Resolution 1995-460 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER PR-95-1, FOR A RESERVATION OF OFF-STREET PARI<ING SPACES ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature ot Florida statutes, has conterred establish, coordi~ate and entorc as are necessary tor the of Florid~ in Chapter 125, all counties in Florida the power to oning and such business regulations ot the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuan~hereto has adopted a Land , Development Code (Ordinance No. ~: 102) which establishes regulations J , tor the zoninq ot particular geoq, phic divisions of the County, amonq which is the qra"ting of reservat!ns ot off-street ,arking spaces .ilJ pursuant to Sect~. on 2. 3 . 12 of th(, : Code ; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zonin~~ppeals, being the duly elected constituted Board of the area her:~ attected, has held a public f~1 hearing atter notice as in said regulations made ant! provided, and has 1_ considered the advisability ot a ::eservation ot 80 eft-street parking spaces to be reserved fo~ tuture i~lementation as 11nown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "An, I order to meet the requirements ot a c.rt.in Aqr....nt betw..n RObert~i.ano and Mario Voci.ano, individually and as general partn~s ot the Golden C ate Inn, a Florida general 'partnership, and Collier ttunty dated Februlry 17, 1989, tor prop.rty hereinafter de.cribed, ,I haa found a. a .'atter of fact: that the qrantinq of .,lid re.erved pa ~~q will not have any detrimental ettect to the public; and d IIHEREAS, all interested partUs have been qiven opportunity to be heard by this Boa'.d in public mee~lng assembled, am' the Board having con.idered all ..,~ers presented" NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEt. t;Y THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ot Collier county, Florida, that: r~ The Petition PR-95-1, tiled by Donald A. Pickwcrth, representing Golden Gate Inn and Golf Club, with respect to the property hereinatter deset ~bed as: Block 1, Golden Gate Unit i, as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 11, of the Public Recc.t'ds of Collier County, Florida. ..,,~ nnnw. 7~ " ., 1'! ~ .,! ~ " :,~ .~ " l' :1 ~ " 'j . \ ~ ~ J .t; .~ c' ., tl J,~ f AIle - 8 _ be and the same hereby i. approved for a reservation of 80 oft-street parking spaces to meet the parking requirements ot the atoresaid agreement and to be reserved for future. implementation as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", wherein said property is located, subject to the tollowing conditions: Exhibit "B" BE IT RESOL"ED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number PR-95-1 be recorded in the minutes ot this Board. \; commissioner Constantine offered the foregoing Resolution and moved for its ador,tion, seconded by C O1IUllissioner Hancock and ulon roll call the vcte was: :1 AYES: Commissioner Constantine~ Commissioner Hancock" Commissioner Norris Commissioner Mac'Kie and Commissioner Matthews NAYS: ~ ~ ABSENT AND NOT VOTING: " ~ ~ 1 ~ ABSTENTION: Done this ~.~~ ~ ' 1995. day ot _ j o \1'.'.......11., " A'nESTi' . , ~ ;~ ~~GHT E. BROCK,. CLERK BOARD OF ZONING PPEALS COLLIER CO ~ '.. 'd ~ ":a /l;: IS, CHA RMAN ~r" -~~-~~' " t' . APPROVEDM .1'0' FORM AND LEGAL St " tl .~ ,~ ~ ~ , i .:~ j j 'FICIENCY: ~~B~~~rof:;t(~ ASSISTANT COUNTY \T'l'ORNEY PR-95-1 RBSOLUTItN/lqk/13737 . , } .1 ~ .f I ' .. ~ ~ ',I I I'D . t .s I I r L I III TO a ~ In} AU8 - 81' ~f~ , · · II 1; 'f'lI 4......, , c r..rL--, I;~!I~ I I -'llliI I I '.1 1_. I, I .1'1111 I ; I ill!dl I I I .lIud I ' · L ._J ~l. ~ r~-l $(i ~~ 0 II LJr--l ( f \~JI I L ~_J -- . ::-.:::1 c: __ II r:;r-;A;cU'l] L____ .. a::I = -' u....-. ....: ...~ =;: :- zi -1 ~I II Ice"" i I c.=w I CiS LL-....J ....J . : Q r leD.>.. ... nl.. .:::::....,. Q "". .-.......... ".. ,....""..... .......-..., ... ..- :.:...... I "':::-" ..... "...:/ I I! "':::-" .' r: ".' :1...___ I :I illL .WillWJJ ~ !f i I' am 000 par.! 77 " I R Iii I ~ L1 hili ~ I It _I Exh.'.bit -A- -