Resolution 1997-002 (CWS) . . " '.' ~ FILED Ar~ 2S 2 ~s PH 'S1 //," 1/ ~ ORDINANCE NO. 97.17 RESOI.UTION NO CWS.97-2 RESOtUTION NO. MWS-97-1 RESOLUTION NO. GWD-97-1 SrCf,fj'MiY or STATE' /.' it. I'" ,(' . ' \'" . . \.. .' ,\~:\ '\: . ?tt~S..tj) \,leI'#. d 0\ ~oa\ , ~; . .',\ " ':~: ,;, ::. . ( { ~, :. ~ '.. .". .. ..- AN ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS E5TADLlSHING TilE COLLIER COUNTY UTJLlT1ES STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES; PROVIDING FINDINGS AND PURPOSE; PROVllllNG TITI.E AND CITATION; PROVIDING FOR APPLlCABILlTY; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF PREVIOUS ADOPTED WATER AND SEWER ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SERVICE AREAS BY TilE COLLIER COUNTY WATER AND WASTEWATER AUTHORITY; PROVIDING DEFINJTIONS; PROVIDING FOR POLICIES AND 5T ANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL AND DOCUMENT SUBMISSIQNS; PROVIDING FOR OBSERVATION OF CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR UTILITIES CONVEY ANCE PROCEDURES AND FORMS; PROVIDING TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES; PROVIDING FOR TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR WATER TRANSM';~SION AND DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES AND NON-POTABLE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS; PROVIDING FOR PENALTY; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NOS. 88-76, 89-23 AND 89-31; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF RESOLUTION NOS. 89.117 AND 90-111; PROVIDING FOR CONFLlCT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of CountyCommissioncrs of Collier County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier County and Resolved liS Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water.Sewer District. the. Marco Water and Sewer District and the Goodland Water District. has detr.rmined that it is in the best interests of the public's health, safety, and welfare to establish the minimum utility requirements for development of water and distribution and for wastewater collection and transmission facilities within the unincorporated areas of Collier County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND RESOLVED AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF . THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, THE MARCO WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND THE GOODLAND WATER DISTRICT, that: SECTION ONE: FINDINGS AND PURPOSE It is the intent and purpose of this Ordinance.to promote, protect. and improve the health. safety and welfare ofthe citizens or Collier County by the establishment, herein. of standards and procedures for the construction, development. mainten~:!ce, and operation or safe, reliable water and wastewater systems, that mcet the demands of Collier County's rapid land dcvelopment and population growth and that are constructed, developcd, maintained and operated according to the latest technical and professional standards. This Ordinance, therefore, establishes minimum utility rcquirements for development of water transmission and distribution and for wastewater collection and transmission facilities within the unincorporated areas of Collicr County. Florida. . Thill Ordinance ensures that, with respect to all utility conslTUction performed, reliable and economical utility services shall be provided to users of the water and/or wastewater systems wilhin Collier County. All requircments set forth herein arc in conjunction with and supplemental to the Collier County Land Developmcnt Code. (the "LDC"), to the Comer County Growth Management Plan and to such other applicable Collier County Ordinances. Resolutions and/or regulations as are related to land development and/or subdivision of lands within Collier County. The administrative procedures. ordinances, policies and technical standards contained herein, as they apply to the extension and/or development of water and/or wutewater facilities and utility service, shall take precedence if in conflict, over those contained in the LDC. The Public Works Administrator shall review variations, /Tom the standards and procedures establishcd herein, which arc brought about by unique and/or iMovative applications of design principles/solutions to individual projects, Upon such review, the Public Works Administrator, in his discrction, may' approve such variations, provided that, such variation shall not result in system/facility operation or maintenance performance that is less than that which would be provided, in this Ordinance, if recognized, accepted standards are used, and provided further that such variation promotes, protects, and improves the health, safety and welfare of Collier County, Florida. The Collier County Utilities Division, establishcd in February 1977, by the Board of County Commissioners, was created for the following purposes: l' to develop safe, reliable and financially sclf.supporting potable water and sanitary sewage systems which will meet the water and sewerage needs of the rapidly-developing areas of Collier County; 2) to ensure that existing and future watcr and/or wastewater utility systems are constructed, operated and managed at the minimum cost to users and with no direcVindirect financial aid from the Ge.neral Fund; and 3) to develop water and/or wastewatcr systems requiring the most reasonable operating and maintenance costs. . SECTION TWO: TITLE AND CITATION This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Collier County Utility Standards and Procedures Ordinance." SECTION THREE: APPLICABILITY This Ordinance shall be applicable to development activities, within the unincorporated areas of Collier County. Florida. For the purposes of simplicity and brevity. references herein, to Collier County Water-Sewer District shall also refer to the Marco Water and Sewer District and the Goodland Water District, where appropriate as the context requires. This Ordinance shall not 2 SECTION SIX: apply to the Immokalee Water.Sewer District which was created by Special Act of the State Legislature as an Independent District. SECTION FOUR: WATER AND SEWER ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS To implement the objectives set for1h in this Ordinance, the Board of County . Commissioners, acting in their rcgular capacity, as well as, the Ex-Officio Governing Board of the various water and/or sewer districts, has adopted Ordinances, Ordinance amendments and Resolutions on behalf of the County and the various Districts, and therefore, such Ordinances, Ordinance amendments and Resolutions, together with all $uch duly adopted subsequent Ordinancell, Ordinance amendments and Resolutions relating to the standards and procedures regarding watcr and/or Wastewater utilities within Collier County are incorporated in this Ordinance by reference. SECTION FIVE: SERVICE AREAS The following requirements shall apply with respect to the County's review of utility construction within Service Areas in the unincorporated area: 5.1 Construction shall comp'" with the LDC and with the "Technical Standards," i.e., Sec. II of this Ordinance: "Technical Standards for Wastewater Facilities," herein, and with Sec. 12 of this OrdiQance: "Technical Standards for Wat':1' Transmission and Distribution Facilities and Non-Iiotable Irrigation Systems," herein. Requested deviations from the requirements of this Ordinance shall be referred to the Water and Wastewater DeplU1ments for resolution. 5.2 Within the Collier County Water and Wastewater Authority ("CCWW A'''' certificated Service Areas and other Board approved Service Areas, which are granted to individual or joint development projects and which are providing. interim utility service, the utility construction documents for each project shall comply with this Ordinance. Construction shall not commence until the documents have been reviewed and approved by the County and thereafter, the County has issued a written authorization to construct. Conveyance of completed interim utility facilities within these certificated or other approved Service Areas shall be in compliance with this Ordinance. DEFINITIONS 6.1 For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following terms, phrllst:s, and words, shall . have the meaning specilied herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the present tense include future tense, words used in the singular number include the plural, and words used in the plural include the singular. "Shall" is always mandatory; "may" is discretionary. 6.2 Board: Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier County, Florida, and, where appro})riate, as the Ex-Omeio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer. Dintrict, the Marco Water and Sewer District, and/or the Goodland Water District. 3 6.3 CCWSD or District: The Collier County Water.Sewer District, and the Mateo Water and Sewer District and the Goodland Water District, whcre appropriate, as the context requires. 6.4 Construction Document: Construction drawings, technical specifications, hydraulic design rcports, Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("FDEP') Pcrmit . Application, Plats, where required, and othcr supportive documents and data necessary to permit the review of proposed water and/or wastewater system Improvements. 6.5 Contractor: Individual, partnership, agency, organization, corporation or the like liccnsed in the State of Florida to do underground utility construction in Collier County. 6.6 County: Collier County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida and when the context requires or warrants, shall refer to the Public Works Administrator and/or the Division designee. 6.7 County Inspector: A representative of Collier County designal.ed to provide periodic inspection of al\ water and/or wastewater system construt:tion. 6.8 Collier County Development Service, Advisory Committee (DSAC): The IS member commiuee created pursuant to Ordinance No. 95.60 to provide rtporu and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners to assist in the enhancement of the operational efficiency, and budgetary accountability within the Community Development and Environmental Services Division and to serve as a primary communications link between the Division, the development industry and the citizens of Collier County. 6.9 Community Devefopment and Envfronmental Servicn DrrlsltI,,: Division of Collier County which, for purposes of this Ordinance, shall be responsible for procoessins. reviewing and approving waler and/or wastewater service requests, pursuant to the tenns and conditions of this Ordinancc and/or the LDC, including the engineering evaluation, dt'$ign and construction of public wllter and/or wastewater utility systems. As outlined herein, and as set forth in the lDC the "Community Developmcnt and Environmental Services Administrator" shall mean the site developmcnt review director and any successor in function. 6.10 CUE: Collier County Utility Easement. 6.11 Developer: An individual, partnership, corporation, owner, subdivider, including a governmental agency, or designated agents, sur.cessors, or assigns, or such other entity that proposes and/or undertakes the construction of public water and/or wastewater facilities 10 provide service for any property or properties, area development or subdivision in which the water or wastewater facilities are to be extended {i'om, COMccted to or ultimately become part of . the water supply or wastewater system of Collier County Water-Sewer District, Collier CountY, Florida. 6.12 Distribution Main,: Potable or irrigation mains less than 16" in diameter that distribute water at the projcct or customer level. 6.13 Easement: An interest in land, granted to holder by owner of land. Such grant entitles holder to a specific limited use or enjoyment. Holder can be person, persons or the public generally. 4 . . 6.14 Effluent: The treated liquid end product of a wastewater treatment facility, that is reused as reclaimed water for irrigation or other approved purposes. 6.15 Engineer of Record: The "Projcct Engineer," a registered professional engineer of record responsible for the preparation of plans and specifications and other related design documents for the water and/or wastewater facilities being constructed within Collier County, and responsible for certifying the project upon completion. 6.16 Fee: means the non.rcimbursable monetary compensation rendered to the County for construction document review and inspection service provided. 6.17 F.A.C.: Florida Administrative Code. 6.18 FDEP: Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the State Agency responsible for regulating environmental programs and water and/or wastewater utility systems within the State ofFlonda. 6.19 FDOT: Florida Department of Transportation. 6.20 Inspection: Periodic construction site visits by a County representative the purpose of which is to ascertain/insure compliance with County-approved construction documents. Such periodic visits shall occur during construction of the water and/or wastewater improvements, aner completion of construction for preliminary acceptance prior to conveyance of the required water and/or wastewater facilities to the District, and aner the one (1) year Contractual Guarante~ period for final acceptance of the water and/or wastewater facilities by the County. 6.21 Interim Utility Facility: A wat" distribution, transmission treatment and/or supply facility, a wastewater collection, transmission, treatment and/or disposal facility, which, while under construction. is owned by the applicant/developer or other person/entity other than the CCWSD or other dependent District. and which. upon completion of construction, shall be dedicated to CCWSD or other dependent District Such facilities shall remain interim if the CCWSD or other dependent District utility fucilities arc not available for connection and in such event. shall be leased back to the applicant/developer. pursuant to a Facilities Agreement, with operation and maintenance responsibilities, until such time as the CCWSD or other dependent District. where appropriate, arc available for connection. 6.22 LDC: Collier County Land Development Code, as amended from time to time. 6.23 Lateral Sf!Wer: A sewer which discharges into a branch or other sewer facilities and has only building sewers tributary to it. 6.24 Letter of Commitment: Written verification from a privalely-owned or franchised utility as outlined in Src. i .1, which a Developer is required to submit to County prior to submittal of construction document. This Letter shall clearly verifY the type and capacity of water and/or wastewater utility services available, as well as any restrictions or requiremenlllthc utility may have regarding issuance of a binding written commitment for service to a proposed development. 5 6.25 Miuter Plan Development: A tentative plan showing the proposed development of a tract ofland for which development is to be carried out in one (I) or more stages. See: Site Alteration Plan, Site Development Plan, and Site Improvement Plan as described in LDC. 6.26 Modification: Revisions to c:onstruction documents, as requested by the Engineer of Rccord and which have been approved by the County, when such revision necessitates an . additional review and approval process. Revisions requested by the County are exempt from this fee. 6.27 Non-PotAble Water Facility: A facility used as a source of water for irrigation, cooling, or other uscs. Facilities uscd as a source for drinking, culinary or domestic purposes are excluded from the dcfinition of non-potablc water supply wells. 6.28 Person or Entity: Individual, partnership, agency, association. private or public corporation, organization, or political subdivision or the like which desircs to construct water and/or wastewater system improvements and/or requires the services of the County. 6.29 Potable Water Facf/lty: Facility used as a source for drinking, culinary, or domestic purposes. 6.30 Probable Cost of Construction: Cost estimate prepared by the Engineer of Record for the water and/or wastcwater . }Stem improvements submittcd for revicw. 6.31 Project: Watcr and/or wastewater systcm improvements illustrated and described in the construction documcnts for thc dcvelopment of land in the unincorporated areas of Collier County. 6.32 Public Works Division: Division of Collier County comprised of various departments including Wllter and Wastewater Departments. Public Works is responsible for the managcment, operation and maintenance of the Collier County Water.Sewer District. The Public Works Division, together with the Community Development and Environmental Services Division shall have the rt.:;ponsibility for approving water, wastcwater, and, in some cases, effluent irrigation system requests and the engineering cvaluation, including the design and construction for all County-owned water, wastewatcr and ernuent irrigation systems as outlined within this Ordinance. Requested deviation from the requirements of this Ordinance shall be referred to the Water and Wastewatcr Departments for resolution and require a writlen response from the appropriate Director in order to be implemented. 6.33 Right-of-Way: A strip of land, public or private, occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, crosswalk, railroad, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, stO"" drainageway, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, or for similar special use. The usage of . the term "right-of.way" for land platting purposes shall mean that cvery right-of.way, whether public or private, or as an casement, hereafter established and shown on a plat is to be separate and distinct from the lots or parcels adjoining such right-of-way and not included within the dimensions or areas of such lots or parcels. 6.34 Sanitary Sewer Facfilty: A wastewater utility facility. 6 . . 6.35 Service: Work incurred by the County to review and approve watcr and/or wastewater system construction documents and provide Inspection during and after construction of said improvements. 6.36 Sewerage S)'stem,Central ("Wastewater S)'stem, Central"): A system for the collection and disposal or sewage, in accordance with the approval of requisite federal, state, and county agencies. The system shall serve residential dwellings, commcrcial, industrial, institutional or other uses and shall include pipes, manholes, pumps, wet wells, tanks, treatment plants and other appurtenances which comprise the system. 6.37 Sewerage System, /ndlvidllal (Wastewater S)'$tem, Individual"): A system designed to serve one unit (as delined in the health code used by Collier County) comprised or pipes. tanks, and subsurface absorption field, or other approved treatment device, for handling and disposing of sewage wastes. 6.38 Service Arell: The geographical area described in a Franchise Certificate or other approval granted by the Board to a utility to provide utility servic.e within the boundaries or a specified geographic area or areas and the geographical areas served by the Board. The geographical area may be referred to also as "territory," "service areas," or "certificated area," 6.39 Sewer Sen'i.:r.: A gravil) sewer pipe which extends from the main sewer pipe to the customer's point of connection at the public right-of-way or the utility easement limit. 6.40 SFWMD: The South Florida Water Management District, established pursuant to Chapter 373, Fla. Stat: 6.41 Transmission Mains: Potable or irrigation mains 16" in diameter and larger that distribute water over a regional or sub-regional area. 6.42 Unincorporated Arell: Areas lying outside any established corporate city or municipal boundary line and outside the boundaries or any independent Special Improvement District or service area established by the State Legislature for water and sewer service. 6.43 Utility: Any person or business entity, lessee, trustee and/or receiver, owning, operating, managing, or controlling a system, or proposing construction of a system, who or which is providing or proposes to provide potable water and/or non-potable water, or bulk water, and/or wastewater service, or any combination thereof, within any unincorporated area of the County to the public for compensation, but excluding only the following: a) Property used solely or principally in the business of bottling, selling. distributing or furnishing bottled water or portable treatment facilities; or b) Systems owned, operated, managed, or conlrOlle4 by a Governmental Agency; or c) Manufacturers providing such utility service solely in cOMection with their own manufacturing operations; or d) Each public lodging establishment providing such utility service solely in connection with lodging service to its guests; or 7 c) Each landlord or Homeowners' Association providing utility service to their own tenants or unit owners without specific compensation for any suc:h utility service; or Each watcr system and/or sewer system which has a rated capacity (at maximum day system peak) of less than 2.000 gallons pcr day pcr utility service; or 1) . g) Any Utility which derives less than fifty percent (50%) of its revenues from unincorporated areilS of the County with the balance derived from the incorporated area. Any Utility which derives fifty percent (50%) or more of its revenucs from the unincorporated areas of the County shllll be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance as they relate to only the rates, fees, and charges charged by the Utility in its unincorporated area(s); or h) Any utility system that is Ihen serving less than one hundred (100) customers with water and/or sewer service. For the purpose of this subparagraph, a "customer" is not each individual served. Each residence, apartment unit, condominium unit, office or other unit of a building or structure, each rr.;bile home, each recreational vehicle, etc., is onc (1) cllstOmer. A duplex is two (2) customers; a triplex Is three (3) customers, etc. i) Systems solely for tenants or occupants 01: govemmental buildings, religious, educational or cultural institutions or facillties, or for recreational, scientific or institutional facilities. j) Systems not owned by a Franchisee that arc downline !Tom the Franchisee's master meter and arC operated and submetered by a master metered customer of the Franchisee for resale to individual residential or commercial consumers occupying property owned or otherwise lawfully controlled by that master mctered customer. 6.44 Vlltity Code Subcommittee of DSA C: A subcommittee of DSAC, created pursuant to Ordinance No. 95.60 to review and make recommendations on technical and other issues relating to utility matters and to act as a liaison between the Community Development and Environmental Services Division and the Public Works Division on such matters. 6.45 Ulilitles Performance Security (UPS): A Performance Bond, Cash Bond or an Irrevocable Letter of Credit, or other authorized form of security furnished by a community . development district pursuant to the LDC, furnished by the Developer to the County or the District, prior to commencement of construction, for all water and wastewater construction to guarantee the construction and the wor1crnanship and materials for the warranty period after the utility facilities have been conveyed to the County or appropriate Water-Sewer District, or upon completion of the utility facilities when construction occurs on private property. See Sec. 8.5 for specific details on this Performance Security. 8 .. _~ AJ J._ ._._ .. 6.46 Water Service: A water servicc installation which includes: tapping saddle, corporation stop, service line and meter installation, meter box and back now prevention dcvice, if required, extended to propeny line or utility easement limit. 6.47 Wastewater: "Sewage," or "sewerage," means a combination of the liquid and water-cllmcd pollutants from a residence, commercial building, industrial plant, or institution, 81 together with any groundwater, surface runoff, or leachate that may be prcsent. 6.48 Wastewater System: "Sewer," "sewer system," or "sewerage system" means any and all plant, systcrn, facility or property, and additions, extensions and improvcments thercto at any future lime construct cd to acquire as pan thereof, useful or necessary or then having capacity for future use in conncction with the collection, treatment, purification and disposal of sewage of any nature, originating from any source, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes treatment plants, pumping stations, lift stations, valves, force mains, intercepting sewers, laterals, pressure lines, mains, and all necessary appurtenances and equipment: also includes all wastewater mains and laterals for the reception and collection of sewage from premises connected therewith; also includes all real and personal property and any interest therein, rights, easements, and franchises of any nature relating to any such system and necessary or convenient for the operation thereof. 6.49 Water System: Any and all plant, system, facility or property, ntld additions, extensions and improvements thereto at then future times, constructed or acquired as part thereof, useful or necessary or having the then present capacity for future USe in connection with the development of sources, treatment or puri fication and distribution of water, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes dams, reservoirs, storage tanks, lines, valves, pumping stations, laterals and pipes for the purpose ofcan:ying water to the premises connected with such system; also includes all real and personal property and any interest or rights therein, easements, and franchises of any nature whatsoever relating to any such system and necessary or convenient for the operation thereof. SECTION SEVEN: POLICIES AND STANDARDS 7.1 Utility Service: Availability As a requirement to Developer's submittal of construction documents, Developer shall obtain prior written verification, from the Public Works Division, which shall I) ascertain the current status of utility service, if any; 2) identifY restrictions, if any, of availability of such services; 3) provide pertinent facts regarding location and availability of County's existing and/or . proposed utility systems. The Division shall respond in writing to all such requests. Provided that, if current and available County utility facilities are not existing, Developer shall provide, or otherwise obtain, interim utility service, only, to the subject property. In the event the proposed development is outside the service area of the CCWSD, but within the Service Area of a private or franchised utility company, a Letter of Commitment for service must be submitted from the private or franchised utility outside its Service Area upon approval by the Board. 9 The Leiter shall clearly describe the type and capacity or the utility services available, as weH as any restrictions or requirements the Utility may have regarding Ihe issuance of a binding written commitment for service to the proposed development. In the event that central waler and/or wastewater service is not available to a proposed project, it shaH be the Developer's responsibility to clearly and fully detail the steps that will be. taken to provide interim utility scrvices. 