Resolution 1995-381 'to RESOLUTION NO. 9S-~1 RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-9S-6, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 12S, Florida Statutes, tas conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinzlte and enforce zoning and such business regulations are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land nevelopme~t Code (Ordinance No. 91-102) which establishes regulations .~. ~o' "for the zoiiinq of llarticular geoqra "hie divisions of the County, amonq t.rhich'is the granting of variances; and WHEREAS, the ".oard of Zoning]. ppeals, beinq the Ci'Jly elected constituted Board pf the area herel., affected, has heJj a public itearing atter notice as in said requlations made and provided, and has ~nsidered the advisability of a Petition No. V-9S-6, ~rederick V. 'V' : olz,~ot Agnoli, Barber' Brundage, Inc., representin~ Collier County r !irks 'and Recreation Division, req1.'llsting a 40-foot hE'lght variance . ... I' .. - (rOll ~~8quired 30 feet to 70 fe' ': for a structure; 1\ 60-foot ~ "'~ 'fariancefrom the required 7S-foot ~ront yard setback to 1S teet; a 16-toot variance frem the required side yard setback of 30 feet to 14 ~- ~",.. -.etf. and~~ 9-foot variance from the required IS-foot 'letback signs to 6 feet, as shown on the attached plot plan, "A", in an "E" zone for th. property hereinaft'lr described, and .. "..,-; t6'und as a matte r of fact that latisfactory provif .~on and , ~ .rrangement have been made concernj 19 all applicable m;atters required ... " by said regulations and in accordance with Section 2.7.S of the Zoning Rt~tqUlations, of said Land Development Code for the unin';.'orporated area Collier County; 1.1d WHEREAS, all interested partie'; have been given opportunity ~o be . I 'tard by this Doard in public meetiJ 'g assembled, and the Board having co:lnsidered all mattel:s presented; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONIrG APPEALS of (' ;Illier County, Flol tda, that: '-1- 8001( 000 PAGE 256 ..IUft 2 0 1995 The Petition No. V-95-6, filed by Frederick V. Holz, of Agnoli, Brundage, Inc., representing Collier County Parks and with respect to the property hereinafter Lots 95, 96, 98 and 111, Golden Gate Estates Unit 4, as recorded in PI.st Book 4, paeJe 79, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. and the same hex!by is approved for a 40-foot height variance from feet to 70 feet for a structure; a 60-foot variance required ~5-foot front yarJ setback to 15 feet; a 16-foot from the required side yax'li setback of 30 fee: to 14 feet; and variance 1:0111 the requirec 15-foot setback es~ablished for 6 feet, a9 shown on the attached plot plan, Emibit "An, of ", he "E" zoning district wherein said property is locatJd. BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number /-95-6 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. Commissioner Norris l;f" :L'",.;'': :. ..solution and moved for its adopti .m, seconded by COB.missioner ,,~ .:. ...' ~ offered the fc,1:egoing P'lac'Kie and upor roll call the vot~ was: , 1995, .dOARD OF ZONING APPEALS COLUER CO Y, FLO'~_ L---'~ TTHEWS, CHAIRMAN ',J~ Yh IlcuALt<-i: " HARJo IE M. STUDENT iASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY , ,\'.95-6 VARIANCE RESI LUTION/Igk/1412I -2- ''''''',/ .~ lnn em ?r; 7