TERLINE: COMMENCE AT 'l'HE NORTHWEST CO'.,NER Olf.SAID BLOCK 189: THENCE AlDNG THE WEST BOt JOARY OF SAID B ',oCK 489 THE FOLLOlrtNG TWO COURSES: SOl-53'16"W, 269.95 FEET; THLNCE S03.27'47"W, 1(.2.18 FEET: THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST BOUNDARY, {;,38-08'24"E, 885.67 FEET '1'0 THE PODI'l' OF BSGIDI8GI THENCE S20-00'00"E, 175.00 FEET : THENCE S03-27'47"W, 5..00 FEET: THENCE S88.08'24'"Ej 6( 0.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF ENDIt;G. ,., c, ~. ~. J~' i' AU8 2 2 195 EXHIBIT "B" COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, herEinafter referred to as GRANTOR and FLORIDA POWER' LIGHT COMPAN', a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE. GRANTEE, by acceptance cf this easement agr~es for itself, its succeSSOlS and assigns, t) maintain said easement and in no way interferA at any time wJ:h the right of infress or egress of GRANTOR, its successors and assigns, or a,y other party requiring at :ess to any 0,: the property 0' er which said - easement is granted. GRANTI E further agrees t ,:tat it will at all times US'l extreme care tC' restore all grouncI a to as good or better condi'l:ion than found .'rior to constructj)n, maintenance and repair. · In the event GRANTEE, its successors or asslgns, shall fail to use this easement for the purpose intended, then GRANTEE, its successors or assigns, shall vac .te, cancel and annul said easement or relevant part thereof. GRANTOR, its successo} 5 or assigns, st;sll upon said vacation, have the right to ,equire GRANTEE, it,. successors or assigns, to remove any str Icture or improver'tlnts which may affect the use of the proper' '{. GRANTEE nereby covenant.:3 and agrees to indemnify, save, protect at.d hold harmless GRANTOR against any loss, damage, injury, debt or expense (including attorney's fees) claimed or asserted by any person or entity, arising o.;t ot GRANTEE'S installation or use of GRANTEE'S facilities described above..