BCC Minutes 02/18/1997 RREGULAR HEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 1997 OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS LET IT BE REHEHBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:02 a.m. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRPERSON: Timothy L. Hancock Barbara B. Berry John C. Norris Timothy J. Constantine Pamela S. Hac'Kie ALSO PRESENT: Hike HcNees, Assistant County Hanager David C. Weigel, County Attorney (The meeting convened with Commissioner Constantine not being present.) Item #3 AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVED AND/OR ADOPTED WITH CHANGES CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Call to order the Tuesday, February 18, meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. McNees, would you be so kind as to lead us to -- with an invocation and pledge of allegiance, please. I'll get my mouth working. MR. MCNEES: Our heavenly Father, we ask your blessings this day as we gather to conduct the business of this county government. We thank you for the opportunity that you give us to participate in this free and open process. We ask a special blessing this day on our friend and colleague, Judy Brayer, and her family as they deal with the loss of her husband, Chris. We ask that you give us the wisdom to understand the path that you would have us choose and the courage to choose it. We ask these things in thy Son's name, Jesus. Amen. (The pledge of allegiance was recited in unison.) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you. Good morning, Mr. McNees. MR. MCNEES: Good morning, Mr. Chairman, Commissioners. We have three changes to your agenda today, what is a brief agenda. We are asking to continue Item 7(A). It's a public petition, and the petitioner let us know he would not be available to attend today, so we're asking to continue that to the meeting of March the 4th. The second item that we're asking to continue is Item 8(A)(2) which is a presentation of the environmental policy technical advisory board report on invasive exotic plants. That's an item where, as we began to ask some questions about the item, it became clear that staff didn't understand as much about the report as they would like to have, and they were, in essence, just being the conduit for the EPTAB's report without fully understanding or being prepared to comment on it. Given your current concern about us doing that without having full review and full information -- COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Great. MR. MCNEES: -- from the staff, we thought that it would be best to continue that for one week and not just put it on because they ask it to be put on immediately. So you see that as continued until the meeting of February 25 so we can be better prepared to answer your questions from a staff point of view. The third is Item 8(A)(3) which is a resolution regarding the implementation of the economic diversification program. That's been continued also for one week because the fiscal information was a little bit unclear. We want to make sure you understand how much you're being asked to pay and exactly when. And when we hammer that information down just a little bit better, we'll bring that back to you for presentation in a week. Those would be the only changes from -- from the ta -- staff perspective today. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you. Commissioner Mac'Kie, do you have any changes? COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: I do not. Thank you. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Commissioner Norris? COMMISSIONER NORRIS: I have one communication item. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. Under BCC communication. Commissioner Berry? COMHISSIONER BERRY: Nothing. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: And for the purpose of roll call, Commissioner Constantine is absent. And I have two items under BCC communication but no other changes to the agenda. Do we have a motion? COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Motion to approve the agenda and consent agenda with changes as noted. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and a second. Any discussion? All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none -- Thank you. This is not an agenda item, but it's probably as important. Today is Dave Weigel's birthday. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Hey! Hey! CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: And I've heard -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Twenty-one. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: I've heard this group sing, Dave. We're going to spare everyone that, but happy birthday to you, and congratulations on making it to another year. MR. WEIGEL: Thank you. Wrong place, the right time, I guess. Thank you. Item #4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 28, 1997 AND WORKSHOP MEETING OF JANUARY 28, 1997 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Approval of minutes. Need a motion. COMMISSIONER BERRY: I move the approval of the January 28 regular meeting minutes and also the workshop. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Of the same date. Is there a second? COMMISSIONER BERRY: On the same date. COMHISSIONER NORRIS: Second. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and a second. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none -- We need a kick-start this morning. A little -- a little slow up here. Item #5A1 PROCLAMATION EXPRESSING GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION TO THE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, MEMBERS AND VOLUNTEERS OF THE FRIENDS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY MUSEUM - ADOPTED Item 5(A), proclamations. Commissioner Hac'Kie, I believe you have a proclamation this morning. COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: I do have one, and I'm pleased to get to read it on behalf of the Friends of the Collier County Museum. If you would come forward please, ma'am, so that we could -- I -- I '- I'm not sure exactly who's here to receive this. It doesn't say. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: Charlie Price. COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: Let's see. Charles Price and Lynn Kolb -- forgive me -- if you'd come up here and face the cameras while I read it, we'd appreciate that. Just turn and face. MR. PRICE: Take my glasses off. COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: Well, you guys can say hi to Hom. Whereas, the Friends of the Collier County Museum have taken a leading role in the growth and development of Collier County's historical museum as a cultural and educational resource for the community; and Whereas, in partnership with Collier County Government since 1986, the Friends of the Museum have contributed more than $2 million worth of professional services and new construction, artifacts and exhibits, historic structures, native plant gardens and landscaping improvements and transformed the Collier County Museum from -- from a 1,500-square-foot facility to a 3-acre historical park with nearly ten times the space for collections and exhibits; and Whereas, the Friends have initiated a successful series of quality, family-centered events and educational programs such as the annual Old Florida Festival, Black Cultural Arts Festival, South Florida Archaeology Week, lectures, conferences, and travelling exhibits to stimulate greater public awareness of Collier County's unique heritage; and Whereas, the Friends have encouraged community interest and support of the museum through volunteers who contributed more than 4,200 hours of service in Fiscal Year 1996 or the equivalent of two full-time employees. Now, therefore, be it proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that sincere gratitude and appreciation is extended to the officers, directors, members, and volunteers of the Friends of the Collier County Museum who generously contribute their time and talent to ensure that the historical and cultural resource of our community are responsibly cared for and preserved for the benefit of present and future generations of citizens. Done and ordered this 18th day of February, 1997; Board of County Commissioners; Collier County, Florida. I'd like to move that we accept this proclamation. COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I'll second that motion. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and a second. Any discussion? All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none -- congratulations. (Commissioner Constantine entered the board room during the above proclamation.) MR. PRICE: I would like to say -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Charlie -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Charlie -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Charlie -- MR. PRICE: I would like to say -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: If you'd go to the microphone. COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Yes. Thank them on the microphone. MR. PRICE: I can speak loud. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you. COMMISSIONER NORRIS: But it won't get on the recorder. MR. PRICE: I would like to thank this board for its support of this very worthy enterprise. If you live as long as I've lived, you go through a whole lot of things, and the early days of this museum was certainly not helped as much as you all have done, and I do appreciate it a great deal, and I think it is a very worthy project, and you are to be thanked for your support. COMHISSIONER NORRIS: Thank you, sir. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Thank you. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you. If you let more than three months go by without going to the museum, you've missed something. We have in the audience today our -- the head of our Collier County Museum and author, Ran Jamra, who wrote this book which is available in the gift shop, and I'm sure for an extra donation, he'll autograph it for you. MR. PRICE: Gladly. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you very much. And thank you for the book, Ran. It's well done. Item #5A2 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING FEBRUARY 16 THROUGH FEBRUARY 22, 1997, AS NATIONAL ENGINEER WEEK - ADOPTED Item 5(A)(2). This is my chance annually to remind people that I'm not an engineer and recognize those who are. We have to accept this Kevin Higginson, president of the Calusa Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society. Kevin, if I could ask you to come on up and stand here to my left and face the music. It shouldn't be too painful. Whereas, engineers have used their scientific and technical knowledge and skills in creative and innovative ways to fulfill society's needs; and Whereas, engineers face the major techno -- technological challenges of our time, from building towns devastated by natural disaster to designing an information superhighway that will speed our country into the 21st century; and Whereas, engineers are encouraging our young math and science students to realize the practical power of their knowledge; and Whereas, we will look more than ever to engineers and their knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of the future. Now, therefore, be it proclaimed by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that February 16 through 22, 1997, be designated as National Engineers' Week in Collier County. Done and ordered this 18th day of February, 1997; signed Timothy L. Hancock, Chairman. Colleagues, I would like to ask or move approval of this proclamation. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Any discussion? All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none -- Kevin, congratulations. MR. HIGGINSON: I would like to say -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Please. MR. HIGGINSON: -- a few words. I appreciate this award on behalf of the FES, the Florida Engineering Society, Calusa Chapter. I'd like to extend our appreciation for your recognition of Engineers' Week. The Calusa Chapter has 265 members located in the five-county area, which includes Collier County. Our mission is to serve the public by enhancing the knowledge, skills, and status of our members through unique opportunities for professional and personal growth. The Calusa Chapter is a healthy and very active organization. This Saturday we are sponsoring the math counts tournament which will involve teams from 29 local middle schools in a math competition. The winners will advance to a state competition and have the chance to advance on to nationals. We also award a four-year scholarship of $1,000 per year each year, and we have four students that are currently in that program, including one from Collier County. Through these and other programs that we offer, we hope to improve our community through the contributions of our members. I also want to recognize our Engineers' Week committee. They -- That committee was chaired by Jimmy Hanniman and included Lad Ryziw of Collier County OCPM. Thank you again for recognizing the efforts of engineers. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you, Kevin. Item #5B EHPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED Under service awards, Commissioner Berry. COHMISSIONER BERRY: Yes. It's always a pleasure to give awards to people who have been with the organization for a period of time and also gives stability for longevity as well. The first award is to Greg Hihalic who is in charge of housing and urban improvement. Greg has been with us for five years. (Applause) COHMISSIONER BERRY: And our second service award is to Steven Preston for pollution control -- Steven -- also five years. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Is that it this morning, Miss Berry? COHMISSIONER BERRY: That's all. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you. Item #SA1 RESOLUTION 97-92 REQUIRING THE SUBHITTAL OF A PUD AMENDHENT BY AUGUST 18, 1997 REGARDING THE NAPLES R & D PARK AT LELY PUD - ADOPTED 7(A) has been continued, so we're on to Item 8(A), community development and environmental services. This is staff review of Ordinance 88-84, Naples R & D Park at Lely PUD. Good morning, Mr. Reischl. MR. REISCHL: Good morning, Commissioners. Fred Reischl, planning services. This is a review of the Naples R & D Park at Lely for PUD sunsetting provisions. The PUD is located south of U.S. 41 across from Naples Manor. During the ZRO, zoning teevaluation, it was deemed consistent with the master plan as industrial under criteria. The review that staff has done during the past few months has included a few minor changes; however, the one thing that stood out that forced our recommendation as a PUD amendment within six months is that the architectural standards would not be met because the architectural standards say that commercial or PUD commercial will have to meet those standards. This includes a lot of industrial and business-park uses, which would not have to meet the architectural standards. So staff recommends a six-month extension while the PUD amendment is submitted. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Mr. Reischl, I also note that it says an updated EIS is required. Does that mean they would have to do an EIS when they bring the PUD back? MR. REISCHL: Or an update, an update to the existing EIS. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Is the update more or less a formality, or is it an extensive process? MR. REISCHL: This -- In this PUD there's a 1-acre cypress area, and the rest is basically farm field. I didn't do the review, but I would assume that it would basically be a formality. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: My only concern there is that if the development scenario is not in the near future -- COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: Why redo them and redo them. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- redoing it over and over and over if it's an extensive process. So if it's more or less a formality and more of a written update than actually going out and doing field work, Iwm more comfortable with that. Is -- Is that a fair -- MR. REISCHL: I would make that assumption as former environmental specialist but -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. MR. REISCHL: -- I canlt speak for that staff. As I said, itls 95 percent farm field. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Mr. Cautero is probably hearing this conversation but I -- obviously to -- extensive hoops on an EIS just because of a PUD update doesnlt make a lot of sense so -- MR. CAUTERO: I agree. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- however we can assist them. Thank you. Any further comments from board members? Do we have any public -- or any speakers on this, Mr. McNees? MR. MCNEES: No, sir. COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Motion to approve staff recommendation. COMMISSIONER MACIKIE: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and a second. Any discussion? All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none, 8(A)(1) is approved, staff recommendation. Thank you, Mr. Reischl. Item #10A RESOLUTION 97-93 APPOINTING FRED MUELLER, MARIA LOUVIERE, AND GEORGE PONTE AS EMHBERS AND LOUIS LAFORTER AND LINDA GRIFFIN AS ALTERNATES TO THE CURRENT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - ADOPTED. RESOLUTION 97-94 APPOINTING MAURICE DEVITO, RANDY MERRILL, LYNN BRADEEN, RHONA SUANDERS, DIANE TAYLOR, JAMES LAVINSKI AND GUY ADAMS AS MEMBERS AND LEWIS OXLEY AND ROBERT LOCKHART AS ALTERNATES TO THE NEW CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD - ADOPTED We're to Item 10(A), appointment of members to the Code Enforcement Board. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Mr. Chairman, I don't know how you want to do this. We have three and two for the existing board and seven and two for the other board. Do you want to break it down to -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Why don't we start with the three appointments to the existing board, and we can cross those off on our list and then leave the rest. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I'd like to make a suggestion we reappoint Hireya Louviere. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. That would be one. Is there a preference from another member of the board on reappointments or appointments to the three regular members of the existing board? COHMISSIONER NORRIS: We're going -- This is the -- the existing board first? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Existing board, correct. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: I'd like to -- to nominate George Ponte. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. George Ponte. Is there any objection? Seeing none, he's the second member for appointment to the second board. Does anyone have experience with Louis Laforet? I know having an engineer on there can be helpful, but I -- I don't have any individual experience with the gentleman. Just by -- I -- I guess just by -- by -- Do we have anyone here that has worked with the -- the Code Enforcement Board regularly? MR. CAUTERO: Vince Cautero for the record. I have no experience with Mr. Laforet professionally, but I have seen him at -- in operation during the Code Enforcement Board meetings and seems to delve into the issues very, very well and seems to be well prepared. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Well, without any -- Do we have any realtors on the existing board? COHMISSIONER BERRY: I have a question, Mr. Chairman. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Yes. COHMISSIONER BERRY: I notice that Lynn Bradeen -- he's down here as a realtor and construction business if you look -- is that -- that is one and the same persons, is it not? COHMISSIONER NORRIS: I think it is, as far as I know. MS. FILSON: We have one realtor on the current board, Charlie Andrews. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. COHMISSIONER MAC'KIE: I -- I think that would be a good -- MS. FILSON: Yeah, he's retired. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: He's -- because -- because he's retired. I know Fred Mueller who's on here is a realtor. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: That's who I was -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: I'd like to suggest his appointment. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you. That's who I was -- I was considering. Is there any objection to Fred Mueller on the existing Code Enforcement Board? Seeing none, the three regular appointments for the existing Code Enforcement Board is Mireya Louviere, Fred Mueller, and George Ponte. COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I'll make a motion to that effect. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and a second. Any discussion? All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. We have -- COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Y'all want to know what the alternates are? COMHISSIONER NORRIS: But weren't we supposed to have alternates? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Correct. What my -- my suggestion would be is possibly to appoint the seven regular members of the new board and then go for the alternates to both boards from that point just to -- I -- I guess priority picks go to the -- the positions that -- that are going to be regular as opposed to alternates. So we now have seven positions to appoint. COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I would like to suggest Randy E. Merrill. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Any objection? COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: No. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. There's one. COMHISSIONER NORRIS: Okay. Another one would be -- COMHISSIONER BERRY: There's -- COMHISSIONER NORRIS: -- the Lynn Bradeen on the bottom. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. We have Lynn Bradeen suggested. Any objection? COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: No. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. Further suggestions? COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: I'd like to suggest Rhona Saunders. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Any objections? Seeing none, that's three members. COMHISSIONER BERRY: I'd like to recommend Diane Taylor. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: No objection? We have four. Have we put a contractor on there yet? COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: No. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Again, I don't have specific knowledge, but I'm -- I'm to the point from resume alone that -- James Lavinski as a contractor for the fifth -- fifth position. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Mmm-hmm. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Hearing no objection -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: None. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: We have two more for regular appointments. What -- surveyor/mapping to me -- how many discussions have we had regarding inclusion or exclusion -- COMMISSIONER NORRIS: That makes sense. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- of surveyed areas? So how about -- COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: That's a great idea. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: How about Guy Adams for the sixth? COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Mmm-hmm. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: And does someone have a seventh position? Commissioner Norris, who is getting all these District 1 people to apply? COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Well, we're just very civically active. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Actually, EMCA is and -- and Marco Island also. We need a seventh appointment. Is there any -- COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Do we have a realtor? COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Did anyone ever -- After all the discussion, did we reappoint Mr. Laforet? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: No, he was not reappointed to the first -- to the first board. COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: While we're not familiar with his work nor do we have criticism of his work, so he might not be a bad person to reappoint. Want to make him number seven? COHHISSIONER HAC'KIE: Works for me. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Or do you want to hold that off and make him one of the alternates? I don't -- I don't -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Yeah. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I don't have any pro -- I don't know him, but I just thought -- COHMISSIONER BERRY: Why don't we make him an alternate. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: You want to make him an alternate? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: I -- I would -- I would like to see him as an alternate to the first board, is my -- my feeling on that. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Okay. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: So -- but let's -- let's get one more appointment to finalize the second Code Enforcement Board. COHMISSIONER BERRY: How many do we have now, Mr. Chairman? We've got Randy -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: We have six and I have been -- COHMISSIONER BERRY: -- Randy Herrill, Lavinski -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Rhona Saunders, Guy Adams, Diane Taylor, and Lynn Bradeen. We need one more. COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: I'm just trying to see what the -- Do we have a realtor? Do we have a contractor? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: We have a contractor. We have an attorney. We have a business consultant, surveyor. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: There's a civil engineer there. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Bob Lockhart. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Frankly, it might be kind of neat to have a police administrator on there who understands the difference between -- COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: I think that's a great idea. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: I'm fine with that. Mr. DeVito. Okay. The seven members -- and I will state these, and if someone would like to make a motion -- Randy Herrill, James Lavinski, Rhona Saunders, Maurice DeVito, Guy Adams, Diane Taylor, and Lynn Bradeen. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: I'll make a motion that we appoint those to the second board. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Is there a second? COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Yes. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and second. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none, why don't we go on to the two alternates. For the first Code Enforcement Board, I would like to put Louis Laforet as an alternate. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Agreed. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: And we need a second alternate there. Is there any selection, or shall we just go down the list? COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Well, we're about to run out of names, actually. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Yes, we are. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Yeah. I'm confused about -- Has Linda Griffin already been appointed to the -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Has not. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Okay. Then I'd like to suggest her. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. Can we get a motion then? COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: So moved. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Louis Laforet and Linda Griffin as alternates to the first board. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none, we need two alternates for the second board. I see -- Let's see. We already have a realtor on the board, and we have a contractor. So there's going to be some -- some overlap. Possibly Bob Lockhart and I guess Lewis Oxley. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: So moved. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Is there a second? COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and a second for Lewis Oxley and Bob Lockhart as the two alternates for the second board. All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you. We're now done with the lengthiest item on our agenda. Mr. Weigel. MR. WEIGEL: One final comment. The -- Both the alternates and the reappointments do have specific terms of three years, two years. It varies. And frequently with these kinds of appointments the board has had the members meet and draw straws with the assistance of the staff liaison and come back to the board in that way. And there are obviously two ways it can be done. The board's resolution appointing the members can be done today, or if you so authorize, the resolution can indicate that it will incorporate the selection that occurs at the first meeting of these people. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: That historically has been the way we've done it, at least over the past couple of years. COHHISSIONER HAC'KIE: Works for me. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. So by virtue of the motion, we're saying that the resolution will come back with the terms being decided by the members. Agreed? COHMISSIONER BERRY: Fine. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Yes. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Agreed. Fantastic. Item #10B RESOLUTION 97-95 APPOINTING KEITH PUFFER AND VIVIAN LAGER TO THE CITIZENS ADVISORY TASK FORCE - ADOPTED Okay. We are on to Item 10(B), appointment of members to the citizen advisory task force. Good morning, Mr. Hulhere. MR. HULHERE: Yes. I'm sorry. I jumped the gun. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Were you on the next item? MR. HULHERE: Yes. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. We appreciate your -- your excited manner. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to suggest Keith Puffer. COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: And I'd like to suggest Vivian Lager as a reappointment. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. We have -- COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I'll make a motion -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- two members -- COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: -- we approve those two names. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: Second. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and second. Any discussion? All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none, congratulations. Do we have public comment, Mr. McNees? MR. MCNEES: No, sir. Item #13B1 RESOLUTION 97-96 RE PETITION CU-94-20 FOR A SECOND EXTENSION OF A CONDITIONAL USE FOR CjustER DEVELOPMENT IN THE RSF-5 ZONING DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN RESOLUTION 95-40 IN SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST - ADOPTED CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: What a wonderful thing. We're on to the afternoon portion of our agenda, Item 13(B)(1). COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: Hey, 9:30. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: A1 won't be here until 9:35, and it will be too late. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: 13(B)(1) is a second extension of a Conditional Use 94-20. Good morning, Mr. Hulhere. MR. HULHERE: Good morning. Thank you. Just anxious to get back to the office and do some work. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Good answer. MR. HULHERE: This is the second extension of a potential three extensions for a conditional use for cjuster housing in the RSF-3 district, and generally speaking if nothing really has changed, then your staff will recommend that we approve it, and that is the case with this one. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. Any questions? Are there any registered speakers? MR. HCNEES: No, sir. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Is there a motion? COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: Motion to approve. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Is there a second? COHMISSIONER BERRY: Second. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Motion and a second. Any discussion? COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Did you close the public hearing? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: There were no public -- There were no registered speakers. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: You still have to close the public hearing. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Well, in that case I'll close the public hearing. Is there a motion? COHMISSIONER HAC'KIE: I'd like to make a motion to approve staff recommendations. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Why thank you, Commissioner Hac'Kie. Is there a second? COHMISSIONER BERRY: And I'll second that motion. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Commissioner Berry, you're so kind. Is there any discussion? All those in favor signify by saying aye. Opposed? (No response) CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Seeing none, 94-20 receives second extension. MR. HULHERE: Thank you. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you, Mr. Hulhere. Fine presentation. Hr. Foley, good job. MR. FOLEY: Thank you. Item #14 DISCUSSION REGARDING TRACK K ON MARCO ISLAND OWNED BY SCHOOL BOARD WHICH HAS BEEN DECLARED SURPLUS - STAFF TO WORK WITH SCHOOL BOARD TO SEE IF THERE IS A POSSIBILITY FOR AN EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Item 14, Board of County Commissioners' communications. Commissioner Hac'Kie, anything since the beginning of the meeting? COHMISSIONER MAC'KIE: I have nothing. Thank you. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Commissioner Norris, you had one item. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: Yes, I do. There is a piece of real estate on Marco Island owned by the school board which is called Tract K. It's up on the northern end of the island. I think it's about 11 or 13 acres, something to that effect, and the school board has declared it's surplus. They don't intend to ever use it. But in discussions with civic associations on Marco, that would be a very good spot for some sort of a future park or something that the county could -- could do eventually at some -- some day. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Or the city. COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I thought you were going to say that's where city hall was going to go. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: Well, I -- I think -- My proposal is that we have our staff work with the staff of the school board and see if we have some county-owned surplus property that we could perhaps swap to the school board that they could get better usage out of and that we could end up with a future park site on Marco Island. Now, the -- the chairman of the school board, Ms. Cox, is going to do the same thing with her respective board and staff on Thursday of this week. So what I'm really asking this board to do is simply to direct our staff to enter into discussions with the school board to see if there's anything that the school board would like to trade with it. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: The only question I -- What's the size of the parcel? COHMISSIONER NORRIS: It's either 11 or 13 acres, something to that -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: I guess I want to know how that fits into our -- our plans and our process of -- of park systems. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: And I'm not suggesting that we make any park plans for any time in the -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: -- near future, just that we end up -- Rather than have them sell that, which is what they would do, sell it to some commercial enterprise or -- or to development in the future, if we have some property that would be suitable for a swap, we could end up and have that property in our inventory and -- COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I don't have any objection looking and -- and -- looking at all the details because it sounds like it -- it may well be worth it. I -- but I agree with Commissioner Hancock; we need to make sure we see how it will -- COHMISSIONER NORRIS: Yeah. Well, I -- COHMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: -- fit into our plans. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: I'm not in any way -- COHMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Of course. COHMISSIONER NORRIS: -- suggesting that we make any park commitment at this point, just -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. COMMISSIONER NORRIS: -- just to try to get this into our inventory and -- and maybe relieve our inventory of something that we don't have any intention of using. If we can do that, then it's better for both parties. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: I'm comfortable directing the county manager's office to assign the appropriate staff member to -- to work with the school board on that. COMHISSIONER NORRIS: Okay. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Is that -- is that your -- the nature of your request? COMHISSIONER NORRIS: That's it. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. COMMISSIONER NORRIS: And I have one more little item. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: I'm sorry. You said one item at the -- COMHISSIONER NORRIS: I -- I understand. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- beginning of the item. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: He said two. COMMISSIONER NORRIS: I understand, but now -- now I have come up with an additional item -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. COMMISSIONER NORRIS: -- that I would like to discuss. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Is it mere coincidence that -- that shortly after the discussion by the city council to exclude Naples' residents we see in the newspaper today a proposal to put gatehouses on the Gordon River Bridge? That's all. COMMISSIONER BERRY: Gong! CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Commissioner Berry? Would that be the first or second Gordon River Bridge? COMHISSIONER NORRIS: The -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Moving on. Moving on, please, Mr. Chairman. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Commissioner Berry? COMHISSIONER BERRY: Gong! CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Gong! Commissioner Constantine, anything? COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Happy to report, nothing. Item #14B DISCUSSION REGARDING COUNTY MANAGER POSITION AND THE LIST OF QUESTIONS TO BE ASKED APPLICANTS - CHAIRMAN TO PROVIDE QUESTIONS CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. I have two quick items. First is, all of you received a correspondence from John Passidomo, the chairman of the county manager's screening committee, asking the board allow the chairman to act at a meeting of March 5, 1997, as -- in the capacity to approve questions to the semi-finalists. The reason they're asking for that is that the -- that way the questions would not become publicly known and they would be spontaneous for the purpose of response to the applicants. We know Mr. McNees's vote on this already. They're asking for that. Is -- I guess I'm asking if -- if that is acceptable to the board. Have you all read this letter? COMHISSIONER BERRY: I just -- I haven't -- I saw it was in my mailbox. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. We have another meeting before the 5th so -- COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: The question being, are these the questions that are going to be recorded for video or -- I don't -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Correct. COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Well, I guess one would assume there'll be some time frame in which they could respond to that anyway. I don't understand. I mean, if you -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: If you get questions in the mail, I don't read it and answer them on the spot. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: No. COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I do some preparation. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: They won't be received in the mail. The -- there's been a -- There's a company that goes out and will take this list of questions and videotape the response at a predescribed time. They will show up at their -- at this person's office at three o'clock, hand them the questions, give them a few minutes, and then videotape the responses to the questions. They do this for each candidate that it is natrowed down to. Of course, there's a fee for that but -- COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: What is the fee for that? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: I think it's 100 or $150 per interview -- COMHISSIONER BERRY: That's not bad. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- which is not bad. And I think it's the think-on-your-feet scenario that is critical to making -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Mmm-hmm. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- to -- to viewing a candidate's potential ability or candidate's ability so -- COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: These -- Obviously I'm just asking because you've had the opportunity to have this discussion and I haven't. But these -- this is a national company? They can go to somebody in Greenbay, Wisconsin, or in -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Yes. They have -- COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: -- Boise, Idaho? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- something like 500 locations all over the U.S, although I'm not sure we have any Boise applicants, but if we do, they could go there. I stopped in to -- I stop in to human resources about every three days to find out what's going on with this so that's -- and that's why I had the benefit of this discussion. It was just late last week because I had the same question you have. Why don't we do this. What I would like to happen is that that list of questions be provided members of the board and -- Well, if they give them to the members of the board, it then becomes public information. COMHISSIONER NORRIS: Public information. COMHISSIONER BERRY: Public information. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Gina's going to ask for them. COMHISSIONER NORRIS: I think the spontaneity of the responses to these questions is important. I think that -- that that's going -- that will be just one more level of insight that we have into the different applicants and -- and how they respond to situations as they arise, and I think that's important. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: And I -- you know, I guess the question is whether or not you feel comfortable with my approving those list of questions. I will tell you the one -- one thing I'm looking into is, out of all the -- the stuff in the paper today from the -- the BAAB and HAAB, one comment that caught my attention I thought was reasonable was from Frank Rodriguez regarding questions about sensitivity, openness to minority applications and so forth. I've got a call in to Frank and will take that information into this meeting. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Appreciate that. COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: I agree with you there, but I also agree with your quote or the quote that was attributed to you in the newspaper that if someone is at the top of their field, which is what we're looking for in a county manager, regardless of whether they're a woman or African-American or Hispanic, they're going to look at those journals and those publications which deal with the top of their field and -- and Mr. Tribble's suggestion that someone wouldn't be comfortable doing that I think is an insult to those people. But I think if someone isn't comfortable with the Wall Street Journal or reading the publications that are at the top of city manager/county manager type thing, then they're not probably the caliber regardless of race or gender or anything else. They're probably not the caliber of person we're looking for. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: I agree with that. I was just curious. Does anybody know the extent of the advertising in the Wall Street Journal? Because I was more curious about our having explored potential private-sector applicants. Does anybody know how much we advertise in the Wall Street Journal? CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: I believe it was a one-day advertisement. I don't know the size of it, but we can get that information -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Maybe you could find that out for us. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: -- from human resources. MR. MCNEES: We can find that out. I don't know. I've stayed out of it to avoid the proverbial leg up on the process, but we can find out for you. COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: I'd like to know that. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Point well taken, Commissioner Constantine, just -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: I'm comfortable with the proposal. I've -- I've only briefly read the letter, but I think that in the interest of spontaneity, that being such an important component, I'm comfortable with the proposal that's -- that's set out in the letter. COMHISSIONER CONSTANTINE: And, quite frankly, if there are questions that we have that aren't covered, we'll have ample opportunity to cover -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: That we will. COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: -- those later so -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Yes. Correct. There will be public interviews. That's for sure. COMHISSIONER NORRIS: And they will be spontaneous. COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Yes. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. Do we have a consensus among the board? Okay. Then we will go ahead and -- if you'd let Miss Edwards know, and she can pass it on to the committee. I think they're meeting today or tomorrow also. Item #14C DISCUSSION REGARDING COLLIER COUNTY BUDGET PROCESS REFORM FROMS AD-HOC COMHITTEE - TO BE PRESENTED AT A REGULAR MEETING The second item I had is, you all will be receiving a report from an ad hoc committee on Collier County budget process reform. This is probably, in the -- just the brief time I've been here, one of the best -- best working reports I've seen. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Great. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: It has suggestions in here that makes information presentation to us a lot clearer. I'll be forwarding copies to all of you. What I have asked is that -- after review I have asked the ad hoc committee to prepare a 15-minute presentation total for this and ask your indulgence to hear it within two to three weeks. Some of these things can be implemented this year if you wish. Some of them cannot. But I think there's some very usable things in here. And unless there is objection to that, if you all will get back to me in the -- in the coming week as to whether or not you find that acceptable, it would just be scheduled as an agenda item, 15-minute time frame. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: I think it's a great idea. I can tell you that right now. I -- My only question is, has Mr. Smykowski been involved in the process, or does he have a copy -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: They have had meetings with Mr. Smykowski, with Mr. Dotrill. They have had extensive meetings there. And, of course, Mr. Smykowski will be -- receive a copy of this also. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Great. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: So yes. I want our staff to be as -- as informed as anyone else, but I -- I just think it's workable and worthwhile. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Let's do it. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. With that, Mr. Weigel? MR. WEIGEL: Nothing today. Thank you very much. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Okay. Mr. McNees? MR. MCNEES: I would just report that I attended the joint meeting of the black and Hispanic affairs advisory boards last night. And while they were both boards short of a quorum, I think if you indicate to them that -- that you will take into consideration some -- some questions regarding diversity and experience dealing with diversity, that they'll be -- they'll be pleased with that. I know they're going to come back to you probably in another week with some other specific recommendations about the process and -- but I'll let them speak to that, but I know one of the things that they asked for was that you consider as far as the issue -- CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: How many people were at the meeting? MR. MCNEES: The Hispanic board had five but only four at any one time, so they were one short of a quorum. The black affairs board had two. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: So 6 out of 187 MR. MCNEES: Yes. COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: But it's important -- COMHISSIONER MAC'KIE: Regardless -- COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: And -- and we have to be sensitive to the suggestions, but at the same time, those suggestions can't be representative -- can't be represented as the opinion of that board if two members are there. MR. MCNEES: That's correct. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: Nevertheless, I -- I'm confident -- and, you know, I appreciate their -- their coming forward and saying -- you know, bringing this to everyone's attention, but I know that they can be confident that those considerations are automatically going to be a part of all of our consideration, all of our discussions and -- and review. COMMISSIONER CONSTANTINE: Thank you. COMMISSIONER MAC'KIE: And, you know, it's unfortunate if they think they have to remind us but -- it's okay to be reminded, but you know, we're gonna. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: We will -- We will accept all timely suggestions. Any further discussion items? Seeing -- COMMISSIONER NORRIS: Miss Filson has something. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Miss Filson, do you have anything? MS. FILSON: I have nothing. Thank you. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Do you want to wish Mr. Weigel a happy birthday? MS. FILSON: Happy birthday, David. CHAIRMAN HANCOCK: Thank you very much. Have a good day, folks. Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Mac'Kie and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Constantine out), that the following items under the consent agenda be approved and/or adopted: Item #16A1 RECORD THE FINAL PLAT OF "REPLAT OF TRACT B OF AIRPORT ROAD PLAZA" Item #16A2 ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES FOR JOHNNYCAKE COVE - WITH STIPULATIONS AND CASH BOND IN THE A_MOUNT OF $3,296.30 AS SURETY Item #16A3 RESOLUTION 97-80 RE LIEN RESOLUTION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 60621-053; OWNER OF RECORD: CLAUDE E. LARUE Item #16A4 RESOLUTION 97-81 RE LIEN RESOLUTION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 60621-031; OWNER OF RECORD: ROSA DE CORES, TERESITA HENDEZ Item #16A5 RESOLUTION 97-82 RE LIEN RESOLUTION OF CODE ENFORCEMENT CASE NO. 60502-067; OWNER OF RECORD: GUY J. IARUSSI, ET UX Item #16A6 RECORD THE FINAL PLAT OF "WHITTENBERG VILLAS" - WITH ESCROW, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS & STIPULATIONS Item #16A7 RESOLUTIONS 97-83 THROUGH 97-86 AUTHORIZING THE WAIVER OF ROAD IHPACT FEES, LIBRARY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES IMPACT FEES, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, WATER SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, SEWER SYSTEM IMPACT FEES, AND EDUCATIONAL FACILITY SYSTEM IMPACT FEES FOR FOUR SINGLE FAMILY HOUSES TO BE BUILT BY IHMOKALEE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY, INC., IN NAPLES MANOR AND TO FUND SAID WAIVERS FROM AFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST FUND, FUND 191 Item #16A8 RESOLUTION 97-87 GRANTING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE ROADWAY, DRAINAGE, WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FINAL PLAT OF "THE SEVEN SAILORS" Item #16A9 ACCEPTANCE OF WATER FACILITIES FOR GLEN MANOR A/K/A SHOREWOODS - WITH STIPULATIONS Item #16A10 COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE DIRECTED TO REVIEW DRAFT ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXEMPTION MUNICIPAL TAX ON ELECTRICITY USED IN IHMOKALEE ENTERPRISE ZONE Item #16B1 AWARD BID #97-2614, FOR SINGLE FAMILY CURBSIDE RECYCLING CONTAINERS, TO REHRIG PACIFIC COMPANY IN THE A_MOUNT OF $3.83 PER CONTAINER Item #1682 EXECUTION OF AN EASEMENT DOCUMENT WITH FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR AN EASEMENT ASSOCIATED WITH THE NORTH COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY Item #1683 AWARD CONTRACT FOR BID #97-2621 TO BONNESS, INC., TO INSTALL SIDEWALKS FOR COUNTY-WIDE PATHWAYS I PROJECT (BARFIELD DRIVE, SAN MARCO ROAD, 50TH STREET S.W., SOLANA ROAD), IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,668.85 Item #1684 ACCEPTANCE OF A UTILITY EASEMENT FROM RIVIERA COHMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC., IN TOWNSHIP 50, RANGE 26, SECTION 18 Item #1685 SELECTION COHMITTEE'S LIST OF EIGHT QUALIFIED GENERAL CONTRACTING FIRMS TO RECEIVE AN INVITATION TO BID ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER FACILITY - AS DETAILED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUHNLARY Item #1686 APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT TO THE DAVIS BOULEVARD LANDSCAPE BEAUTIFICATION AND STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN PROJECT AGREEMENT - IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,638.10 Item #1687 STIPULATED FINAL JUDGHENT, FOR COLLIER COUNTY VS. WILLIAM KINSLEY, ET AL, CASE NO 96-1315-CA-01-DRH, PARCELS NOS. 901A,, 706A, 906A, 706B, 906B, 706C, 906C, 706D AND 906D, OFC AND OLD FLORIDA GOLF CLUB, INC., FOR THE PROPOSED NEW RAW WATER WELL SITES FOR THE NCRWTP 8-HGD EXPANSION PROJECT - IN THE A_MOUNT OF $1,207.50 Item #1688 NOTICES OF CLAIH OF LIEN FOR THE ENFORCEHENT OF THE NOTICE TO CONNECT TO COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES AND NOTICE OF IMPACT FEE STATEMENT FOR THE PINE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK HSTU PROJECT, OWNER OF RECORD - STANLEY WHITE JR. - WITH STIPULATIONS Item #16B9 NOTICES OF CLAIM OF LIEN FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE NOTICE TO CONNECT TO COLLIER COUNTY SEWER FACILITIES AND NOTICE OF SEWER IMPACT FEE STATEMENT FOR THE EAST AND SOUTH SANITARY SEWER PROJECT, OWNERS OF RECORD - MARIANO J. LITTERIO AND LYNNE V. CADENHEAD - WITH STIPULATIONS Item #16B10 NOTICES OF CLAIM OF LIEN FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE NOTICE OF SEWER IMPACT FEE STATEMENT FOR THE NAPLES PLAZA, OWNERS OF RECORD - SOUTHERN MANAGEMENT CORP. AND SHELL OIL COMPANY - WITH STIPULATIONS Item #16Bll AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO SUNSHINE EXCAVATORS, INC., FOR LELY HIBISCUS GOLF COURSE CULVERT CROSSING, BID NO. 96-2613 - IN THE A_MOUNT OF $37,726.00 Item #16C1 APPROVE THE CARRY FORWARD OF THE BALANCE REMAINING IN THE SERVICES FOR SENIORS AETNA FUND - IN THE A_MOUNT OF $1,352.48 Item #16C2 RESOLUTION 97-88 ALLOWING THE EXPENDITURE OF COUNTY FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SEVERAL PLAQUES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MEMORIAL TREE PROGRAM Item #16C3 AUTHORIZATION OF A SPECIAL FUNDRAISING EVENT, GULFCOAST SKIHMERS SHOW AND BONFIRE TO BE HELD AT SUGDEN REGIONAL PARK TO RAISE FUNDS FOR BICYCLE PATROL EQUIPMENT FOR THE EAST NAPLES SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION Item #16C4 MARCH, 1997 PROCLAIHED AS PARKS AND RECREATION HONTH; PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED TO HAVE AN OPEN HOUSE FOR THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEPARTMENT; AND RESOLUTION 97-89 RE EXPENDITURE FOR REFRESHMENTS Item #16C5 RESOLUTION 97-90 REAPPOINTING MS. PAT BARTON AND RESOLUTION 97-90A APPOINTING MR. RANDY HERRILL TO REPRESENT COLLIER COUNTY ON THE DISTRICT EIGHT HEALTH AND HUNLA~ SERVICES BOARD Item #16D1 BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROPRIATING CARRY FORWARD IN THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (HOU) FIRST RESPONDER TRAINING PROGRAM IN FUND (490) Item #16D2 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE TWO (2) MAIN DOORS AT THE CENTRAL LIBRARY UNDER WORK ORDER VB-14 - IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,365.00 Item #16D3 SATISFACTION OF CLAIM OF LIEN FOR KERI LYNN REYBURN Item #16D4 APPROVAL OF THE SATISFACTIONS OF NOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGREEMENT TO EXTEND PAYMENT OF SEWER IMPACT FEES Item #16El AUTHORIZE THE ADVERTISEHENT FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED TELECOHMUNICATION ORDINANCE FOR CONSIDERATION Item #16E2 RESOLUTION 97-91 RE THE ESTABLISHHENT OF A TRUST FUND FOR THE EHPLOYEE ADVISORY COHMITTEE TO BENEFIT MORALE AND ESPRIT OF COLLIER COUNTY EMPLOYEES OR OTHER ACTIVITIES RECOHMENDED BY THE EMPLOYEE ADVISORY COHMITTEE Item #16E3 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 97-126, 97-156/157, AND 97-159 Item #16G1 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE No. 102/103 105/106 1996 REAL PROPERTY 51 & 55 Item #1662 SATISFACTION OF LIEN FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER Dated 01-30-97 02-11-97 1996 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 01-08 & 01-24-97 Item #1663 CANCELLATION OF LIEN FOR SERVICES OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER Item #1664 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED The following miscellaneous correspondence as presented by the Board of County Commissioners has been directed to the various departments as indicated: There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 9:38 a.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK These minutes approved by the Board on as presented or as corrected TRANSCRIPT PREPARED ON BEHALF OF DONOVAN COURT REPORTING BY: Christine E. Whitfield, RPR