BCC Minutes 09/29/2008 W (Horizon Study)
September 29,2008
Naples, Florida, September 29,2008
LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Board of Collier County Commissioners
and the East Of 951 Infrastructure And Services Horizon Study Public Participation
Master Plan Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 9:00 AM in WORKSHOP SESSION in the BCC
Chambers, 3rd Floor, Building "F," of the Government Complex, Naples, Florida with
the following members present:
Tom Henning
Donna Fiala
Jim Coletta
Frank Halas (Absent)
Fred Coyle
Jim Mudd, County Manager
Leo Ochs, Assistant County Manager
Sue Filson, Executive Manager, BCC Office
Marcy Krumbine, Director, Housing and Human Services
Michael Bosi, Community Planning & Redevelopment Manager
September 29,2008
1. Chairman Tom Henning called the Workshop to order at 9:02 AM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
County Manager Mudd announced a change to the Agenda. He referenced a memo sent
to the Commissioners on September 24, 2008, concerning the State Housing Initiative
Partnership Program ("SHIP"). He asked Marcy Krurnbine, Director of Housing and
Human Services, to update the Commissioners regarding the status of the SHIP Program
and changes to SHIP allocations.
Marcy Krumbine stated the SHIP Program was instituted by Legislation in 1992 and
funded through the State's Housing Trust Fund from the collection of a portion of the
documentary stamps paid by home buyers.
She stated Strategies for each County are approved through the Local Housing Assistance
Plan ("LHAP") every three years by the County's Board of Commissioners. A major
component of the Strategies offers down payment and closing cost assistance for home
. From 1996 to 2002, the amount of assistance approved was $2,500.
. In 2003, the amount of assistance was increased to $5,000.
. In 2005, it was increased to $10,000 due to the escalating costs of homes in the area.
Because Collier County received a "finding" that it was not spending the money quickly
enough, the Strategy was changed to allow down payment and closing cost assistance to equal
up to 15% ofthe purchase price of the home for approved buyers.
Purchase prices have declined since 2005-2006, and she suggested reducing the assistance
percentage from 15% to 4%. She also suggested changing the focus ofthe program to
require all prospective home buyers to be pre-qualified by the SHIP Staff to verify income
and credit in order to determine the maximum allowable purchase price. She stressed the
importance of educating and counseling buyers at the inception of the home buying
process. The goal is to not only help people own homes but to help them stay in the homes
they purchase. She stated approximately 53 files are currently awaiting closure as part of
the program.
County Manager Mudd stated the 4% funding would be utilized completely for closing
costs after a maximum allowable purchase price had been determined for each home buyer.
The Commissioners asked questions concerning the amount of down payment a buyer would
be required to contribute and the options offered by Habitat for Humanity, i.e., "sweat equity"
coupled with a low down payment ($500).
Commissioner Coyle suggested the County match only the funds a buyer contributed to down
payment and closing costs with a total cap of 4%.
County Manager Mudd stated the program could be tailored to allow for an exact match by
the County to the funds contributed by a home buyer.
Marcy Krumbine stated the banks were no longer offering any "no Doc/no down payment"
mortgages. All buyers are required to buy in at some level.
September 29,2008
Commissioner Coletta asked questions concerning the foreclosure program and suggested
obtaining information from other participating agencies to determine what options were
offered. He suggested bringing this item back at a later date.
Marcy Krumbine stated she could corne back later in October or November to present an
update on the status ofthe programs..
Commissioner Coletta asked if any members of the public wished to speak.
Commissioner Coyle stated it was inappropriate to turn the Workshop into a public hearing
without having first advertised the subject. He supported Ms. Krumbine's suggestion to return
with additional information at a later meeting with appropriate public notification.
2. Introduction and Overview - Mike Bosi, Community Planning Manager, Comprehensive
Mr. Bosi stated the Workshop was a "milestone" event because it was not actually a
conclusion of the Study. It was anticipated that the process of acquiring and exchanging
information would continue.
He gave a brief history of the Committee and its mandate from the Board.
