Resolution 2008-295 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE; SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-247; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, on September 9, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 2008-247, establishing a fee schedule for services performed by Collier County's Community Development and Environmental Services Division; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the recommendation of the Development Services Advisory Committee (DSAC), and wishes to revise the existing fee schedule to ensure sufficient funding and reserve levels for, and to reflect actual costs of services provided by, the Community Development and Environmental Services Division. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA that: The Board of County Commissioners hereby declares that the fees set forth in the Collier County Community Development and Environmental Services Fee Schedule, attached hereto, are all fair and reasonable sums to be assessed to the Land Development Code and the County's corresponding development review and permitting process. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board with an effective date of October 27, 2008, and that Resolution No. 2008-247 is hereby superseded by the adoption of this Resolution effective as stated above. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote, this cJ3 ro day of ~~w ,2008. '- ',':' f ATTES:r: '" , . . . ". \~~ DWI~HT E. BROCKcCLERK . " (...."' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER7UNTY, ELORIDA. By: ..JrJt.. Tom Henning, Chairman . y. . .. Thw.~ t' . .. . ',-,,' ..,. By: ~/'.' .~':)\' . .....~ OL., Attest.;, IS' to ' k .. i' ,.. ,",' '-. ~ lion.turf &1'1'.' Appr ved as to form and l~al sufficiency: \ I I . Jeff. right, Assistant County Attorney Following an internal examination of the relationship of specific fees charged for providing specific services and their associated costs, CDES found one particular area of concern, an area which is the principal source of the on-going revenue shortfalls within Fund 113. CDES issues a variety of minor permits, for items such as residential swimming pools, fences, and demolition activity. These permits require a variety of on-site inspections, with multiple inspections being included in the permit fee and not being charged separately. A review of the costs associated with an individual inspection are summarized on the below table, and currently equal approximately $50 per on-site inspection (see Attachment "F" for details). Costs Per Ins pection Inspectors Per Day Inspections Per Inspector Per Day 24 Effective Inspector Daily on Duty FTEs (allows for credited time off) 13 Average inspections to-date for FY 2008 Annual Inspector Personnel Costs $2,055,560 Inspector Support Personnel $228,644 Vehicle Insurance $68,957 Vehicle Maint $78,428 Vehicle Fuel $124,828 Vehicle Replacement $96,800 Departmental Overhead $189,378 Fund 113 Overhead $770,134 Divisional Overhead $161,374 Capital Project Overhead $52,874 Per Inspector Per Per Day Inspection $343.97 $26.46 Based on FY09 Budget of full personnel costs (salary, insurance, taxes) $2.94 Based on FY09 Budget of full personnel costs for inside support staff $0.89 Based on Actual FY08 costs per SAP $1,01 Based on Actual FY08 costs per SAP $1.61 Based on Actual FY08 costs per SAP $1.25 Based on Projected annual replacements from Fleet reports $38.26 $11.54 $13.12 $20.89 $16.20 $31,69 $2.44 Calculated on 46% of Building Department Admin Cost Center (% Inspectors to Departmental FTEs) $128,87 $9.91 Calculated on 39% of Fund 113 Admin Cost Center (% Inspectors to total Fund 113 FTEs) $27.00 $2.08 Calculated on 14.5% of Fund 113 Cashiering, Financial Management, and Records Cost Centers (% Inspectors to all CDES FTEs) $8.85 w.a Software project costs recovered over 10 year lifespan, 14,5% charged to Inspectors (% Inspectors to all CDES FTEs) Total Cost Per Inspection: $49.26 Despite this internal cost of nearly $50 to conduct an on-site inspection, CDES issues a variety of permits requiring multiple inspections for fees considerably lower than its costs. Examples include residential in-ground swimming pool permits, which require an average of 8 Florida Building Code compliance inspections ($400 in costs), where the fee only equals $100. A survey of 16 other Counties in Florida, "Attachment E", showed residential in-ground pool permits ranging from $300 to $700 in cost. Florida County In-ground Residential Pool Permit Fees Examples ($30,000 construction cost, heated): County Collier County St Lucie Okeechobee Pool Fees $100 $650 $354 Indian River Highlands Martin Broward Manatee Charlotte Sarasota $300 $300 $716 $650 $400 $575 $125 application +$75 per inspection+$125 CO Fee (approx $700) Other examples include $50 demolition permits which may require 4 on-site inspections, and $40 air conditioning convenience permits which require 2 inspections, The permit fees for new construction, both residential and commercial, already have included in their price calculation all the required initial inspection fees. CDES is not proposing any changes to new construction permit fees. CDES is proposing that each individual type of permit have fees which are equal to the cost of providing those services, and that on-site inspections have a $50 per inspection fee for minor permits. Permits requiring fewer inspections will be charged lower fees, each permit will have fees reflective of their actual costs, and no individual type of permit will have their costs subsidized by other applicants. In addition to this $50 per inspection fee, CDES will maintain a small application and review fee which is dependent on the level of review and processing required for minor permit types. Individual fee code changes include: IYm: Residential Pools Demolition Fence Convenience Permit Current $100 $50 $100 $40 Proposed Inspections $50 application fee plus $50 per inspection 6-10 $25 application fee plus $50 per inspection 3-5 $50 application fee plus $50 per inspection 1-2 No application fee plus $50 fee per inspection 1-2 In addition to these proposed individual changes, CDES is also proposing small increases in the minimum fees charged for building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits. Many types of minor permits do not have individual fees within the fee code, but are covered by the minimum fees associated with these types of craft permits. Electrical, plumbing, and mechanical minimal permits usually require processing and a single inspection, and the proposed minimum fee is being adjusted from $50 to $75. Building permits currently have a minimum fee of$100, and the proposed new minimum fee is $50 application plus $50 per inspection for I or 2 inspections (either $100 or $150 total). New construction and alterations, which have fees based on square footage or valuation, would not be affected by these changes. The Development Services Advisory Committee (DSAC), at their September 3, 2008 meeting, approved these fee changes and recommended BCC approval by a vote of 7-1. DSAC, in their approval, stated that these fees were reasonable and reflective of CDES actual costs. DSAC also strongly supported the underlying concept of these proposed fees, that each individual permit type and each individual applicant should cover the costs of services provided to them without being subsidized by other applicants. ----------,..--'~"...-~"."'...~.....~-~--'-~--- Included with this Executive Summary are: Attachment "A"- the Resolution, Attachment "B"- the revised CDES Fee Schedule, Attachment "C"- COES Fee Schedule Strike-Through and Underlines, Attachment "0"- Specific Fee Language Side by Side, Attachment "E"- County by County Residential Pool Fees, and Attachment "F"- Inspection Cost Calculations. Also included as a separate attachment to the fee schedule is the February 2007 Construction Valuation Table referenced by the Fee Schedule. FISCAL IMPACT: With BCC approval of this proposed change to the CDES Fee Schedule, CDES would amend the FY 2009 budget to reflect an additional $800,000 in projected revenue. This revenue would be placed into Fund 113 reserves to maintain a sufficient reserve level, and this proposed Executive Summary does not require, nor request, any increase in the current allocation of COES operating or personnel expenses already approved by the BCC. Any requests for an increase in CDES staffing or operating allocations would be made by a separate Budget Amendment brought to the BCC, and only would be the result of increased review, permitting, or inspection activity within CDES. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There are no growth management impacts. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This request has been reviewed by the Collier County Attorney's Office, and is legally sufficient for BCC action. -JW RECOMMENDATION: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approve a resolution amending the Collier County Administrative Code Fee Schedule of development- related review and processing fees as provided for in The Code of Laws and Ordinances, Section 2-11. Such a change to the COES Fee Schedule will allow the continued proper funding of the CDES Building Department, allowing for proper and necessary reserve levels, and implementing a fee schedule where individual fees are properly associated with the costs of providing specific services. PREPARED BY: Garrett Mullee, Manager - CDES Business Management and Budget Office ..--..__'__'~'__,.,._'__~~_'~__'__~'_'~"'__"" M'_ c (] l~~ .. 'T c (] " 'ft r; y Attachment B COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEVELOPMENT AND FEE SCHEDULE BCC Approved version, September 23, 2008 Contents: A) ADMINISTRATION, .,..,..,.......,..,...,.., ....."..,....,...,..""...,..,.."..,....,...., ...'",....,..,..,.."...,..".,....".",.."".." ..,.."..,....,..,..."""......,..,.,.".". .,..,2 B) BLASTING PERMITS & INSPECTION...,..",.."...........,.....,.........,.......,. ............... ..,..................,.. ........,....,.. ..,.,2 C) ENVIRONMENTAL/LANDSCAPING.........,.....,..,..,.., .................. ............ ..............,..............,....,.... ,.,.,2 D) EXCAVATION PERMITS.. ..,.."...,..........,......,....' ...............,...... ..,......,...'............................. .......3 E) FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES.. .............,..,.. ................,.. ......,..,............,....,........ ..................,..,....,........................ ,...4 F) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS ..,........ .."............... ........................., ..................... ..4 G) SUBDIVIS[ON,.. ,.,........,.,.....,............,.....................,.......,............,..........,.... ,5 H) ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEES........ ,......................,.., .................." ........6 I) TEMPORARY USE PERMITS........ ................ ,....,..,..,.........6 J) WELL PERMITS/INSPECTIONS,..."..... ,..,..,..".. ..............,...........,......, ,.,..........................7 K) ZONING/LAND USE PETITIONS,....,.. ,............. ,..............,.... ,...,.....7-8 L) MISCELLANIOUS..,., .." , ,.....,...... ....".." ......,.,...,9-10 M) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FEE, ....................,....,.............. I I N) BUILDING PERMIT FEES..........,.. ....,.........., ,..,..,ll 0) ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES....,....,..,......,..,12 P) PLUMBING PERM[T FEES,.".."...... ..,.......,..........12 Q) MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES,.......,.............. .........,................. ........13 R) FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PERMIT FEES, ,..",......,.. .. ....,....... ...,......... ...13 S) MOBILE HOME/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PERMIT FEES,., ''''''''''''...... 13 T) CHICKEES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES.....,..,........,............ ............ ......,.............,..,... ...13 U) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES...,.........,............, ............,.. ,........,.., .........., ..............,...... ...13 V) SCREEN ENCLOSURE PERMIT & PAN ROOF FEES ,....,..,...... ,..........14 W) SIGN PERM[T FEES....,........, ,......,.., ....,14 X) CONVENIENCE PERMIT FEES.............. """""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ...,.. 14 Y) REVISION AND AS BUlLT PLAN REV[EW FEES; CORRECTIONS TO PLANS .....................,....,....,............ 14 Z) PERMIT EXTENSION ...., ......'..........,...........,.., ,.............,....... .... 14 AA) DEMOLITION OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES ......,................................,................................ ,.,.,...15 BB) PRE-MOVING INSPECTION FEES ....... ....,....,............ ......,....,...... ,....,..".... ...............,...............,....] 5 CC) INSPECTION FEES """"'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ............,.......... 15 DD) REINSPECTlON FEES.., '.......... .................,..,...... .................... ,.............................. ....,............,.... .......,..,15 EE) FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT..,....................,....................... ......,..........,.. .............................................. ........,.............."....,.... 15 FF) LlCENS[NG...,. .. ,..", ..........".. ................., '......... ................ .............., ......16 GG) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS ,..,....".....................,.. ..............,....,............".........,...........................,........................,... 16 HH) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS ,................................, ,........,......,..,......................................16 II) PERMIT FEE REFUNDS ,'..................,..................... ..,..........,....,........ ................................ ..,......'.... .... [6 JJ)-RECORD RETRIEV AL ,.................. ........,..,'..............., ......................................,.. ..,..........,....,17 KK) COPY FEES..........,.............., ......,..................,17 LL) RESEARCH..........,..,........ .... '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,.,..,17 MM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE,.."....,...... ,.............. ......., ,.,...17 NN) ELECTRONIC DATA CONVERSION SURCHARGE,.., ..,..'.. ,..,17 00) REGISTRATION OF RENTAL DWELLINGS ..,17 PP) CERTIFICATE TO BOARD BILLING ...,...... 18 QQ) ADDITIONAL FEE REFUND PROVISIONS...... 18 RR) REFUND PROVISIONS,... ,." ,.,. ,......", ., ' ...... '........ ..,.,.,.., .. "".... ..".,....", , ,'.. ,. ...18 SS) ADDITIONAL FEE PROVISIONS. .,..,....,.,..,., ..,..,.., ..18 TT) PUBLIC VEHICLE FOR HIRE FEES"......, .,.........]8 UU) "PAYMENT IN LIEU OF" FEE FOR PATHWAYS (SIDEWALKS, AND BIKE LANES)",....,... ,...., .19 VV) OPTIONAL EXPEDITED BUILDING PERMIT PLAN REVIEWS,., ....,..........,., ., ..",...19 WW) Fences.. ,.., ,.. .... ............. ............. ..........19 Fees are in bold CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page I FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION, AND CANNOT BE WAIVED OR SUSPENDED WITHOUT AN ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE APPLICABILITY OF FEES SHALL BE CONCLUSIVELY DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE APPROPIA TE DEPARTMENT, AS APPLICABLE. WHERE AS PART OF A REZONING, PLAT OR SIMILAR APPLICATION TYPE, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECTS APPROVAL OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ORDERS DIFFERENT FROM THE STANDARD TYPE OF APPROVAL PROCESSES REQUIRED, THE DIRECTOR OF THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENT SHALL DETERMINE THE FEES TO BE APPLIED TO THE PROCESS NECESSARY TO MEET THE BOARDS REQUIREMENTS. THE APPLICABLE FEES SHALL BE THOSE WHICH MOST CLOSELY RESEMBLE THOSE CHARGED FOR SIMILAR PROCESSES INCLUDING EXTRA FEES FOR ADVERTISING AND THE LIKE. A) ADMINISTRATION I) Official Interpretation Request of Land Development Code (LDC), Growth Management Plan (GMP), or Building Construction Administrative Code (Administrative Code), Based on staff hours: Less than 20 hours $1,500.00,20 to 40 hours $3,000.00, more than 40 hours $5,000.00 2) Interpretation request submitted in conjunction with a land use petition or requested during site development plan review process. $250.00 3) Determination of Vested Rights, $100.00 (plus the County's out-of-pocket expenses associated with hearing officer and hearings) 4) Appeal of Vested Rights Determination, $100.00 5) Amendment to Land Development Code. $3,000.00 6) Appeal of an Administrative Decision (as may be provided for in the Collier County Administrative Code or the LDC). $1000.00 (non-refundable) 7) Appeal to Board of Zoning Appeals or Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals (as may be provided for in the Collier County Administrative Code or the LDC). $1,000.00 (non-refundable) B) BLASTING PERMITS & INSPECTION I) 30 day permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $250.00 2) 90 day permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $600.00 3) Yearly permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $1,500.00 4) Renewal permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $200.00 5) After-the-fact fee, due to blasting without a permit. $10,000.00 6) Fine fee, per detonated shot with after-the-fact permit. $200.00 7) Handler fee, for handler who assists the user or blaster in the use of explosives. $100.00 8) Blasting Inspection Fee. $200.00 (per inspection) 9) Inspection fees shall be paid upon issuance of a blasting permit based on the estimated number of blasts. Upon completion, fees will be adjusted to reflect actual number of blasts. C) ENVIRONMENTAL/LANDSCAPING I) Site Clearing Permit, first acre or fraction of an acre. $250.00 each additional acre or fraction of an acre, $50.00 ($3,000.00 maximum) 2) Agricultural Land Clearing a. Land Clearing Notification $250.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 2 b. Land Clearing Permit $250.00 each additional acre or fraction of an acre. $50.00 ($3,000.00 maximum) 3) Landscape Tree Removal Fee $250 4) Environmenta] Impact Statement (EIS) $2,500.00 for I st submittal and 2nd submittal if applicab]e, 3rd submittal $1,000.00, 4th and subsequent submittals $500.00 each 5) Landscape Re-inspection 1st $50.00, 2nd $75.00, every inspection afterward $100.00 6) Vehicle on the Beach Permit Application, $250.00 (Permit fee shall be waived for public and non- profit organizations engaging in environmental activities for scientific, conservation or educational purposes ), 7) Beach Nourishment Permits - $400 8) Special Treatment Review a, First five acres or less, $400.00 b. Each additional acre, or fraction thereof. $50.00 ($5,000.00 Maximum) c, Pre-application meeting $250.