7.2 FDEP Permits With respect to devclopment and/or release of FDEP Construction Permit Applications from the Community Development and Environmental Serviees Division, approval of the construction documcnts for the water and/or wastewater facilities is mandatory before the County executes and releases applications for any required FDEP permits. Prior to commencement of construction, FDEP permit must be issued. Provided that, with respect to development of and/or construction activities for an interim ulility facility, the Developer may obtain executed FDEP permit applications prior to County's final written approval of construction documents. However, under no circumstances shall construction commence with such an interim utitity facility until the construction commencement criteria in Section 8.6 has been met. With respect to those service areas outside the CCWSD, copies or all approved FDEP construction and operating permits shall be submined to the County immediately upon issuance and receipt. With respect JO the FDEP Certification of Completion of ConslTUction forms, the Community Development and Environmental Services Division will have the forms executed by the Public Works Division after Ihey receive the Preliminary Inspection approval letter during the Preliminary Acceptance process. The fonns will be rcleased by Community Development and Environmental Services as soon as they arc returned to them. 7.3 Design and Performance Standard Manuals and Publications The minimal, but mandatory, utility design requirements of this Ordinance arc established by the most recent technical standards, procedures and criteria, as set forth in the latest edition of the publications, ll:;t:d below, and as are supplemented by thc standards specifically set forth in this Ordinance. The minimal, but mandatory. utility design requirements set forth in the listed publications are incorporated herein and arc, thereby, an integral part of this Ordinance. Deviation from the established criteria, as set forth below in Ihe manuals/publications, is not precluded, provided that, the Engineer of Record shall provide, for County's review, a design deviation based on such rational criteria that promotes, protects, and/or improves the public's health, safety and welfare and upon such showing, receives the County's prior wrinen approval. County approval shall not be granted to any proposed design that jeopardizes the publie health, safety and welfare, or that otherwise would rcsult in a system performance less than that which would otherwise be provided to the public by adherenee to the recognized and accepted industry standards set forth in the following manuals/publications: 7.3.1 Water Pollution Control Federation, Manual of Practice No.8, Wastewater Treatment Plant Design, W.P.C.F., 2626 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. to 7.3.2 Water Pollution Control Federation, Manual of Practice No. 9, Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers, W.P.C.F., 2626 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037. 7.3.3 Great Lakes/Upper Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary Engineers, 1978 or latest edition. Recommended Standards for Sewage Works, Health Education Service, Inc., P.O. Box 7283, Albany, New York 12224. 7.3.4 Great Lakes,ndpper Mississippi River Board of State Sanitary Engineers, 1982 or latest edition. Recommended Standards for Water Works, Health Education Service, Inc., P.O. Box 7283, Albany, New York 12224. 7.3.5 Rules of the Department of Environmental Protection, Chapter 17-6, Wastewater Facilities and Chapter 17-22, Water Suppliers. 7.3.6 American Water Works Association, Inc., Water Treatment Plant Design. AWWA, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado, 80235. 7.3.7 American Water Works Association, AWWA Standards. AWWA, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80235. 7.3.8 Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, Handbook, Ductile Iron Pipe/Cast Iron Pipe. Ductile Iron Pipe Research A.:sociation, 245 Riverchase Parkway East, Birmingham, Alabama 35244. 7.3.9 ,Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association, Handbook of PVC Pipe, Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Associati6n, 2655 Villa Creek Drive, Suit: 164, Dallas, Texas 75234. 7.3. l 0 American National Standards Institute, latest revision. 7.3.11 American Society for Testing and Mateddais, Volumes 1.02, 4.01, 4.02, 4.05, 6.02. 7.3,12 American Water Works Association, Inc., AWWA Manual, M-14. 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80235. 7.3.13 American Water Works Association, Inc., AW'WA Manual, M-22. 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80235. 7.4 Utility Leases Water and/or wastewater facilities constructed for a development which cannot immediately connect to a District owned-and-operated system shall be dedicated to the Board, or as appropriate to the context, the Marco Water and Sewer District or the Goodland Water District, and, at the time of such dedication, shall be leased-back to the Owner of such water and/or wastewater treatment facility. Such facility shall be deemed an interim utility facility for the lease term, i.e., until such time, as such facility is capable of and is, in fact, connected to a District owned-and-operated system. At no time shall the District operate and/or maintain an interim utility facility. The terms and conditions of such lease term shall be set forth pursuant to a written lease agreement, "Facilities Agreement;' executed by and between the Owner/Developer and Board/District, the standard form of which is set fotlh in Appendix A, as may be amended. The Facilities Agreement shall further set forth the terms, conditions, and mutual responsibilities of the signatory panics, their successors, and assigns, with respect to the dedication, the lease-back, the operation and maintenance of such interim utility facility, and the ultimate connection to the off-site facility owned and operated by the Board. Each Facility Agreement shall be negotiated on a case by case basis, agreed to and executed by and between the parties prior to construction commencement of the proposed facilities. Such Facilities Agreement shall be a pan of the legal documents to be approved and accepted by the Board at the time that the water and/or wastewater facilities are conveyed to the Board. Project developers, their successors, or assigns, shall be responsible for costs incurred by County in order to maintain interim utility facilities in compliance with FDEP water quality regulations. Such costs shall be born by the Developers, their successors, or assigns, until sufficient construction has occurred, to create usage significant enough to properly maintain the system without additional maintenance activities on the part of County. Charges for water used shall be billed at the District irrigation rate. 7.5 Construction Observation and Inspection The construction of all water and/or wastewater facilities must be observed and certified by the Engineer of Record and be inspected by the County. The nature and extent of the construction observation and inspection is detailed in Section 9.4. 7.6 Utilities Conveyance and/,cceptance The transfer of ownership of any utility facility, including an interim utility facility, to the District shall comply l~'ith the requirements of law, as set fo:'th in the Florida Statutes, County Resolutions, and/or Ordinance Nos. 78-10 and 79-33, as amended and/or their successors. Reference Section 10: Utility Conveyance Procedures. 7.7 Utility Easement All uses of Collier County utility easements (CUE) shall be in accordance with this Ordinance or other Board approved uses and shall be for the exclusive sub-surface use of the Board or other County approved uses. All CUEs shall comply with relevant LDC requirements, unless specificall'7 authorized to do otherwise, in writing by the Water and/or Wastewater Directors. Any other use of a CUE not authorized by County and/or approved by the Board is prohibited, other than service crossings. Any use of a CUE that creates a hazard to the water and/or wastewater facilities or the employees of the Board/County/CCWSD in the performance of their duties is prohibited. Private road fight-of-ways with CUE overlays are exempt from the exclusive use provision, however, all design setback and construction requirements of the Ordinance shall be adhered to. Privately-owned utilities may be allowed within a CUE, subject to prior approval by the County, and provided that such privately-owned utility does not hinder operation and maintenance activities or does not create an unnecessary financial burden to the rate payers of the District. Above-ground improvements such as, but not limited to, paved parking, decorative walls and landscaping shall be permitted to be installed within a CUE by the grantor, its successors or assigns. However, the cost of any and all repair, replacement, maintenance and restoration of the aforementioned improvements shall be the sole financial responsibility of the grantor, its successors or assigns as set forth in the County's standard CUE language. 12 Combined water-sewer easements shall be agreed upon on a case by case basis, dependent on depth or lines and shall not be combined, unless and until approved by the Water and Wastewater Directors and the Communit~J Development and Environmental Services Administrator. Width or Easements. a) Minimum width of water main, force main, and/or effluent main easements shall be 15 feet. b) Minimum width of gravity sewer casements shall bc twice the depth or the line or l 5 feet., whichever is greater; c) Lift station easements shall be twice the depth by twice the depth of the lift station or 30 feet by 30 feet, whichever is greater. and d) Combined water-sewer casements shall be agreed upon on a ease by ease basis, dependent upon depth of lines. Minimum distance between water and sewer lines shall be 10 feet as required by FDEP and this Ordinance. 7.8 Building Permits -- Connection Fees and Charges County shall not approve the issuance of a building permit until the utility construction documents, together with the associate,' Plat has been reviewed and approved pursuant to the LDC, and all appropriate water and/or wastewater system development charges, impact fees and connection fees have been paid. The Developer shall be responsible for coordinating development activitie~ with the County, to ensure that all the necessary utility construction documents, plats, etc., are submitted for review and approval. Temporary use permits shall be exempt from the utility construction document approval requirement prior to Building Permit approval, unless specific conditions preclude such exemption. 7.9 Certificates of Occupancy A Certificate or Occupancy shall not be issued for any structure prior to preliminary acceptance of all water and/or wastewater facilities required by this Ordinance or the LDC. SECTION EIGHT: CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL AND DOCUMENT SUBMISSIONS 8. ! General This section establishes the County's minimum requirements, pursuant to, or in addition to, the minimum LDC requirements, for the submission of the following construction documents, by the Developer/Owner and/or Contractor, for County's review; however, County may require additional data, as County deems necessary, to complete its review of.' a) Water and/or wastewater facilities for proposed new developments connected to existing water and/or wastewater systems; and b) Water and/or wastewater facilities for proposed new developments to be served by interim water and/or wastewater treatment plants. 8.2 Construction Documents 8.2.1 Preparation of Construction Documents. Construction drawings and technical specifications for the construction, extension and/or modification of water and/or 13 wastewater facilities shall he prepared by, or under the supervision of, and shall be ccrlified by the Engineer of Record, a Professional Engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Florida, under Chapter 47 l, Florida Statutes. 8.2.2 Prcsubmittal Conference. It is recommended that prior to initial submission to County of construction documcnts, the Owner/Developer or their authorized agent, (the "applicant") confcr with the Public Works Administrator and Community Devclopmcnt and Environmental Services Administrator to obtain information and guidance, to initiate an informal preliminary review, pursuant to the LDC, as may he mended, before substantial commitments of time and/or money are made in preparation and submission of further documentation. 8.2.3 SubmiUals. Unless instructed otherwise at lhe Presubmittal Conference, initial submittal of construction documents, together with any supportive mateddals, shall be submitted to the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator or designce and shall be accompanied by a descriptive cover letter. The cover letter shall contain, but not be limited to, the following: a. Project Name. b. Location of Project. c. Type ofut.:;ty construction proposed. d. Estimated number of water and sewer users to be served by the proposed construction. 'c. Explanation of what action the County is being requested to take regarding the matcddals submitted, f. List of documents attached. g. Enginecr's Report - A concise report summarizing the proposed construction including connections, phasing, assumptions and estimated flows. In the event the proposed construction is part of a proposed subdivision development and plat rcview process, applicant shall additionally follow, unless set forth otherwise, herein, the "Development Requirements" procedurcs set forth in LDC, as may be mended. LDC references to Ordinance 88-76 (repealed herein) shall for all puq3oses be deemed references to this Ordinance. The County requires complete data and information with this initial submission in order to efficiently provide the necessa~ review. For this reason, a "standard transmittal" form will not be acceptable for the initial submission. However, transmittal forms may be utilized for the subsequent submittal of revised documents, additional items requested by the County and other information pertinent to the review and approval process. 8.2.4 Schedule of Fees and Charges. The Board shall establish by Resolution, a Schedule of Fees and Charges for construction document processing, inspection services and sales. The Schedule shall be posted in the Division of Community Development and Environmental Services. The Resolution shall be filed with the Clerk to the Board. The Schedule may be changed from time to time, pursuant to standard resolution adoption and 14 amendmere procedures. The Construction Document Rcview Fee shall be submitted with the construction document submission. The Construction Document Review Rcsubmission Fee shall bc required if County's review requires a third rcvicw, in addition to the initial review and one rcsubmission. The resubmission fee shall be submitted at the time the third submission is made. The Construction Inspection Fee shall be submitted prior to the final construction plan approval. The Construction Document Modificatlon fec shall bc submitted upon written request by the County prior to final approval or the modifications requested. The Developer shall be responsible for the paymcnt or all fees identified above. 8.2.5 Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate. The Engineer or Record shall furnish three (3) complete sets of the construction drawings and two (2) sets of the technical specifications or, as othe~'isc required by the LDC. Construction drawings shall bc prepared on standard size 24" x 36" sheets. Tcchnical specifications shall hc typewritten on 8-1/2" x ! l" sheets and bound in an acceptable manner. Teclmieal specifications shall include an estimate of probable construction cost, prepared by the EnBineer of Record, which contains a summary of quantities and estimate of installed cost for the water and/or wastewater facilities proposed for construction. The cost estimate shall be prepared by the Engineer of Record and submitted in itemized form to include the cost or all :'equired improvements or the contract bid price for all work necessary to complete the required improvements. Incorporation ortechnieal specifications into the construction drawings, in lieu of a separate set of written specifications as described above, shall not be'acceptable, unless written waiver is granted by the Public Works Administrator or designce. The construction documents shall be submitted to the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator for review and written approval prior to the commencement of construction. The construction documents shall consist of, but not be limited to: a) Cover Sheet with Location Map; b) Site Utility Master Plan, indicating the overall site development and all proposed utility improvements including easements, with references to the appropriate plan and profile sheets. If phasing of the project is proposed, phases shall be indicated on this drawing. For proposed points of connection to existing water and/or wastewater facilities, the site utility plan shall indicate the method and materials to be used. Actual location of existing sewer mains or laterals and water lines stubs shall be shown, where applicable; c) Identification of individual lots for subdivisions and/or buildings and structures for condominiums, multi-family projects, etc.; d) For all projects, except single-family subdivisions, the proposed meter location to service each structure shall bc iljustrated (final meter sizes shall be determined by the Collier County customer service representative.) For preliminary meter sizing, see impact fee Ordinance, as amended, superseded or consolidated; 15 c) All cxisdng utility casements on the particular property shall bc shown on the drawings, Proposed casements may bc required to be shown if the site waTking space is confined, as determined by County on a case-by-case basis. Easements required to bc shown, shall be clearly labeled and shall show the width and limits. Sec Section 10.2. ! -2. f') Plan and prot~le shccts shall indicate the horizontal and vertical locations for all ~:atcr and/or wastewater improvements, including all appurtenances, as well as, other proposed and/or cxistlng racilitics, together will all conflicts in the same general location. Special profile sheets shall be required when unique situations or complex conflicts occur that cannot be clearly detailed on standard plan and profile forms. Without exception, profiles shall be positioned on the sheet directly below the plan sectlea they are iljustrating: g) Watcr and/or wastewater standard details. Use of the technical standards contained in the appendices C and D shall be required for all construction projects. Pavement restoration, back fill standards, compaction requirements, etc., regarding work within the public rights-of-way or CUE shall be governed by the rules and regulations established by the Public Works Division. Standard details involving these items shall reflect the requirements of the Public Works Division; h) Complete Lift Station drawings, specifications, as required, and details including shop drawings, when necessary, shall be submitted. A special site plan of the lit~ station and appurtenances shall be provided. It shall contain specific details on the configuration of the station, location of appurtenances, such as electric service and transformers, guard posts, control panel, etc., and the proposed location with respect to roadways, sidewalks or bikE; paths, driveways and proposed or existing rights-of-way or utility casements; i) Internal water and/or wastewater system hydraulic calculations as outlined in Section 12. 8.2.6. Ordinance 80-112. When connection to a central wastewater system, other than those operated and maintained by the County or an appropriate Water-Sewer District, is proposed, the requirements or County Ordinance No. 80-112 and amendments or successor Ordinance thereto shall be satisfied and shall comply with See. 7.2 herein: "Utility Service: Availability." 16 8.2.7 Rights-or-Way Permits. Construction within dedicated public rights-of- way shall rcquirc an approvcd permit from the appropriate governmental County, State and/or Federal agency. A copy of the approved permit shall be submitted, to the County, prior to the project pro-construction meeting. Utility construction within a right-of-way owned by the State of Florida, shall require a FDOT Utility Permit. When companion FDEP permit applications must bc obtained, they wilt be released for processing prior to final FDOT permit approval, provided the construction documents are satisfactory to the Public Works Administrator. 8.3 Fire Control District Approval All construction drawings containing water distribution facilities shall bc reviewed by and shall require written approval by the appropriate independent Fire Control Districts. Fir~ hydrant location design shall be in compliance with the LDC or NFPA Regulations, latest edition, whichever is more restrictive. The Fire Control District must provide the County with a letter approving the number and location of the fire protection facilities to ser~,e the project. This letter shall contain an agreement by the Fire Control District to accept Ihe ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the hydrants after construction is complete pursuant to the established policy or each individual Fire Control District on the effective date of this Ordinance. The Public Works Division will be resl: ,:~sible for the fire hydrant lead up to and including the gate valve as specified in Sec. 12.?, unless the Fire Districts do not accept ownership of the fire hydrants and leads after the isolation valve in which case the entire lead and fire hydrant should be dedicated to the Co~anty. Upon completion of the water system construction, the Engineer of Record must provide to the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator or designee, field fire-flow testing documentation that establishes that adequate fir~-flow capabilities exist. The Engineer of Record must incorporate demand capacity and meter sizing data into the construction drawings for those projects which utilize a master water meter, to which fire hydrants shall be connected, which establish that the water meter selected does pass the total flows required by the project. The County or appropriate Water-Sewer District shall not be responsible fore, and/or shall be held harmless from any damages, or loss, resulting from inadequate sizing of a water meter to supply fire flow, in addition to domestic coincident drafts, for a particular project. Data on the meter sizing analysis shall also be contained in the hydraulic design report discussed in Paragraph 8.2.3(g). 8.4 Plats A copy of the proposed plat for new subdivisions which contain water and/or wastewater facilities shall be submitted with the construction drawings to the County for review and approval. All utility easements which will be required for the water and/or wastewater facilities shall be shown on the plat, if possible. Further, the dedication block on the cover sheet shall contain statements for the following: a) That all Utility Easements for water and/or wastewater facilities and Ingress and Egress fights, where appropriate, are provided to Collier !? County and the appropriate Water-Sewer District to install, operatc and maintain water and/or wastewater utillty facilities within the Platted Area; and b) Applicable water and/or wast:water facilities constructed within this Platted Area shall be conveyed to the Board for the appropriate Water- Sewer District upon acceptance of the improvcmcnts required by the Plat. All plats shall include a signature block for the Board, (or where appropriate, the Marco Water and Sewer District and the Goodland Water District). Final approval of construction docum~;ots for a project will not be made until the proposed plat has been duly approved by the Board pursuant to the LDC requirements. Plats submitted and approved by the Board shall be in complcte accordance with this Ordinance. Any requests for deviations from this Ordinance shall be clearly outlined in the executive summary, with a copy sent to the affected Department(s). Deviations approved as pan of the plat shall not be valid unless clearly outlined in the applicant's submittal letter. If a plat is not required for a specific project, the Engineer of Record shall provide documentation confirming that fact so that the County can determine the extent of utility easements which must be provided. 8.5 Utilities Performance Secarity The Developer shall be required to furnish a utilities performance security ("UPS") in an amount equal to i 10% of the Engincer's Probably Cost of Construction for Water and/or Wastewater Facilities'. The Developer shall submit the UPS with the final construction documents, the UPS must be approved by the Collier County Attomey's Office prior to commencement or utility construction. A UPS is not required for the construction phase of a project, provided development is occurring on private, unsubdivided property, or if the UPS has been previously provided to the County, pursuant to the LDC requirements. The UPS shall be required on all projects during the guarantee or warranty period as described herein. Upon conveyance of utility facilities to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County as the Governing Body of Collier County, Florida, and Ex-O~cio the Governing Board for the appropriate Water-Sewer Districts, the Developer may request a reduction in the UPS in an amount equal to ten percent (I0%) of the probable cost of utility construction for the required guarantee or warranty period. For completion of facilities constructed on private, unsubdivided property, a ten percent (10%) UPS must be provided to, and accepted by, the County prior to preliminary acceptance of the completed utility facilities. Whenever reasonably possible, the UPS amount shall be based on the actual bid price of the water and/or wastewater facilities. Whenever a bid price is utilized, a copy of the accepted bidders proposal form must be submitted with the UPS. The UPS shall be held by the County and shall secure and cover the performance of the Developer in construction and maintaining the subject water and/or wastewater improvements. Acceptable types of UPSs shall be a Performance Bond, a Cash Bond or an irrevocable Letter of Credit. No other form of security will be accepted unless a waiver of the requirements herein is granted by the Board. All surety companies associated with a performance Bond shall hold a current Ccrti~cate of Authority, as issued by the Treasure 18 Department, as an acceptable surety on federal bonds under an Act of Congress approved July 30, 1947. Attorneys-in-fact who sign a Performance Bond must file with the Bond a certified copy of their Power of Attorney Certificate, The Bond must either be signed, or countersigned by a Florida resident agent. The surety shall be directly responsible to the County, should the bond have to be utilized to complete any repairs or work on the project. The issuer of any Letter of Credit shall be a fedorally-insured and regulated savings and loan association or commercial bank, authorized to do and doing business the State of Florida. Any Letter of Credit must be irrevocable and address both the construction and maintenance obligations of the Developer in a form acceptable 1o the Collier County Attorney. The beneficiary of any Letter of Credit shall be the Board. The beneficiary of a Letter of Credit provided as a UPS shall be entitled to draw on the Letter or Credit if: 1) the Developer has failed to construct or maintain the subject water and/or wastewater improvements; or 2) if the Letter of Credit is scheduled to expire prior to final inspection, as described in paragraph 10.3 hereof, and alternative performance security has not been provided and accepted in accordance with this · Ordinance within three (3) business day.'. prior to the expiration date. A final inspection of the subject water and/or wastewater facilities shah be conducted prior to release of a UPS. All construction and maintenance obligations covered by a UPS shall be guaranteed and maintained by the Developer until satisfactory completion of the final inspection. To schedule the final inspection, the Count~/shall provide written notice to the Engineer of Record, if practicable, approximately thirty (30) days prior to the completion or the one-year period from the facilitie.~ acceptance by the County. final inspection shall be conducted by the representatives of the county, Engineer of Record, Contractor, and Developer. The LIPS shall remain, at all times, in full force and effect until the county provides written notification that the final inspection has been satisfactorily completed. Upon such written notification, the County shall return and release the UPS to the Project Engineer or the Developer's designated agent. 8.6 Construction Commencement Water and/or wastewater facilities construction shall commence only after receipt of the following: 1. a) Final written approval of the construction documents, or b) Preliminary Work Authorization (PWA) approval as outlined in LDC. 2. FDEP construction permits for the water and/or wastewater systems. 3. Any other pen'nit that may be required for water and/or wastewater construction, including, but not limited to, a SFWMD ERP or MSW, ACOE Dredge-Fill, NPDES, FDOT, etc. 4. Pro-construction meeting as outlined in Section 9.2. 19 8.7 Construction Document Modification AB modifications to County-approved constr~ction documents must be approv~ by the County prior to construction. The Engineer of Record shall submit a Construction Document Modification including a written technical description of all modifications, the review fee, and the revised construction drawings to lhe County for written approval prior to construction. SECTION NINE: CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND INSPECTION 9.1 General Installation of all water and/or wastewaler facilities and/or connections to existing utility facilities within the County shall be observed and inspected by qualifi~ professional and technical personnel. Construction observation and inspection is required to ensure that the facilities accepted by the Board have been installed in substantial accordance with the County- approved construction drawings and technical specifications. Construction observation and inspection is further necessary to ensure that the County and the water and/or wastewater Districts shall receive utility facilities which shall require minimum capital expenditure for operation and maintenance. 