Resolution 1995-071 DO 95-1 RESOLUTION NO. 95- 71 12C 1 DEVELOPMENT ORDER 95-1 DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR PELICAN MARSH COMMUNITY LOCATED IN SECTIONS 25, 27, 34, 35 AND 36, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHEREAS, weN Communities, Inc., (herein "WeN") filed cn November 30, 1993, with the County of Collier an Application fer Development Approval (ADA) of a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as Pelican Marsh Community in accordance with Subsection 380.06(6) I Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, weN has obtained all necessary appro'/als from Collier County agencies, departments, and boards required as a condition to Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning and DRI approval; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of the unincorporated area of Collier County having jurisdiction pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider Applications for Development Approval (ADA) for Developments of Regional Impact; and WHEREAS, the public notice requirements of Chapter 380 and the Collier County Zoning Ordinance have been satisfied; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the report and recommendations of the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) and held a public hearing on the ADA on January 5, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has passed Ordinance 95-~ on January 24, 1995, which rezoned the subject property to PUD; and WHEREAS, the issuance of a Development Order pursuant to Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, does not constitute a waiver of any powers or rights regarding the issuance of other development permits not consistent herewith by the County or State; and the Board of County on January 24, 1995, WHEREAS, Commissioners, at an open public hearing in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, having considered the application for Development of Regional Impact submitted by WCN; the report and recommendations of the SWFRPC; the record of the documentary and oral evidence presented to the Collier County Planning Commission; the report and recommendations of the Collier County Planning Commission; the recommendations of Collier County Staff and Advisory Boards; and the record made at said hearing, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The real property which is the subject of the ADA is legally described as set forth in Exhibit "A". 2. The application is consistent with Subsection 380.06(6:, Florida Statutes, (l989). 3. The applicant submitted to the County an ADA and sufficiency responses, hereby referred to as composite Exhibit "B", which by reference thereto are made a part hereof to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Order. 4. The appl icant proposes the development of the Pelican Marsh Community consisting of 2,075 acres, which includes: 50 acres of retail commercial uses which will encompass 575,000 square feet of gross floor area (GFA); 20 acres of office commercial which will encompass 350,000 square feet of GFA, including 100,000 square feet of medical office use; 280 hotel rooms; 5,600 residential dwelling units; and an 80,000 square foot Cultural Center (Attraction Facility) with 750 seats and 400 parking spaces; multiple golf courses; and 294 acres of conservation area, (some of which is within a FP&L easement), 59 acres of open space, which includes 20 acres of parks (some of which is also located in the FP&L easement) 5. The development is recommendations of the SHFRPC 380.06(12), Florida Statutps. consistent with the report and submitted pursuant to Subsection 6. The development will not interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the area. 7. A comprehensive review of the impact generated by the development has been conducted by the appropriate County departments and agencies and by the SWFRPC. 8. The development is not in an area designated an Area of Critical State Concern pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.05, Florida Statutes, as amended. 2 - - 12C 1 9. The development is consistent with the current land development regulations and the Growth Management Plan of Collier County, as amended. 10. The development is consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Count.y Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, in public meeting, duly constituted and assembled on this, the 24th day of January., 1995, that the Pelican Marsh Community Application for Developme~t Approval submitted by weN is hereby ordered approved, subject to the following conditions: 1 . ENERGY The Pelican Marsh Community Development of Regional Impact will incorporate the following energy conservation features: A. Provision of a combination bicycle/pedestrian system connecting all major land uses, to be placed along collector roads within the project. This system will be consistent with local government requirements. B. Provision of bicycle racks or storage facilities i~ recreational and commercial areas. C. Cooperation in the locating of bus stops, shel ters, and other passenger and system accommodations for a tra~sit system to serve the project area. D. Applicant shall encourage builders: (1) to use energy-efficient features in window design; (2) to use operable windows and ceiling fans; and (3) to install energy-efficient appliances ancI equipment. E. Creation of deed restrictions, covenants, and design guidelines that would encourage energy conservation efforts. F. Reduced coverage by asphal t, concrete, rock I and similar substances in streets, parking lots, and other areas to reduce local air temperatures and 3 . '1 r lc.v reflected light and heat. Installation of energy-efficient lighting for G. streets, parking areas, recreation areas, and other interior and exterior public areas. H. Use of water closets with a maximum flush of 3.5 gallons and shower heads and faucets with a maximum flow rate of 3.0 gallons per minute (at 60 pounds of pressure per square inch). Selection of native plants, 1. trees, and other vegetation and landscape design features that reduce requirements for water, fertilizer, maintenance, and other needs. Planting of J. native shade to provide trees reasonable shade for all recreation areas, streets, and parking areas. K. Placement of trees to provide needed shade in the warmer months while not overly reducing the benefits of sunlight in the cooler months. L. Orientation of structures, as possible, to reduce solar heat gain by walls and to utilize the natural cooling effects of the wind. M. provision for structural shading wherever practical when natural shading cannot be used effectively. N. Encourage builders to include porch/patio areas in residential units. O. Consideration by the project architectural review committee(s) of energy conservation measures (both those noted here and others) to assist builders and residents in their efforts to achieve greater energy efficiency in the development. 2. HISTORICAL/ARCHAEOLOGICAL A. Any excavation, de-mucking or invasive activities involving the small wetland immediately west of site 8Cr706 (SFWMD wetland #12) shall be monitored on-site by a certified, professional archaeologist. The purpose of this activity will be to verify that no human burials are contained within the adjacent wetland. 4 . 1 12C 1 B. During monitoring, should construction activities at any time uncover human remains, these activities shall cease and the State Archaeologist shall be notified at once pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 872, Florida Statutes. 3. HOUSING A. In accordance with the methodology approved by Collier County, Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, and the Florida Department of Community Affairs, weI has conducted an analysis of affordable housing impacts associated with the Pelican Marsh Community, which concludes that there is and will be an adequate supply of affordable housing proximate to the project to meet the demands created by the project throughout the life of the project. Notwithstanding the results of this analysis, WC! shall contribute S50,000 (Funds) to the First-Time Homebuyer Closing Cost Assistance Program being administered by the Collier County Department of Housing and Urban Improvement (CCDHUI) This contribution shall be exclusively used to provide interest free deferred payment assistance to qualifying homebuyers for eicher closing costs or down payments associated with their purchase loan. Applicants must be first time homebuyers employed by any business located within the Pelican Marsh Community, including WCI. Applicants must meet all of the guidelines of the program such as, but not limited to, income limitations and repayment obligations. These funds shall be administered by the CCDHUI for the sole purpose stated above. Funds '""ill be held by WCI and disbursed as needed at the time of approval of each applicant. Funds that are subsequently reimbursed upon sale or refinancing of the home shall be paid directly to the CCDHUI or to an appropriate not-far-profit entity selected by CCDHUI. Should Collier County adopt it 5 A "'\ I" 1 L.:.u proportionate share funding mechanism to mitig~te development related affordable housing impacts, this contribution shall be credited toward any obligations otherwise imposed on weT, successors and assigns, as a result of development in the Pelican Marsh Community project. contribution shall also be deemed to satisfy Wel's entire obligation relating to affordable housing. 4. HURRICANE EVACUATION/FLOODPLAINS A. The applicant shall construct on-site clubhouses, or other structures (to be phased with the overall development plan) for the purpose of providing hurricane shelter space to development residents. B. The portion of the clubhouses, or other structures, utilized as a hurricane shelter shall have at least 39,000 square feet of usable floor space at project buildout, as determined by the applicant ir. conjunction with the Collier County Office of Emergency Management. C. The portion of the on-site clubhouses, or other structures, utilized as hurricane shelter space shall be constructed at, or above, an elevation of 14.8 feet, NGVD. D. The on- si te hurricane shel ter space shall be constructed to withstand 140 mph wind and contaill emergency facilities including: an adequate food and water supply, power generation, communications. sanitary facilities and first aid equipment pursuant to the standards established by th(3 applicable agency. The portion of the clubhouses, or other structures, utilized as shelter space shall have storm shutters to protect exposed glass. E. The applicant, or The Foundation of Pelican Marsh (property association) shall annually owners distribute to all residents Collier County's "Hurricane Information II document, which provides information on the need for residents to evacuate, preparations for approaching storm, an 6 its This and ~ 2 C 1 hurricane evacuation routes, should residents desire to leave the development. F. The hotel management shall distribute Collier County's "Hurricane Information" document in the event of a hurricane emergency. At a minimum, hotel management shall recommend early evacuation for all rooms at elevations below 14.8 feet NGVD. Hotel management shall: (1) evacuate all guests; (2) provide shelter space for evacuated guests in upper floor interior hallways and unoccupied rooms not exposed to direct wind impact; or (3) direct guests to shelters in the project. G. The applicant shall meet with the Collier County Office of Emergency Management, as appropriate, to coordinate the use of any excess shelter space (if available) by the general public. H. All deeds to property located within the Pelican Marsh Community shall be accompanied by disclosure statement in the form of a covenant: stating that the property is located in a hurricane vulnerability zone, that the hurricane evacuation clearance time for Collier County or the Southwest Florida Region is high, and/or hurricane shelter spaces are limited. I. All units will be required to have finished first floor elevations at or abo'/e 11.0 feet due to SFWf'.m and FEMA requirements for water management and flood control. This elevation requirement results in the units being above 11.0 feet, the minimum Category 3 Flood Zone according to SLOSH, which enables them to qualify for vertical evacuation under the Special Hurricane Preparedness District in Rule 9J-2.0256, Florida Administrative Code. J. All commitments made by the applicant within the ADA and subsequent sufficiency round information, related to Question 16 (Floodplains) and Question 23 (Hurricane Preparedness), and not in conflict 7 a - 12C 1 recommendations, shall - be with the above incorporated into the development order as conditions for approval. 5. VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE/WETLANDS A. If all mitigation credits permitted within thp- Cocohatchee Strand Mitigation Bank are depleted to offset wetland impacts within the SFWMD jurisdictional areas mitigation activities for wetland impacts shall be performed elsewhere (e.g. off-sitel Off-site mitigation is on or recommended, but not required to be a single contiguous parcel located in the south (belcw Alligator Alley) Belle Meade area, within or adjacent to the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed ConserEation and Recreational Lands project boundary, or within an approved wetland mitigation bank. B. As an alternative to "A" above, the applicant may increase the on-site wetland preserve to meet the avoidance and wetlands impact reduction criteria of the wetland regulatory agencies. On-site preserves are recommended to be connected so that a large contiguous habitat preserve is established. These mitigation activities may be subject to review through a Notice of Change process pursuant to Subsection 380.06(19), Florida Statutes. C. All reserve areas shall be designated as preserve and protected by appropriate restrictive easements, deed restrictions 3nd covenants, or designation as preservation tracts. D. Major recreational facilities such as tennis courts, barbecues, gazebos, recreational shelters, swimming pools, recreation centers, restrooms, shuffleboard courts, etc. shall be prohibited by the referenced restrictive easementB or deed restrictions in preserve areas. E. The Xeric Scrub Preserve area shall be protected from landscape irrigation on adjacent areas, such 8 - as the golf course. I -, n .Lt:::G F. Impacts to gopher tortoises shall be minimized -by relocating all tortoises to locations within the golf course and associated open space areas, or to the Xeric Scrub Preserve area. G. All commitments made by the applicant, within the ADA and subsequent sufficiency round information, related to Questions 12 and 13 (Vegetation and Wetlands), and not in conflict with the above recommendations, shall be incorporated conditions for approval. H. Remove and relocate on-site listed plant species :0 the extent practicable during construction. 6. SOLID/HAZARDOUS/MEDICAL WASTE A. Any business located within the Pelican Marsh Development, which generates hazardous waste (as defined by Florida Statutes, Subsection 403.703 (21) and Rule 17-730.030, Florida Administrative Code). shall be responsible for the temporary storage, siting and proper disposal of the hazardous waste generated by such businesses. However, there shall be no siting of hazardous waste storage facilities contrary to Collier County Zoning Regulations. B. Areas within buildings where hazardous materials or waste are to be used, displayed, handled, generated or stored shall be constructed with impervicus floors, with adequate floor drains leading to separate impervious holding facilities which are adequate to contain and safely facilitate cleanup of any spill, leakage, or contaminated water. C. There shall be no outside storage of bio hazardous or medical waste. D. The applicant shall ensure that a contractor is available to provide maintenance of grease trap systems associated with restaurants and food establishments. E. Hotel pools using gaseous chlorine shall be equipped with chemical sensors or alarm devices. 9 1 as - Facilities under 12C 1 the Superfund F. qualifying Amendments Reauthorization Acts (SARA) Title III of 1986, and the Florida Hazardous Materials Emerger.cy Response and Community Right to Know Act of 19E5, shall file hazardous material reporting applications in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations. Applications shall be updated annually by each reporting facility. G. No facilities are needed for handling, generation and/or emergencies other than normally associated with medical offices as a permitted use in the office district. If any such use does exist, it shall abide by all applicable federal, state and local requirements. 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT A. The portion of the Master Surface Water Management System for those portions of the Pelican Marsh Community west of Airport-Pulling Road have been previously permitted by the South Florida Water Management District. That portion of the development located east of Airport-Pulling Road does not yet have an approved Water Management Plan. Prior to the issuance of a surface wat~r management permit for the area east of Airport- Pulling Road, the applicant shall resolve, to the satisfaction of South Florida Water Manageme~t District and Collier County staffs, issues relat~d to wetland jurisdictional delineations, impacts I)f development to wetland areas, submittal of a mitigation plan for wetland impacts, a::1d verification that proposed control elevations a~d final development plans are in compliance w::.:.h wetlands protection pursuant to SFWMD criteria. B. The development shall require a South Florida Wat':r Management District water use permit for a::1y proposed dewatering activities, associated with the construction of project lakes and/or road or building foundations, which have not be-en 10 previously approved by the District. :> C .... \-. 