Resolution 2008-374 RESOLUTION NO. 08) 7 4 A RESOLUTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 129.06(2), FLORIDA STATUTES, AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE 2008-09 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, Section 129.06(2), Florida Statutes, provides that the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter also referred to as "Board") at any time within a fiscal year may amend a budget for that year, and provides the procedures therefore; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, has received copies ofhudget amendments which appropriate: unanticipated carry forward, or make transfers from one fund to another; and to Section 129.06, Florida Statutes. WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is appropriate to amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-09 by resolution pursuant NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budget amendments to the FY 2008-09 Budget described below are approved and hereby adopted and the FY 2008- 09 Budget is so amended. rNCREASE (DECREASE) CARRY FORWARD BUDGET OR AMENDMENT [NTERFUND FUND NUMBERS TRANSFERS 001 09-097 (I [/I8/08-1O[) $8,999.784,00 III 09-094 (I I118/08-10I) $2,623, [96,00 112 09-098 (lI/18/08-1 01) $1,803,391.50 [ 17 09-101 ([ I/I 8/08-1 6D2) $20,000,00 [ [8 09-082 (I 01I3/08-16F I) $1,146 165 09-055 (IIII8/I08-16B3) $[0,300,00 174 09-[ 16 (I2/I6/08-16F4) $750,000 178 09-079 (I I118/08-16F6) $241,303.3 7 272 09-115 (I2/16/08-16F4) $750,000 273 09-105 (I1/I8/08-IOF) $335,000,00 355 09-099 (lI/18/08-101) $273,225,00 INCREASE (DECREASE) RECEIPT $10,314 $44,250 rNCREASE rNCREASE rNCREASE (DECREASE) (DECREASE) (DECREASE) INTERFUND EXPENDITURE RESERVES TRA1'olSFERS $3,285.521.50 $5,714,262,50 $2,623,196,00 $t,803,391.50 $20,000,00 $11,460 $10,300,00 $750,000 $241,303,37 $750,000 $379,250,00 $273,225,00 426 09-100 (I 1/I8/08-101) $311,25000 $311,250,00 " , . ...., , . ..../ BE IT FUJ~.1J-!ER RES~ V~D that the Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to spread this Resolution in full among the minutes ..... ,if ~_\., ~: f... of this meetin&.'iOr'.pennanetit/~ord inhis office. ,~ ' . ',,:;i' ;-)/-~. ''J;, Tl!:~s Re~olutio.!l 'ad~ted tiAs 16th day of December, 2008, after motion, second and majority vote. ~ ~ ~r:': ",,> By -1- OM HENNING, CHAIR