CAC Minutes 12/11/2008 R
December I I, 2008
Naples, Florida, December I I, 2008
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory
Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at I :00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at
Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government
Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present:
VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires
Murray Hendel
Ted Forcht
Victor Rios
Larry Magel
ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Accountant
Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples
Collier County: December 11, 2008
Page 1 of 1
fHURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2008 - 1:00 P.M.
rURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center,
3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
[. Call to Order
[I, Pledge of Allegiance
[II. Roll Call
[v. Changes and Approval of Agenda
't/. Public Comments
Ifl. Approval of CAe Minutes
1. Nover11_b_er 13, 2.008
VII. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
2. PrQject Cost__Report.::.... Gary M..::Alpin
IIIII. New Business
1. Wiggins/DottQrs Pass DredglOQ
2. MClrca IsliHld FEMA.Applicii:ttiQn Tropic;:al Storm Fay
[x. Old Business
1. Consultant_prices
K. Public Comments
KI. Announcements
1. Adviso_ryBoardMJI~age R~imbursement
KIl. Committee Member Discussion
KIll. Next Meeting Date/Location
January 8, 2009 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
KIV. Adjournment
~!1 interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any,
n writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
:or more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 2S2~2966.
[f you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
Jroceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the
:ollier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112,
:239) 252-8380.
:lublic comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time.
:ollier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying
Ktivities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board
Jf County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board
Vlinutes and Records Department.
http://www.colliergov.netlindex . aspx ?page= 2549
December 1 1 , 2008
I. Call to Order
Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1 :00 PM.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken with a quorum established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Mr. Rios moved to approve the agenda subject to the following changes:
. Addition of Item VIlI, Ncw Business 1. a. - Wiggins IDoctors Pass
Dredging - Bee 12116108
. Handout entitled "Project Worksheet" identifying the costs associated
with FEMA request for Marco Island
. Item VIII, New Business 3 - Marco Island FEMA Hazard Mitigation
Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimously 6-0.
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. November 13, 2008
Mr. Rios moved to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2008 meeting.
Second by Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 6-0.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
The Revenue Report updated through November 2008 was submitted for review.
A budget update will be provided at the end of the 1st quarter. It was noted the
operating expenses in the budget wcre reduced in accordance with the County
Manager's guidelines and the collections budgeted were $14.5M for this fiscal
year, identical to the previous year.
2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin
The project cost was submitted for review.
VIII. New Business
1. Wiggins/Doctors Pass Dredging
a. Wiggins/Doctors Pass Dredging - BCC 12/16/08
Gary McAlpin submitted an Executive Summary "Recommend approval to
award contract for the dredging of Doctors Pass and Wiggins Pass to the
lowest qualified bidder" dated December 11,2008. The following was
. 71 requests were sent - 4 bids were submitted for consideration.
December 11,2008
. 3 of the Companies requesting consideration submitted lower bids
but did not qualify.
. In previous dredging projects, the lowest bidders were awarded
contracts but they were not qualified to complete the work and
problems arose (dredges sinking, etc.)
. In an Executive Summary prepared for the Board of County
Commissioner's (BCC), Staff is recommending to award the
contract to Subaqueous Services, LLC in the amount of$I,755,095,
scheduled for review at their December 16, 2008 meeting.
. The process allows the bid to be evaluated by the Purchasing
Department and a meeting will be held with Subaqueous Services
on December 1 1, 2008 to determine the possibility of lowering the
. It is anticipated the bid award will be appealed and the item will be
re-worked and placed on a BCC agenda in January.
Doug Fee, County resident addressed the Committee and provided a copies of
the definition of "Conservation District" in the Land Development Code and
Zoning Maps in the area of the south end of Barefoot Beach. He expressed
concern that the Wiggins Pass Modeling Evaluation Group is not addressing these
issues in consideration of the long-tern1 solution to the stabilization of Wiggins
In addition regarding the above item, noted the Executive Summary for the BCC
containing the bids and information was posted on the Internet yesterday
(December 10,2008), and the public has not had adequate time to review the
document and provide input.