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal) 9) Coastal Construction Setback Line (CCSL): a, CCSL Permits $400.00 b, Variance - Petition. $1000.00 10) Sea Turtle Permit- a. Sea Turtle Handling Permits. $25.00 b. Sea Turtle Nesting Area Construction Permit. $200.00 c. Sea Turtle Nest Relocation. $100.00 II ) Vegetation Removal Permit a. First acre or fraction of an acre less. $250.00 b. Each additional acre, or fraction thereof. $50.00 ($3,000,00 Maximum) ]2) After-the-fact Environmental or Landscape Permits a. CCSL Variance Petition. 2x normal fee b. All other Environmental or Landscape Permits, 4x normal fee 13) Informal Wetland Jurisdictional determination for single family parcels up to 5 acres - $300.00 14) Conservation Easement review fee - $300.00 application fee plus the following additional site fee: $200.00 for CE acres less than 5 acres; $400.00 for CE area between 5 acres and 10 acres; $600.00 for CE area greater than 10 acres and less than 20 acres; $800.00 for CE areas between 20 and 50 acres; and an additional $200.00 for every 40 acres of CE area over 50 acres. 15) Listed or Protected Species review fee (when an EIS is not required) - $1000.00 D) EXCA V A TION PERMITS ] ) Annual Renewal. $300.00 2) Application (Private). $400.00 3) App]ication (Commercial), $2,000.00 4) Application (Deve]opment). $400.00 5) $200.00 per inspection paid in advance for 12 months 6) Reapplication: $300.00 plus $200.00 per month inspection fee 7) Cubic Yardage Review Fee: $200.00 first 5000 cy, plus $10.00 per additional 1000 cy with a maximum of$20,000,OO 8) Time Extension. $150.00 plus $200.00 per month inspection fee 9) After-the-fact Excavation Permit. 4x application fee CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 3 10) Over excavation penalty fee per yard. Plus Permit/Review $0.05 per cubic yard fee, unless maximum have been paid, E) FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES 1) Fire Code Review fees associated with each of the following processes: a. SOP - Site Development Plan b. SDPA - Site Development Plan, Amendment c. SDPI - Site Development Plan, Insubstantial d. SIP - Site Improvement Plan e. SIPI - Site Improvement Plan, Insubstantial f. PSP - Preliminary Subdivision Plans g, PSPA - Preliminary Subdivision Plans, Amendment h, PPL - Plans & Plat, Subdivision 1. FP - Final Plat J. CONSTR - Construction Plans, SubdivisionlUtilities k, ICP - Construction Plans, Insubstantial I. DRI - Development of Regional Impact m. DOA - Development Order, Amendment n, PUDZ - Planned Unit Development, Rezone o. PUDA - Planned Unit Development, Amendment p. POI - Planned Unit Development, Insubstantial q. RZ - Rezone, Regular Zoning r. CU - Conditional Use F) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS I) Site Development Plan Review (SOP). $5000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $150.00 a. plus $40.00 per DIU b, plus $100.00 per residential building structure c. plus $.10 per square foot for non-residential except that structures designed exclusively for parking (parking garages) shall be calculated at $.05 per square foot. d. plus $200.00 per building for non-residential e. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, 5th review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent reviews $2,500.00 When a building consist of both residential and non-residential (commercial, retail, office) uses, the following fees will apply. a. $5000.00 base fee plus $40.00 per DIU b, $200.00 per building for non-residential c. plus $0.10 per square foot of non-residential floor area d, Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, 5th review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent reviews $2,500.00 2) Pre-application fee, $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittaL) a. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at the applicant's request shall not be credited towards application fees. b. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at staffs request will be held at no charge to the applicant. c. Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required. 3) Simultaneous Review Fee (planning review of simultaneous building permit applications) $100.00 per building permit application, CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 4 4) Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change a. Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change, $400.00 for first sheet, $100.00 for each and every additional sheet submitted. b. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th Review $1,500.00, 5th and subsequent review $2,000.00 5) Site Development Plan Conceptual Review (CSP), Unified Development Plan (UDP), Neighborhood Park Site (NPSP) $750.00 (6) Site Improvement Plan Review (SIP), $1000.00 (plus Engineering review fees) 7) Utility Plan Review & Inspection Fees- a. Construction Document Review. 0.75% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs b. Construction Inspection. 2.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs c. Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification, submit as insubstantial change, $150.00 for first sheet, $75.00 for each additional sheet 8) Engineering Site Plan Review Fee a. Construction Documents Review Fee 0.75% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction b. Construction Inspection 2.25% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction 9) Site Development Plan Amendment (SDPA) $2,500.00, a. Plus $40.00 per DIU plus $100.00 per residential building structure b. plus $.10 per square foot c, plus $200.00 per building for non-residential d. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th Review $1,500.00, 5th and subsequent review $2,000.00 10) SBR Fees a) Pre-Acquisition Meeting $500.00 (no refunds or credits) b) Pre-application fee, $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal.) (all normal pre- application provisions apply) c) SBR Fee $5000.00 with hourly reconciliation at project completion for hourly variation greater than 10%, final project charges at $100.00 per hour for all associated staff hours II) Violation of the conditions of approval of the SOP/SIP or installation of improvements, clearing, or other land alteration not depicted on, or otherwise authorized as a part of the approved SOP/SIP. 4x the SIP/SDP application fee 12) Request for alternative architectural design $500.00, no separate or additional fee for appeals to, or requests for assistance from, the Architectural Arbitration Board, 13) Site Development Plan Sheet change out (per CDES policy guidelines) $35.00 per page. G) SUBDIVISION I) Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) and Lot Split Review $250.00 2) Subdivision Review Fees (PPL), (PPLA) - a, Construction Documents Review Fee 0.75% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping and any other appurtenant cost of construction b, Subdivision Inspection Fee 2.25% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction c. Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification -Submit as Insubstantial Change $400.00 for first sheet, $100.00 for each additional sheet CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 5 d. Subdivisions - 3rd and subsequent additional reviews - $500.00 e, Subdivisions - Substantial deviations from approval construction documents $500.00 3) Subdivision, Preliminary Plat (PSP)- a. Petition Application $1000.00 plus $5.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for residential, plus $10.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for non-residential; (mixed use is residential) 4) Subdivision Final Plat (FP) $1,000.00 plus $5.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for residential, $1000.00 plus $10.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for nonresidential; (mixed use is residential) 5) Additional review of construction plans for phased construction of subdivision improvements. $1000.00 per phase 6) Two-year Extension $150.00 7) Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Document Review 0.75% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs 8) Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification 0.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs a. 3rd and subsequent re-submittals - $500.00 9) Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Inspection Fee 2.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs ]0) Violation of the conditions of approval of approved construction plans or installation of improvements, clearing, or other land alteration not depicted on, or otherwise authorized as a part of the approved construction plans or penn it. 4x the PPL, PPLA, PSP, CNSTR or Final Plat Review Fee (FP), ] ]) Administrative Amendment $250.00 H) ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEES ]) Engineering Inspection Fee $150.00 per residential dwelling unit or accessory structure to residential dwelling unit (single or duplex only), charged at time of building permit Issuance. 2) Re-inspection Fees: ] st re-inspection $75.00, 2nd re-inspection $] 00.00, 3rd and thereafter re- inspection $125.00 I) TEMPORARY USE PERMITS ]) Beach Events Permits- a, Individual Pennit $]00.00 b. Block of25 calendar days $2,250.00 c. Block of 50 calendar days $4,500.00 d. Block of75 calendar days $6,750.00 e, Block of ] 00 calendar days $9,000.00 f. Block of 125 calendar days $1 ],250.00 g. Block of ] 50 calendar days $13,500.00 2) Temporary Use Penn it Special Sales & Events. $200.00 3) Model Homes and Sales Centers $500.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 6 4) Construction and Development, Mobile home, Agricultural Zoning, and Temporary use for "Coming Soon" sign $125.00 5) Residential and Non-Profit Garage and Yard Sale Permits No Charge 6) Temporary Use Amendment. $100.00 7) Renewals or extensions requested after the expiration date $200.00 8) Temporary Use Permit for Special Events requiringBCC approval, including Circus and Carnival Permits. $275.00 9) Political Signs (Bulk Temporary Permit) $5.00 10) Fees for Temporary Use permits issued After the Fact, A TF: 2x normal fee J) WELL PERMITS/INSPECTIONS I) Hydraulic elevator shaft permit $300.00 2) Test hole permit (including 1st six holes) $300.00, each additional hole $20.00 3) Well permit (abandonment) $50.00 4) Well permit (construction, repair, or combined construction and abandonment at one site) $300.00 5) Well permit (monitoring) $150.00 6) Well Permit (modification of monitor/test well to a production well) $75.00 7) Well Reinspections a, First Reinspection $75.00 b, Second Reinspection $100.00 c. Third Reinspection $150.00 8) After the fact well permits 4x normal fee per violation. NOTE: Multiple wells may be allowed on one permit, but each well must be accounted for and the appropriate fee shall be charged for each well in accordance with the above listed schedule. K) ZONING/LAND USE PETITIONS I) Pre-application meeting fee $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal.) a. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at the applicant's request shall not be credited towards application fees. b. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at staff's request will be held at no charge to the applicant. c. Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required. 2) Alcoholic Beverage or Service Station Separation Requirement Waiver $1000.00 3) Boat Dock Extension Petition $1,500.00 Boat Lift Canopy Administrative Review $500.00 4) Conditional Use Permit $4,000.00 when filled with Rezone Petition ($1,500.00) Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee, 5) Conditional Use Monitoring Review: $750.00 6) Conditional Use Extension $3,000.00 7) DRI Review (In addition to cost of rezone) $10,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof) Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee Amendments deemed to be minor in nature, that is CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 7 requiring minor strike thru and underline text amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the DRl will be capped at $13,000.00. Any amendment which includes a map and text change will be assessed the full fee (no cap). 8) DRl/DO Amendment $6,000.00 plus $25.00 per acre (or traction thereof). The acreage charge does not apply for amendments which only change the build-out date of the DO for a time period ofless than five years, 9) DRIABN - DRI Abandonment $],500.00 10) Flood Variance Petition $]000.00 11) Interim Agriculture Use Petition $350.00 ]2) Non-Conforming Use Change/Alteration $],500.00 ] 3) Parking Exemption $],500.00. Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee, 14) Parking Reduction (Administrative) $500.00 ]5) Rezone Petition (PUD to PUD): $8,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or traction thereof) (Requires a submittal ofa new PUD document) ] 6) Property owner notifications: $1.50 non-certified mail, $3.00 certified return receipt mail (Petitioner to pay this amount prior to advertisement of petition) 17) Planned Unit Development Amendments (PUD) $6,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre or traction of an acre, (Substantial changes to the text and Master Plan), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee, Text changes that do not impact the Master Plan $6,000.00 (the $25.00 an acre fee will not apply. Amendments deemed to be minor in nature that is requiring minor strike thru and underline amendments of no more than] 0 different lines of text changes in the PUD will be capped at $9,000.00, Any amendment which includes a map and text change will be assessed the full fee (no cap). ] 8) Planned Unit Development Amendment - Insubstantial (POI) $] ,500.00 requires a hearing by the CCPC only for a minor change to the PUD Master Plan, PUD Minor Change (PMC) $1,000.00 (Administrative Review for minor change to the Master Plan) 19) Rezone Petition (Regular) $6,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or traction thereof), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 20) Rezone Petition (to PUD) $]0,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or traction thereof), Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 21) Street Name Change (Platted) $500.00 plus $1.00 for each property owner requiring notification of proposed street name change 22) Un-platted street name or project name change: $]00.00 per application fee plus $50.00 per additional hour or Partial hour of research required to process application, not to exceed $500.00 23) Variance petition: $2,000.00 residential, $5,000.00 non- residential, Additional fee for 5th and subsequent Reviews - 20% of original fee. 24) Variance (Administrative) $1,000.00 25) Zoning Certificate: Residential: $50.00, Commercial: $125.00 26) PUD Extension - Sun Setting: $]000.00 27) Sign Variance Petition: $2000.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 8 28) Stewardship Receiving Area Petition (SRA): $7000.00 per SRA plus $25.00 per acre for, Stewardship Sending Area Petition (SSA): $9,500.00, Stewardship Receiving Alternative Deviation Design (SRDD) $500.00. SRA Amendments deemed to be minor in nature, that is requiring minor strike thru and underline text amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the SRA will be capped at $10,000,00. 29) After-the-Fact Zoning/Land Use Petitions 2x the normal petition fee 30) Land Use Petition Continuances a. Requested after petition has been advertised $500.00 b, Requested at the meeting $750.00 c. Resultant additional required advertising charged in addition to continuance fees. 31) PUD and SRAMonitoring (one-time charge at time of building permit pick-up) a. $100.00 per dwelling unit for residential construction within a PUD and SRA ($3,000.00 maximum fee per building permit application) b, $0.12 per square foot for non-residential construction within a PUD and SRA ($3,000.00 maximum fee per building permit application) 32) Any legal advertising required during any CDES activity or approval process will be charged in addition to stated fees, at actual costs. CDES reserves the right to charge an estimated amount with the initially required project fees, and will reconcile and adjust such charges against actual legal advertising billings at the completion of the project. 33) Mixed Use Project (MUP) $2,500.00 34) Outdoor Serving Area Permit $300.00 35) Planned Unit Development (PUD) closeout application and processing: a. PUD's up to 50 acres: $5,000.00 b, PUD's over 50 acres up to 250 acres: $7,000.00 c. PUD's over 250 acres; $9,500.00 36) Development of Regional Impact (DRI) closeout application and processing $10,000.00 L) MISCELLANEOUS I) Reserved 2) Reserved 3) Official Zoning Atlas Map Sheet Publications, maps, and reports shall be copied at actual cost. 4) The following fee shall be assessed for all Lien Searches, Title Searches and/or Payoff Requests: $5.00/per request. 5) The fee for researching records, ordinances, and codes shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour. 6) The fee for creating and designing special computer generated reports that are not a part of regular standard reports shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour. 7) CD Burning: $5.00 8) Complete sets of Official Zoning Atlas Map Sheets $100.00 per set. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 9 9) Staff shall charge the following fees for duplication of public records: a. $0.15 for each one sided photocopy of documents less than ] ] x] 7 inches. b, $0.20 for each two sided photocopy of documents less than ] ] x 17 inches, c, $1.00 for each certified copy of a public record. 10) Property Notification Address Listing: a. MS Excel spreadsheet on Disc $70.00 b. Print out on Paper $75.00 + $0.05 for every record over 1500 c. Mailing Labels $80.00 + $0.06 for every record over 1500 d. Print out on Paper + Mailing Labels $85.00 + $0.11 for every record over] 500 I ]) Comprehensive Plan Consistency Review a, CU's $300.00 b, Rezoning $750.00 c, Pud's or PUD Amendments: $2250.00 d, Letter ofGMP consistency to outside agencies: $250 e, SRA - Stewardship Receiving Area - $2,250.00 f. DR] - Development of Regional Impact - $2,250.00 g. FlAM - Fiscal Impact Analysis - $4,000.00 12) Plan Review Fee (for planning review of all building permit applications) a) Long forms: $125.00 per building permit application, 2nd review 50% of fee, 3rd and subsequent 25% of fee (2nd and subsequent review fees related to Zoning approvals only) b) Express permits: $50.00 per building permit application, 2nd review 50% offee, 3rd and subsequent 25% of fee (2nd and subsequent review fees related to Zoning approvals only) 13) Project Meetings: Active applications under review for the following project types will be afforded one inter- departmental meeting at no charge: Planned Unit Development re-zonings and Site Development Plan applications (except for conceptual site plan approval and insubstantial change approval). Meeting requests for all other application types and additional meetings will be subject to the following fees: a. Meetings with Departmental Project Approval Staff member per applicant request, reviews and petitions in progress, $150.00 per one hour minimum, $75.00 per Y2 hour thereafter. Additional Department staff attending meeting per applicant request $75.00 per Y2 hour per staff member. b, Inter-Departmental Project Meeting per applicant request, site plan reviews and land use petitions in progress, $500.00 per one hour minimum, $250.00 per Y2 hour thereafter. 