Collier County Schools (Bus Drivers) n JlS AGREFrvIEN I. made f()r the 2iJIJ8/2IJiJ9 School Year. by and between the School District or Collier COllnly. Florida and Collier County Board of County Commissioners. Wl-HJU::AS, Chapter 1006 of the j:lorida Statutes authorizes local school districts to enter into agreements \vith Ilonprolit corporations and nonproiit civic associations ,-Ine! groups !()!' the transportation of school ~lgC children for activities sponsored by these organizations. and WHEREAS, the Organization IS a nonprofit corporation, nonprofit CIVIC association. or governIng body of a municipality. cOllnty. or stale agent,Y duly authorized to enter into this agreement and bind the Organization thereto. and \VHEREAS, the School Board desires to assist the Organization in providing transportation to school age children for activities sponsored by the organLr.alion onlhe tcnlls and conditions set forth herein. and VlHEREAS, this Agreement contemplates 1\\0 (2) use options \vitl1 concomitant reiJllbursement from the OrgillllZallOn to the School Board. IT [S TIIERITORE AGRI,YD: Ih"t Ihe School !lOClrd sh,,[[ provide bllses. drivers "nd Exceptional Student Education ("ESF") attendants to :11(' Or'g,:ni7:ltioll in accordance \\Iith the lem:s of this agreement. For the r1L1rposcs of this agreement, an "operated mile" is (kIlned as every mile driven tlx l'ilCh bus operated in support of the Organization's program, \Vlll~thcr \vith passengers or noL and to include necessary trips 10 .:md tl'OIll a School Board rransportatioll Department bcility. f'v1ilcage ,viII be recorded and hilled by the School Board and will be paid as hilled by the Organization. PaYJIlents will be made in compliance \vith the Local (i(}\'elTnncnt Prompt PaY'llll'1l1 Act. eh. 218. Florida Statutes. The parties further agree as IIJllo\Vs: I. ()ption A - Bus and l)xb~~x., J. Organi/alioll ..:;hall reimhurse the School Board 1"i..,r l'~lCl1 \chick \vith driv..:r at the rate oj' $37.80 per hour and $2.30 per operated mile liJr l'<lch bus. h. ()rgani/ation \\ill be billed a Tninimull1 oft\vo hour;.; plus lJlileage Ii..w each vehicle and driver. o QQ1iQ,-UL JlLI~,. [)riy~r"-'J<JJ~SJcA UgI1LlallL a. Organization shall reimburse the School Board aT 1he rate above plus an additional $.32.40 per hour [I)r an ,.Ill end ant. 3. rhe rates described in paragraph I above arc based on conditions current as of June 2. 2008. In the event that these conditions change. lor example. increased fuel or labor costs, the District shall have the right to pass those increased costs on to the Organization in the Corm ()f an incrc<:jse in the rates shown in paragraph I above. Changes \vill he made in the form ora written Amendment. --1-. The Organizatioll agrees that in the event of a cancellation. the School Board \vill be given at least 24 hours advance notice. I n the event that notice or cancellation issued to the School Board is less than 24 hours. a 2 hour charge per vehicle \vill be due and payable to the School Hoard. S Payment for ~;crvicl'S rendered or dul' sl1<.111 he hilled by :hc School Buard b:,-' Ih,-' lC~: I i or L':lch month and paid by the Organization by the 3IJ of each month in compliance with the Local Government Prompt Payment Act. Ch. 218, Florida Statutes. 