9.2 Pre-Construction Meetin,; Upon County approval of a project's construction documents and prior to the commencement or construction, a pro-construction meeting shall be conducted, pursuant to the LDC. The pre-consffuetion meeting shall be held in the offices or the County or, .ir deemed appropriate, at the office of the Engineer or Record. The pro-construction meeting shall be artended, where necessary, by representatives of the County, the Applicants, the Engineer or Record, the Utility Companies, the Contractor and the Developer. At the pre-constructlon meeting, a schedule or construction activities and copies or all applicable state and redoral permits shall be provided to the County representative(s). At least 48 hours written notice shall be provided for scheduling the pro-construction meeting with the County. Should any utilities construction commence prior to the pro-construction meeting, the County shall have the fight to require partial or full exposure of all completed work for observation, inspection and verification that the utilities were installed in substantial accordance with the approved construction documents and technical specifications. 9.3 Construction Scheduling All water and/or wastewater faeifities construction in right-of-way areas including pressure testing and sewer lamplng shall be completed in substantial accordance with the approved construction ph'ms and technical specifications prior to proceeding with the stabilization of the roadway subgrade. Installation of improvements which would complicate corrective work on the water and/or wastewater facilities shall be considered in scheduling all adjoining or related phases of the construction. The County shall be notified within 24 hours, with written follow-up, of any problems and/or conflicts with the construction of required improvements as they affect the completion of the proposed facilities in substantial accordance with the approved construction plans and technical specifications. Failure to comply with this 2o regulation shall constitute just cause for the issuance of a Stop Work Order by the County; and the County shall have the right to require partial or full exposure of any related work which has been completed in order to observe, inspect, and verify that the utilities were installed in substantial accordance with the approved construction plans and technical specifications. 9.4 Construction Observation and Inspection 9.4. I General Pursuant to the F.A.C., Chapters 17-6 and 17-22, the construction of water and/or wastewater facilities requires a Professional Engineer CP.E.") to certify the construction was completed in substantial accordance with the approved construction plans and technical specifications. The certification must be based upon on-site observation of construction; therefore, all water and/or wastewater facilities construction shall require on-site construction observation complying with the LDC and F.A.C., Chapters 17-6.140(5)3 and 17-22.108(6)4, as may be amended. The construction observation shall be performed by a P.E. licensed to practice in the State of Florida or a designated technical representative under the P.E.'s direction. The P.E.'s certification of construction compliance with County-approved construction documents, verities that the water and/or wastewater facilities are constructed in compliance with Record Drawings. Reference Section 10: :Jtilitles Conveyance Procedures. 9.4.2 Construction Inspections by County Upon final approval of construction documents by the County, the Engineer of Record will be provided with a list of standard inspections which require the presence of a County representative. All required inspections shall be identified in the County's approval letter for the project. Based upon the scheduling and profess of construction, the Engineer of Record or applicant's contractor shall be responsible for requesting County inspections. Written requests for inspections shall be provided to the County at least 48 hours prior to the requested inspection to allow scheduling of the County Inspector. Verbal confirmation of the inspection time or a request to reschedule the inspection during the County inspection, the Engineer of Record or his/her designated representative will be available on-site. Routine County inspections will be carried out without notice on all water and/or wastewater facilities construction to ensure compliance with the approved construction documents. In the event the County Inspector, or an employee of the Public Works Division, during an on-site inspection, find construction in progress which does not comply with the procedures and policies contained herein and/or the approved construction documents, the County Inspector, or employee of the Public Works Division ahall have full authority to issue a Stop Work Order. Such Stop Work Order shall remain in full force and effect, with respect to the defective work, until the documented discrepancy(ies) have been corrected and to the full satisfaction of the Public Works Division. Construction-related inspections, where applicable. shall include, but not be limited, to the following: a) Hot taps to water and sewer facilities. b) Master meter and bypass piping. c) Jack & Bore casings. 21 d) Pressure tests. e) |n~Itration.~xfiitration tests. Lift station installation, prior to cover-up and start-up. g) Lift station start-up. h) Lainping ofsewer lines. i) Flushing of sewer lines, force mains, water mains and effluent lines. j) Television video taping of sewer lines at end of construction and the warranty period ("in-office review"). k) Fire hydrant thrust blocks. I) Conflict box construction. m) Connections to existing water and sewer Facilities. n) Casing installations. o) Other special requirements as specified by the County at the time of construction document approval. The County must be present at the following construction-related inspections: a, d, g, i, l, m, and o, if applicable. 9.4.3 Preliminary Inspections A preliminary inspection of the completed facilities is required prior to any conveyance to and acceptance by the Board. During this inspection, the utilities will be checked for compliance with the approved construction drawings and/or approved revised construction drawings. All facilities must be in full compliance with the County-approved record construction drawings, or County-approved revised construction drawings, prior to conveyance to the Board for acceptance. Reference Section 10: Utilities Conveyance Procedures. 9.4.4 Final Inspections The final inspection shall be conducted no earlier than one (I) year after acceptance and conveyance of the utility facilities by the Board. During this inspection, the utility facilities shall be examined for any defect in materials and workmanship and for physical and operational compliance with lhe County-approved record construction drawings. The UPS shall remain in effect until the final inspection has been satisfactorily completed and the Developer is so notit~ed in writing. Reference Section I0: Utilities Conveyance Procedures. SECTION TEN: UTILITIES CONVEYANCE PROCEDURES ! 0. I General Water and/or wastewater facilities, constructed pursuant to the standards and procedures established herein shall be conveyed to and accepted by the Board. Preliminary acceptance shall be approved by the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator or designee. Final acceptance shall be approved by the Board after the one (1) year warranty period and the Final Inspection. I0.1.1 Water Line Acceptance. The Board shall accept for ownership and operation potable water systems with pipes four inches (4'') or greater in diameter, including the 22 water meter and/or backflow device with the exception of internal potable water distribution (PWD) systems for such facilities as rental apartments, shopping centers, strip malls, high rise condominiums, recreational vehicle parks, mobile home parks or any other multi-family projects that cannot or do not provide the required CUEs paralleling a typical single family street cross- section or any other project that does not comply with or meet the intention of this Ordinance. The potable water system shall lie within a CUE if it is to be owned and operated by the Board. For internal potable water distribution systems which are owned, operated and maintained by a master properly owners' association or such other comparable privately owned system, the water main shall be equipped with a master meter and back flow device which are within a CUE. Reference Section 12.0. All non-potable reuse irrigation water systems not currently owned by or required to be owned by the District shall be owned and maintained, in their entirety by the applicant, his successors or assigns, from the connection valve from the County Master Meter at the entrance to the project. 10.1.2 Gravity Sewer Line Acceptance. The Board shall accept for ownership and operation gravity wastewater collection systems with pipes eight inches (8") or greater in diameter with the exception of internal gravity wastewater collection systems for such facilities as rental apartments, shopping centers, strip malls, high rise condominiums, recreational vehicle parks, mobile homes parks or any other multi-family projects with gravity wastewater collection systems that cannot or'do not provide the required CUEs paralleling a typical single family street cross-section. The gravity wastewater collection system shall lie within a CUE if it is to be owned and operated by the Board. 10.1.3 Lif~ Station and Force Main Acceptance. The Board shall accept for ownership and operation wastewater collection systems including force mains with pipes four inches (4") or greater in diameter and lift stations with the exception of internal wastewater collection systems for such facilities as rental apartments, shopping centers, strip malls, high rise condominiums, recreational vehicle parks, mobile homes parks or any other multi-family projects with gravity wastewater collection systems that cannot or do not provide the required CUEs paralleling a typical single family street cross-section. The wastewater collection system shall lie within a CUE if it is to be owned and operated by the Board. All other internal wastewa~er collection systems shall be owned, operated and maintained by a master property owner's association or comparable private ownership. 10.2 Conveyance Documents At the time of the County's final approval of construction documents, County shall provide Developer with County's checklist of the conveyance documents required for submission at the time the constructed Facilities are dedicated to County. All conveyance documents, including but not limited to, Deeds, Bills of Sale, Affidavits, Easements, Facilities Agreements, Facilities Leases, Subordination by Lien Holders or Mortgages, Master Condominium/Homeowner's Association documents, Irrevocable Standby Letters of Credit, and UPSs, shall be in a form acceptable to the Collier County Attorney. A schedule of standard legal documents forms, approved by the County Attorney, shall be utilized as a guide for lhe preparation of the conveyance documents. This schedule is located within Appendix A and B. Revisions lo these Forms must be reviewed and approved by Ihe County Attorney. All documents shall be submitted to County for review and written approval and prior to acceptance of the utility facilities and commencement of service. Recordation of all documents shall be made by the County only after written acceptance by the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator or designee. All documents recorded hereafter, which do not follow this procedure, shall be returned as unacceptable. For projects which the water and/or wastewater facilities are not being conveyed to the Board, the final association documents shall contain a disclaimer stating: "The on-site water and/or wastewater facilities are to be owned and maintained by Ihe Master Condominium/Homeowner's Association" (or other comparable private ownership), 10.3 Inspection County requires a preliminary and final inspection of all water and wastewater facililies constructed. The construction of all water and/or wastewater facilities must be observed and certifi ed by the Engineer of Record and be inspected by the County. The nature and extent of the construction observation and inspection is detailed in Section 9.4. 10.4 Record Construction Drawings The record construction drawings shall accurately depict the constructed configuration of the water and wastew~.ter facilities to be conveyed to the Board. All revisions to the approved construction drawings shall be precisely identified and iljustrated on the record construction drawings. The following items shall be accurately depicted on the record construction drawings: a) Sewer system inverls, pipe slopes, manhole rim elevations and run lengths. A negative (-) 10% sewer slope deviation from design slope is considered a substantial deviation and will not be accepted. See Section 17- 6.140(a)2, Florida Administrative Code, for details. b) Sewer lateral locations stationed From the nearest downstream manhole. c) Sewer main stub extension inverts at both ends, pipe slope, run length and location. d) Tie-ins and/or stationing location to all gate valves, air release assemblies, fire hydrants, manholes, blowoff.s, etc. e) Location and dimensional ties to lil~ station electrical services and transformer. All record construction drawings of utility facilities that are not being conveyed to Ihe Board for a particular Water-Sewer District shall bear a prominently displayed DISCLAIMER, in bold letter/ng at least 1/4 inch high, stating: "The on-site water tad/or wastewater facilities are to be owned and maintained by the project developer and/or the master condomlniurn/homeowners' association," or other comparable private ownership. Five (5) sets of signed and sealed record construction drawings for the water and/or wastewater facilities to be conveyed shall be submitted to County. When water and wastewater 24 facilities are being conveyed, seven (7) sets of si~ned and sealed record construction drawings shall be submittcd to County. Each sheet of the record construction drawings shall identify the entity who provided the record data. 10.5 Bacterial Analysis Pursuant to FDEP requirements and regulations, bacterial analyses are required for all potable water transmission and distribution facilities to be constructed. Bacteriological samples for new water facilities construction shall be performed during or after preliminary acceptance of the facilities. All such analysis shall be performed only by the Water Department laboratory and, at no cost to County, with test results submitted within 15 days of being placed in service for transmission lines and 30 days of being placed in sendee for distribution lines. However, meter installations and the Certificates of Occupancy will not be processed by the Public Works Division until satisfactory bacterial tests are submitted and the FDEP placement in service approval is received by the Division. The Developer shall be responsible for coordinating all aspects for the submission of all necessary test results and State approvals for placement in service of the water facilities. i 0.6 Final Costs The Developer or Engineer of Record shall submit a detailed schedule of the materials utilized for the utility facilities construction. This schedule shall include the type or items, quantities utilized, unit cost and total cost for each individual item utilized in the water and/or wastewater facilities i:onstruction. The total cost of all items utilized for the water and/or wastewater facilities shall be clearly shown on the schedule. 10.7 Test Results All test data, i.e., pressure, inflow and infiltration, fire flow capacity, etc., required for submission with the conveyance documents shall be certified by an Engineer lleensed to practice in the State of Florida. Certification shall bear the raised seal and an original signature or the engineer. Each certification shall contain computations iljustrating the allowable limits for each test based on current accepted test standards and the actual field test data obtained. Leakage within water systems and sewage force main systems shall comply with AW'WA Standards. Sewer system in~ltration/exfiltration data shall conform to a standard of 50 gallons/inch of diameter/mile/day for all types or pipe and conform to procedures in Section 11.11. Fire flow capacity within the water distribution system must be verified through field testing to demonstrate that required fire flow rates are available. Fire flow testing shall be accomplished during peak flow hours. 10.8 Lift Station Submittals A copy of the manufacturer's startup report for each facility shall be provided. Included with these items shall be a written verification from the electrical contractor for the lift station verifying the wire type and size for the electfie sendee and certifying that the voltage drop across the service under full loan startup will not exceed 5% of the power eompany's line voltage at the transformed supplying the station. All tools, such as access cover lock handles, valve wrenches, keys or panel locks, required for the ready access and use of the facilities shall also bc submitted with the documents. 10.9 Recordation Fees The Developer of a project will be responsible For the payment of all recordslion fees associated with the utilities conveyance procedures. The Public Works Division or designee shall invoice and the Developer shall remit the total amount of the recording fee associated with recording the conveyance documents prior to the final acceptance of the water and/or wastewater facilities. SECTION ELEVEN: TECHNICAl, STANDARDS FOR WASTEWATER FACILITIES ! I. I General The following supplemental design standards for sanitary wastewater Facilities shall be included in the design and preparation of plans and specifications. Th~s¢ slandards are to provide for uniformity in UfiJilic"'l conslruCdon within Collier County and are not to eliminate, but standards, set forth hereln, from those in the LDC or other County Ordinance, shall govern unEess specifically authorized to do otherwise, by the Public Works Administrator. ! l .I .I All sewer pipe, material, equipment and appurtenances shall be new. I I. 1.2 'All PVC sewer pipe, both gravity and force main, shall be green in color or shah be encased in green po]yethylene bags. I l. 1.3 Minimum cover for force mains shall be 30". Maximum cover shall be 48" after final project Fading is complete except when dipping under conflicts in which case the force main shall be returned to normal depth within l 0' on either side ofthe conflict or as soon as possible using a 45 degree fitting. I1.1.4 The minimum size force main conveyed to the Board shall be 4 inch diameter. 11.2 Gravity Sewer Mains All gravity sewer mains constructed shall utilize pipe meeting the following specifications and shall be a minimum of 8 inch diameter. Hydraulic Design Requirements - All gravity sewers shall be designed to give mean velocities, when flowing full or half-full of not less than 2.0 feet per second, based on Manning's formula. The following are the minimum allowable design slopes which may be provided for each pipe size listed: Minimum Slope in Feet per 100 Feet: Sewer Size Slope .<;¢wer Size Slope 8 inch 0.40 18 inch 0.12 10 inch 0.28 21 inch 0.21 12 inch 0.22 24 inch 0.08 26 Design computations shall be prepared and submitted to the County which verify the design slopes utilized. The computations shall contain, but not bc limited to, data on sewage Row rate, number of contributing sources, minimum and maximum flows anticipated per run between manholes and the corresponding d~pths or flow, velocities at minimum and maximum flow conditions, recommended pipe slopes, etc. Special attention shall be given to gravity lines which receive flows from sewage transmission or repumping facilities. Due care shall be taken in these cases to ensure no surge-charge conditions occur downstream due to excessive flow rates. Data summarizing these computations shall be contained in the hydraulic design report addressed in Section 8.2.1. Under no conditions will pipe of a diameter larger than that necessary for proper hydraulic design be permitted for use on any project. 11.2.1 Ductile Iron Pipe. All ductile iron pipe shall have a minimum thickness conforming to Pressure Class 150 as specified by the latest revision to AWWA C!50 for all installation in open, grassed, non-traffic areas. Within traffic areas and under pavement, a minimum thickness conforming to Class 51 shall be utilized. The Engineer of Record shall be responsible for selecting the proper class of pipe based on design loadings to be encountered. All pipe shall have a minimum tensile stren,~h of 60,000 PSI, a minimum yield strength of 42,000 PSI, and a minimum elongation of 10% as specified by AW'WA C151, latest revision. All pipe shall have an exterior biluminous coating conforming to AWWA C151, latest revision. All pipe shall be interior coated with a 20 rail to 40 rail thickness polyethelene coating in conformante with ASTM 1248. Jo~nls for ductile iron pipe shall be either of the sllp-on type, using a single rubber gasket or mechanical joint type conforming to AWWA CII 1, latest revision. Ductile iron pipe for gravity sewer applications shall only be permitted when the Engineer can demonstrate that C900 PVC pipe, Class ! 50 or 200, cannot be utilized from a structural standpoint. All nuts, bolts, retainer rings and other devices shall be made of high strength, low alloy metal and shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer. Ductile iron pipe approved for use as stated above shall be designed in accordance with AWWA C150, AWWA C151 & ASTM A746. I1.2.2 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe. All unplastieized PVC pipe shall be of the integral wall bell and spigot joint type, which meets or exceeds all requirements set forth in ASTM D3034, latest revision. Minimum wall thickness shall conform to DR 35. Fittings shall be made of PVC plastic as defined by ASTM SDR 26 1784, latest revision, ductile mechanical joint AWWA C153 or restrained joints if spedfled by the Engineer of Record. Flexible gasketed joints shall be compression type conforming to ASTM D3201, latest revision. Elastomefie joint gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477, latest revision. At all conflict crossings using 4"-12" substitute C900 PVC, Class 200, DR 14 and for PVC pipe 16" and larger use DR 25. Special pipe adapters used to make these connections shall be indicated by type and model number on the construction drawings. ! 1.3 Force Mains All sewage force mains constructed shall utilize pipe meeting the following specifications, be sized to provide a desired flushing velocity of two and one-half(2-1/2) feet per 27 second with a minimum a]/owahle vclochy of two (2) reef per second and shall bc marked using plaslic !ocator tape, impregnated with metallic filings for PVC pipe and non-magnclic for ductile iron pipe. The Iocator tapc shall he placed in Ihe pipe trench at one (l) ~'oot above the top of pipe and labeled "sewage force main," 3M Brand full range sewer markers or approvcd equal shall be placed no greater than every 250 feet and at all fittings and at any change of direction. Force mains shall be interconnected with a gravity sewer system, for transmission purposes Ihtough that system by use of the standards iljustrated on Detail S-I in Appendix C, unless the connection is made directly in a terminus, upstream manhole, at the manhole invert and the Engineer of Record can hydraulically demonstrate that connection to an in-line manhole will not cause a surge condition or disruption to the flow within the gravity sewer system. Connections to any manhole shall be made using a flexible boot with stainless steel strap. Thrust restraint transittoning to the manhole shall be designed by the Engineer and detailed on the construction drawings. All connections of privately-owned and maintained force mains to the Wastewater Department's force mains shall be connected through a check valve. The check valve shall be a "Swing Flex" as manufactured by Val marie or equal. This check valve shall be housed in a structure, as shown in Detail S-i 7, which shall allow the owner to perform required maintenance and shall be owned and maintained by the property owner. 11.3.1 .Ductile Iron Pipe. Ductile iron pipe shall be specified only upon prior approval by the County. All ductile iron pipe shall have a minimum tensile strength of 60,000 PSI, a minimum yield strength or 42,000 Psi and minimum elongation or 10% as specified by the latest AWWA CI51. Thickness shall be a minimum of Pressure Class 250 as defined by AWWA C150. Interior and exterior coating shall be as specified in paragraph 1 !.2.1 above for all pipe and fittings. Pipe and fittings 8" in diameter and smaller shall be interior coated with a 12 rail thickness coal tar epoxy coating. Pipe and fittings 10" and larger shall be interior coated with a 20 rail to 40 rail thickness polyethylene or 12 rail coal tar epoxy coating in eonformance with ASTM 1248. All pipe shall have an exterior bituminous coating conforming to AWWA CI51 latest revision. Joints for ductile iron pipe shall either be of the slip-on type, using a single rubber gasket or mechanical joints conforming to AWWA CI!I or C!53. All ductile iron fittings shall be American made, factory epoxy coated inside and bituminous coated outside for use in a raw sewage environment. All aerial crossings shall be made using Pressure Class 350 ~anged pipe and shall be coated on the exterior using a suitable grade of green colored, field applied, epoxy eoatlng. All nuts and bolts used in aerial crossings shall be stainless steel. Restrained joint fittings shall be ductile iron in accordance with applicable requirements of AWWA C1 I0 (with ~e exception of the manufacturet's proprietary design dimensions) either mechanical joint using Megalug retainer glands, or push-on joints for such fittings in accordance with AWWA C111 or C153. Push. on fittings shall be U.S. Pipe TR FLEX fittings or equal. 28 11.3.2 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe. PVC Pipe meeting the latest revision of AWWA C900 shall be provided. The pressure class shall be 100 with a DI~ of 25. for installatlon where the nominal system operating pressure is less than 50 PSI. For installation of 4"-12" pipe with system pressure greater than 50 PSI, pressure class shall be 150 with a DR. of 18 and pipes 16"-24" shall be PR. 165, DR. 25. Outside diameters shall be equivalent to cast or ductile iron pipe of the same nominal size. Joints between successive length of straight PVC pipe shall be compression type using a single elastomeric gasket, per ASTM C-3139 and F477. Fittings for C900 pipe 8 inch and smaller shall be C900 rated PVC. Restraint shall be provided for horizontal or vertical alignment changes using Uni-flange type collars, epoxy coated, with high strength, low alloy hardware, EBAA Iron Sales, Inc. "Megslug," "Uni-flange," or Romac Industries, Inc. "Grip Ring." Fittings above 8 inch shall conform to the standards in Section 11.3.1, until such time that C900 rated firings in sizes larger than 8 inch ar~ available. Note: All force main pipe installed under paved surfaces or other areas where bearing stress may warrant shall be PVC, AW',,VA-Cg00, DRI4, Class 200 pipe, as specified for pipes 4"-12" or PR 165 for pipes 16"-24". 