CAC Agenda - 10/09/2008 Collier County: October 9, 2008 Page 1 of2 October 9, 2008 MEETING AGENDA 8t NOTICE MEETING AGENDA 8r. NOTICE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9,2008 - 1:00 P.M. TURNER BUILDING (Administrative Building F, 3rd Floor Collier County Government Center, 3301 E. Tamiami Trail, Naples) PUBLIC NOTICE I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. August 14. 2008 2. September 11. 2008 VII. Staff Reports 1. Revenue Report - GaQUotcAlpin 2. Proiect Cost Report - Garv McAlpin 3. Tropical Storm Fay Damaae - U~ate 4. FEMA Survey Results 5. Gordon River Dredgina - Update 6. Dune Planting - UDdate 7. Wiggins Pass/Doctors Pass Dredaing - Status Update 8. CAC Verbatim Minutes 9. Procedures for CAC VIII. New Business 1. Approve Word Qrders bv CP8r.E a. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-08 b. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-0g c. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-10 2. Sea Oat/Healthv Dune Policv - Discussion IX. Old Business 1. Wiggings Pass Modeling Work Group Update-Verbal 2. Marco Beach Advisory Update - Verbal X. Public Comments XI. Announcements 1. Letter of Resignation XII. Committee Member Discussion XIII. Next Meeting Date/Location http://www.colliergov.net/index.aspx?page=2512 10/3/2008 Collier County: October 9,2008 Page 2 of2 November 13, 2008 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor XIV. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. http://www.colliergov.net/index.aspx?page=2512 10/3/2008 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 1 of 10 August 14,2008 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, August 14,2008 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III . Anthony Pires Murray Hendel Heidi Kulpa Jim Burke David Buser (Absent) Ted Forcht (Excused) Victor Rios ALSO PRESENT: Jeffrey Klatzkow, County Attorney Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Collector Katie Laakkonen, City of Naples CAC October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 2 of 10 August 14, 2008 I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1 :00 PM II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll Call was taken with a quorum established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Rios moved to approve the agenda. Second by Mr. Pires. Carried unanimously 6-0. V. Public Comments 1. Eddie Chesser - Employee of the month May 2008. Chairman Sorey moved for the Committee to endorse a Certificate of Appreciation for Eddie Chesser, employee of the month for May 2008. Second by Mr. Rios. Carried unanimously 6-0. Chairman Sorey presented the Certificate to Eddie Chesser thanking him for his service noting he is the only Collier County employee to receive the award twice. Eddie Chesser addressed the Committee thanking them for the recognition and noted he takes great pride in his job and enjoys working for Collier County. VI. Approval of CAC Minutes Mr. Rios moved to approve the minutes June 12,2008 meeting subject to the following corrections: Page 3 line #5 - from "with the CC&A ..." to "with the CCNA ..." Page 3, paragraph 6, line 3 - correct spelling from David Rollins to David Roellig, retired Army Corps of Engineers. . . " Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimously 6-0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin The updated Tourist Tax Revenue Report for FY- 2007-2008 was presented. 2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin The updated FY 2007/2008 TDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects was presented. VIII. New Business 1. WO CPE-FT -2902-08-05 Physical Monitoring and Side Scan Survey Service Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommend approval of Work Order CPE-FT-3902-08-05 under Contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning and Engineeringfor time and material not to exceed $112, 013 (Project 195- 905363)" dated August 14, 2008. 2 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAe Minutes 3 of 10 August 14, 2008 The work order is for the annual physical monitoring of beaches from marker R-l thru R-89 excluding R-1 0 - R-21 and a side scan survey from markers R-17 - R- 68. The work to be performed is only data collection at this time. Mr. Hendel moved to approve the Executive Summary ("Recommend approval of Work Order CPE-FT-3902-08-05 under Contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning and Engineeringfor time and material not to exceed $112,013 (Project 195-905363).") Second by Mr. Rios. Mr. Pires asked about the RFP process short-listing 3 of the Consultants. Gary McAlpin responded the proposal was canceled after objection from one of the Consultants and Staff and Purchasing had withdrawn it. Mr. Pires submitted a copy of Executive Summary "Recommendation to reject RFP #09-5068: "Physical and Biological Monitoringfor Collier County Coastal Zone Management Projects for Coastal Zone Management" dated July 22, 2008 noting that it states "During the course of contract negotiations, it became evident that a clear understanding of the distribution of projects as well as the method for determining allocation of resources to the various projects was needed." Gary McAlpin stated if that was what was presented to the BCC, it is correct. He requested clarification if it was Mr. Pires's position that this item was not accurately represented by Staff. Mr. Pires noted that Gary McAlpin stated the proposal was withdrawn because of an objection by one of the parties; however that is not what is reflected in the above referenced Executive Summary dated July 22, 2008. Carried unanimously 6-0. 2. WO CPE-FT -2902-08-06 Nearshore Mitigation Reef Monitoring a. 2007 Collier County Nearshore Mitigation (Artificial) Reef Pictures Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Work Order CPE-FT-08- 06 under Contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning and Engineeringfor time and Material not to exceed $23,613.75 (Project 195-00331)" dated August 14, 2008. He stated it is for data collection associated with the artificial reef in relation to monitoring which is required on an annual basis and is located off of 5th Street North. Mr. Pires asked if the scope of work was to be completed under an RFP or Work Order in which Gary McAlpin answered "via a Work Order." Ms. Kulpa moved to approve the Executive Summary ("Work Order CPE- FT-08-06 under Contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning and Engineering for time and Material not to exceed $23,613. 75 (Project 195-00331))" Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 6-0. 3 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 4 of 10 August 14, 2008 3. WO CPE - FT - 3902 -08-07 Biological Monitoring Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Work order (C)PE-Ft-3902- 08-07 under Contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning and Engineering in the amount of$179,584 (Project 195-900331)" dated August 14,2008. He noted it is for data collection for biological monitoring of the reef located off Vanderbilt Park Shore in Naples. He noted next year (year 3) the monitoring will not be required and will be resumed for years 4 and 5. Mr. Rios moved to approve Executive Summary ("Work order (C}PE-FT-3902- 08-07 under Contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning and Engineering in the amount of$179,584 (Project 195-900331))." Second by Ms. Kulpa. Carried unanimously 6-0. 4. WO HM - FT - 3902-08-01 Marco Island/Caxambas Pass Beach Monitoring Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommend approval of Work Order HM-FT-3902-08-01 under Contract 06-3902 with Humiston & Moore Engineersfor time and material not to exceed $28,340 (Project 195- 905421)" dated August 14,2008. He noted it is a Work Order under the existing contract. Mr. Hendel moved to approve the Executive Summary ("Recommend approval of Work Order HM-FT-3902-08-01 under Contract 06-3902 with Humiston & Moore Engineersfor time and material not to exceed $28,340 (Project 195- 905421))." Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 6-0. 5. Notification by FDEP of Permit Request by H&M Representing Comax to use Gordon River Edge Sand to Proposed T-Groins on North KeewaydinKeewaydin a. Notification by FDEP Backup Material Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Notification by FDEP of Permit Request by H&M Representing Comax to use Gordon River Edge Sand to Proposed T-Groins on North KeewaydinKeewaydin" dated August 14, 2008. He stated the item is an information update and has received a request to use the Gordon River Dredge Sand from a Federal project for T-Groins on North KeewaydinKeewaydin. He noted Coastal Zone Management and the City of Naples Staff oppose this proposal as they wish to utilize this source of sand for re-nourishing "hot spots" on Naples beaches to the North, if possible. Speaker Ken Humiston of Humiston and Moore addressed the Committee noting he represents the developer Comax and the of use of the dredged sand is for erosion control structures, not beach re-nourishment. This dredge sand has typically been used on the North end of KeewaydinKeewaydin Island in compliance with Florida Statute 161.142 (to place sand on adjacent eroding beaches). If the procedure is 4 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval ofCAC Minutes 5 of 10 August 14,2008 successful, it will stabilize the north end of the island and in the future the dredge sand may be used in other locations. He noted the City of Naples approval will be required for placement of the erosion control structures. Gary McAlpin clarified that the Executive Summary states under "Fiscal Impact" that the "source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax" however it involves Federal Funds. He also expressed in the past (to the Army Corps of Engineers) the interest of using the dredged sand on the "hot spots" and will continue the negotiations with the appropriate parties under the current proposal. He noted in accordance with State of Florida Statutes, the City of Naples is adjacent to the project; the question would be which beaches are the "most eroding." Also, the sand source needs to be verified as "beach quality sand." 6. Clam Bay Advisory Board Discussion Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary (ES) "Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners provide staff direction and authorization on how to proceed with management of Clam Bay Estuary" dated August 14, 2008. He noted this is a preliminary ES and is providing this update for information purposes and the Clam Bay Advisory Committee ultimately will be "rolled under" the Coastal Advisory Committee. On June 24, 2008 the Board of County Commissioners (BCe) directed Staff to develop a management plan for Clam Bay Estuary via an advisory group inclusive of Stakeholders, not one municipality or entity. Three options to obtain this goal were identified: 1) Develop a Clam Bay Advisory Committee appointed by the BCC and reporting directly to the BCC. 2) Place the management of the Clam Bay estuary directly under the control of the Coastal Advisory Committee 3) Develop a Clam Bay Advisory Committee appointed by the BCC, but reporting directly to the Coastal Advisory Committee The Board of County Commissioners optedfor option #3 due to the expertise of the Coastal Advisory Committee. The BCC suggested the following composition of the Clam Bay Advisory Committee: . 1 Representative from Pelican Bay Services Division (PBSD) . I Representative from Pelican Bay Foundation (PBF) . I Representative from Naples Cay . I Representative from Seagate Homeowners Association . I Representative from District I . I Representative from District 3 . I Representative from District 5 He noted the existing Discussion Group and related Work Groups work has been placed on hold pending the outcome of this issue. A brief discussion ensued whether or not the Clam Bay Advisory Committee would sunset after I year. 5 CAe October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 6 of 10 August 14, 2008 Mr. Hendel noted the Group will be comprised of specialized members and recommended as a matter of logistics, the Clam Bay Advisory Committee report directly to the Board of County Commissioners. Further, if it is to report to the CAC, a member of the CAC be appointed as a member to the Clam Bay Advisory Committee to keep the CAC informed. It was noted that this was the original intent, with a member of the Naples City Council to be a member of the Group; however this membership category was replaced by a representative from Naples Cay; further, the June 24, 2008 BCC meeting minute recap reflect it is a 6 person Committee without a member of the Pelican Bay Foundation and with regard to the Committee sun-setting after one year, they reflect that this option would be reviewed at the end of a year. Gary McAlpin noted he would review the minutes, however it is clearly a 7 member Committee. Mr. Pires requested clarification on the intent of the wording in the Fiscal Impact section "TDC fund would be managed distinct and different from funds to manage this estuary." Gary McAlpin noted this statement was intended to make it clear that Tourist Development Council (TDC) funds are not to be commingled with funds that manage the Estuary . Speaker Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group addressed the Committee and submitted the following documents for the record: · Email from Gary McAlpin to her dated August 14, 2008 indicating that the Clam Bay Work Group were being disbanded and up to the new Advisory Committee to continue the Work Teams · Minutes of the BCC June 24, 2008 meeting regarding composition of the proposed Advisory Group · Executive Summary presented today which indicates that the BCC envisioned Staff is directed to develop a proposal for the County wide management of Clam Bay Estuary. She does not believe it was the intent of the BCC for Staff to develop a Management Plan · Email from Gail Hambright to her and others dated July 2, 2008, to forward a request for public records by the Sheriffs department requesting Public Records for the Clam Bay Discussion Groups as well as the Work Teams · Transcript from May 7, 2008 meeting Pelican Bay Services meeting in which Mr. Burke makes references to a DEP meeting in Fort Myers, a closed meeting with no public warning which he and Mr. Buser attended that indicates there was thorough discussion of the 9 objectives being handled by the Clam Bay Estuary Discussion Group and the related Work Teams including renewal and extensions of the existing permit Doug Finlay - Naples resident addressed the Committee endorsing the newly proposed Clam Bay Advisory Committee as it will promote broader representation to the 6 CAe October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 7 of 10 August 14, 2008 Management of Clam Bay. He attended the DEP meeting in Fort Myers in question and stated the purpose was a fact finding mission. Mr. Burke stated that he has been on the Pelican Bay Services Division (PBSD) and related Committees involving Clam Bay for 8 years. He is familiar with all the issues and envisioned when the review of the permit began (approximately 1 year ago) the scope would be broadened to involve the City of Naples, Seagate residents, etc. with PBSD being the driving force. Some individuals