Resolution 1995-339 RBSOLUTXOB 95-339 USQLIJTIOJr APnOVDfCJ '1'JDI LUSB BET_aU COLLXD COVJr.r't UD '1'JDI STATJI OJ' J'LCnUDA, DDAR1'XBJI'.r OJ' "uvImILB J11S'nCB rOll A DaXLL ACADDlY AlID AtJ'1'JIORZZXBCJ TBB CDXRKAJr TO EXECUTB 'l'HB SAXB WHEREaS, the state of Florida, Department of Juvenile Justice desire~ to lease certain land upon which a Drill Academy will be constructed; ~EaS, the lease shall be for a term of fifty years with one ~ifteen-ye."r renewal term; W'IIBRDS, the Board is satisfied that su::h property is required ~or a Drill AcadeDl/ and is not nee Jed for County purposes; JIOIf, DDBJ'OU, DB I~ RESOLVED BY 'l'HB B'-lARD OJ' COUHTY CfJIIiUSSI01ID8 OJ' COLLXD COUftY, J'LOJUDA, that I 1. The Board of Count~. Commissioners dO€;1S approve the attached Lease Agreement betwe~n Collier County 8~ld the State of Florida, DepartDftnt o~ Juvenile Justice. 2. The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County is hereby authorized to execute th.. attached Lease Agreement. This Resolution adopted {ter motion, secor 1 and majority vote. DATED this ;J 3 t"cA day of _L!1iA y _, 1995. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMXF;SXONERS COLLI~, ~/.~A .. By: (~/0 / /( ~ r......,;:. B. E J. MATTHEWS, Chairman .. .--/ ... . ~APPrOY~4'a. to ~orm and ....1.8CJ8h'.Ufficiency : If ~ . 'u' .J.)~ He 1: Ashton Asaiatant County Attorney " BPAJb'ND J: t;,'i ~ ;~ t-~ i; ,~ , v ;I: ~,~ ',,: '~ , ~'-- ~.'/ ~}! :..;' >,:"", ~.. tc 'i" .:." ."~'} I