Resolution 1995-394 JUL 1 8 1995 aZSOLOTIOB .0. 95-394 RESOLUTION AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING A RESr,LUTION ENTITLED: "RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION AND ACQUISITION OF ROADS AND RELATED FACILITIES AND THE RESURFACING OF ROADS IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLOHIDA; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXc:m>ING $6,000,000 IMPROVEMENT REVEllUE BONOS TO ~'INANCE THE COST THEREOF; AND PROVID1NG FOR THE PAYKEN'l' OF THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON WCH BONOS FROM THE SEVENTH CENT GAS TAX ALL,JCATED TO COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO '..AW, AND THE NINTH CENT GAS TAX IMPOSED BY THE COUNTY; " APPROVING, CONFIRMIN~; AND RATIFYING CERTAIN ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE COUNTY AD~ ~NISTRATOR AS \tJTHORIZED TO BE TAXEN PUR~~UANT TO A PRIOR RESOLUTION OF THE BdARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE1\3 IN CONNECTION Wl TH THE ISS crANCE AND SALE BY THE COUNTY I IF ITS $5, "'0, 000 COLLI EJ' COUNTY, FLORIO} ROAD IMFROVEKENT REFUND:'NG REVENUE BONOS, SERIES 1995; AMENDING THE AFOREMENTIONED RES:>LUTION IN CERTAIN RESPEe;, S IN ORDER TO OE rAIN A KUlfICIPAL BOND IJ HURANCE POLICY FO ~t SUCH SERIES 1995 BONDS; .~ PROVIDING AN EFi"ECTIVE DATE. BE IT USOLVED BY '1'BZ BOARD OJ' COUNTY COMHIS,~IONERS OP COLLIER COOll'.rY, FLORIDA I 8E~IOB 1. that: FIWIBas, It ia hereby tound and determined (A) On .rune 10, 1980, t' i8 Board ot County Commissioners (the "Board") ot Collier Count~, Florida (the .County") adopted Resolution No. 80-114, the title to which is stated in the title of this supplemental resolution, as amended and supplemented by Resolution No. 80-173 adopted by the Board on Slptember 3, 1980, Resolution No. 86-225 adopted by the Board on No\ ,'~mber 20, 1986 and the Delegation Resolution described in Sect.ion l(B) herein (collectively, the "Resolut ion"), tor the ptlrposes described therein. (8) On ~\'une 20, 1995, t.' ,8 Board adopted Rea '.lution No. 95-372 (the "Del89ati.on ReSOlution") which, among other bings, authorized the issuance ot not exceed!, 1 $6,000,000 Colli.~ County, Florida Road I.provement Refunding Rt"/enue Bonds, Series 1995 (the "Series 1995 Bonds"), amended certain provisions ot tl',e Resolution and del89ated certain authority to the County Admilistrator for the execution and delivery ot a Purchase Contract wjth respect to the aOOl( oeo PAI'.~ 60 ." JUl 1 8 1995 Series 1995 Bonda and the approval ot the terms ot such Series 1995 Bonds. (C) Pursuant to the term. ot the Delegation Resolution, the County Administrator has .xecuted and delivered on behalf ot the County a Purchase Contract, dated July 13, 1995 (the "Purchase Contract"), ';,rovic1inq for the sale of the Series 1995 Bonds and has deterained the term. of such Series 1995 Bonds in accordance with the Deleqation Resolution. (D) Pursuant to the terms ot the Delegation Resolution, the County AdJainistrator has received a commitment (the "Insurance Commitaent-) from Financial security Assurance Inc., a New York stock insura.nce company ("Financial Security" or the "Insurer") to i.sue its aunicipal bond insurance policy quaranteeing the scheduled payment of principal ot and interest on the Series 1995 Bonds (the ~Municipal Bond I~surance POlicy"). eE) The County desir'ls to contirm thl t the terms and provisions for the Series 1'~95 Bonds as determ .ned by the County Administrate, ~ Ilnd as set to~.th in the Purchase Contract and upon which the S',.rie. 1995 Bond. were sold are wit: '.in the parameters provided in the Delegation R,~.olution, and upon such contirmation, the County rtesires to appr~'e, confirm and rat .ty the actions of the County l~inistrator, irH:luc1ing his execut! f)n and del i very of the Purchase Contract, and ~,~thorize and approve the issuance of the Series 1995 Bonds upon the terms set forth in such Purchase Contract. (F) The Insurance Commitment requires cel'''':ain a~endments to the Resolution and the Board hereby determines t~at it is necessary and desirabl__ to so amend tt.} Resolution. (G). Section 16 ot th, Resolution author.L zes adoption of a supplemental resolution wh:ch amends the Re~olution with the consent of the holders of 6'-2/3' or more in aggregate principal amount of ou'~:standing Oblig ,tions (as defined in the Resolution) which are atfected by such alllendments. (H) The holders ot the Series 1995 BOT is represent over 66-2/3' in aggregate principal amount ot Obligat ons outstanding at the time the amendments provided in this supplnmental resolution take etfect. The holders ot the Series 1995 Bo1.~s shall be deemed to have consented to such arendments. 8ZCTIOH 2. DEJ'IlIIT; )JiS. When used in t',i. resolution, the teras detinet! in the Resoll ':ion shall have th: meanings therein stated, except a. such defin ~ions shall be here:nafter amended and defined. 8ECTION 3. AO'1'BOJlITY I'OR HIS RESOLOTIC 9. This resolution is adopted pl rsuant to the provisions ot the Ac":. 800( [(0 ~T'.~ 61 . J U L 1 8 1995 .. 8EC1'IOJr 4. UnOVAL, C01IJ'IRJCATIOB AJfD RATIJ'ICATIOH OF ACTIO.. OJ' ~ COOVTY ADXI.ISTRATOR. All of the actions of the County Administrator relating to the determination ot the terms of the Series 1995 Bonds are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified. Allot such terms ot the Series 1995 Bonds, which are included in the Purchase Contract attached hereto as Exhibit A, meet the conditions and fall within the parUleters established by the Delegation Resolution and are hereby apprnvlld, contirmed and ratified. The true interest cost of the Series 1995 Bonds is 5.14539' anCi the present value savings of the refunding is 9.2632%, both of wh~ch are within the atorementioned parameters. The .election of Financial Security as insurer of the Series 1995 Bonds i. hereby al.proved and ratitied. The County acknowledges that the County Admi'nistrator has received from Financial Security the Insurance C:01IIJnitment which complies with th.} requirements of Section 6 of the Delegation Resolution. The County further acknowledga that allot thr conditions contained in Section 6 of the Delegat;,.on Resolution h,.ve been satisfied. 8ECl'IOll 5. UnOVAt., COUIR.K1TIOH JUI) RATIPICATION OF Pt7RClIASB C('>lTR.ACT. The e-:ecution and deliv,ry by the County AdJllinistratur of the Purcha.e Contract attachef hereto as Exhibit A, providing for the sale of the Series 1995 Bon;(s to Merrill Lynch , Co. (the "Underwriter") lit a purChase price of $5,706,088.10, plus accrue~j interest, and ~pon the te~s set fcrth therein, which terms meet the conditions se.t torth in Section 6 of the Delegation ReSOlution, is hereby confirmed, approved and ratified. In connection with the sale ot the Series 1995 Bonds, the County ackn~wledgas that the County Administrator hat received from the Underwriter a disclosure statement, inClUding ~ truth-in-bonding statement, dated the date '-'f the Purchase CO;'jtract, which said statement complies with Sec':.ion 218.385, Florida Statutes. Such statements are part ot the ;.1rchase Contract. SECTION ,. PROVISI,I!lS RELATIKa TO Ht7NI(,.IPAL BOND INSURANCE POLICY. The following provsions relating to the Municipal Bond Insurance PO,l.icy shall appl.' to the Series 1995 Bonds so long as Financial Security has met its payment obligations under the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy and any Series 1995 Bonds shall remain outstanding under the Resolution: (A) The County shall provide Financial Security with the tollowinq information: Ci' the CountY'f annual audited ti dancial statements within 180 d,sys atter the lose ot each of t ',8 County's Fiscal Years or as Boon as the sa '! becOJDes availabll: and the County's tinal annual budget within' J days atter the a}:<proval thereof; (ii) upon delivery of the County's annual audited tinancial st~tements, a certificate ot an author~zed County officer stating that to the best of such individual's ).,10wledge following &OO( )QCO~A~.~ G2 # J U l 1 8 1995 ,... reasonable inquiry, no Event of Default (as defined in the Resolution as amended hereby) has occurred, or it an Event of Default baa occurred, specityinq the nature thereot and, if the County has a right to cure pursuant to the Resolution, stating in reasonable detail the steps, it any, being taken by the County to cure such ~'ent of Detault; (ii:.i.) the official statement or other d:lscloaure document, it any, pr.:pared in connection with the issuance of additional indebtednean of the County secured by Gas Taxes, whether or not such indebtedness is on a pnrity with the Series 1995 Bonds, within 30 days ot ',' he issuance thereot; (i\') notice ot any draw upon, or defic Leney due to market tluctuation in, the Reserve Account within two business days after knowledge ~;ereof other thar (a) withdrawals of amounts in excess ot the JDaXi"um annual debt service for the Ob ligations, and (b) withdrawals in connection w~th a refunding of !ny Obligations; C.) notice of ar', tailure of the '::>unty to make any required de)osit into the SJ lking Fund within t\O business days of the County':' knowledge the.:"eof; notice of an.' other Events of Detault known to the COUT:y within tive bu':iness days after knowledge ~1ereot; (vi) prior notice at the advance refunding or redemption, other than mandatory sinking fund redemption, of any of the Series 1995 Bonds, including the principal amount, m!~urities and CUSIP numbers thereOf; (vii) notice ot the resignation or ren>val ot the Paying Agent or Registrar and the aI )ointment Of, and ac' ::eptance of duties by, any successor thereto; , 'td (viii) a full orig nal transcript of all proceedings relating to t.he execution 01 any amendment to the Resolution; (ix) all reports, notices and correspondence to be delivered pursuant to the Resolution; and (x) such additional information as ,"' inancial Security from time to time may reasonlbly request. CB) Allot the abo! intormation an any additional inforaation 0',: notices requ~. "ed to be given to ,~'inancial Security shall be givlln to Financia: Security ai.;. the lollowing address: Financial Security Assurancf Inc., 350 Park Avelue, New York, New York 10022-6022, Attention:~ana9ing Director - Surveillance. In each case in which notice or ~ther communication ~efers to an Event of Default or with respect to which failure on the part of Financial Sec1irity to respond shall be deemed to '~onstitute consent or acceptance, then a copy of such notice or other communication &COt oftl ~!~~ (";1 " ,.. J U l 1 8 1995 shall also be .ent to the attention of General Counsel of Financial Security and shall be marked to indicate "URGENT MATERIAL ENCLOSED. " (C) Ho moditication or amendment to the Resolution may be aade pursuant to Section 16 of the Resolution without the prior written COn:;;ont of Financial Security. Copies ot any modification or aJlendJaerr: to the Resolution shall be sent tu Standard , Poor's Ratings Gr~.,p and Moody'S Investors Service at least 15 days prior to the etf.,~ive date thereat. (0) A\l claims upon the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy and payment. by and to Financial Security shall be made in accordance with the to\lowing provisions: (i) If, on the third business day prior to the related interest pl yment date or ,.rincipal payment ~ate (the "Payment Dater.) thern is not on depos it in the Sinl:ing Fu''1d after making all transfers and deposits re~.uired under the : :esolution, moneys sufficient ';~O pay the prine' pal of and interes1 in respect of the Series 1995 Bonds due on sue: . Payment Date, the :ounty shall notify the Paying Agent who shal. promptly give nctice to Financial Security and to its designat~d agent, if any (th'. "Insurer's Fiscal Agent"), by telephone or tel';copy of the amount .It such deficiency, and the allocation ot such deticieney between ihe amount required to pay interest in respect of the Series 1995 Bonds and the amount required to pay principal of the Series 1995 Bonds, confirmed in writing to Financial Security and the Insurer's Fiscal Agent by 12:00 noon, New York City time, on such busine:.s day. If, on the second lr.Jsiness day prior to the related Pc yment Date, there continues to be a deticienc( in the amount av~ilable to pay the principal of and interest il~ respect of the Se:: ies 1995 Bonds due on such Payment Date, the C, Jnty shall so noti:'.{ the Paying Agent who shall promptly make a cJdm under the Municlpal Bond Insurance Policy and give notice to "inancial Security and the Insurer's Fiscal Agent:; (if any) 1>) telephone of th~ amount of such deficitlncy, and the alloca ,:.ion of such deticiency between the amount re'l\1il'ed to pay interest in respect. of the Series 1995 Bonds and the amount required to pay principal of the Series 1995 Bonds, contirmed in writing to Financial Security and t :e Insurer's Fiscal Agent by 12:00 noon, New York City time, on sl;;h second business day. (ii) The Paying Ar'nt shall establish a separate special pUrpose trust account tor tb benefit of holder. of the Series 1995 Bonds referrttd to herein as ha "Policy Payment; Account" and Over which the Pa~ing Agent shall have exclusive control and sole right of withdrawal. The Paying Agent shall recei" '. any amount paid under the Municipal Bond Ins'tlrance Policy in truf>t on behalf of the Series 1995 Bondholders and shall deposit any am(lunt paid under the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy in the Policy Pa{lDents Account and distribute 8\1 ch amount only for purposes of makir'g the payments for ....,( 5 r'rfl~I' ~.