became concerned that the Mangroves were being overlooked and would be threatened. Subsequent to this, the BCC allowed the PBSD to manage and maintain the mangrove habitat (an aspect of the permit), At one of the BCC meetings they were pushed too far in regards to the Estuary and the BCC took the position that the Estuary is a County asset and resource and they would no longer allow a neighborhood to maintain entire control over the asset. He regrets that the issue has digressed to that point and he may have recommended a different composition to the proposed Clam Bay Advisory Group, but noted this is where it is today, and it is time to move on and make the Estuary the best it can possibly be. Chairman Sorey commended Mr. Burke for his efforts and regrets that the issues got personal and looks forward to his continued effort on the issue. Mr. Pires stated he has been involved with the issue for many years and noted that the initial capital investment was by the residents of Pelican Bay and the Developers. The County was requested to aid in the funding, but denied the request leaving the issue in the hands of the residents and developer. Mr. Burke noted things have changed and the funding at this point is 68% County and 32% Pelican Bay Services Division. Gary McAlpin agreed noting the following expenditures to date: . WCI - $lM . PBSD - $1.4M . Collier County - $l.4M Chairman Sorey concluded by noting times have changed, the issues are different now and the general feeling is the entire Estuary needs consideration. 7. DWSP Entrance Road and Parking Garage Discussion Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Information on Delnor Wiggins State Park (DWSP) Entrance Road and Parking Garage" noting the item is an update for informational purposes. There has been a historic problem at the park where the Park Capacity is not supported by the existing parking and the Park needs to close down at approximately 11 :00 AM on busy days forcing incoming automobiles to back up onto adjacent streets creating unsafe conditions and congestion. The proposal includes the following: . Widening of the existing access road . Re-constructing of the Ranger Station . New public restrooms, beach access and turnaround at Moraya Bay . 250 car parking garage at parking location #4 7 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 8 of 10 August 14, 2008 The project will be funded by the County with the concept ofre-imbursement of funds by the State to the County over a period of time. Ms. Kulpa emphatically stated she does not support a parking garage inside of Delnor Wiggins State Park. She recapped the history of the park, noting the land was donated to Collier County and the County turned the property over to the State who opened a park in 1981. It is 166 acres, mostly mangroves with 1.25 miles of shoreline. To add a parking garage inside would destroy the land and driving through the entire park to reach garage doesn't make any sense. Mark Nicolleti, Asst. Park Manager noted 500,000 persons visit the park annually. The exiting parking capacity is 350 spaces. The proposal will increase the number of spaces by 200 to a total of 550 spaces. He noted there will be a new Master Plan released for the Park in 2010. Gary McAlpin noted the new spaces will allow the Park to operate at its carrying capacity with minimal encroachments on existing vegetation and no impacts on the mangroves. Mr. Rios expressed concern of expenditures, the number of proposed parking spaces generated and recommended considering other mechanisms to solve the problem (advance passes for visitation, trams, etc.). Further, consideration should be given to Delaying the project until the 2010 study is completed should be considered. IX. Old Business 1. Wiggins Pass Modeling Group Update - Verbal Gary McAlpin provided an update noting that the Modeling Group has determined 3 alternative solutions for the long term stabilization of the Pass. After the next Modeling Group meeting, Staffwill bring a formal update to the Coastal Advisory Committee. Ms. Kulpa noted that the Modeling Group approved a mission statement: "Examine the modeling study results and recommend environmentally and economically sound methods to maintain Wiggins Pass as a safe navigable waterway by minimizing shoreline erosion and achieving long term stabilization of Wiggins Pass through a collaborative process involving Wiggins Pass stakeholders input. " Two participating members have left the Modeling Group and been replaced; Mark Latch, Asst. Bureau Chief for the Bureau of Natural and Cultural Resources, Florida Park Service has replaced Srivivas Tammisetti. Sally Cole Braem, Environmental Specialist II, Florida Park Service, District 4 has replaced Christina Olsen from the Florida Park Service. Discussion ensued concerning the appointments and membership status of the Modeling Group participants. The CAC members recollected different avenues of approvals regarding their appointments to the Modeling Group. Gary McAlpin will check the record and report back to CAC. 8 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAe Minutes 9 of 10 August 14, 2008 X. Public Comments Marcia Cravens, Mangrove Action Group addressed the Committee requesting clarification on the Clam Bay Estuary Discussion Group and Work Teams jurisdictions and if they were created as Advisory Groups and was there any direct relationship with the Discussion Group and Work Teams Groups and the CAC? She has worked hard to expand the membership of concerned parties (outside of Pelican Bay) involved in Clam Bay issues and welcomes their input. She is concerned by specific projects advanced by the Discussion Groups and Work Teams. The original intent for the Discussion Group was for community discussion to address issues that arose via the Tomasko Report. The report had no mention of sand bypassing, circulation models or modifications to the bottom elevations of the Clam Bay system. Dr. Tomasko's recommendation was to reduce and control access of powerboats to the Estuary, She requested the original document entitled "preliminary work topics" regarding the Discussion Group be inserted into the record. (She also submitted other documents which were to be filed with Minutes and Records.) Mr. Pires requested clarification if Mr. Tomasko was a member of the original Discussion Group. It was noted Dr. Tomasko was present per the Discussion Group's request as a technical Advisor. The minutes of the June 9, 2008 Discussion Group indicate Dr. Tomasko is a member of the Discussion Group and should be corrected if this is not the case. Gary McAlpin explained the Work Groups were derived as an outgrowth from concerns in Dr. Tomasko's report in attempt to make the permit inclusive to these issues. The ebb shoal sand has been investigated, as it may be economical to utilize it in re-nourishing Clam Pass Beach. The Work Groups have now been disbanded and the related issues will be left to the new Advisory Group to address. XI. Announcements 1. Florida Sunshine Law training course for Staff-Liaisons and Advisory CommitteelBoard Members It was noted that if a member has not attended one of these seminars, they should attend. It will be held on August 18, 2008. XII. Committee Member Discussion Ms. Kulpa commended Gary McAlpin for his efforts in the Work Groups which she participates in. Mr. Pires stated the new format for the Clam Bay Advisory Committee is more favorable and will help ensure citizen participation. Mr. Rios provided an update on the condition of Marco Island Beaches XIII. Next Meeting Date September 11, 2008 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor 9 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-1 