Resolution 1995-349 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 349 JUN - 6 1995 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY FUNDS FOR AT YOUR SERVICE - COLLI~~ COUNTY GOVERNMENT DAY AND FINDING AND DECLARING THAT SAID EXPENDITURES ARE AUTHORIZED AS SERVING A VALID PUBLIC PURPOSE. WHEREA!, the Board of County Commissioners annually celebrates its At Your Service - Government Day to showcase County services to the public and to provide an c~portunity for the public to m~et County staff and become acquainted with County services and facilities; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordj nance No. 8~ -5 allows for expenditures o.~ County fund;:; to enhance Co.mty employee productivity, aJ d to promote ancl engender good wilJ toward County government within the communit.y, provided that the Board of County Commissioners adopts c,~ has adopted a1 implementing resolution setting forth specific purposes of the expenditures; and WHEREAS, on May 6, 1995, the Boal j of County Commissioners held its At Your Service - Governmen": Day at which costs in the approximate al1)Unt of Two Thcilsand Dollars ($2,000.00) were incurred fee advertising and promotional materials, event preparation, a~rl set-up costs at t.l1e 1995 event; and WHEREAS, each year the Board of County Commissioners will hold its At Your Service - Government Day i'tcurring costs tor advertising and promotional materials" event p~:eparation and set-up costs at the event; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Clerk of Courts has conferred with V'le County Atto ney's Office rega;"'Hng the need for clarification about the spec :.fic expenditures tlr the At Your Service - Government Day event . nd whether such expenditures are a valid public purpose, even if the expenditures a,'e not covered by the exact expenditure categories set for in Ordi'",ance No. 87-5. NOW THE" ~'EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BO "RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The expenditures in the approximate amount ot Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for the At Y,.ur Service Government Day he'.d on May 6, 19S;5, are hereby fount" by the Board to service a valid public purpose of informing tht, public as to the nature of County services, equipment and st aff, and are ratitied and apr :"oved. The spE1cific expenditures ratified and approved are alvertising and promotional materials, event preparation and 6et-up costs at the 1995 event. Th( Board hereby ~l.: 'i: $( ",,1 :";~ "i '~l\;I" .1: f l' J ) ~. :.~Ii': ,~ !lk~ "1 .~ j~; .~;~ , 'Ii: JUN - 6 1995 authorizes the disbursement of approximately Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to pay for said expenditures. 2. The expenditures authorized by the Board ot County, Commissioners in the annual operating budget for future At Your Service - Govenment Days are hereby found by the Board to serve public purpose ~t informing the public as to the nature ot County services, equiplllent and staff, and ratified and :\pproved. The specific expend~tures ratified and approved are ajvertising and promotional mat trials, event preparation and set-'lp costs. The Board hereby authorizes the dislJursement of funds l pproved in the budget to pay fur said expenditures. This '~esolution adok, ced after motion I second and majority vote favoring same. ,to.. ..-.. ai "I" ",10"- -o.~. '. ...."'1 '.....\~. .::.~ IJ ,If ", ". ., ...~ ...1':,., Ii.Io 'f"';~".:'" ,. .:',o,.,:,.;~.. ,.~..~::,,,. "/9a.- ;-';'.$.~'.rB: _ '. . .~"r"-("" r.;l t_",.,'.. ~~'''.r'''''f . ........., -.,' '-. ~.... :\ .. 4__,*",.,1. .. ::-: :'~ . .......~,~~:::.: . ~.. o. : ":; ATTEST.. ~_'. ..... ,''''.' ;; .DWIGHT~~~~BROCKi ~lerk ,:..'r-,f.kJ~~" ..,~.,...~ ' ,. \. A;.F'EPil!Jl;." ,,~ - ".. fi1). (! . ... '" :..'*" '*.::; ..#...~~ , ... . j." '" .... ....... '"Jjr.. ..: .... -"or, ~.J' ~. ~",...'I. "# ...' . .,.,....... j~,~~:Approved as to torm and ;~,~'.l sufficiency: