Resolution 1995-468 *",Vu , ,) 1.1"''''' RESOLUTION NO. 95-468 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE COLLIER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on June 22, 1993 adopted Coll'oer County Ordinance No. 93-36 \lhich created the Collier County Airport Authority; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 93-36 provides that the Collier County Airport Authority shall consist of seven (7) members that are residents of Collier County lith business abil:ty and experience in one or m')re fields whic I include, but arf not limited to, ., qeneral busiress, economic d. velopment, aviatiol, public affairs, law, finance, accountinq enqineerinq, latural resource conservation and other relate1 fields; and WHEREAS, Ordinance tlo. 93-36 also provides that at least one of the seven (7) members shall be from each of ~he communities of Immokalee, Malco Island, and ~verqlades City; ari WHEREAS, the terms of tt ~ee (3) members eXl,ired on Auqust 10, 1995 creatinq vacancies on tl LS board; and WHERE~S, the Board of County Commissioners previously provided pUblic notice solicitinq application, from interested parties and conducted interviews of the various .lPplicants. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER com rY, FLORIDA, that: 1) Marvin CourtriCJht, representinq the 1 ield of Aviation, is hereby reappointed to the Colliar County Airport Authority for a term of four (4) years, said term to expire Auo~st 10, 1999. 2) Geo: qe W. Barron, Sr., representirlq the field of Financial Planninq, is herel y reappointed to the Collier County Airport Authority for a tenn of four (4) yet.rs, said term to expire Auqust 10, 1999. 3) Michael ~'f Williams, represe~tinq the field Marketinq/Log'stics Manaqeme,t, is hereby reappointed to the Collier Count I Airport Autr.,rity for a term of four (4) years, said term to 'lxpire Auqust lv, 1999. "'''0 nr'"l :~L '~; ~.....' Ji;;,. ~~i~ii ,~~\:. .'" ~ t" . . , ;'.;.: ,.. ," 1. f I ". . r.,,"^.' ,-' f :tJ~>~',h ~:~!- ~ ,~: . . . . ~ ........ ~ . AU6 1 5 1995 vote. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority DATED: Auqust 15, 195 . 'AT'l'EST: , . ~~~"'~' DR<< CK, CLERK I ,". t , I' ".' c'~ L/ ~~~f.~~~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,/~)\j HEWS, CHAIRMAN " II'" , /. I,":. ... :'. ,.;. . ........ ". . A~~v'd as \:.0 t01"1l .'......antr..l.qal su~ficiency: 4.~-d d. frL Kennet B. CUyl county Attorn"lY NJY. 1O./W6924 " '/