Approval of CAC Minutes 10 of 10 August 14, 2008 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 2:30 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended 10 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-2 Approval of CAC Minutes 1 of4 September 11, 2008 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, September 11,2008 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires Murray Hendel (Excused) Heidi Kulpa (Excused) Jim Burke David Buser (Absent) Ted Forcht (Excused) Victor Rios ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, County Attorney Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Collector Katie Laakkonen, City of Naples CAC October 9,2008 VI-2 Approval of CAC Minutes 2of4 September 11, 2008 I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1 :00 PM II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. A minute of silence was held for the victims of 9/11 III. Roll Call Roll Call was taken and a quorum was not established Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney stated the meeting would be limited to Public Comments without discussion. Further, Staff may present informational items without any member discussion; however no action items may be presented. Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director noted any items presented today for information purposes will be placed on a future agenda with all members (present) to have the opportunity to participate in discussions. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda None V. Public Comments Marcia Cravens addressed the Committee noting the following concerns: · At a previous meeting she was only given three minutes to speak when the Resolution indicates a 5 minute time allotment for public speakers. She cited Resolution 2004-01 which states "all persons may speak for a maximum of 5 minutes each" · Committee member David Buser is no longer a resident of Collier County as indicated by an out-of-state drivers license issued to him and should have given notice for vacating the Committee. · Any member who has a potential conflict of interest shall complete the necessary forms. She noted a member who is no longer a resident of Florida has publicly spoken to the issues of Clam Bay which affect his property values. · She provided a memorandum from Ron Pennington to David Weigel which indicates members shall not use their position advance initiatives or otherwise garner public support for policies or programs. .. She received an email from Gail Hambright, (a forward from Jeff Klatzkow, County Attorney) attempting to justify the denial of her request of being transcribed verbatim and noted this issue was addressed at the March 13, 2008 Coastal Advisory Committee meeting when it was determined when a member states "for or on the record", the minutes will be "verbatim." She noted at the August 14,2008 meeting, several times "for the record" were indicated by members, and there are no verbatim minutes for the meeting. She reserves further comments on the minutes for the next time she speaks. 2 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-2 Approval of CAC Minutes 3of4 September 11, 2008 VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. August 14,2008 VII. Staff Reports 1. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin Report provided for information purposes. 2. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin Report provided for information purposes. 3. Tropical Storm Fay Damage - Update Gary McAlpin provided an update on damage to beaches for information purposes. 4. Gordon River Dredging - Update Gary McAlpin provided an update on Gordon River Dredging for information purposes. VIII. New Business 1. Approve Work Orders by CP&E a. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-08 b. WO CPE-FT -3902-08-09 c. WO CPE-FT-3902-08-10 2. SeaOatl Healthy Dune Policy - Discussion Gary McAlpin provided an update on the Dune Planting Program and the feasibility of future studies for the purposes of expanding the Dune Planting Program. IX. Old Business 1. Wiggins Pass Modeling Work Group Update - Verbal 2. Marco Beach Advisory Update - Verbal X. Public Comments Marcia Cravens, Pelican Bay Resident, Mangrove Action Committee, Friends of Clam Bay wanted to ensure the minutes will be brought back for the next meeting before approval so she can make comments. She commended Gary McAlpin on the concept of future dune studies and an expanded Dune Program. XI. Announcement None XII. Committee Member Discussion None XIII. Next Meeting Date 3 CAC October 9, 2008 VI-2 Approval of CAC Minutes 4of4 September 11, 2008 October 9, 2008 - Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no quorum, the meeting concluded at 1:40 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended 4 co o 0", Nt:: - 0 0)0. ~ <Il 20:: ~:tq 000(") ~~o t.)>~ .. CO~U):;::~~~~:,' " c S "It.. 0 CKt"': "'t...... 0..",: cot otl !It .. ~ uS 0 ,..: '"" 0, en GO co (0 en t"') t.'. . .. c.o CO') to- f") ..... en co to co CD to-I > "'~"'NN~N"'N"''''I 4It .,.<tIt~"'00"''''' Cii .a u <( Cii ::I ~~~~~:g~~~s~= ~ c .. c co <( :-;:~ ~~.. ~ s ~~ &f gf t on" .. '" ~ ~~~~~~~~a;-;"~ ... ~ .. .. 'S ..........tII-......................~..... ... E E ::I 0 Qj to> 'C ::I m .. Cii 'C gg~g~~g~~~~~ 0 C ::I ::I 0 C 0 "- 0000 c ... 0000 0 <( ;-:..~..~g-g..~~ ~ ~ ~; "," ~ 1ll)1O.....t.o ... 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E o ~','~ Olr:: r:: III :S',~ 58 u.. ~ - 11l :e::2 11l 0.. o CJ) <'ig 1.0 ~q 1.0 .~f~. ~ Y3-tI70<o @~g@ '<I"~"';N 90tl7o ~:,.g ~:cb "'",,~m9 ::2-c~::2 elSo <.) cIS :C::2r:::c .c <.) 11l <J.) III >,Ol 11l.~ 35 ~~ :2 0 :C::2 .,... o '<I" 1.0 o CJ) 1.0 CJ) .,... o o .. o N 00 tI7 ., Y3- 1.0 1.0 "1- <<; <h <0 I'- I'- cD .... Y3- M .... to I'- tI7 Cl o o ...; '<I" tI7 o '<I" M to N tI7 @) .,... 9 co o ::2 eIS :c -C r:: 11l Ol lil "E o..c..8 ~ ~ 'g ::2&J::2 .,... N '<I" 1.0 o CJ) 1.0 0') .,... Ol ,~ .8 'c o ::2 ~ Co <J.) >- o o o o M 0) '<t CD c..j '<t '<t N ffl (,It o (0 (0 <O- N o 0) an ai "" '<t Y3- (,It o o ci '<I" M to N an CD C') tti co "'t ... ffl (,It .... 0) ... ..; co '<t (,It o o o ...; 1.0 N It) ": ... ... C') N- <h w o o q Cl N o o '<t ai It) "'t ... tI7 w (/) ...J i5 o f- J CAC October 9, 2008 VII-3 Staff Reports 1 of 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tropical Storm Fay Update OBJECTIVE: To update the CAC on damages due to Tropical Storm Fay. CONSIDERATIONS: 8/19/08 - Storm Day · The beaches in Naples from the Naples Beach Club to the south side of Laudermilk Park experienced severe erosion. In some areas the beach is only 20 feet wide from the dune plantings to the mean high water line. I am in the process of ordering an outside survey for all the county beaches at a cost of approximately $75,000. If hot spot renourishment is required it will take one year to permit and probably cost $5,000,000 at a minimum. I believe this will be the case. · Hideaway experienced additional erosion to the condo's on the north end but Hideaway Beach is already working on this. · We have experienced several miles of escarpment (over 18 inches tall) on the beach and if we are allowed to repair them during turtle nesting season it will probably cost us $15,000. · Waterways and canals are being surveyed now and we can expect to spend 80 hours in overtime to accomplish this with the cost of 2,000. Replacement markers if needed can cost approximately $5,000. · We have not been able to get to the private inlets like Halderman Creek but we have not received any calls or alerts of damage yet. If blockage exists, this will be expensive. 