Resolution 1995-367 JUN 2 0 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95-367 A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 199~ SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as &aended, the ~oard of County Commissioners on September 20, 1994 adopted Resolttion No. 94-694 authorizing the recording ot notices ot liens for the delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1993; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board to approve oy Res~lution and lecord in the Otticial Reco: :Ss a Satisfacti('n of Lien on all ac'counts that have been paid in full. HOW, THEJ,EFORE, BE IT REf,')LVED BY THE BOARD ')F COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Boarr recognizes full payment and receipt of the 1993 Service Year Sol; :1 Waste Collection and Disposal Specilll Assessment for th'l tollowing accounts nuJllbered below, subs. IUent to the adopt:..,)n Ot Resolution No. 94-694, whrll"eupon a lien J .1d been recorded on real property pertaining to the accounts identitied herein. The satistactions ot Lien attached hereto referencing the accounts identified herein are hereby approved and the Chairman is hereby at' ~horized to sign on behalf of t~e Board of Cou cy commissioners, r~d the Clerk is directed to record this Resol' ':.ion and these Sat. Jfactions of Lien individually in the official .Icords ot Collier County: Account No. 5005 Account Hc'. 5348 1950032 CR: 2072 PG: 0297 Account NI . 5351 Account N.: . 6952 IlCOIDJD 1. OmCIII DCOIDS .f COUJII conn, rL Account NI'. 7692 0'/23/'5 at .1:27,. JIlGIT I. Bloct, CLIII Account He;... 7919 DC nJ U.S, Account No. 7922 COPIlS 2.0. Account No. 8688 letA: Account No. 8730 CLIO TO fIJ lOW Account Ne. 13110 ImlOrrICI STI n.oot Account No. 14669 11f7241 Account No. 16256 Account No. 18487 Account N',. 18827 Account H '. 19538 1 aCOK OeD PAGE 395 JUN 2 0 i095 ttt OR: 2072 PG: 0298 Account 110. 20938 Account Ho. 21267 Account Ho. 23168 Account )\'0. 23728 Account Jlo. 23760 Account J~'o. 23841 Account ~o. 28529 Account tlo. 29528 Account J.'o. 29531 Account }:o. 29544 Account J'o. 29557 Account J.;o. 152 Account "'0. 440 Account i-,o. 958 Account 110. 1135 Account Ho. 1326 Account 1."0. 3434 This Resolution adopted Chislll'1IJ...o:- day of ~:~ t: afte~ motion, second and majo~ity vote. . ~ -, 'j .. '." '..', ~.A'1-rEsT:' ~." DWIGHT 'E.'~ BROCK, CLERK . . "'~.1 ."., -,..."'. __". . ru ,,.. . ..... .' ~ ~: .'iff;~~~ .,,/ffIr!:, i~. . '"'.w . .r-" -,~. ). 'T ': Approved. 'as to fona and . ,'l8(jJal 'sufficiency: .~I:a~/ Assistant Coun~y Attorney , 1995 BOARD OF COIlNTY CO~ COLLIER 0 , FrOR BY: l TT)o-iEWS, CHAIRMAN