Dr. Michael Bauer, Natural Resources Manager, City of Naples stated with a
previous dredge in Doctors Pass, a less expensive smaller company was
contracted to complete the work and the end result was the Company was not
qualified and had financial difficulties, which impeded their ability to complete
the job.
Mr. Rios expressed concern over thc large discrepancies in costs between the
various sub-items in the bids provided by the Companies. Further, the cubic yard
price in the previous dredging in Wiggins Pass (approximately 2 years ago by
Subaqueous Services, Inc.) was $4.13 cubic yard and the cost bid in this project is
$10.98 a cubic yard.
Gary McAlpin noted the purpose of meeting with Subaqueous Services, LLC and
the Purchasing Department is to investigate if they misunderstood some of the
monitoring serviccs required for the project. The clarification of services could
lower the overall amount of the bid.
With regard to the cubic yard prices, the market has changed over the past two
years and noted the process was conducted through competitive bidding and the
December 11, 2008
cost for unit price of all companies was similar. He noted reserve funds would
need to be utilizcd, as the bid is approximately $255,000 greater than budgeted.
Mr. Pires noted Subaqueous Services, Inc, which performed previous work for
the County has been acquired by Orion Marine Group and is now operating as
Subaqueous Services, LLC. He expressed many concerns with the proposal
noting in researching Subaqueous Services, LLC found they had cost overruns in
the 2nd quarter of2008 on dredging projects in the Wcstern Gulf. He questioned
if this had been investigated during the bidding process.
Other research indicated Subaqueous Services Inc. offices had been raided by the
FBI in conjunction with its investigation of (Jacksonville) "Port Authority board
member Tony Nelson and the Port's contracts. "' as reported in the Florida Times-
Union, May 27,2008.
He submitted the following documents for the record:
. Articles of Amendment to the Articles ofIncorporation of
Subaqueous Services, Inc. dated February 29,2008 - Change of
name Subaqueous Services Inc. to Hawg Enterprises, Inc.
. Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Organization ofOMG1
Sub, LLC dated February 29,2008 - Change of name from OMGI
Sub, LLC to Subaqueous Services. LLC.
. April 26, 2008 Florida Times-Union article "FBI seizes records of
Jacksonville port partners"'
. May 27, 2008 Florida Times - Union article "Port Authority's hire
affirm is questioned"'
. September 19,2008 Florida Times-Union article "Firm protests
port bid in Jacksonville, Fla. ,.
. 2008 for Profit Corporation Annual Report signature page for All
American Concrete, Inc.; American Marine and Construction
Incorporated; Millmac Corporation (the other Companies under
. Orion Marine Group, Inc. FornI 424B3 filed March 5, 2008 and
Orion Marine Group Press Release dated February 29, 2008, re:
"Orion Marine Group Acquires Subaqueous Services, Inc. "'
. 2008 Collier County Vendor Evaluations for two projects
completed by Subaqueous Serviccs, Inc.
He expressed concem whether Subaqueous Services, LLC. was fully investigated
before the recommendation was made in the Executive Summary to the Board of
County Commissioners.
Gary McAlpin notcd these issues would be investigated to the satisfaction ofthe
County with background checks.
Mr. Pires acknowledged the process provides for the lowest responsible bidder to
be awarded the contract (not the lowest bidder), but wants to ensure all necessary
information is presented to the BCC for consideration in awarding the bid.
Mr. Forcht questioned if any Change Orders were expected in the project.
December 11,2008
Gary McAlpin noted this is a unit price contract based on before and after
quantity surveys.
Chairman Sorey requested Staff to review the bid specifications used in these
projects to ensure they are adequatc.
Mr. Hendel requested clarification on the Speakers position on the issue, as the
comments were directed to issues in the Wiggins Pass Modeling Evaluation
Dong Fee noted the relevance is in the land lease from the Florida Department
of Environmental Protection (FDEP), which encompasses this area. It requires
projects in Wiggins Pass be completed in accordance with local requirements.