14) Adequate Public Facilities a, Planning Applications requiring COA process review (such as FP's, PPL's & SIP's, SDPs) $200.00 + 25.00 per residential dwelling unit or + 25.00 per 1000 sq ft commercial ($5000,00 maximum) b. Building permit applications requiring COA process review not covered under 12.a above $100.00 per building permit application. ] 5) Zoning Confirmation Letters a. Standard Response $100.00 (includes up to I hour research) b, Extended Research $100.00 per hour (any response with research in excess of] hour) 16) Zoning Letter Appeal $250.00 17) CDD a. Community Development District $15,000.00 b. Chapter] 89 Special District, Independent or Dependent, $15,000.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 10 18) GMP Amendment a. Small Scale $9000.00 b, General $16,700.00 c, Legal advertising in addition to sub-sections a and b fees, and subject to applicable fee schedule provisions. d. Pre-application meetings for GMP consistency for development orders and zoning/land use petitions: $250 e, Pre-application meetings for GMP amendment petitions: $250 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal) 19) Application for issuance TOR, $250 (non-refundable); plus $25 per TDR issued and recorded (total fees not to exceed $2,750,00) 20) Engineering Services a) Vacation of Easements: $2.000.00 21) Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals $250.00 22) Early Work Authorization (EW A) permit: $500.00 (does not include site clearing fee). 23) Legal Non-conforming Lot (LNC) $100.00 24) Vested Rights Determination (VRD) $1,500.00 M) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA nON FEE I) A permit application fee shall be collected at time of applying for a building permit. The permit application fee shall be collected when the plans are submitted for review. The fee shall be applied toward the total permit fee. The applicant shall forfeit the application fee if the application is denied or if the application is approved and the permit is not issued within the time limitation as stated in Section 103,6. \.I of the Collier County Ordinance No. 91-56, as amended. 2) Application fee will be computed as follows: a) 25% of total Building Permit Fee ($.15 Isq ft new residential and commercial, $.075 shell and warehouse) 3) Minimum fee of$75.00 for each of the following: plumbing; mechanical (A/C); electrical; fire; and building, Minimum fee for all other applications = $50.00 4) The balance of the total permit fee will be collected at the time of issuance of the permit and will include any fee adjustments necessary. N) BUILDING PERMIT FEES I) The fee for a building permit shall be computed as follows: Such fees shall be either based on the contractor's valuations of construction cost or based on square footage. Minimal accepted calculated costs of construction are set forth on the attached Building Valuation Data Table - ICC Building Valuation Data Table, produced February, 2007. Valuation of construction costs of less than $750.00 - No permit or fee is required, but construction must comply with all County Codes and Ordinances. If inspections are required by the Building Official or requested by the applicant, the appropriate fees shall be paid, EXCEPTION: All work involving structural components and/or fire rated assemblies requires permits and inspections regardless of construction cost, signs must secure permits as stated in Collier Collier County Ordinance No. 2002-0 I, as amended. a. Valuation of construction costs of $750.00 through $4,999,99 - $50.00 application plus $50.00 per inspection as required. CDES Financial Administration. rev 09/08/08 Iw page II b. New construction greater than 500 square feet I. residential at $0.29 per square foot (living area) 11. warehouse/shell at $0.145 per square foot (total area) 111. build-out at $0.145 per square foot (total area) iv. commercial/ institutional at $0.29 per square foot (total area) c. Alterations, other construction, and new construction under 500 square feet (both residential and commercial) minimum fee of$IOO.OO for one required inspection, plus $50.00 for each required additional inspection, $100 plus 0.30% of de cIa red valuation in excess of$5,000 0) ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES I) The fees for electrical permits for new structures or placement or relocation of structures shall be computed as follows: a. $0.40 per ampere rating of all single-phase panel boards. b. $0.15 per ampere rating for switch or circuit whichever is greater, if item # I above does not apply. c. When not a complete installation, all switch and circuit breakers ahead of panel boards shall be computed at $0.15 per ampere, d. Permit fees for any change in electrical installation shall be computed at the above rates for that portion of new and/or increased fees in existing electrical facilities, e. The minimum for any electrical permit shall be $75.00 per unit or tenant space. r. Fifty percent (50%) in additional fee costs shall be added to all above fees for three phase installations. EXCEPTION: Ordinary repairs limited to a $200 value or less may be made without a permit. Repairs must comply with all County Codes and Ordinances. If inspections are required by the Building Official or requested by the applicant, the appropriate fees shall be paid. P) PLUMBING PERMIT FEES I) The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies. a) Residential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed at the rate of $75.00 to be charged for each living unit with one to three bathrooms. An additional fee of $1 0.00 will be assessed for each additional bathroom. b) Nonresidential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed by the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: a) The rate of $3.00 per 425 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof; or b) Institutional facilities, hospitals, schools, restaurants and repairs in any occupancy classification shall be charged at the rate of $1.00 per fixture unit or c) Minimum of$75.00 for each occupancy or tenant space. 2) Grease traps; An additional fee of$50.00 shall be assessed for each grease trap. 3) The cost for retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of $50.00 per floor for each main riser. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 12 4) The cost of a permit for lawn sprinkler systems shall be computed using the dollar valuation as shown under Section M of this Resolution. 5) The minimum plumbing permit fee shaIl be $75.00. Q) MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES I) The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies. a. Residential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed at the rate of$75.00 for each living unit up to three tons of air conditioning. Each additional ton or part thereof shall be $3.00 per ton. b. Nonresidential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed by one of the foIlowing methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: The rate of $75.00 for the first three tons or three horsepower of air conditioning or other mechanical systems per tenant space, each additional ton of air conditioning or horsepower shaIl be $3.00; or The rate of$3.00 per 425 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof. 2) The cost of retrofit piping shaIl be computed at the minimum fee of $50.00 per floor for each cooling tower, or $50.00 for the first 3 horsepower and $3.00 for each additional horsepower, whichever is greater. 3) The minimum mechanical permit fee shaIl be $75.00. 4) A permit for the change out of components shall be calculated at the above mechanical permit fee rate or the minimum fee whichever is greater. R) FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PERMIT FEES I) The fees and exemptions set forth in the "Exhibit B" affixed hereto and made a part of this Schedule of Development Review and Building Permit Fees shall apply to Fire Prevention and Control Permits for both the independent and dependent fire districts. S) MOBILE HOME/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PERMIT FEES I) The permit fee shall be $50.00 to set-up a single-wide trailer or mobile home on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical and fire protection fees as applicable. 2) The permit fee shall be $75.00 to set-up a double wide or larger mobile homes on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical and fire protection fees as applicable, T) CHICKEES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES I) The permit fee will be based upon a calculated cost of construction of $4.00 per square foot under roof or the contractor's estimated cost of construction, whichever is greater. The fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section N of this Resolution, Additional permit fees for electric, plumbing, mechanical, fire, etc., will be charged when applicable, U) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES ]) For construction of each public pool or spa the fee shall be - a, Valuation of construction costs of up to $4,999.99, $100.00 b. Valuation of construction costs of$5000.00 through $49,999,99: $80.00 plus $7.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of$2,000.00, CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 13 c. Valuation of construction costs of $50,000.00 through $ I ,000,000.00: $333.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $50,000.00. d, Valuation of construction costs over $ I ,000,000.00: $3,474.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $ I ,000,000.00. 2) For construction of each private pool or spa the fee shall be: $50.00 application plus $50.00 per inspection as required. V) SCREEN ENCLOSURE PERMIT & PAN ROOF FEES I) Construction costs shall be calculated as follows: a. Screen Roof. $2.00 per sq. ft, of floor area. (Screen Walls Only) b. Pan Roof. $3.00 per sq. ft. of floor area. (Screen Walls Only) c. Existing Roof. $2.00 per sq. ft, of floor area, (Screen Walls Only) 2) The screen enclosure or roof fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section N of this Resolution. W) SIGN PERMIT FEES I) Sign permit fees will be calculated in accordance with all applicable Building Permit Fees and Electrical Permit Fees outlined in this document, the Collier County Development Fee Schedule. The minimum building permit fee for sign shall be $75.00. 2) Multiple signs of the same type (i.e., wall signs) and for a single project may be allowed per one permit, however an appropriate fee shall be charged for each sign in accordance with the schedule set forth in the above subsection I of Sign Permit Fees. X) CONVENIENCE PERMIT FEES I) Convenience permits are issued in blocks of 10 each. Only licensed contractors are eligible to purchase convenience permits are limited to the use specified on the permit. The fee for a book of 10 convenience permits is $500.00 ($50.00 fee per inspection, I inspection only) Y) REVISION AND AS BUILT PLAN REVIEW FEES; CORRECTIONS TO PLANS I) PERMIT AND PLAN REVISIONS The fee for each permit revision submitted after permit issuance shall be calculated using fee schedules outlined in Sections N through R above. The minimum permit fee for revisions to permitted projects shall be $50.00. 2) AS BUILT PLANS The fee for "As Built" plan review shall be ten (10%) percent of the original building permit fee or $150.00, whichever is greater, but shall not exceed $500.00. The fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing amended building plans in the office to determine that change orders and various field changes are in compliance with the minimum construction and fire codes of Collier County. The following are required for as-built drawings review: a. An itemized list of all changes made after permit plan approval. b. As-built plans that have all changes made after permit plan approval "clouded". c. As-built plans and changes shall be signed and sealed by the engineer and/or architect of record. 3) CORRECTIONS TO PLANS a. First Correction to Plans. No charge b. Second Correction to Plans. $75.00 c. Third & subsequent correction to plans. $100.00 Z) PERMIT EXTENSION I) The filing fee for each permit extension shall be equal to 10% of the original building permit fee or $100.00, whichever is greater, but shall not exceed CDES Financial Administration. rev 09/08/08 Iw page 14 $500.00. The filing fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing existing or amended building plans to determine and verifY code compliance AA) DEMOLITION OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES I) The pennit fee shall be $25.00 application for the demolition of any building or structure; plus $50.00 per inspection as required. DB) PRE-MOVING INSPECTION FEES I) The fee shall be $150.00 for the pre-moving inspection of any building or structure. CC) INSPECTION FEES I) A charge of $20.00 per inspection shall be assessed for inspections for which a penn it is not necessary. 2) A user fee of $120.00 shall be assessed for all inspections on a time specified basis, 3) First Partial inspection for single-family & tenant buildout. No charge 4) Second & subsequent partial inspections for single-family & tenant buildout. $25.00 DO) REINSPECTION FEES I) Re-inspections for any type of building permit, or required Engineering re-inspections, shall result in an additional fee of $75.00 per inspection for the first re-inspection, $100.00 for the second re- inspection and $125.00 for the third and each successive re-inspection. EE) FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT I) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said pennit and where such action was cited by Code Enforcement or by Contractor Licensing and resulted in a finding of violation from either the Code Enforcement Board, the Special Magistrate, or the Contractor Licensing Board, or as directed by the Board of County Commissioners the fees herein specified shall be 4x the regular fee. 2) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said pennit and where a contractor or agent/provider where the building official or zoning director (for cases involving land development) deems that the contractor/provider should have known that a permit was required but voluntary seeks compliance by obtaining the necessary permits to abate the violation the fees herein specified shall be 2x the regular fee. 3) Where work for which a pennit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where an ownerlbuilder seeks voluntary compliance by obtaining said penn it the fees assessed will be 2x the regular rate as defined in this fee schedule. 4) Where work for which a pennit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where the unpermitted work was completed by other or prior to the current ownerlbuilder's ownership of the property an where the current ownerlbuilder seeks voluntary compliance by obtaining said penn it to assure compliance with all applicable codes the fees will be assessed at the regular rate as defined in this fee schedule. 5) The payment of such fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of any applicable construction code or ordinance in the execution of the work, or from any penalty prescribed within any construction code, law or ordinance of Collier County. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 15 FF) LICENSING I) The fee for licensing items is as follows: a, Letters of Reciprocity. $25.00 b. Contractors Change of Status. (active to dormant) $10.00 c. V oluntary Registration of State Certified Contractors. $10.00 d. Pictures. $2.00 e. Laminating $1.00 (per license) f. Fee for a 6 month temporary contractor's license $25.00 g. Certified copies of Experience letters $35.00 h. Duplicate or replacement (of Competency cards) $25.00 I. Second entity application fee $50.00 2) Certificated of Competency (Annual) a. Contractor Initial License Fee Renewal Fee b. Specialty Contractor Initial License Fee Renewal Fee c. Journeyman Initial License Fee Renewal Fee $150.00 $100.00 $135.00 $85.00 $50.00 $25.00 3) Donnant Certificates of Competency (Annual) a. Contractor $100.00 b, Specialty Contractor $85.00 c. Penalty fees after 9/30 $10.00 per month until 12/31 4) Reinstatement of Delinquent License a. Contractor b, Specialty Contractor c. Journeyman d. Examination Administrative Fee $150.00 plus back years $135.00 plus back years $50.00 plus back years $100.00 good for 6 months GG) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS I) The fee shall be $5.00 for the issuance of a duplicate pennit card for whatever reason. HH) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS I) To record a change of contractor or subcontractor, on a pennit that has been issued, the fee shall be $50.00. This fee includes the issuance of a new pennit card. II) PERMIT FEE REFUNDS I) Ifrequested, in writing by the owner or his authorized agent, 50% of the fees charged, other than the application fee, may be refunded provided that a pennit has been issued, construction has not commenced, and the refund is applied for prior to the cancellation of the permit. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 16 JJ) RECORD RETRIEVAL I) No charge for retrieving records from inactive or remote storage including microfilmed documents KK) COPY fEES I) The fee for blueprint and miscellaneous copying shall be as follows: a. Microfilm copies, of documents less than II x 17 inches: $0.15 other sizes at cost of production, f. Microfilm or Blueprint copies: 18 X 24 $1.25 per page 30 X 36 $2.50 per page 30 X 42 $3.25 per page 34 X 44 $5.00 per page g, Community Development self-service copier, public access and not related to public record retrieval or public record copies: documents less than 14x8,5 inches $0.15 per page inclusive of sales tax. LL) RESEARCH I) The fee for researching records, ordinances, and codes shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of I hour 2) The fee for creating and designing special computer generated reports that are not part of the regular standard reports shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of I hour. MM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE The fee for one-year subscription service to be mailed quarterly shall be $15.00 per year. The subscription year is from Oct. I through Sept. 30. NN) ELECTRONIC DATA CONVERSION SURCHARGE I) A surcharge in the amount of 3% of the building permit application fee, with the minimum surcharge being $3.00 and the maximum being $150.00, will be applied to every building permit application submitted. A flat fee of $3.00 per permit will be charged for those permits for which an application fee is not required per item (M) of this Schedule, 00) REGISTRATION Of RENTAL DWELLINGS I) The fee for registration of rental dwellings is as follows: a. Initial Registration Fee - $30.00/per property b, Annual Renewal - $20.00!,per property c. Annual Late Fee - $IO.OO/per day per property up to a maximum of$80.00 d. The term "property" means a parcel or contiguous parcels with any number of rental units located thereupon under common ownership and/or management. 