CAC Backup Documents 09/11/2008 R 1611 81 .se~r~ COLLIER COUNTY ~- r'o~S COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 2004 - 01 ~~~ ~~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ~ ADVISORY COMMITTEE ADOPTING RULES OF ~-S~ PROCEDURE. .s:.... fr ~~~ WHEREAS. Collier County Ordinance No. 2001-3 created the Collier County Coastal ~~€.fL'l-14 d' C . d ~1I,," A VISOry orrumttee; an ; \ WHEREAS, Section 5 of Collier County Ordinance No. 2001-3 requires the Coastal ''''~ Advisory Committee to adopt rules of procedure for the transaction of business; and WHEREAS, the Coastal Advisory Committee desires to adopt the Procedures for the Coastal Advisory Committee attached to this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE that the attached Procedures for Coastal Advisory Committee dated November 10, 2004 arc hereby adopted for the transaction of all business by the committee and will remain in dIed Ii" the Ii Ie of the committee or until am<:nd<:d. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED this 10th day of Novemher. 2004. after a rlKltion, second and majority vote favoring same. COLIJE~ COtJNT~..COA~T^7 ADVIS()R)'~:(2~MI'I'IEl' . /?{.i'~-;:lf%(;j;;l;J>~"':~'r,-., ___(~(--_/ /7 BYlttCj '~Y4J'l/" / '<co.,,=cc.p;;f/'ej ONALD M. PEr'H~lNGTON, Ch~ifri'aji Approved as tll form and legai slltljcjenc~' JJ'l2-~)-<'/~'-- ----- Heidi F. Ashton Assisranl County Attorney ~------ ----,..- "~'__~"W" m__ --'.', -"~~~--" 1 S I 1 B 1 7 Lr,~:at.ion ~,t.":din::";; Df the Jdvisorv board, or ,111> uf it>. ,,:jhconu1llltcc~. <11;,n ~w held H'. 'I, IN>'\tlo!1 Jcce-";sihlc' tn !hi~ r~lb1i:, .~ Mecli}_L~~gl~l~ There :;,haJi be :_w .Igcnda !c.r c<:H.'h meeting of rile li.h ',.:'\~" hc<a:d which -:;hall determine rh:.:: nrdu oJ:' "':;.\;J1CSS COnd'JCfcli. Th,-' bOit! ,1 "half not 1,~lk(' aClon nn :H1Y n18n,:r, '\Tlfrf Dr it'':-fn of Ji,is;n\2>::' ~H}t 1;.~ICd :lpliJl (fii.' ':Hll;.,.iaJ d1J,cnda <l!li,.:-.,,~ I liL.!HJilJ\ I}f the board FfI:.:~l'Pt ~;\l!bC;ll' h~)ard In;' rnh<:; he C;i,~',l: qf df! ad\ I:~{)] hOdr\\ nr '! <.:Ut-C(l!ii!'llrtce 1ju'::,h,,~r ir th.: ~ :1''-;(' .'.11: :rmlIm~1\'C, nB', ili(lc'...- ;:J! iti.'l:i \In thL' agt:lau hv '<uhnlnrl1)I':: it [n \11:' '_!l;lJfnl;i.11 tor :nf\ :1: .:.;..; '{ HIL .;-:;df lml::\,:il r~iH)r r,~ Il!;. ,!c..:;nllii-p !'dhil'.ljjJ;g tin..' HiH[ C I \U,-f', 'TF'('! '-',' Th' IlEilnP:lr: stull l','/('rT1~ln_ ',.~q.::th":'l th,; IIi:;:: ":in; iillLlJ hc' !In_:':! Hll'miJ(T IS rclnan 1,:, ,h..' rilm,:':'>('~ !,ftnc Hl\J>,l.ln ,nun::: ,;;', h..:rljnJi!ii! :h<.tl ;11-: du: "- - -- " ' !: ,',1UII DC jn, (',!dc.. 1f1 n,r' l~tlF in-ti:H,'d Igi..1;-';J:i ,:<-1;1 -7-~' 11 :'t --:'Jb:':::~:l \0 n; .1,~\F b)-,' rrL~ ( n;,lrTldn i). nId,-~r OrDd:"'l!.l.!:,.'~~, Tlw iJrlh.~i ofhusin~ss:n regwar l~lcemL!.S shall he' ,. () \ '-i.: 1.._ :ili Ie 'nit,,, d-...,\ P~-,li COd' le J /\(lOP1:'JJ1 nf'lf1\,: Agenda \UI l: 1[:;,[ P:lol1c CC1lilHlCni f' \L:,1Lj!c~ rr"ln Prc\!c.u', \\l'[:Ln,:c if, >1d-j \:"'_1 ',i,'\\ i),us) ,'iC"~.~; hi ( }: d t ~,;:; ~l';' i) ';;;' l":' !l~J~1!'C C'omnlC!ll .' l1i l, "rnrn'tfi,'\ \!\:mh-i.'f rY"l 'J'.;:""!)!! I k) !\in:1 \L.-\'f!n2! fmlC. Lhie dnd LocutiOn ~lI i\d !()i Ir:lrn~';i II A,gf'_ng,.! JJ~rl JSR~~~L~D.rU.! .l\ ~r'!Qn JQlg,JJ~ i rr~~:~,_'!r1.\t ,~, cy, !ll,i ~}n c \~;): I .-\IJ ;"ilCIl"tf"}US ,d' lh;.' PUblk \\/110 ;Hkii\~_~:'" dH.: BUiHd shall utllilC p(ld~lHP 1:1 :.Jln...r thc;r C0rn;']1C!lV 1;," '~'c 7-:(:,!r'dcd. :wd :~haH ,dUl d\ lh:..Tli-,i..')I<':- ,HlI1!V '\nd !(h:<!1 ;Kltjrc',,-s,-,:, '1 ::nr'lj'.::lhll' !'i,lrtht'f, :Iny >;pc,:k~'; "'Pi:akill'::; ill[ bvJu1f IJf ,Hi 'l! i:h~ ,j'" d' 'fhJ1YHtl:ds .. fi';,,;", 'iLl'! 1n'.1::...:::tC' ;)~jch :1r::.: h;,:; ,:,!, ~ ~ ; '-- >\ ur..::..,,; ,;; ""..,;: ;nlll!i1f1i\ ....-hC];I....,l b-\- r-cqaest, pl'!lIinn. \'()f('. a)f oth-;,:'p','i~c ., SJ)_t:<ih,~~r f\~T':)"ln\, "ther th,tl! -,lad' \\ hhini! it) speak (In d.J1 Igcwb i!\_~m sh.t! :0 rhi..' !h..'n: :-:C,1, L \\'nh the sLdT iLIJ;;\~i1 :'11 tth' t(-mTl-; nL)\li1l',1 I. ~ ; { " ~ ',' r ' '! , -, \ "f~J'n' lCI:TrJi,'(i the ._. -----.--- ---.--- lh I 1 B1 Board to be associated together or otherwise represent a common poim of vicv.'-. (IS propnncnts. nr opponents on any item may be requested to select a spokespl.'fson. All persoll.s rnay speak for a maximum of fivf.,' (5) minutes cacL. - 3. B-s~~Tictio!!L on C~!mmcnts Deemed Not Gcrmat}e to the Item. Not\.vithstilnding any provisions herein, any Board member may interrupt and nf stop any presentation that di~cusses matters that need not be consIdered in deciding the matter then bdore the Board f()r consideration. i\ t any Board prol:'ccding, the Chainnan. UTIICSS overnJed by majonty of The Board members present, may restrict or tcnmnatc presentations which in rhe Chairman'siudgmcnt are frivolous, unduly repetitive or out of order. C. Order and Subiect oC~I:~rancc: fo the extent possihle. the following shall he fh(~ order of the proceeding: i Pre liD}1 fl<Ey_._5.11!jerncnt The Chaimlan shall read the title of the agenda Item 2. '''-ilia! Ptl..:C'ifntPtl()ll_ hv Staff County sraff shall make the initial prC'scntat'hHl !O the Hoard regarding any item under consldcration. After compJc'tilHl of the _"taIT pr~s(;ntation, the Board Illay make inquiries of staff ;'\t thlS tiP1C 3. !J:1jlj!~LPIo.;*sn tA1igf.!J.J~( r\'Jt!is~J.lf r,~~fer~n95_~!". PctlttOocf or Proposer sha IJ make !h\? initial presentation to the Board regarding dllY item ander consldcra11tm. A I1cr completIOn pf the prcscnt3tion hy the Petitioner or PrOp'.l:'.(L lhe Board Inay make inquincs of the Pctitinner or ProposCT at thi:; tml(', ~ SP~:_;i "ner Board rnqltlry speakers shall he allowed to speak hased on the tlniC liultat1c'n ';TUJdcliIH'::\ outJincd in rhL' prc(;cding subsection B Ino,,".,' D!Jnng ~md after ,_, sp(,;1k~r's prcscntatinn, the Eh1;.lnl shaH have an npp(\!111nit~;, Ul \:OH1iY1Cnl (If ask questions of Of seek clanfJc3t!on from such rile Board (;j;lY also aHmv stall 10 comment, (1St..: questions ;)f or ,,:'~'k lnpfjc:ni,}p hll;': ~:rcJ.kcrs. , 1\.1. ::;tr li,:.!l ,j Ii :-'W i_T~:,)JILl\) l1Y.Jil "Jlr~\e.n t~nQf1 . ~~fJi~':!9J:!!!;~ Norwith~tanding :'!r"i'-' her(:ln. ~ny Huard membcr ma)- intenupt any prcsenlatlon thaI tOntlnj": mattC'f,; ,vluch need r.,)! b'~' cnm;idcrcd 10 dc(~,ding the maH,,;'r d,Ui L),~~i~ii',' till. BUe_wi for consideration, 1\1 ;-m\; Board nrnc.l.:.~edmg:> the (il:!l"m:'_!~.. u:~ll..':.<, :'\ :~Tm!,-'d r-.ltijority qf irk l-hurd member" nfl'sent. ,1;:\\ '\';":11":('1 \-T tep:l! l.ll,: rrC'.L,;::F:,t:CH1S \\-+:1ch ii' rh!,' CL,lllrnan'~ jLi.,jgmcnl H\- fr:., ";;H,~. llnJu!\ r'2pctil1V,' 1)1 o~-,t uf onter -_..~~~-,.._.- ,--_. ~--- - ...----.----'-'...-.- ".'-.^' 12/28/2BB4 15:29 34l:1b~b'335 RON PEI-IciINGTON t:'AGE f0S G. Conflicts ofInte:rest: ~y member baving a potential voting conflict shall publicly state the nature oftbe contlict at the CoiiStal Advisory Committee meeting and complete Fonn 88 [Memol'lllldum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal and Other Local Public Offic=] within 15 day. of the scheduled meeting. ~r .' mid M. ennington .--_/ Chairman I.- "->---_..-.,-...__..."-.'...,, "..~__~,,___w____,_ ._._~- - - See... 1'd d... ~u..~l-~ COLLiER COUNTY Si%ll~ 1v\'4UoI'~ 'In.. COASTAL AD\ilS0RY COMMITTEE --.... ~~ CtZ&; ~<..v ME ~QJtANDLM r.ebruap;.L ~:'!.o5 TO: David Weigel, County Attorney FROM: Ron Pennington, Chairman, CAC SUB] Code of Conduct for Advisory Committee Members At the meeting of the Coastal Advisory CommiUtl<;: of January 13,2005, the matter of conduct of advisory committee members was discussed at length We also had the able assistance of Assistant County Attorney Heidi Ashton The agenda item had been initiated by Committee members concern ofa member's public activity and comments which some considered inappropriate. These were primarily comments made to news media represematives and letters-to-the-editor which included the persons membership on a particular committee. Ms. Ashton cautioned about First - Amendment concerns The Committee wished to make a distinction between the right of free speech and the responsible actions of a person volunteering to public service in a government function. It was concluded County Ordinance 2001-55, the general ordinance governing (oumy boards, offered no guidance in these matters except in two areas ]. If a board member initiated a lawsuit lIJl.llin~;t the COUnlY it would be considered ~ " a resignation from thc board 2.A board member should not have business cards indicating they represent the County or were a member of a County board. The Committee, recognizing we were out of our area of expertise, on a motion passed 8- I, agreed to. Request thc County Attorney review Ordinance 2001-55 and make any recommcndations to the Board of C aunty Commissioners for thir decision whether or not to modify the ordinance and to consider the application of a code-of- conduct for all boards. '.- -,.--.- . It is noted the City of Marco Island in their Rules ofProcedUTe for Advisory Committees include Committees have no authoritv to represent City Council or the City Manager or to direct the activities oflhe Cily ,t<iff \1emhers shall refi-ain fi-om public statements ,~ that may be construed as Ii.. policy of the City or City Council. Members shall avoid Uillg their position 10 ad\ance initiatives Ol otherwise garner public supporl '" tor policies or programs .. - - It is suggested similar requirements may be appropriate in the County ordinance J \\;11 be pleased to prOlide an\' further assistance or infbrmatinn on this matter. '. j , ,-',' ':;' ~ -,,-, ---" ",--'C ~6n' ~",;fu;gt~,;; , Cc: County Commissioners County Manager ....,... -~ ~..- --_..,. .._,,-- _uo___.__._..___.,_._ f/ .z:,"- DeJtytl.HI/ULJ!-lrf\j V/ t ,,,' (> -ft1J~ kJC(j.I'/~ ""C "~ii? {.-v ~J)(./ f-1.,( 'f t. #'~~o v.o f~1.. MlNUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, March \3, 2008 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County ofCoUier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at 1 :00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3'd Floor, Collier County Government complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Paul sullivan Murray Hendel Heidi Kulpa Anthony Pires Jim Burke David Buser E. Glenn Tucker (excused) Victor Rios ALSO pRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Collector Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples -------.'.".'", .._"----_.---~~. ~"_.,,.. - March 13. 2008 I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at I :00 PM. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll Call was taken with a quorum established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director noted the following changes: VII. Staff Reports 3. Project Cost Report - replacement of page #2 6. Parking Analysis Request by Mr. Pires - replacement of page #6 7. Addition of Item #7 - 195 and 183 Reimbursement from Unspent Marketing Budget 8. Addition ofItem #8 - Broward County Federal Sand Search 9. Addition ofItem #9 - Wiggins Pass Discussion Group VIII. Old Business - Removal of item regarding Hideaway Beach T -Groin 2. Addition of City of Naples Grant Application Mr. Hendel moved to approve the agenda subject changes noted. Second by Mr. Sullivan. Carried unanimously 8-0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. December 13, 2007 Mr. Burke moved to approve the minutes of the December 13,2007 minutes. Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimously 8-0. 2. February 14, 2008 Mr. Pires moved to approve the minutes subject to the following correction: Page 3. paragraph 6 - Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney. statement also provided indication that there was "no liability for the Coastal Advisory Committee with regard to the Clam Bay Pass permit. .. Dr. Buser stated that not all of his comments was contained in the body of the minutes and objected to the format of the minutes. Second by Mr. Hendel. Motion carried 7-1. Dr. Buser I'Oted no. - _....".,---- March 13. 2008 VII. Stalf Reports 1 Minute Requirement Review ,:".Mll'" McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director, clarified the format ofthe minules provided to the Committee noting that the Board has voted for recap formal minutes and requested direction if this should be continued or changed to a "verbatim minutes" format. It was noted most Committees utilize recap minutes although some do utilize verbatim minutes. Another option is allowing a member to state "for the record" and from that point on the comments will be transcribed verbatim or transcribing a partic\Jlar agenda item verbatim. //TIle Committee determined that the minutes will be summary minutes with the , ( ability to state "for (or on) the reeord"~om that ~~!!tt. the comments w...!.~ '. J!.gJ2jUm. ........ ......., ..."" . . ... ........ ..-......' ....-" 2. Revenue Report - Gary McAlpin The "Tourist Tax Revenue Report - FY 2007-2008" was presented to the Committee. 3. Project Cost Report - Gary McAlpin The "FY 2007/2008 TDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects" report was presented to the Committee. 4. FY -08/09 Grant Projection Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Expected Major Projects for FY _ 08/09 _ Preliminary" to the Committee for review. The objective is to "Provide information for projected projects for FY -08/09." Chairman Sorey requested Gary work with the various entities involved to develop a priority list for the next meeting. Mr. Hendel requested clarification on the utilization of the City of Naples Beach Cleaning Funds. Gary McAlpin noted the City policy is to allow material to remain on the rack line for 48 hours before removing it, however in general the cleaning policy is left to the discretion of the manager of that particular beach. He could not comment on how the City specifically utilizes these funds which are provided by the Collier County Tourist Development Council on a yearly basis. 5. Prioritization of Grants Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Expected Major Projects Summarized by Funding Priority - Preliminary." Members may provide input on the prioritization via an email to Gary. It was noted that if Committee members send Gary an email, do not copy other Committee members, as this is a violation of the Sunshine Law. -. -.-.-,.-