Resolution 1995-380 RESOLOTION NO. 95-.1!Q. RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-95~5, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the L'lqislature ot the state ot Florida in Chapter 125, h~s conterred ~n all counties in Florida the power to ..tablish, coordinate and entorce zoninq and such business requlations are necessary toc the protection ot the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land DevelOpllent Code (O;:dinance No. 91-:.02) which establis,;.es requlations tor the zoninq ot psrticular qeoqraphic divisions ot t'.e County, amonq 'hieb is the qranti~q ot variances; and NIIEREAS, the f!oard ot Zoninq A~lpeals, beinq the d'lly elected ,;onatltutec1 Board ot the area heretrJ attected, has held a public 'Jaarinq after notice as in said requlations made and p~ovided, and has c :>naidered the advisability ot a .8 toot and a 1.8 tee': variance accessory strucl;ure frOll the requi:.ed rear yard ot , 0 feet to 9.2 teet and 8.2 teet r,!:pectively, as shovn on the attached Exhibit "A", in an RMF-E zone for the property hereinatter and hns found as a matter of fact that satisfactory :1 ~ovision and arranq_ent have been made concerninq al.. applicable ,...c." ~ .',<~u.ltters required by said requlations and in accordance with Section :? · 7.5 ot the Zoninq Requlations ot aid Land Oevelopme'lt Code for the u4iDcorporated area ~t Collier Cour'y; and WHEREAS, all interested partie' have been qiven O'.o";portunity to be hNrd by this Board in public .eetinq as.embled, and the Board havinq .;CC"~idered all matte C"S presented; NOW THEREFORE I ~ IT RESOLVED B': THE BOARD OF ZONIl G APPEALS ot , ( . :>llier County, Flor .lda, that: The Petition Oean , Kim Kleist tiled by Frank Oow~ey, representinq Inc.:., with respect. to the property t ereinatter Lot 4, Block 6: , Naples Park Ur'lit NO.5, as recorded in Plat. Book 3, paqe 1., ot the Public P.ecords of Collier County, Florida. on. L.n ?.4Q ~u" 2 0 _ : be and the same hereby is approved for a .8 foot and a 1.8 feet . f"". an acce.sory structure from the required rear yard of 10 feet to 9.2 teet and 8.2 feet. respectively, as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", ot the RMF-6 zoninq district wherein i. located, SUbject. to the'.followinq condit.ions: Exhibit. "S" <,;:",^.) BE IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relat.inq to p~t.ition Number V-95-5 be recorded~n the minutes Ol~ this Board. eoa.issioner M~c'Kie offered t.he fo,.eqoinq Hancock and .ovel for its adopti(tn, seconded by COJII.:1issioner and upon roll call the vot.e was: Co.missioner Mac'Kie, Commissioner Bancock~ Comm~ssioner Norris~ Co_issioner Constantine and Commissioner Matth.Js Hone 'SENT AND NOT VOTING: None " a8-l'.uf1'10N: Done this ...?...Q.t.h_ day of ,. , 1995. .llJna ........ ......f,." ~. :';';'.JtZ1(.'}:\j~, l1TES1'~:~h~",,~ ~'c., f ,:" ". - . ~"~ ~ ~1."~ .,.,..':1 ~;... -:,.... ) nIGHT E. ~ 'BROCK';: ~ CLERK .... I ,. '. . ... .. , <#. : ....* : ~ 'l":-1':"-:~...': : Jr.lii ~~~~J~~j4."..,_~e .... .... .l't....f...."1',.... . ,., .' ...,~."(,.,,.'!':'A.'. " ",'<.~ ".. i.....,.,..~.....L;:.. ". .' ;;~._' -~.. ..".;,..,.........~~ . APPROVED. AS..TO' , FORM AND LEGAL SUFFI.;:IENCY: -r'~ Pn.~.~ c, JCj\RJ E M. STUO ~:ASSISTANT COUNTY A'rJ ')RNEY ".:,~ . ',\C;' ;..~ 11-95-5 VARIANCE RESOLUTION/lqk/1405J ~><l "'ol .. .n,",~ .. ~., ,_ J. c-. citAf. lICC_ ---. -,. :-..r~ "31:1:., "~..'~":i'h:t_ !i~:-~-....":'':~.. s::.:.:..c::i ... ~ t:"",..:...-- ..... .... Mo " ... ,.._.. ... ... '- ,_ ..... 1_..-.,.......... '- _ ......------- t'"J:2,: ~.;-.:;;,:" 4 .... L.pI -..... ...... ,---... .. - ......... - - ..... " W11W " :=.::. :c..::s::!.t - ..,.... IN -- - ... IK.TCH. ..-04r Ii" I' ----1'- - '-. LEGAl DESCR"TIO" . LOT ./ BLOCK 62 NAPLES PARK UNIT No.5 .'J..I // L, /;) ,v. ,YP L;'A,' C.c'/t' 1..,,"'0 ,n:/N.rrtJRS 1,\'('. JUN ~ o' I9!J ',t . ..:t-. Jdl' ~, , .1' or ~. ~ I,; ~ 'l" 'ri ':! '1 '" ~ " I')"ISTI"'& tiKI' STd"r Al'lnJl'KC'1' "" III' .t t", ~ ~ , ~ Cl:; ,~ ~ ~ ~ , " '~ -=J . ~ -, ~ ..~~ ---03"- ISJ.t1f1(It) #1.11/') " .~ ;t ... ~ .., ... ~ ...- .., . I AI "'S?,,,,,. r .f" "" ~ .L l.\ ,. --,.,---~ - _.1 ,urK. AY4'HV~' NtJli'r/1 I~'" A/T) SPF.:C1FIC PURPOSE SURVEY rrHIS IS HO!' A .BOt/HOARY SVAYEr. /1' IS fOR FH.-r Pt/APOSd' O.r J,O(.'A.!'IHC POOl. .1.~ PA"/O OH.l.Y.) ,-.. . ." -'I. ~Ho ':ii~-- ::II~ .,. . ,....':.;.T.F . . J~ ~ a : ~~.\=-, O' , . b':i' .". t_ ....L._'._, I' IIot . ... . ...cc..... .....""'" . WI Jf : . II ;~.. : in:b'1:.,::- ,":' .I:I-==- 'i : 1tP=". ':' :t='l'r.l,. ::J11flrsln~t.... n"M".'UfillFi'P'm" ":#'1 -'1~H;..... f:;a .l:IM*'.f: II :iif, :-.,. n!.'''''l: · .: II I"........ .. 'HI it.a;.... ......... ..... .q c '.. ... _ '1CJ ~ 1'\lII_", . """"t.." ,.,,..,, ""'v,.., I: "1.:_ 'J: .;........ =.lk"c ME n"iml:1~. -- . ..... 1l11.....'.mw:\=:, =~ CiGC)qUI! C. I'fHC A. .It. Le . LIt..... II.- .. ~L"'" ~.'III'I(II" , t. ..n Le . uca_ _~ 1M ''11 c~~, ~~:t; ,.:"'.. ::::::: "=='!I::t:~.~ h..-( '"11 n"'m ;u=-~~ ~~..1Cf'::'::':::- ... ...M""'::~ I I-EAEO'f CElt J,..Y r 0 DEAN K LE '$1' K I}.( /( 1,&IS1' 11 ,;"1.... n;....;J#lr. ," _ ,.... If"'\ A..... "'" '" "...... ~... .