Resolution 1994-296 APRIL 26, leu auOLO'nOJl .0. 94-296 A RESOLUTIOlf OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOIfERB OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZIHG THE BORROWIHG OF $12,150,000 FROM THE POOLED COMMERCIAL PAPER LOAM PROGR>>I OF THE FLORIDA LOCAL GOVERHMEJfT FINAMCE COMKISSIOIf PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF THE LOAM AGlh'UlEIIl BETWEEII THE COMMISSION AND THE C()U14n Ilf ORDER TO REFIlfANCE A CERTAIN LOAN MADE FOR THE ACQUISITIOlf AND CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS CAPITAL IMPROVEHEHTS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECO'l'ION OF A LOAM NOTE TO EVIDEIICE SUCH BORROWING; AGREEING TO SECURE SUCH LOAM NOTE WITH A COVEIfANT TO BUDGET AJCD APPROPRIATE LEGALLY AVAILABLE NOlf-AD VALOREM REVENUES AS PROVIDED IIf THE LOAM AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE EXECtlTIOlf AJCD DELIVERY OF SUCH OTHER ooct1MEIlTS AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO EFFECT SUCH BORROWING; AJCD PROVIDING AM EFFECTIVE DATE. .. I'J' aZSOLVED .Y 'J'1I! BOAaD OF COll..n COJOUSSIOJlE1lS OJ' COLLIER .......-x ll, J'LOllIDA I S~OJI 1. O.,.I...I.'J'IOJIS. Un1e.. the context of use indicate. another _aning or intent, the following word. and tarms as used in this Resolution .hall have the following ..aninqs. "Act:" _ans, collectively, Part I, Chapter 125, Florida Stetutes, Part I, Cbapter 163, Florida Statut.., and all other applicable provisions ot law. "additional par-ant." ..ans the payaents required to be made by the COUnty pursuant to Sections 5.02(b), 5.02(C), 5.02(d), 5.05 and 6.06(e) of the Loan Aqre_nt. "Board" .ean. the Board of County co..issioner. of the County. "Cbairaan" ..ana the Cbairaan or Vice Chairman of the Board, and such other per.on a. aay be duly authorized to act on his or her behalf. "Clerk" .ean. the Clerk ot tha Circuit Court tor the County, ax-otticio Clerk of the Board, and .uch other person as aay be duly authorized to act on hi. or her behalf. "coaai..ion" _ans the Florida Local aovernaant Finance ec.ai..ion, and any a.siqns or succe.sor. thereto. "countJ" ..ans Collier County, Florida, a political subdivision ot the State of Florida. .. OCO "'t 65 APRIL 28, leU "Dasi9D&ta4 .....__.... _ans Public Agency Mon.ys budqeted and appropriata4 tor purposes ot par-nt ot the Loan Repaya.nt. and any other lIJIOWIts due under the Loan Aqr....nt. "D~.. cat." has the ..aning ..t forth in the Loan Aqreement. "Lo_ lCO. A-1" _ans the Loan d.siqnat.d a. -Loan No. "'-1- the proen\!. ot wbich w.r. to be u.ed to fund the acquisition and construct.ion ot Project 10-1. "LoaD lCO. 10-1-2" _an. the Loan d.siqnat.d a. -Loan No. "'-1-2- the proceeds ot wbich .hall be used to pay Loan No. 10-1- "LoaD" aaans the loan to be ..d. by the c01IIIDission to the county froa procaads of the Sari.. A Not.. in accordanc. with the t.ras of this Re.olution and of the Loan Aqr...ent. "LoaD Aqr._t" _an. the Loan Aqr....nt, dated as of April 12, 1991, betw..n the COUnty and the coaaission, as the same _y be .-nded and suppl...nted. "LoaD aate" has the ..aning .et torth in the Loan Aqreement. "Lo_ .apar-.nt." or "Raper-.nts" ..ans the payments of principal and intere.t at the Loan Rat. on the Loan amount. payable by the COUnty pursuant to the provision. of the Loan Aqre.ment and all oth.r par-nte, including Additional Payment., payable by the county pur.uant to the provi.ions of the Loan Aqr....nt. "'on-ad Valor_ ......nu.." _ans all leqelly available r.v.nu.. of the county d.rived froa any sourc. wbat.oav.r other than ad valor.. taxation on real and per.onal property, which are l.qally available to aalt. the Loan Repayment. requir.d in the Loan Aqre...nt, but only after provision has been made by the County for the paym.nt of .ervice. and proqra.. which are for essential public purpose. aff.cting the health, welfare and safety of the inhabitant. of the County or which are leqally mandated by applicabl. law. "proqr_" _ans the Pooled coaaercial Paper Loan Program established by the coaai..ion. -.roj.ot