1 C. At the time of permit application for the area east of Airport-Pulling Road, the applicant shall provide floodplain mitigation proposal to a District staff, for any portion of the remaining development whe re floodplain encroachment is proposed. the time of construction At SFWMD permit D. application for the area east of Airport-Pulling applicant Road, the shall provide detailed stage/storage calculations to District staff. the time of construction permit E. At SFWMD application for the area east of Airport-Pulling Road, the applicant shall be required to demonstrate to the staffs of the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County that proposed control elevations of water management adjacent to wetlands provide adequate areas hydroperiods to ensure continued environmental health of on-site wetlands, pursuant to SFWMD criteria. F. At the time of permit application for the area east of Airport-Pulling Road, the applicant shall demonstrate that the capacity of the proposed receiving bodies (the Airport Road Canal and th-= Immokalee Road Canal) are sufficient to accommodate the proposed discharge volumes. G. Pretreatment of the first 1/2 inch of runoff shall be required for all commercial areas within the Pelican Marsh Community, unless the applicant provides reasonable assurances that hazardous materials will not be generated, used, or stored within such areas. H. The post -development stormwater management system shall provide limitation for of the post- development peak discharge rate to the outfalls at a rate equal to, or less than, the pre-development rate for the 25-year, 3-day storm event. 11 .. --------~-----~-~-.~.. 12C 1 T. Elevations corresponding to a lOO-year flood shall be used to set minimum building elevations on the site, taking into account the backwater elevations along the various on-site flowways. J. Best management practices for water quality shall be included on construction plans for development and shall be submitted to Collier County and the South Florida Kater Management District for review and approval. K. All internal stormwater management lakes and ditches shall be included in recorded drainage easements. Stormwater lakes shall include adequate maintenance easements around the lakes, with access to a paved roadway. L. During construction activities, the applicant shall employ best management practices for erosion and sedimentation control. These practices shall be included with, or presented on, all construction plans, and should be subject to approval by the appropriate agencies prior to their implementation. M. Any construction period silt barriers or hay bales, and any anchor soil, as well as accumulated silt, shall be removed upon completion of construction. Either the applicant or the entities responsible for the specific construction activities requiring these measures shall assume responsibility for having them removed upon completion construction. N. Any shoreline banks created along on-site stormwater lakes or wet detention areas shall include littoral zones constructed as required by District permitting criteria and shall be planted in native emergent submergent aquatic or vegetation. The applicant shall ensure, supplemental replanting if necessary, that at least 80% by native aquatic cover ',regetation established within the littoral zone for the duration of the project, unless an alternative is 12 ~ . of by is 12C 1 permitted by SFHMD. O. The applicant, its successors or assigns shall conduct annual inspections of the stormwater management systems within the Pelican Marsh Community in order to ensure that the systems are being maintained in keeping with the final approved design, and that the systems are capable of accomplishing the level of stormwater storage and treatment for which they were intended. P. The applicant shall design the proposed surface water management systems in a manner that avoids impacting plant and/or animal species listed by the u.s. Fish nnd Wildlife Service or the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. Where such impacts are not avoidable, the applicant shall provide mitigation which satisfies the requirements of the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County. Q. The applicants, its successors or assigns, shall undertake a regularly scheduled vacuum sweeping of all common str8ets and parking areas within the commercial portions of the development. The applicant shal:' encourage private parcel owners within the development to institute regularly scheduled vacuum sweeping of their resp~ctive streets and/or parking areas. R. The applicant shall participate in any ongoing or future efforts by Collier County to establish a countywide stormwater management system. S. Ditch and swale slopes shall be designed tc minimize discharges so that these facilities may provide some additional water quality treatment prior to discharge. Treatment swales shall be planted with grass and/or appropriate native vegetation. T. The grassed stormwater treatment areas shall be mowed on a regular basis as part of the normal lawn maintenance of the development. Any debris that: 13 12C 1 may accumulate in project lakes, ditches or swales, or which may interfere with the normal flow of water through discharge structures and underdrain shall systems, be cleaned from the detention/retention areas on a regular basis. Any erosion to banks should be repaired immediately. U. Underdrain systems and grease baffles in commercial areas shall be inspected and cleaned and/or repaired on a regular basis. In no instance shall the period between such inspections exceed eighteeu months. v. Stormwater Management System maintenance requirements shall include eradication of mosquito productive nuisance plant species (water lettuce, water hyacinth, cattails, and primrose willows) from all system nodes, reaches, and percolation basins, as well as from the lake littoral zones employed in the systems. W. To the extent consistent with applicable stormwater management system and environmental regulations, any isolated wading bird "pools" constructed in lake littoral zones shall be excavated to a depth which provides aquatic habitat for mosquito larvae predators, such as Gambusia affinis. X. All commitments made by the applicant with the ADA, and subsequent sufficiency round information, related to Question 14 (Water) and Question 19 (Stormwater Management), and not in conflict with the above recommendations, shall be incorporated in the Collier County Development Order as conditions for approval. 8. TRANSPORTATION A. The applicant, its successors or assigns shall be fully responsible for site-related roadway and intersection improvements required within the Pelican Marsh Community DRI. The applicant shall be required to pay its proportionate share of the cost for any intersection improvements (including 14 '..~-,'--,._-~"._-,.,...~-----.,.-- . 12C 1 but not limited to signalization, turn lanes, ind additional side street or driveway through lanes) found to be necessary by Collier County or the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) for the project's access intersections onto U.S. 41, Vanderbilt Beach Road including its Extension, Airport-Pulling Road, lmmokalee Road and Livingston Road. Access to Goodlette-Frank Road will be limited to maintenance access only. The site access points shall be located and developed consistent with FDOT's and Collier County's access management standards and permit requirements, unless otherwise approved by the Florida Department of Transportation and/or Collier County. B. The following roadways and intersections are projected to be significantly impacted by the Pelican Marsh Community {5% of LOS D, peak hour- peak season} and are forecasted to fall below the adopted level of service standard prior to project build-out. ill ROADWAYS 1) Airport-Pulling Road -North Community Entrance to South Community Entrance -South Community Entrance to Vanderbilt Beach Road -Vanderbilt Beach Road to Pine Ridge Road -Pine Ridge Road to Golden Gate Parkway 2) Goodlette-Frank Road -Pine Ridge Road to Solana Road -Solana Road to Golden Gate Parkway 3) Immokalee Road -U.S, 41 to Goodlette-Frank Road -Goodlette-Frank Road to Airport-Pulling Road -Livingston Road to 1-75 4) U.S. 41 -Old U.S. 41 to 1mmokalee Road liJJ. INTERSECTIONS 15 (i ii) .L;)C 1 1) U.S. 41/01d U.S. 41 2) U.S. 41/Wiggins Pass 3) U.S. 41/Immokalee Road 4) U.S. 41/Community Entrance 5) U.S. 41/Vanderbilt Beach Road 6) Irnmokalee Road/Airport-Pulling Road 7) Road/North Community Airport-Pulling Entrance 8) Road/South Community Airport-Pulling Entrance 9) Airport-Pulling Road/Vanderbilt Beach Drive 10) Airport-Pulling Road/Pine Ridge Road 11) Immokalee Road/Goodlette-Frank Road 12) Pine Ridge Road/Goodlette-Frank Road 13) I~75 West/lmmokalee Road 14) 1-75 East/lmmokalee Road 15) Immokalee Road/Livingston Road (Community Entrance) 16) Vanderbilt Beach Road/Community West Entrance 17) Vanderbilt Beach Road/Community East Entrance In addition to the above-listed road segments and intersections, the Pelican Marsh Community may have a significant impact on the following road segments and intersections prior to project buildout: 1-75 -Bonita Beach Road to Immokalee Road Logan Boulevard -Pine Ridge Road to Green Boulevard -Logan Boulevard/Pine Ridge Road -Logan Boulevard/Vanderbilt Beach Road Not later than ninety (90) days followir_g completion of Phase One of the Pelican Mars,h Community as defined in the DRI/ADA, the applicant or its successor(s) or assigns shall conduct a traffic study to determine if the 16 .+...,._..k_'_'_~.'_"""'__,""_,_<__,_",,,__,,_.,~,,,,,~,,,,,,,.~....,,,_>'._.".,.,," - 12C 1 Pelican Marsh Community will have, at Project buildout, a significant traffic impact on these listed roadway and segments intersections. The methodology for the traffic study will be submitted for review and comment to the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Florida Department of Transportation, and the collier County Transportation Division, prier to initiation of the study. The traffic stu~y will include peak hour and 24 -hour traffic counts at all Project entrances/exits and will include origin-destination of an survey motorists entering and exiting the Pelican Marsh Community. Based on that survey of Pelican Marsh motorists, the study will determine if Project at will have the buildout, a significant impact on the two roadway segments and/or two intersectio~s under study. Significant impact is defined 3S set forth below in 8. I. (ivl . In the event that the traffic study indicates that the Pelican Marsh Community will have, at buildout, a significant impact on any listed segment or intersection, then that segment or intersection shall be deemed added to the list of significantly impacted road segments a.nd intersections listed in paragraph 8.B. (i) or {iil above, and the Project shall be subject to all Development Order stipulations relative to roadways for that segment or intersection. In the event that the traffic study indicates that the Pelican Marsh Community will not have, at buildout, a significant impact on any listed segment or intersection, then the Project shall not be subject to any further conditions, stipulations, or concurrency 17 12C 1 management for that segment or intersection. The completed traffic study shall be submitted to the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, Florida Department of Community Affairs, Florida Department of Transportation, Collier County Transportation and the Division. transportation assessment of Based on the c. significant project impacts, construction of the following transportation improvements or acceptable substitutes or alternatives shall be needed coincident with, development of the Pelican Marsh if adopted level of service Communi ty DR!, conditions are to be maintained through buildout (2008) on significantly impacted regional read segments and intersections. Phase 1 (2000) Airport-Pulling Road -North Community Entrance to Widen to 6 lanes. South Community Entrance ~South Community Entrance to Widen to 6 lanes. Vanderbilt Beach Road -vanderbilt Beach Road to Widen to 6 lanes. Pine Ridge Road .or widen U.S. 41 (Myrtle Road to Immokalee Road) to 6 lanes if deemed an appropriate alternative by FOOT. U.S. 41/01d U.S. 41 -Westbound dual left turn lanes -Signal retiming U.S. 41jWiggins Pass -Signal retiming U.S. 41/Immokalee Road -North through -Signal and lanes retiming southbound u.s. 41/Community Entrance -North and southbound through lanes -Restripe westbound for left turn and through/right lanes -Signal, if warranted U.S. 41/Vanderbilt Beach Road -North and southbound through lanes -Signal retiming Immokalee Road/Airport-Pulling Road -Signal retiming Airport-Pulling Road/North Community Entrance -Eastbound left turn lane -Eastbound right turn lane -Northbound left turn lane -Southbound right turn lane -Signal, if warranted 18 .~^'---_....._._-_."--~,,." .,-,.".._-,.._.,~.. Airport-Pulling Road/South Community Entrance Airport-Pulling Road/ Vanderbilt Beach Drive Airport-Pulling Road/Pine Ridge Road 1mmokalee Road/Goodlette- Frank Road Pine Ridge Road/Goodlette- Frank Road 1-75 West/lmmokalee Road 1-75 East/1mmokalee Road Vanderbilt Beach Road/ Community West Entrance Buildout (2008) Airport-Pulling Road . 12C 1 -North and southbound left turn lanes -North and southbound right turn lanes -East and westbound left turn lanes -East and westbound right turn lanes -East and westbound through lanes -Signal, if warranted -Signal, if warranted -Signal retiming -Signal retiming -Northbound through lane -Southbound right turn lane -Signal retiming -Signal, if warranted -Signal, if warranted -Eastbound left turn lane -Westbound right turn lane -Southbound left turn lane -southbound right turn lane -Signal, if warranted -North Community Entrance to Widen to 6 lanes South Community Entrance -South Community Entrance to Widen to 6 lanes Vanderbilt Beach Road -Vanderbilt Beach Road to Widen to 6 lanes Pine Ridge Road -Pine Ridge Road to Golden Widen to 8 lanes* Gate Parkway *or construct Livingston Road (Pine Ridge Road to Golden Gate Parkway) Goodlette-Frank Road -Pine Ridge Road to Solana Road -Solana Road to Golden Gate Parkway Immoka1ee Road -u.S. 41 to Goodlette-Frank Road -Goodlette-Frank Road to Airport-Pulling Road Widen to 6 lanes Widen to 6 lanes Widen to 6 lanes or alternatively, construct Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension Widen to 6 lanes or alternatively, construct Vanderbilt Beach Road 19 -Livingston Road to 1-75 12C 1 Extension *or construct Vanderbilt Beach Road (U.S. 41 to Airport Road) Widen to 6 lanes* U.S. 41 -Old U.S. 41 to 1mmokalee Road u.s. 41/01d U.S. 41 u.s. 4l/Wiggins Pass U.S. 41/Immokalee Road u.s. 41/Community Entrance u.s. 41/Vanderbilt Beach Road Immokalee Road/Airport- Pulling Road Airport-Pulling Road/North Community Entrance Airport-Pulling Road/South Community Entrance Airport-Pulling Road/ Vanderbilt Beach Drive Airport-Pulling Road/Pine Ridge Road Immokalee Road/Goodlette- Frank Road Pine Ridge Road/Goodlette- Frank Road Widen to 6 lanes or alterna- tively, construct Livingston Road Extension -North and southbound through lanes -Signal retiming -North and southbound through lanes -Restripe east and westbound for left turn and through/right lanes -Signal retiming -North and eastbound dual left turn lanes -Signal retiming -Westbound right turn lane -Signal retiming -southbound dual left turn lanes -Eastbound left turn lane -Westbound left turn lane -Westbound right turn lane -Signal retiming -Northbound dual left turn lanes -Westbound dual left turn lanes -Signal retiming -Westbound left turn lane -Westbound through lane -Westbound right turn lane -Eastbound through lane -Northbound right turn lane -southbound left turn lane -Signal retiming -Signal retiming -North and southbound through lanes -Signal retiming -Network expansion* -Signal retiming -East and westbound through lanes -Northbound dual left turn lanes -Northbound right turn lane -Signal retiming -North and southbound through lanes -Network expansion* -Signal retiming *Network expansion, including Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension and/or Livingston Road Extension, potential grade separation. 