Resolution 1993-212D
MAY 25, 1993
WHEREAS, Article VIII, section 1 (f) of the Constitution of
Florida confers on counties broad ordinance-making power when not
inconsistent with general or special law; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 125.01, Florida Statutes, confers on all
counties in Florida general powers of government, including the
ordinance-making power and the power to plan and regulate the use
ot land and water; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Part II Florida stl'!tutes, requires local
governments to adopt a comprehensive plan and Chapter 9J-5, Florida
Administrative. Code, establishes the criteria for adopting a
comprehensive plan; and
WHEREAS, on January 10, 1989, Collier County adopted the
COllier County Growth Management Plan as its comprehensive Plan
pursuant to the requirements ot Chapter 163, Part II Florida
statutes, also known as the Local Government Comprehensive Planning
and Land Development Regulation Act ot 1985 and Chapter 9J-S,
Florida Administrative Code, also known as the Minimum Criteria for
Review ot Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Determination ot
COmpliance; and
WHEREAS, Policy 3.1.K of the Future Land Use Element ot the
Growth Management Plan provides tor a Zoning Reevaluation Program
including provisions tor Exemptions, Compatibility Exceptions, and
Vested Rights Determinations; and
WHEREAS, the County adopted the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance
90-23 on March 21, 1990 to implement Policy 3.1.K ot the Future
Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance provides for
applications to preserve the existing inconsistent zoning in
certain situations pursuant to Section 2.4 (Exemptions), Section 10 -1-
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(Compatibility Exception), and Section 11 (Determination ot Vested
Rights); and
ffflEREAS, the owner ot the herein described real property,
Martin L. Charles, president, and Ron King, Secretary, ot Charles
ot Marco, a Partnership, has submitted an application for
COmpatibility Exception (CEX-033-MI) pursuant to Section 10 of the
Zoning Reevaluation ordinance; and
WHEREAS, based upon the criteria for granting Compatibility
Exceptions contained in Section 10.6.1 ot the Zoning Reevaluation
ordinance, the Long Range Planning Director's determination was to
deny that application; and
WHEREAS, the owner ot the herein described real property filed
an appeal of the Director's determination to the Board ot County
Comaissioners, as provided tor in Section 10.5 ot the Zoning
Reevaluation ordinance; and
WHEREAS, on May 25, 1993 the Board ot County commissioners
considered the application for Appeal of the Long Range Planning
Director's determination on the Compatibility Exception
application, the Long Range Planning Director's recommendation, and
the record made before the Board of County Commissioners at said
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board ot County Commissioners ot Collier
COUnty, Florida hereby makes the following Findings of Fact and
COnclusions of Law:
Findinas of Fact
1. The unimproved real property which is the subject of this
appeal is owned by Martin L. Charles, President, and Ron King,
Secretary, of Charles of Marco, a Partnership.
2. The subject property is legally described as Lot 2, Block
799, Marco Beach Unit 6, Tract L Replat, according to the Plat
thereof, recorded in Plat Book 12, Pages 55-56 of the Public
Records ot Collier County, Florida~
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MAY 25, 1993
3. The subject property is located at Waterway Drive, 260t
feet west of Bald Eagle Drive (CR 953). It is designated Urban
COastal Fringe on the Future Land Use Map. The base density
permitted on the subject property by the Density Rating system
contained in the Future Land Use Element is 4 units per acre. The
site is within the Traftic Congestion Area resulting in the
subtraction ot 1 unit per acre yielding a consistent (base) density
of 3 units per acre. The maximum density permitted on the subject
site is to 6 units per acre which may be achieved through
utilization ot the Conversion of Commercial Zoning provision.
4. The existing zoning of the sUbject property is C-1,
Commercial Protessional, which permits commercial professional uses
within structures at a maximum height of 35 feet.
requirements are 25 feet tor the front yard, 15 feet for the side
yard and 15 feet for the rear yard.
s. The C-1 zoning district is inconsistent with the Growth
Management Plan because it permits commercial uses which do not
comply with the locational criteria contained in the Future Land
Use Element.
6. The applicant submitted to the County on November 27,
1990, an application for Compatibility Exception (CEX-033-MI) as
provided tor in Section 10, Compatibility Exception, of the Zoning
Reevaluation Ordinance.
