Resolution 1995-284 RESOLUTION NO. 95- ~ 8 ~ 41 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN FOR FISCAL YEARS 1995-96, 1996-97, AND 1997.98 AS REQUIRED BY THE FLORIDA STATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP [SHIP] PROGRAM; APPROVING A MAXIMUM AWARD SCHEDULE; INCREASING ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS OF THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TO A MAXIMUM OF 10"10 OF THE LOCAL SHIP ALLOCATION; AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN TO THE FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY FOR REVIEW AND APPROV AI..; AUTHORIZING THE NECESSARY CERTIFICATIONS BY THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; AND APPROVING THE EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Florida State Legislature enacted the William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act on July 7, 1992 (the "Act"), Section 420.907, el seq., Florida Statutes, Chapter 91.37, Florida Administrative Code, u a comprehensive funding paekage for state and local housing programa to better enable local governments to meet their responsibilities for affordable housing in aecordance with their comprehensive plans; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the State will alloeate a portion of new and existing documentary stamp taxes on deeds to loeal governments for development and maintenance of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, enacted Collier County ordinance No. 93-19 on April 13, 1993 establishing the Collier County Local Housing Assistance Program in aecordance with the Act; and WHEREAS, through Resolution 93-159, the Board of County Commissioners adopted a three year LoeaI HouJing Assistanee Plan outlining the intended use of SHIP Funds for fiseal yean 1992-93,1993-94 and 1994-95; and WHEREAS, the Act requires in order to qualify for additional SHIP f'unds, Ioca1 governments must develop a new one to three year Local Housing Assistance Plan ,outlining tho local governments' use of SHIP Funds; and WHEREAS, the Act also requires the local government to adopt a maximum award ocheduIe, an average eosI per unit, and a maximum cost per unit for eligible housing benefiting from SHIP AwardS; and WHEREAS, the Act limits the administrative costs of the LoeaI Housing Assistance Program to 5"10 of the local SHIP allocation unless the Board of County Commissioners, by .. 8 '".' .";!fj'''.:!t,~~!I '; 4'>~"''\' A.... .'.,'., r ;. '. -"";; ~-'. , ".,.". reaolution, increasea tho pcreentage to a maximum of 10"10; and WHEREAS, it ia in the best interest of Collier County to qualify for the SHIP Funds; and all action taken by tho County in furthennco of IUch quaIiflcation is for a valid county putpOlO. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissionerll of Collier County. Florida, that: 1. The Board of Commissioners hereby approves the Three Year LoeaI Housing A.uistanee Plan for fiscal years 1995-96. 1996-97, and 1997-98. 2. The maximum award schedu10 fur SHIP FwxIs under the Local Housing AssistlllCe Prosram sba1l be SI5,OOO per eligible housing unit. 3. The average cost per unit for elilPble housing benefiting from SHIP Awards shall be S65,OOO. 4. The maximum cost per unit for eligible housing benefiting from awards made pursuant to the SHIP program sba1l not exceed S 118,264 for existing eligible housill8 units and SI06,365 for newly constructed e1ilPble housing units. 5. The armual administration costs of the Local Housing Assistance Progrun sba1l be iDcreased to a maximum of 10"10 of the local SHIP aDocation. 6. The Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners ia authorized to IUbmit the Local Housing Assistance Plan, a copy of wbich is attached bereto and made part hereo( to tho StalO of Florida Housing Finance Agency for its review and approva1. 7. The Chairman of tho Board of County Commissioners is authorized to execute the"~ eertifications annexed to the Housing Assiatanee Plan on boha1f of the County. 8. Thi. Resolution .hall take effect immediately upon its adoption. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring 1I/IlCl, ,";. "" .'", ~ #~ . '. _ p#:pATED:'. .~' .~ l ., ,..,.1<<"" tHRU Dr '. . . /'~:~.,~, ~~ST'~ /,,", ':"'/'~/"n."...c. '(7 , il':-;'l:;;;':~'rcnn:,J3;)R~ Clerk ,~,,,, ~ 'at ',..' .- 'fO'f - ':-r~'~. " ~'l ,.'1 ';. ~t "._ ;. '.~ ,..' . ,1l','~ "". :';.h~; /j ',::,.:.' .,~:.....; .'. , '-'-"i,'r" ....". \~ ,., ~"'" 'u . .,11," .:, ',;. ;,~Jl>.'-. r. u to fo,niIlrid legal oufficiency: "r);~ J. A'i'1t M.-. ~,.;~.,," , l <;f;~ . I,F,ASHTON '~'/'I.";;".~ County Attorney \,t~",~ : , mo,bap-95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COllIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~~i~~ '. ., ..',' .'j