Resolution 1995-337 MAY 2 3 1995 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 337 RESOLUTION TO REDUCE THE SPEED LIMIT ON CR 951 BETWEEN US 41 (TAMIAMI TRAIL) AND SR 84 (DAVIS BLVD.) FROM FIFTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR (55 MPH) TO FORTY-FIVB MILES PIR HOUR (45 MPH) AND WITHIN THa WORK ZONES ON CR 951 BETWEEN US 41 (TAMIAMI TRAIL) AND SR 84 (DAVIS BLVD.) THE SPEED LIMIT SHALL BE REDUCED TO THIRTY-FIVE MILES PER HOUR (35 MPH) FOR THE DURATION OF CORSTRUCTIOH. ..>" WHZRBAS, Section :116.189, Florida Statutes and COllier County Ordinance No. 91-25 ;~::autboriz. the Board 01 COUnty COmmissioners to alter or to establish speed limits on <~ roada under its jurbdtctionl and .} 1I8BREAS, CR 951'. a COunty Road under the jurisdiction c f the Board ot COunty 'ec:-i..1oner., and WHZRBAS, in acco."ance with Section -,16.189, Florida statut tS, and Collier County Ordinanc. No. 91-25, a tratfic analysis hiS been made for CR 951: and WBEREAS, the tra:<f1c analy.b indic..tes that a reduction 1/\ the speed limit tor that portion ot CR 9:' 1 between US 41 C:....iAllli Trail) and SR '14 (Davh Blvd.) froaa fifty-fi.. lIile. per tJOUr (55 MPH) to tor ~y-tive lIIile. per hour:45 MPH) ie reasonable an4 1tl contol'lllAtion wU:h the four-lane "edgn ot CR 951 and Cr iteda prcmulgated by the rlor1da Department ot Tran.portation ".nd the Alllerican Aseoci .,tion ot State Highway ~ Tranaportation Otticia1s1 and WBERBAS, the review of the Maintenance of Tratfic Plan for the construction ot the four-laning ot CR 951 between US 41 (TAIlIiAllli Trail) ant SR 84 (Davis Blvd.) l.Ddicat.. that a speed limit ot thirty-five miles per hour (35 iPH) 18 reasonable and in contoraation with criteria pr0lllU1qated by the Florida Depart.~nt ot Transportation ~ the American A.socJation of State Hil hway and Transportatic'! Officials for active 'fOrk zone.. 1fOW, TBEREFORB BE IT RESOLVED BY ~ HE BOARD OF COUNTY co;';.USSIONERS OF COLLIER 00UJTr, FLORIDA, that I A. The speed liJd.t on CR 951 bet.leen US 41 (Tamiami Trail) and SR 84 (Davis Blvd.) shall be reduced troaa fifty-five lIIiles per hours (55 MPH) and 18 hereby established at forty-five lIIiles per hour (45 mp;)I and B. Within the active work zones on CR 951 between US 41 ,Tamiami Trail) and SR 84 (Davis Blvd.) the speed limit ehall be reduced frc.' forty-five lIiles per hour (45 MPH) and 18 hereby e.tablished at thirty-fJ O'e lIile. per hour (35 MPH) and is .ffective from the jate ot passaqe of thi I Re.olution until the date upon ...,.ich the COllie. COUnty Transportatio.. Service. Department declare. the exbting ongoing :onstruction work on < he portion of CR 951 between US 41 (TAIlIiami Trail) ,<d SR 84 (Davis Blvd.) "ubstantially coaaplete and adju.ts the signage accord) 191y. BJ: IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Transportation Services Department ie hereby "I'rtbori&ed and directec" to erect speed limit .igne in accordancl~ with thb Resolution .1DeS . copy ot thb Rf solution shall be tendered to the COllbr COUnty Sheriff for proper entorcement of .'?8ed limite establtshed hereby. Thi. Resolution a,opted after motion, second, and majority vote. JJATBDa .~~..r:-:- \TTZrJ:,' '. . ' ~K:'BROCK, Clerk ; . ." , , R~ as to form an. legal sufficiency: 1- County Attorney 0 BOSIC 00 PAGf 31