. On June 29, 2004, the Board questioned whether or not the County would be able to
meet the revenue demands to provide infrastructure and services at build-out for the
East of 951 Study Area.
. The process initiated by the County Manager to address that question was to organize
the Horizon Study Master Committee.
. On May 26, 2006, an update was provided to the BCC.
. Gaps within funding were identified.
. The Board directed Staff to identify public concerns, through public participation
meetings held by the Master Committee.
. The Collier Interactive Growth Model ("CIGM") was developed as a tool to be utilized
by the various County departments and outside agencies contributing information
concerning infrastructure and services for the Study Area.
He pointed out the Committee's message: "To be able to provide for the sustainable
Community the Study is designed to achieve, the communication between all levels of
Government, citizens, homeowners' associations, the business community, the agricultural
Community and individual property owners must continue. The conversations between
these groups must be aided by technical tools, such as the Growth Model, to better identify
the needs of the future. The conversations can translate to solutions that all parties can
support because they feel that have contributed to the process. "
He concluded by thanking the members of the Horizon Study Master Committee for the
time they devoted during the past two years for attending the public participation meetings
and their input.
3. Presentation from Horizon Study Master Committee - Bill McDaniel, Chairman
Mr. McDaniel presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Board members.
. The Master Committee began the "process to plan."
September 29,2008
. The Board was afforded an opportunity to lay the necessary groundwork for
fundamental support ofthe growth and development that is going to corne to the
. Through the information vetted in the public process, the intention of Master
Committee's report is to assist the BCC in recognizing the importance oflaying
the groundwork.
. Three levels of service were identified for roads, water, waste-water, parks, EMS,
law enforcement, schools, Fire, and libraries.
. The Preliminary Report was based on Comprehensive Planning's 2005 Build-Out
Population Study
. For purposes ofthe Study, the build-out date targeted was 2050
. The Study Area encompasses approximately 1.2 Million acres of land.
. At maturity, approximately one million people will reside in the Study Area with
60 to 70% residing in the area east of 951.
He stated the duty of the Master Committee was to promote the necessary infrastructure to
support the anticipated growth and development.
The Master Committee members in attendance were introduced.
The Horizon Study Master Committee was charged to poll the public in the Study Area to
ascertain their opinions regarding growth and also their choices of services necessary for
to maintain the health, safety and welfare of the residents.
Mr. McDaniel detailed the position points of the report which reflected the information
acquired as a result of the public participation meetings. He stated the importance of the
Interactive Growth Model as a tool to project growth, and to assist in the development of a
plan to implement and manage it.
Recommendations of the Master Committee:
(1) Establish an Oversight Committee of three to five members to ensure the identified
issues are acted upon. The Oversight Committee would carry forward the issues and
concerns identified by the Horizon Study Master Committee. The Oversight
Committee could also monitor the integration of the Interactive Growth Model and its
maintenance; and
(2) Appoint a Site-Specific Committee to explore specific locations for land use changes
(for industrial/commercial centers) and infrastructure improvements through additional
public participation meetings.
He concluded by stating the Horizon Study Master Committee began the process for the BCC,
and the two recommended Committees would continue the process forward as "Phase II."
The Commissioners asked questions concerning the issue of lighting within Golden Gate
Estates and public preference, as well as work-force and low income housing, and water
management. There was further discussion concerning the position points presented.
Questions were asked concerning EMS, the response times desired by the public, and the
improvements that could be made.
September 29,2008
A question was asked concerning regional parks versus neighborhood parks and when the
regional parks would corne online.
County Manager Mudd stated the November 3rd AUIR will provide specific answers.
There was further discussion concerning the Immokalee Airport and its importance as a
hub for the area.
Commissioner Coletta asked how often the proposed Oversight Committee should meet in
order to be effective in managing the Collier Interactive Growth Model (CIGM).
Mr. McDaniel suggested meeting on a quarterly basis and with written reports for the
BCC. He also suggested that a list of tasks for the Oversight Committee could be compiled
to outline a collaborative effort to implement the CIGM for use by Staff and the BCC. He
stated the CIGM is a planning tool that assembles where growth will occur. .
