Resolution 1994-187 JUlie. 22. 1 "4 aESOUTTIO!( 110. 94 -187 A llESOUTT 1 o!( AL'TllOIll Z lllC EXECtlTloo 0 r A HI CH'JA Y 1IOlIl1lC PIA 1 In'L'lAlIC E IlDtORA1/DlJll 0 r ACllEEIlElft' IlITll Tllt STATE or f1..ORID". OEPAlnIcrT OF TllA.'1SPOKT"Tllm. A.'IO PltO'fIDJ:lC A., EFFtCTI\'E DATE. I/HD.!AS. the Collier County Ioard of Coaaloslo~.. 10 conc.rn.d over the .ppe.rance of ..dlan lol.nd.. lntarch.n&a ara.. .nd rl&ht.of.v.y vlthln ~ ll.lt. of CoII1.r County. .nd I/HD.!AS. the Collier Count, Io.ord of Coaal u 10"''' . after dl.cuulon rith ~ St.te oC florid.-. o.p.r...nt oC TUnlpon.tlon. b.ll.veI that It c_ ..d.t In _1"& tho.. .u.... and I/HD.!AS. the St.ote of Fiorid.-. o.p.ort..nt of Tr.on.port.otlon h.. .,r.ad to ,rOYlde Cund. In the ..aunt of $3.792.00 par qu.ortar Cor a tot. 1 .um of $IS.16'.00 per ,ear for a period oC one (1) ,e.r Cor Colll.r Count, to aov .-14 "'Ian l.landa. lnt.rchln,. .r.... .nd rllht..oC.v.y. and lll<<P[a.s. the CoIll.r CQunt, Ioard oC Coaaluloner. bell.v.. .uch .n .cr....nt to be In the be.t lnter..t of the cltlz.n. of Collier County, .nd I/HD.!AS. thl. ae.olutlon .uper.ede. Ile.olutlon 92.278; UI TllEUFOlt. lit IT llESOLVID: s.r:tlon 1- That the Collier CQunty Io.rd of County eo..luloners do.. here'" .uthorh:e It. chll...n to e...cut. .n .'r....nt .ntltled .HI&hv.y Mowl"& Kalnten.onca lle80r.ndua of "'r....nt. batv..n Colll.r County and the Sta.. oC Florid.- Dep.rt..nt oC Tr.nlport.tlon. .&r..ln, to aov ..dlan l.landa. lnterchln,. .r... .nd rl&bt..of.v.y d..crlb.d In .ald "'r....nt In asc:han&e Cor the p.,..nt of $n.168.oo p.r y.ar p.yable at the rat. of $3,792.00 par qu.ort.r. for. period of one (ll ye.r. IIOC (XX) "',' 178 s.t!tlon 2' JUlie. 22, 1994 p.....p. Thl. lla.olutlon .hIll take .eeeet l...dlat.ly upon It. ~tfan 1: All r..olutlOnl and part. of re.olutlons In conflict herevlth ar. r.,..l.d. PASSED BY TllE IlOo\IlD OF COUIITY cotlIlISSlo!(ERS. COLLIER COIiNTY. FLORIDA IN Ul:ULU SESSIO!( ASSDlBlLD. TllIS TllE .:/,).""'- DAY OF '7J;~ ; .1_) /, DA.TED: '7J.... ~.o ~:t;{j? y A~:'I-. / ~ DllICBr I. 1lIlOCIt, ~ ay( ;;~~.~~ 71<f.e. 11.., ....... . '/" . I'. ApprOftd .. to fo.. and l.pl aufflc1anc,: -J; . l.~ -dIU" . DA. D C. Vile . ASSlSTAIIT cou.IEIt ATTOUEY 100( 000 Pl',( 179 . 1994,