Resolution 1995-361 JUN 1 3 1995 RESOLUTION 95-361 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF C~NDITIONAL USES "7" AND "10" IN THE "A" ZONING DISTRICT PURSUANT TO SECTION OF THE r:OLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAs, the Legislature ot the State ot Florida i.n Chapter ot Fl.,rida, and Chapt'lr 125, Florida Sta':utes, has nterred on Collier County the pO~I!r to ~stablish, co)rdinate and torce zoning and. :Juch business re ~JUlations as are ne ';essary for the the p'.1blic; and WHEREAs, the County pursuant t hereto has adopted "1 Land (Ordinance No. 91-102) which includes a Comprehensive establishing regulations tor the zoni 19 of particular ;.ographic divisiona of the County, among which is the granting of h~ and WHEREAS, the Collier County P~ -mning Commission, neing the duly const! cut-ed planning :)oard for the area hereby affected, hearing after notice as in said regulations made and t'.rovided, and has considered the advisability of Condi t:ional Uses "7" .,.~ "10. of Section in an "~" zone for a churc~, school and ,*. ther church related structures on .:he property hereir .lfter described, as a Batter of fact ll:xhibit "Aft) that &ttisfactory arrangement have been made concerning all applicable required by said regulations and in accordance with Subsection ot the Land ')evelopment Code for the Collier Cl..unty Planning WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given oT'portunity to be Board '\n a public mee't:ing assembled and +. he Board havin'1 'considered all matters presented. HOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF ZO~ING APPEALS of t, ()llier County, Flo: ida that: "~;~ ' ,t.. . 't' The petition filed by Dr. Neno J. Spagna of Florida Urban Institute, Inc., representing Southeastern Conference Association of Adventist, with respect to the property hereinafter Exhibit "8" whtch is attached hereto and incorporated by reterence hereln is "'jereby approved for Conditional Uses "7" and "10" of ot 1~he "An zoning district for a church, school and structures in accordance with the Conceptual ftC") and subje,~.t to t.he following conditions: a. The Plann :.ng , Technical .::ervices Manager ma:r approve minor cha.lges in the loca ::ion, siting, or he; ght of buildings, structures, an 1 improvements auth.:.rized by the conditional use. Exp\nsion of the uses identified and approved within this ;..'onditional use app ~ication, or major changes to the site plan submitted as l'art of this application, shall require the submittal of a new conditional use application, and shall compl.' with all applicable County ordinances in effect at th., time of submittal, including Division 3.3, Site Deve.opment Plan Review and approval, of the Collier County L~nd Development Code (Ordinan ~e No. 91-102). b. This project shall be sut.:ect to site Development Plan (SDP) approval in accordl'lce with Division 3.3 of the Collier County Land Develrtpment Code. c. This project shall be req.Jired to meet all County ordinances in effect at the time final construction documents are submitted for development apprnval. d. This project shall be designed in accordance with South Florida Water Management District rules for ,.'ater quality. e. The use of grassed surfa< :!s, with a stabilh ,d subgrade, shall be limited to the s: Irking spaces. All parking aisles shall be paved. '}l-,e stormwater calCUlations shall consider all of thE parking areas as h:pervious surfaces. 9. Prior to final Site Development Plan approva.~, the petitioner shall submit copies of all agency wetland permits (F;ACOE, SFWMD, FDEP) and mitigation schedules. h. The Count)-maintained port:ion of Sabal Palm Road ends about 1/4 mile to the wes': of this property. The Petitioner shall, prior to issuance of a Cert'ificate of Compliance, dedicate to t.le County that porti.on of Sabal Palm Road ''1xtending eastw.