Wiggins Pass Work Group Minutes 08/12/2008
August 12,2008
Naples, Florida, August 12,2008
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Wiggins Pass Modeling Evaluation
Work Group in and for the County of Collier having conducted business
herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. at the Collier County Government
Center, Health Department, Building "H", 2nd Floor, Rm. 216, Naples
Florida with the following members present:
Group Leader: Heidi Kulpa
John Findley
Doug Finlay (Excused)
Jon Staiger
Nicole Ryan
Mark Latch
Donna Caron
Paul Sullivan
Bryan Fluech
Thomas Crowe
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director
Robert Steiger, Park Manager, Delnor-Wiggins S.P.
Sally Cole Braem, Environmental Spec., Florida Park Service
August 12, 2008
. Call to Order
Group Leader Kulpa called the meeting to order at 9:00AM
. Sunshine Law Notification
Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director, reminded the group that it
operates under the guidelines of the Sunshine Law, with the meeting publicly noticed
and minutes being recorded for publication.
. Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
. Introduction of New/Replacement Members
Mark Latch, Asst. Bureau Chief for the Bureau of Natural and Cultural
Resources, Florida Park Service has replaced former group member Srivivas
Sally Cole Braem, Environmental Specialist II, Florida Park Service, District 4
has replaced Christina Olsen as Environmental Liaison for the Florida Park Service.
. Approval of Last Meeting Minutes
Mr. Sullivan moved to approve the minutes subject to the following correction:
Page 3, line #5 - from "nothing should be considered..." to "nothing cannot be
considered... "
Second by Mr. Staiger. Carried unanimously 9-0.
Comments from Public Participation from last meeting
Gary McAlpin noted that an item has been added to the agenda to allow for
Public Comments.
Recap of Last Meetiug
Gary McAlpin recapped the previous meeting and outlined the purpose of
today's meeting which is to review the modeling progress and discuss the
evaluation criteria for proposed solutions for long-term stabilization of
Wiggins Pass.
Last Meeting Follow-up
. Mission Statement Progress
Ms. Kulpa moved to approve the following mission statement for the
Wiggins Pass Modeling Evaluation Work Group:
"Examine the modeling study results and recommend environmentally
and economically sound methods to maintain Wiggins Pass as a safe
navigable waterway by minimizing shoreline erosion and achieving long
term stabilization of Wiggins Pass through a collaborative process
involving Wiggins Pass stakeholders input. .,
Second by Mr. Staiger. Carried unanimously 9-0.
August 12, 2008
. Other
. Modeliug Progress/CP&E
Stephen Keehn, PE and Lindino Benedet, Oceanographer of Coastal Planning
and Engineering, Inc. recapped the last meeting and noted, as reported, the Pass is
primarily affected by wave action from the South to North. They clarified the Pass
does have influences from North to South wave direction; however the net effect of
sediment activity in area of the Pass is caused by the South to North wave activity.
They provided a Power Point Slideshow Presentation regarding the status of their
Delft 3D Numerical Modeling Study including work completed since the last meeting.
The work included the placing of instruments in the field to collect data on wave
patterns and water current activity in the area to be utilized in developing the modeling
of alternative solutions to the long-term stabilization of the Pass. They noted, 8
potential solutions have been modeled through the Delft 3D program for their overall
effectiveness in achieving the goals of the Discussion Group.
These solutions provide a variety of possible alterations in the area of the Pass (re-
channeling, placing of sand dikes, etc.), none of which would be considered
"structural alternatives."
The modeling showed the morphology of the Pass over a I-year time frame upon
completion of the proposed solutions. The morphology indicated widths, lengths and
depths, etc. of the channel during the I year time period.
After review of the modeling, they have determined that the most effective alternative
solutions are #3 (permitted channel + Flood + N-S + dike) and #8 (new channel #2 +
Flood + N-S + dike).
They noted the next step would be to select the most optimal solutions as determined
by the Discussion Group and perform the modeling over a longer time frame (4-5 year
A copy of the Slideshow has been posted on the Coastal Zone Management website.
A discussion ensued regarding the alternatives potential impacts on Barefoot Beach
and Delnor-Wiggins State Park Beach, analyzing wave climates over a longer time
frame (20-year period), etc.
Lindino Benedet noted that the modeling is based on the initial information obtained
and each model takes a substantial amount of time to run, expanding the model to
analyze the impacts with longer wave climate data and would be completed as part of
the study when the alternatives are narrowed from 8 to fewer as determined by the
Discussion Group.
. Evaluation Criteria discussion
Stephen Keehn and Lindino Benedet presented a preliminary matrix that will aid in
evaluating the 8 alternative solutions. This information is part of the slideshow. The
matrix would be used to evaluate the merits of the alternatives proposed and aid in the
August 12,2008
Discussion Groups ultimate voting for optimal alternative. Further, it needs to be
expanded to include Geological and Environmental parameters.
Gary McAlpin suggested the Group Members move forward on evaluating
alternatives #3 and #8.
Robert Steiger, Delnor-Wiggins State Park Manager stated he was under the
impression that the solution was to focus on allowing the Pass to return to its 1970
condition as opposed to re-channeling the Pass.
Lindino Benedet noted that this is possible, however the condition would allow a
Pass depth of 2-3', not the 8-9' depth required for navigation of a 3 foot draft vessel.
Gary McAlpin noted that the depth of2-3' would not satisfy the inlet management
plan. Further, he recommended that the evaluation of the alternatives address
possible impacts on wildlife and/or fish habitats, Barefoot Beach and Delnor- Wiggins
Sally Braem, Environmental Specialist, Florida State Park noted that the impact
on the shoals and benthic communities should be addressed as well.
. Follow-up for next meeting
Following the discussion the Group determined to focus on alternatives #3 and #8 in
the following manner:
1) Analyze 20-year storm data (wave and currents patterns, etc.) for the model
2) Conduct a 4-5 year simulation for the morphology of the Pass based on each
3) Analyze the concept ofrepairing Barefoot Beach to its natural condition and study
its morphology over the 4-5 year simulation period of each alternative
4) Analyze impacts on Delnor-Wiggins State Park for each alternative
5) Obtain input regarding impacts on Snook habitats for each alternative
6) Analyze impact on the various environmental communities for each alternative
7) Incorporate any necessary geological considerations into the evaluation
Ms. Ryan recommended that an additional alternative be added to the 2 chosen which
would provide for the best alternative that would not require the re-channeling of the
The Group determined to add this scenario to the alternatives previously chosen
requiring a total of three alternatives to be evaluated.
. Public Comment
Doug Fee supported the examination of 3 alternatives and recommended that the
Group conduct any necessary public meetings with the results of the 3 alternatives to
gain public support for the final decision.
David Roellig noted that the channel would need to maintain a high enough velocity
to "self flush." This may require some type of structural measure to "train the
August 12,2008
Gary McAlpin stated that all "non-structural" alternatives should be exhausted
before examining "structural" alternatives.
Mr. Sullivan noted that in may be advisable at this point to examine a "structural"
alternative; as opposed to waiting until a later date if it is determined that "non-
structural" alternatives will not provide the goal oflong-term stabilization of the Pass.
It was determined to exhaust the "non-structural" alternatives before proceeding on
evaluating "structural" alternatives.
. Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2008.
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was
adjourned by order of the chair at 10:42 A.M.
Wiggins Pass Modeling Evaluation Work Group
Heidi Kulpa, Group Leader
These minutes approved by the Work Group on
as presented or as amended