~ JUt 1 8 1995 which a claim vas made. Such amounts shall be disbursed by the Paying Agent to holders of the Series 1995 Bonds in the same manner as principal and interest payments are to be made with respect to the Series 1995 Bonda under the sections of the Resolution regarding payment ot the Series 1995 Bonds. It shall not be necessary tor such payments to be made by checks or wire transfers s':parate troa the check or wire transfer used to pay debt service witl, other fund. available to make SUCll payments. However, the amount c t any payment of principal of or intjrest in respect of the Series j995 Bonds to be paid trom the Policy Payments Account shall be noLed as provided in Section 6(0) (iv) below. Funds held in the Poli~ Payments Account shall not be invested by the Paying Agent and a,y not be applied to satisfy any costs, expenses or liabilities of the Paying Agent. In the event the Series 1995 Bonds are subject to mandatory sinking t~. redemption, UpCD receipt of the mcneys due, affected Series 1995 Bondholders shall surr.nder their F~nds to the Paying Agent who shall authenticate and deliver to such Series 1995 Bondholder. new Series 1 'J95 Bond or Bonds in an aggregate principal al :jur.t equal to the unredeemed portion ot the Series 1995 Bond surrer.:2ered, and UpOJ, maturity or othl'r advancement of maturity and receipt of the moneys due, Serie:- 1995 Bondholders shall surre~~er their Seri'4 1995 Bonds for (~ncellation. The Paying Agent, shall designate ~ny portion of paym~nt of principal on Series 1995 Bonds paid by Fi~ancial Security, whether by virtue of .andatory sinking tund redemption, maturity or other advancement of ~turity, on its books as a reduction in the principal amount of Series 1995 Bonds registered to the then ClJ.fTent Series 1995 Bondholder and shall issue a replacetlent Sel tes 1995 Bonn to Financial Security, reqisterld in the name ot Pinancial Security Assurance Inc., in a prine ',pal amount equal to the amount of principal so paid (without "..gard to authoriz,d denominations); provided that the Paying J crent's failure to so designate any payment or issue any replactment Series 1995 ~ond shall have no stfect on the amount of prine pal or interest payable by the County on any Serier.7, 1995 Bond or the subrogation rights ot Financial Security. (iii) Any tunds remaining in the POlic; Payments Account tollowing a Payment Date shall promptly be rem:; tted to Financial Security. (iv) The Paying Ag~ ~t shall keep a com:.lete and accurate record of all '!unds deposi tee' by Financial Securj'"-y into the Pol icy Payments Acco'.lnt and the al )cation of such fu Ids to payment of interest on arid principal pa: I in respect ot any Series 1995 Bond. Financial Security shall hav. the right to inspe~t such records at reasonable times upon on. bus..ness day's prior not',ice to the Paying Agent. aoo( GCO PAr,' 65 6 ~ JUl 1 8 1995 , (v) Subject to and conditioned upon payment of any interest or principal with respect to the Series 1995 Bonds by or on behalt o! Financial security, each Series 1995 Bondholder, by its purchas'l ot Series 1995 Bonds, hereby assiqns to Financial Security, but only to the extent ot payments made by Financial Security with respect to such Series 1995 Bonds, all rights to the payment ot inter.st or principal on the Suries 1995 Bonds, includinq, \'ithout limitation, any amount. due to the Series 1995 Bondholders in respect ot .ecuritie. law viola~ion. arising from the otter an5 sale ot the Series 1995 Bonds, which are then due for payment. Financial Security may exercise any option, vote, right, power or th,. like with respect to Series 1995 Bonds to the extent it has made a principal payment pursuant to the Municipal Bond Insurance Pc.licy. The toregoing assignment is in addition to, and not in limitttion of, rights ot subrogation otherwise available to Financial S~curity in respect ot such payments. The Paying Agent shall take Juch action and deliver such inst~ents as may be reasonably requested or ':-equir&.d by Finan, dal Securi ty to effectuate the purpose or p%,visions of this Se:tion 6(0) (v). (v~ ) The Paying Alent shall promptll notify Financial Security ot either of the 'ollowing as to wh '~ch it has actual kncrtiledge: (a) the commencem"nt of any proceedin'r by or against the County comm,:.nced under the ,Tnited States BanJt1'Jptcy Code or any other applicable bankn~,tcy , insolvency , receivership, rehabilitation or similar law (an "Insolvency Proceeding") and (b) t.'1e making ot any clain in connection wlth any Insolvency Proceeding ..eking the avoidance as a preferential transfer (a .Preference Claim") of any payment of principal 'f, or interest in respect of, ~ha Series 1995 Bonds. Each holder, by if 1 purchase ot Seri~s 1995 Bonds, and the Paying Agent hereby agr' ,'s that Financial S\I~curity may at any time during the continuation )f an Insolvency Pre ,.:eeding direct all matters relating to such Insl lvency Proceeding, inClUding, without limitation, (e) all matters 'elating to any Preference Claim, (b) the direction ot any appeal of any order relating to any Preference Claim and (c) the posting ot any surety, supersedoas or performance bond pending any 8uch appeal. In addition, and <'ithout limitation ot the foregoing, Financial Security shall be,ubrogated to the rights of the Paying Agent and each holder ot SetOies 1995 Bonds in any Insolvency Proceeding t~ the extent it is sJbroqated pursuant to the Municipal Bond InJurance POlicy, i:cluding, without liJaitation, any rights ot I lY party to an ad~ ersary proceeding action with l'.spect to any \ )urt order issued n connection with any such Insolvency Proceed! g. (vii) The County, t., the extent permittlld by law, hereby agr.es to payor reimburse Financial Security an~' and all charges, tees, costs and expenses which Financial Security may reasonably payor incur in connection with (a) any accoun ~:s established to tacilitate pai~ents under the Municipal Bond In~rance POlicy, (b) 7 , . r'" ,. J U I 1 8 1995 ... the administration, enforcement, defense or preservation ot any