~lrd to the property' s easterly boundary. Said road extension shall be imprt.ved according to County technical standards for r'oadway improvements. i. The road .npact fees shal'~ be calculated as a mixed-use developme~ t as defined in Ordinance 92-22, a.i amended. j. JUN 1 3 1995 Adequate street lighting shall be provided at the project entrance prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Compli::s.nce. This project shall be subject to a fair share contribution toward a traffic signal system (new or upgraded) for any of the following intersections if deemed wa:,ranted by the County. 1. Sabal Palm Drive and CR 951 2. Lely CUltural Parkway and CR 951* 3. Rattlesnake Hammock Drive and CR 951* 4. Gran',! Lely drive and CR 951* * Fair sh~re costs are related only to futur~ signal system interconnection. 1. If lighting is provided f:,r any of the propo;ed outdoor recreational areas and fa,:ilities, it shall ',e shielded to prevent light from gla1:ing onto the adjac"mt properti, 'j. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that th is Resolution be reo ~orded in the COJIIDIissioner Constantine offered the foregoing and moved for its adoption, seconded by COD.'lissioner and up.,n roll call, the vote was: COJDmissioner Constantine, COI", uissioner Mac' Kie,. ':::ommissioner Norris" Commissioner Hancock, Commis:;ioner Matthews None VOTING: None Done this . .4 ..~. .". 1. '. ". ~ . .:.. .. ~<' ~..;..; ~..;'",:.. . .... A"C'1.'EST ,.-1' ....... . . · . ~ t~. '...:. ". .' . .... 't" '\ . II" . ; ~.rIGHT ~.:: 'B~O:~"'. "CL}.RK . '.~." . .".. "-, ""'1- t" 11:.'.. ....~t.'...:q.....-t. . t. ..'~r':'.,)o~\L t .,.jt'N;..-r,:-'" ~.., . or . It-~ __ ., r'....../, "It /', ~... . ",. \". .;- . t... '.'.. .... . .. , ..i!. ~';.~i~lf~ <<-~ . '4.. ~,(tJ.. rL .... 11 . .~.. < .. '. ... .' . . nROVED AS ',TO 'FORM AND !GAL SUFFICIEltCY: 13th day of June , 199~. " .. . . . . ..... ~"" , '\ ':; JOARD OF ZONING APf ,(~LS :OLLIER COUN Y I FL< '.tIDA TTHEli~RJfAN ", ('11-95-1 RESOLUTION/: gk/13694 JUN 1 3 1995 FINDING OF FACT BY COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION -FOR - A CONDITIOliAL USE PETITION FOR CU-95-1 followinq facts are found: Sections .2.. and 2.2_,2.3.10 of the Lane', Devlopment Code authorized the condit.lonal use. Granting t:le conditional \"Ie will not adversf'ly affect the public interest and wjll not adversely atfect other property 01: uses in the same district or nei~..hborhood because of: A. consistency with the Land Development C'de and Growth Management Plan: Yes l./ No B. Ingress and egress to property and prop~'sed structureR thereon with particular referenc.. to automotive. and pedestriar. safety and conven:',ence, traffic flow and control, and access in cas~ of fire or catastrophe: Adequate ingres\ " egress Yes -IL' _ Net C. Affects neighboring ~roperties in relation to noise, q~re, economic or odor eftects: lL.. No affect or Affect mitiqatf d by Affect cannot be mitigated D. Compatibility with adjacent properties l\nd other property in the distr \ct: Compatible use \ i.thin district Ye,- ~ No "'M "', .~ "'J ...~~' ."". '-.-' '~t11 ,] ..~.'" 1<:,_". q;~ '!: ...... Based on the above findings, tJ ~s co~al use Ihould, with stipUlations, (copy attacl,)d) shoul not) be ~ecommended for approval . DATE: rfo/fc'_ CHAIRMAN~A.4'~/ l~ FINDING OF FACT CHAIRHAN/md/2/8/89 mlIBJT -A- eool( QfJO PAGr 130 , West 330 teet of the East 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4. Section 24, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. -:"'~ J U N 1 3 1995 "l~;}l .......'...:;'.'.. ..~j, ";'1'" (,;4:,." ./;~:'~ ~;~ >:;~ , \:I<~'(# '. ',}~ >'!}'~ . jj .,.d '\~ ,,~~ '~'-"" ~:if,'J {~ "I;::;~~ ..r :. 'il" I\:" , ";'~ ~,~ lOOK POD PAGt 131 EXHIB::"'T "Bit - c o - a... . - - (I) " 1 n ) t 1 I , IUIJ~ " ;: ll:! E !!:; jj i ij H.'i ;J, ~ ll) g..ft .Ii ~ ~:i. 'I r j I'it f . NI i '5, J ' i Wi) J.r: . 11)1:1: iJ J I J l ~ t J 1m Ii J l1HtHHtIi '. . fHHffIHtfHHtHtD I fl:[~~ ~10 PAGE 132 'Ii 'Ii 'Ii 'Ii Iii ~~8 !: ~ d ~;:l "" ... _ i f ~ 'iJ " b e ~ I!. ~ II~j.\tJU""d" ' ,: !';;'" ;. " " ~, < '1 '. I