Resolution 1995-384 RESOLUTION 95-~B4 RE~TING TO PETITION NO. CU-S9-1S FOR EX7'ENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE OF PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the .~qislatur. of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, ~Florida Statutes, nas conferred on all Counties in Florida the power to ~':.. . .stablish, coordinlte and enforce zoninq and such business regulations , "'as are necessary f',r the protection of the public; an1 WHEREAS, the ~ounty pursuant ~hereto has adopted a Land Development Code (Ordinance No. 91'-102) which establilhes comprehensive T zoning regulationl for the zoninq )f particular divisions of the County, amonq which is the qrantin~ and extendinq the time period of Conditional Uses; and WHEREAS, on June 19, 1990 the Board of Zoninq Ap~eals enacted Resolution No. 90-336, which qranted a conditional Uf.) pursuant to Ordinance No. 82-2, for a Karina 2,d Private Club, o~ the below described property; and . WHEREAS, SUbsection (': the Land DeveloplliOnt Code provides Appeals Jay extend the one (1) year time use which has not been commenced; and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoninq Appeals found in a ;,ublic hearinq on .; 20, 1995, that development of the property in support of the conditiom,l use was dela: .!d as a result of (..lgoing negotiations between Collier Counl', and the developer over dedication strip of land ~~eded to facilitate right-of-way la.prove.ents alonq Bonita Beach Road; and /,~. >, WHEREAS, all I)f the property within the boundari'!s of this project needed to 1 acilitate imprCf',ements to Bonita Beach Road has been dedicated to Collier County; and WHEREAS, the property owner hilS indicated that dftvelopment of the immediately; NOW, TH~lEFORF. BE IT RESOLVED. by the Board of Zoning Appeals of I Collier County, Fl. rida that: -1- "" .~ The request of John Aqnelli, President of Lely Development 'I" ,~..." " cor.tinue for one (1) year; 'the expiration date for the . \ ,c ' ' ~-, one (1) year extension, in interest of the following property: See attached legal description Exhibit "A" · hereby approved pursuant to Subsection of the Land Developaent Code (Crdinance No. 91-102), and the expiration date for ~solution No. 90-.36, attached heleto and incorporat~d herein as ~,;, p,'; '~; 4',. .~ -: "B", and a).l conditions applicable thereto, i. extended hereby one year until June 20, 1996. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEOthat this Resolution be r,':eorded in the this Board and in the r~cords of the Petit~on for which the its adopt ion, seconded b' Commissioner Har..:oek , and Commissioner NOrria offered the foreqoiJg Resolution and J.POft roll call, the vote was: '. AYES: Commissioner Norris, CommiaaJ '>ner Hancock, CommLJaioner Constantine, Commissioner "ltc' Kie and Comr laaioner Matthews Done this 20th VOTING: day of _ June , l'j95. BOARD OF ZONING AP ~'EALS CO~L~~IDA . BY - . t" .~ F[I',..: BF!'YE J. KATTHI'.'WS, CHAIRMAN BROCK, ..1, , ':.U. EXTENSION RES( LUTION ~; .- ~-j. . ..'.1 - ' . - DESCRIPTION OF LANDS SURVEYED A tract of land lying in the northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 48 ~outh, Eange 25 East, Collier County, Florida more particul~rly ~escribed , sA!ollows: , Jl?~ ';~';>olij' o~encing at a rai.lr~ad spike J'D3rkin!J the '~orthea:it corler of said Sec':ion 6 run SOO 06' 36"E along the ',lS t 1 ine of sa id Se:tir.ln G n distance of 57.57 feE' ': to a concrete Ilonument marking th.} !:outhp.rly ii~~t-of-way line of aonita BeachoRo,3 and the Point of Je9inni~9; th~nc~ continue along said ~ast line 500 06'36"E 317.05 feet to the Mean Ht~h waisr Line of Little "fici(ory Bay; st ence along s.lit) MCU',l Hi'Jh W:1tt.tr 11m! 1163 48'll"W 51.49 fe~t; thence N660~I'25"W 19.44 feet; th~nc~ N6f.~4"59"W 41. 72 feet; thence N640:;~'29"W 50.80 feet; th,,mc,, 118("' 14'45"'" 44.62 feet; thence S87030'38"W "B.9S feat; t. hen CI'J S7f009'05"'" 88.66 feet; thence 572050'35"W 30.61 fect; th~nr.~ N2!,053'25"W 29.60 (~et; thence H09011'3a"W 35.4)0 feet; tht:nctJ 114~039'40"E 60.08 feet; thenca N36034'OS"E 20.26 f~ct; t.h~n~1 IIO~037'44"W 55.16 feet; thencp. N33014'S4"W SO.OS feet; t.~enc:~ 113.~o17'48"W 67.38 feet; thence NS4 .19'Sl"W 23.22 feet 1'.0 th~ so.: ~b.rly r ight-of-wa~ l.ine of Bon it. Beach Road; than,';Q olon~ GO iel rl'bt-of-w~y line S89 Sl'Sl"E 41.63 reet; thp.nc~ ~00)1~'21"W 10.00 felt; thegce Sa90..a'12"E 196.94 fe,-,; thnncl) W3? 3a'li"E ).72 fp.ct; 'tb,!nc:e Noo 21'43"W lO.02 fep.t; ther.':e fS3?(S32'44"& 219.23 feet to the Point of BItCJ inn ing . ~4f?'1. . ~i)j'h.bove describes an al:9a of approximately lOS,lS3 square feet or 2.41 .