right. in respect of the Resolution or the Purchase Contract, (c) the pursuit ot any remedies under the Resolution or the Purchase Contract or otherwise attorded by law or equity, (d) any amendment, waiver or other action with respect to, or related to, the Resolution or the Purchase Contract whether or not executed or completed, (e) the violation by the County of any law, rule or requlation, or any judgment, order or decre. llpplicable to it or (f) any l>..tigation or other dispute in cc~nnection with the Re.olution or the Purchase Contract or the transactions contemplate! thereby, other than amounts resulting from the tailure ot Financial Security to honor its obligations under the Municipal Bond Insurince Policy; costs and expenses shall include a reaaonable dllocation ot compensation and overhead attributable to tille ot 81IIp..oyee. ot Financial Security apent a~)lely in connection with actioT#s described in this Section 6 CD) (vii) . Financial Security rr. serves the rigt.t to charge a relllsonable fee as a condition tu executing any anend.ent, waiver or .::onsent proposed in respect ot the Resolution 01' the J:lurchase Conti 'act. Cvii.~, The County aJ' all pay to Financia', Security interest on any and all amounts as are paid under 1 he Municipal Bond Insurance Joliey and as aru otherwiae due to ~inancial Security tr01l the da\';.e paid by Finan,'ial Security until payment thereof in tull at tho Late Payment .kate. "Late paymer t Rate" means the lesser ot (e, the greater of (1) the per annum rate of interest, publicly announced from time to time by Chemical Bank at its principal ottice in Hew York, New York, as it prime or base lending rate ("Prime Rate") (any change in auch Prime &'te to be effective on the date auch change is announced by Chemical Bank) plus 3\, and (2) the then applicable hi9h~st rate of interest on the Series 1995 Bonds, and (JJ) the maximum r, te permissible und';r applicable usury or similar laws limiting if :erest rates. The Late Payment Rate shall be computed on the bas. s of the actual num~r ot days elapsed over a year or 360 days. :'n the event Chemit.:al Bank ceases to announce its Prime Rate pub] ,cly, Price Rate shall be the publicly announced prl.me or base le .ding rate ot such national bank as Financial Sec~rity shall spe~ity. (ix) Payments required to be made to ~inancial Security shall be payable solely trom the Gas Taxes. 'l,.-.e obligations set torth in Sections 6(0) (vii) and (viii) abC-Ie shall survive discharge or termination ~t the Resolution and the Purchase Contract. (x) Financial S, mrity shall be entitled to pay principal or interest on th.. Series 1995 Bonds that shall become Due tor Payment but shall be :Jnpaid by reason of Nonpayment by the County (as such terms are d~;'ined in the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy), whether or not Financial Security has received a Notice (as detined in the Municipal Bond Insurance Pol..cy) of Nonpayment or a claim up,n the Municipal Bond Insurance Po:,icy. 8 .~." .....r to 1"'-' r,/ , J U l 1 8 1995 , (E) Notwi thstanding any provisions of Section 14 ot the Delegation Resolution to the contrary, notice of optional redemption ~lt the Series 1995 Bonds shall only be sent if the County detezmines it shall have sutficient funds available to pay the applicable redemption price ot and interest on the Series 1995 Bonds called tor redemption on the redemption date. (F) Financial Security shall have the riqht to advance any payment r8q\:.ired to be made by the County in order to avoid an Event of De faul t under the Resolution and the Paying Agent or County shall be required to accept such advance. The County shall be required to reimburse the Insurer for any such advance in accordance lIlth the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy. To the extent Financial Se,:urity makes any payment of principa.'. of or interest on Bonds in accordance with the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy, Financial Sf curity shall be(~01De subrogated to the rights of the recipients t,f such payments in accordance with the terms of the Municipal Bond Insurance j')olicy. Upon th. occurrence and continuance ot an Event ot C.lfault, Financial S tcurity, if not in payment defa\lt under the Mur lcipal Bond Insuranc e POlicy, shall be deemed to be the sole owner >f the Series 1995 'Ionds tor purposes ot exercisir,q any voting rig.'lt or privilege or ;riving any consent or directior or taking any ,lther action that 1 '1e holders of the Series 1995 Bonds are enti t:'.ld to taka pursuant to Section 13 (D) ot the Resolution. Any Ser:ies 1995 Bondholder's direction or institution ot remedies upon the occurrence of an Event ot Default shall be subjoct to the prior written consent of Financial Security and Financial Security shall have the right to clrect all reme6ies upon an Event of Detault. Financial Security f'nd its designated aqent shall provided with access to inspe~t and copy the registration books ot the C:unty upon an Event ot Default which requires Financial Security :0 make payments urjer the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy. Fir lncial Security'S ,'ights under this Section 6 (F) shall be suspenc, .ld during any perio<i in which it is in default in Its payment ob'igations under the Municipal Bond Insurance Pol :lcy (except to ,he extent of amounts previously paid by FinancJalSecurity and due and owin,; to it) and shall be of no torce or etfect if the Municipal Bond Insurance Policy is no longer in effect or it Financial Security aSs4rts that ts Municipal Bond Insurance Policy is not in effect or if Financi.~l Security waives such rights in writing. The rights granted to rinancial Security under this Section 6(F) are cTanted in considerltion ot Financial Securi ty issuing its Kunicipl'" Bond Insurance Pol ley. Any exercise ot such contractual rights ':JY Financial Secullty is merely an exercise ot F,\.nancial Securi y's contractual ril, nts and shall not be construed ur deemed to be '.aken tor the benet, t or on behalf of any holders of the Series 19~ I Bonds nor does suth action evidence Financial Security'S position as to whether any he.lder's consent is required in addition to the consent of Firancial Security. Financial Security shall be considered a third-pa~ty beneficiary to the ResolutioJ I with respect to the Series 1995 E)nds. !~~( C[O~.t.. GR ~1,l$,!F" >j; .' ,,'~.,.. ~~? .~,'~~,' ; H JUl 1 8'1995 " ;<,' , (G) Ho resignation or removal ot the Paying Aqent tor the Series 1995 Bonds shall become ettective until a succeusor has been appoint.ed ltnd has accepted t.he duties ot Paying Aqent for the Series 1995 Bonds. .