20 I-75 West/Immokalee Road I-75 East/lmmokalee Road Immokalee Road/Livingston Road (Community Entrance) Vanderbilt Beach Road/ Community West Entrance Vanderbilt Beach Road/ Community East Entrance 12C 1 -East and westbound through lanes -Signal retiming -East and westbound through lanes -Eastbound dual left turn lanes -Signal retiming -East and westbound through lanes -Eastbound right turn lane -Westbound left tur~ lane -Northbound left turn lane -Northbound right turn lane -Signal, if warranted -East and westbound through lanes -Signal retiming -Eastbound left turn lane -East and westbound through lanes -Westbound right turn lane -southbound left turn lane -Southbound through/right lane -Signal, if warranted D. The applicant shall mitigate its impacts on the regional and local roadway and intersections identified herein as follows: {il The Applicant shall make the site related improvements specified in 8.A. hereof. (ii) The Applicant shall pay its proportionate share of intersection improvements at its 8.A. access points to public roadways specified in (iii) The Applicant shall be subject to all lawfully adopted transportation impact fees. {ivl The Applicant shall be subject to the Concurrency Management System of the County as set forth herein. E. The regional roadway segments and intersections on which this project has significant impacts are wholly within the jurisdiction of Collier County for purposes of concurrency management. The County has made the decision to plan for and manage tlie impacts of this DRI through its duly adopted comprehensive plan. The County has considered the regional roadway segments and regional roadway intersections set forth in 8. B. hereof, and has 21 12C 1 determined to require the project to be subject to and to comply with the Concurrency Management System (CMS) of Collier County as adopted in its Growth Management Plan and implem~nted by the Adequate Facilities Ordinance (APF) Ordinance No. 93-82, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". After due consideration of the alternatives, the County has determined that to require compliance with concurrency as mandated by the eMS, in addition to the other mitigations required in 8 hereof, is the appropriate way to accommodate the impacts of this project and to assure that transportation facilities are provided concurrently with the transportation impacts of this project. F. The Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APF) requires the Growth Management Director to complete an Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) by August 1st of each year on roads and public facilities based on the adopted level of service. The applicant shall provide within fifteen (15) days of publication each year a copy of said AUIR on the regional facilities set forth in 8.B. to the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). G. The Board of County Commissioners is required by the APF to establish Areas of Significant Influence (ASI) around any road segment or intersection which is operating at an unacceptable level of service (LOS) or is projected to operate at an unaccepted LOS and is not scheduled for improvement in the Capital Improvement Element (CrE) of the Comprehensive Plan in a manner and time which would provide facilities concurrent with the impacts of development pursuant to the APF. proj ects within the boundaries of an ASI are, with few exceptions not relevant herein, prohibited from obtaining further Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy 22 12C that would allow impacts to exceed the remaining capacity, if any, of these road segments or additional impacts to the deficient or potentially deficient facility. The applicant shall notify SWFRPC and DCA within five (5) working days after receipt of notice of a public hearing to determine the boundaries of any ASIan any facilities listed in Section 8.B. hereof. H. If any of the road segments identified in this paragraph 8. B. become deficient, the County shall establish an Area of Significant Influence around such segment pursuant to criteria set forth in the APF. I. In addition to the provisions of the Collier County APF Ordinance: Ii) The Pelican Marsh Community Development of Regional Impact is subject to the specified requirements of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance No. 93-82 as that Ordinance existed on the effective date hereof. Any amendment to the transportation portions of that Ordinance by Collier County shall not be effective or applied to the DRI unless and until this Development Order is amended to incorporate and render applicable such changes or amendments to the APF Ordinance. (iil In the event that Collier County designates an ASI around a deficient road segment that is predicted to be substantially impacted by Pelican Marsh, and the ASI does not include this DRI, then the applicant shall be required to file a Notice of Change of this Development Order with collier County, the Southwe6~ Florida Regional Planning Council, and th~ Department of Community Affairs, pursuant to Subsection 380,06(19), Florida Statutes. (iii) The applicant shall file a Notice of Change within sixty (60) days from the date the 23 12C 1 County creates an AS! for such a deficient road segment that excludes the DRI. The applicant shall file with the Notice cf Change, a current traffic analysis and other information attempting to establish that the DR! is not having a substantial impact upen the pertinent road segment, or other justification of the County's exclusion of the DRI from the ASI. If an AS! is established for any deficient road segment listed in Paragraph B.B. of this Development Order that does not include the Pelican Marsh DR!, the DR! shall not apply for or be issued any further Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy until: (1) the Notice of Change decision is made by Collier County, if neither DCA nor SWFRPC participates in the publi:: hearing on this Notice of Change pursuant t~ Subsection 380.06 (19) (f), Florida Statutes and the change is adopted by Collier County, as proposed; or (2) until any appeal of such decision to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission is resolved. (iv) For purposes of this Development Order, th.e DRI shall be deemed to have a significant impact upon a deficient road segment if its traffic impacts exceed five percent (S%) oE LOS 0, peak hour-peak season, capacity of tho:!: roadway. (v) The County shall provide the requisite publi.:: notice and hold a public hearing on the Notic,e of Change as expeditiously as possible. Following a pub I ic hearing, Call ier County shall amend the DRI Development Order toJ record its determination whether or not tho:!: DRI is having a substantial impact upon the deficient road segment or otherwise should not be included within an ASI for the deficient 24 l~C 1 road segment. In making this determinatio~1 the County shall include the impacts resulti~g from all development to occur pursuant to the Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy previously issued to the DRl. The amendmer~t to this Development Order is appealable pursuant to Subsection 380.06 (19) and Sectie,n 380.07, Florida Statutes. (vi) If neither DCA nor $WFRPC participate in the public hearing on the Notice of Change pursuant to Subsection 380.06 (19) {f}, Floricls Statutes and the change is adopted by ColliE~r County as proposed, the DR! may be issued Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy following the County's Development Order decision. If either DCA or SWFRPC participates in the public hearing, the applicant shall not apply for or be iS8u€~d Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy until the deadline for any appeal of the Collier County decision has expired pursuant to Section 380.07, Florida Statutes and no appeal has been filed. J. Collier County and the applicant may consider other options to provide adequate commitments for needed improvements to transportation facilities set forth in 8.B. hereof provided that said options meet the following criteria: (i) The transportation impacts to the roads and intersections outlined herein shall be addressed consistent with SWFRPC policies and said options or mitigative measures shall be adopted in accordance with Sections 163.3220- 163.3243, Florida Statutes, which authori:~e local government development agreements or as authorized by Rule 9J-2.0255, Flori1a Administrative Code, Transportation Policy Rule. 25 ,...._-~.,;_."~.".......=_.._;...._.,,~..--~._-~.~'"-~~_.,_. - - .>.c...v .JI. (ii) Any such option would be implemented only after a Notice of Change procedure as outlined above. K. The applicant, its successors or assigns shall submit an annual traffic monitoring report to the following entities: Collier County, Florida Department of Transportation Florida (FDOT) , Department of Community Affairs (FDCA) , and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) . The first traffic monitoring report will be submitted one year after the date of the issuance of this DRI Development Order. Reports must be submitted annually thereafter until buildout of the project. The annual traffic monitoring report will contain the following information: (i) AM and PM peak hour turning movement counts at all site points onto u.s. access Vanderbilt Beach Road and its Extension, Immokalee Road, and Livingston Road, and a comparison of the Project's measured trip generation to the Project's trip generation assumed in the DR! analysis. (ii) A summary of the status of road improvements assumed to be committed in the ADA, including the following. Roadwav Seoment Improvement Schedule Airport Road Golden Gate Pkwy 6L 1994/95 to Pine Ridge Rd u.s. 41 lmmokalee Rd to 6L 1997/98 Vanderbilt Beach Rd Logan Blvd Green Blvd to Pine 4L 1994/95 Ridge Road The above traffic monitoring report, in combination with the Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) referenced in Condition a.F. above, represents the annual traffic monitoring requirements for the Pelican Marsh Community. 26 ,.._"---~~,-.."-<"._....."_.^.,..~-~~._-~,,.,-,..".._... 41, 9. 12C WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT/WATER SUPPLY A. Any development shall require a South Florida Water Management District Water Use Permit for any proposed modifications to existing groundwater or surface water withdrawals on the project site. B. The development shall encourage water-conserving devices/methods, consistent with the criteria outlined within the water conservation element of the South Florida Water Management District Water Use Permit for Collier County Utilities, or as consistent with criteria contained within the water conservation element of the final approved potable wat2r provider for the development. C. Prior to the availability of reclaimed water from Collier County Utilities, the developer shall continue to investigate the feasibility of obtaining reclaimed water through interconnection with other reclaimed water suppl iers. The developer shall actively participate in discussions and negotiations with potential suppliers of reclaimed water. The developer shall provide a summary of these ongoing activities within the Annual Monitoring Report for the development. D. The South Florida Water Management District has previously permitted the portion of the Pelican Marsh Community located west of Airport-Pulling Road for withdrawal of 61.1 million gallons per month from the Lower Tamiami Aquifer for agricultural purposes. Unless otherwise permitted by SFWMD, the applicant shall not exceed this existing allocation west of Airport Road during conversion of this property to other land use3. Consequently, the applicant shall be required to identify an alternate source of non-potable wate~; preferably recycled wastewater; should projected irrigation requirements exceed the previously allocated amount. E. For the purpose of non-potable water conservation, 27 , "...._._ ~_____...._;"'"".~._~..,_.,.~-r._.,,,,._'A..._.'......'__ 1 12C 1 the Pelican Marsh Community shall utilize xeriscape principles, and drought-tolerant native vegetation, in the design of the development's landscaping. F. The project shall obtain potable water, and wastewater treatment, from the Collier County Utilities Division, if Collier County Utilities determines that it has sufficient capacity to serve the project. Should Collier County Utilities Division determine that they do not have sufficient capacity, the Applicant shall either construct interim potable water and wastewater treatment facilities, or shall postpone development until such time as Collier County Utilities' service capacity is available to the project. Any interim facilities constructed by the applicant shall be constructed to Collier County Utilities Oivisio:1 and shall be dismantled, Standards, at the Applicant's expense, upon connection to the County faciliti~s. Whether potable water and wastewater facilities are provided on-site or off-site, the applicant shall demonstrate to Collier County that adequate wastewater treatment capacity is available at the time of final plan approval for that phase of development. G. As the Pelican Marsh Community intends, and may be required, utilize treated effluent for to on-site lakes, wetlands, and the irrigation, stormwater management systems shall be adequately protected from possible effluent contamination, per FDEP regulations. H. Industrial effluents, if generated by the project, will be pretreated prior to discharge into the County wastewater system in accordance with Florida Department of Environmental Protection criteria. I. Temporary septic systems may be utilized in conjunction with construction and sales offices and model homes. Septic systems shall not be allowed on-site, other than for construction and sales 28 "~".____"''''''_'__~_'~~'_"",~..,_,,~_,,_~._,"""._.,''M'__''' _ 12C 1 offices and model homes, due to the possibility of hazardous wastewater generation by the retail and office portions of the development. All temporary septic systems shall be properly abandoned and/or removed by a licensed septic system firm at the time when permanent or interim wastewater treatment plants come online. J. All construction plans, technical specifications, and proposed plats, as applicable, for the proposed water distribution and wastewater collection systems, and any possible on-site treatment facilities, shall be reviewed and approved by the Collier County Utilities Division prior to commencement of construction, in accordance with the Collier County Land Development Code. K. All potable water facilities, including any possible on-site potable water treatment system, shall be properly sized to supply average and peak day domestic demand, in addition to fire flow demand, at a rate required by applicable regulations. L. The lowest quality of water for the proposed uses shall be utilized for all non-potable water uses. M. All commitments made by the appl icant wi thin the ADA and subsequent sufficiency round information, related to Question 17 (Water Supply) and Question 18 (Wastewater Management), and not in conflict with the above recommendations shall be incorporated as conditions of approval within the Collier County Development Order for the Pelican Marsh Community. 10. CONSISTENCY WITH THE LOCAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A. ColI ier County has determined that the Pelican Marsh Community project is consistent with the Collier County Comprehensive Plan and that the project's phasing is consistent with the County's concurrency management plans relative to public facilities necessary to support the project. 29 "......_~_"_...___""'4.......P'_<>'"_~.._."~_ contributions, construction, expansion, or 12C 1 11. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A. All commitments and impact mitigating actions provided by the applicant within the Application for Development Approval (and supplementary documents) that are not in conflict with specific conditions for project approval outlined above are officially adopted as conditions for approval. B. Pursuant to Subsection 380.06(16), Florida Statutes, the applicant shall receive credit for acquisition of public facilities if the developer is also subject by local ordinances to impact fees or exactions to meet the same needs. The local government and the developer may enter into a capital contribution front-ending agreement to reimburse the developer for voluntary contributions in excess of the fair share. 12 . PUD DOCUMENT A. There is a POO document {Ordinance 95-Ll approved by the Board of County Commissioners on January 24, 1995, which also governs the Pelican Marsh Community. WCN acknowledges that the conditions and commitments of the POO document also govern the development and use of property within the Pelican Marsh Community, even though the POO document (Ordinance 95-~) is specifically not made a part of this Development Order. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that: 1. The Development Services Director shall be the local official responsible for assuring compliance with the Development Order. 2. This Development Order shall remain in effect for fifteen (15) years from the date of adoption. The County acknowledgen that significant physical development has commenced within the Pelican Marsh Community pursuant to the provisions of a Preliminary Development Agreement between weN and the Department of Community Affairs, dated May 28, 1993 (Amendment dated October 1, 1993) I and 30 .".,"_._--.,._.__....-"--<~.,.". liL 1 , a Pun document (Ordinance 93-27) adopted by Collier County on the 25th day of May, 1993. 3. The definitions contained in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, shall control the interpretation and construction of any terms of this Development Order. 4. Pursuant to Subsection 380.06{lS) (e)), Florida Statutes, this project is exempt from down-zoning or intensity or density reduction for a period of ten (10) years from the date of adoption of the Development Order, subject to the conditions and limitations of said Subsection of the Florida Statutes. 5. The applicant or its successor (s) in title to the subject property shall submit a report annually, commencing one year from the effective date of this development order, to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, and the Department of Community Affairs. This report shall contain the information required in Section 9J- 2.025(7), Florida Administrative Code. This report shall be prepared in accordance with the "DRI Monitoring Format", as may be amended, provided by the SWFRPC. Failure to submit the annual report shall be governed by Subsection 380.06 (18), Florida Statutes. 6. Subsequent requests for development permits shall not require further review pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, unless it is found by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, after due notice and hearing, that one or more of the following is present. Upon a finding that either of the following is present, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County may take any action authorized by Chapter 380.06 (19), Florida Statutes, pending issuance of an amended development order. A. A substantial deviation from the terms or conditions of this Development Order, a substantial deviation to the project development phasing schedule, a failure to carry out conditions, commitments or mitigation measures to the extent or in accord with the timing schedules specified herein or in the phasing schedule in the ADA, or substantial deviation from the approved development plans which create a reasonable likelihood of additional regional impacts or other types of regional impacts which were not previously reviewed by the Southwest Florida Regional Planning 31 ~>-~~_-...--"----"-_..,,~~-",._- 12C_ l' J Council; or B. An expiration of the period of effectiveness of this Development Order as provided herein. C. If the local government, during the Course of monitoring the development, can demonstrate that substantial changes in the conditions underlying the approval of the Development Order have occurred or that the development order was based on substantially inaccurate information provided by the developer, resulting in additional substantial regional impacts, then a substantial deviation shall be deemed to have occurred. The monitoring checklist contained in Appendix III shall be used as a guide by the local government in determining addition substantial regional impacts. 