Commissioner Fiala asked questions concerning the availability of water for future growth
and the needs of farms versus developments for water.
Mr. McDaniel stated the CIGM would take into consideration the value and viability of
preservation of agricultural lands in relationship to residential developments. He stated
protective measures were in place concerning potable water, and noted the necessity for
desalination packages to accommodate the needs for future residential developments.
Commissioner Henning asked additional questions concerning the CIGM. He suggested the
tool should be monitored by Comprehensive Planning.
BREAK: 10:37 AM
4. Commentary on Horizon Study Public Opinion/Data Collection - Chuck Mohlke,
Fraser & Mohlke Associates, Inc.
Mr. Mohlke outlined the survey and its results:
. 2,150 registered voters were surveyed
. 598 responses were received - 28% - with an additional 44 received after the
. 47% resided in their present homes for 8 years or less; 37% attended Collier
County public schools, and 33% were retired
. 23% (128 responses) of the total sample were from the area along Route 41 east
of 951 in zip code area 34114 and from the more rural areas reaching to Everglades
. Zip code areas were used for clarity; 34120 and 34117 represented the two major
. The top 5 responses were concerning transportation-related issues
. "Endorsements:" maintaining traffic signals at major intersections and for turn
lanes at major road intersections
. Re: EMS providers, the public preferred co-locating stations with law enforcement
and fire
. There was a strong interest in locating street lighting and sidewalks near schools
September 29,2008
Mr. Mohlke stated the survey was a "work in progress" with a vast array of data available
for review.
5. Presentation of Bridge Study - Nick Casalanguida, Director, Transportation
Planning Department
Mr. Casalanguida outlined the major points ofthe Bridge Study:
. Was a result of the public participation meetings
. Purpose - to identify locations for new bridges so grant opportunities can be
. Study results will be incorporated into the MPO update
. A public meeting was held on July 2,2008; approximately 150 individuals attended
. 1500 postcards were mailed to property owners living on every dead-end street in
the Study Area two weeks prior to the public meeting
. Evaluation process was broken down into four categories: (a) Emergency response
(Fire, EMS, Sheriff and Forestry); (b) Mobility and evacuation (Transportation
Services); (c) Service Efficiency (School District, Parks, Public Utilities & Big Cypress
Basin); and (d) Public Sentiment
. Key issues for the public included emergency response times, better access and
mobility, better access to schools, parks and public utilities
. There is one approved bridge location, pursuant the to Growth Management Plan,
which is part of the White Boulevard Bridge Replacement Project with construction
expected in 2010
. Public concerns: increased traffic on dead-end streets; effect on property values,
and site-specific concerns
. As a result ofthe public meeting and request by the EMS, a new bridge location
was recommended and seven possible locations for additional bridges were
identified including an emergency access bridge (Location 12) that would be restricted
to emergency vehicles only as requested by the Fire District
When questioned about the availability of grant money, Mr. Casalanguida stated there is
funding available from the Federal government for applications providing unique approaches
to bridge construction. For example, developing a pattern design has been developed that
could be used repeatedly.
The Bridges were ranked as follows:
. The first two recommended locations were at 8th Avenue and 16th Avenue (#2 and #3)
to connect Randall Blvd. to Golden Gate Blvd. and, in the future, to connect to the
Vanderbilt Beach Extension
. The next locations (4, 5, 6 & 7) would connect the Wilson Extension north on 5 to the
roads west of Irnrnokalee Road; 6 and are the existing east-west roads that would
connect from Wilson to DeSoto and the two schools that are east of Everglades
. Locations 8, 9, 10 & 11 would be "opportunity" bridges to be constructed when needed
. Location 12 was specifically requested by the Fire District - the bridge would not
Allow access by the public
. Some of the bridges would include sidewalks for public access
September 29,2008
Concern was expressed concerning children walking to schools on roadways without
Mr. Casalanguida stated he would provide the BCC with a quantitative analysis ofthe cost to
install sidewalks before a proposed bridge was built.
6. Presentation of the Collier Interactive Growth Model ("CIGM") - Dr. Paul
V an Buskirk, V an Buskirk, Ryffel and Associates, Inc.
