Resolution 1995-335 HAY 2 3 I9'J RESOLUTION NO. 95-~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 199~ SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPE<.7AL ASSESSMENTS. WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as aaended, the )\oard of County Commissioners on september 19, 1994 adopted Resolution No. 94-668 authorizing the recording ot notices ot liens for i he delinquent se; lid waste collectic.n and disposal services specJ a1 asseSAlents j;.or 1992; and WHEREAS, Collier County (trdinance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board to approve by Resolution and I' 'I cord in the Otficia1 Records a Satisfacti,n of Lien on all ac:ounts that have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l'HE BOARD .)F COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COtJH'J '{, FLORIDA, that Pl' C'suant to Collier COUnty ordinance No. 90-30, ai' amended, the Boar(/ recoqnizes full payaent and receipt of the 19!~! Service Year Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Speci61 AssesAlent for the following accounts numbered below, subsequent to the adopti,n of Resolution No. 94-668, Whereupon a lien had been recorded or' real property pertaining to the accounts idp~tified herein. Th~ SatiSfactions ot Lien attache,.} hereto retert!:acing the accounts .tdentified herein are hereby approved and the ct'~irman is hereby au~horized to sign on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, and the Clerk is directed to record this Resolution and these Satisfactions ot Lien individually ii, the ofticia1 rllcords of Collier C'fUnty: Account NCI. 20200 Account No. 37701 Account No. 41205 Account No. 48855 Account No. 55709 Account No. 67S51 Account No. 79002 Account No. 87SSS Account No. S83S2 Account Nc . 12S306 Account Nl. 20103 1940997 OR: 2062 PG: 1848 acoun 11 ourcm aCtus of COUIJI conn, u 1S/25/U It '2:3DPI DnG.H I. JIOCl, CtJu DC nl 1D.~. COPIIS 2.0. leta: ma to m B011D rmlOflICJ 5TH 'toOl 117 1241 .( "':J. ;~ .,.~" ':{; i .' ~. t '! ttt OR: 2062 PG: 1849 ttt . ' HAY 2 3. :, This Reso1ution adopte4 this ~'? day of //7' ", 1995 ~ /;' ~tter action, ~lecond and majority vote. . ,U.),'~..~.. ,......P; .. f }';'.ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~i;-' DWIGB'l' E. COLLIER CO FLORID :.r:ft 1.).;,' I ~~~::' . ~....'~ ovecl a..~tci fora and ,~~.t".l, ]'.~ftl5=i~:lCY: ~~~t 't',... .. ...' ....' . .I~~~a~ ";;,As8istan1: coun~y k!torney IRHAN