2) Rental Inspection a. Rental Inspection - $200.00 per unit b. Re-inspection Fee - $50.00 per re-inspection per unit. c. Rental inspections shall not be required for rental units on property covered by a Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation ("DBPR") license. A copy of the current DBPR license shall be provided with the initial rental registration and all subsequent rental renewal applications. 3) Any unpaid fees may be pursued by the Collier Manager or designee through a collection agency. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 17 PP) CERTIFICATE TO BOARD BUILDING I) Initial Boarding Certificate - $0 2) Boarding Certificate Extension - $150 QQ) ADDITIONAL FEE REFUND PROVISIONS I) Requests for fee waivers may only be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Waiver requests for development review and building permit fees shall be submitted in writing directly to the appropriate Community Development & Environmental Services Division Staff, who will prepare an executive summary for consideration by the Board. Such requests shall include a statement indicating the reason for the fee waiver request and, if applicable, the nature of the organization requesting the fee waiver. RR) REFUND PROVISIONS I) PAYMENT OF FEES: Full payment of fees is required for a complete application, Department policy requires full payment offees at the time of application submittal. No work will begin on staff review of the application until all fees are paid in full. If full payment of fees is not received within 14 calendar days of application submittal, the application will be considered void. At this point, a new application and full payment of fees will be required to proceed with a project. 2) There will be no refund of Planning, Environmental, or Engineering related fees, except those applications which have been deemed not sufficient for staff review and are withdrawn within 30 days of notification will be entitled to a 50% refund. After 30 days from such notification, there will be no refund of submitted fees. 3) In no cases will there be refunds for pre-application fees, data conversion fees, appeals of administrative decisions, or appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals or Building Board of Adjustment. 4) If staff error causes the inappropriate or unnecessary filing of an application and payment offees, 100 percent of all inappropriate fees, shall be refunded upon written request and with the concurrence of Department management. SS) ADDITIONAL FEE PROVISIONS I) In those cases where alternative methods or timing of payments for CDES services and / or fees listed in this schedule associated with SBR reviews are deemed to best serve the public good, the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator will have the authority to approve such alternatives. Such alternative must be in writing and signed by all principals involved. In no case shall final C.O. or such certifications of project completeness be issued until payments due CDES are received in full. 2) All hourly fees are computed and charged from actual Divisional time tracking records, 3) All acreage totals used in fee calculations will be rounded up to the nearest whole acre. 4) When deemed essential for project review or approval, there will be no additional charge for any meetings requested by CDES staff. TT) PUBLIC VEHICLE FOR HIRE FEES I) The following fees shall be assessed for the Public Vehicle for Hire Program: a. Initial Application fee (new Companies) - $200 b, Initial Certificate to Operate (Feb I-lan 31) - $325.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08108 Iw page 18 c. Annual Certificate to Operate Renewal $325.00 d, Late Fee for CTO Renewal $200.00 e, Sub-Certificate Application Fee (New Companies) - $100.00 f. Sub-Certificate - $125.00 g. Annual Sub-Certificate renewal - $125.00 h. Late Fee for Sub-Certificate Renewal - $100.00 1. Vehicle Decal - $50.00 j. Temporary Vehicle Decal $5.00 per vehicle/per day k, Temporary Vehicle Decal (In case of inoperable decaled vehicle) - $5.00/per vehicle I. Driver Identification Card (Initial/Renewal) - $75.00 per driver m. 2nd Driver Identification Card - $25.00 n. Replacement Driver ID - $10.00 0, On-site Vehicle Permitting - $15.00 per vehicle UU)"PAYMENT IN LIEU OF" FEE FOR PATHWAYS (SIDEWALKS, AND BIKE LANES) I) Calculated using the current Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) construction costs or an engineering estimate not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the submitted application request's total project cost. VV) OPTIONAL EXPEDITED BUILDING PERMIT PLAN REVIEWS I) Optional expedited building permit plan review fee shall be 30% of the building permit fee (additional to full building permit fees) with a minimum fee of$50.00 a. Participation in the optional expedited review program is subject to limited availability, applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis, b. Review completion times are guaranteed to equal, or be less than, one half of the normal advertised completion time frames. Should the expedited review exceed this guaranteed completion time, the 30% optional expedited building permit review fee will be refunded to the applicant, and all normal permit fees will apply. Such guarantee and refund provisions shall apply to reviews, and do not infer or relate to approvals, c. Optional expedited building permit review fees shall be due at the time of building permit application submission. d. Any required re-submissions of permit applications' leading to re-reviews, when due to applicant insufficiencies, shall be subject to additional optional expedited building permit plan review fees if an additional expedited review is requested by the applicant for the re-review, and shall be calculated against re-submission charges. WW) FENCES 1) $50.00 application fee plus $50.00 per inspection as required. This is the last page of the CDES Fee Schedule CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 19 c ., l~i .. T c ., u n to y Attachment C STRIKE-THROUGH & UNDERLINE COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEVELOPMENT AND FEE SCHEDULE BCC Approved version, September 23, 2008 Contents: A) ADMINISTRATION.. ,'............ ................,........,.........,........,..,.,.... ................ ..............., ......,...2 B) BLASTING PERMITS & INSPECTION,. ............,.. ......,....,..2 C) ENVIRONMENTAL/LANDSCAPING.......... .............., ,...2 D) EXCAVATION PERMITS ""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ,..,.3 E) FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES............. "................4 F) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS...... .., """""""............ ....4 G) SUBDIVISION "........ "'.., ""."""""'''''''' .....5 H) ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEES............... ,.,.,....6 I) TEMPORARY USE PERMITS,..,....,..................... .....6 J) WELL PERMITS/INSPECTIONS.. ..,............,....,............... ...........,............,. ..................., ...............,7 K) ZONING/LAND USE PETIT]ONS ..., ................, ..........................................................,.................... ....,.....................,......7-8 L) MISCELLANIOUS.. '..,.. ..... ..........,..., ".................. .................,..,.... ........9-10 M) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FEE, ..........,................,..........".. ..,.....,.................,....... ,................................. ..........,............,........,11 N) BUILDING PERMIT FEES,.,.... ,'..,........., ......................... ,........,..,..,......,.................,.............,.............. '........................, "..,II 0) ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES........,..,......, ..,........,....... ,..............,......,............,..........,.....,.,....................,...................,....., ,.......]2 P) PLUMBING PERMIT FEES............, ............,.. ......................, ................ ,..............,.......................... .............,..,12 Q) MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES.....,.. ....,.......... ....,....,...,.. ........,..............,..................,........,..,.. ......"................,.... ,13 R) FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PERMIT FEES ......,..........,................................,................,.... ..........,..............................,........... 13 S) MOBILE HOME/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PERMIT FEES...........,.."...... ,......".........."........,............, ,. I3 T) CHICKEES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES......"....,....................., ......,............,..,.........., .13 U) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES ,.....,........"..,'......,.... """"""'''''''''''''''''''''' .. I3 V) SCREEN ENCLOSURE PERMIT & PAN ROOF FEES .............. ..,........, ,.,..,14 W) SIGN PERMIT FEES....,........, .,'.......... ..,14 X) CONVENIENCE PERMIT FEES..........".... ........,..,..,.... ,......, "'''''''''' ..,.... 14 Y) REVISION AND AS BUILT PLAN REVIEW FEES; CORRECTIONS TO PLANS ,.... """'"'''''''''''''''''''' ..,.,....14 Z) PERMIT EXTENSION,.......... .........,.., ..............,.. ..,....,]4 AA) DEMOLITION OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES,.... ..................... ..........,...... ..,.........., ....15 BB) PRE-MOVING INSPECTION FEES,........,...............,........, ................,........, ....,... 15 CC) INSPECTION FEES, .,..............., .....................,..,........,..,.... "....,15 DD) REINSPECTION FEES., ,............... ...............',.........,.........,................'.......... ......,.............. ......,IS EE) FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT.., .,................. ,....................,.........., .................... ....,IS FF) LICENSING, . .."....,... ...,.",.,....,........, ,'........,......" , ,..,...., "....., ....,'.. ...........,...... ""..16 GG) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS """'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""",,,,,,,.,,,, .......,...................' ..,....,16 HH) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS"...,....,..................................,........,.... ""'"'''''''''''''' ..... 16 II} PERMIT FEE REFUNDS..........,.., ................,.. ......,16 .J.J)-RECORD RETRIEVAL ,................... 16 KK)COPY 17 LL) RESEARCH..,........., ,........,...... 17 MM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE ,'..........." .17 NN) ELECTRONIC DATA CONVERSION SURCHARGE ..,.......... ,.,.17 00) REGISTRATION OF RENTAL DWELLINGS.........,.........,........",......,..., ....17 PP) CERTIFICATE TO BOARD BILLING .,.......,..,..., ..,..,........,.. '.. 17 QQ) ADDITIONAL FEE REFUND PROVISIONS.. """"""''''',........,.., ".,18 RR) REFUND PROViSiONS....",.., ..,... ,. , ",.." 18 SS)ADDIT10NAL FEE PROVISIONS.. "..", .., ..,., ,..,., .,... ,..,., .........." '.." ,.18 TT) PUBLIC VEHICLE FOR HIRE FEES"..,... ......,.................., .............. ..,..,. .,18 UU) "PAYMENT IN LIEU OF" FEE FOR PATHWAYS (SIDEWALKS, AND BIKE LANES), '.....".... ,..........., ..,:, ,19 VV) OPTIONAL EXPEDITED BUILDING PERMIT PLAN REVIEWS........,.....,........ ............,.................., ...... ...., ...,19 WW) Fences.., ............... ............................. ............, ..........,............,19 Fees are in bold CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page I FEES ARE ESTABLISHED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION, AND CANNOT BE WAIVED OR SUSPENDED WITHOUT AN ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE APPLICABILITY OF FEES SHALL BE CONCLUSIVELY DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE APPROPIATE DEPARTMENT, AS APPLICABLE. WHERE AS PART OF A REZONING, PLAT OR SIMILAR APPLICATION TYPE, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DIRECTS APPROVAL OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ORDERS DIFFERENT FROM THE STANDARD TYPE OF APPROVAL PROCESSES REQUIRED, THE DIRECTOR OF THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENT SHALL DETERMINE THE FEES TO BE APPLIED TO THE PROCESS NECESSARY TO MEET THE BOARDS REQUIREMENTS, THE APPLICABLE FEES SHALL BE THOSE WHICH MOST CLOSELY RESEMBLE THOSE CHARGED FOR SIMILAR PROCESSES INCLUDING EXTRA FEES FOR ADVERTISING AND THE LIKE. A) ADMINISTRATION I) Official Interpretation Request of Land Development Code (LDC), Growth Management Plan (GMP), or Building Construction Administrative Code (Administrative Code). Based on staff hours: Less than 20 hours $1,500.00,20 to 40 hours $3,000.00, more than 40 hours $5,000.00 2) Interpretation request submitted in conjunction with a land use petition or requested during site development plan review process. $250.00 3) Determination of Vested Rights, $100.00 (plus the County's out-of-pocket expenses associated with hearing officer and hearings) 4) Appeal of Vested Rights Determination. $100.00 5) Amendment to Land Development Code. $3,000.00 6) Appeal of an Administrative Decision (as may be provided for in the Collier County Administrative Code or the LDC), $1000.00 (non-refundable) 7) Appeal to Board of Zoning Appeals or Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals (as may be provided for in the Collier County Administrative Code or the LDC). $1,000.00 (non-refundable) B) BLASTING PERMITS & INSPECTION I) 30 day permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $250.00 2) 90 day permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $600.00 3) Yearly permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application, $1,500.00 4) Renewal permit fee, non-refundable payable upon application. $200.00 5) After-the-fact fee, due to blasting without a permit. $10,000.00 6) Fine fee, per detonated shot with after-the-fact permit. $200.00 7) Handler fee, for handler who assists the user or blaster in the use of explosives, $100.00 8) Blasting Inspection Fee. $200.00 (per inspection) 9) Inspection fees shall be paid upon issuance ofa blasting permit based on the estimated number of blasts. Upon completion, fees will be adjusted to reflect actual number of blasts. C) ENVIRONMENT AL/LANDSCAPING I) Site Clearing Permit, first acre or fraction of an acre. $250.00 each additional acre or fraction of an acre, $50.00 ($3,000.00 maximum) 2) Agricultural Land Clearing a. Land Clearing Notification $250.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 2 b. Land Clearing Permit $250.00 each additional acre or fraction of an acre. $50.00 ($3,000.00 maximum) 3) Landscape Tree Removal Fee $250 4) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) $2,500.00 for 1st submittal and 2nd submittal ifapplicable, 3rd submittal $1,000.00, 4th and subsequent submittals $500.00 each 5) Landscape Re-inspection ] st $50.00, 2nd $75.00, every inspection afterward $100.00 6) Vehicle on the Beach Permit Application. $250.00 (Permit fee shall be waived for public and non- profit organizations engaging in environmental activities for scientific, conservation or educational purposes), 7) Beach Nourishment Permits - $400 8) Special Treatment Review a, First five acres or less, $400.00 b. Each additional acre, or fraction thereof. $50.00 ($5,000.00 Maximum) c, Pre-application meeting $250.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal) 9) Coastal Construction Setback Line (CCSL): a, CCSL Permits $400.00 b. Variance - Petition. $1000.00 ] 0) Sea Turtle Permit- a. Sea Turtle Handling Permits. $25.00 b. Sea Turtle Nesting Area Construction Permit. $200.00 c. Sea Turtle Nest Relocation. $100.00 ] I) Vegetation Removal Permit a. First acre or fraction of an acre less. $250.00 b. Each additional acre, or fraction thereof. $50.00 ($3,000.00 Maximum) ]2) After-the-fact Environmental or Landscape Permits a. CCSL Variance Petition. 2x normal fee b. All other Environmental or Landscape Permits. 4x normal fee 13) Informal Wetland Jurisdictional determination for single family parcels up to 5 acres - $300.00 ]4) Conservation Easement review fee - $300.00 application fee plus the following additional site fee: $200.00 for CE acres less than 5 acres; $400.00 for CE area between 5 acres and ] 0 acres; $600.00 for CE area greater than ] 0 acres and less than 20 acres; $800.00 for CE areas between 20 and 50 acres; and an additional $200.00 for every 40 acres of CE area over 50 acres. 15) Listed or Protected Species review fee (when an E]S is not required) - $1000.00 D) EXCA VA nON PERMITS ]) Annual Renewal. $300.00 2) Application (Private). $400.00 3) Application (Commercia]), $2,000.00 4) Application (Development). $400.00 5) $200.00 per inspection paid in advance for] 2 months 6) Reapplication: $300.00 plus $200.00 per month inspection fee 7) Cubic Yardage Review Fee: $200.00 first 5000 cy, plus $10.00 per additional 1000 cy with a maximum of$20,000,OO 8) Time Extension. $150.00 plus $200.00 per month inspection fee 9) After-the-fact Excavation Permit. 4x application fee CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 3 ~"".",<~...~.W"~,,,,~><_'M'>_"____~._.,.. _.____,.-.._ .~ .-. .._ 10) Over excavation penalty fee per yard. Plus Permit/Review $0.05 per cubic yard fee, unless maximum have been paid. E) FIRE CODE REVIEW FEES I) Fire Code Review fees associated with each of the following processes: a, SOP - Site Development Plan b. SDPA - Site Development Plan, Amendment c, SDPI - Site Development Plan, Insubstantial d, SIP - Site Improvement Plan e, SIPI - Site Improvement Plan, Insubstantia] f. PSP - Preliminary Subdivision Plans g. PSPA - Preliminary Subdivision Plans, Amendment h. PPL - Plans & Plat, Subdivision I. FP - Fina] Plat j, CONSTR - Construction Plans, Subdivision/Utilities k. ICP - Construction Plans, Insubstantial I. DRI - Development of Regional Impact m. DOA - Deve]opment Order, Amendment n, PUDZ - Planned Unit Development, Rezone o. PUDA - Planned Unit Development, Amendment p. POI - Planned Unit Development, Insubstantial q. RZ - Rezone, Regular Zoning r, CU - Conditional Use F) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS I) Site Development Plan Review (SOP), $5000.00 $200.