Resolution 1995-437 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 437 CWS NO. 95---.!- HWS NO. 95-...!- GW NO. 95-.:.2- .; A RESOW'l'ION TO ADOPT NEW FEDERAL POVERTY GUIDl:LINES IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOW'l'ION NO. 94-14 8 WHICH ESTABLISHED A HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM BY PROVIDING AID AND ASSISTANCE FOR CERTl IN QUALIFIED HOMEOWNERS WHO ARE RESIDENTS OF CC,LLIER COUNTY WITH ASSISTANCE IN PAYMENT OF ANNU},L CHARGES FOR SPECIAL ASSESSUENT LI ENS FOR WATER OR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the Board ot Ce. mty commissioners :;)f Collier County in its indiv::'dual capacity al:d as Ex-Officio th! Governing Board of the Collier County Wa1er-Sewer DiBtrict, Goodland Water District an~ the Marco Wa1 er and Sewer Disrict, adopted a special assessment program for capital improvement programs undertaken to improve residential areas and particularly in subdivisions developed prior to requirementl; for reasonable mandatory improvements; and , ':t ,j WHEREAS , the Board Jf County C01IllDis:sioners adopted Resolution No. 94-148, CWS '0. 94-2, MWS No. 94-1, and GW No. 94-1, est;'blishing the Special Assessment Hardship Program on March 8, 1994. This program provides for the deferral of said annual improvement charges previously establis,'ed in accordance with the benefit received b. each lot or parcE'l of land in the subdivision 0)' neighborhood; !lnd WHEREAS, the Board c ,termined that a limited program offering assistance to low income homeowners who may risk losing title to th,dr home due to the inability to pay special assessment ct,Jrges when due would reliove the public from the demand and burdensome costs lssociated with such displaced families and homeowners; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners :;)f Collier County has determined the policy and procedure criteril for the Special Assessment . ardship Progr;'.m and adopted Federal Poverty Guidelines ba~ed upon total family income, as adjusted to reflect family size. &QJlC 1)1]0 P&Gf 124 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BO:\RD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SE"flER DISTRICT, THE MARCO WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, AND THE GOODLAND WATER DISTRICT THAT: 1. The amended Federal Poverty Guideline~ shown in Exhibit "A" is hellby adopted ard supersedes the Federal Poverty Guidelines attached to Resol,tion No. 94-148. This Rt'5olution adopte', after motion, se :ond and majority vote favoring same. DATED: ~..s-- ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK \"..""" " I"'t, .... , ..... . i, '~" , .' I . ( '., . , , . ' ~... f'~ ". C' .,liff;~.s. Q (' " ' " ~~, .::....,... Approvecl"a~f.to form and legal sufficiency: V}/}/j..4J;.J M _ ::::.:..0 ~l::.. '. ....... , .<\.;.. " -, BOARD OF COUNTY coMkISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR'IDA AS THE GOVERNING BODY ')F COLLIER COUNTY, : FLORIDA, AND AS EX~FFICIO THE :' GOVERNING BOARJ: OF THE COLLIER', COON'l'Y WATER-S!! DISTRICT , GOODIAND WATER \ STRIcT"AND. MARCO WATER ANtI EWER D :' "::. . . ~ . .' '" .. "- '" "'. " . "", . ," . ,~ nn" .. n,...