8/20/08 - Follow-up with Northern area Beaches As an update, I have not surveyed these beaches but reports from AI Madsen just received, · Clam Pass Beach Park suffered significant erosion with erosion going back to the second bent of pier supports on the boardwalk going out to the beach and a 2,000 foot escarpment over 24 inches tall. · The beaches in Park Shore according to AI probably took the hardest hit in the County with erosion of half the beach width. · Vanderbilt beach appears fine · Barefoot has not been surveyed yet From yesterday: · Marco appears ok but with several large escarpment · Hideaway took a more of a beating than the Marco beaches with moderate erosion in the middle portion. 8/21/08 - Cost Estimates If we need to put sand on Naples and Park Shore, and Clam Pass Beach Park (the hardest hit), and we won't know how much until we do a survey but my estimate to consider: · Survey - $75K · Engineering and Permitting - $250,000 · Federal land lease - $50,000 (Our only source of sand if in federal waters off Sanibel) · Mobilization of dredge - $2,000,000. · Sand -Say 250K Cy's at $40/CY - $10,000,000 · Monitoring - Say $250,000 CAC October 9, 2008 VII-3 Staff Reports 20f2 . Preliminary talking figures are in the range of $13,000,000. 8/25/05 . FEMA and USACE sent individuals to sUNey the Collier County Beaches . SUNey team confirmed significant erosion throughout all Collier County Beaches . Team estimated 160,000 CY of material lost to storm with a truck haul price of $30/CY. WIO 8/29 . President Declares Collier County eligible for Category G Federal Disaster Funds at 75% federal contribution WIO 9/8 . Beach sUNey of all Collier County Beaches to determine exact sand loss for PW FEMA Application FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "An Tourist Development Tax. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: For information only. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director CAC October 9, 2008 VII-4 Staff Reports 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FEMA Survey Results OBJECTIVE: To update the CAC on the FEMA survey results. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Volumetric survey results are complete with the following results: · Vanderbilt R24 - R30 -33,932 CY · Park Shore R48 - R50 -13,851 CY · North Naples R58A - R62 -45,046 CY · Central Naples R67 - R76 -24,941 CY Total -117,770 CY's 2. Volumetric results do not take into account minimum beach width. Tropical Storm Fay narrowed the beaches but piled the sand higher than 5 ft. Adjustments need to be made to beach profiles to add additional width at 5 ft. 3. Hot spot locations need to be considered with the following decisions made: . Should hot spots be wider and higher in the new design? . If so, what are the economic relative to FEMA payment (prorated fix cost)? · Time required to permit design change. . Time required to obtain a MMS lease for sand. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "An Tourist Development Tax. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: For information only. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director CAC October 9, 2008 VII-5 Staff Reports 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Update the Coastal Advisory Committee on the Gordon River Dredging Project. OBJECTIVE: Update the CAC on the Gordon River Dredging Project. CONSIDERATIONS: the Gordon River Dredging Project is a federally funded that has been recently funded to provide safe navigation in the Gordon River. A USACE project manager has been assigned to this project and a meeting has been set up on 9/10/08 to discuss this project with FDEP, USACE, CP&E and Collier County. The USACE has no problem with sand bypassing to the north with the following conditions: 1. Incremental costs associated with sand placement to the north be borne by Collier County 2. Incremental costs associated with professional services and or permitting to place sand on the northern beaches be by collier county. 3. FDEP will issue a permit modification to the existing Collier County permit to accomplish this work. October 2. 2008 Additional Update: 1. Preliminary information as of 9/30/08 a. Cuts 1-4 is beach quality -59,773 CY b. Cuts 5-15 not beach quality -25,754 CY 2. Disposal site is needed if non beach quality sand is removed. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: For information only FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax fund 195. A new project will need to be developed for Hot Spot Renourishment. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: for information only. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director CAC October 9, 2008 VII-6 Staff Reports 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dune Planting Update OBJECTIVE: To update the CAC on the Dune Plantings. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Coastal Zone Management recently completed the 2008 dune planting as follows: · Barefoot Beach (R9 to R13) · Clam Pass (Clam Pass south to Seagate) · Marco Island (mixed) TOTAL 42,500 plants 44,350 plants 34.100 plants 120,950 plants 2. 2009 plants will be as follows: · Balance of Barefoot to Wiggins Pass · Naples/Park ShoreNanderbilt fill-ins and 5 ft buffers after existing plants pop through Tropical Storm Fay accretion. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: For information only. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director CAC October 9, 2008 VII-7 Staff Reports 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wiggins Pass/Doctors Pass Dredging Update OBJECTIVE: To update the CAC on Wiggins Pass/Doctors Pass dredging. CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Survey and Engineering of Wiggins Pass and Doctors Pass is completed with removal of 49,600 CY of material from Wiggins Pass and 36,000 CY of material . from Doctors Pass. 2. Design has been completed and requests for Notice To Proceed from FDEP has been submitted. 3. FDEP and USACE permits are in place with no permit modifications anticipated. Notice To Proceed is expected within the next two months from FDEP. 4. Package into Collier County Purchasing for bidding. 5. Anticipate dredging to commence in January 2009 or sooner. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax fund 195. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: For information only. PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CZM Director CAC October 9, 2008 VII-8 Staff Reports 1 of3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CAC Verbatim Minutes OBJECTIVE: Clarification on speakers request for verbatim minutes. CONSIDERATIONS: At a previous CAC meeting a speaker requested verbatim minutes. The County Attorney's office was contacted requesting verification on requirements for verbatim minutes. This request was made due to the additional expense to the county for verbatim minutes. Attached is the response to the request for verbatim minutes. Collier County is currently under contract with Mancan to provide minutes for county board meetings. This contract is for abbreviated minutes but Mancan can provide some key details in the minutes. However, per their contract they are to create minutes by presenting who is in attendance, following the agenda index that is being presented so that the item is being noted properly, the motions and motion makers, and what the vote count is (with the persons voting against being noted). Each meeting is video recorded as a verbatim record (which is not required). It is recommended that any additional comments that that are wished to be added to the record be in writing and presented at the meeting and they will then be filed with Minutes and Records for that meeting. Any additional verbatim minute would need to be provided by a court reporter which is very costly and is not required. Mancan has currently been providing detailed abbreviated minutes for the CAC and will continue to do so with key items being noted in an outline format. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDA liON: For information only. PREPARED BY: Gail Hambright, CZM CAC October 9, 2008 VII-8 Staff Reports 20f3 From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: K1atzkowJeff Friday, August 22, 2008 11:21 AM hambright_g GreeneColleen; McAlpinGary 08-CZM-00008 CAC Minutes; CAC/TDC Ordinance 2001-03 : Gail: You have asked this Office whether, during a CAC meeting, verbatim minutes must be taken if a speaker so requests. As detailed below by the Attorney General's on-line Sunshine Manual (2008), the answer is no. Any speaker who wishes verbatim minutes to be taken is free to hire their own court reporter to attend the meeting, or may purchase a copy of the DVD of the proceedings. 9. Must written minutes be kept of all sunshine meetings? Section 286.011, F.S., specifically requires that minutes of a meeting of a public board or commission be promptly recorded and open to public inspection. While tape recorders may also be used to record the proceedings before a public body, written minutes of the meeting must be taken and promptly recorded. AGO 75-45. The minutes required to be kept for "workshop" meetings are not different than those required for any other meeting of a public board or commission. AGO 74-62. Draft minutes of a board meeting may be circulated to individual board members for corrections and studying prior to approval by the board, so long as any changes, corrections, or deletions are discussed and adopted during the public meeting when the board adopts the minutes. AGOs 02- 51 and 74-294. The minutes are public records when the person responsible for preparing the minutes has performed his or her duty even though they have not yet been sent to the board members or officially approved by the board. AGO 91-26. Section 286.011, F.S., does not specify who is responsible for taking the minutes of public meetings. This appears to be a procedural matter which the individual boards or commissions must resolve. Inf. Op. to Baldwin, December 5, 1990. 10. In addition to minutes, does the Sunshine Law also require that meetings be transcribed or tape recorded? The Attorney General's Office has concluded that the minutes of Sunshine Law meetings need not be verbatim transcripts of the meetings; rather the use of the term "minutes" in s. 286.011, F .S., contemplates a brief summary or series of brief notes or memoranda reflecting the events of the meeting. AGO 82-47, And see, State v. Adams, No. 91-175-CC (Fla. Sumter Co. Ct. July 15, 1992) (no violation of Sunshine Law where minutes failed to reflect brief discussion concerning a proposed inspection trip). However, an agency is not prohibited from using a written transcript of the meeting as the minutes, if it chooses to do so. Inf. Op. to Fulwider, June 14, 1993. CAC October 9, 2008 VII-8 Staff Reports 3 of 3 The Sunshine Law does not require that public boards and commissions tape record their meetings. AGO 86-21. However, once made, such recordings are public records and their retention is governed by schedules established by the Division of Library and Information Services of the Department of State in accordance with s. 257.36(6), F.S. Id. Accord, AGO 86-93 (tape recordings of school board meetings subject to Public Records Act even though written minutes are required to be prepared and made available to the public). And see, AGO 04-15 (tape recordings of staff meetings made at the request of the executive director by a secretary for use in preparing minutes of the meeting are public records). Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Jeffrey A. Klatzkow County Attorney (239) 252-8400 CAC October 9, 2008 VII-9 Staff Reports 1 of? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Procedures for Coastal Advisory Committee OBJECTIVE: To clarify speaker time limits when the public addresses the board concerning items on the agenda. CONSIDERATIONS: Resolution No. 2004-01 was adopted and approved on November,2004 regarding Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Adoption Rules of Procedure. Section B-2 addresses Speaker Registration. Within this section it states the following: "All persons may speak for a maximum of five (5) minutes each." The amount of time within the 5 minute minimum a person is permitted to speak is at the discretion of the Chairman. The current Chairman has instructed 3 minutes be permitted per speaker. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: For information only. PREPARED BY: Gail Hambright, CZM 16 ~:1~~t~t8 COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO. 2004 - 01 A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ADOPTING RULES OF PROCEDURE. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 2001-3 created the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee; and; WHEREAS, Section 5 of Collier County Ordinance No. 2001-3 requires the Coastal Advisory Committee to adopt rules of procedure for the transaction of business; and WHEREAS, the Coastal Advisory Committee desires to adopt the Procedures for the Coastal Advisory Committee attached to this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITfEE that the attached Procedures for Coastal Advisory Committee dated November 10, 2004 are hereby adopted for the transaction of all business by the committee and will remain in effect for the life of the committee or until amended. TIllS RESOLUTION ADOPTED this 10th day of November, 2004, after a motion, second and majority vote favoring same. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Approved as to form and legal sufficien~y: ~04f^-- Heidi F. AShton . . Assistant County Attorney . cAc Ociober 9, 20T) 1 1 (;7 stff torts 0 ; COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE . . PROCEDURES FOR COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE November 10, 2004 A. General: 1. Meetings. Regular meetings of the advisory board shall be held on such day, time and place as may be determined by the advisory board, and at a minimum of once a month, except for one month in the summer. 2. Quorum and Voting. At all regular or special meetings of the advisory board, a majority of the membership of the advisory board shall constitute a quorum. Voting shall be by voice unless a member of the advisory board requests a roll call, The roll shall be in alphabetical order with the first name called rotating with each motion upon which the vote is called. The Chairman shall always vote last. A record of the roll call shall be kept as part of the minutes. 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman at any time provided adequate notice is given pursuant to Paragraph 4 below. The Chairman may also call a special meeting when requested to do so in writing by a majority of the members ofthe advisory board or by a County staff member. The notice of such a meeting shall specify the purpose of such a meeting and no other business may be considered except by unanimous consent of the advisory board. All members of the advisory board shall be notified in advance of such special meetings by the staff liaison. 4. Notice and Publication. The staff liaison shall give notice and keep record of such notice of its meetings and the meeting of the subcommittees including the date, time, and location of each regular and special meeting. Notice shall be posted in the county administration building and other appropriate locations as recommended by the advisory board and to the County Public Information Department for further distribution. 