Resolution 1995-059 16 A :3 RESOLUTION NO. 95~ RESOLUTIon AUTHORIZIIIG FIliAL ACCEPTAHCE OF THOSE ROADWAY, DRAIr/AGE, WATER A/ID SEWER II1PROVEMEIITS W GREY OAKS UlIlT OfIE, RELEASE OF THE 11AIf/TENANCE SECURITY, ^flD ACCEPTltlG TilE M^IllTElI^J1Cr: ~rf~I'atl,:f~fl.f1'Y ~t* 'rlW ~bMJWAY, fJl,Afl/^"r, w^,rf.~ A/lO SEWER IMPROVEMENTS THAT ARE HOT REQUll<ED 'l'0 HE HAIr/TAWED BY THE HOf1EOWf/ERS ASSOCIATIOII. WHEREAS, the Board of County commissioners of Collier Coun1:y, Florida, on February II, 1992, approved the plat of Grey oaks Unit One for recording; and WHEREAS, the developer has constructed and maintained the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements in accordance wtth the approved plans and specifications and as required by the Land Development Code (Collier County Ordinance No. 92-73, as amended); and the Utilities StandardS and Procedures Ordinance (Collier County Ordinance t~o. 88-76, as amended), and WHEREAS, the developer h~~ now regucstcG final ~cccptance ct the roadway, dr~in~gc, water and sewer lmprovcmcnt~ and rolaaao of his maintenance security; and WHEREAS, the Compliance services Section of Development Services Department has inspected the roadway, drainage, water and sewer improvements and is recommending acceptance of said facilities. flOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B" THE BOARD OF COUNTY COI1JUSSIOIlERS OF COLLIER COUIlTY, FLOf<IDA, that tinal acc@ptanco DO granted for those road....ay, dra inage, '....ater ~nd se'.."er lmprovement:J in Grey Oa~s Unit One, and authorize the Cl~rk to rcleaae tho maintenance security. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ",lID ORDEP.F.D th~t. t.h<.1 County 1'Il";l";Qpt thQ tUtUfIJ 1M i htIJh"jc~ 'fid bth~f ,ttIJfid,1fit cboU. (lJf ttj~ f6ild\lilY, drainage, wdter dnd sewer improvements that dre not required to tJ~ maintained by the homeowners association. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring sar:le. DATE: (~......2 y; /".r- ATTEsT: . DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk A-7: ~~ ~z(,j,? -:'& e. BOARD OF COUNTY COLLIER COUIIT COHMISSIONERS F~IDA '~ }/t Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: i I, I f r Heldi F. Ashton Assistant Collier County Attorney doc.1098