~~ (8) H;)tvithst.andinq any provisions ot Section 20 ot the Resolution 1:0 the contrary, in the event ot an a.1vance refunding ot the Series ~995 Bonds: ' (;..) The County shall cau.e to be delivered, on the deposit datA and upon any reinvestment ot the deteasance amount, a report ot al independent tira of nationally recoqnizad certified public aCC01'ntants or such other accountant as nhall be acceptable to Financia; Security ("Accountant") veritying the sufficiency of the escrow established to pay the Series 1995 Bonds in full on the JDaturity I r redemption dates, applicabJ e thereto (the "Verificatit41") . . (:, i) The escrow ~eposit agreement (WhiCh shall be acceptable ;.n ton and sul.unce to Financi,L Security) shall provide thai. no (a) substitt tion ot a defeasane '. obligation shall .be peraitted except with arother defeasance 01'. ligation and upon delivery ot, new Veriticatir fl and (b) reinvest. :nt ot a dofeasance obligation shall be permit-ted except as cOLtemplated by the original Verification or upon delivery of a new Veritication or upon the written consent of Financial Security. (iii) There shall be delivered an opi,~ion of nationally recoqnize~ bond counsel to t.he eftect that the Series 1995 Bonds which are to be refunded I re no longer outs'".anding under the Re.olution. (iv) Each Verific, .:ion and deteasanc( opinion shall be acceptable in form and subst. ~c., and addressed, to the County and Financial Se(mrity. The :erie. 1995 Bonds shall be deemed outstanding ul.der the Resolu\ ion unless and until they are in fact paid and r.etired or the above criteria is met. In the event a forward purchase agreement will be employed in t~e retunding, such agreement shall be subject to the approval of inancial Security and shall be accompanied by such opinions of '*ounsel as may be required by Financial Security. Financlal E !curity shall be provided with final dratts ot the above-r.eferer::ed documentation not less than five busines' days prior to th t funding of the .scrow . (1) Any amounts paid by Financial SecJrity under the Municipal Bond Insurance Pc ,icy shall not be deemed paid for purpose. ot the Resolution and shall remain outstanding and continue to be due and owing until paid by the CO\', nty in accordance with the Resol\1tion. The Resolution shall not be <lischarged. unless &:11 amount. d1 e or to beccnDe due ~o Financial S,':curity have been paid in full. &O(]\O fJf}O p~r., F;9 ,. JUl 1 81995 , 8ZC'l'IOJI 7. AKDDKD"r OJ' 8ZCTI05 2 OP TlIZ RESOLUTION. Section 2 f')t the Resolution is hereby amended to include new subsections X, L, M and N to read as tollows: K. "Authorized Investments" shall mean any of the fOllowing, if and to '~e extent that the same are at the time legal for investment \)t tunds of the County: (1) (ll) Direct obligations (other than an obligation subject to variation in principal repayment) ot the United states of America ("U'lited states Treasury Obligations"), (b) obligations fully and u"lcondi tionally quaranteed as to the timely payment of principal I nd interest by the United State!: ot America, ec) Obligations fully and unconditionally guaranteed as to timely payment of principal and int~rest by any agency or instrumentality ot the Unitl" States of Amer~,ca when such obliq2l';:ions are backed by the full taith and credit 01, the U..,ites States ,f America, or (d) evidences ct ownership ot proportionate in1erests in future interest. ant principal payme I)ts on obligation df scribed above held by a bank 01 trust company". custodian, under ihich the owner of the invesuunt ia the real party in interest a::, has the right to proceed dir",,:c'tly and indiv'dually against thl' obligor and the underlying ~~overnment oblig~,;~ions are not avail'lble to any person claiming through the custodian or to whom the custodian may be obligated. (2) Federal Housing Administration debent Ires. (3) The listed obligations of government-uponsored agencies which are D2t backed by the full taith and crliit of the United states ot berica: participa:,ion certificates (."xcluding stripped mortgage securities which ar'~ purchased at pric~s exceeding their principal amounts) and senio . debt obligations or. the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("P- LMC"); consolidated system-wide bonds and notes of 'the Farm Credit Banks; consolidated debt obligations of the Federal Home Loan Banks ("FHL Banks"); senior debt obligations and mortgage-backed securities (excluding stripped mortgage securities which are purchased at pricts exceeding their principal amounts) of the Federal National MOl":gage Association ("FNKAs"); senior debt obligations (excluding I~!curities that do not have a fixed par value snd/or whose terms do not promise a fixed dollar amount at matur~ty or call date) ot the StUdent Loan Marketing Association (SLMA) debt Obligations of the FinanCing Corporation (I'ICO); and debt obligations of the 1 esolution Funding Corporation (HEFCORP). (4) Unsecured certitic :tes of deposits, t.ime deposits or bankers acceptances (in each case having maturJties of not more than 30 days) ot any bank the obligations ot whit1, at the time of purchase, are rated "A-l" or better by Standard , Poor's Ratings Grcup. !CI( reo ?J'~: 70 11 ,. ,. JUl 1 8 1995 (5) Deposit. the aggregate amount ot which are tully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, in banks which have capital a~ surplus ot at least $5,000,000. ' (6) Coaaercial paper (having oriqinal maturities of not more than 2'0 da~'.> rated, at the time ot purchase, "Prime-1" by Moody's Investor. S')%'Vice and "A-1+" or ~tter by StandZt.rd , Poor' B Ratings Croup. ('> M)ney market tunds rated at least "AAm" or "AAm-G" by Standard , Poor'. Ratings Group. (8) ";;tate Obligations," which means: (a) direct general Obligations ot any state ot the United states ot America or any SUbdivision or agency thereot to which is pledged the tull faith and credit at a state, the unsecured general ~bligation debt is rated, at t1!e ti.e ot purcha;~;., ."A3" or better bl Moody'. Investors Service ~ ~A" by Standard' Poor'. Ratings G]OUP, or better, or any obligat.c..on tully and unl;..onditionally quare! teed by any state, subdivision or agency whose .~n.ecured general 01: Ligation debt is so rated, (b) direct general Short-term obligat ,.ons ot any state agency or subdivision or agency thereot describ41! 