7. The approval granted by this Development Order is limited. Such approval shall not be construed to obviate the duty of the applicant to comply with all other applicable local, state or federal permitting procedures. 8. It is understood that any reference herein to any governmental agency shall be construed to mean any future instrumentality which may be created or designated or successor in interest to, or which otherwise possesses any of the powers and duties of any referenced governmental agency in existence on the effective date of this Order. 9. Appropriate conditions and commitments contained herein may be assigned to or assumed by the Pelican Marsh Community Development District. 10. In the event that any portion or section of this Order is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional by a court or agency of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner, affect the remaining portions of this Order which shall remain in full force and effect. 11. This Order shall be binding upon the County and the Developer, their assignees or successors in interest. 12. This Development Order shall become effective as provided by law. 13. Certified copies of this Order shall be provided to the Department of Community Affairs and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council as provided in Subsection 380.06(25) (g), Florid~ 32 lit; 1 Statutes. Commissioner NOl"ris offered the foregoing Resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Constantine and upon roll call the vote was: AYES: Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Constantine, Commi.e,sioner HanCOCK, Commissioner Mac'Kie and Commissioner Matthews NAYS, ^. , ABSENT AND NOT VOTING, " ',I ~ !. Db~ AND,ORDERED this 24th day of January, 1995. ~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ... :,.. J . .,,, .,Z'/ /'11' ~,~//,~/__" ~-~.'rJ' ;/J . ",oWl~)-lT ,Fi', \.IlROCK /' CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY, l'T\<i-<6",,)n ~cd-f,J:. MARJO E M. STUDENT ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY LI':M\II'OlDO.cln 33 Exhibit "A" Exhibit liB" Exhibit "e" Exhibit "D" LlCI'l\wcmo.cln 12C LIST OF EXHIBITS PELICAN MARSH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ORDER Legal Description ADA and Sufficiencies (by reference) APF Ordinance Master Plan 34 1 12:C 1 I->..,.~ Description of part of Sections 25, 27, 34, 35 and 36, TO~nship 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida MANATEE D.R.I. DESCRIPTION REVISED 11-25-91 ,.- '- BEGINNING at the southwest corner or Section 27, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; thence along the west line of said section 27 and the easterly right-af-way line of U.S. 41 North 00-38'20" West 2623.40 feet to the west 1/4 corner of said section 27; thence continue along the west line of said Section 27 and said right-of-way North 00-39'12" West 827.69 feet; thence leaving said line North 89-20'45" East 3844.57 feet to the westerly right-ot-way line of proposed Goodlette-Frank Road as recorded in Plat BOOK 1J, page 58, Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence along said westerly right-or-way line in the following tour (4) described courses; 1) South 05-34'48" East 3545.96 feet to the 60uth line of said Section 27; 2) South 05-JJ'10" East 2642.17 feet; J) southerly 620.87 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave westerly having a radius of 2799.93 feet through a central angle of 12-42'18" and being subtended by a chord ....hich bears South 00-47'59" West 619.60 teet; 4) South 07.09'08" West 1675.64 feet to the boundary line of the plat of Pine Ridge Second Extension as recorded in 'Plat BOOK 10, page 86 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence along the boundary of said Pine Ridge Second Extension in the following eight (8) described courses; 1) South 89-50'58" West 88.21 feet; 2) North 31-)4'00" West 120.19 feet; 3) North 05-)7'10" West 956.47 feet; 4) South 74-46'39" West 379.98 feet; 5) South 12-04'43" East 23.5) feet; 6) South 87-09'43" West 272.40 feet; 7) nOl""th....esterly 1854.46 feet along the arc of a non-tangential circular curve concave southwesterly having a radius of 1640.26 feet through a central angle of 64-46'40" and being subtended by a ehord ....hieh bears North 48-50'02" West 1757.26 feet; 8) North 81-13'22" West 737.85 feet; thence leaving said plat boundary North 00-0)'39" West 707.85 feet; thence South 89-)3')2" East ))6.81 feet; thence North 00-26'28" East 180.64 feet; thence northerly 37.60 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave easterly having a radius of 130.00 feet through a central angle of 16034'19" and being subtended by a chord which bears North 08043'37" East )7.47 feet; thence North 17-00'47" East 181.41 feet; thence northwesterly 654.92 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave south....esterly having a radius of )95.00 feet through a central angle of 94059'52" and being subtended by a chord ....hich bears North )0-29'09" West 582.44 feet thence North 77-59'05" West 144.30 feet; thence north....esterly 418.87 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave northeasterly having a radius of 800.00 feet through? central angle of 29059'57" and being subtended by a chord which bears North 62059'06" West 414.10 feet thence North 47059'08" West 100.03 feet; thence westerly 615.18 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave southerly having a radius of 826.09 feet through a central angle of 42-40'04" and being subtended by a chord which bears North 69~19'10" West 601.07 feet; Iln1l91~I~l.)jd EXHIBIT "A" .....~.~..~-"~-'"'"----.t-"."'."..,.~~.._,.,...,~. 12C 1. Description of part of Sections 25, 27, 34, JS and 36, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida MANATEE C.R,I. DESCRIPTION REVISED 11-25-91 page 2 of J \ thence Sputh 89-20'48" West 204.55 feet to the WQst lIne of said Section 34, and the east right-ot-way line of U.s. 41; thence along said line North 00-39'20" West 665.J2 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing 577.38 acres more or less; subject to easements and restrictions of record; AND TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLoWING DESCRIBED PARCEL; BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said Section 35; thence along the north line of said Section 35 North 89-45'35" East 5231.69 teet to the west right-or-way line of Airport- Pulling Road (C.R. 31); thence along said westerly right-of-~ay line South 00-J1'47" East 5258.J1 feet to the south line ot said Section J5; thence along said south line South 89-J9'22" West 2541.65 feet to the south 1/4 corner ot said Section J5; thence continue along said south line South 89-39'J2" West 2641.JJ feet to the southwest corner of said Section J5; thence along the south line ot said Section J4 South 89-51'02" West 391.57 feet to the boundary line of a parcel described in C.R. Book 524, page 121 ot the Public Records ot Collier County, Florida; thence along the boundary at said parcel North 01-0J'JJ" West 295.29 teet; thence continue along the boundary of said parcel South 89-51'02" West 44J.28 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of proposed Goodlette-Frank Road as recorded in Plat Book 1J, page 58 of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence along said easterly right-at-way line North 07-09'0811 East 1729.52 feet; thence continue along said easterly right-of-~ay line northerly 649.69 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave westerly having a radius at 2929.93 feet through a central angle of 12-42'18" and being subtended by a chord ~hich bears North 00-47'59" East 648.37 feet; thence continue along said right-at-way line North 05-3J'10" West 2628.44 feet to a point on the north line of said Section J4; thence leaving said right-of-~ay line and along the north line of said Section 34 South 89031'3111 East 772.91 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing 708.39 acres more or less; subject to easements and restrictions of record; AND TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL BEGINNING at the northeast corner of said Section 36; thence along the east line of said Section, South 02-12'03" East 2671.63 feet to the east 1/4 corner of said Section 36; thence continue along the east line at said Section 36 South 02-06'28" East 2519.08 feet to a point on the northerly right- of-way line at Vanderbilt Beach Road; thence along said northerly right-at-way line North 89-J9'39" West 2855.35 feet; thence continue along said line North 89043'5911 West 2544.87 feet to a point on the easterly right-Of-way line of Airport- Pulling Road (C.R. 31); thence along said easterly right-of-way line North 00031'4711 West 4490.03 feet to the south~est corner ot the east 15 feet of the west 115 feet of the south 80 feet of the north 619.49 feet of said Section J6; thence along the south line of said land North 89-27'57" East 15.00 feet; thence along the east line of said land North 00-31'47" West IIfl117l..(lU6CCOI.t;. .~"""....,"'----_..""'.._~.."'-_.._._~_. - 12C 1 r Description of part of Sections 25, 27, 34, 35 and 36, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida MANATEE D.R.I. DESCRIPTION REVISED 11-25-91 page 3 of ) 80.00 feet: thence along the north line of said land South 89-27'57/1 West 15.00 teet to the east right-of-way line of Airport Road (C.R. 31) ; thence along said right-of-way North 00-31'47" West 539.49 feet to the north line of said Section 36; thence along said north line North 89-27'57" East 3914.28 feet to the southwest corner of the east 1/2 of the east 1/2 of said Section 25: thence along the west line of the east 1/2 of the east 1/2 of said Section 25 North 01-54'09" West 2668.19 feet; thence continue along the west line of the east 1/2 of the east of said Section 25 North 01-57'16" West 2567.06 feet to a point on the southerly right-or-way line of Immokalee Road (C.R. 846); thence along said right-at-way North 89-14'36" East 1325.57 feet to the east line of said Section 25; thence along said east line of Section 25 South 02-06'59" East 2569.75 feet to the east 1/4 corner of section 25; thence continue along said east line of Section 25 South 02-00'46" East 2670.97 feet to the Point of Beginning; containing 789.67 acres more or less; total parcel contains 2075.44 acres more or less; subject to easements and restrictions of record; bearings are based on the State Plane Coordinates 1983 datum 1990 adjustment, the north line of Section :35, being North 89-45'35" East. WILSON, MILLER, BARTON. PEEK, INC. Reg. Engineers and Land Surveyors 6 the Professional's seal. W.o. 12931 Ref. 4L-90J (JPM:kjd) Date: October 10, 1991 Revised: November 25, 1991 11121l'I-Ol)<<.OOI-1jl! ~~.._-~."-~'------l~--~.------~-'..~_... 12C 1 COLLIER COUNTY ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 93-82 (As Amended By Ordinance No. 94-1, January 11, 1994) AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE COLLIER COUNTY ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR FINDINGSj PROVIDING FOR SHORT. TITLE, AUTHORITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INTENT AND PURPOSE; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR RULES OF CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR THE GENERAL REQUIREMENT THAT ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES BE AVAI--"BLE FOR DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR I'.ANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PROGRAM, ANNUAL INVENTORY' UPDATE REPORT, ANNUAL CIE AND AMENDMENT, ANNUAL BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATORY PROGRAM TO ENSu~E ADEQUATE PliBLIC FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE; PROVIDING FOR LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION, SEVERABILITY, AND PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR EFFECT OF PRIOR REFERENCES TO PREVIOUS ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINA~:CE 90-24/ AS AMENDED, THE PREVIOUS ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNT'I CO/mISSIONERS OF COLLIER COu~TY, FLORIDA THAT: SEC.L FINDINGS 1.1 Collier county, pursuant to Section 163.3161, ~. ~~., Florida Statutes, the Florida Local Government comprehensive Planning and Land Develcpment Regulation Act (hereinafter lithe Act"), is required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive Plan; and 1.2 As part of that Comprehensive Plan, the County is required to prepare and adopt a Capital Improvement Element (eIE) which covers at least a five (5) year period and is designed to consider the need for and location of public facilities; and 1.3 The CIE is required to: 1.3.1 establish a level of service to determine the adequacy of pUblic facilities; and 1.3.2 based upon the established level of service, estimate public facility needs both to correct existing deficiencies and accommodate needs projected by new growth and development; and 1.3.3 based on public facility needs, project costs to provide the necessary public facilities and find realistic rev€:nue sources to fund the public facilities; and 1.4 The Comprehensive Plan with the crE is designed to ensure that adequate public facilities are available concurrent "lith the impact of development; and 1.5 After adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Act mandates that Collier County adopt Land Development Regulations t.hat implement the Comprehensive Plan; and 1.6 Section 163.3177(10) (h), Florida Statutes, provides that public facilities and services needed to support development must be available concurrent with the impacts of such development; and 1.7 section 163.3202(2) (g), Florida statutes, also provides that not later than one (1) year after its due date established by the State land planning agency's rule for SUbmission of local Comprehensive Plans, a local government shall not issue a development order or permit which results in a reduction in the l'i!'vel of service for the affected public facilities below the level at service provided - 1 - Doc. Ref: 6515 EXHIBIT "e" 12C 1 in the cornpr~hensive Plan and CIE; and 1.8 Rule 93-5.0055, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) requires that a concurrency management system must be impl(~mented after adoption of a Comprehensive Plan with its eIE to e_nsure that pUblic facilities and services needed to support development are available concurrent with the impacts of such development; and 1.9 On January 10, 1989, Collier County adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan including a erE pursuant to the require- ments ot Section 163.3161 ~. ~., Florida Statutes; and 1.10 In March 1990, collier Public Facilities Ordinance (Ordinance the Concurrency Management system of the county adopted its Adequate No. 90-24) which implemented Growth Management Plan; and 1.11 In September 1990, certain provisions ot: the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance regarding the impletnentati~n of concurrency were challenged pursuant to Section 163.3213, Florida Statutesi and 1.12 On November 26, 1990, the Department of Community Affairs held a preliminary hearing pursuant to Section 163.3213 (4), Florida Statutes, to determine whether or not the challenged portions of the Adequate PUblic Facilities Ordinance ....e::-e consistent .....ith the crE of the Growth Management Plan; and 1.13 On December 6, 1990, the Department of Community Affairs issued its Final Order determining that certain. provisions of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance were inconsis~ent with the CIE of the Gro~th Management Plan; and 1.14 On February 6, 1991, the Depart~ent of co~~unity Affairs and others petitioned the Division of Administrative Hearings on the issue of consistency of certain provisions of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance with the crE of the Growth Management Plan pursuant to Section 163.3213(5) (b), Florida statutes; and 1.15 An administrative hearing was conducted in Collier County between July 22 and July 26, 1991, wherein the Division of Administrative Hearings Hearing Officer heard testimony and received evidence concerning the issue of the consistency of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance with the erE of the Growth Management Plani and 1.16 On August 27, 1992, the Hearing Officer issued a final order finding certain of the challenged portions of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance inconsistent .....i th the CIE of the Growth Management Plan and recommending the imposition of substantial sanctions upon Collier County as a result pursuant to Section 163.3213(6), Florida statutes; and 1.17 On March 16, 1993, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County entered into a Stipulated Settlement Agreement with the Department of Co~~unity Affairs and the other parties to the Adequate PUblic Facilities ordinance challenge in which it was agreod that Collier county would amend the Concurrency Management system of the CrE pursuant to Rule OJ-5.0055, F.A.C., and later amend certain portions of the Adequate Public Facilities ordinance causing it to become consistent with the Concurrency Hanager.lent system arnend!~ents to the CrE; and 1.18 On ~.pril 13, 1993, the Administration Commission issued its Final order Number AC-93-036, approving the stipulated Settlement Agreement and directing Collier county to adopt the remedial amend- ments to the concurrency Management syster.l of the eIE and amendments to the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-24). 1.19 On July 27, 1993, the Board of county commissioners of Collier county did take action in the manner prescribed by la...., did hold public hearings concerning the adoption of the remedial plan amendment and did adopt such amendment as Ordinance No. 93-41; and - 2 - Doc. Ref: 6515 ~..___..~._.... ~....~..."'""'t.""'_'_d~,__.- ~. 