Resolution 1995-442 , j "J ;1 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 442 J , j 'I', > " A RESOLUTION OF TIm BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIO:"NG FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE AnATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDlr~CE 91-47. "' bl ," J,.I!,' 4 ~I ~\ :) '~ ~ \~ 11' ,~ ~ ~ A, i ~ , ~~ WHEREAS, as 1,/rovided in ;'Ordinance 91-47, the db'ect costs of abatement of certuin nuiSanCGD, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by "',he County, 'shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereof to the County as to elch parcel shall be calculated and re"l()rted to the Bo ,rd of County Commi, sioners, together with a descriptiol of said parcel and ~ WHEREAS, suc.u assessment sha11 be a legal, valie and binding obligation upon tile property'agai,..st which made unti:, paid; and ? WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days after th~ mailing of Notice of Assessment after which interest shall accrue at a rate of twelve percent (12.0%) per annum on any unpaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV 0 BY THE BOARD OF .'"'OUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, LaRIOA, that the p,loperty described as follows, and having been abate of a public nuisalce after due and proper notice thereof to theewne' of said property, is hereby assessed the following coste of such abate ent, to wit: HAMB a ,~L LBGAL DB.i:lCRIP'l'ION a i ~i :,1",. i ~I .,1,",1 '('I ,~ ,~ l I '~ ,,e COSTa ':;.:7 Peter Conoa.zmon Lot~O, Block 270, Gold.en g",te, .994.00 A '1' Delagny Uniti';Xo. 8, Part: ane, aaooz ,iJ.ng to Dereak Bolman the >>lat thereof r8aord.84 ~~. Plat Kenn8th Bbbrell BooJC~5, Page 148 of th. Pub .io Graham Gibaon a.aoida I,f Collier County, :':"lorida. Bootha l'aJ:1D of dolli lr County, 1'10rida. Viaara Ball LD H Boothatown Hanah.ater" BDgland.:{ ~. .36510440001' The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of al"sessment of lien to the owner or O'lers of the,aboHe described prOPert.y, and if such owner fails to pal such asseseer.t. within thirty (30) days hereof, a certified copy of this Resolution shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Courts, in and for ~liclr County, Florida, to constitute a lien against such prOPerty a~brdi.ng to law, unless (,uch direction is stayed by this Boa~~d upon a~al of the assessment 0;', the owner. '~!1 ilf ~.~ ~m!tLi) .",~ 118 i~! ~.:.', :.~ " it,-"" : .of,", ~~,';t }':~:':~~~:i;' {t1.~i> ~:J~' ,6'~< ~,'f.':,':~,"" r, ,'M\-..,'. " ;;,.1'~ :':~. ~;r' <t,ir".:,.- :'): ...,' ,(~ +,~,.<. l-'t-d r. Jii-,: ' 1. :.~I ,"".'. ,. -to "':-. . "- .;I~~" J_ " ~ ~J adopted'after ~ ;q,. This }:!olution DATED: JF/~J ATTEST: DWIGHT B. BROCK, CLERK ), ~~ ~_ Glf'l< ~;.. --~~ ~ .1"'. APPROVED AS TO FO.tJi",i( LEGAL St1PPICI;:~CY: :~~ I,',~' "f ::.~. 'f CSce 11 - 1/94 ,.;,~..~.... ....... ~..;' ~:..:'..Itr,,. AUG - 8 195 motion, second and majority vote. ". BOARD OP COTJNTY' COMMISSIONERS COLL~ER COUNff' PIJORI~A , { .. ./ \, ..( BY:~.ab:"\ i... ( . ...,jE'l".1:~ . / ~TTHEWS, CHAIRMAN '. .1 ~ ,~- I 1 :;. 1 " ~j -<ft , 11 J i, il ~I , '! ,~~ '~ ~I ".. ~,