CAC Backup Documents 12/11/2008 R U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY CA~ tL("IO~ :. PROJECT WORKSHEET O.M.B. No. 1660-0017 Expires October 31, 2008 Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 90 minutes. Burden means time, effort and financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, disclose, or to provide information to us. You may send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of the collection, including suggestions for reducing the burden to: Information Collection Management, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20472, Paperwork Reduction Project (OMB Control number 1660-0017). You are not required to respond to this collection information unless a valid OMB number appears in the upper right comer of this form. NOTE: Do not send your completed questionnaire to this address. DECLARATION NO. FEMA 1785 DR FL APPLICANT Collier, County of DAMAGED FACILITY South Marco Island Beach PW REF NO. JCCC02G DATE 11/19/08 FIPS NO. 021-99021-00 CATEGORY G WORK COMPLETED AS OF: DATE: PERCENT: 08/19/08 0% COUNTY NEMIS NO. Collier LOCATION Marco Island, City of LATITUDE 25.91051 LONGITUDE -81.82507 Was this site previously damaged? (0". Yes C No C Unsure DAMAGE DESCRIPTION AND DIMENSIONS: The applicant is not participating in the "Pilot Program" in regards to this PW. As a result of high winds and surf associated with Tropical Storm (TS) Fay during the period August 18 and September 12, 2008, Applicant sustained significant beach erosion of sand. Applicant's estimate of beach sand loss is 76,728 CY (cubic yards) along 4,383 linear feet (LF)(0.83 MI) of shoreline within the City of Marco Island is based upon a pre-storm survey (June 2007) and post-storm survey (September 2008) by Applicant's coastal engineer, Humiston & Moore, Inc. (H&M), in their attached report, South Marco Island Beach Renourishment Project-Post TS Fay Impact Evaluation, November 2008. The significant beach erosion occurred along the portion of Marco Island Beach maintained by Applicant between DEP monuments R-144 and R148, at the southwestern tip of Marco Island and adjacent to Caxambas Pass. TS Fay made landfall along the Florida Gulf coast on August 19, 2008 less than two miles south of the subject beach. SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Applicant intends to competitively bid contracts to replace 76,728 CY of sand by dredging a Florida DEP approved offshore source and pumping sand back onto the beach. The sand will be pumped to design grades and elevations and shall meet all specifications for beach-quality as required. The initial offshore source of suitable sand has been from Caxambas Pass, immediately south of the subject beach. A sufficient quantity of suitable sand is not expected to be available from this source; therefore the Applicant is seeking permit authority to dredge sand and transport the material from Cape Romano 15.0 MI further south. H&M and Applicant estimate this extra distance and required onshore pumping and handling will increase previous costs for dredge mobilization/demobilization cost to approximately $700,000 and will increase the unit cost for reclaimed sand to $20.00/CY. [Cost Items #2 and 3] 2. H&M estimates the average width of the project fill zone for placing sand and grading is 100 LF, for a total land area for construction of 10.06 AC (4,383 LF X 100 LF). Using cost estimates from the 2007 project, H&M estimates the cost for placing and grading the sand along the shoreline to be $1 ,591.35.AC, or $16,008.98. [Cost Item #4] Does the Scope of Work change the pre-disaster conditions at the site? Special Considerations issues included? Is there insurance coverage on this facility? Hazard Mitigation proposal included? eYes (0". Yes eYes eYes (O:. No C No t:.No €No PROJECT COST ITEM CODE NARRATIVE 1 0 WORK TO BE COMPLETED 2 9001 DREDGE MOBILlZATIONIDEMOBILlZATION-Estimate ~~_ 9001 SANg~B~I2~~_~g_~tract ~slil]!~t~n ...._ ....n' .. __n ._u..... 4 9001 SAND, PLACE AND GRADE - Contract Estimate - 5 9001 TURBIDITY MONITORING 6 9001 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING __ ~______.