6. Each party agrees to indemnify. defend and hold harmless the other. its of1i(t'rs, board members, agents and employees from and against any and all fines, suites, claims, dClllands, penalties. liabilities. costs or expenses, losses, settlements, judgments and awards and actions of \\hatever kind or nature. atlorney's fees and costs are excluded (and costs and fees on appeal), and damages (including, but not limited to, actual and consequential damages) arising from any negligent, willful ur \\rCJngful misconduct knowing misrepresentation or breach of this Agrcclllt'nl by such IBrty, its nrficers, board members, agents or elllrlo}\~es. This paragraph shall not be constnJed in any \va.y to (i1kr the State's \\(liver of sovereign immunity or e.\1l'nd thc parties liability beypnd thL' limits estahlished in Section 768.28 1.'I()rida Statutes. 7, I IlL' Organi/(ltion agrec', that :1t nil times material In thi" ,\'~.rC'C'tl)L"nl. it sll::ll provide liabilit.,. insurance coverage in the minimum ;lmoullts of $1 UOJlOO (In an) claim or judgmCllls :lnd $.500 O(}O 011 ~lll claims and judgments arising from the sallle incidellt nCCUITl'nce, rhe Organization "hall prc::;cllt proof ul' insurance CO\(.i"~ig.C bCl~,rL' :tPPI\I'vcll nl'lhi':i CuIIU",!l:l by lhl.-' B.)"l,l. 8 Thl~ Organization agrees that tl1ercsha!l be no i-c-e charged to passengers on the hu,< 9. The use of vehicles by the Organization shall at all tlllles he subject to the 1a\\S of the Slate of F'I()rida. the provisions of the I'lorida Administrative C__ode and rules adopted by' lhl' Schooll~()ard 10. rhe agrecllll'1lt shall commence on the date and year signed b.\ till' ;]gcncies and rl'lnaill ill clred 1'01' the official Collil'r COUllt Scllool Board studellt <chuol )car Iwt bc1~-l[\.' .-\ugll';t 19.2008 and rCtlldlnS in e!1"l:ct through June 2, 2()09 I!. Organization shall provide p!'()of nf its nun-prulJt status prior to eXl~cllti(\]) or this contract. 12. Thi:-, Agreement represcn!s the C'ntire Agrt..'elllcnl bct\vecll the parties and may 1101 be iJmelHkd except by \\rillen instrument signed by all parties hereto. 13_ All the terms <ind provision Oflhi" ;\<!rt.:'clllcnt "hall be bindin,:; 1111(\11 inur,-ln Ih(' b,--'neJi! orand bC' enforceable by the parties and their Icg:lI n:presl'ntativcs succcssors :md a_ssiglF b. IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, Ihe parlie" havc' C\(', ilkd liilS ()I! tilt, d<l) ;l1ld )o;\1r signed by the agcnl'!\.-'s. Ilnrida iT/t-/- 'Y Jeff" Stauring. [)ir(,L'T\)r ()f 'rranspl)!1:1! II)]] ff~~D,"Tf-ld Dr Russ.:11 Clul\1-'), E'..\.'(lHi\C [)iJ't'l:wr n! Servi:.:cs C()iiic..'r....(:t~'(jl[ : Board B,. 9Sn ~. l/-~-----. [0111 1h:.'nnjn~ ()unty C01T1il1issi,-\!lcrc.; . (ilk,: [)ak. ~\c\.\.O<ll. /\ac\:: Dwighl E. 13rn~ki<ll",(... . ~~\]),.,....,.fi!~" . '>, ...", -. ,. fl)i ... . '. . ~. -.-cc:,J----.- . 'S'" .,,\( ~\I/l', ._~/_~ . Tile"" .,,: III . t i.~l~v ..........,..... Diie~:~iL~;~ , } j (in~tvrf on J ' as to !~mll (!lid sufficien\.') , ~.1(J~___ ("olk'cn \;1. Cn."cnc. .-\ss;,,\am Count) Attornc), > OP 10 SE COLLI-2 08/13/08 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE PRODUCER Insurance and Risk Management Services, Inc. 8950 Fontana Del Sol Way #200 Naples FL 34109-4374 Phone; 239-649-1444 239-649-7933 I INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE Fax; INSURED INSURER A Princet()!1: _~~~_::s & Surpl~___ IN,URER8 t<"',,~"t "rnploy~rB casualty Co Collier County Government Risk Management Department 3301 Tamiami Trail East, #0 Naples FL 34112 INSURERC INSURERE COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF '''SURANCE LISTED BEWWHAVE BEEN ISSUED TO TilE IN5UREON AMEDABOVEFOR rHEPOI,ICYPcHI()DINDICATED NON~THSTANDING ANY REQVI~EMENT, TERMOR CONDITION Of ANY CONTRACT OR OTtiER DOCUMENTIMTlj RESPECTWWHlcH rHISCFRrlFICATEMAY BE ISSUED OR MAy PERTAIN,THE INSURANCEAFFORDEI) BY THE POLICIES DE::;CRIBEDHER EIN '5 SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS DCLUSIOljS AND CmWIl'IONS OF S\lCK POLICIES AGGREGATE L1MITS5HOIMJ MAY HAVE BEEN REDUC[DOY PAID CLAIMS INSR em iAOO'L ~NSRD TYPEOF'NSURANCE POLlCYNUMB~R POLlCY~FFECTlVE DATE {MMlOPlYY) POLlCYEXPIRATloN OATEIMMIOOIYY) G~NERALL'AB'LITY EACH OCCURRENC~ A !x COMMERCIAL GENER.,l LIABILITY ] CL',IMSMADE I X 'I W.ED[XPiAnl"".P''''''") 64A3EX000001503 10/01/08 DAMAGETORENT<Q PREM'S~S<E'"<Z""~L 10/01/07 x OCCUR SIR $20Q,OOO ";CC'i'RE"CH PERSOIJft.L & ADli INJURy _,,~ $100,000 P"~ HR;Q" C;ENER^L r.,G{;~EG.4TE GEN'lAGGREGATE L1M,TArPLlES PER , rRc-DUCTS_C,:JMP"'W",OG x H<O JECT jlDC POLlCv AUTOMOBilE LIABILITY A 64A3EX000001503 "()M~INc[)SINGLEuM;T <'-a.cede,'" 10/01/07 X .'NYAUTO 10/01/08 I ALL OV,NED^UTOS SC,,)IIV..'-'.JLJRY ,Ye"""",,,1 CCH~DWLEDAUTQS X j HIREDAU'.OS X I fJQN,OWIJEDAUTOS , i____~ _____ ",k ~"OO,OO" ')'XJlW.E"~& Sll<S:OD,OOOPF.RPERSO" bOI!II,YINJl'RY '"".OOlo,nt) PROPERTYOAMAGI' ,0Dr,c,.."",,'-' GARAGE LIABILITY A'J1QONiYEAACCIDENT ANY AuTO : OTHER T~AN AUTQ O~,"Y A i__EXCHSI1JMBR~lLAlIABllITY IX___ DCCUH I I CL^.'MSMADE AGGREGATE 'ACHOCCURRENCE 64A3FFOOOOOU02 10/01/07 10/01/08 Excess DEDUCTIBLE General RETENTION Liability '''''STATU XT<:l~YLlMITS UcACHACCIDEfH A WDR!\F.RS COMPENSATION AND ~MPLOYERS.LlABIUTY 10/01/08 10/01/07 64A3EX000001503 SIR $350,000 N1YPRCPRIETOR;PARTNER,EXECUl"vE ()FFleER'MEMBER EXCLJD~D? "L ["SFAS~_ EAEMPLOYEE 'If".',oe,cnh.u"".r ISPCCLALPRDVISIONSbelo"! U,DIS~AS"-POllCYLlMIT OTH~R B Excess Workers Work Camp E.L. EWC008020 SIR $600,000 10/01/07 10/01/0B Compensation DESCRIPTION O~ OPERIlTIONSllOCATIONS VEHIC\-ES IEXClUSIONS ADDED BY ENIlORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS RE: 2008-2009 School Year - Transportation of school age children for activities. elf Insured Retention included within limits of liability. The issuance of this certificate of insurance does not waive or alter the limitation of liability afforded pursuant to Florida Statutes 76B. to the state, its agencies, 28 (Page 1 of 2) or subdivisions CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SCHOBOB SHOULOANYO~THEABOVE DESCR'BEDPOllCIES BECANCEll~08EFORETH~E~PIRATION The Collier County School Board & the School District of Collier County, FL 5775 Osceola Trail Naples FL 34109-0919 DATETH~R~OF. THE ISSLJING INSURER WILL ENOEAVDR TO MAil NOTIC~TOTHECERTlF'CAT" HO!.DER'lAMEO TO THE lEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHAll IMPOSENOOBUGATIONORUABIUTYOF ANY K''ID UPON THE INSURER,ITSA GENTs OR R~PRESENTATIVES m, ACORD 25 (2001/08) OATEIMMIDD.'YYYY) NAIC# 10786 23612 liMITS $ 1 ~ 000_~Q9__ $ Included l,O~O _ Included l,OOo.~OOO____ ~ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 [AACC AGG $ ~-'-~OO, Op_O_ $ 1,000_, 0Q.9._________ OTH_ ,~R $ 600,~00 _$_.5i.QgL~_OO $ 600,000 Statutory 3,000,000 10 DAYS WRITTEN @ ACORD CORPORATION 1988 NOTEPAD: HO~DliR CODE INSURED'S N~ME SCHOBO~ Cril,l,i.~ \~ourit:y,':a,oved:'fi#l'e~'t; nor does the county agree to assume liability for another party's negligence. IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon ACORD 25 (2001/08)