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $150.00 a. plus $40.00 per DIU b, plus $100.00 per residential building structure c. plus $.10 per square foot for non-residential except that structures designed exclusively for parking (parking garages) shall be calculated at $.05 per square foot. d. plus $200.00 per building for non-residential e, Additional fees for 3'd review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, 5th review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent reviews $2,500.00 When a building consist of both residential and non-residential (commercial, retail, office) uses, the following fees will apply. a. $5000.00 base fee plus $40.00 per DIU b. $200.00 per building for non-residential c. plus $0.10 per square foot of non-residential floor area d. Additional fees for 3'd review $1,000.00, 4th review $1,500.00, 5th review $2,000.00, 6th and subsequent reviews $2,500.00 2) Pre-application fee. $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal.) a. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at the applicant's request shall not be credited towards application fees. b. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at staffs request will be held at no charge to the applicant. c. Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required. 3) Simultaneous Review Fee (p]anning review of simultaneous building permit applications) $100.00 per building permit application. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 4 4) Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change a. Site Development Plan Insubstantial Change. $400.00 for first sheet, $100.00 for each and every additional sheet submitted. b. Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th Review $1,500.00, 5th and subsequent review $2,000.00 5) Site Development Plan Conceptual Review (CSP), Unified Development Plan (UDP), Neighborhood Park Site (NPSP) $750.00 (6) Site Improvement Plan Review (SIP). $1000.00 (plus Engineering review fees) 7) Utility Plan Review & Inspection Fees- a. Construction Document Review. 0.75% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs b. Construction Inspection. 2.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs c, Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification, submit as insubstantial change. $150.00 for first sheet, $75.00 for each additional sheet 8) Engineering Site Plan Review Fee a, Construction Documents Review Fee 0.75% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction b, Construction Inspection 2.25% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction 9) Site Development Plan Amendment (SDPA) $2,500.00, a, Plus $40.00 per DIU plus $100.00 per residential building structure b, plus $.10 per square foot c, plus $200.00 per building for non-residential d, Additional fees for 3rd review $1,000.00, 4th Review $1,500.00, 5th and subsequent review $2,000.00 10) SBR Fees a) Pre-Acquisition Meeting $500.00 (no refunds or credits) b) Pre-application fee, $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal.) (all normal pre- application provisions apply) c) SBR Fee $5000.00 with hourly reconciliation at project completion for hourly variation greater than 10%, final project charges at $100.00 per hour for all associated staff hours 11) Violation of the conditions of approval of the SOP/SIP or installation of improvements, clearing, or other land alteration not depicted on, or otherwise authorized as a part of the approved SOP/SIP, 4x the SIP/SOP application fee 12) Request for alternative architectural design $500.00, no separate or additional fee for appeals to, or requests for assistance from, the Architectural Arbitration Board. 13) Site Development Plan Sheet change out (per CDES policy guidelines) $35.00 per page, G) SUBDIVISION I) Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) and Lot Split Review $250.00 2) Subdivision Review Fees (PPL), (PPLA) - a, Construction Documents Review Fee 0.75% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping and any other appurtenant cost of construction b. Subdivision Inspection Fee 2.25% of probable Paving, Grading, Drainage, Lighting, Code Minimum Landscaping, and any other appurtenant cost of construction c. Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification -Submit as Insubstantial Change $400.00 for first sheet, $100.00 for each additional sheet CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 5 d, Subdivisions - 3rd and subsequent additional reviews - $500.00 e. Subdivisions - Substantial deviations from approval construction documents $500.00 3) Subdivision, Preliminary Plat (PSP)- a. Petition Application $1000.00 plus $5.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for residential, plus $10.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for non-residential; (mixed use is residential) 4) Subdivision Final Plat (FP) $1,000.00 plus $5.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for residential, $1000.00 plus $10.00 per acre (or fraction thereof) for nonresidential; (mixed use is residential) 5) Additional review of construction plans for phased construction of subdivision improvements, $1000.00 per phase 6) Two-year Extension $150.00 7) Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Document Review 0.75% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs 8) Construction Document Resubmission or Document Modification 0.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs a, 3rd and subsequent re-submittals - $500.00 9) Water and Sewer Facilities Construction Inspection Fee 2.25% of probable water and/or sewer construction costs 10) Violation of the conditions of approval of approved construction plans or installation of improvements, clearing, or other land alteration not depicted on, or otherwise authorized as a part of the approved construction plans or permit. 4x the PPL, PPLA, PSP, CNSTR or Final Plat Review Fee (FP). I I) Administrative Amendment $250.00 H) ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEES I) Engineering Inspection Fee $150.00 per residential dwelling unit or accessory structure to residential dwelling unit (single or duplex only), charged at time of building permit issuance. 2) Re-inspection Fees: 1st re-inspection $75.00, 2nd re-inspection $100.00, 3rd and thereafter re- inspection $125.00 I) TEMPORARY USE PERMITS I) Beach Events Permits- a. Individual Permit $100.00 b. Block of25 calendar days $2,250.00 c. Block of 50 calendar days $4,500.00 d, Block of75 calendar days $6,750.00 e. Block of 100 calendar days $9,000.00 f. Block of 125 calendar days $11,250.00 g. Block of ISO calendar days $13,500.00 2) Temporary Use Permit Special Sales & Events, $200.00 3) Model Homes and Sales Centers $500.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 6 4) Construction and Development, Mobile home, Agricultural Zoning, and Temporary use for "Coming Soon" sign $125.00 5) Residential and Non-Profit Garage and Yard Sale Penn its No Charge 6) Temporary Use Amendment. $100.00 7) Renewals or extensions requested after the expiration date $200.00 8) Temporary Use Penn it for Special Events requiring BCC approval, including Circus and Carnival Pennits, $275.00 9) Political Signs (Bulk Temporary Permit) $5.00 10) Fees for Temporary Use permits issued After the Fact, A TF: 2x normal fee J) WELL PERMITS/INSPECTIONS I) Hydraulic elevator shaft permit $300.00 2) Test hole penn it (including I st six holes) $300.00, each additional hole $20.00 3) Well penn it (abandonment) $50.00 4) Well penn it (construction, repair, or combined construction and abandonment at one site) $300.00 5) Well penn it (monitoring) $150.00 6) Well Penn it (modification of monitor/test well to a production well) $75.00 7) Well Reinspections a. First Reinspection $75.00 b. Second Reinspection $100.00 c, Third Reinspection $150.00 8) After the fact well penn its 4x normal fee per violation. NOTE: Multiple wells may be allowed on one permit, but each well must be accounted for and the appropriate fee shall be charged for each well in accordance with the above listed schedule. K) ZONING/LAND USE PETITIONS I) Pre-application meeting fee $500.00 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal.) a, Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at the applicant's request shall not be credited towards application fees. b. Second and subsequent pre-app meetings at staffs request will be held at no charge to the applicant. c, Applications submitted 9 months or more after the date of the last pre-app meeting shall not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required, 2) Alcoholic Beverage or Service Station Separation Requirement Waiver $1000.00 3) Boat Dock Extension Petition $1,500.00 Boat Lift Canopy Administrative Review $500.00 4) Conditional Use Permit $4,000.00 when filled with Rezone Petition ($1,500.00) Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 5) Conditional Use Monitoring Review: $750.00 6) Conditional Use Extension $3,000.00 7) DRI Review (In addition to cost of rezone) $10,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof) Additional fee for 5th and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee Amendments deemed to be minor in nature, that is CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 7 requiring minor strike thru and underline text amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the DRI will be capped at $13,000.00. Any amendment which includes a map and text change will be assessed the full fee (no cap), 8) DRIIDO Amendment $6,000.00 plus $25.00 per acre (or fraction thereof). The acreage charge does not apply for amendments which only change the build-out date of the DO for a time period of less than five years, 9) DRIABN - DR] Abandonment $1,500.00 10) Flood Variance Petition $1000.00 II) Interim Agriculture Use Petition $350.00 12) Non-Conforming Use Change/Alteration $1,500.00 13) Parking Exemption $1,500.00. Additional fee for Sth and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 14) Parking Reduction (Administrative) $500.00 IS) Rezone Petition (PUD to PUD): $8,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof) (Requires a submittal of a new PUD document) 16) Property owner notifications: $1.50 non-certified mail, $3.00 certified return receipt mail (Petitioner to pay this amount prior to advertisement of petition) 17) Planned Unit Development Amendments (PUD) $6,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre or fraction of an acre, (Substantial changes to the text and Master Plan), Additional fee for Sth and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee, Text changes that do not impact the Master Plan $6,000.00 (the $2S,00 an acre fee will not apply. Amendments deemed to be minor in nature that is requiring minor strike thru and underline amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the PUD will be capped at $9,000.00. Any amendment which includes a map and text change will be assessed the full fee (no cap). 18) Planned Unit Development Amendment - Insubstantial (PDI) $1,500.00 requires a hearing by the CCPC only for a minor change to the PUD Master Plan, PUD Minor Change (PMC) $1,000.00 (Administrative Review for minor change to the Master Plan) 19) Rezone Petition (Regular) $6,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof), Additional fee for Sth and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 20) Rezone Petition (to PUD) $10,000.00 plus $25.00 an acre (or fraction thereof), Additional fee for Sth and subsequent reviews - 20% of original fee. 21) Street Name Change (Platted) $500.00 plus $] .00 for each property owner requiring notification of proposed street name change 22) Un-platted street name or project name change: $100.00 per application fee plus $50.00 per additional hour or Partial hour of research required to process application, not to exceed $500.00 23) Variance petition: $2,000.00 residential, $5,000.00 non- residential, Additional fee for Sth and subsequent Reviews - 20% of original fee. 24) Variance (Administrative) $],000.00 2S) Zoning Certificate: Residential: $50.00, Commercial: $]25.00 26) PUD Extension - Sun Setting: $]000.00 27) Sign Variance Petition: $2000.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 8 28) Stewardship Receiving Area Petition (SRA): $7000.00 per SRA plus $25.00 per acre for, Stewardship Sending Area Petition (SSA): $9,500.00, Stewardship Receiving Alternative Deviation Design (SRDD) $500.00. SRA Amendments deemed to be minor in nature, that is requiring minor strike thru and underline text amendments of no more than 10 different lines of text changes in the SRA will be capped at $ 10,000.00, 29) After-the-Fact Zoning/Land Use Petitions 2x the normal petition fee 30) Land Use Petition Continuances a. Requested after petition has been advertised $500.00 b, Requested at the meeting $750.00 c. Resultant additional required advertising charged in addition to continuance fees. 31) PUD and SRA_Monitoring (one-time charge at time of building permit pick-up) a, $100.00 per dwelling unit for residential construction within a PUD and SRA ($3,000.00 maximum fee per building permit application) b. $0.12 per square foot for non-residential construction within a PUD and SRA ($3,000,00 maximum fee per building permit application) 32) Any legal advertising required during any CDES activity or approval process will be charged in addition to stated fees, at actual costs. CDES reserves the right to charge an estimated amount with the initially required project fees, and will reconcile and adjust such charges against actual legal advertising billings at the completion of the project. 33) Mixed Use Project (MUP) $2,500.00 34) Outdoor Serving Area Permit $300.00 35) Planned Unit Development (PUD) closeout application and processing: a, PUD's up to 50 acres: $5,000.00 b. PUD's over 50 acres up to 250 acres: $7,000.00 c, PUD's over 250 acres; $9,500.00 36) Development of Regional Impact (DRI) closeout application and processing $10,000.00 L) MISCELLANEOUS I) Reserved 2) Reserved 3) Official Zoning Atlas Map Sheet Publications, maps, and reports shall be copied at actual cost. 4) The following fee shall be assessed for all Lien Searches, Title Searches and/or Payoff Requests; $5.00/per request. 5) The fee for researching records, ordinances, and codes shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of I hour. 6) The fee for creating and designing special computer generated reports that are not a part of regular standard reports shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of I hour. 7) CD Burning: $5.00 8) Complete sets of Official Zoning Atlas Map Sheets $100.00 per set. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 9 9) Staff shall charge the following fees for duplication of public records: a, $0.15 for each one sided photocopy of documents less than II x 17 inches. b. $0.20 for each two sided photocopy of documents less than II x 17 inches, c, $1.00 for each certified copy of a public record. ] 0) Property Notification Address Listing: a. MS Exce] spreadsheet on Disc $70.00 b. Print out on Paper $75.00 + $0.05 for every record over 1500 c, Mailing Labels $80.00 + $0.06 for every record over 1500 d. Print out on Paper + Mailing Labels $85.00 + $0.11 for every record over 1500 ] I) Comprehensive Plan Consistency Review a. CU' s $300.00 b. Rezonings $750.00 c, Pud's or PUD Amendments: $2250.00 d, Letter ofGMP consistency to outside agencies: $250 e. SRA - Stewardship Receiving Area - $2,250.00 f. DRI - Development of Regional Impact - $2,250.00 g. FlAM - Fisca] Impact Analysis - $4,000.00 12) Plan Review Fee (for planning review of all building permit applications) a) Long forms: $125.00 per building permit application, 2nd review 50% offee, 3rd and subsequent 25% of fee (2nd and subsequent review fees related to Zoning approvals only) b) Express permits: $50.00 per building permit application, 2nd review 50% offee, 3rd and subsequent 25% of fee (2nd and subsequent review fees related to Zoning approvals only) ] 3) Project Meetings: Active applications under review for the following project types will be afforded one inter- departmental meeting at no charge: Planned Unit Development re-zonings and Site Development Plan applications (except for conceptual site plan approval and insubstantial change approval). Meeting requests for all other application types and additional meetings will be subject to the following fees: a, Meetings with Departmental Project Approval Staff member per applicant request, reviews and petitions in progress, $150.00 per one hour minimum, $75.00 per 1h hour thereafter. Additional Department staff attending meeting per applicant request $75.00 per 1h hour per staff member. b. Inter-Departmental Project Meeting per applicant request, site plan reviews and land use petitions in progress, $500.00 per one hour minimum, $250.00 per 1h hour thereafter. ]4) Adequate Public Facilities a, Planning Applications requiring COA process review (such as FP's, PPL's & SIP's, SDPs) $200.00 + 25.00 per residential dwelling unit or + 25.00 per] 000 sq ft commercial ($5000.00 maximum) b. Building permit applications requiring COA process review not covered under 12.a above $100.00 per building permit application. ] 5) Zoning Confirmation Letters a, Standard Response $100.00 (includes up to I hour research) b. Extended Research $100.00 per hour (any response with research in excess of I hour) 16) Zoning Letter Appeal $250.00 ] 7) CDD a. Community Development District $15,000.00 b, Chapter] 89 Special District, Independent or Dependent, $15,000.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page I 0 18) GMP Amendment a. Small Scale $9000.00 b, General $]6,700.00 c. Legal advertising in addition to sub-sections a and b fees, and subject to applicable fee schedule provIsions. d. Pre-application meetings for GMP consistency for development orders and zoning/land use petitions: $250 e. Pre-application meetings for GMP amendment petitions: $250 (to be credited toward application fee upon submittal) 19) Application for issuance TDR, $250 (non-refundable); plus $25 per TDR issued and recorded (total fees not to exceed $2,750.00) 20) Engineering Services a) Vacation of Easements: $2.000.00 21) Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals $250.00 22) Early Work Authorization (EW A) permit: $500.00 (does not include site clearing fee). 23) Legal Non-conforming Lot (LNC) $]00.00 24) Vested Rights Determination (VRD) $],500.00 M) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FEE I) A permit application fee shall be collected at time of applying for a building permit. The permit application fee shall be collected when the plans are submitted for review. The fee shall be applied toward the total permit fee. The applicant shall forfeit the application fee if the application is denied or if the application is approved and the permit is not issued within the time limitation as stated in Section 103,6.1.1 of the Collier County Ordinance No. 91-56, as amended. 