Resolution 1994-282 API.IL 19, 1994 RESOLlI'1'IO. ~, 94-~ RESOLtlTIOII OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING TIlE ACQUISITION OF PERMAHEIfT DRAIIIAGE EASEMElfIS AND ACCESS EASEMElfTS BY GIFT OR PURCHASE III SUPPORT OF TIlE PROPOSED IJIPROVEJlEIfTS TO THE RIGGS ROAD DRAINAGE CANAL. WHEREAS, nwaerou. citizen cOlDplaint. vere received by the Collier County StorllVater Managellent Departllent regarding the iapaired flow at vater in the vicinity at the Riggs Road Drainage canal located in Section 17, Townahip 51 South, Range 27 Ea.t, and WHEREAS, in the pa.t the Collier County StorllVater Jlanag_nt Departllent has aaintained the Rigg. Road Drainage canal to raaove and clear any bru.h, tree. and debris necessary to open the flow of vater of the Rigg. Road Drainage Canal vithout the benefit of the legal right or authority to enter upon private propertie.; and WHEREAS, in order to en.ure that the Rigg. Road Drainage canal reaain. open, the Collier County StorllVater Jlanag_nt Depar13ent requir.. the conv.yanc. at peraanent drainage .a.ellent. and acce.. ea.ellent. frOll the adjacent property owner. of the Rigg. Road Drainaqa Canal located in S.ction 17, Township 51 South, Range 27 East to Collier County in order to aaintain the free flow of vater in the Riggs Road Drainage canal, and WHEREAS, the Board of County CoIlIli..ioners recognizes that the expeditious acqui.ition of the required peraanent drainage ......nt. and acce.. ea..llents are of illportance to aaintain the fr.. flow of vater and prevent flooding in the Rigg. Road Drainage Canal; IIOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COtOIISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 100Il OOOPA~E 71 -Page 1- -Page 2- API.1L 19, 1994 1. Th. vater aanag..ent iaprovnent., vhich include, but are not li.ited to, the relloval and clearing of any brush, tree. or debris nece..ary to open the flow of vater, in the Rigg. Road Drainage canal, a. identified in Exhibit "A", attached h.r.to and incorporated h.rein, are n.ce..ary and in the best inter..t at the citizens at Collier County, Florida. 2. Statt is h.reby authorized to acquire permanent drainage ......nts and acce.. .a....nt. frOlD the affected property owner. by gift or purcha.e. 3. The Board of COUnty Coaai..ioners hereby authorizes its pre_nt Chairman and any .ub..qu.nt Chairman, for the life of the project, to ex.cut. any instruments, vhich have been approved by the ottice ot the County Attorn.y, to rellOV. the lien ot any encumbrance and for any .uch other purpose a. Ilay be requir.d for the acquired permanent drainage ea.ell.nts and acce.. .a....nt.. 4. All title to the perman.nt drainage eas....nt. and acce.. .a....nt obtain.d in the aann.r d..cr:bed above shall be deeaad "accepted" by the Board of County Commis.ion.r., the gov.rning body of COlli.r County, Flo%.~da, a political subdivi.ion ot the Stat. of Florida, and staff is hereby authorized to r.cord in the Public R.cords of Colli.r County, Florida, .aid permanent drainage easements and access .a_..nt. and .uch other instru..nts as aay be required to raaov. the li.n of any .ncumbrance frOlD the acquir.d permanent drainage .a....nt. and acce.. .a....nt.. 5. Th. Board furth.r direct. .taff to u.. int.rnal compen.ation ..tiaat.., in li.u ot apprai.al r.ports, to be.t ..rv. the n..d. of the project in a tillely and cost-etfective aaM.r. 1001( OlX),Ar.E 72 -Page 3- APIIL 19, 1994 6. Upon the -approval of the County Attorney's Office of all dOCUllents necessary tor the .ubject property acquisition, Real Property Manag...nt Depart..nt staff is hereby directed to offar ~iata delivery to the r..pectiv. property owners of the full compensation (a. ..tablished by the .taff compen.ation astiaata.) in r.turn for the i...diate and proper execution of the respective .a....nt., and .uch other legal docullent. and/or affidavits a. the county Attorney'. Office dee.. appropriate in order to protect the int.rest. of the County. 7. In tho_ inatance. where negotiated .ettlement. Ilay be obtainacS via the "Seller'. Affidavit" or "Ea.ellent Agreement" aachani_, the Director of the Stormvater Managellent Dapartllent, or hi. de.ignee, i. hereby delegated the authority to approve the purchase of land intere.t. above the staff compensation e.tiaata and pay normally related cost. vhen it is in the be.t interest of the Project, within the pro-rata share of the land rights acquisition budget for the parcel being acquired, only when the difference betveen the purcha.e price and .taff compen.ation estiaate i. less than Six Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollar. ($6,500.00). Thi. settlement approval authority is delegated by th" Board of County Coaai..ioner. to the extent that .uch approval. do not conflict vith the provision. of Section 125.355, Florida Statutes. 8. The Chairman of the Board of County coaais.ioner. is hereby authorized to executa Ea....nt Agreellents vhere the land owner has agreed to .ell the required land rights to the County at the staff cOllpensation e.tiaata or at that amount con.idered the "Administrative Settl...nt Amount" as .uch term is internally u.ed by the adaini.trative agencies of Collier County. lOOK 000 PIGE 73 API.1L J 9, 1994 9. Where the property owner agrees, by sworn affidavit or agre....nt ("Seller's Affidavit" or "Easellent Agreellent"), to convey a necessary interest in real property to the County, and upon the proper execution by the property owner of those ......nts and such other legal documents as the Office of the County Attorney aay require, the Board hereby authorizes the Finance Departllent to issue warrants, payable to the property owner(s) of record, in those aaounta as shall be specified on a closing stat....nt and which shall be based upon the staff compensation estiaate in accordance vith this Resolution, TIllS RESOLUTION AOOPTED after motion, second and aajority vote. mTEDI ~~~.#" " A~:II,," " Dv!qht E".~OCk, - '~ ~ Clerk COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ER COUNTY, FLORIDA Clerk BY ~ >;.. '" , ' ';Approv~.~" 'to '"fora "lega1.utficiency: ~:b~- and Assistant County Attorney lOOK 000 PAr.E 74 r -Page 4-