11.3.3 Pipe Handling, Storage and Installation. Pipe handling, storage, and installation shall be in conformance with the manufacturer's specifications. Ductile iron pipe installation shall conform to the procedures outlined in "A Guide for the Installation of Ductile Iron Pipe," available from lhe Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association. Installation of PVC sewer pipe and force main shall be in accordance with the practices contained in ASTM D-2321 and 11.3.4 Valving. Valves, in sufficient numbers, shall be provided to allow zone isolation of sewage transmission areas to limit the impact of line breaks. In-line plug valves shall be provided at no greater than 1000-foot intervals or per County specifications. The spacing of valves on off-site force mains shall be discussed with and approved by the Wastewater Department prior to submission of construction documents. All effluent lines will use gate valves and they shall be of the resilient-seated wedge type, conforming to AW'WA C509, latest revision. All valves shall be furnished with valve boxes extending to finished grade. Valve box risers shall be cast iron full depth. PVC risers shall not be used. See Detail 8-14 in Appendix C for typical valve setting standards. All valves shall be American made. Valves shall have cast iron or ductile body, ductile iron valve disc, Type 304 stainless steel valve shaft and self-lubHcating nylon sleeve type shaft bearings. A valve position indicator shall be furnished for installation in each valve box. Indicator shall be hermetically sealed for installation inside a cast iron valve box and shall show valve disc position, direction of rotation and number of turns from fully opened to fully closed. Indicator shall be provided by the valve manufacturer, complete. All valves, gate or plug, shall be internally and externally epoxy coated. 11.4 Bedding and Backfill All gravity sewer installations shall use Class A Bedding as shown in Detail S-2. Bedding Classes A, B, or C, as described in ASTM C-12-74 ANSI (ANSI AI06.3) or WPCF MOP No. 9 (ASCE MOP 37) shall be used for all rigid pipe provided the proper strength pipe is 29 used with the specified bedding to support the design load. Bedding Classes I, II or Ill described in ASTM D 2321 ('ANSI K 65.171) shall be used for all flexible pipe provided the proper strength pipe is used with the specified bedding to support the design load. Back{ill shall be or a suitable material removed from excavation except where other material is specified. Back{ill material shall consist of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, gravel, crushed limestone or other approved material flee from debris, large clods or stones, organic material, or other materials which may be unsuitable. Backfill shall be placed in such a manner as not to disturb the alignment of the pipe as speci fled by the pipe manufacturer or AWWA, depending on the type of pipe and joints utilized. Backfill shall be deposited in 6" layers and carefully hand-tamped to a depth of 12'~ over the top of the pipe. The remainder of the backfill shall be deposited in layers and thoroughly tamped when not under roads, drives or parking areas. Settling the hackfill with water will be permitted. See Detail S-2 in Appendix C for typical bedding and hackfill standards. Trenching within or across existing or proposed roadways shall be backfilled in 8" layers and compacted to their full depth. Compaction shall be 98% modified density in conformsnee with the latest revision of the Florida D.O.T Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and the requirements of the County Public Works Division. The bottom of the trench shall be shaped and hand compacted to provide a firm bedding for the utility pipe barrel and bell end. The pipe shall be firmly bedded in undisturbed firm soil, or hand-shape-4 unyielding material such as coarse sand, crushed rock passing a one-quarter inch sieve, or crushed shell. The bedding shall be shaped so that the pipe will be in continuous contact therewith for its full length and shall provide a minimum bottom segment support for the pipe equal to a height of one-fourth the nominal diameter of the pipe above invert. Bedding shall be hand compacted prior to backfilling. Unsuitable Soil Conditions: Soil unsuitable for a proper pipe foundation encountered at or below trench grade, such as muck or other deleterious material, shall be removed for the full width of the trench and to the depth required to reach suitable foundation material, unless special design considerations receive prior approval from the County. Extra Bedding Material: When rock or other non-cushioning material is encountered at trench grade, excavation shall be extended to 6 inches below the outside of the bottom of the pipe, and a cushion of sand or suitable crushed rock shall be provided. 11.4.1 Dewatering. All piping shall be laid in a dry trench excavation, unless otherwise approved by the County. Dewatering systems shall be utilized in accordance with good standard practice and must be efficient enough to lower the ground water level in advance ofthe excavation and maintain it continuously to keep the trench bottom and sides firm and dry. The sewer system under construction shall not be used as a conduit to remove groundwater from the pipe trench. Water pumped or drained from the work shall be handled in accordance with current South Florida Water Management District and Collier County Department of Stormwater Management rules, regulations procedures and at a minimum in a suitable manner without damage to adjacent property, to work under construction or to street pavements, parks or private property. Water shall not be discharged onto streets without adequate protection of the surface at 30 the point or discharge, No water shall be discharged into a wastewater system. No water containing settleable solids shall be discharged into storm sewers. Any and all damage caused by dewatering shall be promptly repaired by the Developer at his expense. All permits required for alewatering operations shall be obtained by the Contractor and a copy filed with the County. 11.5 Manholes Manholes shall be installed at the end of each sewer main, at all changes in grade, size, or horizontal alignment, at all main pipe intersections, and shall be spaced at distances not greater than 400 feet for sewers 15" or less and 450 feet for sewers over 15 inches in diameter. All ends of the gravity collection main shall terminate in a preeast manhole. Clean-outs shall not be permitted in lieu of terminal manholes under any circumstances. Manholes shall be of the precast concrete type, utilizing 4000 psi Type 2 cement, with a minimum wall thickness of 8 inches. See Details S-3 and S-4 in Appendix C for typical standards. Use of an alternate type of manhole must be approved by the Public Works Division. Inlet and outlet pipes shall be joined to the manholes with a gasketed flexible, elastomeric boot-type waterlight connection. Joints in all precast manhole riser sections shall be sealed with Ram-Nek, Kent-Seal, or other acceptable rubber or bituminous sealing compt..nd. Manhole steps will not be permitted. Only non-penetrating lift holes through precast manholes will be permitted and will be required to be sealed with a non-shrink grout. Minimum inside diameter of all manholes shall be 4'-0". A drop pipe shall be provided, for a sewer entering a manhole at an elevation of 24 inches or more above the manhole invert. Drop manholes shall be constructed with an outside drop connection using proper fittings. The entire outside drop connection shall be encased in concrete. See Detail S-5 in Appendix C for typical standards. In addition, a smooth channeled transition shall be provided between all inverts within each manhole. All manhole exteriors shall be double coated (minimum 18 mils thick) with an acceptable bituminous or epoxy sealer. A minimum design of 0.10 feet of drop from inlet pipe to outlet pipe invert shall be provided through all manholes. Due to the difficulties in gravity sewer construction, a 25% tolerance from design to as-built conditions on the drop across the manhole will be permissible. All manhole interiors shall be coated (minimum 36 mils thick) with an acceptable bituminous or epoxy sealer or shall be lined with a high density polyethylene protective liner such as "suregrip" HDPE liner, manufactured by Agru, distributed by U.S. Precast Corp. or approved equivalent. 11.6 Castings and Access Covers All manhole rings and covers shall conform to ASTM Designation A-48-76, Class 30. Covers shall be of the solid, indented type with non-penetrating pickholes and the words "Collier County Sanitary Sewer" cast thereon. All seat surfaces shall be machined smooth to prevent rocking. Manhole rings shall be adjusted to finished grade through the use of precast concrete riser rings and concrete bricks or clay bricks. At no time will more than three (3) courses of brick be utilized in making the adjustment. If adjustment exceeds this limit, then precast riser rings shall be utilized in conjunction with the brick. Each ring shall be set in a bed of mortar to insure a proper bond and seal between rings. Poured in place concrete ring adjustment shall be permitted provided the construction document contains a standard detail for this type of 31 construction. All manholes shall have O-ring gasketed covers with machined hearing surfaces. The O-ring shall be in a dovetail groove with a loose O-ring that is not under tension or compression. All ring and covers shall be grouted in place. 11.7 Lift Stations ! 1.7.1 General. All sewage lift stations that are to be accepted by the Board shall be constructed outside of, but contiguous with, platted public rights-of-way in easements dedicated to the Board and shall conform to the specifications presented in this section. This section covers the following items: wet wells, valve vaults, access covers, pumps, wet well equipment, valves, emergency bypasses, pump control panels, disconnects, electfie meters, electfie service, pump wiring and flow meters. 11.7.2 Wet Well. The concrete structure shall consist of' procast reinforced sections conforming to ASTM C-76 and/or C-478, latest revision. Wall thickness shall be 8" minimum for 8 foot diameter wet wells. Wall thickness for larger wet wells shall conform to ASTM standard for wall thickness but shall not be less than 8 inch in any case. The minimum inside diameter for all wet wells shall be 8'0" unless the developer can demonstrate that the lift station shall be used for the perpetual and exclusive use of that particular development and is of sufficient size to accommodate total build-out. Base riser section shall be monolithiea!ly cast with the base slab. All concrete shall utilize Type 2 cement and have a minimum compressire strength of 4000 PSI at 28 days. On new construction, if more than one hole is abandoned and therefore required to' be cemented in, a new wet well barrel section must be provided. Reinforcing steel for all wet well structures should be sized by the unit manufacturer and verified by the Engineer. All connections to the wet well for gravity sewer piping shall be equal to those for manholes as described in Section 1 !.5. All exterior surfaces shall be double coated (minimum 18 mils thick) with an acceptable bituminous or epoxy sealer. All riser joints shall be sealed utilizing Ram-Nek, Kent-Seal or other suitable bituminous or rubber sealing material. Reinforcement and top slab thickness shall be so specified by the design Engineer for H-20 loadings in all cases. Minimum reinforced slab thickness shall be 8 inches. See Detail S-7 in Appendix C for typical standards. The Engineer shall be responsible for designing all wet well structures to overcome buoyancy forces exerted on the installed structure. All wet well interiors shall be coated (minimum 36 mils thick) with an acceptable bituminous or epoxy sealer or shall be lined with a high density polyethylene liner such as "Suregrip" HDPE liner manufactured by Agru and distributed by U.S. Precast Corp. or approved equivalent. I! .7.3 Valve Vault. The vault wall may be poured in place concrete, procast concrete or concrete block with all voids filled with concrete and exterior and interior surfaces pargod and sealed. All concrete shall utilize Type 2 cement and have a minimum compressire strength of 4000 psi at 28 days. A concrete base slab shall be utilized. Minimum slab thickness shall be 8". Reinforcement and top slab thickness shall be as specified by the Design Engineer for H-20 loading in all cases. The vault shall be located as close to the wet well as possible. However, no direct opening between vault and wet well may exist. Gravity drains from the vault to the wet well shall be required. All such drain lines shall terminate with a "Tideflex" check valve as manufactured by Red Valve Co., Inc., Longwood, Florida or approved equal. All interior and exterior wails of vaults shall be double coated (minimum i g mils thick) with an acceptable bituminous or epoxy sealer. The vault mu.';t be positioned so that it do~s not lay above any gravity sewer line entering the wet well, unless field conditions dictate otherwise and prior approval has been granted. In addition. all tees, elbows and fittings transittoning the lift station discharge piping into the force main running from the station shall be enclosed within the vault walls. Vault interior sizing shall be adequate for maintenance and repair of all components within the vault. See Detail S-8 in Appendix C for typical valve vault and wet well plan view standards. All pipe connections through the va[ve vault walls shall be made equal to pip~ connections for manholes as discussed in Section ! 1.5. However, the annular space around the boots shall not be grouted when the piping work is completed. 11.7.4 Pumps. Sewage pumps shall be manufactured by Flygt, or equivalent as approved by the Wastewater Director and shall be of the submersible type suitable for operation in sewage of temperature not exceeding 115 degrees Fahrenheit. The use of flooded suction typ= pumping facilities for master pump stations may be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Wastewater Directc.' Pump head curves and design specifications shall be submitted for review and approval for each application proposed within the Engineers hydraulic design report. All pumps 5 HP and smaller may be single phase. All pumps greater than 5 HP shall be three phase. , At least one ptimp in each wet well shall be equipped with a mix-flush system consisting of a Flygt 4901 Flush Valve or approved equivalent. Access covers for lift station wet wells and valve vaults shall be above the 100 year flood elevation unless the structure is located within a documented velocity and tidal flood zone and elevation differentials prohibit such installation. In those cases, watertight access covers shall be utilized. The Engineer of Record must provide shop drawings on these types of covers for review and approval prior to use. They shall be constructed of diamond plate aluminum sheets and aluminum structural members. All covers shall be attached to aluminum angle frames with stainless steel hinges and fasteners. Angle frames shall be firmly anchored into the top concrete slab of the structure. All covers shall be equipped with a ratchet-type restraint mechanism to prevent accidental closing of the cover and torsion bar or spring assist type openers. Assist openers shall be manufactured of stainless steel. Covers located in non-traffic areas shall be designed for loadings of not less than 150 pounds per square foot. Covers located in traffic or potential traffic areas, shall be designed for H-20 loadings. If found to be acceptable by the County, a system of 6 inch diameter concrete filled guard posts may be substituted for the H-20 rated covers. A layout of the guard posts must be submitted to the County for approval. Detail S-6 in Appendix C depicts standard detail drawings of a manhole frame and cover. 11.7.5 Wet Well Equipment. All pump discharge piping shall be ductile iron pipe, pressure Class 250 and shall be in conformance with pipe utilized for force mains. All fittings shall be ductile iron flange/flange or uniflange connections and shall be coated identical to force main fittings. All fittings shall have flange/flange or uni~angc connections. All nuts, bolts, fasteners, brackets, pump guide rails and other hardware located inside the wet well shall be 304 stainless steel. A 4 inch screened vent shall be provided on all installations with the vent pipe extended above the top of the Control Panel. 11.7.6 Valves. The discharge piping for each pump shall be equipped with a weighted check valve and plug valve. A three-way plug valve, equipped with a quick coupling, as manufactured by DeZurik, Kennedy or approved equal, may be substituted for one plug valve to provide a means of emergency bypass access to the force main as required in Section 11 .'7.7. Valves shall be supported on masonry or concrete piers. I i .'7.7 Emergency Bypass. A 3 inch emergency bypass connection shall be provided down-stream from the in-line discharge piping valves. The connection shall [ic within the vault, be readily accessible and be equipped with a plug-type isolation valve and :~ inch male Kamlock type quick coupling and cap. As stated in Section 1 I.'7.6, a three-way plug may be equipped with the quick coupling in lieu of the separate emergency bypass. 11.7.8 Pump Control Panel. Pump control panels shall be manufactured by Sis-Con, Inc. or Quality Control, Inc. and shall conform to Model No. 3825 for 3-phase operations, and Model No. 1825 for single-phase operations. Panel enclosure construction shall be equal to NEMA 3R and utilize stainless steel. Control panels shall be mounted on two (2) 6" x 6" precast concrete,posts. All mounting bars, nuts, bolts, etc. shall be stainless steel. See Details S-8 and S-9 in Appendix C for typical standards on control panel configuration and orientation. 11.7.9 Disconnect. A non-fused disconnect shall bc provided to isolate the pump control panel. The disconnect shall be installed on the service line between the electfie meter and control panel. Disconnects shall be housed in a NEMA 3R, stainless steel enclosure or better. 11.7.10 Electric Meter. The electric meter servicing the lift station shall be located adjacent to the pump control panel. It must be located and wired to service only the lift station facility. ! 1.7.11 Electric Service. All underground services shall be fully conduited, in 2 inch PVC pipe, from the power company source point to the pump control panel. The maximum length of the electric service from the power company transformer to the pump control panel shall be 200 feet. One (1) spare conduit shall be provided and terminated in the meter. Only copper service wire will be allowed. Sizing of the service wire shall be verified with the power company and the extent and location of the service shall be indicated on the record drawings, after construction is completed. The Electrical Contractor shall certify that the voltage drop across the service does not exceed 5% of the power company's line voltage at full load start-up of the lift station pumps. All lift stations shall have minimum I00 amp service. 11.7.12 Pump Wiring. Power wiring for each pump, from the control panel to wet well shall be conduited in separate 2 inch PVC and an appropriately slzcd seal lock fitting must be installed on each line. A spare parallel 2" PVC conduit from the panel to the wet well shall be provided. All wire shall be stranded THHN or MTW copper wire. 34 I 1.7.13 Lightening Arrestors. All lift stations will be equipped with lightening arrestor(s). The lightcning arrestor shall be manufactured by Square D and shall be installed externally on the load side of the disconnect between the disconnect and the main breaker. The penetration through the discnnnect must be made below the working mechanism of the disconnect. The lightening arrestor for 3-phase will be part number SDSA-3650 and for single phase will be pan number SDSA-I i 75. 11.8 Sewer Laterals Laterals shall be extended to the property line or easement limit for all installations. Laterals shall be a minimum of 6" in diameter, have a minimum of 30" cover and a maximum of 48" of cover below finished grade. In locations where a minimum of 30" of cover cannot be provided, laterals shall be ductile iron pipe, unless the !englh of lateral is 30 feet or less. In those cases the lateral may be C900, DRI8 PVC pipe. At no time shall cover over ~ lateral be less than 24 inches. Upon installation, all lateral ends shall be plugged. A cleanout shall be provided at the end of'each lateral prior to the end plug. See Details S-10, I1 and 12 in Appendix C for typical later~l and cleanout standards. The cleanout riser and cap shall be set 12 inches below finished grade and marked with a piece of :2" pipe driven vertically 2 feet into the ground and extending 2 feet out of the ground beside the cleanout. All s~ver lateral ends shall be provided with a 3M or equal magnetic marker. At no time shall the connection to the lateral be made to the cleanout riser or a0y part of the vertical assembly. Either a single 6" lateral to each properly or a single 6" lateral v/ith a double wye shall be allowed. 11.8.1 Sexvet Main Extension Stubs. All main-line extension stubs to future developments and/or parcels shall terminate in a dead end manhole in roadways or cleanouts at fight of'way lines. 11.9 Air Release Assemblies Air release valves utilized on sewage facilities shall be designed and manufacture:! specifically for use with domestic sewage. When instalIed, the air release valve shall be provided with a shut-off valve t0 allow isolation and removal of the valve assembly. Air release assemblies shall be provided at high points and on the downstream side of conflict crossings. The air release assembly shall bc Valmatic 485 B, Empire 929 or approved equal for raw sewage and Empire 945 or approved equal for effluent. High points shall be deemed as a deviation in grade of six (6) pipe diameters. All air release valves shall be installed as shown on Detail S-13 in Appendix C. 1 I. 10 Valves All valves utilized on sewage facilities shall be American made and of the plug type, manufactured by DeZurik or approved equal, or except when making a hot tap to an existing system. When making a hot tap, resilient seated gate valves as per AWWA C-509 shall be used. In-line plug valves shall be provided at no greater than 1000 foot intervals when no other valves exist within the force main system. All valves shall be internally and externally epoxy coated. See Detail S-14 in Appendix C for typical valve setting standards. 11. ! i Tests 35 Tests for all sewer facilities shall be performed to meet the requirements established below. The tests shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer of Record or his representative and the County Inspector and a certified copy of the test report submitted to Ihe County. I1.11.1 Infiltration,tEx~Itration. The allowable limits of infiltration or ex~ltration for the entire system, or any portion thereof, shall not exceed a tale of 50 gallons per inch or inside pipe diameter per mile orpipe per 24 hours. No additional allowance will be made for house service lines. Any part of or all of the system shall be tested for infiltration or ex~ltration, as directed by the Engineer of Record or required by the County. Prior to testing for infiltration, the system shall be pumped out so that normal infiltration conditions exist at the time of testing. The amounts of infiltration or ex~ltration shall be determined by pumping water into or out of calibrated drums, or by other methods approved by the Public Works Division, such as in-line V-notch weirs. The cumulative results of the entire collection system results shall not be a satisfactory method for gauging infiltration compliance. Each sewer section between manholes must permit infiltration only up to the maximum allowable, as specified herein above. The procedures and limitations for condue!in; infiltrafion/exfiltration tests shall be established at the preconstruction conference on a project by project basis. All testing shall be run continuously for 24 hours, unless the County Inspector can visually verify that this test duration is not required due to the observed in~ltration/ex~ltrafion rate. The ex~ltratioh test, when required due to Foundwater levels, will be conducted by filling the portion of the system being tested with water to a level 2 feet above the uppermost manhole invert in the section being tested. Where infiltration or ex~Itration exceeds the allowable limits specified hemln, the defective pipe, joints or other faulty construction shall be located and repaired by the Contractor. If the defective portions cannot be located, the Contractor shall remove and reconstruct as much of the work as is necessary in order to conform to the specified allowable limits. All visible leaks shall be repaired regardless of the amount of leakage. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment and materials and shall conduct all testing required, under the direction of the Engineer or Record. 11.I 1.2 Gravity Sewers - Visual Inspections. On completion of each block or section of sewer, or at such other times as the Engineer may direct, the block or section of sewer is to be cleaned, tested and inspected. Each section of the sewer is to show, on examination from either end, a full circle of light between manholes. Each manhole, or other appurtenance to the system, shall be of the specified size and form, be watertight, neatly and substantially constructed, with the rim set permanently to design position and grade. A television inspection of all lines shall be made at the Developer's expense, after all other testing has been successfully completed. Any defective work or necessary correction brought out during this inspection must be corrected by the Contractor, at his expense, before the lines can be accepted by the County or appropriate Water-Sewer District. i1.] 1.:3 Gravity Sewer - Telcvlslon Inspection. Complete television inspection shall be required at the Dcvcloper's expense prior to the project's prcliminary acceptance inspection and at the one (I) year warranty inspection to ensure that the gravity sewer system is watertight and has no defects. Each section of line is to be video taped in color on a standard high quality VHS tape and turned over, along with a written report, to the Wastewater Department for review. The tape and report shall display data on pipe size, pipe type, invert depth, date, time, footage from manhole and location of main. All repairs shown necessary by this inspection arc to be made; any broken or cracked pipe replaced and all deposits rrmoved, leaving the sewers clean and ready for service. All joints or laterals shown to be leaking shall be excavated and repaired or sealed with an environmentally approved grout. Any time a line is repaired or sealed, a reinspcction is required to ensure that the sewer is free of any leaks or defects. Any defective work or necessary correction shown during television inspections during construction must be corrected by the Contractor, at his expense, before the lines will be accepted by the Board or placed into service if operated on an interim basis and maintained by a private utility or other private ownership. All corrective measures required and identified during warranty inspections must be accomplished by the Developer, at his expense, before final release of the Performance Bond provided for the construction. 1 !.11.4 Force Main Pressure Testing. All force mains shall be designed by the Engineer of Record arid subject to pressure testing at the following standards: System Operating Pressure Test Pressur~ Duration 50 PSI or less I00 PSI 2 hours Greater than 50 PSI 150 PSI or 2 times 2 hours the optrating pressure, whichever is greater. Allowable leakage on force mains shall be computed ulilizing the standards for water loss in conformance with AWWA C600, the latest revision thereof. 11.12 Conflicts and Clearances with Other Facilities Sanitary sewer lines, storm rains and/or force mains shall be separated from water mains by a minimum clear vertical distance of 18" and a horizontal distance of 10'0". See Detail S-15 in Appendix C for typical standards. When this standard cannot be maintained, the sewer line shall be concrete encased for a distance of 10 feet each way from the water line and any other conduit, with a minimum vertical clearance of 12 inches being provided at all times. All crossings with vertical clearance less than 18" shall be made using thickness Class 200 AWWA C900 PVC pipe or if necessary Pressure Class 250 ductile iron pipe for a distance of 10 feet each side of the crossing. The sewer pipe in these locations shall be back-filled with bedding stone or sand to a height 6" above the crown of the pipe. SECTION TWELVE: TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR WATER TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES AND NON-POTABLE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 37 ] 2.1 General The following sections present supplemental design standards for potable and non-potable water facilities and shall be included in the design and preparation of plans and specifications. These standards have been adopted in order to provide for uniformity in utilities construction within County. These standards are not intended to eliminate the EnginectJs technical specifications, but are intended to supplement them. All pipe, material, equipment and appurtenances shall be new, unused and American made. 12.2 Water Pipe and Fitting Materials All water lines between 4 inch and 24 inch, shall be constructed of PVC and shall utilize pipe meeting the following specifications, unless a waiver is specifically granted by the Water Department Director. Water mains larger than 24 inch shall be ductile iron pipe unless a waiver is specifically granted by the Water Department Director. 