Resolution 1994-351 '. DATED: May 11, 1994 .i~ Or {; .-: ~ bWIGH'l' E ~ B~OCK, CLERX ,.;(;~-..~ -' . I"', ':., . ~.: . .". . ~~;':p.~h~": ~QC.. ",,,Approved aL'to ~Orlll and ~a\~~tlciency: . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-351 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT OF THE GORDON RIVER GREENWAY AND GOODLETTE-FRANK ROAD GREENWAY. WHEREAS, the Board ot County commissioners is committed to aaintaining a high quality ot lite tor the residents ot Collier county; and WHEREAS, r.creational tacilities are an important component ot the ~:ality ot lite in Collier County; and WHEREAS, puhlic/private partnerships tor the good o~ the citiz.ns ot the county are to be encouraged. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO)uuSSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby: 1) Supports the concept ot the Gordon River Gr.enway and Goodlette-Frank Road Greenway. This support includes direction to statt to investigate a comprehensive plan amendment to include the Gordon River and Goodl.tte-Frank Road Greenways in the transportation, recreation and/or open space elements ot the county's Growth Management Plan, it necessary. In addition, these Greenways will be included in the County's Pathways Master Plan. 2) Directs the County's Statt to d.velop a proposed Interlacal Aqr....nt with the City ot Napl.s ~or the Phase I plans, specitications, design, permitting, and total construction costs and to dev.lop a budget identi~ying the tunding sources tor . Rcb qreenways. This R.solution adopted atter motion, second and majority _vote. .. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER , FLORIDA STANTINE, CHAIRMAN .... "~~~~ /- Kenne B. CU r county Atto ey BOOK 000 PAr,[ 10 .."----'--._,--'".~.__.---~..._..,--'.--,"-,.....-