CAC Minutes 10/09/2008 R
October 9, 2008
Naples, Florida, October 9,2008
LET IT BE REMEMBERD, that the Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for
the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at
1:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F," 3rd Floor of the Government
Complex, Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
John Sorey III
Jim Burke
David Buser (Resigned)
Ted Forcht
Murray Hendel (Excused)
Heidi Kulpa
Anthony Pires
Victor Rios
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director
Colleen M. Greene, Assistant County Attorney
Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Coordinator
Mike Bauer, Natural Resource Manager, City of Naples
Collier County: October 9,2008
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rHURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2008 - 1:00 P.M.
rURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center,
3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples)
[. Call to Order
[I. Pledge of Allegiance
[II. Roll Call
[V. Changes and Approval of Agenda
V. Public Comments
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. August 14. 2008
2. SeDtember 11. 2008
VII. Staff Reports
1. Revenue ReDort - Gary McAIDin
2. Proiect Cost Report - Garv McAlpin
3. Tropical Storm Fav Damaae - UDdate
4. FEMA Survey Results
5. Gordon River Dredaina - Update
6. Dune Plantina - UDdate
7. Wiaains Pass/Doctors Pass Dredging - Status UDdate
8. CAC Verbatim Minutes
9. Procedures for CAC
VIII. New Business
1. ADD rove Word Orders by CP&E
a. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-08
b. WO CPE-FT -3902-08-09
c. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-10
2. Sea Oat/Healthv Dune Policy - Discussion
[x. Old Business
1. Wiggings Pass Modeling Work Group Update-Verbal
2. Marco Beach Advisory Update - Verbal
K. Public Comments
KI. Announcements
1. Letter of Resignation
KII. Committee Member Discussion
KIII. Next Meeting Date/Location
November 13, 2008 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor
KIV. Adjournment
11,11 interested parties are invited to attend. and to register to speak and to submit their objections. if any,
n writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable.
:or more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966.
Collier County: October 9,2008
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f you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this
proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the
Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112,
(239) 252-8380.
Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time.
Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying
I~tivities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board
f County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board
inutes and Records Department.
October 9,2008
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by Chairman John Sorey.
II. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Roll Call
A quorum was established.
IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda
Gary McAlpin noted the following changes:
Under Item VII, "Staff Reports: "
. (#7) Wiggins PassIDoctors Pass Dredging - drawings were posted on the
Internet as requested,
. (#4-A) Post Tropical Storm Fay - the Storm Report was updated and posted on
the Internet,
Under Item VIII, "New Business:"
. Category (#3) Wiggins Pass Modeling Work Team Vacancy was added to the
Mr. Burke moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Second by Mr. Forcht.
Carried unanimously, 6-0.
V. Public Comments
Chairman Sorey noted Larry Magel, the new designee for Marco Island, was
observing the meeting. Mr. Magel is awaiting confirmation of his appointment from
the Board of Commissioners.
VI. Approval of CAC Minutes
1. August 14, 2008
2. September 11, 2008
Chairman Sorey asked for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the Meetings.
The following corrections were noted to the August 14, 2008 Minutes:
. Page 4, under Item #5, (heading):
Gordon River "Edge" is changed to Dredge
. Page 4, under Item #5, (heading and text of (a.):
"Keewaydin" is repeated twice when stated, i.e., North KeewaydinKeewaydin
. Page 4, under Item #3 (text and motion):
Work order@PE is changed to Work order CPE
. Page 8, in the first sentence:
re-imbursement is changed to reimbursement
Mr. Rios questioned why "minutes" were presented for August 14th since it was not
an official meeting because there was no quorum.
October 9,2008
Chairman Sorey stated the minutes documented what transpired and that no official
business was conducted.
Mr. Rios moved to approve the Minutes of the August 14,2008 Meeting as amended
Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously, 6-0.
Chairman Sorey stated he combined the Minutes for both dates when he announced
the item. He asked the Motion Maker if he understood the motion was for both and
Mr. Rios agreed.
Chairman Sorey stated both Minutes were approved.
There were no corrections to the September 11, 2008 Minutes.
VII. Staff Reports
1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin
The "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2007-2008" was reviewed as follows:
. $14,795,681 was collected
· Projections were exceeded by $296,381
. There was a shortfall for September's revenues
Chairman Sorey suggested placing an item on a future Agenda to discuss the
possibility of postponing projects if a pattern of shortfalls continues.
Mr. McAlpin stated the end of the first quarter would be an appropriate time to
review any trends.
Revenue contributions:
. County - approximately $7.2 Million
. Naples - approximately $3.7 Million
· Marco Island - $3.5 Million ($22,000 less than Naples).
Marco Island "breaks even" in respect to the amount of money received versus
the amount contributed (approximately 25%).
Mr. McAlpin stated an analysis will be compiled and presented to the Committee.
2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin
The "FDEP Funding and Billing Summary" report was reviewed and there were
no questions or comments.
