Resolution 1995-343 RESOLUTIOK NO. 95- 343 A RESOLt'fION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDIliG FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE C?ST OF THE ABA1'EMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. '.i~,. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordincl.lce 91-47, the dire::t costs of ~atement of certai.n nuisances, ine: Luding prescribed a1ministrati va ,at incurred by tli,! County, shall l;)e assessed against such property; me! WHEREAS, the cost thereof to t :.le County as to eac ~1 parcel shall be alculated and reported to the Board of County Commiss~oners, together ttrith a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid \nd binding Jbligation upon the property against which made until ,aid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall "'ecome due and payaJ>le thirty (30) ;sys after the mailing of Notice 01 Assessment after which interest :,,~ll accrue at a rate of twelve pE ..~cent (12. ot) per 2!lnUm on any npaid portion thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEr BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY :,OOMMISSIONERS OF COL~I8R COUNTY, FlJRIDA, that the property described ',a8 follows, and having been abated of a public nuisance after due and ,proper notice thereof to the owner of said property, iR hereby assessed " he following costs of such abatement, to wit: DIm: LEGAL DBSCRIPTION: COST: :"'.JrO Atilio Romero '. reDid-. 69B No 79-0-74 , 'rb Bl Prado ~ac.ibo, Venezuela Lot 12 Blc .k 258 of Marco Bea':h $275.00 Unit SIX t Subdivision accore ~.Dg to the Pl. :~ thereof recorded ',.0 Plat Bo.ok f Page 47-54, of thu Public Records of Collier County, Flurida. ~ :"\iI:1~. ~..~ ~ I .0928-052 '57396200004 The Clerk of tt,.~ Board shall mail a notice of aSSt'ssment of lien to the owner or ownt=-s of the above described property, and if such wner fails to pay 6~ch assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a .ertified copy of this Resolution s:'tall be filed in the Office of the ~\.rk of Courts, in and for Collier County, Florida, tc constitute a len against such property accordin~J to law, unless su~h direction is .:ayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. ..~ } . ,. ~"':"~:::f.~:~.t:'-~: ',\:~;l~~-',:' ,-~~~:,'-~:"'; ~~}F'; )~"''''-'; ....1'-.... ," 1;Y{:, 1':""1\"''l;'r~.~', ':;i;~f~,~':,~S.tttt1(r,~""'\!!;:~, ,. . . . . . . Bft^,,", cUmK ...~A' ~ ."v.. ,_ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER CO , FLORIDA , 'i"'.'.,', ':~ ~, . - 1/94 .,~ ~ ,.-.: J~