Resolution 1997-444 RESOLUTION NO. g7- ~lq~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PI_AN FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BY AMENDING SECTION B.1 'INTERSTATE ACTIVITY CENTERS' OF THE URBAN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT SECTION OF THE URBAN DESIGNATION SECTION OF THE LAND USE DESCRIPTION SECTION BY ADDING A NEW SUBDISTRICT CALLED THE PINE RIDGE ROAD MIXED USE DISTRICT TO ALLOW C-lfT USES AND BY AMENDING SECTION B.1.C.3 SECOND PARAGRAPH SUBPARAGRAPH C 'CONDITIONAL USES' ALSO OF THE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION BY INCREASING THE ACREAGE REQUIREMENT ALLOWED FOR CONDITIONAL USES. WHEREAS, C,')llier County, pursuant to Seclion 163.3161, et. seq., Flonda Statules, the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Developmenl Regulation Act. was required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Collier Counly Board of County Commissioners adopted the Collier Counly Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 provides authority for local govemmenls Io amend their respective comprehensive plans and outlines cerlain procedures to amend adopted comprehensive plans pursuant to Sections 163 3184 and 163.3187, Flodda Statutes; and WHEREAS, Bruce Anderson and Robed Duane, representing Jim Cclosimo, Trustee, has submitted an applicalion to the Collier County Planning Secvices Department to amend the Golden Gate Area Master Plan by allowing a new subdislnct called the Pine Ridge Mixed Use District and to increase Ihe acreage allowed for conditional uses in Transitional Areas. WHEREAS, the Coltier County Planning Commission has considered the proposed amendment to the Golden Gale Area Master Plan pursuant Io the authonly granted to it by Sec-lion 163.3t74, Florida Statutes (1995), and has recommended approval of said amendment Io lhe Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, upon receipl of Collier Counly's proposed Growlh Management Plan Amendment, various State egenc~es and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) have ninety (90) days to review Ihe proposed Amendmenl and DCA must transmit, in writing to Collier County. Ks comments along W~th any ob~echons and any recommendations for modification, Wqhin said ninety (90) days pursuanl Io Section 163.318.4, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS. Collier Courtly. upon receip~ of tl~e wntlen comments from DCA must adopt. adol~ wtth changes or not adopt the proposed Growth Management Plan Amendment. within .sixty (60) days of .such receipt pursuanl Io Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the DCA, within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Collier County's adopted Growlh Management Plan Amendment. must review and determine if the Plan Amendment is ~n compliance witr' Ihe Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land £',evelopment ACt of 1985; the Sta~e Comprehensive Plan; the appropdale Regional Policy Plan and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant lo Section 163.3184, Florida Slah,,tes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: The Board hereby approves this proposed amendment to the Land Use Designation Descdp*Jon Section of the Golden Gate Area Masler Plan, page 21, Section B.1 .B.4 and page 28, Section 6.1 .C.3, second paragraph subgar~.~graph c, in accordance with Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. The lext of the amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit 'A' and incorporated by reference herein, for purpose of transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs thereby initiating the required State evaluation of the Growth Management Plan Amendment prior to final adoplion and State determination of compliance. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion, second and majority vote this day Of ~.x~/S.~,/,,..