7. The Long Range Planning Director's determination for said
application, iSSUed on February 10, 1993, and effective on February
23, 1993, was for denial based upon the criteria established in
Section 10.6.1 ot the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance.
8. The applicant tiled with the County on March 24, 1993, an
Appeal of the Long Range Planning Director's determination of
denial for the Compatibility Exception application as provided for
in Section 10.5 of the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance.
9. An Exemption application as provided for in Section 2.4.5
ot the Zoning Reevaluation Ordinance was not submitted and such
application would not have been. eligible for approval as the
subject property does not meet the criteria contained in
1m OOOnr!. 5O-~7
MAY 25, 1993
Subsections or of the Zoning Reevaluation
10. Within 300 teet to the north of the subject property are
vacant properties zoned RSF-4. The RSF-4 properties are within an
improved subdivision containing scattered single family dwellings.
All properties are designated Urban Coastal Fringe, the same as the
subject lot.
11. Within 300 feet to the east of the subject property,
across Waterway Drive, all properties are vacant and zoned C-l and
are also subject to the Zoning Reevaluation Program. All
properties are designated Urban Coastal Fringe, the same as the
subject lot.
12. Within 300 teet to the south ot the subject property are
properties zoned C-l and also subject to the Zoning Reevaluation
Program. All properties are designated Urban Coastal Fringe, the
same as the subject lot.
13. Within 300 teet to the west ot the subject property is
Castaways Waterway. Across the waterway are scattered single
family dwellings within an improved subdivision zoned RSF-4. All
properties are designated Urban Coastal Fringe, the same as the
subject lot.
14. The subject property is square in shape and contains t1.4
acres. The parcel measures approximately 210 feet by 290 teet.
15. The property has no unusual topographic features.
16. There are no identified areas of environmental
sensitivity on the site.
17. The existing zoning district boundary is logically drawn
in relation to existing conditions on the subject property.
18. Development permitted under a consistent zoning district
(RMF-12 with a maximum density ot 6 units per acre) would not
generate excessive noise, glare, odor or traffic impacts upon the
nearby surrounding area.
19. Development in the nearby surrounding area will not
generate excessive noise, glare,. odor or traftic impacts upon
development permitted on the subject property under a consistent
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MAY 25, 1993
zoning district (RMF-12 with a maximum density of 6 units per
20. Development permitted under the existing zoning district
(C-1) would not generate excessive noise, glare, odor or traffic
impacts upon the nearby surrounding area.
21. Development in the nearby surrounding area will not
generate excessive noise, glare, odor or traffic impacts upon
development permitted on the subject property under the existing
zoning district (C-1).
22. Development ot the subject site at a consistent density
ot 6 units per acre would yield a total ot 8 dwelling units.
Utilizing the lTE TriD Generation Manual figure of approximately
5.8 trips per day per multi-tamily unit, an 8-unit multi-family
project would generate 46 trips per day.
23. utilizing an acceptable standard ot 10,000 square feet of
commercial development (floor area) per acre, the subject site
could be developed under the existing zoning district with a 14,000
square teet structure. UtiliZing the ITE TriD Generation Manual
figure ot approximately 24 trips per day per 1,000 square feet ot
tloor area, a 14,000 square feet general office development could
generate 336 trips per day. A general office building is a
representative use ot the commercial uses permitted in the C-l
district. Some permitted commercial uses have a lower, and some
higher, trip generation rate than a general office building.
24. The subject property is bounded to the south by Waterway
Drive. Waterway Drive is a tWo-lane undivided local road with a
100' right-of-way. As a local road it has no adopted Level ot
Service (LOS) standard and traftic counts are not available from
the Transportation Services Division. Bald Eagle Drive, t260 teet
to the east, is a two-lane undivided collector road with a 100'
right-of-way. Its adopted LOS is "D" and its operating LOS is "D".
The Traffic circulation Element of the Growth Management Plan does
not identify future improvements to Bald Eagle Drive.
25. The scale and character Qf development permitted under a
consistent zoning district (RMF-12 with a maximum density of 6
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MAY 25, 1993
units per acre) is a mUlti-family project with structures at a
aaximua height ot 50 feet.
26. The scale and character ot development existing and
permitted within the nearby surrounding area includes vacant
commercially-zoned property to the east, west and south.