He noted he is in favor of dredging, but questioned whether the current dredge
template should be reviewed to ensure it meets this requirement.
Chairman Sorey noted these issues should be directed to the Wiggins Pass
Modeling Evaluation Group.
Gary McAlpin noted any modifications to the dredge template have been
deemed unsubstantial by FDEP and dredging has been in complete compliance
with the Land Development Code requirements. There are no substantial
changes proposed to the dredge template at this time.
Mr. Sorey moved to approve Staff's recommendation with the expectation the
price will be re-negotiated better than what the current quote is.
Second by Mr. Hendel. Motion carried 4 "yes" - 2 "no." Mr. Pires and Mr.
Rios voted "no. "
Mr. Rios voted "no" as he cannot go forward on the assumption the company
will lower their bid. In addition, based on this process, at least one other firm
should be requested to re-qualify their bid.
2. Marco Island FEMA Application Tropical Storm Fay
Gary McAlpin provided a draft (FEMA) Report for the damage caused by
Tropical Storm Fay and related "FEMA Project Worksheet."
He provided an update for historic beach re-nourishment expenditures for the
Marco Island beaches. It was noted a FEMA Grant would provide 75% of the
funding for repairing the damage.
3. Marco Island FEMA Hazard Mitigation Reqnest
Gary McAlpin provided a handout consisting of an email to him from Ken
Humiston of Humiston and Moore dated December 11,2008, subject: "Hazard
Mitigation Proposal (HMP) Format" and related documents.
He updated the Committee on the concept of Staff approaching FEMA to provide
funding for a mitigation project for the beaches on the South End of Marco Island.
December II, 2008
The mitigation would aid in preventing storm damage in the future. FEMA would
provide 75% of the funding for the project to be located between markers 148-
147. This would alleviate FEMA from continually expending funds to repair the
area following storm damage. If it is feasible for FEMA to fund the project, the
City of Marco Island will be approached on the feasibility of constructing the
IX. Old Business
1. Consultant Prices
Gary McAlpin provided an email from Kelsey Ward of the Purchasing
Department dated November 19, 2008 in response to the issue of increased
Consultant rates addressed by the Coastal Advisory Committee at their November
Chairman Sorey noted the issue had been addressed and should not be pursued
It was noted the motion passed at the November CAC meeting was for the BCC
to aggressively review the rates and Mr. Pires asked if the sentiment of the
Committee had been conveyed to the BCC.
The issue had been conveyed to the Purchasing Department only and was
recommended Mr. Pires meet with the BCC personally on further concerns he
may have.
X. Public Comments
Xl. Announcements
1. Advisory Board Mileage Reimbursement
Staff reported the BCC has approved mileage reimbursement for members
traveling in excess of20 miles for Advisory Board meetings.
2. CAC Schedule for 2009
Staff provided the recommended dates for next year's meetings.
Chairman Sorey acknowledged the Committee accepted the scheduled dates for
the 2009 meetings.
XII. Committee Member Discussion
Mr. Pires expressed concern in the above referenced email from Kelsey Ward to
Gary McAlpin which stated "It would be counter-productive to ask for a reduction in
hourly rates, because it would give the consultants an incentive to make up for the
lost revenue by padding their proposal with additional personnel categories and
hours, which could cost us more in the long run."
He sent an email to Gary McAlpin dated December 9, 2008, which highlighted the
. The email from Kelsey Ward does not explain the increase in rates.
December 1 1, 2008
. County employees should be qualified to review proposals and
recognize "padding."
. Concern regarding the assertion that Consultants will be less than
honest in proposals.
. What is the basis for this statement?
. Can specifiC examples of "padding" be provided for consideration?
Chairman Sorey noted the Committee has taken action regarding this item and the
next avenue should be for any member/s who wishes to individually speak to their
BCC representatives to do so.
XIII. Next Meeting Date
January 8, 2009 _ Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3'd Floor
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the chair at 2:33 P.M.
Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee
John Sorey, III, Chairman
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
as presented or as amended