A-1" aaans the tran.portation and capital iaprov..ents and co.ts d.scribed in Exhibit D attached to Resolution No. 91-270 of the County authorizinq the issuance of the Loan Not. with r..pect to Loan No. "'-1, as the .a.. ..y be a.ended or modified from ti.e to ti... "PUblio A9.ncy Money." shall ..an the money. budq.ted and appropriated by the county for paym.nt of the Loan Repayments and any oth.r aaount. due her.under frOll Non-Ad Valorem Revenues pursuant to the County's covenant to budq.t and appropriate such 2 ~" APltIL 28, leU .on-Ad Valor.. Revenu.. contained in Section 6.04 of the Loan Aqr......- ~ t t. -aepaya8Dt 8Gbe4ul." ..ans the .chedul. ot Repayaent. of the Loan .. provided in the Loan Aqr....nt and in Schedule I attach.d hereto, as the _ aey be a..nded or modifi.d trola time to time. ....solution.. aaans this Re.olution, as the same -y frOll time to tt.e be .-nded, aoditied or supplemented. "serie. A JIot.... aeans the coaai.sion's Pooled C01lllDercial Paper .otas, Series A (aove~ntal Issue), to be issued trOll time to tt.e by the coaaission. Th. teras "herein,- -hereund.r,- -hereby,- -hereto," -hereof," and any si.ilar t.ras, shall r.f.r to this R.solution; the term -baretotor.- shall aaan before the data of adoption of this ResOlution; and the tara -hereatter- shall mean after the date of adoption ot this Resolution. words iapolting the ...culin. qender include every other qander . words importing the singular mlllwer include the plural number, and vice v.rsa. s:lC'J'%OJI 2. AU'J'JlORI'J'Y FOIl JlESOLO'UOJI. Thi. Resolution is adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Act. S~OJI J. J'I1CDDrGS. It is hereby ascertained, determined and declared that: (A) Ths coaai.sion has been established for the principal purpose ot issuing ~rcial paper notes in order to provide tunds to loan to public aqencie., such a. the county, desiring to finance and retinance the cost ot acquiring, constructing and equipping capital blprove.ents and to tinance and refinance other qovernaental n..d.. (8) In furth.rance of the foregoinq, the caaaission shall issue, troa t~ to ti.., coaaercial paper notes to be known as "plorida Local aov.~nt Finance caaaission Pooled co_.rcial Paper Ifote., series A (Gov.rnaentalIssue)- and shall loan the procaads ot such Series A Not.s to public aqencies, including the county . (C) Pursuant to the authority ot the Act, the c01lllDission has aqread to loan, troa ti.. to ti.., to the county such amounts as shall be authorized her. in and in the Loan Agr....nt in order to .nabl. the county to tinanc., r.imburse or refinance the cost of acqui.ition, construction and equippinq of capital improvements. 3 ....., flr.flo", R7 APRIL 26, lllllt (D) The county has heretotor. received Loan NO. A-l pursuant to the Pll:oqr_ wbich is in the principal amount ot $13,150,000 and will coaa due on April 29, 1994. (Zl Th. procaeds of Loan No. A-1 was used to finance the costs ot Project A-l. (F) Th. county d.sires to retinance a portion ot Loan No. A-1 coa1n; due on April 29, 1994 in accordance with the t.ras h.r.of. (G) The COUnty h.reby deterain.s that the provision of funds by the coaaission to the Public Aq.ncy in the fora of Loan No. A-l pursuant to the teras of the Loan Aqreeaent and the refinancinq of Loan 110. 10-1 will assist in the dev.lopment and saint.nanc. of the public welfare of the r.sidents of the county, and shall s.rve a public purpos. by improving the h.alth and livinq conditions, and providing qovernaantal servic.s, facilities and proqrams and will proaota the most efticient and econoaical development of such services, taciliti.s and proqra... (8) Loan NO. A-1-2 shall be repaid solely froa the Designated ReVenues. Such Designated ReVenues shall include moneys derived trQa . covenant to bUdqet and appropriate legally available Non-Ad Valor_ ReV.nues. Th. ad valor.. taxing pow.r of the county will never be n.cessary or authorized to aalte the Loan Repayments. S~OJI t. 