12.2.1 Ductile Iron Pipe. All ductile iron pipe shall have a minimum thickness conforming to Pressure Class 150, as specified by AWWA C150, latest revision. All pipe shall have a minimum tensile strength of 60,000 PSI, a minimum yield strength of 42,000 PSI, and a minimum elongation of 10%, as speci fled by AWWA C 151, latest revision. All pipe shall have a double thick cement mortar lining in accordance with AWWA C104, latest revision. Joints for ductile iron pipe shall be either of the slip-on type, using a single rubber gasket or mechanical joint type conforming'to AWWA CI I I, latest revision. All fittings shall have a cement mortar lining in accordance with AW'WA CI04, latest revision. All fittings shall be of the mechanical joint type, in conformance with AWWA CI 1 I, latest revision. Locator tape shall be provided for all installations pursuant to the requirements of Section 11.3 and labeled "potable water" or "non-potable water." All nuts and bolts shall be high strength, low alloy metal. Pipe restraint shall be as specified in paragraph 11.3.1. All aerial crossings shall be made using Class 53, ~anged pipe, and shall be coated on the exterior using a suitable grade of appropriately colored, field applied, epoxy coating. All nuts and bolts used on aerial crossings shall be stainless steel. 12.2.2 Pipe and Fitting Restraints. Restraint shall be provided for horizontal or vertical aliment changes using Uni-~ange type collars, epoxy coated, with high strength, low alloy hardware, EBBA Iron Sales, Inc., "Megalug," "Uni-~ange," or Romac Industries, Inc., "Grip Ring." Thrust Block shall only be used when the use of mechanical restraints are not feasible. The use of tlu'ust blocks shall require the approval of the Water Director. 12.2.3 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe. All PVC pipe shall conform to the standards of AWWA C900, or AWWA C905, latest revision. All pipe, 4"-12", shall be a minimum of Class 150 and meet the requirements of DR 18. Elastomeric gasket rings and bell and spigot construction shall meet the requirements of ASTM F477 and D2122, respectively, latest revision. All pipe 4"-12" installed below paved public and private roadways or parking lot entrance driveway surfaces shall be PVC AWW'A C900 Class 200, DR 14 or Pressure Class 250 Ductile 38 Iron, as specified above. All PVC pipe 16"-24" shall be PR 165, DR 25 and shall meet or exceed Uni-Bell B-11. Minimum cover for lines shall be 2'6". Maximum cover shall be 4'0" after final project grading is completed except when dipping under conflicts in which ease the water line shall be returned to normal depth within 10 ~. on either side of the conflict or as soon as possible using a 45 degree fitting. Fittings for C900 PVC pipe shall be as specified in Section 12.2. All PVC mains shall be marked with Iotatot tape, labeled "potable water" or "non-potable water" pursuant to the requirements of Section 1 !.3. All PVC pipe used for potable water shall be white or blue in color. All PVC pipe used for non-potable irrigation water shall be Federal Safety Purple or shall be encased in Federal Safety Purple Polyethylene bags. PVC pipe restraint shall be as specified in paragraph ! 1.3.2. 12.3 Pipe Handling, Storage and Installation Pipe handling, storage and installation shall be in conformante with the manufaeturet's specifications. Ductile iron pipe installation shall conform to the procedures outlined in 'A Guide for the Installation of Ductile Iron Pipe." PVC pipe installation shall conform to the standards specified in UNI-B-3, latest revisions. 12.4 Bedding and Backfill Bedding conditions Type I-5, as described in ANSI A21.50, latest revisions, shall be used for all ductile iron pipe provided the proper strength pipe is used with the specified bedding to support the design load. Bedding Classes I, II and lIl, as described in ASTM D2487, shall be used for all PVC pipe provided the pipe is used with the specified bedding to support the design load. Backfill shall be of a suitable material removed from excavation except where other material is specified. Backfill material shall consist of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, gravel, crushed limestone or other approved materials flee from debris, large clods, or stones, organic material, or other materials which may be unsuitable. Backfill shall be placed in such a manner as not to disturb the alignment of the pipe. In all areas backfill shall be deposited in 6 inch layers and carefully hand-tamped to a depth of 12 inches over the top of the pipe. The remainder of the backfill shall be deposited in 12 inch layers and thoroughly tamped. Settling the backfill with water will be permitted. See paragraph 1 !.4 for additional information on bedding and backfill requirements in the zone 12 inches over the top of the pipe. 12.5 Castings Gate valve boxes shall be cast iron and be of the adjustable telescopic type manufacture. All risers shall be ductile iron. 12.6 Flushing Connections All potable water main terminus points shall be equipped with fire hydrant for flushing purposes. Flushing connections shall be attached directly to the end of the main and restrained, as required, to prevent movement in the connection. A line-size gate valve must be provided at the beginning of the restrained, as required, to prevent movement in the connection. A line-size gate valve must be provided at the beginning of the flushing connection. The end of the temporary flushing connection shall be terminated to just below final grade and housed in ~, 39 standard water meter box, with appropriate Kamlock fittings after completion of the flushing procedures replaced with a fire hydrant after flushing has been eompleled to create the permanent flushing connection. The flushing/sampling fittings must be located in the meter box to allow flushing or sampling without removal of the box. See Details W-I and W-2 in Appendix D for temporary and permanent blowoff assembly configuration. All full bore flushing shall he completed prior to pressure testing. 12.7 Fire Hydrants All fire hydrants installed shall be of the break-flange type and meet the requirements of the local Fire Control District. Hydrants must be installed within the limits of the mad fight-of-way or shall be privately-owned and maintained. Hydrant lead gate valves must be restrained through the use of an anchor tee or with stainless steel rods, nuts and washers to the line tee. This valve must be located within five (5) feet of the in-line tee supplying the hydrant. All piping between the line tee and the hydrant shall be C900 DR 18 PVC. All connections and locations for fire hydrants, shall meet the requirements of the LDC or NFPA Regulations, latest revisions, whichever is more restrictive, and meet the approval of the local fire control district. All fire hydrants shall be equipped with .~ cast-in-place concrete break slab (collar). See Detail W-3 in Appendix D for typical hydrant installation standards. All hydrants delivered to a project that will be conveyed to the County shall be painted Federal Safety Yellow. All hydrants installed, with respect, to new construction, shall be clearly marked with a Manufacturer date of fabrication. All hydrv/nts installed, with respect to new construction on, shall be clearly marked with a manufaeturer's date of the same or subsequent year in which the construction of that particular phase of development commenced. 12.8 Water Service Conduit All building lots and parcels of land within a development on the opposite side of the roadway from a water main or that do not have an accessible water main fronfing the location of the proposed meter location shall be provided with a means for water service. Aeeessibillty to these lands shall be provided by the installation of water service conduits. Conduits shall be a minimum of 3 inch diameter PVC with a minimum cover of 24 inches. Conduits shall extend at least 5 feet past the edge of pavement, sidewalk, bike path or any other improvement and shall run from lot corners on one side of the street to a lot comer on the opposite side and be capped and marked with a magnetic marker. Markers shall be 3M marker or approved equal. i 2.9 Connections to Existing Facilities Connections to existing facilities shall be installed in accordance with Detail W.-4 in Appendix D. This detail shall be used for all connections to existing facilities including hot taps and extensions from existing dead end facilities. A section o~'pipe shall be inserted in the gap specified in Detail W.-4 to connect the new construction to the existing facilities for the purpose of accomplishing the full bore flush. After completion of the flush, the connection shall be removed. The facilities shall be capped as shown in Detail W..4 until final connection is permitted by the Water Department at the completion ofennstruction and after finalization of all test procedures and bacterial clearance of the new water facilities. 40 12. I 0 Conflict Crossings All storm sewer, irrigation mains and sewage transmission system conflicts with water facilities which must bc crossed shall be performed using AWWA C900 Class 200 PVC with ductile iron fittings. All fittings shall be adequately restrained using retainer glands, stainless steel rods, EBAA Iron Sales, Inc., "MeSalug," Romac Industries, Inc., "Grip Ring," or olher approved methods of restraint. Transitional fittings when approved by the Water Department Director shall be located as close to the point of conflict as possible. Air release assemblies shall be provided as specified in paragraph 12.11, below. Gradual deflecting in the water line in lieu of using fittings to clear the conflict will not bc permitted if cover exceeds 4'-0". A minimum vertical clearance of 18" shall be provided between the water main and bottom of conflict. In cases where new water mains cross over existing storm drains the 18" minimum clearance requirement may be reduced, upon approval by FDEP, 1o 12" provided a 12" sand cushion is placed between the pipes. When new water mains cross gravity sewer, sewer force mains or irrigation mains the 18" minimum shall be maintained. If possible water mains shall not cross under sanitary lines. Where there is no alternative to cr,~ssing under sanitary lines, the 18" minimum clearance shall be mainta,,Jed and the crossing shall be arranged so that the sewer pipe joints and the water pipe joints are equidistant from the point of crossing with not less than 10 fL separation between any two joints. 12.11 Air Release Assemblies Air release as~i:mblies shall be provided throughout the distribution system at high points and on both sides of conflict crossings. In cases where reversal of flow is not expected, the air release assembly shall be provided at high points and on the upstream side of conflict crossings. High points shall be deemed as a deviation of six (6) pipe diameters. Air release locations shall be reviewed with the Water Department prior to submission of construction documents. Air release valves shall be suitable for use with potable water or treated effluent. An isolating valve shall be provided below the air valve to a allow removal of the valve assembly. The entire assembly shall be constructed in accordance with Detail W-5 in Appendix D. For all water or effluent mains 14 inch and smaller an Empire "Combinetic," Figure #945, combination air release valve shall be utilized. For water or effluent mains 16 inch and greater, the Design Engineer will be responsible for air release valve sizing. The design of the air release assembly shall be in compliance with Standard Detail W-5. 12.12 Bacterial Sample Points For the purpose of new potable water main construction, bacterial sampling points shall be positioned at the beginning of each new system, at 1000 foot intervals and all dead ends unless otherwise directed. These sampling facilities will be utilized by Water Department personnel for water main bacterial clearance procedures. At the completion of the proj~t permanent sampling points shall remain every 3000 feet or one at the 2/3 point if the line is less than 3000 ft. long. All others shall be removed down to the main and properly capped by the Contractor. The permanent sampling points shall be constructed in accordance with Detail W-6 in Appendix D. The permanent sampling points will be designated by the County staff during 41 final plans review and shall be identified by station numbers on Ihe plans. At the Contractor's discretion, appropriately located fire hydrants may be utilized in lieu of the temporary sampling valves specified above. This practice is not recommended by Collier County or AWWA. Under this circumstance, the Contractor will be solely responsible for maintaining Ihe hydrants in a satisfactory environment for conducting Ihe bacterial testing. Use of the hydrants does not preclude the requirements for permanent sampling points as previously specified. 12.13 Concrete Collars All gate valve boxes, air release assembly and permanent sample points outside paved surfaces shall be provided wilh a concrete collar set to finish grade. The collar shall have a minimum thickness of 6 inches and the outside dimension of the pad and the reinforcement shall be as shown in Detail S-14. Concrete shall have a minimum compression strength of 3000 PSI at 28 days. 12.14 Water Main Encasement The encasement of water mains in concrete shall only be made after review and approval by the County. 12.15 Water Meter Installation Unless specified by the Water Department, all water meters larger than 2" shall be installed above ground. These meters shall be equipped with a backflow preventor, installed by the Contractor at his ~:ost. The type of backflow device utilized shall be as manufactured by Combraco, Febco, Wilkins. All large potable meters will be purchased by the owner and installed by the Dcvcloper's Contractor. Alternate designs may be permitted upon submission of design details for review and approval. 12.16 Valving Requirements Valves, in sufficient numbers, shall be provided at all intersections and branches to allow zone isolation of distribution areas to limit the impact of li.e break and service disruption to customers. In-line gate valves shall be provided at no greater than 1000-foot intervals when no other valves exist within internal distribution systems. The spacing of valves on off-site transmission mains shall be discussed with and approved by the Water Department prior to submission of construction documents. All gate valves through 20 inch shall be of the resilient-seated wedge type, conforming to AWWA C509, latest revision. All valves shall be furnished with valve boxes extending to finished grade. Valve box risers shall be cast iron full depth PVC risers shall not be used. See Detail S-14 in Appendix C for ~pieal valve setting standards. All valves shall be American made. Buried service butterfly valves shall be of the rubber seat type, with enclosed geared operators and integrally cast mechanical joint ends, all in accordance with AWWA C-504, class 150-B. Valves shall have cast iron or ductile body, ductile iron valve disc, Type 304 stainless steel valve shaft and self-lubricating nylon sleeve type shaft bearings. Butterfly operators shall be fully gasketed and oil filled to withstand an external water pressure of I0 psi minimum. A valve position indicator shall be furnished for installation in each valve box. Indicator shall be 42 hermetically sealed for installation inside a cast iron valve box and shall show valve disc position, direclion of rotation and number of turns from fully opened to fully closed. Indicator shall be provided by the valve manufacturer, complete. All valves, gate or butterfly, shall be internally and externally epoxy coated. 12.17 Facilities Location 12.17.1 Water System Layout Criteria. Water distribution systems shall be designed so that all facililies are located adjacent to and are accessible from paved or unpaved roadways so as to allow access for short and long term maintenance and replacement of the system. Master Meters and Backflow assemblies shall be within a CUE, located outside, but contiguous, to road rights. of-way. Water mains shall have a minimum setback of 7'6" from the center line of the pipe to roadways, curb and gutters or any other permanent structure or planting not otherwise specifically allowed under this Ordinance. All water crossings shall be aerial, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Water Director. Water mains shall be designed to parallel accessible roadways within the setbacks established by this Ordinance. Deviations from these design parameten shall only be approved in cases where such installations can be shown to be necessary to complying with minimum chlorine residuals or bther FDEP quality parameters, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Water Director. In such eases, the water main shall be located within a separate irael of land or CUE dedicated to the Board. Such tracts shall be delineated with fencing, landseaplng, signage, pavement, or other methods determined to be acceptable to the Water-Sewer District. All such installations shall require approval from the Water-Sewer District. In addition, an agreement shall be provided authorizing the County to traverse all private properly outside of the CUE for the purpose of access and maintenance. The agreement shall also hold the County harmless for any damage' to the private property resulting from the County's maintenance or replacement activities within or outside of the CUE. 12.17.2 Water System Main Sizing Design Criteria. Water systems shall be designed to maintain adequate flows and pressures and water quality standards as established by FDEP, using the following criteria: 1) Designs shall assume a minimum operating pressure under peak hourly flows of 50 psi, and a minimum operating pressure with fire flow under max day conditions of 40 psi, delivered from the closest County transmission main to the project. 2) The design Engineer shall model the proposed system including all dead ends for chlorine dissipation assuming a chlorimine residual of 2.0 mgtl at the entrance point to the project. The Following criteria shall be used to model chlorimlne dissipation unless approved by the Public Works Water Director upon the submittal oFspecific case data: a) Occupancy or 50% to account for seasonal variations with the load evenly distributed throughout the project. b) Average occupancy per dwelling of 1.81 for single family and 1.42 for multi-family established by the Water Master Plan and adjusted for peak with a factor of 1.2 or 2.2 shall be used when modeling system performance. c) Consumption rule of 154 gallons pet capita for single family and multi- family shall be used when establishing loading rates for system performance models. d) Systems that are proposed to use or will use alternate irrigation sources shall use 50% of the loading rates for modeling chlorine dissipation. The Project Engineer shall submit a letter to Development Services as part of the review package, certifying that all points within the proposed system shall maintain a minimum of .6 mg/l chlorimine residual under the conditions listed above. Systems with an inability to meet minimum design requirements or maintain minimum disinfection residuals shall not be acceptable for ownership and maintenance by the County. 12.18 Fire Service All private fi?e service facilities for sprinkler systems, wet standpipe systems and privately-owned or controlled distribution systems shall be metered and shall be installed with appropriate back flow prevention device. Metering requirements shall be classified by the type of development requiring fire service. The type of metering device will be specified in the following subsections, sized by the Developer's Engineer and will be purchased, owned and maintained by the private service owner. The County shall require all privately-owned metering devices and backflow devices to be certified for accuracy at the time of installation by a Certified Back Flow Tester and the results submitted to the County. Each privately-owned metering system will be certified annually for accuracy, at the owners expense. The County will infon'n the owner by mail prior to the due date. Private owners will have 60 days in which to submit the certification results to the County. 12.18.1 Residential. Residential projects such as single family, multi-family condominiums, trailer parks, mobile home parks, etc. which utilize a master meter shall pass all fire flow through the meter. The meter shall be sized to pass the domestic coincident draft plus rated fire flow at the AWVv'A pressure loss specifications. On dual water systems, fire and domestic flows in separate pipellnes downstream of the master meter. the fire line shall have a Fire Service rated meter, approved by the County, with appropriate backflow protection. i 2.18.2 Commercial and Other Non-Residential. Commercial projects such as shopping centers, malls, retail industrial buildings, etc. shall have a separate fire service connection to the water distribution main. A Fire Service rated meter, approved by the County. 44 with appropriate backflow protection shall be installed on the fire line. The Fire Service meter and isolation valves shall bc extended above final grade in the manner depicted on Detail W-10 or W-11 in Appendix D. Metering devices must be set in non-traffic areas, and be readily accessible to the meter readers. Melering devices must lie within a Utility Easement which will be dedicated separately to the Board for the appropriate Water-Sewer District or in conjunction with the easements for any on-site utility facilities. The Owner shall purchase and install an approved meter and approved backflow devices at no expense to the appropriate Water-Sewer District. 12.18.3 Testing. All meters and backflow devices shall be tested and certified by a Certified Backflow Tester prior to preliminary acceptance and on an annual basis. 12.19 Testing and Clearance Procedures All water facilities shah be subjected to pressure testing and disinfe=tion conforming to the AWWA Standards C600 and C601, latest revision. 12.19.1 Temporary Meters: 1. Temporary meters may be applied for at the Water Department office between g:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, under the conditions provided in Ordinance No. 86-67 as may be amended from time to time. 2. ,Temporary mcters will he installed for the purpose of supplying 'construction water to meet the County requirement for new water line construction as listed below and require a minimum of 48 hours advanced notice. All backflow devices shall be reduced pressure type and shall be certified in accordance with paragraph 12.19.6. 3. Temporary meters will be installed by County personnel as depicted in Detail W-4. 12.19.2 Line Filling. Lines under construction will be filled utilizing water supplied by the temporat9 meter and will be performed by the Contractor. AI[ lines 12 inches and larger shall be pigged to clear debris prior to full bore flushing. 12.19.3 Full Bore Flush. Full bore flush will be performed by County Water Distribution personnel at all times. During Cull bore flushing the Contractor will be permitted to install a spool piece to close the gap iljustrated in Detail W-4. Upon completion of the flushing, connection to the County's facilities shall be returned to the configuration shown in Detail W-4. 12.19.4 Chlorination. Line chlorination will be performed utilizing water supplied by the temporary meter, to supply water for the purpose of chlodnating newly constructed potable water lines. This procedure will be performed by the Contractor, and requires 48 hour written notice to Water Department prior to performance. 12.19.5 Post Chlorination Flushes. Post Chlorination Flushes shall be performed by the contractor suing the temporary construction meter. All chlorine injected into 45 the system for disinfection shall be flushed from the system a! least 24 hours prior to the collection of Bacteriological samples. 12.19.6 Bacte~ologicals. Bacteriological sample collection will be performed using the water supplied by the temporary meter, for supplying pressure during sample collection of newly constructed potable water lines. This procedure will require written notice a minimum of 2 days prior to performance. These procedures are to be performed on Monday Ihrough Thursday, unless otherwise directed by Water Operations. Under No circumstances shall any person other than an authorized County Water Utilities Department employee operate valves, make service taps or tamper with County distribution facilities. Failur~ to comply with these requirements will place such individual in jeopardy of legal action by the County pursuant to County Ordinances or Resolutions in effect at the time of the violation. ! 2.20 Laboratory Testing and Sample Collection All potable water facilities shall be subject to bacteriological sample eoflectlon and testing as required by Stale law. Sample collection shall be by County certified laboratory technicians only. The Contractor or his agent shall provide the equipment required under 12.19 to supply a continuous sample at the p,',';nts indicated on the engineers construction drawings. Sample points having one day total of 200 non coliform bacteria or greater will be considered as failed samples. Samples containing one coliform bacterial or greater will be considered as a failed sample. All potable water facilities shall pass bacteriological tests within 15 days of being placed in service for transmission lines and 30 days of being placed in service for distribution lines. SECTION THIRTEEN: AMENDMENTS County may recommend amendments to this Ordinance as may be necessary upon prior review by the Utility Code Sub-committee of the Development Services Advisory Committee, by the Public Works Administrator on technical matters and, in case of conflicts with the LDC, upon the additional prior review by the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator. SECTION FOURTEEN: PENALTY Any person who violates any section or provision of this Ordinance shall be prosecuted and punished as provided by Section 125.69, Florida Statutes. Each day the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. Additionally, the Board may bring suit for damages, to restrain, enjoin or otherwise prevent the violation of this Ordinance in the Circuit Court of Collier County. SECTION FII~I'EEN: REPEAL OF ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Collier County Ordinance No. 88-76, 89-23 and 89-32 are hereby repealed and superseded in their entirety. Collier County Resolution No. 89-127 and Resolution No. 90-111 are hereby repealed and superseded in their entirety. SECTION SIXTEEN: INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES The provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Laws and Ordinances of Collier County, Florida. The sections of the Ordinance may be rcnumbered or rclcttercd to accomplish such, and Ihc word "Ordinance" may be changed to "seelion," "article," or any other appropriate word. SECTION SEVENTEEN: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Ordinance shall bc liberally construed to effectively carry out its purposes in the intez est of public health, safety, wel fare, and convenience. I f any section. phrase, sentence or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct. and independent provision, and such holding shah not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. SECTION EIGHTEEN: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon being filed with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, As the Governing Bedy of Collier County, Florida, and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, the Marco Water and Sewer District and the Goodl~d Water District, this a2.;"'- day of . ,, ,1997. A rEST: BOOm OF coincry COr M. S.s 0ERS DWIGHT E.' BKOCK, CLERK COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, AS THE. ..... ; -. "-.. GOVERNING BODY;OF COLLIER .; ,' '.,", ,, COUNTY, FLORIDa, .AND AS '. ! .: EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING: BOARD -' .