Resolution 1994-284 APIlIL 19, 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-284 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE COLLIER COUNTY PRIVATIZATION PLUS TASK FORCE WHEREAS, the Board ot County COamissioners on March 8, 1994 adopted Resolution No. 94-151 which created the Collier County Privatization Plus Ta.~ Force as an Ad-Hoc COamittee tor a period of one year with an autoaatic extension ot one additional year; and WHEREAS, Re.olution No, 94-151 provide. that the Collier COUnty Privatization Plus Ta.~ Forca shall consist ot twelve (12) ~. to be appointed by Re.olution ot the Board ot County co.a1..ioner.; and WHEREAS, the Board ot County COamis.ioners previou.ly provided public notice soliciting applications tram interested partie. and conducted interviews ot the various applicants. NOlf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY cotDIISSIONERS OF COLLIER COtlNT'i, FLOPIDA, that the tollowing individual. are hereby appointed to the Collier County Privatization Plus Tas~ Force: Euqene V. Fa...ler Donald E. Hatha_y Larry R. Ray A. Glenn S!apaon Robert N. Flinn Nancy K. Reynolds Arthur A. Gebhardt, Jr. Harry If. Tennant J.... K. X-is Edqardo Tenreiro Allan L, Rudell eo..i..ioner Bettye J. Matthews as the non-voting liaison and Chairaan ot the COllier County Privatization Plus Tas~ Force Thi. Re.olution adopted atter action, second and aajority vote. ", .DATED:) ~ril 19, 1994 . / AT1'EST: ,,' ;- DlfZCH'1' 8.' BROp:, CLERK BOARD OF COUN'l"i COMMISSIONERS COLL~FLORIDA BY:~~ I Y '6' TAHTINE, CHAIRMAN 9~ 3C" I ed a.' to tOrJI and aI' .ufficiency: ~tfuyY County Attorney