Resolution 1994-188 RESOLOTIOJr .0. 94 - m RESoLt11'ION PROVIDING ADDITIONS TO THE 1994 HAIfOATORY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SPECIAL ASSESSHEHT ROLL PURSlJAHT TO COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 90-30, AS A)!ElfOED . IlAlleD 22, 1994 WHEREAs, the Board 01' County Commission.rs 01' Collier County, Florida adopted Colli.r County Ordinance No. 90-JO on April 10, 1990, such Ordinance r.terred to as the "Collier County Mandatory Ordinance"; and WHEREAs, the Board 01' County Commis.ioners adopt.d Collier Solid Wa.te Collection and Disposal County Ordinance No. 91-36 on May 14, 1991, Colli.r County Ordinance No. 93-47, adopted July 27, 1993, and Collier County Ordinanc. No. 93-60, adopted August 24, 1993, amending Ordinanc. No. 90-30; and WHEREAs, S.ction Fitt.en 01' said ordinance provides that vben it .hall appear that the .pecial a.......nt might have been !.po.ed und.r this Ordinanc. against any residential unit, but such unit vas oaitted tram the appropriate special ........nt roll, the Board aay, by ReSOlution, impose the applicabl. .P.cial a.s.._.nt tor the service year in which aueb .rror is di.covered and al.o tor the prior tvo service year.; and WHEREAs, Statt have id.ntiti.d r..idential unit. that were OIIitted trOll the 1994 aandatory solid wa.t. coll.ction and dispo.al .pecial a.s.....nt roll; and WHEREAS, a C.rtiticat. 01' Correction tor each 01' those r..id.ntial unit. that are SUbject to addition to the Special ......s...nt Roll tor the 1994 Service year pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as am.nded, has been tiled in the otfice 01' the Clerk. WHEREAs, there are attached hereto and incorporat.d herein two (2) li.t. id.ntitying those residential units per reterence nuaber and the number 01' r.sid.ntial units thereon added to the ~cial as..ssment roll, said li.ts entitled "Attachment NUmber 1" and "AttaChment Number 2." aoOl( 000 Plr.! 311 KAllea 22. 1994 JrOlf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CXlID[[SSIOHE:RS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Chairaan i. authoriz.d to ex.cut. the Certiticates 01' Correction tor each 01' tho.e residential units id.ntitied h.r.in and .uch r.sidential unit. be and are h.r.by add.d to the Solid Waste Coll.ction and Di.po.al Special ..........nt Roll tor the 1994 Service Year pursuant to Colli.r County Ordinance No. 90-30, a.,amend.d, and that these units be billed immediately by the Collier County Solid Waste Departm.nt tor the 1994 Service y.ar. 2. The Clerk is her.by ord.red and directed to spread this Re.olution in tull among the minutes 01' this ..eting tor peraanent r.cord in his ottice. 3. Thi. re.olution shall became ettective immediately upon its passage. Thi. Resolution adopted att.r motion, second, and aajority vote. favoring .ame. / ;~.. llUg- ....... ..;.' I!: , ()/ - . 1994 :>.'...'" . COMMISSIONERS J FLORIDA BY: Approved a. to fOrJI and 1ec;al ~ffi~ J IUu'Ya '11" David C. We gel .....istant County Attorney aoo( 000 PI'.! 312 ulles 22. 1994 ATTAQO-. -I IIllKBEIl 1 IDVICE nAIl 1994 ADDITIOU DIITIlICT IUIlJD 1 rACE 1 or 2 IIAIlCB 22. 1994 & . I JlUUD IIUlIID or OBITS noraTT ID IIllIlJD 94.51 +1 27800004357 94-56 +1 36450320003 94-62 +1 57802760009 94-64 +1 69146738002 94-'5 +1 29355100322 94." +1 29355100283 94.'7 +1 29355100306 94-61 +1 29355100267 94-70 +1 01134805206 94-77 +1 27800004 30 2 94-12 +1 00394640406 94-') +1 00394640309 94-90 +1 00127564102 94-91 +1 278??oo5958 94.9) +1 576 5 5000ooo 94-97 +1 36311320003 94-101 +1 81732120002 94.10) +1 0114736??oo 94-105 +1 63854380007 94-106 +1 278??oo2854 tOOil OO(h,313 ATTA<.1IftUI1 IUIlJD 1 (COllY.) IDnCE nAIl 1994 ADDITIOU DIITIlICT IUIlJD 1 rACE 2 or 2 ulles 22. 1994 IIAIlCB 22. 1994 & . I _aD IUIlJD or OBITS noraTT ID llUKBEIl 94-110 _I 00185412209 94.111 _I 00185325354 94-11' _I 38228960004 94-124 _I 41933520001 94.125 _I 00190040750 94-130 _I 3754096??oo 94-131 _I 77015??oo28 toO( 000 PI~[ 314