~ '..of land. Based on a Mean High Water elevation of 1.lO N.C.V.D. lc~:ate4 on February lO, 1989. .~~ '. to easements, restrictions, and resQrvatio~s of record. . ,t ."", <0#' ..1' ... ". ...EXHIBJ't' 2~: 't -\(:' ~j .f;" 'f aoO( 000 Pl~[ 290 '.. ... ';.' . j" . '~'~~~i " ~.' ~'-~~~ " '-...-~;-r~' JUN 2 0 1995 RESOLUTION 90--1]6 RELATING TO PETITION NO. PU-89-18 FOR PROVISIONAL USE OF PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the tegislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 67-1246, Laws of Florida, and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, has conferred on Collier County the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zonin~ and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection ot the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopte,. a Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance es1;ablishing regulaticns for the zoning of particu: ar geographic d: v,.isions ot the CO\lnty, among which is the grant. ing of Provisiotlal Uses; and WHEREAS, the Collier ~ounty Planning Commission, being the duly appointed and constituted planning board for the area hereby affected, has held a public hearing after not.ce as in said regulations mPlde and provide,", and h.1s consider,..d the advisability ot Provisional Use "'," and "n" in a "RO" Recreational Open Space zone for , marina and boat r4mp, private clubs and yacht cl\lba., on the pro.lerty hereinafter described, and has forwarded its recommendation, attached heret~ as Exhibit RA", to the Board of Zoning Appeals; and WHEREAS, all interested part'es have been qiven opportunity to be heard by thi" Board in a pt1:tlic meeting assem led and the Board having considered all matte's presented. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEi), BY THE BOARD OF 20NING r~PEALS of Collier County, Florida that the petition filed by Kris Dane of Coas.t~,l Engineering r.onsultants, Incorpcrated, representing Tempu;ltech, Incorpon,ted, with respect to the property hereinaftor described as: Exhibit "a" which is attachel; hereto and incorp(,rated by reference herein. aoolC (]1;OPAf.t291 " EXHIB.'l' -a- AYES: -Commissione,: Saunders. C01IlllLssioner Volpe, CODm'lssioner Shanahan;' '. -' Commissioner Goodnight and tommissioner Hasse NAYS: None be and the same i. hereby approved tor Provisional U.e. Wb" and the "RO" Recreational Open Space zoning district for a and boat ramp, private clubs tollowing conditions: clubs subject to Exhibit "e" which is attached hereto and incorporated by refel~nce herein. . " BE' IT FURTHE)', RESOLVED that this resolution be recorded in Board. :._. CODl1llissioner Saunders ottered the foregoing resolut~on and moved fo~ its ~doption, secllnded by , _ and upon roll call, the vote None '. Done this 19th 1990. d'y of JUNE -' BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLLIER COONTY, FLORIDA BY~~~ft? MAX A. HASSE, J?'.,'CHAZRMAN CLERK RESOLUTI(1N aoor 000 PAGE 292 JUN 2 0 1995 DESCRIPTION OF LANDS SURVEYED lying in the northeast quartet of Section 6, Township 48 Eas':, Collier County, Florida more particul~rly desctibed ommencing at a rsi..road spike mcrking the northcaat corner of said Section 6 run SOO 0;'36"E along the east line of said Section 6 n istance of 57.57 feet to a concrete monument markin9 the south~rly ight-of-way line o! Bonita BeachoRoad and the Point of Bcginninc:Ji th~nc"'/il continue along said east line SOO 06'36"E 317.05 feet ":0 the 1ienn 1I1'Jh J\~(', Watsr Line of Littl., Hickory Bay; Shence along s,lld Huan Hi'Jh W:.ttIlC I inri' ,', .63 48'll"W 51.49 feet; thence N66024'25"W 19.4~ fact; th~n~, 116S046'S9"W 41.72 r,et; thence N64,32'29"W 50.aO feet. th,:nc" ItSOo14'4S"W 44.62 feet; thence SS3l,)30'38"W 4lL9~ feet; thenc:r: f.76009'OS"W 88,66 feeti thence S7;.,50'3S.W 30.61 fer.t~ th'.:nr.r.: 2SoS3'2S"W 29.60 feel:i thence NO!')17'33"W 35.50 flro!llt: thl!M:r: 141039'40"& 60,08 filet; thenc~ N3f 034'05"& 2/).26 frJct.~ th':nr.', ro5037'44"W 55,16 feet; thenca N3~014'5~"W 50./)5 feet; t~enr.q 3S017'48"W 67.38 feet; thence N5~ 09'5l"W 23.22 feot to th9 outherly ,i9ht-of~wa~ line of Bon,ta Boach Road; th;J,'Ir.1l },lIon'} ::;:)111 19ht-of-w~y line 589 5l~51"& 41.63 feeti thanCG R/)OJ\S'21"W 1/).0/) [.et; thesce S39043'12"& 196.94 feat; th3nc~ U3? 33'17"& 3.72 fnet; .hence NOO 2l'43"W 10.02 feet; thence N3' 32'44"E 21'.23 fe~t to th~ oint of Beginning, -,he above describes an ar~a of approximately 105,153 ~luDce feet or 2.41 !cres of land. Based on a Mean Hi~h Water elevation (f 1.10 N.G.V.D. '~ocated on February 10, 1989. to easements, restrictions. and reservations of record. E ~~Ie,IT ,. D I' aoaK 000 PAGt 293