12C 1 1.20 The Collier County Planning commission and the Board of County Commissioners find that this Ordinance is consistent with and furthers the Collier county Growth Management Plani and 1.21 It is the intent of the Board of county Commissioners of collier County to implement the "concurrency requirements" of the Collier County Gro'Jth Management Plan, section 163.3177(10) (h) and 163.3202(2) (q), Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. SEC. 2. SHORT TITLE. AUTHORITY AND APPLICABILITY. 2.1 Short Title. This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Collier County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance." 2.2 Authoritv. The Board of county commissioners of Collier County has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII, Section 1(f), Fla. const., Section 125.01 ~. ~., Florida Statutes, Section 163.3161 ~ ~., Florida Statutes, Section 163.3161(8), Florida statutes, sections 163.3177(lO)(h) and 163.3202(2) (g), Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. 2.3 Applicabilitv. This Ordinance shall apply to all development in the total unincorporated area of Collier County, and to all public tacilities owned by collier County in the incorporated or unincorporated areas of Collier County, and to all privately-owned public facilities where the level of service has been established by the County. SEC. J. INTENT AND PURPOSE 3.1 Intent. This Ordinance is intended to implement and be consistent 'Jith the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Section 163.3161 ~. ~., Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-5, F.A.C., by ensuring that all development in Collier County be served by adequate public facilities. 3.2 Puroose. This objective is accomplished by (1) establishing a management and monitoring system to evaluate and coordinate the timing and provision of the necessary pUblic facilities to service development, and (2) by establishing a regulatory program that ensures that each public facility is available to serve develop- ment concurrent with when the impacts of development occur on the public tacilities. 3.3 Minimum Reouirements. The provisions of this Ordinance in their interpretation and application are declared to be the minimum requirements necessary to accomplish the stated intent, purposes, and objectives ot this ordinance. SEC. 4. DEFIHITIONS. 4.1 Annual Uodate and Inventorv Report or AUIR means the County report on public facilities described in Section 7.2. 4.2 ^polication for Develoo~ent Aooroval means an application submitted to Collier County requesting the approval of a development order. 4.3 Caoital Drainaae Facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of drainage and water management facilities necessary for proposed development to meet the LOS for drainage facilities. 4.4 caoital Park Facilities mean the planning of, engineering tor, acquisition of land tor, or construction of buildings and park equipment necessary to meet the LOS for park tacilities. 4.5 Caoital Road Facilities or Caoital Road Imorov~ shall include transportation planning for, right-at-way acquisition for, engineering for, and construction of any project eligible for - J - Doc. Ref: 6515 ,.......~-~".,~_,~..........,^.~;.."'.'~~..'f"...,~"..~'"",.""_';---",."......~-., 12C 1 road component ot the CIS of the Plan or the Five Year Florida inclusion as. a road project in the Collier county Gro~th Management Department of Transportation Plan. 4.6 caoit.!!.! Potable Water Facilities mean the planning of I engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of potable water facilities necessary to meet the LOS tor potable Water Facilities. 4.7 Caoital Sanitary Sewer Facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of canitary se....er facilities necessary to meet the LOS for sanitary se....er facilities. 4.8 .cAt>ital Solid Waste Facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or construction of solid waste facilities necessary to meet the LOS for solid waste facilities. 4.9 Comorehens i va plan means a plan that meets the r(!quire- ments of Sections 163.3177 and 163.3178, Florida statutes, and shall mean the Collier County Growth Management Plan, where referenced in this ordinance. 4.10 Deficient Road Se~ent means the following: 4.10.1 A county or state road segment on the Major Road Net.....ork system that either: has an adopted LOS lien peak season, peak hour, that has operated belo'''' LOS "e" peak season, peak hour, based on the Annual Update and Inventory Report (nAUIR") j or has an adopted LOS "011 peak season, peak hour, that has operated below LOS l1DII peak season, peak hour, for two (2) years or more based on the AUIRi or has an adopted LOS liD" peak season, peak hour, that is operating below LOS liEn, peak season, peak hour, based on the AUIRi or has an adopted LOS "Ell peak season, peak hour, that is operating worse than LOS "Ell peak season, peak hour, based on the AUIR. 4.10.2 In determining the capacity of a county road segment or a state road segment for the purpose of determining whether it is a deficient road se~ent, the County shall consider: any Capital Road Improvement currently in placei under construction; any capital Road Improvement that is any Capital Road Improvement guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions in subsections an~; the actual construction of the required Capital Road Improvement is included and is scheduled to COTmence in or before the third year of the state's Five (5) Year Work Program and the County's current five (5) year capital Improvement Schedule adopted as part of the Growth Management Plan; and the Board of county Commissicners has made an express finding, after a pUblic hearing, that the current five (5) year capital Improvement Schedule is based on a realistic, financially feasible program of funding from existing revenue sources. - 4 - Doc. Ref: 6515 - .,._~....."~-,.....,,..,,-_.,,-........,"_._~"t"-_..~>..,,~-,.. ..~_. -. 12C .1 ~ .11 Develooer means any person, including a governmental agency, undertaking any development as defined in this Ordinance. 4.12 Develooment Aoreement has the meaning contemplatlld in Section 163.3220 ~ ~., Florida statutes. 4.13 Develoornent has the meaning given it in Section 380.04, Florida statutes. 4.14 Develooment order means any order, permit, determination, or action granting, denying I or granting with conditions an application tor any final local development clrder, building permit, temporary use permit, ternporary construction and development permit, sign permit, ....ell permit, spot survey, electrical permit, plumbing permit, occupational license, boat dock permit, HVAC permit, septic tank permit, right-of-way perp,it, blasting p€!rmit, excavation permit, construction approval for infrastructure (inc:.uding water, sewer, grading, paving), approved development of re~rional impact (ORr), zoning ordinance amendment, comprehensive plan amendment, tlood variance, coastal construction control line variance, tree removal permits, site development plan approval, subdi'/ision approval (including plats, plans, var iances, and amend:n1mts) , rezoning, PUO amendment, certification, conditional use (provi:Jional use), variance, or any other official action of Collier County having the effect of permitting development as defined in this Ordinanc'L 4.15 Final Develooment order means a final local devel"pment order or a final DR! development order. 4.16 Final DR! Develooment Order means a development :lrder, as amended from time to time, adopted by the Board of County commissioners of Collier County and approved by the state pursu~nt to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, notice of which is recorded pursuant to section 380.06(15)(f), Florida statutes. 4.17 Final Local Development Order means any valid, unexpired building permit or mobile home tie-down permit issued by the County. 4.18 Growth Manaaement Chief means the Growth Management Chief or his designee. 4.19 Growth Manaaement Plan or GMP means the most recently adopted and effective Comprehensive Plan of Collier County, as amended from time to time. 4.20 Land Develooment Reaulations mean Ordinances enacted by Collier County pursuant to Section 163.3161 n. ~., I"lorida Statutes, for the regulation of development, and includes any ..oning, subdivision, impact fee, building construction, or sign regulntions, or any other regulations controlling the development of land. 4.21 Level of Service (LOS) means an indicator of the exte~t or degree of service provided by, or proposed to be providerj by a public facility based on and related to the operational characteristics of the public facility, as adopted in the Collier county Gro......th Management Plan. LOS shall indicate the capacity per unit of demand for each public facility. 4.21.1 Level of service Calculations tor Roadj! mean calculations that are performed annually following the end of the calendar year by comparing average annual daily traffic counts to the annual average daily traffic service volume look-up tables in the Traffic circulation Element. These tables are calculated to express the annual average daily traffic volumes based upon the looth highest volume hour of the year, or peak season, peak hour. Annual average daily traffic (AADT)is generally calculated as the average of a daily 24-hour two-way volume, counted in each ot the tour seasons of the year. On some low volume roads, a single annual count may be taken and factored to the annual average daily traffic volume \1sing a monthly or quarterly factor. - 5 - Doc. Ref: 6515 .~".'~< .,-,,<...<.... ". -~,.""..'".~~"_...f'--_. ""~-~--'......-~~~~- - 12C 1 4.22 LOS for Caoital Drainaae Facilities varies among 1) new or existing 6apital drainage facilities owned or operated by a local government or other public entity, 2) existing capital drainage facilities owned or operated by private persons, and J) new capital drainage facilities o....ned or operated by prl'/ate persons. For those capital drainage facilities (publicly or privately owned) that are in existence on the effective date of this Ordinance and tor those ne.... capital drainage facilities owned or operated by a local government or other public entity, the LOS is the existing LOS as identified (by design storm return frequency event) in the Collier County Water Management Master Plan. For new capital drainage facilities owned or operated by private persons, the LOS is identified in the Drainage Sub-Element and Capital Improvement Element policy 1.1.5.A.3 (present requirements are a 25-year, 3-day storm event) and is based on those standards and requirements for renewal and approval at drainage and stormwater management plans established in the Collier County Water Manage~ent policy Ordinance, Ordinance No. 74-50, as amended, and Ordinance No. 90-10 which are incorporated herein by reference. 4.23 LOS for Caoit!! Park Facilities means 2.9412 acres per 1,000 persons for regional park land; 1.2B82 acres per/1,OOO I'ersons for community park land; and $122 of capital investment per capita (at current cost) tor recreational facilities. 4.24 LOS {or Caoital Potable Water Facilities varies between pUblic water systems and private water systems. For pUblic water systems, the LOS is 135 gallons per capita per day (gpcd), plus 2l\: for non-residential development (except in the Marco Water and Sewer District), making the LOS 163 gpcd. The LOS in the Marco Water and Sewer District is 200 gpcd (.....ith no 21\ adjustment). For private potable water systems, the LOS is as follows, except that approved private .....ells are exempt .frotl these LOS requirements: Tvoe of Establishment Airports (a) per passenger (b) add per employee Barber and beauty shops (per chair) Bowling alleys (toilet wastes only per lane) Country Club (a) p~r resident member (b) per member present (c) per employee Dentist Offices (a) per wet chair (b) per non-.....et chair Doctors offices (per doctor) Factories, exclusive of industrial .....astes (gallons per person per shift) (a) no sho....ers provided (b) showers provided Food service Operations (a) ordinary restaurant (per seat) (b) 24 hour restaurant (per seat) (c) single service articles only (per person) (d) bar and cocktail lounge (per person) (e) drive-in restaurant (per car space) (f) carry out only 1. per 100 square feet of floor space 2. add per employee (g) Institutions (per meal) Hotels and motels (a) regular (per room) (b) resort hotels, camps, cottages (per person) (c) add for establishments .....ith self service laundry facilities (per machine) Office building (per employee per B hour shift) service stations (per water closet and per urinal) Shopping centers without food or laundry (per square of floor space) - 6 - Doc. Ref: 6515 -- -----"..~ ---_."-~~~~._,,~"'.............,....-._"~..._._..;~;""-'''".. Gallons Per Dav (G.EQl 20 35 50 75 25 30 50 50 20 5 150 75 400 20 250 foot 0.1 5 20 100 100 100 25 20 200 50 250 12C 1 I Gallons Per Dav (GPD' 5 0.1 Tvoe of Establishment Stadiums, race tracks, ball parks (per seat) Stores per square foot of floor space Theatres (a) indoor, auditoriums (per seat) (b) outdoor, drive-ins (per space) Trailer/Mobile Home Park (per trailer space) Travel trailer/recreational vehicle park (a) Travel trailer (overnight) I without water and sewer hookup (per trailer space) (b) T~avel trailer (overnight), with water and sewer hook-ups (per trailer space) swimming and bathing facilities, public (per person) Churches (per seat) Hospitals (per bed) Nursing, rest homes (per bed) 100 Parks, public picnic (a) with toilets only (per person) 5 (b) with bathhouse, showers and toilets (per person) 10 Public institutions other than schools and hospitals (per person) 100 Schools (per student) (a) day-type 15 (b) add for showers 5 (c) add for cafeteria 5 (d) add for day school workers 15 (e) boarding-type 75 Work/Construction camps Semi-permanent (per worker) 50 Residences (a) Single or multiple family (per dwelling unit) 1 bedroom and 600 square feet or less heated or cooled area 150 2 bedrooms and 601 - 1000 square feet heated or cooled area 300 3 bedrooms and 1001 - 2000 square feet heated or cooled area 450 4 or more bedrooms and more than 2000 square feet heated or cooled area 600 (b) Other (per occupant) 75 4.25 LOS for Caoital Road Facilities on the Major Road Network System varies depending on the type of road, and is based on a defined peak season, peak hour. The LOS on the following County roads is LOS IIEII peak season, peak hour: B2il.Q Airport Road Sec:ment Pine Ridge Road to Golden Gate Parkway Airport Road to Santa Barbara Boulevard Pine Ridge Road to Golden Gate Park.....ay Golden Gate Park.....ay Goodlette-Frank Road Goodlette-frank Road Golden Gate Parkway to u.s. 41 Pine Ridge Road Airport Road to I-75. On all other County roads on the Major Road Network system, the LOS is "0" peak season, peak houri ho.....ever such a County road segment may operate at LOS liE," peak season, peak hour, tor a periOd not to exceed t.....o (2) fiscal years so as to provide Collier County time to make the Capital Road Improvements needed to restore the road to LOS "0" peak season, peak hour, or better. The LOS on State and Federal roads shall be as follows based on peak season, peak hour: - 7 - Doc. Ref: 6515 5 10 200 75 100 10 J 200 12C 1. llll.Ml 1-75 US 41 SR-a4 SR-951 SR-29 SR-B2 Rural Area B C C Existing Urbanized Area C o o o Transitioning Urbanize~ C C C C c c 4.26 LOS tor Caoit.!! Sanitary Sewer Facilities vari.. between public sanitary sewer systems and private sanitary sewer .ystems. The LOS ror public sanitary sewer systems is 100 gallons per capita per day (gpcd), plus 21\ tor non-residential development, making the LOS 121 gped. The LOS tor private sanitary sewer systems is as required by the State of Florida in Chapter 10-D-6, F.A.C. These standards vary according to the type of land use. They are as tollows, except that approved private septic syste~s are exempt from these LOS requirements: Tvoe of Establishment Airports (a) per passenger (b) add per employee Barber and beauty shops (per chair) BOWling alleys (toilet wastes only per lane) Country Club (a) per resident member (b) per member present (e) per employee Dentist Offices (a) per wet chair (b) per non-wet chair Doctors offices (per doctor) Factories, e~clusive of industrial wastes (gallons per person per shift) (a) no showers provided (b) showers provided Food service Operations (a) ordinary restaurant (per seat) (b) 24 hour restaurant (per seat) (c) single service articles only (per person) (d) bar and cocktail lounge (per person) (e) drive-in restaurant (per car space) (f) carry out only 1. per 100 square feet of floor space 2. add per employee Hotels and motels (a) regular (per room) (b) resort hotels, camps, cottages (per person) (0) add tor establishments with selt service laundry facilities (per machine) Office building (per worker) Service stations (per bay) Shopping centers without food or laun~ry (per square foot of floor space) Stadiums, race tracks, ball parks (per seat) stores (without food service) (a) private toilets, for employees only (per employee) (b) public toilets (per square foot of floor space) Gallons Por Dav (GPDl Theatres (a) indoor, auditoriums (per seat) 5 (b) outdoor, drive-ins (per space) 10 Trailer/Mobile Home Park (per trailer space) 200 Travel trailer/recreational vehicle park (a) Travel trailer (overnight), without water and - B - Doc. Ref: 6515 ,'~''''m'"'',''','' "'.'1""".. 5 20 100 100 100 25 20 200 50 250 20 35 50 75 25 30 50 50 20 100 75 400 20 500 0.1 5 20 0.1 12C 1 Gallons Per DaY' (GPD) 50 Tvoe of Establishment sewer hookup (per trailer space) (b) Travel trailer (overnight), with water and sewer hook-ups (per trailer space) swimming and bathing facilities, public (per person) Churches (per seat) Hospitals (per bed) Nursing, rest homes (per person) Parks, public picnic (0) with toilets only (per person) (b) with bathhouse, showers and toilets (per person) Public institutions other than schools and hospitals (per person) Schools (per student) lal day-type (b) add for showers (el add for cafeteria (d) add for day school workers (e) boarding-type Work/construction camps Semi-permanent (per worker) Residences (a) single family (per bedroom) (b) apartment (per bedroom) (e) mobile home not in a traile~ park (pe~ bedroom) (d) other (per occupant) 100 10 J 200 100 100 150 150 150 75 4.27 LOS for Caoita1 Solid Waste Facilities requires sufficient capital solid waste facilities to dispose of 1.39 tons o~ solid ....aste per capita per year. In addition, the LOS requirp.s two (2) years of landfill lined cell disposal capacity at present fill rates and ten (10) years of landfill ra.... land capacity at present fill rates. 