2) Application fee will be computed as follows: a) 25% of total Building Permit Fee ($.15 Isq ft new residential and commercial, $.075 shell and warehouse) 3) Minimum fee of~ $75.00 for each of the following: plumbing; mechanical (A/C); electrical; fire; and building, When applying fDr addition~;/ulteration~;. Minimum fee for all other applications = $50.00 4) The balance of the total permit fee will be collected at the time of issuance of the permit and will include any fee adjustments necessary. N) BUILDING PERMIT FEES I) The fee for a building permit shall be computed as follows: Such fees shall be either based on the contractor's valuations of construction cost or based on square footage, Minimal accepted calculated costs of construction are set forth on the attached Building Valuation Data Table - ICC Building Valuation Data Table, produced February, 2007. Valuation of construction costs ofless than $750.00 - No permit or fee is required, but construction must comply with all County Codes and Ordinances. If inspections are required by the Building Official or requested by the applicant, the appropriate fees shall be paid. EXCEPTION: All work involving structural components andlor fire rated assemblies requires permits and inspections regardless of construction cost, signs must secure permits as stated in Collier Collier County Ordinance No. 2002-0], as amended. a. Valuation of construction costs of$750.00 through $4,999.99 - s+oo.oO-S50.00 application plus $50.00 per inspection as required. CDES Financial Administration. rev 09/08/08 Iw page II b. New construction greater than 500 square feet I. residential at $0.29 per square foot (living area) II, warehouse/shell at $0.145 per square foot (total area) III. build-out at $0.145 per square foot (total area) iv. commercial/institutional at $0.29 per square foot (total area) c. Alterations, other construction, and new construction under 500 square feet (both residential and commercial) minimum fee of SIOO.OO for one required inspection, plus $50.00 for each required additional inspection. $100 plus 0.30% of declared valuation in excess of $5,000 0) ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 1) The fees for electrical permits for new structures or placement or relocation of structures shall be computed as follows: a. $0.40 per ampere rating of all single-phase panel boards, b. $0.15 per ampere rating for switch or circuit whichever is greater, if item # I above does not apply. c, When not a complete installation, all switch and circuit breakers ahead of panel boards shall be computed at $0.15 per ampere. d. Permit fees for any change in electrical installation shall be computed at the above rates for that portion of new and/or increased fees in existing electrical facilities. e, The minimum for any electrical permit shall be ~ $75.00 per unit or tenant space. f. Fifty percent (50%) in additional fee costs shall be added to all above fees for three phase installations, EXCEPTION: Ordinary repairs limited to a $200 value or less may be made without a permit. Repairs must comply with all County Codes and Ordinances. If inspections are required by the Building Official or requested by the applicant, the appropriate fees shall be paid. P) PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 1) The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies. a) Residential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shaH be computed at the rate of&50.o0 $75.00 to be charged for each living unit with one to three bathrooms. An additional fee of$10.00 will be assessed for each additional bathroom. b) Nonresidential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed by the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: a) The rate of$3.00 per 425 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof; or b) Institutional facilities, hospitals, schools, restaurants and repairs in any occupancy classification shall be charged at the rate of $1.00 per fixture unit or c) Minimum ofS50.00 $75.00 for each occupancy or tenant space. 2) Grease traps: An additional fee of $50.00 shall be assessed for each grease trap. 3) The cost for retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of $50.00 per floor for each main riser. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 12 4) The cost of a permit for lawn sprinkler systems shall be computed using the dollar valuation as shown under Section M of this Resolution. 5) The minimum plumbing permit fee shall be $StM)O $75.00. Q) MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES I) The following fee calculations shall be applied separately when the permit involves mixed occupancies, a. Residential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed at the rate of$SO,OO $75.00 for each living unit up to three tons of air conditioning. Each additional ton or part thereof shall be $3.00 per ton. b. Nonresidential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed by one of the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: The rate of $50..0.0. $75.0.0 for the first three tons of three horsepower of air conditioning or other mechanical systems per tenant space, each additional ton of air conditioning or horsepower shall be $3.0.0.; or The rate of $3.0.0. per 425 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof. 2) The cost of retrofit piping shall be computed at the minimum fee of $50..0.0. per floor for each cooling tower, or $50..0.0. for the first 3 horsepower and $3.0.0. for each additional horsepower, whichever is greater. 3) The minimum mechanical permit fee shall be $50.00-$75.0.0.. 4) A permit for the change out of components shall be calculated at the above mechanical permit fee rate or the minimum fee whichever is greater. R) FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PERMIT FEES I) The fees and exemptions set forth in the "Exhibit B" affixed hereto and made a part of this Schedule of Development Review and Building Permit Fees shall apply to Fire Prevention and Control Permits for both the independent and dependent fire districts. S) MOBILE HOME/OFFICE TRAILER AND OTHER TRAILER PERMIT FEES I) The permit fee shall be $50..0.0. to set-up a single-wide trailer or mobile home on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical and fire protection fees as applicable. 2) The permit fee shall be $75.0.0 to set-up a double wide or larger mobile homes on an approved site plus electrical, plumbing, mechanical and fire protection fees as applicable. T) CHICKEES AND SIMILAR STRUCTURES I) The permit fee will be based upon a calculated cost of construction of $4.00 per square foot under roof or the contractor's estimated cost of construction, whichever is greater. The fee will then be calculated in accordance with Section N of this Resolution. Additional permit fees for electric, plumbing, mechanical, fire, etc., will be charged when applicable. U) POOL OR SPA PERMIT FEES I) For construction of each public pool or spa the fee shall be- a. Valuation of construction costs of up to $4,999.99. $100..00 b. Valuation of construction costs of$5000,00 through $49,999.99: $80..0.0. plus $7.0.0. perthousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $2,000.00. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 13 c, Valuation of construction costs of $50,000.00 through $1,000,000.00: $333.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $50,000,00. d. Valuation of construction costs over $1,000,000.00: $3,474.00 plus $3.00 per thousand dollars, or fraction thereof, of building valuation in excess of $1 ,000,000.00. 2) For construction of each private pool or spa the fee shall be: $100.00 $50.00 application plus $50.00 per inspection as req uired. V) SCREEN ENCLOSURE PERMIT & PAN ROOF FEES 1) Construction costs shall be calculated as follows: a. Screen Roof. $2.00 per sq. ft. of floor area. (Screen Walls Only) b. Pan Roof. $3.00 per sq. ft. of floor area. (Screen Walls Only) c, Existing Roof. $2.00 per sq. ft. of floor area, (Screen Walls Only) 2) The screen enclosure or rooffee will then be calculated in accordance with Section N of this Resolution. W) SIGN PERMIT FEES I) Sign permit fees will be calculated in accordance with all applicable Building Permit Fees and Electrical Permit Fees outlined in this document, the Collier County Development Fee Schedule. The minimum building permit fee for sign shall be $75.00. 2) Multiple signs of the same type (i.e" wall signs) and for a single project may be allowed per one permit, however an appropriate fee shall be charged for each sign in accordance with the schedule set forth in the above subsection I of Sign Permit Fees. X) CONVENIENCE PERMIT FEES I) Convenience permits are issued in blocks of 10 each. Only licensed contractors are eligible to purchase convenience permits Convenience permits are limited to the use specified on the permit. The fee for a book of 1 0 convenience permits is $400,00, S500.00 ($50.00 fee per inspection. 1 inspection only) Y) REVISION AND AS BUILT PLAN REVIEW FEES; CORRECTIONS TO PLANS I) PERMIT AND PLAN REVISIONS The fee for each permit revision submitted after permit issuance shall be calculated using fee schedules outlined in Sections N through R above. The minimum permit fee for revisions to permitted projects shall be $50.00. 2) AS BUILT PLANS The fee for "As Built" plan review shall be ten (10%) percent of the original building permit fee or $150.00, whichever is greater, but shall not exceed $500.00. The fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing amended building plans in the office to determine that change orders and various field changes are in compliance with the minimum construction and fire codes of Collier County. The following are required for as-built drawings review: a. An itemized list of all changes made after permit plan approval. b. As-built plans that have all changes made after permit plan approval "clouded" . c, As-built plans and changes shall be signed and sealed by the engineer and/or architect of record. 3) CORRECTIONS TO PLANS a, First Correction to Plans. No charge b. Second Correction to Plans. $75.00 c, Third & subsequent correction to plans. $100.00 Z) PERMIT EXTENSION I) The filing fee for each permit extension shall be equal to 10% of the original CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 14 building permit fee or $100.00, whichever is greater, but shall not exceed $500.00. The filing fee is intended to cover the cost of reviewing existing or amended building plans to determine and verify code compliance AA) DEMOLITION OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE PERMIT FEES I) The permit fee shall be $SO,OO $25.00 application for the demolition of any building or structure; plus $50.00 per inspection as required, BB) PRE-MOVING INSPECTION FEES I) The fee shall be $150.00 for the pre-moving inspection of any building or structure. CC) INSPECTION FEES I) A charge of $20.00 per inspection shall be assessed for inspections for which a permit is not necessary. 2) A user fee of$120.00 shall be assessed for all inspections on a time specified basis. 3) First Partial inspection for single-family & tenant buildout. No charge 4) Second & subsequent partial inspections for single-family & tenant buildout. $25.00 DD) REINSPECTION FEES I) Re-inspections for any type of building permit, or required Engineering re-inspections, shall result in an additional fee of $75.00 per inspection for the first re-inspection, $100.00 for the second re- inspection and $125.00 for the third and each successive re-inspection. EE) FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT I) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where such action was cited by Code Enforcement or by Contractor Licensing and resulted in a finding of violation from either the Code Enforcement Board, the Special Magistrate, or the Contractor Licensing Board, or as directed by the Board of County Commissioners the fees herein specified shall be 4x the regular fee, 2) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where a contractor or agent/provider where the building official or zoning director (for cases involving land development) deems that the contractor/provider should have known that a permit was required but voluntary seeks compliance by obtaining the necessary permits to abate the violation the fees herein specified shall be 2x the regular fee. 3) Where work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where an ownerlbuilder seeks voluntary compliance by obtaining said permit the fees assessed will be 2x the regular rate as defined in this fee schedule. 4) Where work for which a penn it is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit and where the unpennitted work was completed by other or prior to the current ownerlbuilder's ownership of the property an where the current owner/builder seeks voluntary compliance by obtaining said permit to assure compliance with all applicable codes the fees will be assessed at the regular rate as defined in this fee schedule. 5) The payment of such fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of any applicable construction code or ordinance in the execution of the work, or from any penalty prescribed within any construction code, law or ordinance of Collier County. CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 15 FF) LICENSING I) The fee for licensing items is as follows: a, Letters of Reciprocity. $25.00 b. Contractors Change of Status. (active to dormant) $10.00 c. Voluntary Registration of State Certified Contractors. $10.00 d, Pictures. $2.00 e. Laminating $1.00 (per license) f. Fee for a 6 month temporary contractor's license $25.00 g. Certified copies of Experience letters $35.00 h. Duplicate or replacement (of Competency cards) $25.00 I. Second entity application fee $50.00 2) Certificated of Competency (Annual) a. Contractor Initial License Fee Renewal Fee b. Specialty Contractor Initial License Fee Renewal Fee c, Journeyman Initial License Fee Renewal Fee $150.00 $100.00 $135.00 $85.00 $50.00 $25.00 3) Dormant Certificates of Competency (Annual) a, Contractor $100.00 b, Specialty Contractor $85.00 c. Penalty fees after 9/30 $10.00 per month until 12/31 4) Reinstatement of Delinquent License a, Contractor b. Specialty Contractor c. Journeyman d. Examination Administrative Fee $150.00 plus back years $135.00 plus back years $50.00 plus back years $100.00 good for 6 months GG) DUPLICATE PERMIT CARDS I) The fee shall be $5.00 for the issuance of a duplicate permit card for whatever reason. HH) CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTORS I) To record a change of contractor or subcontractor, on a permit that has been issued, the fee shall be $50.00. This fee includes the issuance of a new permit card. II) PERMIT FEE REFUNDS I) Ifrequested, in writing by the owner or his authorized agent, 50% of the fees charged, other than the application fee, may be refunded provided that a permit has been issued, construction has not commenced, and the refund is applied for prior to the cancellation of the permit. JJ) RECORD RETRIEVAL I) No charge for retrieving records from inactive or remote storage including microfilmed documents CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 16 KK) COpy FEES I) The fee for blueprint and miscellaneous copying shall be as follows: a. Microfilm copies, of documents less than II xl7 inches: $0.15 other sizes at cost of production. f. Microfilm or Blueprint copies: 18 X 24 $1.25 per page 30 X 36 $2.50 per page 30 X 42 $3.25 per page 34 X 44 $5.00 per page g. Community Development self-service copier, public access and not related to public record retrieval or public record copies: documents less than l4x8.5 inches $0.15 per page inclusive of sales tax. LL) RESEARCH I) The fee for researching records, ordinances, and codes shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of I hour 2) The fee for creating and designing special computer generated reports that are not part of the regular standard reports shall be at no charge for the first hour, then at the base salary hourly rate of the staff member conducting the service for time in excess of 1 hour. MM) SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE The fee for one-year subscription service to be mailed quarterly shall be $15.00 per year. The subscription year is from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30. NN) ELECTRONIC DATA CONVERSION SURCHARGE I) A surcharge in the amount of 3% of the building permit application fee, with the minimum surcharge being $3.00 and the maximum being $150.00, will be applied to every building permit application submitted. A flat fee of $3.00 per permit will be charged for those permits for which an application fee is not required per item (M) of this Schedule. 00) REGISTRATION OF RENTAL DWELLINGS I) The fee forregistration of rental dwellings is as follows: a, Initial Registration Fee - $30.00/per property b. Annual Renewal - $20.00Lper property c, Annual Late Fee - $] O.OO/per day per property up to a maximum of $80.00 d, The term "property" means a parcel or contiguous parcels with any number of rental units located thereupon under common ownership and/or management. 2) Rental Inspection a, Rental Inspection - $200.00 per unit b, Re-inspection Fee - $50.00 per re-inspection per unit. c, Rental inspections shall not be required for rental units on property covered by a Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation ("DBPR") license. A copy of the current DBPR license shall be provided with the initial rental registration and all subsequent rental renewal applications. 3) Any unpaid fees may be pursued by the Collier Manager or designee through a collection agency, PP) CERTIFICATE TO BOARD BUILDING I) Initial Boarding Certificate - $0 2) Boarding Certificate Extension - $150 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 17 QQ) ADDITIONAL FEE REFUND PROVISIONS I) Requests for fee waivers may only be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Waiver requests for development review and building permit fees shall be submitted in writing directly to the appropriate Community Development & Environmental Services Division Staff, who will prepare an executive summary for consideration by the Board. Such requests shall include a statement indicating the reason for the fee waiver request and, if applicable, the nature of the organization requesting the fee waiver. RR) REFUND PROVISIONS I) PAYMENT OF FEES: Full payment of fees is required for a complete application. Department policy requires full payment offees at the time of application submittal. No work will begin on staff review of the application until all fees are paid in full. Iffull payment offees is not received within 14 calendar days of application submittal, the application will be considered void. At this point, a new application and full payment of fees will be required to proceed with a project. 