Resolution 1993-185 MAY 4, 1993 PART II 14 PROVIDE AS ATTACHMENTS 1. Location and site map are provided as attachments. 2. Site map shows the project site and the DNR monuments. Caxambas Pass has limited public access with the Cape Marco development under construction on the northern side and by having condos existing all along the northern shore line with seawalls or riprap banks. The southern bank is a mangrove island and accessible by boat only. 3. Not applicable. 4. Not applicable. 5. The. project site is located south of the many condos that are privately owned and is located north of the mangrove islands that are owned by the state. 6. Project plans are not developed, we are proposing to prepare the Management Plan. 7. At this time, the only project cost is the preparation of the Management Plan and this is estimated to be $120,000. 8. The sand source will be the sand dredged from the navigation channel and any ebb tidal shoals. However, this will be addressed in the ,proposed Inlet Management Plan. 9. The marine habitat study will be part of the proposed Plan. 10. The south side of the project is located within the state's 10,000 islands and access is by boat only. The access to this section of the waterway is by a public 20 feet wide beach access which is about 1,500 feet north of the inlet. The County is in the process of prOviding a public parking lot and restroom facilities at this access point. !OOK nOD w,~ 371 MAY 4, 1993 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF BEACHES AND SHORES APPLICATION FOR FUNDS UNDER PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 161, FLORIDA STATUTES BEACH EROSION CONTROL PROGRAM For Fiscal Year 1994-95 Part III: Estimated Project Cost J.. Project Ide;ltification: CAXAMBAS PASS INLET MANAGEMENT PLAN 2. Project Cost: A. Requested from Federal Sources: $ B. Requested from State Sources C. Available from Local Sources D. Total Estimated Project Cost . Federal Funds Authorized - 0 '- 90.000 30.000 120.000 Federal Aoolicatioh Submitted yes_____No~year Yes_No--X....-(If yes, attach , copy of Federal Application> 3. Project Cost by Activity: A. Studies: Research $ I 120.000 , Sand Search $ I Monitoring: Biological $ Be,ach $ $, Economic $ 9ther B. Construction: 'Beach ,Restoration $' Beach Nourishment $ Dune Overwalks $ Sand Transfer $ Dune Construction $ Revegetation $ Protective Walkways $ Other $ If other; explain the proposed activity .and give, the estimated cost of each activity on separate page(s). Note: !ODK 000 PAG~ 373'