Resolution 1995-288 IDC I.J!1 RESOLUTION NO. 95-288 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ROBERT P. KEISTER, JR. TO TIlE CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD. WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 85-42, as a.ended by Ordinanc. No.. 90-105 and 92-61, created the Contractors' Licensing Board and provides that said Board shall be cO.posed of nine (9) .embers appointed by the Board of County Conaissioners; and WHEREAS, there is currently one vacancy for the category of enqin..r on the Contractor.' Llcenslnq Board; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners previously provided public notice soliciting applications from interested parties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COtlHTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COtlHTY, FLORIDA, that Robert P. Keister, Jr., is hereby appointed to the Contractor's Licensing Board to for the remainder of the vacant term, said term expiring June 30, 1997. Although Robert Keister is not an engineer, the qualifying categories are merely directory and therefore the Board of County Commissioners has discretion to fill this vacancy under the engineer category with an non-engineer applicant. This Resolution adopted atter motion, second and majority vote. !. . '" ". ~. i " It .D;.TEDi""'Ar>ri1" 18, 1995 !"'~"""'.~?. ..... . ,", -,-';1>": ATTEST::;" '4.. j :""OWIG"1 i.' BI1-OCK, Clerk ,: ~.'~. it.~ :,.! _ : ".. {'> ", ~ . :~'i',;~: "'.''J.' :"< Jj- ",' " ..... ..j-;,:", ,:" :; ',l$'Approved as to form and ~ legal sufficiency: BOARD OF COUNTY COKKISSIOHERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA "~L~~ ~1 / YE ~. TTIIEWS, CHAIRMAN ~,d~ (;?./ ICenne B. CUy er County Attorney 1IlV.1D./tn/6006