~/.,~-~ , lgg7. ATTEST: DWIGHT E.. BROCK, Clerk App¢oved as Io form and legal sufficiency: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Chai~an ,,/ MARJOI~E M. STUDENT Assistant County AI1omey cP-g7-02 Transn~ittal Resolution 12A1 : EXHIBIT 'A' 1) Amend the existing Golden Gate Area Master Plan to allow the creation of a 'Pine Ridge Road Mixed Use Disldct' allowing no more than 5 acres of C-lfT uses on Ihe eastern portion ot' the property. The proposed lex1 change is to the ~ Interstate Activity Center. page 2'i, Section B.1 .B.4 as follows: Section B.1 .B 4 Interslate Activity Center of the Land Use Designation Description Section 'On the fdnges of the Golden Gate Master Plan boundaries there are several parcels that are located within the Interstate Activity Center at 1-75 and Pine Ridge Road as detailed in the County-wide Future Land Use Element (FLUE). Parcels within this Activity Center are subject to the County-wide FLUE and not this Master Plan. Adiacent to this Activity Center On the .we~ side qf 1-75 a~nd qn the north s~de of Pine Ridge Road is a property com[xtsir~ 12,79 awes located to the west of the Naotes Gateway Pt, JOB wflich i$ designated as the Pine Rk~e Rqed Mix~l Use ~i~Fic~ ~nd con.sist$ of Tracts ~_2, !3, and 28 of Golden G~e Esta~(,~, Unil 35. as recorded jn Plat Book 7, Pa~e 85. of the Public Records_o! Collier Cguqt. y, W~,hin ~his di~tdc~ no more than 35,0OO square feet on__5 acres 9! o~fiq, e reli~led u~,es as ~ forth in lhe C-lfT (-the Commercial ProfesSorial Transitional U~,,e District) am permitted within the eastern portion of this ~rty. The i~o~erty in i~s efltir~y is ~a.l~,~) perrnitled to be developed with Conditional Uses p~rn'~itted t v the E~ates Zonir~ District. Such ~,ermitled u~,es shall be _encouraGed to be $ul~nitted as a Planne~ Unil Development Zonir~o Di~tdct for the subiec~ ~,~erty in its ~ttret~. w~h 51:~al atlention to be pr~ide~ for sharl~t a~,ce~, water marla~ement, uniform lartdscaolr)o. ~,ionaoe. sc~reenir~ and buffedr~, and other ~ertinent dev~lo~:~ent startdal~'s Io ensure crom~til~lit¥ w~th nearly, residential areas, and ~,~l~ttq th~ fOllOwir~ ._a,._dd_ ~}gflal criteria; · There shall be no acc, es~ o~o Liyjn~3ston Woods Lane[ · There shall be a minimum landscaped buffer alor~ the nort.h a_.nd we~t propert~ ~of 75 feet; · Driveway_accre~, par'ldno and water manaGemerit may be allowed within the 75 fe__et___l~_ fief ar~a alono the we~t [xo[)ert¥ line ar~ water management within the 7.5' buff.er area alQr'~ the noah m'operty line but none of thes~e uses shall be Ioc. ated Cl~,er theft :)0 feet to the west or north ~ropertv line: and · N.~.~aulom__m_~_bil¢ pa~in~, homel¢~ shelters or ~oup kitchens shall be permitted Appendix 9 of the Support Document provides a detailed map of the Activity Center boundaries 2) Amend the existing Golden Gate Area Master Plan to permit conditional uses in excess of § acres. The proposed lex1 change is to the Conditional Use Section, page Section B1 C.3, second paragraph sub-paragraph c of the Land Use Designation DeSC.nption Section as follow~: Section B.1 .C.3, second paragraph sub-paragraph c Conditional Uses in addition, condilional uses may be granted in transitional areas. The purpose of lhis provision is to allow conditional uses in areas adjacent to non-residential uses generally not appropriate for residential use. The conditional use will act as a transitional use between non-residential and residential areas. The following c. dteda shall appty for Transitional Conditional Use requests: a. Site shall be directly adjacent to non-residential use (zoned or developed); b. Site shall be no closer than % road mile from the inter~ection of a Neighborhood Center; Site shall be 2.5 acres or more in ~ze and shall not exceed 5 acre~, unle.ss the ~l;)iect ~oDert¥ is adjacent to an Interstate Activity Center or the Pine R;j(X~e Road Mi,xed U~ Distdct with no int. erYenin~ public ~reet~. d. P~e,,~,~,mal c..,onditional uses shall bo located on the allowable acreage directly adjacent to the non-residential use; e. Site s~all not be adjacent to a church or other place, of womhip, school, social or fraternal o~anization, chill care center, convalescent home, hospice, rest home, home for the aged, adult foster home, children's home, rehabilitation confer; and f. Project shall provide adequate buffering from residential areas. Words .underlined are additions: Words ~ ~¢euQh are deletions.