Dr. Van Buskirk presented a PowerPoint Program.
· The Study Area has a geographic area that is slightly larger than the State of
· Other studies of the area were done in the past
· All of the other studies and Master Plans were analyzed and some were incorporated
in the Growth Model
· The Growth Model contains over one millions bits of data and information
· Population data and distribution were provided in 5-year increments from the present
to build-out
· The Growth Model also points out when and where any deficiencies are likely to
RECESS: 12:00 Noon
(Commissioner Coyle was absent)
6. Collier Interactive Growth Model ("CIGM") Presentation
Dr. V an Buskirk continued the PowerPoint Presentation:
The Interactive Growth Model cannot forecast "booms" and "busts."
The various Sub-Models are contained within the Growth Model:
· Demographic (household size, generation of children for enrollment in the school
system, vacancy rates, etc.)
· Economic (retail/commercial space)
· Socio-Political (zoning policies, future land use plans)
· Spatial Relationship (location of neighborhood shopping center - "smart growth" to
reduce trip lengths on road systems)
· Land Resources (ensure there is enough land to support schools, EMS, parks)
Dr. Van Buskirk stated the Interactive Growth Model should be updated annually to
manage growth, identify development and demographic trends, and determine and monitor
the impacts of growth and the needs of future population. CIGM can be utilized to identify
problems and solutions for the Growth Management Plan update.
Dr. Van Buskirk the baseline inventory in the CIGM should be reviewed by the BCC and
Staff on a yearly basis to review development that is occurring in real-time. He also
September 29,2008
suggested reviewing the build-out model to determine what changes would need to be
made to the Master Plan in order to accommodate the needs of the residents.
There were questions from the Commissioners concerning the land "shortfalls" mentioned
with respect to Irnrnokalee and the Estates.
Dr. Van Buskirk stated the Irnrnokalee Master Plan is in the process of development and
should address the issue of sufficient sights for schools, parks, libraries. Golden Gate
Estates was difficult because there are few large open parcels of land in the area. He
suggested locating facilities around the periphery and disturbing the Estates as little as
County Manager Mudd stated the Golden Gate Master Plan may need to be reviewed to
address deficiencies. He also stated the value of the CIGM was to help layout a plan for
development of the Study Area that was flexible enough to meet the changing needs of the
communities as they developed. He stated appointing the recommended Committees
would allow for citizen monitoring of the development process while reporting their
findings to the BCC.
A suggestion was made to take the presentation "on the road" to District 5 to illicit support
for the recommendations made.
Chairman Henning verified the presentation should be made to the Planning Commission
for its recommendations. He stated there was no reason to establish an Oversight
Committee since Staff could update the CIGM and input the information into the AUIR.
He stated his concern that the information would be in the hands of the Oversight
Committee and not the general public.
Mr. McDaniel clarified the recommendation ofthe Horizon Study Master Committee was
to appoint an Oversight Committee to work with Staff and report back to the BCC regarding
the implementation, updating and maintenance ofthe CIGM. He stated the Committee
would continue the public vetting process that the Horizon Study had begun.
Commissioner Henning stated since the CIGM was a growth management tool for
planning, it should be monitored by the Planning Commission and the Comprehensive
Planning Department since Staff has the ability to carry it forward. He stated his position
was the Oversight Committee could become problematic due to the influence of special
interests and he was opposed to its appointment.
Commissioner Fiala stated Staff would maintain control ofthe CIGM but community
feedback and support would be important to Staff during the process.
Commissioner Coletta stated he would like to keep the option open regarding appointing
an Oversight Committee.
County Manager Mudd stated the presentation will be made to the Planning Commission
and the Planning Commission's comments concerning the CIGM would be presented back to
the BCC at a later date. Staffwill ask for direction at that time.
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September 29, 2008
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7. Public Comment - NONE
There being no further business for the good of the County, the Workshop concluded by
order of the Chair at 2:26 PM.
.-. Attest as :"jo Cha ,,, ,
Signature ontit
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These Minutes were approved by the Board on
as presented ~. , or as amended