4..23 LOS "e" oeak season. oeak hour is in the range of stable flo'..., but narks the beginning of the range of flow in which the operation ot individual users becomes significantly affected by inter- actions with others in the traffic stream. The selection of sp~ed is affected by the presence of others, and maneuvering within the traffic stream requires substantial vigilance on the part of the user. Th~ general level of comfort and convenience declines noticeably at this level. LOS !fC" peak season, peak hour, is based on the one hundredth (lOOth) highest hourly traffic volumes during a calendar year for the various types of Roads defined by Soecial Reoort 209, "H.lghway Capacity Manual," Transportation Research Board, National Re3earch Council, Washington, D.C., 1985, or subsequent revisions thereto. 4..29 LOS "0" peak season. Deak hour represents a hi9h- density, but stable, flow. Speed and freedom to maneuver are se'rerely restricted, and the driver or pedestrian experiences a generally poor level of comfort and convenience. Small increases in traffic flo.... will generally cause operational problems at this level. LOS "011 peak season, peak hour, is based on the one hundredth (100th) highest hourly traffic volumes during a calendar year for the various types of Roads defined by soecial Reoort 209, I1Highway Capacity Manual," Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1985, or subsequent revisions thereto. 4.29.1 LOS II Ell peak season, neak hour re'OrE~ operating conditions at or near capacity. All speeds are significantly reduced. Freedom to maneuver is difficult. Comfort and convenience is extremely poor, and motorist frustration is genE:rally high. LOS "ElI peak season, peak hour, is based on the one hundredth (100th) highest hourly traffic volumes during a calendar year fer the various types of Roads defined by Special Reoort 209, "Highway Capacity Manual, 11 Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1985, or subsequent revisions thereto. - 9 - Doc. Ref: 6515 """'M"'."_""""'~~'~"'__'-"__"'~..'..''"__~'_~''''~ 5 10 15 5 5 15 75 50 12C 1. 4.30 Peak season. oeaf:. hour is considered to be the lOath highest volume hour of the year I and is the basic time re!er*nc:e used to calculate levels of service using the definitions and methodologies of the 1985 Hiahwav Canacitv Manual (or its current edition). For planning and concurrency applications, peak season, peal<: hour conditions are converted to annual average daily traffic (AADT) level of service maximum volumes and are presented in a series of look-up tables adopted in the Traffic circulation Element of the Growth Management Plan. 4.31 Maier Road Network System means all artar!;}l and collector roads within the total unincorporated Collier Count'!. The Major Road Network System is depicted in the Traffic Circulation Element of the Collier county Growth Management Plan. 4. 32 ~ means an individual, corporation, governmental agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, associati~n, two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest, or an:{ other entity, and its designated agents, successors or assigns. 4.33 Potentiallv Deficient Road Searnent means the following: 4.33.1 A County or State road segment on the Major Road Network system whose adopted LOS standard is LOS "C" or LOS "Olt, peak season, peak hour, that is presently operating at its adopted LOS, or whose adopted LOS is LOS UD" peak season, peak hour, and has cperated at LOS "E" peak season, peak hour, for t'.....o (2) years or less, cased on the AUIR. A potentially deficient road segnent which has an adopted LOS "0" peak season, peak hour, may operate at LOS "E", peak season, peak hour, for two (2) years before it shall become a deficient road segment; 4.33.2 A County or State road segment on the Major Road Network System whose adopted LOS standard is tiE", peak season, peak hour, that is presently operating at LOS IIEtl peak season, peak hour, based on the AUIR. 4.33.3 In determining the capacity of a County road segment or a State road segment for the purpose of determining whether it is a potentially deficient road segment, the County shall cClnsider: any capital Road Improvement currontly in place; under construction; any Capital Road Improvement ~hat is any capital Road Improvement guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions in Subsections and; the actual construction of the =equired Capital Road Improvement is included and is scheduled to comnence in or before the third year of the State's Five (5) Year Work Program and the County's current five (5) year capital Improvement Schedule adopted as part of the Growth Management Plan; and the Board of County Commissioners has made an express finding, after a pUblic hearing, that the current five (5) year Capital Improvement Schedule is based on a realistic, financially feasible program of funding from existing revenue sources. 4.34 fYPlic Facilities capital park facilities, capital road facilities, capital sanitary waste facilities. mean capital drainage facilities, potable water facilities, capital sewer facilities, and capital solid - 10 - Doc. Ref: 6515 . 12C 1 SEC. 5 RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. In the construction ot this Ordinance, the rules set out in this section shall be observed unless such construction is inconsls1:ent \.lith the manifest intent of the Collier county Board of county Commissioners. The rules of construction and definitions set forth herein shall not be applied to any provisions which expressly exclude such construction, or ....here the subject matter, content or context. of such provision would make such construction internally inconsistent or inconsistent with other provisions of this ordinance. 5.1 Generallv. All provisions, terms, phrases and expressions contained in this Ordinance shall be liberally construed in order that the true intent and meaning ot the Collier county Board of county Commissioners may be fully carried out. Terms used in this Ordinance, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall have the meanings prescribed by the statutes of this state for the same terms. In the interpretation and application of any provision of this Ordinance it shall be held to be the minimum requirement adopted tor the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. Where any provision of this Ordinance imposes greater restrictions upon the SUbject matter than a general provision imposed by the Growth Management Plan or another provision of this Ordinance, the provision imposing the greater restriction or regulation shall be deemed to be controlling. 5.2 ~ implication between text shall control. In case of any difference of meaning or t.he text of this Ordinance and any figure, the 5.3 Comcutation of time. The time within which an act is to be done shall be computed by excluding the first and including the last day; if the last day is Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, that day shall be excluded. 5. 4 ~ The word lIday" shall mean a calendar day, unlezs "business" day is indicated. 5.5 Deleaation of Authoritv. Whenever a provision appears requiring the head of a department of so~e other county officer or employee to do some act or perform some dutYI it is to be construed to authorize the head of the department or some other County officer or employee to designate, delegate and authorize professional level subordinates to perform the required act or duty unless the ter~s of the provision or section specify other~ise. 5.6 Gender. Words importing the r.:asculine gender sha 11 be construed to include the feminine and neuter. 5.7 Month. The word "monthtl shall mean a calendar month. 5.8 Hon-technical and Technical Words. Words and phrases shall be construed according to the common and approved usage of the language, but technical words and phrases and such others as may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in la~ shall be construed and understood according to such meaning. 5.9 Number. A word importing the singular number only, may extend and be applied to several persons and things as well as to one person and thing. The use of the plural number shall be deemed to include any single person or thing. 5.10 Shall. Mav. permissive. The word "shall" is mandatory; "mayll is 5.11 Tense. Words used in the past or present tense include the future as well as the past or present. 5.12 Week. The word "weekll shall mean seven (7) calendar days. - 11 - Doc. Ref: 6515 "'-'-'''~'''''-''-~" >....._._,~...-.._.._.-'-- 12C 1 ....ritingll letters, writing. 5.1~ written or In Writina. The sha'll be construed to include any or figures whether by printing or term "....ritten" or "in representation of ....ords, other form or method of 5.14 ~ The word lIyear" shall ::lean a calendar year, unless a fiscal year is indicated or 365 calendar days is indicated. SEC. 6. ESTABLISHMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PROGRAM AND REGur~TORY PROGRAM: THE ANNUAL UPDATE AND INVENTORY REPO~ (AutR\. erE AMENDMENTS. AND ANNUAL BUDGET. In order to implement the mandate of the Collier County Cro....th Management plan to ensure that adequate potable ....ater, sanitary se....er, solid ....aste, drainage, park and road public facilities are available to acco~~odate development in Collier county concurrent with when the impacts of development occur on such public facilities, the Board of County commissioners establishes, pursuant to the terms of this Ordinance, (1) a management and monitoring program that evaluates the conditions of public facilities to ensure they are being adequately planned for and funded to maintain the LOS for each public facility, and (2) a regulatory program that ensures that each public facility is available to serve development concurrent with the impacts of that development prior to issuance of develop~ent orders which are subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. SEC. 7. HArlAGEMENT ArlO MONITORING PROGRJI';1. 7.1 General. In order to ensure that adequate Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Park and Road PUblic Facilities are available concurrent with when the impacts of develop- ment occur on such Public Facilities, the County shall establish the following management and monitoring practices. Their purpose is to evaluate and coordinate the ti:ning, provision, and funding of Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Park and Road Public Facilities (1) to ensure adequate planning and funding to maintain the LOS for the Public Facilities, and (2) to evaluate the capacity of the PUblic Facilities for use in the regulatory p~ogram to ensure t~at no development orders subject to concurrency regulation are issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the development concurrent with when the impacts of that development occur. 7.2 Annual Uodate and Inventorv Reoort on Public Facilities llJJ.lBl. On or about August 1 of each year, the Growth Management Chief shall complete an Annual Update and Inventory Report on Public Facilities (hereinafter IlAUIRII). The AUIR shall determine the existing conditions of all Capital Potable Water, Capital Sanitary Sewer, Capital Solid Waste, Capital Drainage, Capital Park, and Capital Road Public Facilities, determine and summarize the available capacity of these Capital Improvements (?ublic Facilities) based on their LOS, forecast the capacity of existing and planned public facilities identified in the Five (5) Year Capital Improvement Schedule for each of the five (5) succeeding years, and ten (10) succeeding years, and identify new projects needed to maintain adopted LOS. The forecasts shall be based on the most recently updated Schedule of Capital Improvements (Public Facilities) for each Public Facility. The AUIR shall be based on the r.\ost recent Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) high-range population projections, updated public Facility inve:itories, updated unit costs and revenue projections, and analysis of the most recent traffic count data. The findings of the AUIR shall form the basis for the preparation of the Annual Update and Amendment to the CIE, any proj acts to be included in the County's Annual Budget, the determination of any Area of significant Influence (AS!) and the review of and issuance of development orders subject to the provisions of this Ordinance during the next year. - 12 - Doc. Ref: 6515 __'''~o'rt._"",~,.^..__.,._.I'.~''',_,,,,~ ,* 12C 1 7.2.1 Annual Determination of Adeauate "Cateaorv All PUblic F~cilities (Concurrencv). On or about August 1 at: each year, the Gro~th Management Chief will present the AUIR report to the Board of County Commissioners identifying deficiencies or potential deficiencies in "Category All Public Facilities and remedial action options including but not limited to the following: 1. Establishment of Areas of Significant Influence (ASI's); 2, Public Facility project additions to the CIE; 3. Deferral ot development order issuance in affected areas pending: a. Lowering of LOS via Growth Management Plan Arnend~ent; b. Inclusion of necessary public facility projects in t~e adopted Annual Budget and Annual erE Update and Amendment; c. Approval of new or increased revenue sources for needed Public Facility projects by the Board of county Commissioners, the state Legislature or the county voters. 7.3 Recommendations on the Annual CIE Uodate and Annual ~. Based upon the AUIR analysis, the Growth Management Chief shall propose to the Collier County Planning Commission and the Board of county Commissioners on or about October 1 of each year, the Annual Update and Amendment to the CIE as part of the Annual Growth Manage- ment Plan Amendment cycle transmittal public hearings. It will include the Public Facilities needed to maintain LOS as directed by the Board of County Commissioners upon presentation of the AUIR. The Annual Budget, which is to be adopted by October 1 of each year shall also include projects and funding as directed by the Board upon presentation of the AUIR. 7.4 Establishment of Area of sianificant Influence (ASI) for ~ 7.4.1 Establishment of Area(s) of Sianificant Influence ~ If the findings of the AUIR analysis identify additional road improvement projects needed to maintain adopted LOS, they may be included in the road component of the proposed Annual CrE Update and Amendment at the discretion of the Board. Based upon Board direction on inClusion of additional road projects, the Growth Management Chief, in conjunction with the MPO Chief and Transportation services Administrator, may propose and identify one or more Areas of Significant Influence (ASI) around any deficient or potentially deficient road segment (except where such potentially deficient road segment is projected not to exceed its adopted LOS within the first three (3) years of the five (5) year Schedule of capital Improvements in the eIE Update and Amendment proposed for transmittal on or about October 1, and the estimated Annual Residual Capacity Trips that would be allocated to those applicants for Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy within the Asr encompassing such potentially deficient road segment during the next year does not exceed the remaining trip capacity). The boundaries ot any ASI shall be established pursuant to the standards in Subsection 7.4.2 of this Ordinance along ....ith the annual Residual Capacity Trips covering potentially deficient road segments for each ASI and shall be presented to the Board by September 1 of each year. No Residual Capacity Trips shall be allotted tor development in an ASI encompassing a deficient road segment. 7.4.2 standards in Establishina Area ot Sianiticant Influence (ASr). General. The boundaries for an ASI shall be based upon an "envelope" that surrounds major road segments. In general, the ASI surrounding a road segment will radiate out from the - 13 - Doc. Ref: 6515 12C 1 segment a distance of one to three miles, man-made features, roadway facility type. an overlap of ASI's due to the effect of roadway segment or segments. depending upon natural or Additionally, there may be adjacent land uses upon a Standards In Deterrninina Area of Sianificant Influence (AS!). The Growth Management Chief in conjunction with the MPO Chief and Transportation Services Administrator. shall examine traffic movement patterns and shall then prepare a map(s} that details the location of the proposed ASI (9). Such map (s) shall then be presented to the Board of county Commissioners at a regularly scheduled meeting for its review. The following standards shall guide the Growth Management Chief, MPQ Chief and Transportation Services Administrator in developing these proposed ASI's: Tvoe of Roarlwav Facilitv Principal Arterial SCODe of ASI Three (3) miles on each side of affected segment and three (3) miles from each end of affected segment. Minor Arterial Two (2) miles on each side of affected segment and two (2) miles from each end of affected segment. Collector One (1) mile on each side of affected segment and one (l) mile from each end of affected segment. ' Rural Minor Collector One (1) mile on each side of affec~ed segment and one (1) mile from each end of affected segwent. Limited Access Facility One (1) mile fro~ each side of the affected segment and three (3) miles from any access point and each segment end. Determinina Annual Residual Caoacitv ~ The Growth Management Chief in conjunction with the MPO Chief and Transportation Services Administrator shall complete a detailed conditions analysis of the deficient. or potentially deficient road segment within each proposed ASI boundary prior to proposing the boundaries of the 1..51. The analysis shall take into consideration characteristics of the road segment (such as traffic control, signal spacing, timing, and phasing) using procedures documented in the ~ Hiahwav canacitv Manual (or its current edition). The Annual Residual capacity Trips for the proposed AS1 covering the potentially deficient road segment shall be based upon up to one hundred percent (100\) ot the potentially deficient road segment's remaining capacity, measured in peak hour, peak season trips. Thirty percent (30\) of the potentially deficient road seg~ent's remaining capacity shall be reserved for only those land uses which generate one (1) peak hour trip per day or less, based on the nost recent 1TE Trip Generation Ra te Manua 1. 