Resolution 1994-230 APIlIL S. 1994 RESOLUTION NO. 94-~ RESOLUTION APPOINTING JOSEPH F. FULLAM AND KATHRYN LYH LEIB TO THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE HOMELESS WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 89-22 created the Advisory Coaaittee on the Homeless and provides that the Committee sball consist ot nine (9) members which shall be appointed to the eo.aittee by resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board of County commissioners has received resignations from Robert R. Radovich and Mark L. Lindner of the Advisory eo.aittee; and WHEREAS, the Board of County coaaissioners previously provided public notice soliciting applications trom interested partie.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OP COUNTY OOKKISSIONERS OP COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Joseph F. Fullam and Kathryn Lyn Leib are hereby appointed to the Advisory eo.aittoe on the Hoaeless to till the unexpired terms. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Advisory Committee on the Boaeless shall review the unexpired terms of oftice for Joseph F. Pullam and Kathryn Lyn Leib and shall recommend to the Board of county commissioners which ot the unexpired terms the two (2) sppointee. will serve. The Board of County commissioners by separate Resolution shall approve said term. for Joseph F. Fullam and Kathryn Lyn Leib as it deems appropriate, This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote. DATED,) ~pril 5, 1994 ". . 3. .ATTEST:' J -"/:..' . :',DWIGHT Z; B80cJti ~.?..' '''-. .,:.- :. ~.:; A roved aa..to orm, and ',~...al sutticiency: " " IDOl ()()()Pl"' f)"7