2) There will be no refund of Planning, Environmental, or Engineering related fees, except those applications which have been deemed not sufficient for staff review and are withdrawn within 30 days of notification will be entitled to a 50% refund. After 30 days ITom such notification, there will be no refund of submitted fees, 3) In no cases will there be refunds for pre-application fees, data conversion fees, appeals of administrative decisions, or appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals or Building Board of Adjustment. 4) If staff error causes the inappropriate or unnecessary filing of an application and payment of fees, 100 percent of all inappropriate fees, shall be refunded upon written request and with the concurrence of Department management. SS) ADDITIONAL FEE PROVISIONS I) In those cases where alternative methods or timing of payments for CDES services and / or fees listed in this schedule associated with SBR reviews are deemed to best serve the public good, the Community Development and Environmental Services Administrator will have the authority to approve such alternatives. Such alternative must be in writing and signed by all principals involved. In no case shall final C.O. or such certifications of project completeness be issued until payments due CDES are received in full. 2) All hourly fees are computed and charged ITom actual Divisional time tracking records. 3) All acreage totals used in fee calculations will be rounded up to the nearest whole acre. 4) When deemed essential for project review or approval, there will be no additional charge for any meetings requested by CDES staff. TT) PUBLIC VEHICLE FOR HIRE FEES I) The following fees shall be assessed for the Public Vehicle for Hire Program: a. Initial Application fee (new Companies) - $200 b. Initial Certificate to Operate (Feb I-Jan 31) - $325.00 c. Annual Certificate to Operate Renewal $325.00 d. Late Fee for CTO Renewal $200.00 CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 18 e. Sub-Certificate Application Fee (New Companies) - $100.00 f, Sub-Certificate - $125.00 g. Annual Sub-Certificate renewal - $125.00 h. Late Fee for Sub-Certificate Renewal - $100.00 i. Vehicle Decal- $50.00 J. Temporary Vehicle Decal $5.00 per vehicle/per day k. Temporary Vehicle Decal (In case of inoperable decaled vehicle) - $5.00/per vehicle 1. Driver Identification Card (Initial/Renewal) - $75.00 per driver m, 2nd Driver Identification Card - $25.00 n. Replacement Driver ID - $10.00 o. On-site Vehicle Permitting - $15.00 per vehicle UU)"P A YMENT IN LIEU OF" FEE FOR PATHWAYS (SIDEWALKS, AND BIKE LANES) I) Calculated using the current Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) construction costs or an engineering estimate not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the submitted application request's total project cost. VV) OPTIONAL EXPEDITED BUILDING PERMIT PLAN REVIEWS I) Optional expedited building permit plan review fee shall be 30% of the building permit fee (additional to full building permit fees) with a minimum fee of$50.00 a. Participation in the optional expedited review program is subject to limited availability, applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis, b. Review completion times are guaranteed to equal, or be less than, one half of the normal advertised completion timeframes. Should the expedited review exceed this guaranteed completion time, the 30% optional expedited building permit review fee will be refunded to the applicant, and all normal permit fees will apply. Such guarantee and refund provisions shall apply to reviews, and do not infer or relate to approvals, c, Optional expedited building permit review fees shall be due at the time of building permit application submission. d. Any required re-submissions of permit applications' leading to re-reviews, when due to applicant insufficiencies, shall be subject to additional optional expedited building permit plan review fees if an additional expedited review is requested by the applicant for the re-review, and shall be calculated against re-submission charges. WW) FENCES I) $50.00 application fee plus $50,00 per inspection as required. This is the last page of the CDES Fee Schedule CDES Financial Administration, rev 09/08/08 Iw page 19 Previous Fee Schedule Section M3 3) Minimum fee of $50,00 for each of the following: plumbing; mechanical (NC); electrical; fire; and building, When applying for additions/alterations, Minimum fee for all other applications = $50.00 Change 2: Building Review & Permitting Dept.. Fund 113 Previous Fee Schedule Section N1 a) Valuation of construction costs of $750,00 through $4,999.99. $100,00 c) Alterations, other construction, and new construction under 500 square fee (both residential and commercial) $100,00 plus 0.30% of declared valuation in excess of $5,000,00, Change 2: Building Review & Permitting Dept. . Fund 113 Previous Fee Schedule Section 01 e) The minimum for any electrical permit shall be $50,00 per unit or tenant space. Change 2: Building Review & Permittlug Dept, . Fund 113 Previous Fee Schedule Section P1,5 1a) Residential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed at the rate of $50,00 to be charged for each living unit with one to three bathrooms, An additional fee of $10,00 will be assessed for each additional bathroom, 1 b.c) Minimum of $50,00 for each occupancy or tenant space, 5) The minimum plumbing permit fee shall be $50,00 Chauge 2: Building Review & Permitting Dept. . Fund 113 Previous Fee Schedule Section 01,3 1a) Residential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed at the rate of $50,00 for each living unit up to three tons of air conditioning, Each additional ton or part thereof shall be $3,00 per ton, 1b) Nonresidential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed by one of the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: The rate of $50,00 for the first three tons of three horsepower of air conditioning or other mechanical systems per tenant space, each additional ton of air conditioning or horsepower shall be $3,00; or The rate of $3.00 per 425 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof, 3) The minimum mechanical permit fee shall be $50,00, ~"",_,,____'~'._.",.r.<",",.._,..."~'""""~".'______""_'.'__""...._~_........._ Prooosed Fee Schedule Section M3 3) Minimum fee of $75,00 for each of the following: plumbing; mechanical (NC); electrical; fire; and building. Minimum fee for all other applications = $50,00 Prooosed Fee Schedule Section N1 a) Valuation of construction costs of $750,00 through $4,999,99 . $50,00 application plus $50,00 per inspection as required c) Alterations, other construction, and new construction under 500 square fee (both residential and commercial) minimum fee of $100,00 for one required inspection, plus $50.00 for each required additional inspection, $100,00 plus 0,30% of declared valuation in excess of $5,000,00, Proposed Fee Schedule Section 01 e) The minimum for any electrical permit shall be $75,00 per unit or tenant space, Proposed Fee Schedule Section P1,5 1a) Residential occupancies: The fee for a plumbing permit shall be computed at the rate of $75,00 to be charged for each living unit with one to three bathrooms, An additional fee of $10,00 will be assessed for each additional bathroom, 1 b.c) Minimum of $75.00 for each occupancy or tenant space, 5) The minimum plumbing permit fee shall be $75,00 Proposed Fee Schedule Section 01,3 la) Residential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed at the rate of $75,00 for each living unit up to three tons of air conditioning, Each additional ton or part thereof shall be $3,00 per ton, 1 b) Nonresidential occupancies: The mechanical permit fees shall be computed by one of the following methods, whichever is calculated to be the greatest fee: The rate of $75.00 for the first three tons of three horsepower of air conditioning or other mechanical systems per tenant space, each additional ton of air conditioning or horsepower shall be $3,00; or The rate of $3,00 per 425 square feet of floor area, or fraction thereof. 3) The minimum mechanical permit fee shall be $75,00, Attachment C . Summary of proposed changes to the CDES fee schedule BMBO - Iw updated 9/24/2008 Change 2: Building Review & Permitting Dept. - Fund 113 Previous Fee Schedule Section U2 2) For construction of each private pool or spa the fee shall be: $100,00 Change 2: Building Review & Permitting Dept. - Fund 113 Previous Fee Schedule Section X1 1) Convenience permits are issued in blocks of 10 each, Only licensed contractors are eligible to purchase convenience permits are limited to the use specified on the permit. The fee for a book of 10 convenience permits is $400,00, Change 2: Building Review & Permitting Dept. - Fund 113 Previous Fee Schedule Section AA1 1) The permit fee shall be $50,00 for the demolition of any building or structure ,'. . ,..... Change 2: Building Review & Permitting Dept, - Fund 113 Previous Fee Schedule Section ww 1)N/A '_A______'..",.--,~,...._..._..,,"""""___'~,'"'.__,_~~_.~_ 0."_.'___ ,.~,',~~,,"-,-~ ProDosed Fee Schedule Section U2 2) For construction of each private pool or spa the fee shall be: $50,00 application plus $50,00 per inspection as required. Praoosed Fee Schedule Section X1 1) Convenience permits are issued in blocks of 10 each, Only licensed contractors are eligible to purchase convenience permits are limited to the use specified on the permit. The fee for a book of 10 convenience permits is $500,00 ($50.00 fee per inspection, 1 inspection only) Praoosed Fee Schedule Section AA1 1) The permit fee shall be a $25,00 application for the demolition of any building or structure; plus $50,00 per inspection as required Prooosed Fee Schedule Section ww 1) $50,00 application fee plus $50,00 per inspection as required. 2 Attachment C - Summary of proposed changes to the CDES fee schedule BMBO - Iw updated 9/24/2008 Service County Im!: Permit Tvpe Fee Pool - Residential (includes all Collier applicable fees) $103 Lee Review Plan Review $25 Pool (Above Ground) $35/each Pool (in-ground) $90/each Spa (in-ground / job built / 200 + gallon) $35/each Plumbing Plumbing - Solar/hot water or pool $35/each Electrical Electrical - (Addition or Alteration) $O,15/amp (min $40) Charlotte Review Swimming Pool $200 Pool Heater (if applicable) $90 Electrical Electrical $90 Plumbing Plumbing $90 Zoning Zoning review fee $15 ROW fee $90 Monroe Review Residential $150 Spas/hot tub (up to 12' diameter) $75 Education - Plan Review/Building $2 Electrical Electrical - Services: a. Temporary: $50 b. Single Phase 1. o to 300 amp $50 11. Over 300 amp to 400 amp $75 111. Over 400 amp to 600 amp $100 IV. Over 600 amp $125 c. Three Phase I. o to 300 amp $75 11. Over 300 to 400 amp $100 111. Over 400 to 600 amp $125 IV. Over 600 amp $200 Motors (if applicable) - 0 - 10 HP $50 Motors (if applicable) - Over 10 HP - 25 HP $100 Motors (if applicable) - Over 25 HP $125 Education - Electrical $2 Plumbing hook-up and site work Plumbing (Residential) $50 Education - Plumbing $2 Additional Fees Tech fee $3 Code Compliance $11 Biologist Biologist Fee $60 Education - Biologist fee $10 Miami- Dade Permit Installation of swimming pool/spa $108.77 Repair of swimming pool/spa $53,81 Plumbing Minimum Plumbing permit fee $51.50 Residential pool or spa (Group I or R- Electrical 3), (includes motor and pool lights). $68.70 Residential combination pool/spa (includes motor and pool lights), $103.05 Multi-family dwelling pool or spa $160,29 Multi-family dwelling combination pool/spa $217.54 Repair residential (Group I or R-3) pool $68,70 Repair multi-family dwelling pool $160.29 Mechanical Minimum mechanical permit fee $51.50 Permits and Desoto Inspections Above ground swimming pool $50 In-ground swimming pool $85 Electrical Minimum fee $50 Plumbing Minimum fee $50 If In-ground, then zoning review fee $21.25 (1/4 the price of a In-ground Zoning applies permit) Manatee Permitting Swimming pool/spa $250 Electrical Electrical fee $75 Gas Gas fee (if applicable) $75 Steel/Plumbing Steel/Plumbing fee $75 $20 for the first Hardee Permitting fee Permit fee $1,000 of job cost + $6 for each additional $1,000 of job cost same as permitting fee (the job cost will be what the electrician will Electrical Electrical fee charge) same as permitting fee (the job cost will be what the plumber Plumbing Plumbing fee will charge) $25 - when the job cost (permitting cost) is between $1 and $10K, $50 - when the job cost (permitting cost) is between $10,001 and $50K, $75 - when the job cost (permitting cost) is between $50,001 Zoning Plans Review fee and $75K Broward 1.6 % of the Permitting fee (for Electrical, estimated value of County Permitting Plumbing and Mechanical) the job $,35 per $1 ,000 of the estimated value Board of Rules and Appeals of the job $.02 per $1 of the estimated value of Training and Education the job Plumbing Plumbing fee $111 Electrical Electrical Base Fee $111 1.6 % of the estimated value of Plan Review Plan Review fee the job Martin Permitting Swimming pool deck $179 Swimming pool with deck $537 Swimming pool no deck $358 Plumbing Plumbing $89.50 Electrical Electrical $89.50 $1 per $1,000 of the ROW ROW fee estimated job cost New, w/supply lines (w/plan review and Palm Beach County Permitting inspections) $150 Pool heater replacement (1 & 2 family dwellings( or random per II.E.2.a, or prepay per II.E.2.b, when hard wiring is required)) $100 Pool heater (Other, each) $150 Pool Barrier (with plan On deck, new - review and inspection) - if $100, In yard, new - applicable $150 Electrical fee - to $2,500 Electrical val ue $75 Electrical fee - over On valuation, not $2,500 fixed **Note - Plumbing fee included in Permitting Hendry County Permitting Above ground $30 No contract price ( owner/builder) $45 per sq ft Contract value (licensed contractor) $60 base fee plus $4 per $1,000 of contract value Plan Review Plan review fee 30% of the contract value *NOTE - Electrical and Plumbing fee tied into Permitting fee St. Lucie Residential Pools/above County Permitting ground $100 Residential Pools/In-ground $400 Electrical Electrical Permit $75 Plumbing Plumbing Permit $75 Pools/spas - residential Plan review (includes all enclosures) $100 Okeechobee County Permitting In-ground Pool $354 Above Ground Pool $104 ** Note - Plumbing and Electrical are part of the Permitting process Indian River County Residential pool permit - Minimum application fee up to $48,000 valuation, then 0.415% of contract/work order valuation. Permitting Plumbing Plumbing fee (Trades permit application fee) - Minimum application fee up to $18,000 valuation, then 0.415% of contract/work order valuation. U Note _ Electrical fee included in Permitting Highlands County Permitting Construction Valuation - up to $1,000 Construction Valuation - $1,001 thru $25,000 Construction Valuation - $25,001 thru $100,000 Construction Valuation - $100,001 and up <_,.-.__.,~,_~_._ _ r $225 - This includes electric $75 $50 $50 plus $3 piT $122 plus $2 piT $272 plus $1.50/T Plumbing Plumbing fee All fixtures Installation * _ Over 1,000 charge fee per each additional thousand amperes or fraction thereof: Take amp divided by 100 then multiply by 83.54166 Sarasota Review Structural Electrical Electrical Drain or trap 1 Phase 450 Volt o to 100 101 to 150 151to200 201 to 400 401 to 600 601 to 800 801 to 1,000 *Over 1,000 3 Phase 208 or 240 Volt o to 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 400 401 to 600 601 to 800 801 to 1,000 *Over 1,000 3 Phase 480 Volt o to 100 101 to 150 151 to 200 201 to 400 401 to 600 601 to 800 801 to 1,000 *Over 1,000 Heating or Water Heater Plan review fee (non-refundable) Structural (per inspection) Electrical (per inspection) Certificate of Completion Pool Cage - Plan review fee (non- refundable) Pool Cage - Structural (per inspection) $125 $75 $75 $125 $75 $75 $50 $4 $4 $4 $50 $55 $60 $80 $130 $180 $230 $130 $67 $75 $93 $127 $213 $300 $387 $213 $119 $135 $171 $239 $411 $585 $759 $585 $5 Plumbing Plumbing (per inspection) $75 Attachment F - Inspection Costs Calculations Costs Per Inspection Inspectors Per Day Inspections Per Inspector Per Day 24 Effective Inspector Daily on Duty FTEs (allows for credited time off) 13 Average inspections to-date for FY 2008 Per Inspector Annual Per Day Inspector Personnel Costs $2,055,560 S343,97 Inspector Support Personnel $228,644 $38.26 Vehicle Insurance $68,957 $11.54 Vehicle Maint $78,428 $13.12 Vehicle Fuel $124,828 $20,89 Vehicle Replacement $96,800 $16,20 Departmental Overhead $189,378 $31,69 Fund 113 Overhead $770,134 $128,87 Divisional Overhead $161,374 $27.00 Capital Project Overhead $52,874 $8,85 Total Cost Per Inspection: Personnel Costs Annual Open P~~i. "..'~'>:;:~i",;O!~,' ,y:~ 249 Support T Ins pectors Open Days Vacation Personal Sick Effective days Effective FTEs 27 249 18 2 7 222 24.07 Per Inspection $26.46 Based on FY09 Budget of full personnel costs (salary, insurance, taxes) $2.94 Based on FY09 Budget of full personnel costs for inside support staff $0.89 Based on Actual FY08 costs per SAP $1.0 I Based on Actual FY08 costs per SAP $1.61 Based on Actual FY08 costs per SAP $1.25 Based on Projected annual replacements from Fleet reports $2.44 Calculated on 46% of Building Department Admin Cost Center (% Inspectors to Departmental FTEs) $9.91 Calculated on 39% of Fund 113 Admin Cost Center (% Inspectors to total Fund I 13 FTEs) $2.08 Calculated on 14,5% of Fund 113 Cashiering, Financial Management, and Records Cost Centers (% Inspectors to all CDES FTEs) ~ Software project costs recovered over 10 year lifespan, 14.5% charged to Inspectors (% Inspectors to all CDES FTEs) $49.26 Per Effective Per ectors"'J~' .".;,_11 24 $38.26 Insp per Inspection Sup per Inspection $26.46 $2.94 Page 1 0507 Building Review & Permiting Department 138915-113 Bldg Review & Pennitting-inspection Position Class Org Code Splits Positions FTE Total Budget 5000 1890 Vellos Martha 50001&2$ Oo~!lIt P<>ma 50001985 MllloulaE_lleth 50001&27 Day "'!lit 50001963 CoIAU'eOoria 50001&26 G~rollllh BlIrbare 30045 Permittin9 Technician 30086 Admlnl.r8\Jve SLJ'.rvlfor 300;1$ Cwlcmer ~'$pelll!llat 300211 Cl.lItCl11er $tlnil!l. Spec"l. 30028 CUIltQmer $tlnil!l, $peeI.I. 30028 CIBtCl11er ~. Specilllat 138915-113 138915-113 13m 5-113 13m5-113 138$15-113 138$15-113 100.00 100.00 100,00 100,00 100,00 100.00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,Ql) 1,00 1.00 1.00 0,00 67,796.00 1),00 58.266;00 541.83400 49.746.00 Vehicle Costs Re port Week 46 Days Open 249 Eff Inspectors 24 Ave Insp/Day 13 SAP Per Per To-Date FY08 Ann FY08 Per Day Inspector Insoection 113-645260 Auto Insurance $61 ,000 $68,957 $276.93 $11.54 $0.89 113-646430 Fleet Maint ISF $42,410 $47,942 $192.54 $8.02 113-646440 Filet Maint Parts $18,865 $21,326 $85.65 $3.57 113-646445 Fleet Non Maint $8,104 $9,1 61 $36.79 $1.53 sub $1.01 113-652490 Fuel $110,425 $124,828 $501.32 $20,89 $1.61 replacement Cost Der 22,000 Total 484000 Per Year Per InsD/Day $96,800 $16.20 Per InsDection , $1.25 Page 2 .. .... -- FLEET MANAGEMENT VEHICLE MILEAGE REPORT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISIOl'i 01/01/08 - 06/30/08 EOUlP# ~ ~ ~ J!