Properties to the north are zoned and developed with single-family
27. The scale and character ot development permitted under
the existing zoning district (C-l) is protessional office and
st.ilar uses as permitted in the C-1 zoninq district with
structures at a maximum heiqht of 35 feet.
28. There is no particular need identified for additional
commercial development in the surrounding neighborhood.
Conclusions of Law
Based upon the above Findings of Fact, the Board of County
Commissioners makes the following Conclusions ot Law:
The Long Range Planning Director's determination ot denial for
the Compatibility Exception application number CEX-033-MI is
SUpported by substantial competent evidence and is not contrary to
the criteria established in Section 10.6 ot the Zoning Reevaluation
ordinance in that:
The appellant has not demonstrated by substantial competent
evidence that the residential land use ot 6 dwelling units/acre
would be incompatible with the land uses and potential land uses
identitied in Findings of Fact #10-13 set forth above and has not
demonstrated that the Director's determination is contrary to the
criteria establish~d in Section 10.6 of the Zoninq Reevaluation
Ordinance taking into account the following:
1. The subject property is not eligible for a Compatibility
Determination Exemption pursuant to Section 2.4 of the Zoning
Reevaluation Ordinance as the property does not meet the criteria
contained in SUbsections or ot the Zoning
Reevaluation Ordinance. OCO 50" ~~
&O~ ~? -..:JV
MAY 25, 1993
2. The land use patterns, densities and intensities allowed
under zoning districts consistent with the Growth Management Plan
(RMF-12 with a maximum density ot 6 units per acre) on the subject
property are compatible with those existing on property within the
nearby surrounding area of the subject property.
3. The land use patterns, densities and intensities allowed
under the existing zoning district (C-1) on the subject property
are compatible with those existing on property within the nearby
surrounding area ot the subject property.
... The existing zoning district boundaries are logically
drawn in relation to existing conditions on the subject property.
S. A consistent zoning district (RMF-12 with a maximum
density of 6 units per acre) on the subject property will not
adversely impact the nearby surrounding area.
6. A consistent zoning district (RMF-12 with a maximum
density ot 6 units per acre) on the subject property will not be
adversely impacted by the nearby surrounding area.
7. The existing zoning district (C-1) on the subject
property will not adversely impact the nearby surrounding area. .
8. The existing zoning district (C-l) on the subject
property will not be adversely impacted by the nearby surrounding
9. A consistent zoning district (RMF-12 with a maximum
density of 6 units per acre) will not create or excessively
increase traffic congestion or otherwise affect public safety.
10. The existing zoning district (C-1) will not create or
excessively increase trattic congestion or otherwise attect public
11. The level ot existing traffic would not have an adverse
impact on a consistent zoning district (RMF-12 with a maximum
density ot 6 units per acre).
12. The level ot existing traffic would not have an adverse
impact on the existing zoning district (C-1).
13. A consistent zoning district (RMF-12 with a maximum
density of 6 units per acre) will not be out of scale or out ot
aOOK OOO~~A: 50 -.3 /
MAY 25, 1993
character with the eXisting land uses and needs of the nearby
surrounding neighborhood.
14. The existing zoning district (C-1) will not be out of
scale or out of character with the existing land uses and needs of
the nearby surrounding neighborhood.
Denial ot Comoatibilitv Exceotion ~ooeal
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County
eomaissioners ot Collier County, Florida, in pUblic hearing, duly
constituted and assembled on this, the 25th day of May, 1993, that:
The Appeal of the Long Range Planning Director's determination
ot denial tor the compatibility Exception application number CEX-
033-MI tor the herein described real property, submitted by William
Todd ot Prudential Florida Realty, Agent for Martin L. Charles,
President, and Ron King, Secretary, of Charles of Marco, a
PartnerShip, is denied. It is the intent of the Board to rezone
the subject property to the RMF-12 zoning district with a density
cap at six (6) units per acre, a district consistent with the
Growth Management Plan via utilization of the Conversion of
Commercial Zoning provision contained in the Future Land Use
This Resolution adopted after motion,
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second and majority vote
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Mar 0 e M. Student,
Assistant County Attorney
Burt L. Sa~ers, Chairman
aOOK OQUPArl 50 -3~