7.4.3 Review and A~oroval bv Board of County Commissioners. After receipt of the proposed boundarieB of a potential ASI and the proposed Residual Capacity Trips of the ASI from the Growth Management chief, the Board of county commissioners, by October 1 of each year, shall hold a public hearing noticed pursuant to the requirements of Section 125.66(5), Florida Statutes, and after consideration of the proposal and public comment, approve the boundaries (inclUding a map of the boundaries) and the Annual Residual Capacity Trips of the AS1, with or without modifications, or dotermine that competent substantial evidence has been placed on the record to show that the road segment is not potentially deficient and dotermine that the establishment of an AS1 is not necessary to ensure that development orders are served by adequate road public facilities. The approved boundaries and Annual Residual Capacity Trip Allotnlcnts for - 14 - Doc. Ref: 6515 . 12C 1 each AS! will become effective on October 1 of each year if additional road improvements are not added to the Capital Improvement Element: at that time. 7.4.4 Mac of Areas of Sianificant Influence (ASI'~ A Map sho....ing the boundaries of each Asr established by the Board of County Commissioners shall be kept in the Office ot the Growth Man~ge- ment Chief and the Office of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners for review and inspection by the public during nornal business hours. 7.4.5 Duration of Established Area Influence (AST\. Once the boundaries of an AS! are Board ot County commissioners, they are valid tor one otherwise dissolved. of sianifi~ approved by the (1) year, unless 7.4.6 Duration of Residual Caoacitv Trios. Road Facility Residual Capacity Trips are approved by the county Commissioners, they are valid for one (1) year. Once the Board 0 f 7.4.7 Dissolution of Area of sianificant Inflt~ ~ If the additional needed road improvements identified in the AUIR are added to the crE or funds. are available for, and commltted for construction of, the needed road iI:\provements to eliminate the classification of a road as a deficient or potentially deficient road segment, then the Are~ of Significant Influence (ASI) established for that deficient or potentially deficient road segment shall be dissolved in the same manner in which it was established. SEC. 8 REGULATORY PROGRAM: REVIEW OF DEVELOFI1ENT TO ENSURE ADEOllh.T..& PUBLIC FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE. 8.1 General. In order to ensure that adequate Po~able Water, Sanitary Se',ler, Solid Waste, Drainage, Park and Road Public Facilities are available concurrent with when the impacts of develop- ment occur on each Public Facility, Collier County shall establish the following development review procedures to ensure that no development orders subject to concurrency regulation are issued unless adequate Public Facilities are available to serve the proposed development. 8.2 Exemotions. The following development orders and development shall be exempt from the terms of this Ordinance: 8.2.1 All valid, unexpired final Development of Regional Impact (DRI) development orders ,,,,hich ......ere issued prior to adoption of the Collier County Gro.",th 11anagei.lent Plan on Januar'{ 10, 1989, except where: Development conditions or stipulations applicable to concurrency, or the provision of adequate public facilities concurrent with the ii.lpacts of development, exist L, the DRI development order; Substantial deviations are sought for a ORI development order, and then, this Ordinance shall apply only to those portions of the development for which the deviation is sou<;'ht; An overriding concern for pUblic health, safety, or welfare exists; The County can demonstrote pursua~t to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, that substantial changes in the conditions underlying the approval of the development order have occurred or the development order .....as based on substantially inaccurate information provided by the developer or that. the application of this Ordinance to the development order is clearly established to be essential to the public health, safety and welfare; or - 15 - Doc. Ref: 6515 "~.>"~.._~.._,,,,._.~~.__~_.<.~.___.".~.,,_,,,_,,,_~_,~.~,,,,,_,,",_,,~_"n"~_'_'''''. ...,~_~ 12C 1 The new requiretlents would not sc change or alter a' ORI development order that they would materially or sUbstantially affect the developer's ability to complete the dove lop- ment authorized by the ORI development order. 8.2.2 Construction of Public Facilities that are consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan. a. 2. J Any development orders determined by thn Growth Management Chief not to impact PUblic Facilities as evaluated against the standards contained in this Ordinance. 8.2.4 Original temporary construction and development permits and any subsequent renewals not to exceed a cumulative period of one (1) year. 8.2.5 Development orders permitting replace~ent, reconstruction or repair of existing development consistent with all elements of the Growth Manage~ent Plan. 8.2.6 Original temporary use pernits and any subse~uent renewals not to exceed a cumulative period of one (1) year. 8.2.7 Any development order or developmerlt .....hose current owner is entitled to receive, and who properly obtains, a Deternination' of Vested Rights for Adequate Public Facilitie~l (IIAPFrI) in accordance with the provisions of this section 8.2.7. Application. An application for Determination of Vested Rights for APF shall be submitted in the form established by the Growth Management Chief. An application f.ee in an amount to be determined by the Board of County Comrnissioneors shall accompany and ba: part of the application. The application shi~ll, at a minimum, include: Nane, address, and telepho~e number of the owner and authorized applicant if other than the owner; Street address, legal description, and acreage of the property; and All factual information and knowledge reasonably available to the o'....ner and applicant t'J address the criteria established in Section Determination of ComoletenessL After receipt of an Application for Determination of Vested Rights for APF, the Gro....th Management Chief shall determine whether the application submitted is complete. If he determines that the application in not Complete, the Growth Management Chief shall notify the applicant in writing of the deficiencies. The Growth Management Chief shall take no further steps to process the application until the deficiencies have been remedied. Review and Determination or Recon~endation bv Growth Manaaement Chief and Countv Attornev. After rec,~ipt of a completed Application for Determination of Vested Rights for APF, the Growth Management Chief and the county Attorney shall roaview and evaluate the application in light of all of the criteria in Section a. 2.7.7. Based on the review and evaluation, the Growth Uanagement Chief and the County Attorney shall prepare a .....ritten recoI:unendation to the Hearing Officer that the application should be denied, granted or granted with conditions by the Hearing Officer. Such recommendation shall include findings of fact for each of tha criteria established in Section to the extent that information is presented or obtained or inclusion is feasible or applicabln. If the Gro.....th Management Chief and the County Attorney agree based on the review and evaluation that the Application for Cetermination of Vested Rights for APF so clearly should be granted or granted with conditions, then they may enter into a .....ritten StipUlated - 16 - Doc. Ref: 6515 . .,....."~>-,,-.~..-"_.... "'"-'-.._--.~~ -- ....,. ,;,,,.'..~.-.... ,~,,".".~ ...-'~" . 12C 1 Deter~ination of Vested Rights for APF with the o~ner, in lieu of the ""ritten recommendation to the Hearing Officer and the provisions in sections, and However, any such Stipulated Determination shall be in writing, signed by the Gro....th Management Chief, the County Attorney and the owner, and shall include findings of fact based on the criteria established in Section, conclusions of law for such criteria, and the determination gr.lntinq' or granting .....ith conditions, in whole or in part, the vested rights for adequate pUblic facilities. Review and Determination of Vested ~ Determination for APF bv Hearina Officer. Upon receipt by the Hearing Officer of the Application for Deternination ot Vested Rights tor APF and the ~ritten recommendation of the Growth Management Chief and the County Attorney, the Hearing Officer shall hold a public hearing on the application. At the hearing, the Hearing Officer shall take evidence and sworn testimony in regard to the criteria set fo~th in Section, and shall follow the rules of procedure set forth in Section 120.57(1) (b), 4, 6, 7, and 8. Florida statutes, and Section 120.58(1)(a),(d) and (i), Florida Statutes, and Section 120.S8(1)(b), Florida Statutes, only to the extent that the Hearing Officer is empowered to swear witnesses and take testimony under oath. The Hearing Officer shall follow the procedures established tor administrative hearings in Rules 600-2.009, 2.017, 2.020, 2.022, 2.023, 2.024, 2.025, 2.027, and 2.031, Florida Adrninistrativ~ Code except as expressly set forth herein. The parties before the Eearing Officer shall include the County, the owner or applicant, a:J.d the public. Testimony shall be limited to the matters directly relating to the standards set forth in Section The County Attorney shall represent th~ County, shall attend the public hearing, and shall offer such evidence as is relevant to the proceedings. The ot.-ner of the property and its authorized agents, may offer such evidence at th~ public hearing as is relevant to the proceedings and criteria. Th~ order of presentation before the Hearing Officer at the public hearing shall be as follows: 1) the County's sur.unary of the application, written recoTnI:lendation, witnesses and other evidencej 2) owner 0:::- applicant witnesses and evidencej J) public witnesses and evidencej 4) county rebuttal, if anYj and 5) applicant rebuttal, if any. Issuance of Vested Riohts Determination for AF? bv Hearinq Officer. Within fifteen (15) working days aft~r the completion of the public hearing under Section, the Hearing Off icer shall consider the Application for Determination of Vested Rights for APF, the recommendation of the Growth Management Chief and the County Attorney, and the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing, in light of all of the criteria set forth 1n Sectioll, and shall deny, grant, Or grant with conditions the Application for Oetermination of Vested Rights for APF for the property or properties at issue. The determination shall be in writing and shall include findings of fact for each of the applicable cr i teria established in Section, conclusions of law f'Jr each of such criteria, and a determination denying, granting, or granting with conditions, in ~hole or in part, the vested rights for adequate public facilities. Acoeal to the Board of County Commissioners. Within thirty (30) days after issuance of the Hearing Officer's written determination of vested rights for APF, the County Attorney, the Growth Management Chief, or the owner or its authorized attorney or agent, may appeal the determination of vested rights for APF of the Hearing Officer to the Board of County Commissioners. A fee for the application and processing of an owner-initiated appeal shall be established at a rate set by the Board of County Commissioners from time to time and shall be charged to and paid by the owner or itz authorized agent. The Board of County conunissioners shall adopt the Hearing Officer's determination of vested rights for APF, with or without modifications or conditions, or reject the Hearing Officer's determination of vested rights for APF. The Board of County Commissioners shall not be authorized to modify or reject the Hearing Officer's determination of vested rights for APF unless the Board of - 17 - Doc. Ref: 6515 ""'~"_._..._.-.~.-.....M_',~,.-._.." ....., -t' ,._,...._.~'.~..,;_..,...,.,,~..."'.,.,__._,.c' 12C 1 County Commissioners finds that the Hearing Officer's determinbtion in not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record ot the Hearing Officer's pUblic hearing or that the Hearing Officer'n determination ot vested rights for APF is contrary to the criteria established in Section Crt terra for Vested Richts. This section 1:3 intended to strictly adhere to and implement existing case law and statutory law as they relate to the doctrine of vested rights and equitable estoppel as applied to a local government exercising its authority and powers in zoning, the provision of adequate public facilities concurrent with development (concurrency), and related matters. It is the express intent of Collier County to require application of the provisions of this Ordinance to as much development and property in the unincorporated areas of the County as is legally possible without viOlating the legally vested rights which the owner may have obtained in accordance with Florida co~mon law and statutory law, particularly Section 163.3167(8), Florida Statutes. The criteria herein provided shall be considered in rendering a vested rights determination under this section. It is intended that each case be: decided on a case by case factual analysis. An owner shall be entitled to a positive determination of vested rights for APF only if he demonstrates by substantial competent evidence that he is entitled to complete his development without regard to the otherwise applicable provisions of this Ordinance based on the provisions of Section 163.3167(8), Florida statutes, or all three of the fOllowing require- ments of the three-part test under Florida corr~on law: 1) Upon some act or omission of the County, 2) a property owner relying in good faith, 3) has made such a substantial change in position or has incurred such extensive obligations and expenses that it would be highly inequitable and unjust to destroy the rights acquired. Limitation on Deter~ination of Vested Richts for APF. A Determination of Vested Rights fa:, APF which grants an application for determination of vested rights for APF shall expire and be null and void unless construction is commenced pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plat, or final site development plan, within two (2) years after the issuance of the determination of vested rights for APF under this Section 8.2.7, or unless substantial permanent buildings have been, or are being constructed or installed pursuant to a valid, unexpired, final development order of Collier County within two (2) years after issuance of the determination of vested rights tor APF under this Section 8.2.7., and such d6velopment pursuant to a final development order, final SUbdivision plat, final site development plnn, final SUbdivision master plan, or planned unit development master plan is continuing in good faith. The aforementioned biO (2) year time limitation on the determination of vested rights for APF shall be stayed during any time periods within which commencement of construction pursuant to a final development order, final subdivision plat, or final site development plan is prohibited or deferred by the County solely as a result of lack of adequate public facilities to serve the property, pursuant to this ordinance. 8.3 certificate of PUblic Facilitv Adeauacv. 8.3.1 General. A valid, unexpired Certificate of PUblic Facility Adequacy shall be obtained at the filing for the earliest or next to occur of final SUbdivision plat, final site development plan or building permit, provided however, any development orders except a final local develop~ent order may be approved or issued provided they are expressly conditioned on the issuance of a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy prior to building permit approval and provided the owner and applicant proceed at their own risk and expressly waive and release the County in writing from any and all future claims of vested rights and equitable estoppel reSUlting from such conditional approval or actions relying thereon. - 18 - Doc. Ref: 6515 . - ';-"">~-'--'._,--'~~P-;~~'"-"-.~"-' 12C 1 At the applicant's request, the County shall revieW' and approve, or deny, an Application for a certificate of Public Facility Adequacy prior to the consideration of an Application for Development Approval for any development order needed for a proposed development prior to receipt of a final sUbdivision plat approval, final site development plan approval, or building permit approval. 