1 in 8 Cal above and rated "A-l+" by Standard' ....oor'. Ratings Gro\J) and "Prime-l" by Moody'. Invnstors Service, or (c) special Revenul Bonds Cas defined in the United States Bankruptcy Code) ot any state, state agency, or Subdivision described in 8Ca) above and rated "AA" or better by Standard 1& Poor's Ratings Group and "Aa" or better by Moody's Investor. Service. . (9) Pr~-r.funded munjcipal obligations rated "AAA" by Standard , Poor'. Ratings {~roup and "Aaa" by Moody's Investors Service .eeting the follov ng requirements: ,'a) the municipal Obligations are (i) not subj"ct to rede~ption prior to maturity or ( ii) the trustee tor the , 2nicipal obligatio~j. has been given irrevocable instructions cor :erning their call and redemption and the issuer o! the municipa. obligations has covenanted not to redeem such ~Junicipal Obligation other than as set forth in such instructions; (b) the municipal obligations are secured by cash or United states Treasury obligations which may t., applied only to payment of thl! principal ot, interest and premiul; on such municipal obligations; ec) the principal of and interest or- the United States Treasury Obligations Cplus any cash in the -escrow) has been verified by the report ot indtpendent certitied r~blic accountants to be .utticient to pay in ull all principal )f, interest, and pre.ium, it al',y, due and to t. COiDe due on the mun ~,cipal obligations Cthe .Veritic:ation"); (d) .be cash or Unite, States Treasury Obligation. ..rvinq as secur ty for the municipll obligations are ~eld by an escrow agent or trustee in trust for owners ot the .unicipal obligations; Ce) no .ubstitution of a United States Tr.easury Obliqation shall be permitted except with another United states Treasul'y Obligation and upon delivery of a new Verification; anc2 Ct) the (ash or United States Treasury Ob~,i9ations are not 800( r rn PA',: 71 ,. J U l f 8 1995 available to satisty any other claims, including those by or against the trustee or .scrow agent. (10) Rllpurchas. Aqr.~ent. with (a) any domestic bank the long term debt ot which is rated "AA" or better by Standard and Poor's Ratinqs Group and "Aa" by Moody'S Investors Service, (b) any toreiqn ban:.: the long term debt of which is ratfld at least "AA" by Standard anS Poor's Ratings Group and "Aa" by Moody'S Investors Service, or (c) any broker-dealer with "retail customers" which has, or the parent c02pany ot which has, long-term debt rated at least -AA" by standard and Poor's Ratings Group and "Aa" by Moody's Inye.tors S,'rvice, which broker-dealer talls under the jurisdiction ot the SectU:itie. Investors Protection Corporation (SIPC)i (d) any other entit~,. described above rated "A" or better and, acceptable to the Insurer t provided that: i, the market VI lue ot the collater,:ll is maintained at levels and upon condi tJ ')ns as would be accl 'ptable to Standard and Ponr'. Ratings GroLp and Moody'S Inve.tors service in'an "A" ra' .ed structured t; nancing (with marke t value approach); il. tailure percent:.ag8 will colla~ral; iii. the County or a third party acting solely as agent theretor (the "Holder ot the Collateral") has possession of the collateral or the collateral has been transferred to the Holder of the Collateral in accordance wit,'!1 applicable state and fe",aral laws (othElr than by means .Jf entries on the transfe~or's books); to maintain reqv \re the the rec~isite collateral county",.o liquidate the iv. the repurchat I aqreement shall s~..ate and an opinion of counsel shall be ren\ered that the Holde:' of the Collateral has a perfected firs1 priority security interest in the collateral, any subst .tuted collateral and all proceeds thereot (in the case vt bearer securities, this means the Holder of the Collateral is in possession); v. the transteror represents that the collateral is free and clear ot any third-party liens or claims; vi. the repurchas! agreement is a "re}:urchase Agreement" as defined in the Unit d states Bankruptc-' Code and, it the provider' is a bank, "qualified finar. ':ial contract" as defined in the Financj II Institutions Re, 'orm, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 19 ~ ("FIRREA") and " hat such bank is subject to FIRREA; vii. there is or will be a written a'freement governing every repurchase transaction; &CDll:fJCO Pl~~ 72 ""1'--1""" --.,."... R JUt f 8 1995 viii. the County represents that it has no knowledge of any fraud involved in the repurchase transaction; ix. the County receives the opinion ot counsel (which opinion shall be addressed to the County and Insurer) that such repurchase agreement is legal, valid, binding and entorcaable upon the provider in accordance with its terms; x. the repurchase agreement shal1. provide that if during its term: . (A) the provider'. rating by either standard and i)Or's Ratings Group or Moody'. Investors Service talls ttlow "A,A-" or 'Aa3, ' respectively, tbe provider must, at t~le direction ot the County (who shall give such direction it so directed by the Insurer), within 10 days c ~ receipt ot t,uch direction, ei ':her (1) maintain c~llateral at If vels ~nd of the type as shall be reasonably accept::.ble to the Insurer, (2) repurchase all c')llateral and t.;~inate the agreeme,",t, and CB) the pr"vider's rating l.y either Moody's Investors Service or Standard and POOl'. 's Ratings Group is v.tthdrawn or suspt,!1ded or talls below "A" by Standard and I'oor's Ratings Group or "A2" by Moody's Investors Service, as appropriate, the provider must, at the direction of the County (who shall give such direction if so directed by the Insurer), within 10 days ot receipt of such direction, repurchase all colla:.eral and terminate th. agreement, in either case with no penalty or premium to the County. Notwithstanding the a1,)ve, it a repurcha-:e agreement has a term of 270 days or less (with no evergreen provision), collate~al levels nee( not be as specitied in i. above, so long a~ such collater~l levels are 103' or better and the provider is rated at least "M" and "Aa" by Standard and Poor'. Ratings Group and by Moody'S 'nvestors Service, respectively. (10) Investment agreements with a domestic ,.)r foreign bank the long-term debt ot which is r:\ted at least "M" b'~' Standard , Poor's Ratings Group and "Aa" by Mo :1y's Investors Serv.ce; provided that, ~y the terms ot the investz nt agreement: Ca) interest payments Ire to be made to tn. Paying Agent at times and in amounts as nec. ssary to pay debt service (or, if the investment agreement is fOl the construction f.und, construction draws) on the Obligations; 14 '1f'0 ' . "i~ JUL 1 8 1995 (b) the invested tunds are available tor withdrawal without p.nalty or premium, at any time upon not more than seven days' prior notice (which notic. .ay be amended or withdrawn at any time prior to the specifi.d withdrawal date); provided that the Resolution .pecitically requires the County or the Paying Aqent to give notice in accordance with the terms of the investment agr....nt ., as to r.c.ive funds thereunder \-/ith no penalty or prniwa pair!; (c) tile inve.tment agreement shall state that it is the unconditionul and general obliqation ot, and is not subordinated to any oth.r ohligation ot, the provider thereot; (d) a fixed quarant.ed rate ot interest is to be paid on invested f~ds and all future deposits, if any, required to be made to r.stor. the amount of sueh tunds to the level specified under the Resolut .'