Resolution 1994-233 RESOLUTION NO. 94- 233 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PROPOSED L~ISLATION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 27 AND 39, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND REQUESTING THE FLORIDA SENATE TO PLACE SENATE BILL 242 Off THE SPECIAL ORDER CALENDAR FOR THE 1994 LEGISLATIVE SESSION. WHEREAs, the Board of County CORaissioners of Collier county, Florida, on February 8, 1994 adopted Resolution No. 94-56 SU~ltinq House Bill 101 providinq for changes and amendments to Chapters 27 and 39, Florida Statutes, in order to clarify and require that a tindinq ot indigency is necessary before the appointaent ot COUnty-paid counsel for parents and legal guardians in dependency and other juvenile cases; and WHEREAs, the proposed Hous. Bill 101 would further provide continuing jurisdiction to assess attorney fees and costs against the parents or leqal guardians who receive County-paid legal services in juvenile aatters; and WHEREAs, a request has be.n received frea a sponsor of House Bill 101 encouraging the Board of County CORaissioners of Collier County, Florida, to request the Senators of the Collier County Leqialative Deleqation to have Senate Bill 242 placed on the Senate Special Order Calendar during the 1994 Legislation Session to perait the aaid bill and Houae Bill 101 to be introduced on the Senate Floor for adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY OOKMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1) Collier County hereby requests that Senate Bill 242 be placed on the Senate Special Order Calendar during the 1994 Leqialation Session. 2. Collier County SUpporta the passage of House Bill 101 and ita coapanion bill, Senate Bill 242 during the 1994 Legislation &e.aion. 3. A copy ot this Resolution shall be faxed this date to Senators Fred Dudley and Ken Jenne. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority . vote. DATED: April 5, 1994 ,JIr;IJ / A'1.-.LlTt '.1' /' DWIC2'r Z. :~, CLERJt '," ',.. ':1- _, .11 .. . .... r1' ~ ;'v: ;ti.~~~~~" ~~< ; AJ.e, . .. - .~ApprovecS as to fora and "~l ,~tticiency: "CZ~I~i:~cl.-e Aasiatant: County Attorney APRIL 5, 1994 ,/, BOARD",dt COUNTY COKMISS COLLIER COUNTY, FLO .".... ml..., Qr;