~' .,_ ~. ~'. OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ' DISTRICT AND THE GOODLAND '....'..,, ' WATER DISTRICT. / . Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: : end °cknow[edgerne t of thet of / 0.Jn7,'97-rra'b 47 APPENDIX A - STANDARD LEGAL DOCUMENTS INSTRUCTIONS The following forms are to be used as a guide to preparcrs or instruments which shall be submitted to the Board for acceptance of water and/or wastewater utility facilities. Adherence to the form and instructions contained below will assure an expeditious review by the Collier County Attomey's Office, which in turn will speed the process of utility facilities acceptance by the Board. Deviation in substance or form from the suggested specimen forms may result in a substantial delay or disapproval of the utility facilities acceptance documents by the County Attorney's Office. PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE PREPARING INSTRUMENTS INSTRUCTION NO. I. Each specimen form is prepared in a manner that indicates to the preparer the location and the type of information that needs to be inserted. This is indicated by [brackets which co~tain instructions]. Most bracketed information is self-explanatory. However, where an in-depth instruction of the type of information to be inserted is appropriate, the bracketed information gives a brief explanation followed by a reference to an instruction. That instruction correlates to the following instructions. INSTRUCTION NO. 2. Name of grantorlmortgagee/developer/lessee!owner/suretylissuerl applicant (hereinafier collectively referred to for the purposes of this instruction as "grantor"). If grantor is an individual, insert the grantor's name followed by the grantor's marital status. If the grantor is married, the grantor's spouse must join in any conveyance instrument. As an alternative to having a grantor's spouse join in a conveyance instrument, a paragraph can be added below the reference to Exhibit "A" which says: "The subject lands are not homestead lands." If the grantor is a corporate entity, show the correct name of the corporation and identify the state or other jurisdiction in which it is incorporated. If the grantor is a partnership entity, show correct name of the partnership, identify whether the partnership is a general or limited partnership, and identify the state or other jurisdiction under which the partnership was created and presently operates. If the grantor is a trust insert the trustees name, as trustee. If appropriate (Section 689.071, Florida Statutes), identify the trust and recite the authority of the trustee to convey. Your attention is directed to Chapter 689, Florida Statutes. 48 INSTRUCTION NO. 3. Witness and signature block. All instruments, unless otherwise noted thereon, require 2 witnesses. Example witness and signature blocks are as follows: Execution by an individual: Witness - Signature Witness - Printed Name Witness - Signature John Smith Witness - Printed Name Execution by a corporation: Development Corporation, Inc. Witness a Florida corporation By:. Witness President NOTE: In lieu of using two wimesses, a corporation may execute instruments by signing as noted below and affixing its corporate seals. Sections 692.01 and 692.02, Florida Statutes. A hand written or imprinted scrawl, scroll or seal, affixed as the corporate seal below the corporate officer's signature, is effectual as a seal. Section 695.07, Florida Statutes. Infrastructure Corp., Inc., an Indiana corporation By:. Vice Pres{dent (Corporate Seal of Infrastructure Corp., Inc.) 49 Execution by a partnership with an Individual acting as Its general partner: Project Partners, a Florida Witness limited partnership By:. General Partner Execution by a partnership with an entity acting as Its general partner: Building Joint Venture, a Witness - Signature Kentucky general partnership by its entity general partner Witness - Printed Name Smith Corporation, Inc., a Witness - Signature Delaware corporation on behalf of the partnership By: Witness - Printed Name Vice President Execution by a Section 689,070, Florida Statutes, Trustee: Witness - Signature Witness - Printed Name Witness - Signature Fred Fidelity, individually and as Trustee Witness - Printed Name 50 Execution by a Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, Trustee: Witness - Signature Witness - Prinled Name Witness - Signature Sally Springfield, Trustee of the above referenced Trust Witness - Printed Name INSTRUCTION NO. 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND NOTARY BLOCK. The following forms of acknowledgment and notary block will be sufficient. For an execution by an individual: State of County of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ., 19 , personally known or produced identification . Type of identification produced: (Affix notary seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Printed Name 51 For execution by a corporation: State of County of The foregoing [insert exact name of instrument] was acknowledged before me by ]name of person[, ]corporate title must be either President, Vice President or Chief Executive Officer unless an appropriate corporate resolution is attached which specifically authorizes execution by some other corporate officer] or ]exact name of corporation], a [lnsert the name of the State in which corporation Is Incorporated] corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Personally known or produced identification. Type of identification produced: WITNESS my hand and official seal this __ day of ,19__. (Affix notary seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary PHnted Name For an execution by a partnership a general partner who is an Individual: STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing ]insert exact name of instrument] was acknowledged before me by ]name of individual], general partner, on behalf of ]exact name of partnership], a [insert name of state or Jurisdiction under whose laws the partnership was formed and presently operates] ]identify type of partnenhip by Inserting either general or limited] partnership. Personally known or Produced identification Type of idtmti~cation produced WITNESS my hand and official seal this __ day of ,19 (Affix notary sea[) Notary Public My Cornmission Expires: Notary Printed Name 52 For an execution by a pa~nenhlp w'hose general partner is an entity: STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing [insert exact name of instrument] was acknowledged before me by ]name of person], [corporate title, must be either President, Vice President or Chief Executive Officer unless an appropriate corporate resolution is attached which specifically authorizes execution by some other corporate officer] of ]exact name of corporation], a [name of State in which corporation is Incorporated] corporation, as entity general partner, on behalf of lexact name of partnership], a llnsert name of state or jurisdiction under whose laws the partnership was formed and presently operates] [Identify t~pe of partnership by inserting either general or limited] partnership, Personally known or Produced identification . Type of identification produced WITNESS my hand and official seal this __. day of ,19__. (Affix notary seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Printed Name For an execution by a Section 689.070, Florida Statutes, Trustee: STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing [insert exact name of instrument] was acknowledged before me by ]insert exact name of person], individually, and as Trustee. Personally known or Produced identification __. Type of identification produced WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of ,19__. (Affix notary seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Printed Name ~3 For an execution by an Individual as a Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, Trustee: STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing [insert exact name of instrument] was acknowledged before me by [insert exact name of person], as Trustee on behalf of the above-referenced Trust. Personally known or Produced identification Type of identification produced WITNESS my hand and official seal this. day of ,19 (Affix notary seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Printed Name For an execution by a corporation as a Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, Trustee: STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing [insert exact name of instrument] was acknowledged before me by ]name of person], [corporate title must be either President, Vice President or Chief Executive Officer unless an appropriate corporate resolution is attached which specifically authorizes execution by some other corporate officer] of [exact name of corporation]. a [insert the name of the State in which corporation is Incorporated] corporation, on behalf of the corporation as Trustee of the above referenced Trust. Pe~sonally known or Produced identification . Type of identification produced WITNESS my hand and official seal this__ day of ,19 (Affix notary seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Printed Name 54 INSTRUCTION NO. 5. Exhibits attached to all instruments must describe the real property which encompasses the subject utility facilities or easement. Language on the legal description Exhibit which alters or qualifies the instrument to which it is attached is unacceptable. INSTRUCTION NO. 6. For the purposes of simplicity and brevity, references in this Appendix and Collier County Ordinance No. 97- , as amended, to the Collier County Water-Sewer District shall also bc construed to refer to the Marco Water and Sewer District or the Goodland Water District, where appropriate and as the context requires. Preparcrs of legal documents are cautioned to determined to which District their documents should run before preparing and submitting documents. INSTRUCTION NO. 'h Notarlzatlon of an oath. The proper notarization of an oath (or affirmation) is as follows: "SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __ day of , 19__." An acknowledgment is not acceptable. The oath taken must both swear to the document and sign the document in the presence of the notary. INSTRUCTION NO. 8. This Appendix is provided as a guide to preparers and is not intended to be all inclusive. All documents will be reviewed on an individual basis. If the prepan:r is unsure of the required form or content of any document, he or she should seek professional advice or assistance prior to preparing and submitting the document for acceptance. *[identify type of treatment facility by inserting either water or sewer in title of this instrument] * FACILITIES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this [day] day of[month], 19[year], by and between [name of developer - see Instruction No. 2] ("Developer"), and THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT ("County"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, for the purposes of this Agreement the term "Developer" shall include Developer, Developer's heirs, successors, and assigns, including but not limited to any wholly owned or controlled subsidiary entity who leases back any utility facilities from County; and 55 WHEREAS, Developer is Owner of the [insert name of project shown below referenced construction plans] development, ("Project"); and WHEREAS, Developer has submitted construction plans for an interim lidentity type or treatment facility by inserting water or sewer] treatment facility ("interim treatment facility") to County for review and approval; and WHEREAS, Developer acknowledges and agrees that Developer is required to provide on-site interim utility facilities which service the Project until the utility facilities within the Project can be connected to the off-site utility Facilities operated by County and County facilities have the available capacity to service the Project; and WHEREAS, Developer covenants and agrees that pursuant to the requirements of the Collier County Land Development Code CLDC"), and other relevant land development ordinances and resolutions, Developer shall connect any interim utility system serving that Project to the off-site utility system operated by the County when such system has been extended to within two hundred (200) Feet of the Project and has available capacity to service the entire Project; and WHEREAS, the extension or the =if-site utility system operated by County to within two hundred (200) feet or the boundary or the Project shall be not required of County as performance under this Agreement; and WHEREAS, all parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that the decision as to whether or not any off-site utility system operated by County has the capacity to service the Project shall be made solely by County; and WHEREAS, Developer acknowledges its obligation to dedicate all appropriate collection, distribution and transmission facilities and appropriate easements to County prior to placing said facilities into service; and WHEREAS, Developer, or other successor entity satisfactory to County, will maintain and operate the interim treatment facility and the associated on-site collection, distribution and transmission plant pursuant to a lease agreement with County as set forth herein below; and WHEREAS, Developer has previously accepted the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement as part of County's review and approval of Developer's land use petitions. WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants hereina~er contained the parties agree as follows: 1. RECITALS INCORPORATED. The above Recitals are true and correct and shall be incorporated herein. 2. INTERII~I FACILITY. The appropriate on-site treatment, collection, distribution and transmission facilities are to be constructed as part of the proposed Project and shall be an interim facility; all utility facilities shall be constructed to Federal, State and Local standards and are to be owned, operated and maintained by Developer, or other successor entity satisfactory to County, until such time as off-site utility facilities, operated by County, are available to service 56 the project. The interim treatment racilltics shall supply services only to the Project or, subject to the County's approval, other lands owned by Developer. The interim treatment facilities may not provide service outside the Project without the written consent or County. 3. DEVELOPER TO DISMANTLE rN'TERIM TREATMENT FACILITY. Upon connection to the off-site utility Facilities operated by County, Developer shall abandon, dismantle and remove from the site the interim treatment facility. All work related with this activity shall be performed at no cost to County whatsoever. 4. CONNECTION TO COU'NTY'S OFF-SITE SYSTEM AT NO COST TO COUNTY. Connection to the off-site utility facilities shall be made by Developer, at no cost to County, within ninety (90) days ai~er such facilities become available. The cost of connection shall include, whenever County requires, but not be limited to, all cnginecring design and preparation of construction documents, permitting, modifieatlon or refitting of existing pumping facilities, construction of new pumping facilities, interconnection with the off-site utility facilities, any transmission, distribution or collection lines necessary to make the connection and any required environmental audits, including the expense of bringing the subject facilities into compliance and response costs For clean-up removal or remediation. 5. CONVEYANCE OF INTERIM TREATMENT FACILITIES NEEDED FOR CONNECTION AND OPERATION OF COUNTY'S OFF-SITE SYSTEM. At the time the off-site facilities, operated by County, are available for the Project to connect with, all utility facilities required by County to make the connection with County's off-site utility facilities shall be conveyed to County pursuant to County ordinances and regulations then in effect, together with all utility easements required by County. All construction plans and technical specifications related to the connection of County's off-site utility facilities shall be submitted to County for review and approval prior to commencement ofconstructlon. 6. CUSTOMER TURNOVER. All customers sewed on an interim basis by the utility system constructed by Developer shall become customers of County at the time County's off-site sewer facilities are available to serve the Project and such connection is made. Prior to connection of the interim utility system serving the Project to County's off-site utility facilities, Developer shall turn over to County a complete llst of customers served by the interim utility system and shall not compete in any way with County for the service of those customers. Developer shall also provide County with a detailed inventory of the facilities served within the Project and cooperate fully in the transfer of any billing procedures. 7. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES/IMPACT FEES TO BE PAID PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE. Developer agrees to pay all applicable system development charges/impact fees at the time that Building Permits are required, pursuant to County ordinances and regulations then in effect. This requirement shall be made known to all prospective buyers of properties for which building permits will be required. 8. LEASEBACK OF DEDICATED FACILITIES. County and Developer shall enter into a leaseback of the collection, distribution and transmission facilities to Developer, or other utility entity satisfactory to County, to allow for continued operation of the interim 57 utility system. Such a leaseback shall be upon terms comparable Io utility raci!ilies lease agreen'tenls Ihen catered inlo by Counly as required by and in accordance with applicable Counly land development regulations and/or utilily standards and procedures. Any such lease agreement shall be in a form approvcd by Ihe Office orthe Collier Coun[y Attorney. 9. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding tipon the parties, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as or the date and year first above written. {Devcloper's witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3] ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGItT E. BROCK. CLERK OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT BY: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Assistant County Attorney UTILITIES PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: that [insert name of Owner - See Instruction No. 2] [insert current business address of Owner] ("Owner," and [insert name or Surety - See Instruction No. 2] [insert current business address orSurcty] ("Surety"), arc held and firmly bound unto Collier County, Florida, ("County"), in the total aggregate penal sum or{insert written dollar amount] Dollars $[insert numcric dollar amount] in lawful money or the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Owner and Surety are used for singular or plural, as the context requires. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, Owner entered into a certain Utilities Facilities Construction Contract, dated the [day] day of[month], 19[year], a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof; and 58 WHEREAS County has a material interest in the performance of said Contract; and WHEREAS County has adopted Ordinances and Resolutions (hereina~er "Land Development Regulations") concerning Owner's obligations to County regarding the construction, conveyance and warranty of water and wastewater faeililies constructed within the unincorporated area of Collier County; NOW, THEREFORE, if Owner shall well, truly and faithfully perform its obligations and duties to County under said Land Development Regulations and all the undertakings. covenants, terms, conditions. and agreements of said contract during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may be granted by Owner, with or without notice to the Surety and during the guaranty period established by County, and thereafter, and if Owner shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such contract, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless County from all costs and damages which it may suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the County all outlay and expense which County may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received hereby. stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying same shall in any way affect its obligation on this Bond. and it does hereby waive notice or any such change, extension ortime, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. PROVIDED, FURTHER. that it is expressly agreed that the bond shall be deemed amended automatically and immediately, without formal and separate amendments hereto, upon amendment to the Contract not incre:sing the contract price more than 20 petcent. so as to bind the Owner and the Surety to the full and faithful performance of the contract as so amended. The term "Amendment," wherever used in this bond. and whether referring to this bond, the Contract or other documents shall include any alteration, addition or modification or any character whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Instrument to be executed this __ day of ,19 [Owner's witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3] [Surety's witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3] [notary and acknowledgment blocks for both Owner and Surety required - See Instruction No. 4] Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [address of person preparing this instrument] IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. [insert issuefs identifying number] ISSUER: [inser~ full name and street address of Issuer] (hereina~er "Issuer"). PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: [insert address where credit is issued and date otissue]. PLACE OF EXPIRY: At lssuer's counters. DATE OF EXPIRY: This Credit shall be valid until [insert date of first anniversary of date of issue], and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive one-year periods on th~ anniversary of its issue unless at least sixty (60) days prior to any such anniversary date, the Issue notifies the Beneficiary in writing by registered mail that the lssuer elects not to so renew this Credit. APPLICANT: [insert full name of person or entity - see Instruction No. 2] (hereinafier "Applicant") [insert Applicant's current Lasiness address]. BENEFICIARY: ,The Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida (hereina~er "Beneficiary" Coltier County Courthouse Complex, Naples, Florida 33962. AMOUNT: $[insert dollar amount] (U.S.) up to an aggregate thereof. CREDIT AVAILABLE WITH: lssuer. BY: Payment against documents detailed herein and Bene~ciary's drafts at sight drawn on the lssuer. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: AVAILABLE BY BENEFICIARY'S DRAFT(S) AT SIGHT DRAWN ON THE ISSUER AND ACCOMPANIED BY BENEFICIARY'S STATEMENT PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER, CERTIFYING THAT: "[insert name of Applicant] has failed to construct and/or maintain the [identify type of improvements by inserting water, or sewer, or water and sewer] improvements as shown on the plans for [insert exact name or title of project shown on construction plans], or a final inspection satisfactory to Collier County, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 97- , as may be amended, has not been performed prior to the date of expiry, and satisfactory alternative performance security has not been provided to and formally aeeepted by the Beneficiary.' DRAFT(S) DRAWN UNDER THIS LETTER OF CREDIT MUST BE MARKED: "Drawn under [insert name of Issuer] Credit No. [insert Issuefs number identifying this letter of credit], 60 dated [insert original date of issue].' The original letter of credit and all amendments, it any, must be presented for proper endorsement. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of the lssuees undertaking and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement referenced to herein or in which this letter of credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument or agreement. Issuer hereby engages with Beneficiary that draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored by Issuer if presented within the validity of this credit. This credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits [1993 (or later generally applicable) Revision] International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500 [or later Publication No.]. [Name of lssuer] By: [insert title of corporate officer - must be signed by President, Vice President, or Chief Executive Officer] Leave 3" blank space in upper fight hand comer for recording purposes UTILITY FACILITIES SUBORDINATION, CONSENT AND JOINDER THIS SUBORDINATION, CONSENT AND JOINDER given this [day] day of [month], 19[year], by ['Name of Mortgagee - see Instruction No. 2] (hereinafter referred to ,'ks "Mortgagee"), in favor of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, ('hereinafter referred to as "County"). Mortgagee is used as singular or plural, as the conlext requires. 61 WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Mortgagee is the owner and holder of that certain [insert the exact name of each instrument to be subordinated] recorded in Official Records Book , Page __ [insert the Official Records Book and first page reference for each instrument to be subordinated] et seq. of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Mortgage"), encumbering the premises legally described therein, (hereinafter referred to as the "Encumbered Property"). W]-IEREAS, County has requested and received from the fee simple owner of the Encumbered Property non-exclusive easements for the installation and maintenance of utility facilities over and across a portion of the encumbered premises legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by virtue of this reference, which premises are hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Property." WHEREAS, County has requested that Mortgagee consent to, join in and subordinate its Mortgage to the interest that County has in the Easement Propen'y to which request Mortgagee has agreed. NOW, THEEFOE, in consic. aation of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good' and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Mortgagee does hereby consent to, join in and subordinate the lien of its Mortgage to the grant of that certain easement described herein over,:under, and across the Easement Property and any interest or the County in any utility facilities located therein or affixed thereto. Except as subordinated to lhe easement described herein over, under, and across th= Easement Property or any utility facilities located therein or affixed thereto, said Mortge. ge shall remain otherwise in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagee has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written. [witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3] [acknowledgment and notary block - see Instruction No. 4] Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [address of person preparing this instrument] 62 ATTORNEY'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF [name of State] COUNTY OF [name of County] BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally on this day of , 19 ., appeared , who to me is well known, and having been sworn and under oath, deposes and states: i. My name is . I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years, am otherwise suljuris, and have personal knowledge of the facts contained herein. 2. I am a licensed attorney, Florida Bar # . , authorized to practice law and am practicing law in the State of Florida. My business address is · My business telephone number is My business mailing address is 3. This Affidavit is given as an inducement to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier County and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District to accept the dedication or conveyance of [identify type of utility facility by inserting water, or sewer, or water and sewer] utility facilities Iotatea within or upon the real property described in the attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated herein by reference, said land being located in Collier County, Florida. 4. The Affiant has examined record title information to both the real and personal property referenced in this affidavit, including but not limited to, information requested from the Florida Secretary of State relative to any Uniform Commercial Code financing statements. 