3. Tropical Storm Fay Damage - Update
. Storm day: August 19, 2008
· Representatives ofFEMA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
inspected the beaches
· USACE estimated 160,000 cubic yards of material were lost with a cost of
$5M to replace sand
October 9, 2008
· County estimated 200,000 cubic yards were lost with a cost of $13M to
replace beach sand
· County is eligible for Federal Disaster Funds under Category G ("Other")
and will be reimbursed for any documented loses at 75%
4. FEMA Survey Results
· Yearly physical surveys of beaches are conducted by Coastal Planning and
Engineering in early-to-late summer and benchmarked
· County can demonstrate that its beaches are under a continual maintenance
· Volume lost was calculated at 117,700 cubic yards
· Normal annual erosion is approximately 68,000 cubic yards
· Beaches were previously re-nourished to five feet (accepted profile)
· Naples and Vanderbilt Beaches were built to a width of 100 feet and Park
Shore Beaches were built to a width of 75 feet
· Tropical Storm Fay pushed more sand on top of the beaches building them
up to approximately six feet, but the beach width became narrower
Post Tropical Storm Fay Storm Report - Update
Mr. McAlpin suggested reviewing the past performance ofthe beaches and
acknowledged there were some "hot spots."
If a decision is made to build beaches that are higher and wider, FEMA will
Reimburse the County for a complete re-nourishment if the PW s are approved.
If the County contributes money or sand, FEMA will take a pro-rata share of
the fixed costs.
He recommended re-evaluating the current beach design because most beaches
are over-topped as evidenced by recent poor performance. More height and
width are required to withstand storms. These conditions may lead to a
Federal declaration which will produce funding to renourish the beaches. He
also suggested examining the basis to determine impact to the hard bottom of
the beaches.
In response to a question regarding the availability of modeling, he stated
Coastal Planning and Engineering was asked to take a conservative approach
to its initial hard bottom design.
He explained the beaches are being evaluated from two points of view:
volumetric (loss of sand) and beach width. The greatest change occurred
regarding beach width.
He further stated if an emergency is declared, the funding is based on actual
costs and will be adjusted if the estimate is too low. The proposal will be
presented to FEMA. The goal is to renourish to the width of the last re-
nourishment to make the beaches more active for the community and tourists.
October 9, 2008
In response to a question concerning sand height, Mr. McAlpin confirmed that
the height would not be reduced from six feet to five feet. Four PWs will be
processed for Naples, Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Marco Island.
When questioned about the submittal process, he stated Staff had been
instructed by the County Manager to work with FEMA and the State
Department of Community Affairs to generate an agreement which will be
reviewed by the BCC.
Discussion ensued concerning the most receptive approach to submit to
FEMA. DEP permits are in place. Renourishment will probably not occur
until 2009.
Public Speaker:
Marcia Cravens, Pelican Bay Resident, Mangrove Action Committee, Friends of
Clam Bay, Sierra Club, noted number R-37 through 45 were missing and asked the
original width ofthat stretch of beach, the erosion and plans. She stated the correct
term for a sudden storm event is "avulsion" not erosion.
Mr. McAlpin stated the beach area referenced is a private beach. It will not be
renourished by the County due to lack of public access and FEMA will not reimburse
expenses related to private beaches.
5. Gordon River Dredging - Update
· A conference call with Mike Bauer to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is
scheduled for later in the month
· In certain areas, the sand is not beach quality - approximately 26,000 cubic
yards will be removed for disposal although disposal sites are difficult to find
· Approximately 60,000 cubic yards of excess good material is available for
use elsewhere
. City of Naples will be involved in all discussions
· Inlet Management Plan allows sand to be relocated from a beach with excess
material to a down drift beach
· Beach Management Plan allows placement of excess sand on upstream beaches
if not needed elsewhere - the County will work with DEP on this issue
Mr. Pires introduced a copy of Page 3 ofthe May, 2008 Florida Department
of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems' Strategic
Beach Management Plan for inclusion in the record. It noted placement of beach
quality maintenance dredge material on down drift beaches south of the inlet.
6. Dune Planting - Update
· Over 120,000 plantings of dune vegetation were completed at Barefoot Beach,
Clam Pass and Marco Island
· In 2009, the balance of Barefoot Beach will be planted
October 9,2008
A question was asked about the vegetation situation at Tiger Tail Beach.
Mr. McAlpin stated the problem area was identified by posts. It will be raked and
7. Wiggins Pass/Doctors Pass Dredging - Status Update
· The design has been completed for each Pass
· The bid package was delivered to Purchasing
· No permit modifications were made
· Goal: to remove approximately 49,600 cubic yards of material from Wiggins
and 36,000 from Doctors
· Dredging to begin in January, 2009
· Approximately 12 weeks from start to completion
· Cooperation was noted between City of Naples and County for this project
A question was asked whether significant beach erosion had been measured at
Pelican Bay. Mr. McAlpin will forward the beach erosion profiles to Mr. Burke
for his review.