&illS DEPARTMENT: 138915- BLDG REVIEW & PERMITS 113 ,Q,I,(~m".. """,.,2<!9.1,...F.QR.JJ.......,~.Q~R..2,\VJ.l, ..,...6~7.63... ,...7.m.3.. 4020 ..,...."~7.Q..."",,.....n5 ..."~;l&~;l,...,.,~,1,&?,~....,,i~.$.'l';~......1!~.1i,. ~:~~~ ""'"''''''';~~;''''~6~ri''''''~'G~~iwD''''''''i':'}~i''''' ~;~~~ "..l.m.....,..N5j.."....."..~j~.....~,~~...... 47,996 47,996 48403" '0'1 ii i 65'''::::::::::::::2 QO;::::: ~i:iiii:i::"'" ii;\:N:g~R:?:W.:D"""" :&~~4;:::::::::: :~9'j~:i::: ::::: j:l:i:9"""::::: i ~i~:::::::::::: :I:i :83.....'.,...... .O~<!O~] ......, ,,2<!0~,. ...F.QR..[)...... .F.:I,50"~i:.':t!e!,.,.,, ".., .9~6:'I8 .,..,. ,10.! <!!.7.,.,.. .,.,?}?,9..... .,....!(j6,2 .. ...1.5()0 03000] 2003 FORD RANGER 2WD 106953 109220 2267 378 1244 :03.~Qf:::::::::::::::iQor::::F.i:iiii:i::.::::ii;\:N:9.~~}W.:~:::::::::9~o:i(C........iii1ii45....::::::7ii9:~:::::::::::i~:~:::::::::::::1:9:~~:::::::::... .O}<!O .1.2............ ,,2 <!O}..... 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F('iiii:i:::::::~ p'i)~i: if0 (;.......... i:ii'R 7:':::::':::::21 j:5':':::::':9 :Ii:g::::::::::: i ~i:i:::'::::'::: :1:2 ~~::...,.,.,..: ~~:1:3~:::::: ~~ ;~9:i:::::: :6~:~;g:i:::::: ~~ :4:3:4:::::: :6~: ~ 5:i' !;!:ill ~ MONTHLY PREVIOUS ~ 6-MO AVe Replacement Ag ing - 100 K or 10yr illUY J.Q...Yf ll.YE 1 2 YE 13YE Departmental Overhead Inspectors and Supports FTEs Departmental FTEs Ave Inspections 31 67 13 Departmental Admin Budget Percentage to Inspectors Inspector Overhead Per Inspector / Day Per Inspection $409,300 46.27% $189,377.61 $31.69 $2.44 Page 3 GovMax 4 Expenditure Line Item Budget Report grouped by Business Center, Business Unit Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2009 Account FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2008 FY 2009 Code Account Description Actual Adopted Amended Budget 138930-113 Blda Review & Permittina Admin 512100 Regular Salaries $185,201 $206,407 $206.407 $141,644 512600 Er 457 Deferred Camp $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 514100 Overtime $2,495 $0 $0 $0 518100 Termination Pay $5,120 $0 $0 $0 519100 Reserve For Salary Adjustment $0 $12,124 $12,124 $6,170 521100 Social Securtty Matching $14,474 $16.783 $16,783 $11,376 522100 Retirement Regular $20,435 $25,394 $25,394 $18,351 523150 Heatth Insurance $29,164 $38,928 $38,928 $20,534 523160 Life Insurance Short And Long Term $1,911 $1,364 $1,364 $925 524100 Workers Compensahon Regular $300 $300 $300 $600 631100 Legal Fees $1,000 $0 $0 $0 634999 Other Contractual Services $4,228 $25,000 $25,000 $15,000 640200 Mileage Reimbursement Regular $6,536 $7,000 $7,000 $4,500 640300 Out Of County Travel Professional $25,169 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Devel 640310 Out Of County Travel Regular $14,460 $8,000 $8,000 $6,000 Business 641230 Telephone Access Charges $0 $27.900 $27,900 $20,000 641700 Cellular Telephone $97,229 $72,400 $72,400 $40,000 641900 Telephone System Support Allocation $7,062 $1,400 $1,400 $6,750 641950 Postage Freight And Ups $11,189 $7.500 $7,500 $10,000 644650 Lease Purchase Equipment $2,898 $5,000 $5,000 $0 645490 Employee Notary Bonds $69 $700 $700 $350 646180 Building RAnd M Isf Billings $8,308 $5,000 $5,000 $3 ,000 646610 Communication Equip Rm Outside $1,261 $9,000 $9,000 $5,000 Vendors 646710 Office Equipment RAnd M $450 $1,000 $1,000 $500 646910 Data Processing Equip RAnd M $1,449 $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 647110 Prinhng And Or Binding Outside $8,264 $4. 000 $4,000 $3,000 Vendors 648160 Other Ads $414 $0 $0 $0 649010 Licenses And Permits $0 $700 $700 $0 649030 Clerks Recording Fees Etc $328 $200 $200 $100 649100 Legal Advertising $0 $5,000 $5,000 $3,500 649990 Other Miscellaneous Services $1,723 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 651110 Office Supplies General $43,566 $35,000 $15,000 $12,000 651210 Copying Charges $3,938 $10,000 $10,000 $8,000 651910 Minor Office Equipment $2,335 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 651930 Minor Office Furniture $462 $10,000 $0 $0 651950 Minor Data Processing Equipment $4,106 $10,000 $10,000 $6,000 652110 Clothing And Uniform Purchases $26.889 $27,800 $27,800 $20,000 652140 Personal Safety Equipment $0 $10,000 $10,000 $7,000 652910 Minor Operating Equipment $5,767 $6,800 $6,800 $3,500 652920 Computer Software $2,100 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 652990 Other Operahng Supplies $5.260 $10.000 $0 $5,000 654110 Books Publications And Subscriptions $6,461 $10,000 $10,000 $7,000 654210 Dues And Memberships $235 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 654360 Other Training Educational Expenses $7,511 $10,000 $10,000 $6 ,500 654370 Organizational Development $60 $0 $0 $0 764360 Office Equipment $0 $10,000 $0 $0 764900 Data Processing Equipment $20,207 $5,000 $5,000 $0 138930-113 Bldg Review & Permttting $580,033 $657,700 $607,700 $409,300 Page 4 Fund 113 Overhead Inspectors and Supports FTEs Fund 113 FTEs Ave Insp/Day 31 79 13 Departmental Admin Budget Percentage to Inspectors Inspector Overhead Per Inspector / Day Per Inspection $1 ,962,600 39.24% $770,134.18 $128.87 $9.91 929010-113Interfund Transfers - Bce 910010 Transfer To General Fund 001 $126,200 $134,500 $134,500 $92,400 911110 Transfer To Unincorp Cnty Mstd $364,700 $0 $0 $0 General Fd 111 911140 Transfer To Water Pollution Control $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0 114 911310 Transfer To Developer Services 131 $178,000 $260,000 $260,000 $0 912100 Transfer To Fund 210 $253,500 $254,100 $254,100 $253,700 912150 Transfer To 215- Sales Tax Bonds $4,818,746 $0 $0 $0 912990 Transfer To 5% Commercial Paper $1,497,032 $0 $0 $0 Loan Program 299 913010 Transfer To County Wide Cip 301 $357,100 $353,700 $353,700 $39,400 929010-113 Interfund Transfers - Bcc $7,645,278 $1,052,300 $1,052,300 $385,500 Page 5 138900-113 Community DeveloDmentAdmin SUDoort 631820 Clerk Of Board Secretarial Services $3,224 $0 $0 $2,500 634204 It Direct Client Support $172,458 $50,000 $50 ,000 $205,600 634970 Indirect Cost Reimbursement $650,700 $851 ,600 $851 ,600 $911,500 634980 Interdept Payment For Serv $22,500 $0 $0 $0 634999 Other Contractual Services $47,218 $50,000 $30,000 $30,000 640200 Mileage Reimbursement Regular $0 $200 $200 $0 640300 Out Of County Travel Professional $0 $1 ,500 $1 ,500 $0 Devel 640410 Motor Pool Rental Charge $39 $100 $100 $0 641400 Telephone Direct Line $40 $0 $0 $0 641700 Cellular Telephone $851 $0 $0 $0 641900 Telephone System Support Allocation $1,206 $0 $0 $1 ,000 641950 Postage Freight And Ups $11 $500 $500 $100 643100 Electricity $201,268 $200,000 $200,000 $175,000 643300 Trash And Garbage Disposal $8,119 $8,000 $8,000 $9,000 643400 Water And Se'JVer $23,124 $23,600 $23,600 $20,000 644100 Rent Buildings $6,125 $6,000 $6,000 $8,000 645100 Insurance General $635,700 $71 ,500 $71,500 $58,400 645200 Property Insurance $0 $209,200 $209,200 $139,600 645260 Auto Insurance $1,000 $1 ,000 $1,000 $1,100 646180 Building RAnd M Isf Billings $4,269 $4,000 $4,000 $3,500 646430 Fleet Maint Isf Labor And Overhead $900 $2,000 $2,000 $300 646440 Fleet Maint Isf Parts And Sublet $442 $600 $600 $700 646445 Fleet Non Maint Isf Parts And Sublet $87 $500 $500 $100 64711 0 Printing And Or Binding Outside $0 $5,000 $5,000 $1,000 Vendors 649980 Reimbursement Prior Year Revenues $11,344 $20,000 $2,000 $1,000 649990 Other Miscellaneous Services $10,822 $2,000 $2,000 $6,000 651110 Office Supplies General $19,661 $15,000 $0 $0 651910 Minor Office Equipment $0 $2,000 $2,000 $500 651950 Minor Data Processing Equipment $406 $2,000 $2,000 $0 652490 Fuel And Lubricants Isf Billings $743 $1,900 $1 ,900 $1,200 652720 Medical Supplies $276 $500 $500 $1 ,000 652990 Other Operating Supplies $117 $0 $0 $0 654110 Books Publications And Subscriptions $0 $500 $500 $0 654210 Dues And Memberships $0 $500 $500 $0 654360 Other Training Educational Expenses $46 $0 $0 $0 764360 Office Equipment $0 $10,000 $0 $0 764900 Data Processing Equipment $1,234 $0 $0 $0 138900-113 Com munity Development $1,823,929 $1,539,700 $1,476,700 $1,577,100 Page 6 Division Overhead Inspectors and Supports FTEs Fund 113 FTEs Ave I nsp/Day Departmental Admin Budget Percentage to Inspectors Inspector Overhead Per Inspector / Day Per Inspection 31 214 13 $1,114,000 14.49% $161,373.83 $27.00 $2.08 Page 7 GovMax $4 Expenditure Line Item Budget Report grouped by Business Center, Business Unit Collier County Government Fiscal Year 2009 Account FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2008 FY 2009 Code Account Description Actual Adopted Amended Budget 138931-113 Scannina Switchboard & Records Mamt 512100 Regular Salaries $370,315 $371,824 $371,824 $230,247 512600 Er 457 Deferred Comp $0 $1 ,000 $1,000 $500 5131 00 Other Salaries And Wages $22,764 $0 $0 $0 514100 Overtime $27 $0 $0 $0 518100 Termination Pay $517 $0 $0 $0 519100 Reserve For Salary Adjustment $0 $21 ,845 $21,845 $9,835 521100 Social Security Matching $28,263 $30,111 $30,111 $18,393 522100 Retirement Regular $39,263 $39,631 $39,631 $24,234 523150 Hea~h Insurance $107,020 $107,052 $107,052 $61,602 523160 Life Insurance Short And Long Term $3,762 $2,437 $2,437 $1,489 524100 Workers Compensation Regular $1,100 $1.100 $1,100 $1,300 590000 Attrition Reserve $0 $0 $0 -$15,600 634999 Other Contractual Services $111 ,054 $112,000 $112,000 $112,000 640300 Out Of County Travel Professional Devel $913 $0 $0 $0 640310 Out Of County Travel Regular Business $399 $1 ,000 $1,000 $0 640410 Motor Pool Rental Charge $39 $200 $200 $300 641700 Cellular Telephone $2,740 $2,100 $2,100 $800 641900 Telephone System Support Allocation $4,516 $3,900 $3,900 $2,700 641950 Postage Freight And Ups $29 $1,000 $1,000 $200 644620 Lease Equipment $0 $15,000 $15,000 $0 645260 Auto Insurance $500 $1 ,1 00 $1,100 $1 ,200 646180 Building RAnd M Isf Billings $1,839 $300 $300 $200 646430 Fleet Maint lsf Labor And Overhead $804 $1 ,000 $1,000 $0 646440 Fleet Maint Isf Parts And Sublet $82 $100 $100 $300 646445 Fleet Non Maint lsf Parts And Sublet $51 $100 $100 $100 64671 0 Office Equipment RAnd M $1,616 $2,000 $2,000 $0 647110 Printing And Or Binding Outside Vendors $30 $500 $500 $0 651110 Office Supplies General $17,240 $25,000 $22,000 $8,600 651210 Copying Charges $7,069 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 651910 Minor Office Equipment $845 $500 $500 $0 651930 Minor Office Furniture $375 $1 ,500 $1,500 $0 651950 Minor Data Processing Equipment $4,991 $1 ,000 $1,000 $0 652490 Fuel And Lubricants Isf Billings $571 $800 $800 $1 ,500 652910 Minor Operating Equipment $0 $600 $600 $0 652920 Computer Software $1,755 $1,200 $1 ,200 $0 652990 Other 0 perating Supplies $372 $0 $0 $0 654210 Dues And Memberships $0 $100 $100 $0 654360 Other Training Educational Expenses $1,373 $2,500 $2,500 $0 764110 Autos And Trucks $19,565 $0 $0 $0 764900 Data Processing Equipment $11,015 $11 ,800 $4,800 $0 138931-113 Scanning Switchboard & $762,816 $772,300 $762,300 $471,900 Page 8 138905-113 Cdes Finance Administration 512100 Regular Salaries $223,741 $246,956 $246,956 $264,991 512600 E r 457 Deferred Comp $0 $1,000 $1 ,000 $1,000 519100 Reserve For Salary Adjustment $0 $14,575 $14,575 $11,189 521100 Social Secur~y Matching $16,617 $19,997 $19,997 $21 ,200 522100 Retirement Regular $29,796 $26,323 $26,323 $27,933 523150 Hea~h Insurance $29,196 $38,928 $38,928 $41,068 523160 Life Insurance Short And Long Term $1,879 $1,621 $1,621 $1,719 524100 Workers Compensation Regular $1,900 $2,500 $2 ,500 $2,600 634999 Other Contractual Services $0 $3,300 $3,300 $2,000 640200 Mileage Reimbursement Regular $0 $500 $500 $500 640310 Out Of County Travel Regular Business $5,026 $3,200 $3,200 $2,000 641700 Cellular Telephone $1 ,638 $2,200 $2,200 $0 641900 Telephone System Support Allocation $528 $1 ,400 $1 ,400 $1 ,500 646180 Building RAnd M Isf Billings $3,685 $0 $0 $0 646710 Office Equipment RAnd M $242 $500 $500 $500 649990 Other Miscellaneous Services $38 $500 $500 $500 651110 Office Supplies General $6,609 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 651910 Minor Office Equipment $0 $2,000 $2,000 $1 ,000 651930 Minor Office Furniture $671 $2,000 $500 $500 651950 Minor Data Processing Equipment $383 $2,000 $2,000 $1 ,000 652920 Computer Software $427 $3,000 $3,000 $1 ,000 654360 Other Training Educational Expenses $3,195 $3,000 $3,000 $1 ,500 654370 Organizational Development $65 $0 $0 $0 764360 Office Equipment $0 $4,000 $2,000 $0 138905-113 Cdes Finance $325,638 $382,500 $379,000 $385,700 Page 9 138910-113 Com Dev Cash Management 512100 Regular Salaries $180,655 $212,942 $212.942 $147,556 512600 E r 457 Deferred Comp $100 $500 $500 $500 514100 Overtime $492 $0 $0 $0 518200 Voluntary Separation Incentive Program $0 $0 $0 $21,200 519100 Reserve For Salary Adjustment $0 $12,558 $12.558 $5,239 521100 Social Secur~y Matching $13.258 $17,244 $17.244 $11.799 522100 Retirement RelJjlar $16,685 $22.698 $22,698 $15,549 523150 Heatth Insurance $38,928 $48.660 $48.660 $30 ,80 1 523160 Life Insurance Short And Long Term $1,668 $1,398 $1.398 $956 524100 Workers Compensation Regular $2,000 $1,600 $1.600 $600 634999 Other Contractual Services $1,791 $10.000 $5,000 $5,000 640200 Mileage Reimbursement Regular $0 $100 $100 $0 640310 Out Of County Travel Regula- Business $516 $2,000 $2,000 $0 641900 Telephone System Support Allocation $1.266 $1 ,400 $1,400 $1,200 641950 Postage Freight And Ups $23 $200 $200 $100 646180 Buildng RAnd M Isf Billings $584 $500 $500 $500 646710 Office Equipment RAnd M $166 $1.000 $1,000 $0 646910 Data Processing Equip RAnd M $268 $0 $0 $0 647110 Printing And Or Binding Outside Vendors $30 $100 $100 $100 649990 Other Miscellaneous Services $1,191 $4,000 $4.000 $6,500 651110 Office Supplies General $5,063 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 651210 Copying Charges $2,526 $1,500 $1,500 $0 651910 Minor Office Equipment $0 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 651930 Minor Office Furniture $2,026 $1,000 $0 $0 652910 Minor Operating Equipment $0 $1,500 $1,500 $500 652920 Computer Software $0 $300 $300 $300 652990 Other Operating Supplies $1,076 $4,900 $1,900 $1,000 654360 Other Training Educational Expenses $698 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 764900 Data Processing Equipment $3,971 $3,000 $3,000 $1,500 138910-113 Com Dev Cash $274,978 $355,600 $346,600 $256,400 Page 10 Capital Project Overhead Total Software Project Budget Software Lifetime Annual Costs $3,650,000 10 $365,000 Inspector & Support FTEs Divisional FTEs Percentage Ave Insp/Day 31 214 14.49% 13 Total Annual Insp Cost $52,873.83 Per Inspector Per Day Per Inspection $8.85 $0.68 Page 11 Building Valuation Data Square Foot Construction Costs table does not reflect accurate values for that purpose. However, the Square Foot Construc- tion Costs table can be used to determine the oost of an addi- tion that Is basically a stand-alone building which happens to be attached to an exlstlng building. In the case of such addi- tions, the only alterations to the exlstlng building would Involve the attachment of the addition to the existing building and the openings between the addition and the existing building. . For purposes of establishing the Permit Fee Multiplier, the es. timated total annual construction value for a given time period (1 year) Is the sum of each building's value (Gross Area x Square Foot Construction Cost) for that time period (e.g., 1 year). . The Square Foot Construction Cost does not Include the price of the land on which the building Is built. The Square Foot Con- struction Cost takes Into acoount everything from site and foun- dation work to the roof structure and ooverlngs but does not Indude the price of the land. The oost of the land does not affect the oost of related rode enforcement activities and Is not Included In the Square Foot Construction Cost. Square Foot Construction Costsa, b, c, d Group (2006 Intematlonal Building Code) 'TYPe of Construdlon IA IB IIA liB IliA IIIB IV VA VB A-1 Assembly, theaters, wItt1 stage 190.99 184.82 180.21 172.74 16021 159.43 167.13 148.15 142.63 Assembly, theaters, without stage 1 76.2 3 170.05 165.44 157.97 145.44 144.66 152.37 133.39 127.86 A-2 Assembly, nightclubs 147.10 142.97 139.34 133.91 12428 124.03 129.21 114.30 110.46 A-2 Assembly, restaurants, bars, banquet halls 146.10 141.97 137.34 132.91 122.28 123.03 128.21 112.30 109.46 A-3 Assembly, churches 176.78 170.61 165.99 158.53 145.96 145.18 152.92 133,90 128.38 A-3 Assembly, general, comm,mly halls, 150.51 144.34 138.73 132.26 118.68 118.90 126.65 106.63 102.10 libraries. museums A-4 Assembly, arenas 17523 169.05 163.44 156.97 143,44 143.66 151.37 131.39 126.86 B Business 152.75 147.34 142.69 136.02 121.77 120.96 130.77 108.80 104.41 E Educatbnal 162.06 156.56 152.07 145.29 1 34.07 130.89 140.53 119.73 115.17 F-1 Fadory and Industrial, moderate hazard 90.96 86.79 82.13 79.44 68.74 69.66 76,24 58.56 55.46 F-2 Fadory and Industrial, low hazard 89.96 85.79 82.13 78.44 68.74 68.66 75.24 58.56 54,46 H-1 Hgh Hazard, explosives 85.25 81.08 77.42 73.73 64.21 64.13 70.53 54.03 N.P. H234 Hgh Hazard 85,25 81.08 77 .42 73.73 64.21 64.13 70.53 54.03 49.93 H-5 I-PM 152.75 147.34 142.69 136.02 121.77 120.96 130.77 108,80 104.41 1-1 Institutional, supervised environment 150.33 145.20 141,34 135.63 124.49 124.44 134,70 114.51 109.96 1~2 Institutional, hospitals 253.93 248.52 243.87 237.20 222.34 N.P. 231,95 209.39 N.P. 1-2 Institutional, nursing homes 177.55 172.14 167.49 160.82 147.00 N.P. 155.58 134.05 N.P. 1~3 Institutional, restl'Blned 1 73.39 167.98 163.32 156.66 143.67 141.88 151.41 130,72 124.33 14 Institutional, day care faclltles 1 50.33 14520 141.34 135.63 124.49 124.44 134.70 114.51 109.96 M Mercantile 1 09.31 105,19 100.56 96.13 86.08 86.83 91.43 76.10 73.26 R-1 Residential, hotels 150.84 145.71 141.85 136.14 125.10 125.05 135.31 115.12 110.57 R.2 Residential, multiple family 126.43 121.30 117.44 111.73 1 00,81 100.77 111.02 90.83 86.28 R.3 Residential. one. and two-family 119.76 116,47 113.63 110.52 105.39 105.13 108,64 99.79 94.06 R-4 Residential, care/assisted living facllties 150.33 145.20 141.34 135.63 124.49 124.44 134.70 114.51 109.96 5-1 Storage, moderate hazard 8425 80.08 75.42 72.73 62.21 63.13 69.53 52.03 48.93 5-2 Storage, low hazard 83.25 79.08 75.42 71.73 6221 62.13 68.53 52.03 47.93 U utility, miscellaneous 64.30 60.80 57.19 54.31 4722 47.22 50.70 38.76 36.91 a. Pr1vate Gal'Bges use utility, miscellaneous b. Unfinished basements (all use group) = $15.00 per sq. ft. c. For shell only buildings dedud 20 percent. d. N.P. = not permlted 54 Building Safety Journal February 2007