. on; ee) the County or the Paying Agent reeeiles the opinion of dom.stic co,tnsel (which opi "lion shall be addrelsed to the County and the Inl\lrer) that such investment agreemen'~ is legal, valid, binding and enforceable upo 1 the provider in a .:cordance with its terms and of. foreign counsel (it applicable) in torm and substance acceptable, and addressed tr', the Insurer: (f) the inv~.t.JIlent agreement sh~ll provide that it during its term (i) the provider'. rating by eitheI Standard' Poor's Ratings Group or Moody'. Investors Service I~all. below "AA" or "Aa", r~spectively, the provider must, at the direction of the County or the Paying Al'ant (who shall give such direction if so directed by the Insu~er), within 10 day( of receipt of such direction, either (A) I: :)llateralize the iJ:',estment agreement by delivering or tran&rerrinq in accordance with applicable state and federal laws :other than by mean5 of entries on the provide~'s books) to tl . County, the Paying Agent or a third party a~ting solely as agent therefor (the "HolCJer of the Collateral") collateral free and clear ot any third-party liens or claims the market value of wi .tch collateral is aaintained at levels and upon such condi:ions as would be acceptable to Standard , Poor'. Ratings \;roup and MOOdy's Investors Service in a~ "A" rated struetur1ld financing (with a market value approac' ); or (B) repay th! principal of and accrued .~ut unpaid int.: :oest on the invest!, .ant, and (ii) the provider I rating by either Standard' Poor's Ratings Group or MOodl . Investors Servica is withdrawn or suspended or talls be~ow "A" or "A2", respectively, the provider must, at the direction of the Co\nty or the Paying Agent (Yho shall give such direction it fi,,:) directed by the Insurer1, within 10 days ot receipt of SUCi'& direction, repay 15 nrn ...., ,t ~,.'.... * ,"~ -v. t~~:;,:;-""'" "'; ;.'i' . ~;.. ",.. ., ,.,~.~. ~ JUL 1 8 IJ95 .. ~ t t, f, . .. .. ~. , 'flI' ,l< .. the principal ot and accrued but unpaid interest on the inv..t1Ient, In eith.r cas. with no penalty or premium to the County or Paying Aq.nt 1 and (q) 1~e inv.stment agr....nt .hall stnt~ and an opinion ot coun..l .~ll be rend.r.d that the Holder ot the Collateral has a perfected ~ir.t pri~rity socurity interest in the collat.ral, any aubatitu~t collat.ral and all proceeds ther.ot (in the case ot bear.r ..curitie., this ..an. the Holder of the Collateral is in po.....ion;, ; (h) i.b. inve.tJa.nt aqr._.nt 1N.t. provid':J that it during its tena l i) the provid'.~ .hall detault in its payment obliqations, the provi ,Sari. Obligations \J1der thll investment aqreu ant .hall, at tb$t direction ot the (ounty or the paying Aqent (who shall qive such direction if so directed by the In.ur,r), be accel.ratld and amounts inverted and accrued but unpaid interest ther."n .hall be repaicI to the County or Payint' Agent, as apprc, ,riate, and (ii) t~e provider .hall become insolvent, not pay its debts a. they become du., be declared or petition to be d.clared bankrupt, etc. ("event ot inSOlvency"), the provider'. obliqations shall automaticall:' be accelerated and a.ounts invested and accrued but unpaid in~ .rest thereon shall be repr.id to the Count" or Paying Agent ag appropriate. (11) Units of particil ltion in the Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund .stablish'ld pursuant to Part, IV, Chapter 218, Florida statutes, or any similar common tr..:ist tund which is ..tablished pursuant to Sta .e law as a legal depository of public JJOneY8 . (12) other inv.stments approved by the Insurer or Insurer. of the obliqations, provided all outstanding Obliations are insured aa to payment by such Insurer or Insurers. L. "Insurer" .hall uean, with respect to any .eries of Obligationa, such per.on a. shall be insuring ('r quaranteeing the payaent ot principal ot and ntoreat on such sel .es of Obligations, vh.n due. A,s to the Serie2 1995 Bonds, the d. tinition "Insurer" .hall ..an J'inancial Secur ty Assurance Inc., a New York stock insurance company. M. "Municipal Bond In.urance Policy" shall mean the llUnicipal bond new i.sue insurance policy or po"iciea issued by an IMur.r quar'tnt.eing the payaaent of ~h. princi; .ll of and interest on any porti...n ot .uch ..ries ot Obligations. 16 j'trn~... 7" , JUt 1 8 1995 ,. N. "Reaerve Account Insurance POlicy" shall mean an insurance policy or surety bond deposited in the Reserve Account in lieu ot or in partial substitution for cash on deposit therein pursuant to Section 13(C) (2) (iv) hereof. 8ZCTZO:' a. .a.KD'D.1ID'1' -:0 SZeTIOlf 13 (8) (') OJ' THE .ZIOL~Io.. Section 13(8)(6) ot the Resolution is hereby amended in ita enti~ety to read as tollows: (6) ~'neys on deposit in the Sinking Fund, including the Reserve Acc~t, shall be continuously .ecured in the manner by which the d'.rposit of public tunds are authorized to be secured by the laws of the State. Moneys on deposit ir~ the Sinking Fund (excludinq the Reserve Account) shall be invested and reinvested by the County in Authorized Investments, maturing not later than the date. on vh;, ch such moneys,.. tll be needed tor tl.e purposes of such tund or accllunt. Moneys on deposit. in the Reserve Account may be invested or reinvested by ~;he County in Auth )rized Investments which shall 'lave an average 1.qqregate weighted t lrJll to Jnaturity not qreater tha.', five (5) years All investments 'Jhall be valued at amortized rost; provided, l1owever, investmen1.. in the Reserve Account sha:.l be valued at t he market value thE reot, exclusive ot accrued int'.lrest. InvestJlu...,ts in the Reservl. Account shall be valued by the County each y.ar and upon any dra~ upon the Reserve Account. Notwithstanding any provisions of this Section 13(B) to contrary, all deticiencies in the Reaerve Account must be made up no later than twelve (12) months tram the da~e such deticiency tirst occurred, whether such shorttall was cL1:Jsed by decreased market value or withdrawal; provided, howe ',er, deficiencies reSUlting from a decrease j \ market value of :nvestments in the ~eserve Account must be reCf lied only it the ma\'ket value ot such investments is less than nil1ety-tive percent ('; 5'> of the amount required to be on deposit the .'ein on the immec1iat oIly preceding date of valuation. 