'fE1lXS OF LOUS. Th. county her.by approv.s of Loan Ifo. 10-1-2 in the principal amount of $12,150,000 for the ~ of providing the county with sutticient funds to retinance Loan ICo. A-l which is coaing due on April 29, 1994. The Chairman and the Cl.rk are h.r.by authorized to ex.cute, seal and deliver on behalf of the county the Loan Note and other documents, instruments, agr...ents and c.rtificat.s n.cessary or d.sirabl. to eftectuat. Loan No. 1.-1-2 as provided in the Loan Aqree.ent. The Loan lIate with respect to Loan No. A-1-2 shall reflect the terms of such Loan and shall be SUbstantially in the tora attached to the Loan Aqr...ent as Exhibit I. The Loan Note shall be dated April 29, 1994 and shall aature in accordance with the provisions d.scribed in Schedul. I attached h.reto. Loan No. 10-1-2 shall bear interest at the Loan Rat. in accordanc. with the teras of the Loan Aqr....nt. Th. county furth.r aqrees to sake all Loan Repayments required ot it pursuant to the teras ot the Loan Agreement. The Latter of cr.dit f.e. for Loan No. 1.-1-2 shall be 32.5 basis points troa April 29, 1994 throuqh and includinq April 29, 1996, and theraatt.r at 31 basis points. SEC'J'IOJI 5. AU'J'llORIIA'J'IOJI OJ' aUIJiUCI.G. The County does b.r.by authorize the r.financing of Loan No. 1.-1 in accordance with the teras of Loan No. A-1-2. SEC'J'IOJI t. SECU1lI'J'Y J'01l 'J'1I11 LOU. The county's obligation to r.pay Loan ICo. A-1-2 will be secured by a pledqe of and lien 4 .. 000 ra'~ 68 APRIL 26, leU upon the Designated Revenues in accordance with the terms of the Loan Aqre_nt. The obliqation of the county to repay Loan .0. A-1-2 shall not be de..ed a pledqe of the faith and credit or taxing power ot the county and such obliqation shall not create a lien on any property whatsoever ot or in the county other than the Desiqnata4 Revenues. S~OJI 7. GJ:JIEJlAL AV'J'BoaI'J'Y. The .e.bers of the Board and the officers, attorneys and other aqents or employees of the county are hereby authorized to do all acts and things required of th.. by this Resolution and the Loan Aqree.ent, or desirable or consistent with the require.ents of this Resolution and the Loan Aqre_nt, tor the tull punctual and complete performance of all the teras, covenants and aqre...nts contained in this Resolution and the Loan Aqre_nt, and each aeaber, employee, attorney and officer ot the county or it. Board is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers and instruments and to do and cause to be done any and all acts and things necessary or proper tor carryinq out the transactions contemplated by this Resolution and the Loan Aqreement. SEC'J'IO. s. SEVERAJIILI'J'Y. If anyone or more of the covenante, aqre_nt. or provision. herein contained shall be held contrary to any expre.s provision ot law or contrary to the policy ot expre.. law, though not expre.sly prOhibited, or aqainst public policy, or shall tor any reason whatsoever be held invalid, then such covenants, aqre_nts or provi.ions shall be null and void and shall be de..ed separable froa the r_ininq covenants, agreements or provi.ions and shall in no way affect the validity of any of the other provisions hereof. S~OJI ,. aEPEAL OF resolutions or part. thereot superseded and repealed to the I.COJISIS'J'EJl'J' RESOLUTIONS. in conflict herewith are extent of such conflict. All hereby 5 ~ ~ . APRIL 26, 1eet ._..."OJI 10. .,._...~... DAn. This Resolution shall take ettect t-T\!iately upon lte adoption. DIlLY aJ)O~~ thi. ,!J{,;(1. day ot April, .....1.'... , .CRAL) : .. ATl:~rr / ~~.i-l~~~k Clerit 0 " ~.......... AS TO FORII AJID l.~a~ .u".I.CIErCY. ~;'A':to~ /- COIDII88IOJIEU OF Byl 6 .. OOOra~ 70 APRIL 28, leU .CIUU~ :t noPOSZD LOA1C aEJ'Al~ ~OLE '!be principal ot Loan .0. A-1-2 shall be repaid a. follows: March 7, 1995 March 5, 1996 IIarcb .., 1997 IIarcb 3, 199. oac........ 1, 1998 $1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 7,350,000.00 IDterut on Loan 110. 10-1-2 shall be paid aonthly in accordance with the teras and provisions ot the Loan Aqr....nt. Additional PaJ..AU shall also be aada in accordance with the Loan Aqr....nt. .... 0DwJ. 71