__.__~_~__~_____n_'.___.___ ______._ _____.. _.. ____.._.__.._____ 7 9001 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS 8 9001 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING 9 9001 GEOTECHNICAL STUDY QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE COST 1 LS $700,000.00 $ 700,000.00 _7~~~_ CY. . $20.00 $ 1 '~.3.42~.~:QQ 10.06 Ac'~f(59T'-35 '$~ 16,008.98 1 LS $15,913.50 $ 15,913.50 ___-.1.._ LS _..._ $26,52?5~ j_.~,522.~Q.. 3 EA $15,913.50 $ 47,740.50 1 LS $53,045.00 $ 53,045.00 1 LS $50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 SUBTOTAL FROM COST CONTINUA TION PAGE(S) $ 378,787.52 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 2,822,578.01 PREPARED BY: Joseph Chesler TITLE: Project Specialist-Coastal FEMA PAC: Don Soegaard Len Price STATE PAC: Jorge Alpizar APPLICANT: DATE: PHONE: (239) 252-3646 FEMA Form 90-91, FEB 06 REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS l Page 1 of 1 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 111-1 ;1 NO. I FEMA FL I DR 11785/ APPLICANT Collier, County of ADDITIONAL PROJECT COSTS PW REF NO. I DATE I -It"':> I'lV. JCCC02G I 11119/08 021-99021-00 CATEGORY I NEMIS NO. G COUNTY Collier ITEM 10 11 12 PROJEC T COSTS (l,;uNTINUED) CODE NARRATIVE QUANTITY UNIT 9001 DESIGN & ENGINEERING COSTS - Contract Estimate 1 LS 9901 PROJECT MANAGEMENT - SUBGRANTEE 1 LS 9901 DIRECT ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - SUBGRANTEE 1 LS UNIT PRICE COST $293,254.86 $ 293,254.86 $73,313.71 $ 73,313.71 ____. $12~?18~~ ~___1.?218..:~ $ - $ - $ - -- - ------_._---~_._._----_..--_.---_.._-------_._---" ._---._._----- ---------.----_. .- _.~- ------.. '''. --.----- ~----.=---- $ - $ - ___",u_,_____,_"__u__ ________ m__ ____.___._....____.__._._ _ '_"""'-"_ $ - $ - --------.-.--------1--. _______u.. __ . ___ _. .. __ .______.____ __... __~____,,_____ _________~_______ $ - -- $ - $ - ~- ----- -.~.-.----.----------.-,,----------..-- -----...------ --- -- ------------- ---.---.-- ------- on. -- --,,---.-- 1__._. 1"-,,, -- ---.-- --_._____ ____ ____..____. $ - $ - -----~--_____.__________~.___.___n.____._____. __..____.______._...__._____. _...__.______ ~_____._______ .__ ______._... .____.___ _________ ~_____._~ $ - $ - _ _ .---.. _ _n._______ .__________ __ _ _____...______ __ ___________ ____.__ _ ...____ _. _____n __ ._____._________ _j_______.___~_-_.._ $ - $ - $ - --.-------...---..-------.--.-.------.-.---- --.---.-....-----,--.........--.-. ...-------.-----.--.. --..- ----.--, ---.----...--..-----.- --.-----.. ~-_._-_._._-_._--_.._----- -'"$._-------::--- $ - .-- -.---.--------..-----. -------.. ----.------..----........------ __on. ___ ___ _______ __ _____... ____ u._____. .__.n. ___.._ _..__.. ____..______________ ~__._____.___._____-=____ $ - $ - ------------. .-----..---____________._____ .. ._____.__m____..____..___________ ___________. ..._____ _.____ __ ___ _..__ __.____________._________ _~.___._____._=___ $ - $ - _._--------_..----_.-- .-.---.---..----.-.---..--..--..------- --------- -""._------------ -------------. ._------- .-----.-------..- -~~~.-=-------- $ - $ - __u___ _______________. ________"" ____ __ _._________________..______.____________ ___________.._______ ._______ __ ________ _____________ _~.____.___________._~_____ $ - $ - $ - -_. --- _._---_.~._------._-------------...--.._-- ---.... -_. --_.--- - ------------------ -.-------- .---.-..-- -- ...--.. .-----------------.----- .$'_____..___-:..:___.. $ - --~--_.--------------._.._---.__.--.--_.._.__.--_.-- -- .-- -----------.--.------- ------------- ------- -------_.~- -~-_._---=------ $ - $ - $ - -~ -.--.~---~.._---.-..---.--~---.----_..----.-..__... _._.______~__.___.____.___~__.. -._-"-0._____---,.--....----- _~____,______.__ _ __.___._.. _____.______~___._____ ________._____.____ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL COSTS THIS PAGE $ 378,787.52 ._-~--_.._-----~---_. ___ 'On 'O __...... -. . PREPARED BY: Joseph Chesler TITLE: Project Specialist-Coastal Revised Jan-07