8. CAC Verbatim Minutes
· A County Attorney's finding stated minutes can be obtained from a recorded
CID or video of the hearing; the County is not obligated to provide verbatim
minutes. Any member of the public may obtain verbatim minutes at their cost.
Public Speaker:
Marcia Cravens, Pelican Bay Resident, Mangrove Action Committee, Friends
of Clam Bay, Sierra Club, stated the subject of verbatim minutes was discussed
at the March 13,2008 meeting. The conclusion was to allow recap minutes with the
ability for a Committee Member to enter a statement "for the record." She stated it
was unfair to not allow a public speaker the same opportunity to state "for the
record. "
An Executive Summary stated, "Mancan has currently been providing detailed
abbreviated minutes for the CAC and will continue to do so with key items being
noted in an outline format."
It was noted that a public speaker could submit a written statement to be included with
the record of the meeting.
9. Procedures for CAC
· A challenge was made to the 3-minute time allotted to public speakers
· The current policy is to allow 3 minutes per speaker but the Chairman has the
discretion to extend the time limit to 5 minutes
When asked ifhe wanted to change the policy, Chairman Sorey stated Naples City
Council also follows the 3-minute time limit and declined to change.
October 9l 2008
Mr. Pires suggested the policy should be revised to be consistent.
Mr. McAlpin stated he will contact the County Attorney's Office to modify the
Rules and will bring back the amended version at a future meeting.
Public Speaker:
Marcia Cravens, Pelican Bay Resident, Mangrove Action Committee, Friends of
Clam Bay, Sierra Club, referred to Resolution #2004-01 which stated, "All persons
may speak for a maximum of five (5) minutes each." She had not been allowed five
minutes for her comments.
VIII. New Business
1. Approve Work Orders by CP&E
a. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-08
b. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-09
c. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-10
Mr. McAlpin requested approval ofthe Work Orders. Discussion ensued
concerning the rate schedule utilized by Purchasing and the possibility of obtaining
better rates in the private sector.
Ms. Kulpa moved to approve the Work Orders as presented. Second by Mr. Rios.
Carried unanimously, 6-0.
2. Sea Oat/Healthy Dune Policy - Discussion
A photograph ofthe dunes taken on Storm Day was projected for view.
Mr. McAlpin suggested forming a Subcommittee to examine policy regarding
dune plantings so future renourishment plans will contain a dune component.
There is no comprehensive policy concerning dune vegetation and protection
He suggested the Committee could request the participation of Dr. Bauer from the
City of Naples in cooperation with Nancy Richie, Marco Island Natural
Resources Manager.
Mr. Mr. Alpin was directed to contact the City Managers of Naples and Marco
Island to request their assistance and participation.
3. Wiggins Pass Modeling Work Team Vacancy
Mr. McAlpin stated there was a resignation from the Wiggins Pass Modeling
Work Team and asked for a recommendation to approve the nomination of Mark
Latch to fill the vacancy.
Ms. Kulpa moved to approve the nomination. Second by Mr. Pires.
Carried unanimously, 6-0.
October 9, 2008
IX. Old Business
1. Wiggins Pass Modeling Work Group Update - Verbal
A meeting will be held on October 22,2008 to discuss implementation of the
following options:
· provide a healthy Pass that is safe for poaters to use,
· cause minimal damage to the environment, and
· restore the north end of Barefoot Beach in a cost-effective manner.
The goal is to bring a single solution back to the Committee and BCC for review
and approval.
2. Marco Beach Advisory Update - Verbal
Mr. Rios stated the beach front plantings on Marco Island were very successful.
In response his question concerning the breakwaters and jetty study, Mr. McAlpin
stated Humiston & Moore is preparing a proposal concerning costs in addition to a
proposal to renourish Tiger Tail Beach and should be submitted next month.
X. Public Comments
Marcia Cravens, Pelican Bay Resident, Mangrove Action Committee, Friends
of Clam Bay, Sierra Club, asked why areas south of Clam Pass were not
included in the beach erosion report. She stated at the August meeting she submitted
documents in addition to making comments, but the information was not included in
the Minutes.
Mr. McAlpin stated the report was produced by FEMA and it was not the Annual
Beach Monitoring Report. If a beach has not been designated as "critically eroded,"
it is not eligible for funding.
XI. Announcements
1. Letter of Resignation
Mr. McAlpin stated Dr. David Buser submitted his resignation to the Advisory
Committee. The City of Naples has been asked to appoint an individual to fill the
XII. Committee Member Discussion
A suggestion was made to add a preamble to the FEMA report stating that only
critically designated beaches were addressed.
XIII. Next Meeting Date/Location
November 13, 2008 - Government Center, Administration Bldg, F, 3rd Floor
October 9, 2008
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned
by order of the Chair at 2:35 PM.
John Sorey, III, Chairman
These Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee Chair on
as presented or as amended