5. The record owner of the real and personal property described herein is [give full legal name of owner as it appears in title information; if owner is an entity make reference to the laws of the state or jurisdiction under which entity was created and presently operates] (herelnafler "Owner"). The Owner acquired record title to the subject real property by instrument recorded at Official Records Book , at Page __ [insert official record book and first page of instrument where owner acquired title], Public Records, Collier Florida (copy attached). ill the record owner is an entity, the Affiant must indicate that he has examined corporate or partnership information obtained from the jurisdiction under which the entity was created and presently operates, that the entity is current and active within said State or jurisdiction, that the entity is currently authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and identify the exact name and title of the persons authorized to execute the instruments on behalf of the entity in conjunction with the conveyance of the subject real and personal property.] [If the record owner is a trustee, pursuant to Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, the Affiant shall state that the Trustee has full power and authority to execute instruments of conveyance on behalf or the Trust and, if applicable, incorporate by reference and attach supporling documentation.] IIf the record owner is an individual, the Affiant must state the marital status represented to the Affiant by the individual and, ir married, state whether or not the individual has represented the subject real property is homestead property.] 6. [The Affiant shall state whether the subject real and personal property is encumbered of record, or is the subject or any financing statements filed in the Public Records or Collier County, Florida or the Office of the Secretary of State. If the subject real or personal property is encumbered the Affiant shall specifically describe each lien, encumbrance or financing statement, citing appropriate recording information and the Affiant shall attach and incorporate by reference a copy of each lien, encumbrance, or financing statement.] 7. Affiant further states that the information contained in this Affidavit is tree, correct and current as of the date this Affidavit is given. [INFORMATIONAL NOTE: Per Ordinance the date of this Affidavit must not be signed and dated more than sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which the Board of County Commissioners considers the acceptance of the subject utility facility documents.] FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETFI NAUGHT. DATED this day of . ,19__ Affiant Signature Affiant Printed Name [no witnesses required] [Notary block - SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this .. day of , 19___, by (Insert name of person taking the oath, who is personally known OR Produced Identification __. Type of Identification Produced . Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Prtnted Name Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [address of person preparing this instrument] 64 OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF [name of State] COUNTY OF [name of County] BEFORE ME, the unde~]gned authority, personally appeared , who to me is well known, and having been duly sworn and under oath, deposes and states: !. My name is . I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years, am suijuris, and have personal knowledge of the facts contained herein. 2. I am the owner of said real property located at , and legally described on Exhibit A. 3. All persons, firms, corporations, including the general contractor and all subcontractors, who have furnished services, labor or materials according to plans and specifications, or extra items, used in the construction or repair of [identify type of utility facility by inserting water, or sewer, or water and sewer] utility facilities on the real estate hereinafler described, have been paid in full and tt~', such work has been fully completed and accepted by the owner. 4. No claims have been made to Owner by, nor is any suit now pending on behalf of, any contractor, subc0ntraetor, laborer or materialman, and runher no chattel mortgages or conditional bills of sale have been given or are now outstanding as to the subject utility facilities placed upon or installed in the aforesaid premises. 5. The utility facilities described herein are not included in, encumbered by, or subject to any real property mortgage, chattel mortgage, security agreement, Uniform Commercial Code financing statement, or any other encumbrance. 6. As and on behalf of the Owner of the subject utility facilities, does for valuable consideration hereby agree and guarantee, to hold the Board of County Commissioners of Collie County, Florida, as the governing body of Collier County and as Ex-Offieio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District harmless against any lien, claim or suit by any general contractor, subcontractor, mechanic or materialman, and against chattel mortgages, security interests or repair of the subject utility facilities. Affiant is used as singular or plural, as the context requires. The utility facilities referred to herein are located within the real property described in the attached Exhibit "A." FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. DATED this day of ,19 Affiant Signature Printed Name [no witnesses required] 65 [Notary block - SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of ,19.._,, by (insert n.zme of per~0n tnkln2 the onth~, Penonally known . OR Produced Identification .. Type of Identification Produced · Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Printed Name Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [address of person preparing this instrument] Leave 3" blank space in upper fight hand comer for recording purposes UTILITY EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT, granted this [day] day of [month], 19[year], by [name of Grantor - see Instruction No. 2] as Grantor, to the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, as Grantee. WITNESSETH: That the Grantor for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exeluslve easement, license, and privilege to enter upon and to install and maintain utility facilities, in, on, over and under the following deac~bed lands being located in Collier County, Florida, all County utility easements indicated CUE for installation and maintenance of its facilities. DeveloperflrlOA agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, that it will be responsible for the cost of any and all repairs, replacement, maintenance or restoration of improvements or landscaping installed by the grantor within the easement area, to wit: See attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference. 66 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee and its assigns, togcthcr with the fight to enter upon said !and, cxcavate, and take matefials for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining utility facilities thereon. Grantor and Grantee m used for singular or plural, as the context requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these prescnts to be executed the date and year first above written. [witnesses and signature block - see Instruction No. 3] [acknowledgment and notaxy block - see InsInaction He. 4] Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [address of person preparing this instrument] Leave Y' blank space in upper fight hand comer for recording purposes UTILITY FACILITIES WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE made this [day] day of[month], 19[year], between [name of Grantor - see Instruction No. 2] (hereinafter referred to as 'Grantor"), and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COLTNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERI',q'NG BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"). WITNESSETH: That said Grantor, for and in considention of the sum often Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever, all [identify type of utility facilities by inserting water, or sewer, or water and sewer] utility facilities lying within the following described land, together with appurtenant easement fights for the operation, installation and maintenance of said facilities, situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida, to wit: (See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.) and said Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said utility facilities, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons ,~homsoever. For the purposes of this conveyance, 67 the utility facilities conveyed hereln shall not be deemed to convey any of the lands described in Exhibit "A." Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as context requires. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee and its assigns, together with tho right to enter upon ~aid land, excavate, and take materials for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining utility facilities thereon. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as the context requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written. [witness and signature block - sec Instruction No. 3] [acknowledgment and notary block - see Instruction No. 4] Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [address of person preparing this instrument] BILL OF SALE THIS BILL OF SALE evidencing the sale and conveyance of the [identify type of utility facilities by inserting ,water, or sewer, or water and sewer] utility facilities described herein is made this [day] day or [month], 19[year], by [name of Seller - see Instruction No. 2] (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"), and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, (heroinafter referred to as "Buyer"). WITNESSETH: That said Seller, for and in consideration of the sum often Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to said Seller in hand paid by the said Buyer, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, transferred, set over and delivered, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, transfer, set over and deliver unto the Buyer, and the Buyer's heirs, successors and assigns forever, all those certain [identify type of utility facilities by inserting water, or sewer, or water and sewer) utility facilities lying within the following described land, together with ~ppurtenant casement fights for the opcratlon, installation and maintenance of said facilities, situate, lying and being in Collier County, Florida, to wit: (See Exhibit 'A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.) 68 The Seller, for itself and its successors, hereby covenants to and with the Buyer and its successors and assigns that it is the lawful o%vner of the said goods and chattels herein referred 1o as utility radiities; that said goods and chattels are free from all liens and encumbrances; that it has good fight, title and authority to sell same, and that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. Seller and Buyer are used for singular or plural, as the context requires. IN WITNESS ~,q-!EREOF, SELLER has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written. [witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3] [acknowledgment and notary block - see Instruction No. 4] Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [add ress o r person prepaft ng thl s instrument] Leave 3" blank space in upper fight hand comer for recording purposes * [identify the type of utility facilities to be leased by inserting water or sewer in the title of this instrument] * FACILITIES LEASE THIS LEASE, executed this [day] day of [month], by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY, AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT (hereinafler referred to as the "Lessor") and [name of Lessee - see Instruction No. 2] (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee"). 6~ RECITALS: WHEREAS, [identify the type of utility facilities to be leased by inserting water or sewer] utility facilities lying in the lands described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference were conveyed to Lessor by Lessee, and the Lessor is now the owner of said facilities; and WHEREAS, the Lessee is the owner of a [identify the type of utility facilities to be leased by inserting water or sewer1 treatment plant and has agreed to provide service to the [insert name of project] development (hcreinafter "Project") until such time as the Lessor desires to provide treatment by means of the Lessors treatment facilities; and WHEREAS, the Lessee needs to have possession and use of the facilities described in Exhibit "A" for so long as it is obligated to provide interim treatment service to the Project. WITNESSETH: NOW THEREFORE, in conslde~'.ion of the mutual covenants of the parties hereto, Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration exchanged among each of the panics, receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by each party, the parties agree as follows: , I. RECITiA, LS INCORPORATED. The above recitals are tree and correct and shall be incorporated herein. 2. LEASED PROPERTY. The Lessor shall lease to the Lessee all of the utility facilities described herein and located on the lands described in Exhibit "A." 3. TERM. The term of the lease shall be ten (10) years. At the end of ten (I0) years, the lease shall be automatically renewed for successive five (5) year terms, unless terminated by either party as herein provided. 4. RENT. The Lessee shall pay the Lessor the sum often Dollars ($10.00) per year as rent under this Agreement. Rent shall be paid upon submission of a statement by the Lessor to the Lessee, and shall be paid yearly at the offices of the Utility Department of the Lessor. 5. TERMINATION. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Agreement, the parties agree that this lease shall terminate at such time as the Lessor undertakes to provide the treatment service for the Project. 6. OPERATION OF TREATMENT FACILITY. During the period of this lease, the Lessee agrees that it or a wholly owned subsidiary shall provide treatment services to the Project, provided all initial connection fees and user rates are paid. The Lessee further agrees that so long as it provides such services, it will charge utility rates approved and regulated by the State of Florida Public Service Commission. 7. STANDARD OF MAINTENANCE. Lessee shall maintain all utility facilities, including but not limited to, all transmission, collection, distribution and treatment facilities, at 70 standards equal to the maintenance standards for comparable utility facilities maintained by the Lessor. 8. FACILITIES TO BE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER tIPON CONNECTION TO OFF-SITE SYSTEM. Lessee shall be solely responsible to have all utility facilities subject to this Agreement in good working order and in compliance with all County, State, and Federal requirements when the facilities are conveyed to the Lessor and are connected to the Lesson off-site utility facilities. At no cost to the Lessor, Lessee shall conduct and provide to the Lessor an environmental audit, together with a written declaration from an environmental consultant acceptable to the Lessor, which verities that the facilities subject to this Agreement are in compliance with all applicable State and Federal environmental laws, and that the facilities and property surrounding the facilities are free of unlawful cont~,.mination. The environmental consultant shall demonstrate its qualifications to the satisfaction of the Lessor prior to commencing the environmental audit. Its qualification shall be presumptively established if the project manager is a professional engineer who is registered and in good standing with the State of Florida, or a certified environmental professional by the National Association of Environmental Professionals or some orb.'7 like national professional organization. The Lessor's acceptance of the environmental consultant shall not be unreasonably withheld. At least ninety (90) days prior to the connection of the interim utility system to the Lessor's off-site utility system, the Lessor shall notify the Lessee to commence the environmental audit. The failure of the Lessor to give timely notice to the Lessee or acceptance by the Lessor of any interim utility system in the absence of receipt of the negative declaration, shall not relieve the Lessee of any obligation hereunder for the cost of conducting the enviromnental audit, bringing the subject facilities into compliance and the response costs for clean-up, removal and remediation, if any, which shall be borne solely by the Lessee. 9. INSURANCE. Until such time as the intm'im utility system serving the Project is connected to the off-site utility facilities operated by the Lessor, Lessee shall provide and pay for all property damage and liability insurance for the entire utility system servicing the Pwject, including, but not limited to, Rood damage insurance for m~y lift, educator or pump station facilities. Lessee shall provide the Lessor upon each renewal of the required insurance policies or inclusion of additional facilities under this Agreement, with a Certificate of Insurance evidencing coverage for the full replacement value of the entire utility system which services the Project, and showing the Lessor as an additional insured for any interim utility facilities ultimately necessary for connection to and operation of the Less, on off-site utility system. 10. GUARANTEE BY LESSEE. The Lessee shall have the sole responsibility for repairing and/or replacement of defective materials and guaranteeing all facilities covered by this Agreement for a period of approximately one year from date of preliminary acceptance by Lessor. Further, at the end of the guarantee period it shall be the sole responsibility of Lessee to prepare all facilities for final inspection by the Lessor at no expense to the Lessor. 11. BINDING EFFECT. This Lease shall be binding upon all of the parties to this Lease, their successors and assigns. 71 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hcreto have caused these pre~cnls to bc executed the date and year first above written. [Lcssce's wilness and signature block - Scc Instruction No. 3] ATFEST: DWIGI IT E. BROCK, CLERK LESSOR: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AS Tile GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT By: TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Assistant County Attorney Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [address of person preparing this instrument] Leave 3" blank space for in upper right hand comer for recording purposes * [identify the type orutility facilities to be leased by inserting water or sewer in Ihe title or this instrument] * FACILITIES LEASE THIS LEASE, executed this [day] day of [month], 19[year], by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY, AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING 72 BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor") and [name of Lessee - see Instruction No. 2] (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee"), and [name of Developer- see Instruction No, 2] (hereinafter referred to as "Developer"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, [identify the type of utility facilities to be leased by inserting water or sewer] utility facilities lying in the lands described in Exhibit "A" attached her~to and incorporated herein by reference were constructed and installed by Developer, and thereafter conveyed to Lessor by Developer, and the Lessor is now the owner orsaid facilities; and WHEREAS, the Lessee is the ow,,er of a [identify the type of utility facilities to be leased by inserting water or sewer] treatment plant and has agreed to provide service to the [insert name of project] development (hereinafter "Project") until such time as the Lessor desires Io provide treatment by means of the Lessors treatment facilities; and WHEREAS, the Lessee needs to have possession and use of the facilities described in Exhibit "A" for so long as it is obligated to provide interim treatment service to the Project. WITNESSETH: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants of the parties hereto, Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration exchanged among each of the parties, receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by each party, the parties agree as follows: I. RECITALS INCORPORATED. The above recitals are true and correct and shall be incorporated herein. 2. LEASED PROPERTY. The Lessor shall lease to the Lessee all of the utility facilities described herein and located on the lands desa'ibed in Exhibit "A." 3. TERM. The term ofthe lease shall be ten (10) years. At the end often (10) years, the lease shall be automatically renewed for successive five (5) year terms, unless terminated by either party as herein provided. 4. RENT. The Lessee shall pay the Lessor the sum often Dollars ($10.00) per year as rent under this Agreement. Rent shall be paid upon submission of a statement by the Lessor to the Lessee, and shall be paid yearly at the offices of the Utility Department of the Lessor. 73 5. TERMINATION. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Agreement, the parties agree that this lease shall terminate at such time as the Lessor undertakes to provide the treatment service for the Project. 6. OPERATION OF TREATMENT FACILITY. During the period of this lease, the Lessee agrees that it or a wholly owned subsidiary shall provide treatment services to the Project, provided all initial connection fees and user rates arc paid. The Lessee further agrees that so long as it provides such services, it will charge utility rates approvcd and regulated by the State of Florida Public Service Commission. 7. STANDARD OF MAINTENANCE. Lessee shall maintain all utility facilities, including but not limited to, all transmission, collection, distribution and treatment facilities, at standards equal to the maintenance standards for comparable utility facilities maintained by the Lessor. 8. FACILITIES TO BE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER UPON CONNECTION TO OFF-SITE SYSTEM. Lessee shall be solely responsible to have all utility facilities subject to this Agreement in good working order and in compliance with all County, State, and Federal requirements when the facilities are conveyed to the Lessor and are connected to the Lessors off-site utility facilities. At no cost to tLe Lessor, Lessee shall conduct and provide to the Lessor an environmental audit, together with a written declaration from an environmental consultant acceptable to the Lessor, which verifles that the facilities subject to this Agreement are jn compliance with all abplicable State and Federal environmental laws, and that the facllitic~ and property surrounding the facilities are free of unlawful contamination. The environmental consultant shall demonstrate its qualification to the satisfaction of the Lessor prior to commencing the environmental audit. Its qualification shall be presumpfiveJy established if the project manager js a professional engineer who is registereA and in good standing with the State of Florida, or a certified environmental professiona! by the National Association of Environmental Professionals or some other like national professional organization. The Les$or's acceptance of the environmental consultant shall not be unreasonably withheld. At least ninety (90) days prior to the connection of the interim utility system to the Lessor's of Y-sjte utility system, the Lessor shah notify the Lessee to commence the environmental audit. The failure of the Lessor to give timely notice to the Lessee or acceptance by the Lessor of any interim utility system in the absence of receipt of the negative declaration, shall not relieve the Lessee of any obligation hereunder for the cost of conducting the environmental audit, bringing the subject facilities into compliance and the response costs for clean-up, removal and remediation, if any, which shall be borne solely by the Lessee. 9. INSURANCE. Until such time as the interim utility system serving the Project is connected to the off-site utility facilities operated by the Lessor, Lessee shall provide and pay for all property damage and liability insurance for the entire utility system servicing the Project, including, but not limited to, flood damage insurance for any lit't, educator or pump station facilities. However, as between the Lessee and the Developer, it is agreed that the Developer shall reimburse the Lessee, upon demand, for any expenses associated With insuring the utility 74 facilities stlhjcct Io Illis lcnsc. Lcsscc shall provide the Lessor tipon each renewal or Ihe required insurance policies or inclusion of additional facilities under this Agreement, with a Certificate of Insurancc evidencing coverage for the Full replacement value of' the entire utility system which services Ihc Project, and showin8 Ihe Lessor as an additional insured For any intcrim ulility f'acilitics ulth'natcly necessary for connection to and operation or Ihe Lessors off-site utility system. 10. GUARANTEE BY DEVELOPER. The Developer shall have Ihe rcsponsibilily For repairing and/or replacement or derective materials and guaranlccing all Facilities covcrcd by tills Agrccn~cnt for a period approximately or one year from date or preliminary acceptance hy Lessor. Further, at the cad or the guarantee period it shall be Ihc responsibility or Developer to prepare all racilhlcs For (~nal inspccllon by the Lessor at no expense to Ihe Lessor. I1. BINDING EFFECT. This Lease shall bc binding upon all or the parties to this Lease, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK,~CLERK LESSOR: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF COLLIER COUNTY AND AS EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT By:. TIMOTHY L. HANCOCK, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Assistant County Attorney [Lessees witness and signature block - See Instruction No. 3] [Developers witness and signature block - See Instruction No. 3] [Lcssccs acknowledgment and notary block - See Instruction No. 4] [Developers acknowledgment and notary block - See Instruction No. 4] Prcpared by: [name ofperson preparing this instr~ment] [address oFperson preparing this instrument] 75 FINAL ATTORNF, Y'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority. personally on this day of , 19 , appeared , who to me is well known, and having been sworn and under oath, deposes and states: 1. My name is . I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years, am otherwise suijuris, and have personal knowledge of the facts contained herein. 2. I am a licensed attorney, Florida Bar # , authorized Io practice law and am practicing law in the State orFlorida. My business address is · My business telephone number is My business mailing address is 3. This Affidavit is given as qn inducement to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier County and as Ex-Offieio the Goveming Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to conduct a final inspection of [identify type of utility facility by inserting water, or sewer, or water and sewer] utility facilities located within or upbn the real property described in the aftached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated herein by reference, said !and being located in Collier County, Florida. 4. The Affim~t has examined record title information to both the real and personal property referenced in this affidavit, including but not limited to, information requested from the Florida Secretary of State relative to any Uniform Commercial Code financing statements. 5. The record owner of the utility facilities described herein is the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier County and as Ex-Officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District (hereinafter "County"). The County acquired its record interest by [insert exact name of each instrument] recorded at Official Records Book , at page [insert official record book and first page of each instrument where owner acquired title] [if a utility easement was also acquired continue sentence and add: together with an appurtenant utility easement recorded at Official Records Book , page ] Public Records, Collier County, Florida (copies attached). 6. Subsequent to the time that the County recorded its interests in the subject utility facilities and, if applicable, easement, as specified in paragraph 3, above, no interest of the County in the subject utility facilities and, if applicable, easement, is encumbered of record by any document filed by or on behalf of the landowner in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida, and/or the Office of the Secretary of State. 