Resolution 1995-374 JUN 2 0 WJ RBSOLtrnOH 95- 374 A RESOLUT:i.ON OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER CC ONTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE ISST1A1ICE OF NOT EXCEEDING $16,000,000 HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY OF COLLIER CXJONTY MULTI-FAMILY REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 1995 (SAXON MANJR ISLES PROJECT) PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 159, PART IV, FLORII'A STATUTES, AS AMENDED. ',::; ,_.. BE IT RESO'NED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSItNERS OF COLLIBR COUNTY, FLORIDA: S.c~ion 1 R.ci~.l.. Ct is hereby foun(.~, ascertained, determined and declared that: " .. A. The: rousing Finance Authority of Colli .er County (the "Issuer.) is a :l\1blic corporatic n of the State of F; orida, was duly created by Hom!.! Rule Ordinance No. 80-66 of the ~.;oard of County Commissioners ~f Collier County, Florida, and is a body corporate and politic dul y created and ex. sting as a local gc 'rernmental body and a public instrumentality for the purpose of assisting qualifying housing projects situated in Collier County, Florida (the .COunty"), under and by virtue of Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes, (the .Act.), to provide for the ~ssuance of and to issue and sell its obligations for lawful corpc;,:-ate purposes. B. The Issuer has sur nitted to the BOlrd of County Commissioners a copy of its Rt solution (the "Resolution.), with respect to the issuance by it :>f not exceed $16, ')00,000 Housing Pinance Authority of Collier (':lunty Multi-Family Revenue Bonds, Series 1995 (Saxon Manor Isles ')roject) (the "BonCtu"). C. A pub)ic hearing was held on the Resolution on June 1, 1995, which public hearing was duly conducted by the Issuer upon reasonable public notice, and at such hearJng interested individuals were afforded the opportunity to exprE :~s their views, both orally and in writing, on all matters pel',;aining to the location and nature of the proposed project and to :;he issuance of the Bonds. ,~ " , ,,~ .;; ~~ \,1 ~:..i D. The Ie Juer has recorm mded and requestec. that the Board of County Commi~sioners apprOVE the issuance of tl! Bonds so that the interest on the Bonds wi 1 be exempt from federal income taxation under applicable pro isions of Section 147 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 1S amended. E. The R !solution shows that the Issuer has acted in accordance with all applicable requirements of la\', and that the issuance of the Bonds will serve significant public purposes as provided in the Act. F. The purpose of the Act will be effectively served, and it is necessary and desirable and in the best interes'~. of the County that the issuancp. of the Bonds f.H! approved by the ~~:.oard of County Commissioners. . j . ," '" ..,," ..' .." "--"'.',> G. The Bonds shall nOhtfRnst~W..e lOOK IJIJU PAGE lO~ a debt, ;)r a pledge of <;,,~ li::f;,,'.J-;~'>~ ,( faith and credit of the Issuer, the County, the State of Plorida or any political .subdivision thereof, and neither the Issuer, the County, the State of Florida nor any poli~ical subdivision thereof shall be liable thereon; nor in any event shall the Bonds be payable out of any funds or properties other than those of the Issuer, and the.1 only to the extent provided in the Indenture. No member of the B')ard of County Commissioners or any officer thereof shall be liable personally on the Bonds by reason of its issuance. Section 2, Approval of Issuance of the Bonds. The issuance of the Bonds as contemplated by the Resolution is hereby approved, however this alproval shall in no way be deemed to abrogate any land developme.1t regulations of the County and the project contemplated b" this resolution shall be subject to all such regulations, ir,cluding, but no!: limited to, the (:ounty's Growth Management Plan and all concurreacy re~l1irements cor tained therein. Sec~ion 3, Repealing ClaulJe. All resolution:J or orders and parts thereof il conflict herewj th, to the extent 01. such conflict, are hereby suporseded and repealed. Section 4. Effec~ive Date. This Resolution sl!all ~ake effect immediately upon its adoption. JUN 2 0 1995 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1995. c;il.d day of ~ __~-/ (SEAL).. ATTEST: /,Dwight Eo Brock, Clerk " ( ')LLIER COllllT1r. P>1 thews, ~hairman Board of Co ty Com, i ssioners of Collier County, Plorida . . .. .' -..J t .;,I.BY~~__&;- (l t1. ';.., o'!'. Deputy Cle r ~ ", . ~. ~ . ., o. Approved as to form and legal lfficiency: ~1-' d ~. 1#.f' Kenneth B 0 CuylE':- County Attorney lODIC 1.)00 PAGE 182 C,\auch\r..'Shof.bec