Resolution 1994-309 RESOLUTION NO. 94- 309 MAY 3. 1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE 91-47. WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance 91-47, the direct costs at abatement ot certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County, shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS, the cost thereat to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board ot County Commissioners, together with a description at said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable thirty (30) days atter the mailing at Notice of Assessment after which interest ahall accrue at a rate at twelve percent (12.0\) per annum on any unpaid portion thereot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the property described aa tallows, and having been abated ot a public nuisance atter due and proper notice thereot to the owner of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs ot such abatement, to wit: IWlIU. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ Blba Development Corp A SUbdivision at a portion at $245.00 Traot a, ot the Plat thereot Riviera Colony Golf Estates - Tract Map as recorded in Plat Book 10, Pages 104 through 108 of the PUblio Records ot Collier County, Florida and being more particularly described as tollows! Co..ence at the North quarter oorner of section 18, Township 50 south, Rang. 26 Za.t, Collier county, Florida; thence along the North line of said Section 18 N89'54'30"E 110.02 fe.t to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence SO.S8'lSnE 1164.35 feet; thence S"-59'4'''!: 108..5 te.t; thence N4S.01'45"E 293.35 feet to a point OD . non-tanqential circular curve concave to the Northeaat, having a radius of 110.00 feet, a central angle of 4"-00'00", . chord of 82."1 teet, and a chord which bears .22.58'15".; thence 8.....' teet along' the arc ot 8aid curve to ita point of tangency; thence NO'58'lS"W 428.92 teet to the point of curvature of a circular curve, concave to the Southeaat, having a radius ot 210.00 teet, a central angle ot 90.52'''5'', a chord ot 299.25 teet and a chord Which bears ......28'08"B, thence 333.09 teet along the arc ot said curve to it. point of tangency; thence N09.5"'30"E 707.09 teet to the .e.t line ot the plat thereof Riviera Golt Estate. unit .., .. recorded in Plat Book 15, Pages 47 and ..8 at the Public Records ot Collier County, Florida; thence along said West line the following three (3) courses: 1. )1'00.05'30". 100.00 te.t; 2. 88'.5"'30". ".62 teet; 3. .00.05'30". 180.00 t.et; to the North line of aforeaaid Section 18; thence along aaid .orth Lin. 88""'30". 1138.04 teet to the POINT OF BBOIDINO. REPOENCBI &OO( OOOr:',< 85 31012-021 170272500054 MAY 3, 1994 The Clerk of the Board shall mail a notice of assessment of lien to the owner or owners of the above described property, and if such owner tails to pay such assessment within thirty (30) days hereof, a cartified copy of this Resolution shall be filed in the Oft ice of the Clerk of Courts, in and for Collier County, Florida, to constitute a 11en against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment of the owner. Th~S solution adopted DATED: ~dJ' , , . j/J; . ATTIfs~: . 'v-" DW~G~ E. BROCK, j:!.ERX ~.:., ~::: 1r~:~" ':~; fll' . APP1UlVED, AS ,TO .tORH ,AMp {;"~ .s.~t.tCIENCY: r:~" r(' :r AsL It '-. I( ETH B: CUYLER COUIITY ATTORNEY after motion, second and majority vote. CSce 11 - 1/94 1001 ODD PIll 86 ~ , ~ Blba Development Corp 2375 Tamiami Trail N STII 1300 .aplaa, FL 33940 REPERENCB 31012-021 170272500054 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ol\TE I May 3, 1994 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OF LIEN LI EN NUMB ER : A SUbdivision of a portion of Tract G, at the Plat thereof Riviera Colony Galt Estates - Tract Map as recorded in Plat Book 10, Pages 104 through 108 of tha Public Records ot Collier County, Florida and being more particularly Oescribed as tollows: Commenca at the North quarter corner at Section 10, Township 50 south, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida; thence along the North line of said Section 18 N89'S4'30"E 110.02 teet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel ot land hereinafter described; thence SooS8'IS"E 1164.3S feet; thence 86'-59'46"E 108.45 teet; thence N4s001'4S"E 293.35 feet to a point on a non-tangential circular curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius at 110.00 feet, a central angle ot ..-00'00", a chord ot 82.41 feet, and a chord which bears Jl22-58'15"W; thence 84.4' teet along the arc ot Dllid curve to its point at tangency; thence NooS8'lS"W 428.92 teet to the point ot curvature ot a circular curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius ot 210.00 feet, a central anqle ot 90-52'45", a chord ot 299.25 teet and a chord which bears Jl44028'08"2, thence 333.09 teet along the arc ot said curve to its point at tangency; thence N09'S4'30"E 707.09 feet to the Waat line at the plat thereat Riviera Golf Estates Unit 4, as recorded in Plat Book 15, Pages 47 and 48 at the Public Records ot Collier County, Florida; thence along said West line the following three (3) courses: 1. NOO.OS'30"W 100.00 teet; 2. 889-S4'JO"W 66.62 teet; 3. NOO-05'JO"W 180.00 feet; to the North line of atoresaid section 18; thence along said North Line S89'S4'30"W 1138.04 teet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. You, aa the owner ot the property above described, 8S recorded in the records maintained by the office of the Property Appraiser, are hereby advised that the Compliance Services Manager, did on 10/19/93, order the abatement of a certain nuisance existing on the above property prohibited by Ordinance 91-47, serving notice thereof upon you, such nuisance being: BOOK 000 /1'.' 87 PrOhibited aocumulation of non-protected movable vagetation in excess of 18" in height in a subdivision other than Golden Gate Estates. CLERK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAY 3, 1994 You failed to abate such nuisance; whereupon, it was abated by the expenditure of public funds at a direct cost of $45.00 and administrative cost of $200.00 for a total of $245.00. Such costs, by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners at Collier County, Florida, have been assessed against the above property on May 3, 1994 and shall become a lien on the property thirty (30) days after such assessment. You may request a hearing before the Board ot County commissioners to show cause, if any, why the expenses and charges incurred by the County under this Ordinance are unwarranted or excessive or why such expenses should not constitute a lien against the property. Such request tor hearing must be made to the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, Government Center, Naples, Florida 33962 in writing within thirty (30) days frcm the date at this aaseesment to be valid. CSce 9- 1/93 I~~ ,~ laD! 000 PI',' 88