Resolution 1995-272 JoO b USOLllTIOII 110. 9' - ill USOLUTIOII PllOVIDING ADDITIONS TO THE 199' lWIDATORY SOLID lIASTS COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL PURSUANT TO COLLIER COIlIITY ORDIIIAIICE NO. 90-30. AS AIlENDBD . WHEREAS, the Board of County Comml..1onerl of Collier County, Florida adopted Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30 on April 10, 1990, luch Ordlnanee referred to .. the .Collier County Mandatory Solid WaIte CollectIon and Diapo..l Ordinance-; and WER.I'.AS, the aoard of County COtIII.haionerl adopted Collier County Ordinance No. 91.36 on Kay 14, 1991, Collier County Ordinance No. 93.47, adopted July 27, 1993, and Collier County Ordinance No. 93.-60, adopted Augu.t 24, 1993, amending Ordinance No. 90-30; and WHEREAS, Section Fifteen of .aid ordinance provides that when it ahall appear that the .peclal ........nt might have baen Impoled under thi. Ordinance .g.l~t any residential unit, but such unit was omitted froa the appropriate special assessment roll, the Board may, by Resolution, impos. the applicable .pecial a.se...ent for the service year in which such error is discovered and al.o for the prior two .ervice years; and WHEREAS, Staff have identified residential units that were omitt.d fr~ the 1995 aandatory solid waste collection and disposal special a.......nt roll; and WHEREAS, a Certificate of Correction for each of those re.identi.l units that are .ubject to addition to the Special Asses.ment Roll for the 1995 Service year pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, .. amended. ha. been filed in the office of the Clerk. WHEREAS, there are attached hereto and incorporated herein two (2) li.t. identifying those residential units per reference number and the nuaber of residential units thereon added to the specIal assessment roll, laid list entitled -Attachment Number 1- and -Attachment Numb.r 2.R NOlI, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHllISSIONERS Of COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. Th. Chairman i. authorized to execute the C.rtifieate. of Correction for each of those r.sidential units id.ntified herein and such residential units be and are hereby added to the Solid ~..te Collection and Disposal Special AA......nt Roll for the 1995 Service Year purauant to \. ,.,'. . Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, 00 amendad, and tb.t,;~~~ ;~ the.e units be billed immediately by the Collier coun~1~~~*~ Solid W.ste D~partJIent for the 1995 Service yea~,. ,~"~~:.Ifj'~;' ~., ~ " ,."l-' ,,' ~' ~":~ , 16 G 2. The Clerk il hereby ordered and directed to apread thil Reaolution in full among the minutes of thi8 meeting for peraanent record in hi. office. 3. Thi. re.olution .hall become effective immediately upon Ita , " p....g.. , ,hi ',',Thii ,1l'eol~t1on edopted efter '~.>~..~~' Dr ',' ~~;)DATE: f'/;~r:- ~~~~~:B. BR~. 4CLBRX ~". ayo/- ." -- ". ~ ". :-. I,:-'i\:tli - '.'" ~". "',:~ f" f''''~ ,'.'-' .. ," ~ "Jf' ApprOV;d .. to fOB and .~,: lep! .ufflclen IIOtion. ..cond. and majority vote f.vorlnl ..... Vlt? - Dl"puty Clerk Attorney 'I,. 2