Resolution 1995-360 RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER V-95-4, FOR A VARIANCE ON PROPERTY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. the I,f:!qislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, h~s conferred on all counties in Florida the power to and enforce zoning and such business regulations are necessary fo,' the protection of the public; and ,~, the Cc~nty pursuant thereto has adopted a Land ~elop.ent Code (O,odinance No. 91-1.02) which establishes regulations ~:.i.;J. OZ'"the zoninq of particular geoqra'~,hic divisions of the County, amonq ~..,; 1ch 1. the qrantinq of variances; and ~;;;{ ~~;~~~1fBEREAS, the 20ard of Zoning A.,Jpeals, being the d'dy elected :ma~1tute4 Board cl the area hereb~' affected, has held, a pUblic as in said regulations made and provided, and has ;onaidered the advisability of a 10-foot variance fro~ the required 'roo ~f;" ; . t :~ yarcl of 10 feet to 0 feet, and a 2-foot variance :'rom the required ;~-'~~-'- ;!de yard setback ot 7\ teet to 5\ ; 'eet, to allow for l3n accessory as shown on the attached ~'lot plan, Exhibit "An, in an for th. pr.operty here! lafter described, and has found as a tter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been ;Jt applicable matters required by saLI regulations and ",~1 accordance with Section 2.7.5 of the Zoning Regulat tons of said Land 'l!;:":, "avelopaent Code for the unincorpoJ lted area of Callif'" County; and 1fBEREAS, all interested parti. ~l have been given ()portunity to be Board in public meetilg assembled, and toe Board havinq ~Jna1dered all matters presented; NOW THEREFORE I. B IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONr;G APPEALS of l11er County, Flolida, that: The Petition No. V-95-4 tiled oy Ricky L. Bell with respect to the Lot 18, Block,4, Gulf Shores SUbdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 50, ot the Public Records of Collier County, Florida. , 4) and the same her by is approved lor a lO-foot varia'"\ce from the :.;: ,.\'t ~'jf ~,'~ ",}'~ 'r: '.~* '1 ~:-,.t~~ , ,.". ,. .'"..,.~ ~',~:; . -"":1 .... ""',j, " .,1 ,:~~~ '''f '~ ';of: ~~ i~ ,":,,~~ ;;1 ~ "I? ,-, ~ ';j' ~ ~..;;?' .....t ~" ' .;:~t ,~, ..~ f'1l-'~ 'gjt" -;.". :i..~.' ':......'; .';,; :jff; .~ j .11 ~~;~ ;E.- , ~ f(> ~, JUN 1 3 ,. required rear yard of 10 feet to 0 feet, and a 2-foot variance from the required side yard setback of 7\ feet to 5\ fee~, to allow for an accessory StructurE as shown on the attached plot plan, Exhibit "A", of ...., e -RSF-4- zoning district wherein said property is located, subject to the tollowinq ccnditions: BOARD OF ZONING APJ ~ COLLIER C TV, FL:; /0-- TTHEWS, CHAIRMAN EXhibit nB" BB IT RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to letition Number V-95-4 be recorded in the minutes (If this Board. COmmissioner _ Mac' Kie offered the fC1regoing moved for its adopt:l.on, seconded by Cot.\,Dissioner and upon roll call the vote was: Commissioner Mac'Kie, Commissioner Constantine, Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Hanoock~ CommiElioner Matthews None \8SEN'l' AND NOT VOTING: None '~. . Don.'th~ 13th 1 ."... loti' ':...ft,.. 1,., .....--. _....e. :'*-:/'i(t-," #1" ..l"~"l""'~~.f~'~";(,i'd.' ;,~. , ,~... ~\I...,~~" Jl~" ""r,'t)O J.t. ,....",.. .. : ~ ~~s :~tAt J' ~....1..,~ : ~ t~':t'~' '~~. ,-Jr 1~.1......~,(')" ,MIGBT~.B~....BROCK;'1~~fJU{ ;.:... :,.". ~g.;": /~~-~~:r.:.... ; ~ ,. ~'.,}f ~1i .~lj;.~'z:i' ~ ~ : ;,. ~ ,.. ~,~~:... ~....' - .,.... .,.': S l ~ .. " ,~ ..;-~.'.,......;. ..~,. . '")... .,.~..~"......~\..:r:.. . ,.. _: -'}II, 1""'; .,: ,): ...... .,.. ,,,.,.. . . -II. ~'";,,, .,i.... ~. \' day of June , 1995. LEGAL SUFFICIENCY: i~aiJt ~~~~~U:/~ "SSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY :/~CB RESOLUTION V-95-4/lqk/13877 \ ,.. . "" .. ... , .. '1' JA_\ ~ lU t~~~ ~~J) 11)~ ,":~\; Ii It 'I ~r~~t;l~t 1 . '! lI" , :\ '. : ' ~ :.. I \' ,.,.-.' f , ~ II . -- ~I""'.I#.-- . .-..: ...,,.."'..., . . " .., ., 1"...... ~ ~ "wi -- ~ .. .-.................--.. ~,. .,.,.""',.., h~."'." , '- .,~ t . . r'l ,'-- -....... - ".- """"'f J'fItIJ..,,,.. .......",,..,, ".,..,.' ~~ ~ :::z::.. 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