76 7. Affiant further states that the information contained in this Affidavit is true, correct and current a.s of the date of the recordation of the recorded documents referenced herein which conveyed or granted the subject utility facilities and/or easement interests to the County. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. DATED this day of ,19 Affiant Signature Aftant Printed Nam~ [no witnesses required] [signature block for Affiant - see Instruction No. 3] [Notary block - SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of ,19__, by (insert name of penon tak~n~ the oathS. who Is personally known OR Produced Identification . Type of Identification Produced Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Printed Name Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument] [address ofpcrson preparing this instrument] 77 APPENDIX B - CONVEYANCE DOCUMENT CIIECKLIST CHECKLIST WATER AN'D/OR WASTEWATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE PROJECT Date Legal Documents I. . Utilities Performance Security CtJPS) 2. . Copy of Recorded Condominium/Homeowner's Association Documents 3. Utilities Facilities Subordination Consent and loinder (Required when a Mortgage is Involved) 4. __ UCC-I and/or UCC-3 Forms (if not covered by Item 3) above 5. .... Attomey's Affidavit 6. Owner's Affidavit 7. Utility Easement and Copy of the Grantor's Deed for the ,Associated Real Properly 8. ... Warraniy Deed 9. Bill of Sale i 0. __ I.D. Number or Folio Number of Property 11. Facilities Lease 12. ... Facilities Lease (including Sub-Developer) use form I0.1 13.. Final Release &Lien from Utility Contractor for the Facility(ies) constructed. 14. Legal Description, if Utility Easements required, with Surveyor's Sketch of Easement. Submit four (4) signed and sealed copies of each easement. 15.. . Two (2) Copies of Recorded Plat 16. Engineer's Final Payment Confirmation TestS, Certifications and Supplemental Documents 1. __ Certification o f pressure testing of water m ains by Engineer of Record 2. __ Certification of pressure testing of sewer force mains by Engineer of Record 3. __ Certification of the inflow/infiltration tests for the sewer lines by Engineer of Record 4. __ Bacteriological clearance (DER Certification) for water facilities and DER placement in service letter for sewer facilities and interim water and/or sewage treatment facilities, where necessary 78 5. __ Lab results on bacteriological test for water mains 6. __ Up-to-date list of customers and/or owners of individual lots 7. _ Letter by Engineer certifying that all water and/or sewer facilities are located within the public right-or-way or dedicated casements 8. __ Payment of water usage, laboratory and administrative charges for filling and flushing and bacteriologically certifying water mains from invoice prepared by the Utilities Division. (Obtain payment data from Utilities Division Finance Department) 9. __ Electrical Contractor's certification on Lift Station electric service wire sizing and voltage drop pursuant to National Electrical Code Specifications 10.. One year (I) warranty for work from Utility Contractor 11. Video tape of gravity sewer facilities constructed i 2. __ Certi floation or field fire flow capacity testing by the Engineer of Record 13. Letter from Fire District regarding ownership and maintenance of fire hydrants 14. Lift station(s) startup report(s) 15. __ Letter from Compliance ,e.. ,'vices Section certifying that the Final Inspection reveals that the Utility Facilities have been constructed in accordance with County Ordinances and regulations 16.. Test and certification ofback~ow device by the Collier County Cross Connection Control Section, Collier County Utility Division prior to placement of device in service. 17. __ Coating eerti flealion from the manufacturer or a professional testing laboratory for the manholes, wetwells and dry wells. Engineering Documents. I. . Five (5) complete sets to inc{ude all utilities and all related underground wG~'k ~ and sealed by the Engineer of Record for water OR sewer faei lilies 2. __ Seven (7) complete sets to include all utilities and all related underground work si~ned and sealed by the Engineer of Record for water AND sewer facilities 3. __ One (I) set of reproducible mvlars of record drawings 4.... Verification of final cost (detailed; quantities, siz_-~_. unit cost, total cost, etc.) 5. For all computer generated construction documents, one (1) disk of the master site plan including CUE's and water and/or wastewater facilities. The disk shall be in accordance with Utility Division's layer standards and file format. 79 APPENDIX C - SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM DETAILS NOTE: Additional drawin~as and iljustrations will be included as available and as may be revised by the Public Works Division as may be ~l~emed necessary; 8o FOR, PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY ])ATE, ]-20-97 FORCE MAIN CONNECTION ,',' SCALE, N.T.$, 3301 EAST TAM1AMI TR/dL - COUN'ff' GOVERNMENT CENTER - BLDG, H DVG ~t . .;., DETAIl_ S 2 -W=36'--DR I-.--V= DR I)+B' "1 ~ '~ '~ -j- t .. .. i~ " ' ~a' ~j~..""':""""""'~ 'T' i . 1/41) I l/4D T' 4 '.m CDHPACTE]) GRANULAR ._ CRAI)LE: CLASS ~ I ' " ~ · T" t CDMPACTE]) GRANULAR SHAPED t3OTTDH CLASS ~ I~EI)I~ING WITH TAMPED ]~ACKFILL 1/6l) MIN.--~::.~_~UND R ARR SHAPED ]3DTTDM CLASS C GRANULAR ]]EDDING NOT RECDMMENDED LEGEND ~ CAREFULLY TAMPED : }]ACKFILL ~ PLAIN DR REINFDRCED CDNCRETE ~ FINE GRANULAR FILL ~ COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL FLAT I]DTTDM  LIGHTLY CDMPACTED IMPERMISSII3LE ]lACKFILL CLASS D ]3EDDING NDT RECDMMENDED [TIT[~ LfiDSE ]3ACKFILL .... FDR, "PUBLIC WORKS DMSION ~OLUER COUNTY ' DA~E, J-~o-9z BEDDING DETAIL DRAVN, ~.z ,~'~b-~' ~ I)IR ' DOtlO .SCALE, N.F.S. a3ol ~'T TAUlAUi TRAIL - COUNTY G~NWDCr CEICER - BtDO. H I)VG ~ S2 DETAIL S-5 RIM AND COV[:R FLUSH IN PAVEMENT AREAS 24' MIN. DIA, -- USF 420C-ORS WATERTIGHT MANHOLE FRAM~ AND COVER OR APPROVED .QUAL. AREAS 24' MIN. DIA. ' ' _/MIN. OF TWO PRECAST CONC. · R SER RINGS OR BRICK AND - -- MORTOR (3 COURSES MAX) ~"i~' ~ ~ i . ~ VARIES ' ' I ,JOINT (TYP) ':'" 1 :.:'::' "~""':'. ~ ".: "i. - !:~; .~-- ~..~.. <'ryr,> ' I · .,~' ' ~..._._'14 · 12" O.C.E.W. OR EQUAL .. . .;:: · CONC. SLAB CAST S" '.~ .:..',:,,,.~ '.' ':. · .4..'...:' '. '..' .' .. '..".,; NTEGR LLY WiTH WALLS. .. o., .: ......, . . :. ,-.. ,..f,... ~. ,;. ,. .. ALL MANHOLE INTERIORS SHALL NOT[S: EX11:RIOR SURFACES SHALL (IF FLOOR LINER IS USED) BE COATED (MINIMUM 36 MILS THICK) WITH AN ACCEPTABLE BE DOUBLE COATED (MINIMUM 18 MILLIMETERS ~ItCK) V~TH AN BITUMINOUS ~ E:POXY SEALL~ OR SHALL BE LINED ~MTH A ACCEPTABLE BITUMINOUS OR HIGH DENSITY POL'~:THYLENE: EPOXY SEALER. PROTECTIVE: LINER SUCH AS ~ FLOW LINE CHANNELS SHALL "SUREGRIP' HDP[ UNER, e BE CLAy BRICI( HAVING A MIt,L OF 2" MANUFACI~RED BY AGRU. POURED CONC. OR 2' GROUT[D RNISH. OlSTi:~BU'I[D BY U.S. PRECAST 0.f DROP ACROSS MANHOt.E. CORP. OR APPROVLrD [QUIVALLrNT. FOR~ PUBLIC WORKS DMSION COLLIER COGNTY ]3ATD 3-20-97 ~R~v., ~.= ~ STANDARD PRE-CAST MANHOLE ~., DouO SCALE~ N.T.S'. 33ol ['AST TAMtAI~i 'Ig, AL - COUNTY GOV[RNMFJ',rT C~ - BLDG. 14DVG ~ S3 DET AlL S-4 RIM AND COVER FLUSH IN PAVEMENT AREAS 24" MIN. DIA. U.S,F, 420C-ORS WATERTIGHT MAN- ~ HOLE FRAiMERAND COVER OR APPROVED EQUAL. . AREAS 24' MIN. DIA. I~1~ ' ~A = . MIN. ST CONC. ,: ... ' '. , R SE RINGS OR BRICK AND .. :' . "'.. MORTOR (3 COURSES MAX) ~ '.. BETWEEN MANHOLE AND C.I. · ' ' '~ FRAME. i , ]. ~4 ~, 12' O.C.E.W. OR EQUAL qi.i.-'.:.:...'> i:..:' --'-]!i.-"'~--5' <TYP.) · C"i /A,/FI "' ''''! · ' · I p )' ' .., F1.EXIBLE BOOT WITH · ": /k ~ ' ,:' STAINLESS STEEL STRAP. .., .. , __ ~ ,.. :t · .,~- -.. . -'~- "'~% L"j.~: '.,. CONC. SLAB CAST '~' ' "' '" "'~"" ' i' WIreWALLS- :T!~ o °°o°o ooo o o°o°o oo B-¢' COATED (MNIMUM 36 MILS " I J THICK) WITH AN ACCEPTABLE BITUMINOUS OR EPO Y SEALER TES: OR SHALL BE UNED 1MTH A EXTERIOR SURFACES SHALL HIGH DENS1TY POLYEI'HYLENE BE DOUBLE COATED (MINIMUM (IF FLOOR LINER IS USED} PROTECllVE UNER SUCH AS 18 MILUMETERS THICK) WITH AN 'SUREGRIP' HDPE UNER, ACCEPTABLE BITUMINOUS OR MANUFACTURED BY AGRU, EPOXY SEALER. DISTRIBUTED BY U.S. PRECAST Z~ NOllE:: FLOW LINE CHANNELS SHALL CORP. OR APPROVED EOUIVALEN'T. BE CLAY BRICK HAVING A MIN. OF 2' POURED CONC. OR 2" CROUTED FINISH. O.1° DROP ACROSS MANHOLE. FDR, PUBLIC WORKS DMSION COLLIER COUNTY ])ATE, 3-20-97 SHALLDV MANHOLE / DRAWN: ~.~' .$v'.~Y )) I R, DDUO SCALE, N, T, .i', 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL - COUNTY COVERNMENT CENTER - BLDG. H DVG JIm S4 DETAIL S 5 8" ~.. 4''':riT':. ',", :.: ~'.:.;:' '.":!'.~ ' ' ! .... "'1' ' ':" CONC.. DAM. : :,".' .: : ~: ...:'; ..../: ' , ":" ~"~" ~' ::?.. ;', ;, ', ,4.:':. ~:: ':: "' ~":"j '~' 8" MIN. LINE SIZE - ~_~ (:.' ,' ::.:'..'. .I ..7.'...' ~..:. :'.....I.'. c0.c. ~.cAs~u~.m ~'~". ;: 't: :'-' "".':..:".: · :.. ~,;. ~ ~ ...' ':...: ,: · .,'...' -... :' ;.~ :.' .-.:. 'i , . ~o r..::..::.". ,. ',.'..,,.....~ ' I = c ....~....:; .,~:-:.., ,. ,....= 2 3' ::::..'.,.' .-:. C:, ~...: 3:~. :.:~-~3'.,., ~ ... ;. :~. · ..~. :... J' I .' .. ~....-'. '."~ :' .~'.':'; '. ~.- --..- ~.. '. ' : a" '~ ';' '.:":: ':' "=:~' ',' ". ~' :: ~'.:~.~ -.':.'~:.'.'.; :': ..-'. ~ ., 3:.:'.:-<.:.~ ~:.'....:.:...:..,...- :.':.: FBR~ PUBLIC WORKS DMSION COLLIER COU~ DATD ~-20-97 ~.~v., -- ~ DROP MANHOLE ~., SCALE, N.T. $. 33ol ~ l~l~l ~t - COU~ C~NMEbff CE~ - B~. H DETAIL S 6 NOTES: U.S.F. TYPE 420C -ORS CAST IRON FRAME TOP OF COVER TO BE FLUSH IN PAVED AREAS. 2 1/2" ABOVE UNFINISHED GRADE FINISH FRAME AND COVER VVITI:t ONE COAT ASPHALT PAINT 2 NON-PENETRATING' PICK HOLES 2.a 22. j2" FOR, PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION COLLIER COUNTY BATE: J-20-97 )RAVN,/...r,.~-4.,.'j- S'['A. LN'DA.~.D ]v[itd",TI"-IOTL,B COVE]:?. D'R.'I'AI'[. ])[R, DDUO SCALE, .,V, T. S'. 33ol EAST TA'dlAMI TRAIL - COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER - BLDG. H DWG It, S6 DETAIL S- 7 (2) CHECK VALVr ~Y ACCE~ DOOR. AUTDH~TIC LOCK AT 90' WAY PL~ VALVE BY~ ~ STAll,SS STEEL CABLE ~9ER. ~ITUHINDUS DR EPOXY '~ [~ SURFACE~ DR AGRU ~ '-~ ~ . ~-i -- - .......... HA HA APP~~" : ~~ FLUID LEVELS. ~F~.~'~ ......... DUO'ILL VALVE 9Y RED VALVE. APPR~[9 ~ITUM]NDUS DR EPOXY SEALER "~' ~ ~Jl '~ ~ ELEVATION LINER CAST IN DR APPROVED [DUAL. /. ' /~ ~ /~ ' ~ I ........ - C~TS (H.N ............. ~. ~ -- · -----..-'--'-- THICK) ~ APPROVED BITUHI~US ~ EPOXY STAZ~ESS STEEL. ~.'~~~~~ X ~USH SYST~ A' ~TE, 30' X 48' --~REGRZP ~ F~NDRY ~ APP~VED EQ~L. ~LESS ~ ~ 60' GR~T SiZE REgUZRES L~6ER CDV~. A~ PE~TRAT[~S T~ C~RETE S~LL ~V[ A RU~9ER ~OOT g~TH A STAINLESS STEEL STR~. · . ~oo. ,~ ,.~ ,~ ~OA,~, ,.,.,~ SIDE VIEW - FOR TOP 36 MILS ~ICK) VITH AN ACCEPTA~E ~ZTUHI~S ~ [PDXY S[AL[R ~ ~ ~.,. ~o~ ~,~..XT~,~ VIEW SEE DETAIL S-8 VE~[O TD VALL Liar A~ ~ ~T- SZO[ PERI~T~ PR]~ TD CASTING. DETAIL S 8 ~ ~CFINTROL PANEL. (-~ (~) ~ N~, DIA. BOLLARD~ TO APPLY TWO COATS (lB MILS THICK)--------X DF APPROVED BITUMINOUS DR EPOXY~ , ~H ~ ~' (2) CHECK VALVE BY KENNEDY.\ ~ ~-~ ~'~- ~'-~ PLU~ Y^LVE ~Y ~FZUR:CK----7 \ ~ 1 36 MILS THICK) OF -'~(3) P.V.C. SEPARATE CO APPROVED BITUMINOUS OR ~"r TO COMTREX- PANEL FOR FLD^I' D ~ --- SU;BMERSItlLF U I '..1~.--- ~-~~'].~]~]\---~]]~]- ~-x~{.-}} I ~"-7~MIL$ THICK APpRFIV_D ~ ..... -'~'"?-~- ! ~" ~/ ~ \ ~X. ~ / / BITUMINDUS DR EPDXY ~ }~ I ~m / /- \-~ \ -~ / / SEALER DR AGRU ~' : i~ ~ .' --' \ \ .( / SUREGRIP LINER ~.~=~k_ // l/ / / ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ CAST IN DR APPRrlVED -'1 I~ // !/ / / ~ ~ ~ /'"',,~/~ EQUAL DN INTERIDR MIX FLUSH _ ~/ x'd--FLEXIbLE RUBBER ~LEEVE ~ ~STAIN_I_~E~$ / ~ VALVE HANDLE ~ GRA V I TY I NFLUENT /-----3 gAY PLUG VALVE AND 3° ELBOW & ' LINE. QUICK CDUPLING UNIT CDHPLETE, ]~Y DEZURICK DR APPRDVED EQUAL, TOP VIEW - FOR SIDE VIEW SEE DETAIL S-7 DETAIL S-9 VENT HOOD WITH SCREEN STAINLESS STEEL MOUNT (TYP ) STRUT (TYP.) ' ELECTRIC POWER METER CONTROL PANEL ON/OFF LOCKABLE STAINLESS STEEL NON-FUSED NEHA 3R DISCONNECT BOX TO ISOLATE GENERATOR RECEPTACLE PANEL FROM ELECTRIC G' POVER METER WITH SEAL OFF. ALL PENETRATIONS FROM DISCONNECT ELEVATION 100 YEAR FLOOD OR TO CONTROL PANEL TO DE ON ~OTTOM. 4' ABOVE ACCESS COVER HEIGHT, ' ,,~,VHICH EVER IS GREATER. ,STAINLESS STEEL STRAP CONNECTOR. .C. PIPE AIR VENT 'SEAL OFF' - 3 REDUIRED~ ~ FRD~'~ETWELL. HOFFHAN MODEL #A12!OGNFSS, - 6°X 6'X 10' REINFORCED DR APPROVED EQUAL, STAIN- CONCRETE POST WITH fi4 REDARS CONT. LESS STEEL NEMA 3R JUNCTION BOX WITH TERMINAL STRIP MOUNTED WITH ALUMINUM BACK- ING PLATE. TERMINAL STRIPS TO HAVE S.S. SCREWS. lo, x x IN., HINGED ON BOTTOH. CONDUIT. PUMP & FLOAT WIRING Z SHALL BE RUN IN SEPARATE ~1 I~', POWERV'C' SPARE CONDUIT FROM SOURCE POLE TO METER 3 CONDUITS REQUIRED. I NOTES #10 STRAND MINIMUM FROM CONTROL PANEL TO J-BOX. ~ PUBLIC WORKS DMSION COLLIER COUNTY DATE. $-20-g? DRAVN, ~.~ .~u',,~.,s- CONTROL PANEL DIR, DDUO SCALE, M.T.S. 3301 EAST TA%4~I~I TRAIl. - COUNI%' GOV~RNWOqT CENl~R - BLDO. H DV~ Om $9 2' Im,'C ~ -SET 2' B~LOW GRAD[ ANO 2' ABOVE (;RAOC 10 SERI,'[ AS A VISUAL  WA~CHT PLU~ DETAIL - TA~P~ ~R S 11 ~X~ .E ~STA~EO AT ~E OF NOT ~SS ~ I/8' P[R F~T LENGTH C~' S~RMC[: VAR~£$ ---r--R.O.W. ~ ~ADE ~ ~ A~ ~A~ / I[ / ~E ~N~. ~1~ ~P~ ~A~ 6' ~ UNE ~ BE tNST~ AT ~ ~' NOT ~ ~AN 1/B' PER F~ PUBLIC WORKS DMSION COLLIER COUNTY ]:)ATE~ 3-20-97 SEWER LATERAI~S DRAVI~. ~..c .~,~Jo~ DIR, DDUO SCALE, M.T..~'. 35ol EAST TAt,IAUI TRAIL - COUNTY GOVERNUI~NT CENTER - BLDG. H DVG !t, SlOll DETAIL S- 1 2 2" PVC PIPE -SET 2' BELOW.. .,,.~Flll GRADE AND 2' ABOVE GRADE TO SERVE AS A VISUAL MARKER FOR PLUMBERS PURPOSE R.O.W. LINE CONC. OR TRAFFIC TYPE METER BOX IN PAVEMENT AREA ONLY. 3"--"~ RIM AND COVER FLUSH IN / REHBVA~BLE P.V.C. PAVEMENT AREA. THREAI)EI) PLUG. , FINISH GRADE 12" 3M MAGNETIC MARKER 6" V~TH 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK MIN. RISER 6' P.V.C. 45' ELBOW SEWER BRANCH WYE LATERAL TO BUILDING NOTE: DETAIL SHOWS FINISH CONFIGURATION AFTER LOT DEVELOPMENT. ])ATE, $-20-97 Jll~ PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION - COLLIER COUNTY ])RAVN, z~ '~' I PROPERTY LINE CLEANOUT DETAIL ~)[-~-,' ~ouo SCALE, N.T. $. 3301 FAST T,~lt~Ul TRAIL - COUNTY GOVERNtZENT CENTER - BLDG. H ])VG ltl S12 DETAIL S- 1 5 u.s.F. 105M MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER WITH (4) 1" VENT HOLES OR APPROVED EQUAL. RIM AND COVER FLUSH RIM AND COVER 2 ~/2" ABOVE IN PAVEMENT AREAS FINISHED GRADE IN UNPAVED . AREAS ~ --FINISHED GRADE I" MIN. 4" ON ONE S/DE-- AIR RELEASE VALVE ,,SEE VAL-MA TlC MODEL 485B, OR EMPIRE MODEL 929 --WITH FLUSH ATTACHMENTS OR APPRO~,~D EOUAL FOR ~ RAW SEWAGE AND EMPIRE ~ 24" DIA. R. MODEL 945 OR APPROVED ~ EOUAL FOR EFFLUENT - ~ I" BRASS PIPE BRASS REDUCER 2' X I" ~ ~ BRASS 2' CORP. STOP ~ H-10285 t,,IUELLER 2" BRASS PIPE --- $/4" S[ONE MAIN 2" DOUBLE STRAP TAPPING SADDLE BRASS. SEE *NOTE: PARAGRAPH H2-5.1.1 RAM-NECK JOINT (TYP.,) DETAIL S- 1 SA ~ COVER WITH (4) 1" VENT ~ HOLES OR APPRO~D EQUAL. ~ RIM AND CO~R 2 1/2" ABO~ RIM AND COVER FLUSH~~ ~ FINISHED GRADE IN UNPAID IN PAYMENT AREAS ~ AREAS ~o" ~~' · I ~. · ·., .... ~: ', C-478 (TYP.) . ~ , ~ -. t .... ~' (MINIMUM REINFORCING) 4" ON ONE ~ OR EMPIRE MODEL 929 , .. -' . .... ~ · WI~ FLUSH ATTACHMENTS ~ ~--i OR APPROVED EOUAL FOR ~ " "~' ~ -56" DIA. R.C.P. ~ '. . ;] RAW SEWAGE AND EMPIRE MODEL 945 OR APPRO~D ~ '~ ~ , EOUAL FOR EFFLUENT ' '~ ~ ' I' BRA$$ PIPE . ,.~ '~ -BRASS 2' CORP. S~OP ~ , ~ H-10285 ~UELLE~ ,,NO TE: MAIN -2" DOUBLE STRAP TAPPING RA~-N£CK JOINT (TYP.) SADDLE BRASS. SEE PARA GRAPH H2-5. 1. 1 DETAIL S-14 ,'.::',i:.:';:i.:.';i: :. '.':. ; , 6"XIS"XI$" CONC. COLLA~,.,,~ ., ":, =.......~N,,.~...'- .... .' ..] . ~BRASS DISC WI STATION, SURROUNDING BOX (TYP.,) !\': '"" '"""' ;;':" .1 I ~"zt'~I stz~ o~' v,~v~. ~c~o~.: '.':.."' .. ~o c~.os~ ,~,~ ~u~ OF W~ TWO ~4 REBAR CONT. , N ."?2 , ' ' "-";~,"--' ~ , '4I ~ ~RNS TO CLOSE VALe. RDNFORCEMENT TOP OF' PAVEMENT OR FINISHED GRADE 50" MIN. I -- TELESCOPE TYPE ADJUSTABLE VARIES '" VALVE BOX. NOTE: VALVE BOX RISER SHALL NOT BEAR ON VA L VE OR PIPE. TING NUT NOT TO EXCEED 30" DEEP (EXTENSION TO BE PINNED). ANCHORA GE NOTE: ANCHORAGE REQUIRED FOR VALVE 12"1N SIZE AND UP TO BE SIZED BY THRUST BLOCK ENGINEER D^'rE, .~-~o-~z /r~,uauc WORKS ~S,ONCO~U~, COU.~' ~^v,: ~ ~ ~ TYPICAL VALVE SCALE, N.T.S. 33Ol ~ T~MI T~L - COUN~ C~RNM~ CE~ - BLDG. H DETAIL S-15 ?, . - WA ~ WA 1-ER ~AtN TER (IN SEPARATE TRENCHES) SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAIN, FORCE MAIN OR EFFLUENT LINE. NO TES: SANITARY SEWER LINES OR FORCE MAINS SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM WATER MAINS BY A MINIMUM CLEAR VERTICAL DISTANCE OF 18" AND A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF ALL CROSSING F4TH VERllCAL CLEARANCE LESS THAN 18" SHALL BE MADE USING THICKNESS CLASS 200 AFFVFA C-900 P.V.C. OR DUC17LE IRON, CLASS $! PIPE FOR DISTANCE OF ~0' EACH SIDE OF THE CROSSING AND SEWER SHALL BE CONCRETE ENCASED. 18" CLEAR DISTANCE SHALL NOT BE REDUCED IN CASES WHERE WATER MAIN CROSSES UNDER SEWER LINE. VERllCAL CLEARANCE LESS THAN 12" SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. SEE SECTION 11.12. ~ PUBLIC WORKS DMSION COLLIER COUNTY DATE, 3-20-97 CROSS OVER DETAIL ~)RAVN, ~..z' .~z~'.~ I)IR, DDUO SCALE, N, T, ~'. 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL - COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER - BLDG. 14 ]]VG #t $I5 IJETAIL /--' ITT14 l# {::l~Jr~!CT ' 1, # ..2~'..:." ~ ~'~*~ ~ EXISTING PiPE THRUST BLOCKS ~ ~~ - :"'' vI~T~ ~ -- / EXISTING PIPE - H~DWALL II~ ~l~, NEW PIPE - RESTRAINED JOINT REST~INED JOl~ PiPE )l~C~ FOR N~ PiPE (IN ~ PiPE SIZE m gm BEND 45e B~D' ~ ¥2' ~ ill 1/4' ~ ~. ~ cm~ ~ ,* ~ ~. 1 O" 7 56 17 9 s~,m~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ :z~ 12" 100 41 20 , 10 '16" ' 123 51 24 12 20" 143 59 29 14 24" 162 67 32 16 30" 1 B4 76 37 18 36" : 207 L 86 41 20 UT]d/TZE~ J~ PUBLIC WORKS D~ISION COLLIER ~ESIG~ ENGINEERING J DRA~DATE' ~__. ' t ~PICAL CONFLICT CROSSING DIR, DDUB SCALE, N.T.S. { ~mo~ ~ T~ ~ - COU~ ¢~N~ CE~R - ~[~. ~ ~V6 PROPER TY LINE / BOX AS DESIGNED BY DEVELOPERS ENGINEER A,~i^i : CHECK VALVE-'7 FORCE MAIN '1 ia ' ' NEW FORCE MAIN ~ TAPPING- SADDLE (PRIVATE LINE.) ~ ,.7/'4" SI'ONE VAL lie APPENDIX D - WATER DISTRIBUTION DETAILS NOTE: Additional drawings and i]lu~tratiO~ will b,~ in,clud~ a~ avai]abl~ and as may ~ r~vis~ by the Public Works Division as may be deemed necess,ary, 81 HEADWALL TOP VIEW (SEE DRAWING W-7 FOR DETAILS) D ETAI L W · · si CONC, i~. ~ "I n 6 DEEP ~ 18 SO ~0~0 p · UNiFLANGE TYPE OR~" .~ COLLAR i, ~NE EL DV FORMED HEADVAtL~ ~ 3/~ ~.& THREADED RO~ (SEE DRAWING W-7 FOR DERAILS) BOL~S & NUTS NOTES, VALVE BOX RISER SHALL ND[ BEAR ON VALVE OR PIPE. TEMPORARY BLOW-OFF ~0 RENAIN IN PLACE UNTIL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM HAS NEEN FLUSHED. AFTER CtEARANCg 1~ OBTAINED REFER TO fiRE HYDRANT DETAIL ~-3 FOR F/NAt CONFIGURATIfl~ DETAIL W- 2 (SEE W-~) ~' '"~L' 24" X 24" CONCRETE / HYDRANT BREAK SLAB~ ~ CONC. THRUST BLOCK STAINLESS STEEL TIE RODS '"-'-'---"--~ CONC. THRUST BLO ANCHOR TEES FiRE HYDRANT (SEE w-~) CONC. THRUST BLOCK W1TH ANCHORAGE 6" GATE VALVE .. STAINLESS STEEL TIE RODS~, ..,~ ~,~';'.-' W/ #4 REBAR.(TYP.) CONC. T B ANCHOR HYDRANT TEES FOR, PUBLIC WORKS ONISION COLLIER COUNTY DATE, $-20-§7 HYDRANT TEES DRAVN, ~'-t:'. ~ DIR, DDUO SCALE, N, ~-,,,c, ..33oi EA..RT TAMIAMI TRNL - COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER - BLDG. H ])V[~ #l W~ DETAIL W 3 MIN. ~ R.O.W. LINE TYPICAL VALLEY GUTTER OR SEE VALVE DETAIL7 EDGE OF PA VEMENT / TRAFFIC ' BREAKA WA Y - 1 "-6" FLANGE T _ 6" THICK X 2'--g" ..... CO~C~ .... SUPPLY BREAK SLAB W/TH W/THOUT J4 BARS AS REOUIRED. OR PLUG DRAIN ' .~ OPENING BEFORE ". :, INS TALLA TION.~ '~"~'.. ;' · -- ........ 2'-..0" · . ;. / ; ,'. ,. ': .'o THRUST L. 6' C900, DR14 P.V.C. _,j BLOCK ~-3'--0'~ CONCREI~ THRUST SUPPORT WATERMA/N T/E MA/N TEE TO GATE VALVE W/TH BLOCK(3 cu. ft). RETA/NER CLAMPS AND STA/NLESS STEEL RODS OR AS OTHERI~fS£ APPROVED. NOTES: HYDRANT MUST BE CURRENT YEAR MANUFACTURE AND MUST BE CAST ON BARREL AS TO YEAR OF MANUFACTURE. ALL EXISTING MAINS WHER£ FIRE HYDRANTS ARE TO BE INSTALLED SHALL BE HOT TAPPED.' $' TO 12' TAPPING SADDLE MAY BE EITHER STAINLESS STEEL OR D.L AT ENGINEER OPTION. ALL TAPPING SADDLES OVER 12" SHALL BE D.I.. DETAIL W REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLO~ PREVENTER ASSEMBLY SUPPLIED ~ITH AMMONIA & CHLORINE RESISTANT SEATS AND 51LICON£ RUBBER SEALS. APPRO~D DE~CES: FEBCO. CONBRACO, ~ ~LKINS ZURN. ' PVC (TYP)~ IND ( M~N UHE HOT TAP ) / ~E~SDNO MAIN NO~' ~ STAINLESS 5~ 1. ~NAL CONNECTOR TO BE ~ESSEO BY C~UER C~N~ DE~LOPMENT SER~CE~ OR CAST IRON 2, BLIND ~ANGES TO BE PROPERLY R~AINED. TAPPING SADD~ & INSTALL ~MP~ TAP S~M F~ ~P~ARY ~RUST BLOCK BLIND ~ANGE FOR C~S~UCE~ WA~R. 4. 6' TO ~2' T~PINO SADD~ MAY BE EI~ER S~AIN~5E E~ ~ D.L AT EN~NE~ING ~ A~ TAPPING SADDLES O~ 12" ~ALL BE D.I.. 5. ~MPER ASSE~8~ MUST BE M/N/MUM ~ 18' AEO~ ~NISHED GRADE. 6. BA~OW ASSE~BL Y RE~IRES INI~AL CER~R~ ~ ~ RESUL ~ FORWARDED TO ~E C~UER C~N~ WA~ DEP~EN[ COLLIER COUNTY --CHANNELL MODEL C.C. WATER DEPT. ~YATER DEP[. SIC, NATURE SERIES PEDESTAL HOUSING P/'N SPH 12122C100001¢ COLOR- DARK GREEN PVO STREET ELL -- s.s. POST ~m s.~ HARD~ARE AND S.S. LOCK/NG HASP i~ITH BRASS - LOCK- KEYED FOR COLLIER COUNTY EMPIRE SPECIAL TY COMPANY 24" ( MODEL ,,~945 ) (MIN.,) SCH. 80 NIPPLE FINISH BRASS REDUCER 2" X GRADE BRASS 2" CORP. STOP H- 1028,:7 MUELLER · ,;, .. , ';xx~:/X..x/,,,' -- 5/4" STONE Z '~ ~. o~,~ ~,~ ~,~,,~ D ETAI L W DETAIL LiNE~8,_.. SAMPLING STATION R.D.W ·~IN.) THE KUPFERLE FOUNDRY CD. ECLIPSE ND. 88 WITH 1/4' PET COCK AND BRASS 4' X 4' CONCRETE STANDPIPE. REINFORCED POST ~ _ ! 1/8'X 8 1/8' TO ROADWAY---'- LONG WITH ANCHOR (8) S, 18' X 4' CONCRETE SKIRT WITH #4 REBAR CONTINUOUS 12' BURY LENGTH MINIMUM SHOULD BE 1/8 COVER THE PIPE DEPTH.~ 36'  3/4' POLYETHYLENE WATER SERVICE '-- -- TUBING. L86-SJ ELL I ~ ~ COUPLING WITH S.S. J ~1 ~ INSERT AND FORO FORD S90 BRASS SADDLES WITH L ~__ ~ CI8-JJ BUSHING. PVC C-9OO 6' TO ,2'.F'tO' CORPORATION STOP FOR fl.I. Pipe ALL SIZES SHOULD BE ~ S I DE V I EW OiRECT TAm ~r~ tORO F~O0~ CORPO~nO~ stoP. DETAIL W- 7 TRENCH - - V~DYH- ~ -0' ~ UNDISTURBED ~ A ~,~,~ - ~ I I TRENCH WIDTH I AT TOP OF PIPE FLOW----m-- ' I RODS I C E THRUST BLOCK CROSS SECTION - PLAN VIEW PIPE NO. OF' TIE RODS DIAMETER A B C REQUIRED ~" 9' 36' 18' 2 6' 12' 36' 18' 2 8" 12' 36" ! 8" 2 10' 12' 36" 18' 2 12' 18" 36' 18' 2 16' 18' 48' 2 DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY ABOVE DIMENSIONS AND THE NUMBER OF TIE RODS, ~ FOR TERMINATION SEE DRAWING W-1 & W-3. ?HRUS? ~BLOC]( DEI'AI~, ¥OR DETAIL W-8 4D ~.~'STA~L£ PiPE I.P. l.t~r,~ SL~PG~? T 2 TAND$ ABOVE SLAB AS ~E~I~D ~ P~ *~ .'.. ,.. ~. · · . . M.~ 45' ~ (4) ~IC~ G~ ~ ~ ~ ~ET~L~ ~D M~. PR~ ~ ~~ ~ ~'~~ D ETAI L W- 9 - NO~: ASSEWBLY NOT ~ BE R~MO~ ~D S~L PIECE IN~E~ FOR ~ CONHEC~ UN~ ~R ~S~NG. ~C~ CL~C~ c (~.) M.J. 45' WITH ALl. ,~OVE GROUND PIPE'~ WILL 1~4VE FLANGED END D. LP. CL4SS 53. RETAINER 6:I.,4NDS ALL NUTS ,t, BOLTS SHALL BE STAINLE..~F, STE'EL (TYP.) (4) VEHICULAR tZAIN SIZE PER CONFIGURATION TO BE ILjustRATED ON CONSTRUCTJOH DOCUI~DVTS UTILJTY PLAN SUBM. tEO FOR REVIEW ,~ND APPROVAl.. ~ A..~SEMBLY I~ P~MIIILU FOR COMBINATION ~RE AND AS THIS UNIT )VILL REOUIRE P~#ODIC 1Z~t~lg. FACILITIES REOUIRIN~ CONTINUOUS WATER SERVICE b~Y VASH TO ffcsrALL pAR, UtFL UNIT~ OR FULL SIZE BYPASSES TO PREW_NT SERtgCE INTERRUPI'ION~ TEST RESULTS SUBM. t c.u TO THE COLUER COUNTY IK4 TER DEPAR TIJENT. COUNTY REOUIRE~ DEDICATION O~ ALL ABOVE GRO(AVD M.4rER~AL ANO EOUIPMENr BAC~ TO THE COUNTY WATER MAIN. ALL PLANTS ~ ,BE A HINIHUH DF' 3' FRDH £DC;E ~ SLA~, AND PROVtD~ A .~ ACCE~ OPENING. DE TA I I W- 1 4 DOUBLE CHECK OR REDUCED PRESSURE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY. SUPI:~.IED WITH AMMONJ4 ~ CLORINE RESISTAHT BYPASS ]'0 BE SIZED BY DESIGN DV¢~EER 7'0 $£AT$ AN~ $1LICD~ RUSBE~ SEATS. ~. LISYEI~ STRAINER OUIRED BY COUNTY ORDINANCE AND AVACA M-14. APPROVED PROt4DE A MINIMUM OF DOMESTIC HOWEVER THE MINIMUM SIZE SHALt BE .7'. CTDP ACCESS ONLY) DEVICES: FLrBCO. CONBRACO AND WILKIN$ ZURN. M.J. 45' VAI. MAHC AIR VALVE 1ffiIH CORP. GLANDS 12' SPOOr 12' SPOOL PIECE. CONe ~ON. ( n'P. ) FULL LE'I~TH DF" HETER ASSEH$~I. Y t'~REEY CDHPOUN~ VA T£R IV~T£R UL LZET£D & F'H APPRDV£~ FLANGED GATE VALV~ WITH R/SING VALMA~C AIR VALVE WllT-I CORP. STOP ~ RESIUETW' SEAT' BRASS NIPPLE~ 7 2' MIN. ~.J. 45 wriH ~.L NUn a~ BOLTS SHALL BE Sr~ s~ ~ ~ P~ ~.). SU~ ~ R~ ~ ~v~ ~ ~ DETAIL W-15 314' 2.:. H~Ck~UG ~"" [T134 I~ ~I~ 30' ~. ~ rl~l~ AS ~' ~~ ~ EXISTING PIPE - ~RUST BLOCKS _ :...:.. EXISTING PIPE - H~DWALL ~AIN ~ NEW PIPE - RESTR~INEO JOINT ~REVNE~ JOl~ RPE DI~CES FOR N~ PIPE (IN ~) PIPE SIZE ~ BEN0 45* B~D ~ 172' ~ ~,m AT ~ ~ 4" 44 18 9 ~x~ ,~ ~ ~ ,z 6" 62 26 12 6 x ~x~ t~ 74 31 15 7 ~ ,, ~ ~, 1 87 36 17 9 ~ ~ ~ ~c s:~ 12" 100 41 20 10 1~ 123 51 2~ 12 20" 143 59 29 2~" 162 67 32 16 3~ 184 76 37 18 3~ 207 I, 86 k 41 20 ~ ~PICAL CONFLICT CROSSINGS 3-2~97 T.S. 3~1 ~ T~ ~L - COU~ G~NM~ CD~ - ~. H DETAIL W-.16 MAINI . I I" (IN SEPARA ENCHES) SANITARY SEW[R, STORM DRAIN, FORCE MAIN OR EFFLUENT LINE. NOTES: SANITARY SEWER LINES OR FORCE MAINS SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM WATER MAINS BY A MINIMUM CLEAR VERTICAL DISTANCE OF 18' AND A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF ALL CROSSING WITH VERT?CAL CLEARANCE LESS THAN 18" SHALL BE MADE USING THICKNESS CLASS 200 AWH'A C-900 P,V.C. OR DUCTILE IRON, CLASS 51 PIPE FOR D/STANCE OF 10' EACH SIDE OF THE CROSSING AND SEWER SHALL BE CONCRETE ENCASED. 18" CLEAR DISTANCE SHALL NOT BE REDUCED IN CASES WHERE WATER MAIN CROSSES UNDER SEWER LINE. VERTICAL CLEARANCE LESS THAN I2" SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. SEE SECTION 11.12. FOR, PUBLIC WORKS DMSION COLLIER COUNTY ]3ATE, 3-2~)--97 .. CROSS OVER DETAIL DRAVN, ~..~' .~,r,~.~ ]]IR, SCALE, N. T, S'. a3o~ ~ TAM~MI ~t - C~N~ C~RNME~ ~ - ~. n DVG tl ~8 APPENDIX E - WATER METER SIZING The following is a list of fixtures and their corresponding gallons per minute flow, requirements taken from AWWA manual M22 Table 4.3, converted to a pressure of 65 P.S.I., to be used in determining the proper meter to be used: Fixture GPM Number of Fixture Fixtures Value B athtub-Shower Combo ....... 11 x = Bedpan washer .............. 14 x =' Combination sink and tray ...... 4 x = Dental Unit .................. 1 x = Dental Lavatory .............. 3 x Drinking Fountain (Cooler) ...... I x Drinking Fountain (Public) ...... 3 x = Kitchen Sink: 1/2" Connection ...4 x Kitchen Sink: 3/4" Connection ...I0 x - Lavatory: 3/8" Cormeation ....... 3 x = Lavatory: 1/2" ConneCtion ....... 5 x Laundry Tray: 1/2" Connection ... 4 x = Laundry Tray: 3/4" Connection ...10 x = Shower Head (Shower Only) ...... 5 x = Service Sink: 1/2" Connection .... 4 x Service Sink: 3~4" Connection .... 10 x = Urinal: Pedestal Flush Valve ...... 49 x Urinal: Wall Mount ............. 17 x Wash Sink ( Each Set of Valves .... 5 x Water Closet: Flush Valve ....... 49 x Water Closet: Tank Type ........ 4 x Dishwasher: I/2" Connection ..... 5 x = Dishwasher: 3/4" Connection ..... 14 x = Washing Machine: 1/2" Connection. 7 x = Washing Machine: 3/4" Connection .17 x Washing Machine: t" Connection .35 x Hose Connection: 3/4" . .......... 17 x = Combined Fixture Value Total - 82 Combined Fixture Value Total is obtained by multiplying the above gallons per minute rating by the number of similar fixtures and adding together to obtain one total flow rate. Obtain the PTobablc Demand by applying the combined fixture value total to AWWA manual M22 Figure 4.4 and figure 4.5. Use commercial curve for saf~-ty factor. For simplification the following table has been developed using the above procedure: Fixture Valu~ Flow R~.tc*. Meter Size? 0-24 0-24 3/4" 24-35 25-40 1" 36-90 41-80 1-1/2" 91-375 81-128 2" 376-6300 129-175 3" 6301-8400 176-300 4" 8401-25250 301-625 6" 25251 & up Consult with Collier County Utilities Engineering Dept. * Flow rates and meter sizes shown in this table are exclusive of fire flow and irrigation flow. It is understoo~ that at the time of plan submittal all details of the building plans have not been ~nalized and th~ Project Engineer is estimating fixtures. For this reason Collier County Utilities reserves the fight to verify and adjust the selected meter size at the time of building permit appIication. Meter sizes selected above are intended to be the smaller size when selecting a compound meter. The larger size in a compound meter is reserved for unusually large surges and/or fire demand. h:'ofdintnc~Jtilityllandatds.l~r 03,r27t97-neo 83 STATE OF FLORIDA) CO~[Y OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: ORDINANCE NO. 97-17 RESOLUTION CWS 97-2/MWS97-2/GWD97-2 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 22nd day of April, 1997, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 25th day of April, 1997. DWIGHT E. BROCK Clerk of Courts a.~d-~.Cierk Ex-officio to Boar~ County Commissioxiex~