5. Open Meetings. All meetings of the advisory board or its subcommittees shall be open to the public and governed by the provisions of Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law. 6. Minutes. The minutes of all meetings shall be promptly recorded, and such records shall be open to public inspection,. in accordance with applicable law. 1 L~AC)O~er 9, B8l' r.JI~fttaJ. Repot) 7. Location. Meetings of the advisory board, or any of its subcommittees, shall be held in a location accessible to the public. 8. Meetint! Agenda. There shall be an agenda for each meeting of the advisory board which shall determine the order of business conducted. The board shall not take action on any matter, proposal, report or item of business not listed upon the official agenda unless a majority of the board present consents. Any advisory board member, in the case of an advisory board or a subcommittee member in the case of a subcommittee, may place an item on the agenda by submitting it to the Chairman for forwarding to the staff liaison prior to the deadline for publishing the notice of such meeting. The Chairman shall determine whether the item submitted by the board member is relevant to the purposes of the advisory committee. Upon his/her finding that the item is relevant, it shall be included in the agenda. Staff-initiated agenda items are not subject to prior review by the Chairman. 9. Order of Business. The order of business at regular meetings shall be: (a) Call to Order (b) Roll Call (c) Adoption ofthe Agenda (d) First Public Comment . (e) Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting (f) Staff Reports (g) New Business (h) Old Business (i) Second Public Comment (j) Committee Member Discussion (k) Next Meeting Time, Date and Location (1) Adjournment B. . Agenda Items Requiring Action (Old Business and New Business ): 1. General. All members of the public who address the Board shall utilize the speaker's podium to allow their comments to be recorded, and shall identify themselves by name and local addresses, if applicable. Further, any speaker speaking on behalf of an organization or group of individuals (exceeding five) shall indicate such and shall cite the source of such authority whether by request, petition, vote, or otherwise. 2. Speaker Registration. Persons, other than staff wishing to speak on an agenda item shall, prior to the item being heard, register with the staff liaison on the forms provided. Five (5) or more persons deemed by the 1 ~fl;~ .1 Board to be associated together or otherwise represent a common point of view, as proponents or opponents on .any item may be requested to select a spokesperson. All persons may speak for a maximum of five (5) minutes each. 3. Restrictions on Comments Deemed Not Germane to the Item. Notwithstanding any provisions herein, any Board member may interrupt and/or stop any presentation that discusses matters that need not be considered in deciding the matter then before the Board for consideration. At any Board proceeding, the Chainnan, unless overruled by majority of the Board members present, may restrict or terminate presentations which in the Chairman's judgment are frivolous, unduly repetitive or out of order. C. Order and Subiect of Aopearance: To the extent possible, the following shall be the order of the proceeding: I. Preliminary Statement. The Chairman shall read the title of the agenda item. 2. Initial Presentation by Staff. County staff shall make the initial presentation to the Board regarding any item under consideration. After completion of the staff presentation, the Board may make inquiries of staff at this time. 3. Initial Presentation bv Petitioner or Protloser. Petitioner or Proposer shall make the initial presentation to the Board regarding any item under consideration. After completion of the presentation by the Petitioner or Proposer, the Board may make inquiries of the Petitioner or Proposer at this time. 4. Speakers. After Board inquiry, speakers shall be allowed to speak based on the time limitation guidelines outlined in the preceding subsection B above. During and after a speaker's presentation, the Board shall have an opportunity to comment or ask questions of or seek clarification from such speaker. The Board may also allow staff to comment, ask questions of or seek clarification from speakers. 5. Restrictions on Testimony or Presentation of Evidence~ Notwithstanding any provisions herein, any Board member may interrupt any presentation that contains matters which need not be considered in deciding the matter then before the Board for consideration. At any Board proceeding, the Chairman, unless overruled by majority of the Board members present, may restrict or terminate presentations which in the Chairrilan's judgment are frivolous, unduly repetitive or out of order. 1 ~~j71~;:~1l1 D. Rules of Debate: The following rules of debate shall be observed by the board. Except as herein provided'.questions of order and the conduct of business shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. 1. Motion under consideration. When a motion is presented and seconded, it is under consideration and no other motion shall be received thereafter, except to adjourn, to lay on the table, to postpone, or to amend until the question is decided. These countennotions shall have preference in the order in which they are mentioned, and the first two shall be decided without debate. Final action upon a pending motion may be deferred, until the next meeting by majority of the members present. 2. Chairman Dartici{Jation. The presiding chainnan may move, second and debate from the chair, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a committee member by reason of being the presiding chainnan. 3. Fonn of address. Each member shall address only the presiding officer for recognition, shall confine himself to the question under debate, and shall avoid personalities and indecorous language. 4. Interruption. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted except by the Chainnan if the Chainnan determines that the member's participation is irrelevant, frivolous or out of order. Any member may appeal the decision of the Chairman to the committee for decision by majority vote. 5. The question. Upon the closing of debate, any member may require a roll call vote. Any member may give a brief statement or file a written explanation of his vote. E. Public Comment on General Topics: Members of the public may register to speak on general topics under the Public Comment portion of the CAC agenda. The number of speakers pennitted to register under public comment on any given agenda shall be limited to a maximum of five, unless the Chainnan recognizes additional speakers. I. Speaker Registration. Individuals wishing to speak to the CAC under public comment at any regularly scheduled meeting of the CAC shall register to speak in writing on the fonn provided by the County prior to the public comment portion of the agenda being called by the Chainnan. F Reconsideration:. There shall be no reconsideration of items before the Coastal Advisory Committee relating to expenditures of Category A TDC funding. 