8.3.1. J Where the proposed development has been issued final subdivision plat approval or final site development plan approval prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, a Certificate of PUblic Facility Adequacy shall be obtained prior to approval of the next development order required for the proposed development. All applicable impact fees and system development fees for a development shall be paid into the Impact Fee Escrow Trust Fund in the amount estimated to be due upon issu~nce of the building permit(s) for the development upon or prior to issuance of a Certificate at PUblic Facility Adequacy for the development, except in the instance of a sirnultaneous application for a building permit(s) and a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy in which case(s) all applicable impact fees and system development fees uill be paid directly into the appropriate impact fee fund at the time the building permit(s) and Certificate are picked up by the app~icant. The payment of the estimated impact and system development fees into the I~pact Fee Escrow Trust Fund shall be applied as a credit towards the impact and system development fees calculated and du~ upon issuance of the building permit(s) for the development. Impact and system development fees paid into the Impact Fee Escrow Trust Fund shall be refundable upon written request to the Growth Management Chief accor:lpanied by the surrender of the original Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy obtained prior to issuance of building permit(s) for the development. Fees paid upon issuance of building permit(s) in accordance with the applicable impact fee or system development fee ordinances shall be refundable pursuant 1:0 the provisions of such ordinances upon written request to the Finance Director, Clerk of Courts. 8.3.2 Rules of General Aoolicabilitv for Certificate of Public Facilitv Adeauacv. of Public Facility Adequacy Section a. 3 .1.1. Timina. An Application for a Certificate may be submitted at any time, subject to Consolidated Aoolication. A building perm~t, tinal subdivision plat or final site development plar. shall recelve final approval only to the extent to which the proposed development receives a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy. The Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy may be submitted with an Application for Development Approval, where appropriate under this Ordinance. Assianabilitv and Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall run be assignable within a proposed development, assignable or transferable to othe~ development. Exoiration. A Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall expire three (3) years tram the date of its approval except to the extent that building permits have been issued for the proposed development for which the Certificate is approved, and the proposed development is then completed pursuant to thn terms of the Collier County Building Code, provided: Transferabi1it~ A with the land. shall and shall not be For development comprised cf morc than five hundred (500) residential dwelling units, or tor a phased increment of development comprised of more than one hundred and fifty (150) residential dwelling units, or for a cornmercial/indl1strial development of more than 100,000 square feet of gross leasable ilrea, a Doc. Ref: 6515 - 19 - 12C 1 Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall expire five (5) years from the date of its approval except to the extent that building permits have been issued for the proposed development tor which the Certificate is approved, and the proposed development is then completed pursuant to the terms of the Collier County Building Code, provided the certificate holde~: Obtains approval of its Final Subdivision Plat and Final site Development Plan, whi.chever is applicable, within twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy; and a. Commences construction ot. the infrastructure for the Final Subdivision Plat and Final Site Development Plan, ....hichever is applicable, ....ithin twenty-tour (24) months trom the date of issuance of the Certit'icate of Public: Facility Adequacy; and Completes the c:onstruc- ticn of the infrastructure for the Final Subdivision Plat and Final Site Development Plan, ....hichever is applicable, and records the Final subdivision Plat in the public records of Collier Ccunty, if applicable, within thirty-six (36) months fror.l the date ot' i!:suance of the Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy. For purposes of deter~ining the expiration of a certificate of Public Facility Adequacy fo:: a r..ixed use development, the size of the mixed use development shall be determined by aggregating the percentage of the thr~shold for each land use component identified in Section a. that is proposed for the mixed use development. Effect. Issuance of a Certi1:icate of Public Facility Adequacy shall deponstrate proof of adequate public facilities to serve the development approved in the develop~Ent order, subject to the conditions in the development order. A subsequent Application for Development Approval for development apprcved in a development order for which a Certificate of PUblic Facility Adequacy has been approved shall be determined to have adequate public facilities as long as the Certificate at' PUblic Facility Adequacy is valid and unexpired. When a Certificate of Public Facility Adeq:uacy expires, any subsequent Application for Development Approval shall require a new certificate of Public Facility Adequacy to ::;18 issued pursuant to the terms of this section prior to approval of any subsequent development order for the proposed development. Anything in this Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding, all Certificates of Public Facility Adequacy approved or issued from the date that the Growth Management Chief presents the proposed AS! boundary maps to the Board of county Commissil)ners, as provided by Section, through the date that the bound3ries and the Annual Residual Capacity Trip Allotments for each AS1 are approved by the Board shall be expressly conditioned upon any and all restrictions, limitations, provisions, boundaries and allotments adopted by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant t~ Section 7.4.3. 8.3.3 Effect of Develooi":"ient Aareement in Con1unction with a Certificate of Public Facilitv Adeauacv. Upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners, any applicant may enter into a Develop- ment Agreement with Collier county pursuant to the provisions of Section 163.3220-3242, Florida statutes, in conjunction with the approval of a development order and/or a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy., The effect of the Development Agreement shall be to bind the parties pursuant to the terms and condition::. of the Development Agreement and the Certificate of PUblic Facility Adequacy in order to insure that adequate public faeilities are ava!.lable to serve the proposed development concurrent with when the impacts of the development occur on the public facilities." Development A'1reetlents may address conditional development order approvals and condi-tians for - 20 - Doc. Ref: 6515 -,"'l'..--...., -......",.... - 12C 1 renewal of the certificate of PUblic Facility Adequacy beyond five (5) years, ho....ever, the duration of any certificate of Public Facility Adequacy shall not exceed five (5) years. Development Agreements may also provide for private provision of public facilities or for a joint endeavor between the private sector and Collier County to provide public facilities. Any public facility in the Five (5) Year Schedule of capital Iml'rovements in the eIE on which such a Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities is made in conjunction ......ith the approval of a development order and a Development Agreement shall not be delayed, deferred, or removed trom the Five (5) Year Schedule ot Improvuments in the CIE. 8.3.4 Procedure for Revie~ of Aoclication. Submission of Apclication and Fee~ An Application for a Certificate of PUblic Facility Adequacy shall be submitted to the GroW'th Management Chief. An application shall be submitted at the filing of the earliest or next to occur of final subdivision plat, final site develop~ent plan, or building permi~. An application fee in an amount to be determined by the Board at County Commissioners shall accompany and be part of the application. Aoolication Contents. The forR. and contents for the Application for Public Facility Adequacy shall be established by the GroW'th Management Chief and shall be publishnd and made available to the general public. Determination of Comoleteness and R~ After receipt of an Application for Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy, the GroW'th Management Chief shall determine whether it is complete within three (3) business days. If it is determined th~t the application is not complete, .....ritten notice shall be served em the applicant specifying the deficiencies. The GroW'th Management Chief shall take no further action on the application unless the deficiencies are remedied. Within five (5) business days after the application is determined to be complete, the Growth Management Chief shall revie~ and grant, or deny each public facility component in ~he application pursuant to the standards established in Section 8.3.5. Anneal to PUblic Facilities Determil)At1.Qn Anneal Committee. Within thirty (30) days after issuance of the deter~ination of the GroW'th Management Chief on the Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy,the applicant- may appelll the determination of the Growth Management Chief on the Application tor a Certificate of PUblic Facility Adequacy to the PUblic Facilities Determination Appeal Committee. A fee for the application and processing of an appeal shall be established at a rate set by the Board of County Commissioners from time to time and shall be charged to and paid by the applicant. The Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall hold a hearing on the appeal and shall consider the determination of the Growth Management Chief and pUblic testimony in light of all the criteria set forth in Section 8.3.5 of this Ordinance. The Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall adopt the GroW'th Management Chief's determination on the Application for a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy with or without modi! ications or conditions, or rej ect the GroW'th Management Chief's determination. The Public Facilities Deterr:lination Appeal Committee shall not be authorized to modify or reject the Growth Management Chief's determination unless the Public Facilities Determination Appeal COnu:littee finds that the determination is not supported by substantial competent evidence or that the GroW'th Management Chief's determination is contrary to the criteria established in Section 8.3.5 of this Ordinance. The decision .of the Public Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall include findings of fact for each of the criteria. Comoosition of Public Faci~ Determination Aooeal committee. The PUblic Facilities Determination Appeal Committee shall be comprised of three (J) members: the Office of Capital Projects Management Director, or his designee; Metropolitan - 21 - Doc. Ref: 6515 .- 12C 1 Planning Organization (MPO) Coordinator, or his designeej and the Project Review Services Manager, or his designee. Cancellation of Certificates. Upon notification by the Growth Management Chief, or his designee, that an application tor a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy has been approved and a certificate issued, the applicant shall have thirty (30) calendar days to pick up the Certificate and pay all applicable impact and system development fees. If the applicant fails to pick up the Certificate and pay the appropriate fees within twenty (20) calendar days of notification of approval, a second notification of pending cancellation of the Certificate will be sent to the applicant by certified mail. If the applicant does not pick up the Certificate and pay all applicable fees within ten (10) calendar days of notification by certified mail, the Certificate will be voided. In such a case, the applicant shall then be required to apply for issuance of a new Certificate. Certificates issued simultaneously with building permits shall be voided if the applicant fails to piCk up the building per~it and fails to pay all applicable fees within the time period during which such building permit(s) remain(s) valid. 8.3.5 Standards for Revie'.... of 1\oolication. The following standards shall be used in the determination of whether to grant or deny a Certificate of PUblic Facility Adequacy. Before issuance of a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy, the application shall fulfill the standardti for each Public Facility component (Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Parks and Roads) . Potable Water Facilities. The Potable Water component shall be granted if any of the following conditions are met: The required Public Facilities are in place at the ti~e a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities are under construction at the time a building permit is issued. The required FUblic Facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of Subsections and Sanitary Se~er Facilities. The Sanitary Sewer component shall be granted if any of the following conditions are met: The required PUblic facilities are in place at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities are under construction at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of Subsections and Solid Waste Facilities. The solid waste component shall be granted if any of the following conditions are met: The required Public Facilities are in place at the time a building permit is issued. - 22 - Doc. Ref: 6515 12C 1. The required Public Facilities are under construction at the time a building pentlit is issued. The required Facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development that the provisions ot Subsections and Drainaoe Facilities. The Drainage component shall be granted if the proposed development has a drainage and water management plan that has been approved by the Environmental services Oivision that meets the LOS for Capital Drainage Facilities derined in Subsection 4.22. Public includes Park and Recreation Facilities. The Parks and Recreation component shall be -granted it any of the follo~ing conditions are met: The required Public Facilities are in place at the time a building pe~it is issued. The required Public Facilities are under construction at the time a building permit is issued. The required Public Facilities are the subject of a binding contract executed for the construction of those Public Facilities which provides for commencement of actual construction within one year of issuance of a building pernit. The required Public Facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement that includes the provisions of SUbsections, and Road FaciI i ties. The Road component shall be considered based upon whether the proposed development is outside a designated AS! or within a designated ASI. Develooment Outside Desianated Area o{ Sianiticant Influence Lh,Sn or Where No AS! Exi~ts. For development outside a designated ASI, or where no ASI exists, the Road component shall be granted. Oevelooment Within Desianated Area o~ Sianificant Influence (ASn. For development within a designated AS! covering a potentially deficient road segment, the Road component shall be approved, subject to available capacity, it it is demonstrated the proposed development will not make the potentially deticient road segment within the ASI a deficient road segment. In the instance where the proposed development will create a deficient road segment, a Certificate of Public Facility Adequacy tor the road component shall be approved only for that portion of the developnent that does not create the deficient road segment. For developnent within a designated ASI covering a deficient road segment, the road component shall be approved only for that portion ot the development that does not increase the net trips on the deficient road segment and does not further degrade the LOS of the deficient road segment. SEC. 9 LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION. SEVERABILITY. AND PENALTY PROVISION. 9.1 The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purpose in the interest of the public health, s3fety, welfare and convenience. 9.2 If any section, is for any reason held competent juriSdiction, phrase, sentence or portion of this Ordinance invalid or unconstitutional by .any court of such portion shall be deemed a separate, - 23 - Doc. Ref: 6515 12C 1 distinct, and'independent provision, and such holding shall not effect the validity of the remaining portion. 9.3 A violation of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor punishable according to law; however, in addition to or in lieu of any criminal prosecution, Collier County shall have the po....er to sue in civil court to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. SEC. 10. EFFECT OF PRIOR REFERENCES TO PREVIOUS ADEOU~TE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE. All references in any documents whatsoever to the previous Adequate Public Facilities ordinance (Ordinance 90-24, as amended), superceded and repealed hereby, shall constitute a reference to this Ordinance. SEC. 11. REPEAL OF PREVIOUS ADEOUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE. Ordinance Number 90-24, as amended, known as the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, adopted on March 21, 1990, by the Board ot County Commissioners ot Collier County is hereby repealed; provided however, as set forth in Section 10 above, any references to such prior Ordinance shall be deemed a reference to this Ordinance. SEC. 12 EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice trom the Secretary of State that this ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Florida, this ~ day of "Jr/I.1P1'T\r".'I'" , 199'3. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA /"-t ~;~ >>>.r:;:J.~\:.":,'<;" /,:' '~';;('I:'rS"~l' ~ ~;;'':''':. . ...,....~~~.~l .:J' . .. ~,\'<'-f.l:~."':":-'--"..t" :>i'io,~I.. .', App~pved'as ~o form and 1egal:;Suffidency: /"Y\1 o"Q" ,; m ./leu ~, .d:; Marj~ie M. student Assistan~ County Attorney By: #:4# BU T L. SAUNDERS CHAIRMAN - 24 - Doc. Ref: 6515 I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 i 12C 1 J~t) '.1 H Ii ..~d'''~'~ ~li qn 19-- 1~ ; > sa] g " , " Q -u g~ 0' P) ::J ,~ 0 'Q , ~ > , , , , I , ! J: roD n ;- :.: L. i i ~ : c.: ,.. . . ~ !. i ~( If I' r I .r t: " , .. . ; ~ :;: .. !. .<niA i: ~ I! r- : i ; . t ~ . . ~ . i;, ~ pl -, (J) => o o 3 3 c ::J ;:+= '< c . . . I ~ ! ; , i . , l l , , < " ~ ~ " . .. . " . oil D >> > " 0 ,- o. aD >> " " i? Ii > . o . , , ! ; ~ ) I 0 , ! --~~-- :. . : o , . . , I Hi , \ . ,~ ~ ____---- t ". . ,f~'''' .. 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