8ECTIOlf .. AMENDHEN~ TO SECTION 13(C) (2) (iv) or THE RESOLt7TI01;. Section 13 (C) (2) (iv) of the Resolution is hereby amended in ita entirety to read as tollows: (i v) In the discretion ot the Boal'l~, there may be deposited into the Reserve Account trom the proceeds ot such Additional Parity Obligations all or a portion "t such an amount which, toqether with other 1 meys then on depor It in the Reserve Account, shal', equal the qre., ':eat amount of prin: ipal and interest bec01linq due and payable '1 any ensuinq Fit ::al Year on all Obligations, all Additional Parity Obligatior.'J, it any, then outstanding, and the Additiol al Parity Obligations proposed to be issued. Notwithst.anding the toregoinq provisions, .~,n lieu ot a cash deposit into :he Reserve Account, and upon pro"ision ot written notice to Moo'y's Investors S.rvice and Standard' Poor's Ratings 17 ....,.." ..,,...., .......,_:"""""'''''+..,.''''..."..V'q' a"",'..,."IIlj",," , JUl 1 8 1995 , Group, the County aay cause to be deposited into the Reserve Account a Reserve Account Insurance Policy tor the benefit of the holders of the Obliqations in an a~ount equal to the ditterence between th~ greatest amount ot principal and interest becoming due and payable in any ensuing Fiscal Year on all outstanding Obligationt: and the SWlS then on deposit in the Reserve Account, if' any. Such .'teserve Account Insurance Policy shall be payable to the applicable paying agent (upon the qivinq ot notice as required thereunder) on any interest payment date on which a det iciency exists wbil:h cannot be cured by funds in any other account or subaccount beld pursuant to this Re.olution and available for such purpose. If a disbursement Is Bade from a Res.rve Account Insurance ~olicy provided pursuant to this par.aqraph, the County shall ei tht. r reinstate the maximum limits of B'lch Reserve Account Insurance Pt"licy imaediately followinq such disbursement or deposit into the Rrserve Account fl018 the Gas Taxes, "s herein provided, funds in th-:_ amount ot the d ~.bursement made uno er such instrument, or a combination ot such al ternati ves. ti ,twi thstandinq the toregoing, ~e County may nC-l: deposit any Resen I Account Insurance Policy to t;\e Reserve Accoul",t without the prior written consent of the Insure:. In additic n, to the extent modifications or amendments to the Resoluti~n are required by the issuer of the Reserve AccQunt Insurance Pl.-licy or the Insurex as a result ot the use of such Reserye Account Insurance POlicy, tt a County shall make such modifications or al2endments and, notWithstanding the provisions ot Section 16 hereof, the consent of the holders ot the Obligations shall not be required so long as the Insurer consents to such aoditications or amendments. 8ZCTZOH 10. ADDZTIO~ OF ~ SECTION 24 TO THE RBSOLUTION. The Resolutiun is hereby amer.ded to include a nt",' Section 24, which uhall read as follows: SECTION 24. EVENTS I.,~ DEFAULT. The foll.owing events shall each constitute an "Event 0.' Detault": (A) De~~ault shall be made in the payment ot the principal of, amortization Installment, redemption premium or interest on any Obligation when due. In determining whether a r~yment default has occurred, no etfect shall be given to paY1,'mt made under a aunicipal bond insurance policy. (8) There shall occur the dissolution or liquidation of the County, or the tiling by t e County of a vol.ntary petition in bankruptcy, "r the commia ion by the Count ',' ot any act of bankruptcy, ,r adjudicatio, ot the County a I a bankrupt, or assiqroaent by the County t r the benefit ot .its creditors, or appointment of a receiver ; or the County, or the entry by the County into an agreement ot composition with its creditors, or the approval by a court of competent juri.dicti,ln of a petition applicable to the County in any proceeding for ~ts reorganization instituted ur,1er the provisions ot the Federal 1:ankruptcy Act, as '~~f r1r~ ~!O 77 ,. JUt 1 8 1995 amended, or under any similar act in any juriSdiction which may now be in ettect or hereatter adopted. (e) The County shall detault in tha due and punctual performance of any other of tha covenants, conditions, agreements and provisions contained in the Obl1qations or in this Resolution on the part of the County to be performed, and such default shall continue fo.r a period ot. 30 days after vritten notice ot such detault sha:l have been received troa the Insurer or the holders ot not less thin twenty-five percent (25') ot the agqregate principal aaount of Obligations outstanding. Notwithstanding the toregoing, the County t~hall not be deemed to be in detault hereunder it such . detault can be cured within a reasonable period ot ti.e and it the County in g)O(! faith institutes appropriate c.trative action and diligently pursues such action until detault has been corrected. 8 ZC!'I 01'. 11. UJ'EC1'I\fB DATE. This Resol ution shall become etteetive iSiDlediately upon jt~s ado)ltion; providf d moditications to the Rasolut!.on shall take ef. teet simul taneousl:y with the issuance ot the Seri,s 1995 Bonds. PASSED AKD ADOPTED in leqular sension this 18th day ot July, 1995. -. .;,: , _ ,\,.,til""",,/ \,.. .. "'.. . . '" -,,". ,;t)" ~ '.I".... 1'1 ..... ^.. ; ........' , . , , *' . . . . · . · v", .." ..(S.....~}... ,,~I... . ,.. ",.,. ~ ~: .." .. ~. . ,. ~ .. fl. ...- -\ (. <:" ' .: I , . · ..~,,::\,,,," . 0 ~ ... Q ,-' : ~~ ,,,. .." ',rn-..... "". . ....'....l..!.."...,//y. C ., : :.:..: 1 .;:. :'....~~..--\ ~ ~:: : : -... '. .~, .~:.:'t ~,,:,": .: __, _ . ..' f .. .:~ -J'--.! :-'-.....'. _ -- " ..', .. .Jt'.... .,. ... :-, ....... - -; ........ :,. ~~'. ::;1.'.Z'l:.: ~....: ~"".: ~: .~- -. ,,~.,. I. .~'! I .. . . "'''_ ._ - ...'-. .. . ~.. " ".' . .. ..' It., ,.... . . .. ./."~..J'. ., ....~...: .. ... . .. , *\ . .. ... .. . ..OlIo ". ~.~"'fI,,,\~...jI6. OlIo,,' '-'- AfI'WT'I~~.:. .... '6,f',~Ti" ~ : BOARD OJ' COUJrrY COXKI88IOHDS OJ' COLLIER COUBTY, FLORIDA v- Boa,,-d s ot County Approved as t~ leqal torm and sutficiency: ~_~!J.~L County Attorn. 19 ~ >'rn ....f"i