12/28/2884 15:29 9412636935 RON PENNINGTON CAC October~8 05 VII-9 Staff Reports 7 of? G. Conflicts ofInttnst: Any member having a potential voting conflict shall publicly state the nature oft:he contlict at the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting and complete Fonn 88 [Memol'8lldum of Voting Contlict for County, Municipal and Other Local Public Officers] within 15 days of the scheduled meeting. ~r DaId M. ennington"""'- ~ ' ~., -.; CAC October 9, 2008 VIII-1 New Business 1 of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Provide information to the CAC regarding Work Orders CPE-FT-3902-08-08 ($98,589); CPE-FT -3902-08-09 ($36,321) and CPE-FT -3902-08-10 ($23,522.50) under Contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning and Engineering for time and material not to exceed value of $158,432.50 (Project 195-905363). OBJECTIVE: To provide: 1. Field data analysis and report preparation of the biological monitoring of the nearshore hardbottom, artificial reef, and side scan sonar results required by the state permit (FDEP Permit No. 0222355-001-JC). 2. Ground truthing of side-scan survey and engineering physical beach monitoring report required by the state permit (FDEP Permit No. 0222355-001-JC). 3. A baseline environmental assessment is required at Wiggins Pass to evaluate modeling options. CONSIDERATIONS: FDEP permit requires the physical and biological monitoring of the beaches on a yearly basis. This scope of work and fee proposal is in response to the County's environmental reporting requirements issued through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Permit No. 0222355-001-JC, issued for construction of the Collier County Beach Renourishment Project, and FDEP Permit No. 0235740-001-JC for the Doctors Pass Inlet Maintenance Dredging Project. Pursuant to Specific Condition NO.1 0 contained within FDEP Permit No. 0222355-001- JC, dated January 12, 2005, an environmental data analysis and product development is required by Collier County. CPE will supply Collier County field data analysis and report preparation of the biological monitoring of the nearshore hardbottom, artificial reef, side scan sonar results, engineering monitoring report, ground truthing of side- scan survey with a comprehensive environmental monitoring report. A baseline environmental assessment is required at Wiggins Pass to evaluate modeling options. Modeling activities for this work is being performed by Coastal Planning and Engineering. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax. Funding was approved for the fiscal year 2007-2008. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: Provide information to the CAC regarding Work Orders CPE- FT-3902-08-08 ($98,589); CPE-FT-3902-08-09 ($36,321) and CPE-FT-3902-08-10 ($23,522.50) under Contract 06-3902 with Coastal Planning and Engineering in the amount of $158,432.50. CAC October 9, 2008 VIII-2 New Business 10f2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Share recent dune performance from Tropical Storm Fay and future steps that the CAC can undertake to improve dune performance. OBJECTIVE: Share recent dune performance from TS Fay and future steps that the CAC can undertake to improve dune performance. CONSIDERATIONS: Tropical Storm Fay severely eroded Collier County beaches. However, recent dune planting performed exceptionally well in accreting sand and protecting the beaches/upland habitat. Focus in the County has to recent been with sand placement and not with dune plantings and protection. National publications. confirm recent TS Fay experience related to dune protection and performance. A more focused dune program should be considered that will: 1. Mandate dune repairlrebuilds as a requirement for each renourishment project. 2. Require dune rebuild/repair in front of residential beach properties as a condition of sand placement similar to our policy on easements. Most dunes are located upland of the Erosion Control Line on private property. Dune vegetation and plantings are not always looked on positively by all property owners because of view restrictions however health dunes are critical to a healthy beach environment. COUNTY ATTORNEY FINDING: A finding by the County Attorney is not required for this item. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: For information only FISCAL IMPACT: The Source of funds is from Category "A" Tourist Development Tax fund 195. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. RECOMMENDATION: For Information only PREPARED BY: Gary McAlpin, CAM Director NAPLES. COLLIER COUNTY. R57.8-R89 This is a 5.6 mile segment of critically eroded beach at Naples between Doctors Pass and Gordon Pass. In May 1996, the non-federal Collier County Beach Restoration Project was completed along the northern 3.8 miles of shoreline including Vanderbilt Beach (R22-R30), Park Shore (R50-R54) and Naples (R58- R78) using 760,000 cubic yards of sand from offshore borrow areas. The project design consisted of a beach berm at elevation +5 ft NGVD. The project also included removal of numerous degraded groins and the reconstruction of six rock groins and a timber pile groin, In 2000, the City of Naples constructed T- head groins and reconstructed wood plank groins along the gulf shoreline near Gordon Pass (R88-R89). The County initiated a program of nourishment using sand from upland borrow areas and inlet bypassing. This program placed approximately 95,000 cubic yards of inlet bypassed sand and approximately 75,500 cubic yards of truck-hauled sand on the beach at Naples between 1996 and 2003. Nourishment of the Collier County Project Beach Restomtion Project was completed in May 2006 and included the placement of 355,000 cubic yards from R58 to R 79 in the Naples segment. The project design consists of a beach berm at elevation +5 ft NGVD to protect the existing dune and upland development. The Collier County project includes construction of 1.09 acres of artificial reef to mitigate for adverse impacts to nearshore hardbottom. Strategy: Maintain the project through monitoring and nourishment using sand from offshore and bypassed from Doctor's Pass; evaluate alternatives to restore the remaining critically eroded shoreline. GORDON PASS. COLI.IER COUNTY The navigation channel through Gordon Pass is part of a federal navigation project that includes an interior channel from Naples to Big Marco Pass. In 1962, the U,S. Army Corps of Engineers dredged the channel. Groins and annoring have been constructed to protect gulf front development north of the inlet. Maintenance dredging has been conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about every seven years with beach quality dredged material placed on the beach 300 feet south of Gordon Pass extending approximately 4,000 feet south on Keewaydin Island. After the 2003 maintenance dredging event, construction of the south jetty sand tightening project was completed. The project consisted of the following elements: (1) installing approximately 520 linear feet of steel sheet piling along the southern side of the existing jetty, (2) adding additional foundation materials consisting of bedding stone and geotextile composites, and (3) placing additional annor stone consisting of individual units weighing between approximately one and four tons each as necessary to achieve design elevations. Top elevations of the tightened structure range between approximately -2 ft NGVD and +5 ft NGVD. Approximately 800 feet of the jetty was sand tightened. The jetty sustained minor damage during the passage of Hurricane Wilma in October 2005, and was repaired during the summer of 2006, Strategy: Place beach quality maintenance dredged material on downdrift beaches south of the inlet. REGIONAL STRATEGIES FOR BEAtH AND INLET MANAGEMENT SPONSORS AND FuNDING This subregion contains the governmental entities of Collier County, the City of Naples and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, all of which participate with the Department as sponsors of beach management projects. Project cost estimates and schedules may be found in the Florida Beach Management Funding Assistance Program - Long Range Budget Plan. SBMP - Naples Coast Page 3 of6 May 2008